Started lifting at 14 because the guy across the street was huge and was throwing away his old plastic cement filled weights. i always wanted to look like arnold just like most of you. those 80's movies made me dream of being big and ripped! i was always skinny growing up and got picked on quite a bit, i was a loner and i still am to this day, which is why the bodybuilding/powerlifting lifestyle works so well for me. i played all the kid sports - football, baseball, basketball, soccer, ETC. but i was only good at explosive stuff like sprinting, jumping and tackling. i was the skinniest kid on my junior high football team but i was the middle linebacker because i hit very hard for my size and i've always been aggressive. sports never worked out for me because i was a loner and didn't get along with all the rich kids at my school who's parents gave them everything under the sun.
i got into inline speed skating at around 8 and was very good at it. i was beating kids twice my size and by the time i was 12 the owner of the local skating rink asked me to be on the team. we did alot of explosive training with weights, jumping squats, string shoes, lunges and plenty of cardio. this was when i realized i had potential for mass, my legs were growing very fast. after 2 years of inline competitions i was top 3 in the state and won 2 national meets until i was tripped going into a corner and almost broke my neck. my collar bone stuck through the skin and i had to wear a neck brace for 3 months. i gave it up for kick boxing which i also gave up after about 2 years...
quit working out completely and started smoking dope and getting drunk every weekend with my friends all through high school. always getting suspended for cussing out teachers and fighting kids who tried to bully me. i played a little baseball in high school but never took it seriously and when it came time to workout i just did light weight but my legs were very strong. at 160 pounds i could squat 335 for 6 reps, ass to ankles. my coach called me captian tree-trunks because my legs were huge compared to the rest of my body. eventually gave up baseball my junior year in high school and started partying hard, acid, X, coke and lots of booze was all i knew for about 3 years. i look back and it makes me sick but i honestly had some of the best times of my life during that period so no regrets. finally i had 2 friends of mine die from xanax overdoses. both were 19/20 when this happen. this is when i woke up...
at 20 i started lifting weights for no reason except to keep myself from getting fucked up every night. i left all my friends and moved in to a shithole apartment alone and did nothing but read about bodybuilding and nutrition. the first year i trained alone and did every exercise for every muscle group. i really was lost in the magazine workouts that were complete crap. i still made pretty decent gains during that first year. at 170 pounds i was benching 205(i started at 115) and could incline the 75 DB's for a few reps. nothing special but my squat was still good, i could rep 315 for 10 like nothing but never went heavier because my neck problems from my skating accident. it would flare up from time to time...still does.
then i met a guy named jeff, he was huge and 100% natural. he had been training for 6 years and looked impressive. he told me i had the bone structure and build to get really big and strong. we started hitting the weights HARD, some of my best workouts to this day were back when we trained. we did the whole lifestyle, eating, training, eating, sleep, eating...i had forgotten about my long lost friends and drugs at this point, i was obsessed. after 3 years i was getting very strong and almost caught jeff in every lift. i was 205 pounds and a little chubby but very strong.
kept up this pace for another 3 years training with several different people after jeff got married and left the game. bulked up to 230+ pounds natural and was fat but still managed to bench 370 all natural. finally decided to competed in a local natural bodybuilding show and won my class, very suprised actually. i thought i was going to get killed. then i realized natural bodybuilding wasn't for me and i began power lifting. after 3 months i was pulling 455 for a few reps and got up to 515 for single. squat was around 485 at this point i think.
to make a long story short i met some world class powerlifters at a local gym. they got me hooked on their lifting style and i trained with them for about year completely natural and i competed in two local powerlifting meets and won both. then gains started getting tough, i was eating like a horse and training like an animal but the gains were slow. started researching AAS and talked with my powerlifting friends about them. my first cycle was 500mg sust and 30mg dbol the first 4 weeks. i absolutely exploded on this! i was eating everything in sight and gained 28 pounds during my 16 week cycle. then i realized being fat was good for strength but not for health. i would rather be healthy AND strong...
years have gone by and all my cycles have been very good, i've competed in several powerlifting meets and finished top 3 in every single meet as a 220 or 242 pounder. won a few and lost a few by close margines.
people from high school who see me now usually freak because i used to be the biggest drug head asshole on this earth...i fucked over many people during my drug phase. now i am a totally different person and i think weight lifting actually changed my life. i honestly mean that...
my goal in the next year or so is to bench 500 raw, deadlift 650 raw and squat 600 raw...current raw maxes are 465 bench, 590 dead, 565 squat...all in a meet and with a pause. i'm also currently training for an equipped meet in december using a titan F6 single ply bench shirt and Inzer hardcore squat suit.
i've gone from a 165 pound weakling all the way to 257 pounds of fat but strong as hell. currently weigh in at 227, visible hard 6 pack around 8% bodyfat and veins in my quads...6' tall and irish/scottish blood. classic mesomorph from what i can tell. never had problems gaining or losing weight.
pics will follow shortly and i'll expand a little more on my journey...
i consider myself a training starts with power and finishes with bodybuilding. i'll elaborate more on that later as well.