Author Topic: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.  (Read 56992 times)


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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #75 on: July 11, 2006, 11:44:06 PM »
Oliver, there are literally tens of thousands of positive studies done on the amino acid  L-Glutamine.With a lil research you will see that I am correct on saying it can naurally make the pitutary gland produce 4 times more GH, then it normally would Naturally.I could dig up the research, but I dont have the time to dig up all the research, then scan it and then have to post it.I have 3 companies to run and a dozen athletes I work with personally and 7 of them are preparing for shows as we speak.I understand you being skeptical, but I am not a good actor, I just tell it like it is plain and simple.I come on this board sometimes to help people and answer technical questions and expect nothing in return.There is so many companies and people who give out false information ,so I just try to give people a non biased truth to all the B.S..Oliver just do some research on L-Glutamine on the internet or the Encyclopedia of medicine, and you will see that alll the information I gave you is correct.I am not here to sell you something or give you false information everything I give you is from 20 years experience, aswell as 5200 hours of lab time.If you chose not to beleive it, you have that right, but I am hoestly giving you very solid information...

castor troy

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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #76 on: July 12, 2006, 01:02:02 AM »
This thread is what bodybuilding forum is all about - sharing information openly with each other and giving constructive feedbacks. We need more bodybuilders and trainers like John D.  Thank you for taking your time out for this forum getitony.

El Guapo

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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #77 on: July 12, 2006, 08:15:37 AM »
John, might be a silly question but does the glutamine befor bed have to be on an empty stomach? Also unless I missed it your company does not make a kre-alkalyn creatine right? Thanks again.



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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #78 on: July 12, 2006, 08:26:58 AM »

What is your website?


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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #79 on: July 12, 2006, 12:21:04 PM »
Hang Clean, your right when you said the original Boldenone was created was originally intended  for Vet use only.But in the last 4 years compound pharmacies in the USA, and in Europe have made pharmaceutical human grade Boledenone.Its hard to find but if you look but if you look aroound you can find it.
What is a compound pharmacy?


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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #80 on: July 12, 2006, 01:45:59 PM »
Hang clean a compound pharmacy, is a pharmacy that makes specific things for doctors or athletes.They supply anti-aging clinics with things like testosterone for older men .They are becoming quite popular because since 9/11 its hard to get European anabolics into the United states

My company websites are Extreme ,which is being updated as we speak, and dedicated woman .com

The True Adonis

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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #81 on: July 12, 2006, 01:56:28 PM »
This thread is what bodybuilding forum is all about - sharing information openly with each other and giving constructive feedbacks. We need more bodybuilders and trainers like John D.  Thank you for taking your time out for this forum getitony.

Just think,  If I never posted this, nobody would have been entitled to this.

I rule.

GetinonNY is a good dude.


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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #82 on: July 12, 2006, 02:35:26 PM »
Leo you can add L-Glutamine to a protein shake before bed


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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #83 on: July 12, 2006, 03:25:53 PM »
Thank you for the compliments, and since you guys seem eager to learn, lets go one step further.
Now this post is going to be very controversial, and it will go against most what most of you have read, or seen in the magazines.When its comes to creatine, the best form of creatine is Kre-ALKALYN,period !!!!!!You ask why is that John? Well its not because I use it in some of my products.Instead I use it in my products because after 6 months and 1000;s of hours of research I found it to be the most legit form of creatine every made.Most creatine monohydrate has a PH(MEANS parts Hydrogen) of 2- 7 which makes it on the acidic level.With this being said after just 2 minutes it converts into creatinine  which is a toxic by product or creatine.Even if you take creatine and drink right away, it will convert to creatinine is digestion.That is why creatine can cause upset stomach, the runs, bloating, and even cramping.Kre-Alkalyn has a PH ( parts hydrogen ) of 12-14 ,this means it is at an alkalyn level.The good thing about it being an alkalyn level is it never converts to creatinine ,ever.So this way you wont get an upset stomach, look puffy, have cramping or even the runs.Alos when something is at an alkalyn level the body absorbs all of the nutrients, because it is buffered.Now this is the part where it gets controversial.Alot of well known companies are selling Creatine Ester, Creatine Malate, and Creatine Ethly Ester.Now lets start with Creatine Ester.Ester means it is bonded to a lipid, or a fat molecule.Now this is impossible because Creatine Monohydrate, is Creatine bonded to water.You cannot bond a monohydrate (water) to a Ester (a fat molecule) it cannot be done.Have you ever poured lets say vegtable oil into water , didnt you know how they completetly seperat from another.Thats why you cannot bond them together.It would be like bonding water to wood, it cannot be done.Now lets look at Creatine Malate, this is Creatine supposably bonded to Malic Acid.This is also a not possible because Malic Acid is not stable enough to bond to a monohydrate(water).They cannot and will not bond together.Lastly we have the newest nightmare Creatine Ethyl Ester, lol.Now this is Creatine bonded to Ethyl( alcohol) and also bonded to Ester (a lipid or a fat molecule).Now you know we cannot bond creatine to a fat molecule, so how can we bond it to a alcohol and a fat molecule?It cannot be done.Monohydrate, (which is water )cannot bond to alcohol  .They have totally diffrent molecular structures, its like trying to put a square peg in a round hole.Now I know you read in the magazines how these companies and doctors spent millions of dollars to formulate these products.The bottom line is they spent millions of dolaars marketing these products.When I first heard of Creatine Malate and Esters, I thought wow, I wonder how they did it.Well I had it assayed ( lab tested) and all of them just came up as just creatine monohydrate.I sent them to 2 diffrent independent labs, and they both came up just creatine monohydrate.Now the only way these companies could be trying to get away with this is since they cannot bond an Ester , Malate, or an Ethyl is to just mix the ingredients together.Which doesnt do any good because the components will just seperate in liquid or digestion.I personally think the raw material suppliers are tricking these big companies into beleving that these chemicals are what they say they are , or the companies just dont care.I know Kre-Alkalyn cost 3 times as much as Creatine Ester, and 8 times more then creatine monohydrate, but to me its worth it.Kre-ALKALYN is the only type of creatine that has worked for me, and I tried them all.We make a product called Full Throttle Extreme that contains KRE-ALKALYN in it.There are other companies who Kre-Alkalyn as well.They are All American Pharm.,Elite Delivery, and Scifit, just to name a few.I know this post goes against the grain so to speak, but what I am telling you is accurate, and right to the point


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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #84 on: July 12, 2006, 05:00:45 PM »
The best places to get a good deal on Kre-Alkalyn is,,,and all sell diffrent types of Kre-Alkalyn, so find the one that best fits your needs


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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #85 on: July 12, 2006, 07:00:08 PM »
The Mr USA is coming up, I know this is off the subject but 4 of my endorsed athletes will be conquering the stage.In the middle weights I have Greg the gian killer Peoples, in the Light heavyweights I have Manny the rock Toress who took 3rd last year.In the Super heavy weights I have Carl Lomax.I hope some of you can come to Vegas to see the show, I think Manny Torres my Light Heavy weight will win the overall.When I work with my athletes I make sure they are always on target for the show.


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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #86 on: July 12, 2006, 09:07:51 PM »
This post is off the subject aswell, but I have seen there is a MR Getbig contest.Now I do own a sports nutrition company , but before I sponsor a contest I would like to know all the criteria.As far as the natural part of the competition is is life time drug free, or a certain amount of years drug free?Alos how wil we be able to test the athletes to see if they are truly drug free? Do we take there word for it, or test them?Being a former Natural athlete I know that this is alot of corruption in some of the natural organizations, so how do we avoid corruption in this contest? .As far as weight classes go, will there be weight classes, and will there be a novice class, and an open class?Who will be the judges? I could judge I am a certified jugde in 4 organizations.Also we have to make sure there is no corruption in the judging panel aswell, because that is  something that happens in bodybuilding all the time.Lastly how will we know if some one falls into a weight class, take there word for it?If these questions are answered and I feel the contest is on the up and up, I may considering sponsoring this contest


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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #87 on: July 12, 2006, 09:14:28 PM »
One other thing in the Natural show what supplements will the competitors be allowed to use?Can they use Ephedra? Testosterone boosters such as 19-hydroxy-alpha methyl 4,20 dione ?Or the eticholans that in Legal Gear products?Some people consider natural anything over the counter, and some people consider testosterone boosters cheating .Lastly, can they use diurectics, that are over the counter?How can we test to see if they are using diuretics?


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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #88 on: July 12, 2006, 11:12:14 PM »
Now back to the subject at hand.This time I will let you guys pick what topic you would like for me to give you the inside scoop or technical information on

castor troy

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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #89 on: July 13, 2006, 12:34:19 AM »
Hello John D. Thanks again for taking your time out for this forum.  I was just wondering if companies like MuscleTech and TwinLab actually carry out an unbiased well conducted studies with their products (or they sorta did it and fabricated something or found some correlation and pushed the data and results forward all based on some theory for profit's sake). 

Their products are expensive and heavily advertised.  Sometimes they go as far as saying that because their products are expensive they work.  They say its better quality, more science to back it up, and so on.. We all know its more expensive because they pay top pros fat checks and they cover more pages in magazines.

For example muscle tech comes out with new stuff every few months.  Gakic Leukic I dont even know what they are anymore I dont even care to look at them anymore...When I flip to pages of advertisements like those I usually skip em because they use some pseudoscience or wild theories to tie things together and then have some excel spreadsheet do a bar graph between control group and experimental group....

Only supplements like creatine has been scientifically backed up and has been studied for the longest time. 

Also second question are vasodilators worth the money in terms of muscle growth.  They make have some immdiate effect on appearance but do they have any positive impact on muscle growth?

THanks for your time!

El Guapo

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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #90 on: July 13, 2006, 08:06:40 AM »
John if you want more questions that is not a problem!! I'm kinda confused on maltodextrin(sp?) It is included in a lot of post workout carb drinks. Is the stuff garbage or ok?



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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #91 on: July 13, 2006, 08:20:10 AM »
Thank you for the compliments, and since you guys seem eager to learn, lets go one step further.
Now this post is going to be very controversial, and it will go against most what most of you have read, or seen in the magazines.When its comes to creatine, the best form of creatine is Kre-ALKALYN,period !!!!!!

I am one of those people that has tried many different creatines only to have it tear apart my stomach. I have found that Nutrex's Vitargo is one of the only ones I can take that does not bloat or tear apart my stomach. What's your take on all this Vitargo buzz going around as one of the best post workout type of carbs?


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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #92 on: July 13, 2006, 10:20:03 AM »
Leo ,Maltodextrin is an easily absorbable complex carbohydrate.It is considered a poly saccharide, and is produced from Corn Starch.Its a creamy white powder that is relatively inexpensive, and is used in weight gainers, as a thickening agent, as well as some types of glue

michael arvilla

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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #93 on: July 13, 2006, 10:26:56 AM »
John got a shitload of knowledge!!!

(def not your typical meathead)

any recent pics/shows your planning on doing?


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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #94 on: July 13, 2006, 11:13:29 AM »
Castor Troy, Muscle Tech is not a bad company but they tend to stretch the truth as far as they can.As far as there research goes, they put alot more into marketing then they do research .First we have Leukic by MuscleTech which basically say itis a very anabolic compound, and increases muscle mass.The ingredients in Leukic is basically Leucine ,which is one of the Branched Chain Amino Acids.This amino acid by itself is a neurotransmitter ,and helps give the muscles energy understress.It also can preserve muscle glycogen.So there claim of it being anabolic, and a muscle builder are a little off, lol.Second we have Gakic whic is supposed to increase strength by 10 .5% and stop fatique by 28%.Its main ingredient is Glycine which is a non essential amino acid, that helps with sleep, memory, and helps fight of bacteria.So it will help you with your memory and sleep , but to increase strength by 10.5% is a little bit of a reach.Lastly we have Antor 70 Muscle activator, is supposed to alter your DNA so you can use your genetics to there Now this is very outrageous to say the least.The main ingredients are L-Leucine which is a branched chain amini acid that helps with muscle energy under stress.It also preserves muscle glycogen.They also have L-Phenylalline which is a amino acid that is used in Nutrasweet and  increases dopamine aswell norepinephine.These 2 hormones in the brain help stop mental fatigue, and depression.They also have creatine and dextrose, which wil only increase your ATP levels and restore muscle glycogen.So no Anator 70 will not alter your DNA or genetic profile. The bottom line is these products arent cutting edge, but arent bad.No they wont do nearly what they claim.As far as research goes, alot of the so called lab guys in there adds, I am told are there sales reps in lab coats, lol
Now to answer your question about vasodialators.No they dont help muscle growth, they basically contains ephedrine in them which is a fat burner, and increases mental focus.You can go online and get ephedrine pretty cheap at, and to get a product that contains ephedra ,caffeine and white willow,( asprin) .We make 2 one is called Blde, the other is XENxTREME


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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #95 on: July 13, 2006, 12:04:43 PM »
Little Guns Vitargo is the best carbohydrate ever made, its hypogenic means its faster then water.Yest it keeps the musc le hydrated for up to 2 hours.The problem Nutrex is using Vitatrgo with just creatine monohydrate.Now creatine monhydrate only has a P-H( parts Hydrogen) of 2-7.Which means it will convert to creatinine in water of digestion.Now if Nutrex used Kre-Alkalyn it has a p-h of 12-14 which means it will never turn to creatinine.Nutrex used the best carbohydrate but a cheap creatine, go figure.Art Atwood who  is a close friend of mine owns Professional Supplements that  makes just Vitargo, you could get that then add Kre-Alkalyn to it .This would be the ultimate creatine formula.I am working with Art Atwood as we speak on developing new products containing Vitargo in them


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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #96 on: July 13, 2006, 12:31:37 PM »
hey John i know this sounds like a stupid question but typically how long until what you eat is turned into waste? i've always wondered that.
Jaejonna rows 125!!

castor troy

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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #97 on: July 13, 2006, 12:39:23 PM »
Thanks alot on the info on muscletech and vasodilators!  You can save alot of people money with your knowledge.

Sorry again, I feel as if I am getting greedy here for knowledge.  How about the potency of products (supposed anabolics) such as 17hd / viraloid, fizogen gear cycle....

Some poeple in the gym I know are using "anabolics" from GNC and they claim they are getting bigger and stronger.  After 5 weeks their results are evident (20 lbs mass gained while getting tighter) but I never trusted those type of products.  Do they really work or did the people I know just trained harder and ate more?

Again thanks for the info. 


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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #98 on: July 13, 2006, 01:23:13 PM »
Mike whats up? You looked great for your show, I am suprised how much you came down, good job .
As far as competing goes for now I am semi-retired.I am almost 39 years young, and I got tired of carrying around 275-290 lbs off season for 5 years straight.I havent done a cycle since july 2005 for the USA and I maintained 272lbs until recently .I have been eating alot less, and I think im down to 260 lbs now.I plan to get down to 240 lbs and staying lean , for now.When you 5'11" and 280 lbs and fairly lean its hard to walk up stairs, and even buy clothes.I would by xxxl and they would fit tight in the arms and chest.Then when it came to pants my waist was a 34" but my legs got so big I had to buy a 42" pants and wear a belt.Plus bodybuilding on a national level is a full time job.The main reason is I didnt want to take insulin , GH or more anabolics .I had decent size, but at 258 lbs the judges thought I needed an extra 15-20 lbs to fill out my frame.That would mean I would have to use more drugs, and proably use insulin aswell.I  never id or wanted to use insulin, if you know anything about chemistry its pretty dangerous stuff. I am succesful I have a wonderful wife, and I have alot to live for.So for now I am going to just train  hard stay in shape and work with my endorsed athletes.Maybe when I turn 40 I will hit the masters nationals.Until then I am just am just keep formulating and running my biz.
Mike when are you and Cheri going to get married?


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Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
« Reply #99 on: July 13, 2006, 01:26:24 PM »
Sarcasm that all depends on what you eat and your metabolism.Sugars go right into the blood stream, red meat on the other hand can take 2 to 4 hrs