Author Topic: Powerful quotes that make sense today...  (Read 10701 times)

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Re: Powerful quotes that make sense today...
« Reply #25 on: September 02, 2006, 05:28:17 PM »
I love my govt and I know that 99% of them do the right thing.  So my 911 talk is not any kind of anti-repub talk.  From interviews, it appears that some dems helped spread incorrect info afterwards as well.  Pataki telling the CNN reporter that it's completely normal for concrete to turn into powder in building collapses.  pataki telling the CNN reporter that the reason there is 50 feet of moltern metal under a crash site, is that the metal was so hot that it will continue burning for quite some time (6 weeks to be exact).

There is clear proof that Bush was told 9/11 would happen.

There is clear proof that Pentagon brass and others were told "not to fly tomorrow".

The crime scene was never examined for explosives.  In fact, it was shipped overseas very quickly.

There was no immediate 911 investigation.  it only happened 18 months later when the widows sued and were on TV every day begging for one.

There is a lot we're not being told.  If the White house had no involvement, they'd be bending over backwards to convince Americans there was no coverup and no prior knowledge it was coming.

They're lying guys.  Don't be scared to admit it.

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Powerful quotes that make sense today...
« Reply #26 on: September 02, 2006, 05:35:00 PM »
Condi said on the stand that she had no one in the administration had any information on any danger that morning.

Heads of several other countries have come out and said they gave very specific information about an upcoming attack to Bush.  Two countries even gave the date as 9/10 or 9/11.

Condi lied to the 911 commission.  As did Rummy, when he said he had no knowledge of any warning at all.  He runs the pentagon.  Any info that came through there about 9/11 would stop on his desk.

I want a new investigation because they lied about what they knew.  Israel's Mossad warned them and was ignored.  They even broke leases and moved israeli companies out of the towers a week before 9/11, because they knew it was coming.

It appears that Bush ignored the very specific warning.  I am not blaming bush or accusing him - I would like an impartial investigation to take place so that he could be asked "Did Mossad tell you this, or are they lying?"

Please show me transcrips of this, I do believe they were warned, but they didn't know exactly when...again, they get threats and warnings daily....which one do you take seriously (at that time)?

Dos Equis

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Re: Powerful quotes that make sense today...
« Reply #27 on: September 02, 2006, 05:49:29 PM »
I love my govt and I know that 99% of them do the right thing.  So my 911 talk is not any kind of anti-repub talk.  From interviews, it appears that some dems helped spread incorrect info afterwards as well.  Pataki telling the CNN reporter that it's completely normal for concrete to turn into powder in building collapses.  pataki telling the CNN reporter that the reason there is 50 feet of moltern metal under a crash site, is that the metal was so hot that it will continue burning for quite some time (6 weeks to be exact).

There is clear proof that Bush was told 9/11 would happen.

There is clear proof that Pentagon brass and others were told "not to fly tomorrow".

The crime scene was never examined for explosives.  In fact, it was shipped overseas very quickly.

There was no immediate 911 investigation.  it only happened 18 months later when the widows sued and were on TV every day begging for one.

There is a lot we're not being told.  If the White house had no involvement, they'd be bending over backwards to convince Americans there was no coverup and no prior knowledge it was coming.

They're lying guys.  Don't be scared to admit it.

Do you think if you keep repeating the same thing over and over and over and over and over again that people will start believing you? 

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Re: Powerful quotes that make sense today...
« Reply #28 on: September 02, 2006, 05:51:21 PM »
Please show me transcrips of this, I do believe they were warned, but they didn't know exactly when...again, they get threats and warnings daily....which one do you take seriously (at that time)?

Condi's statement tp 911 commission:
Very long, but she says there were all sorts of threats but nothing specific for any day.
German intelligence detected plans for an attack by Arab extremists on the United States, to take place on September 10 or 11, 2001. Israel was aware of the plans and wished the attack to take place without hindrance. The German ambassador informed the President of the US of the impending attacks. He thanked the ambassador and said that he already knew. Subsequently, his administration urgently requested the suppression of information on this warning. The report elaborates that among the various reasons for the attack being encouraged by the US administration was a desire to have a pretext to attack Afghanistan to secure a pipeline route for western oil companies to export oil from the Caspian basin. Despite angry denunciations of the authenticity of the report from various quarters, the German government has to the best of our knowledge not issued a denial of its authenticity. Even if it were to do so, the alleged urgent request for secrecy could provide grounds for such a denial. No other effective refutation of the accuracy of the report has been seen by the editors of this website. Consequently, it is presented for what it is worth as a possibly genuine document of immense historical significance

ISR - Odigo, the instant messaging service, says that two of its workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11 predicting the attack would happen, and the company has been cooperating with Israeli and American law enforcement, including the FBI, in trying to find the original sender of the message predicting the attack.

11th September Warnings Were Not Ignored by U.S. Authorities
Indeed, there is evidence that the threat was not ignored, at least not in certain selected respects. The San Francisco Chronicle reported one day after the attacks that Mayor Willie Brown received a phone call eight hours before the hijackings from what he described as his air security staff, warning him not to travel by air:

“For Mayor Willie Brown, the first signs that something was amiss came late Monday when he got a call from what he described as his airport security—a full eight hours before yesterday’s string of terrorist attacks—advising him that Americans should be cautious about their air travel… Exactly where the call came from is a bit of a mystery. The mayor would say only that it came from ‘my security people at the airport.’”[116] Later reported in BBC the call to his security detail came from Condi Rice.

San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown was booked to fly from the Bay area to New York City on the morning of September 11.[117] Clearly, it seems that certain high-level U.S. security authorities anticipated some sort of grave danger, and believed it to be urgent, threatening and certainly real enough to inform a U.S. City Mayor about to catch a flight to New York—but not the general public.

The London Times reported that the famous novelist, Salman Rushdie, received a similar warning to avoid U.S. and Canadian airlines. According to Rushdie’s own testimony, the warning came directly from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The Times reports:

“The author Salman Rushdie believes that U.S. authorities knew of an imminent terrorist strike when they banned him from taking internal flights in Canada and the U.S. only a week before the attacks. On September 3 the Federal Aviation Authority made an emergency ruling to prevent Mr Rushdie from flying.”[118]

Another news report records that “the FAA has confirmed it stepped up security levels relating to Rushdie,” but “the airlines weren’t willing to upgrade their security” in relation to the wider public.[119] It is public knowledge that Rushdie is under 24-hour protection of UK Scotland Yard’s Special Branch, and that all his travel plans are approved by the MI5 for domestic travel within the UK, and by the MI6 for international travel. The MI5 and MI6 are the British equivalent of the American CIA. Clearly, it appears that British intelligence anticipated a grave danger, under the guidance of U.S. authorities, and believed it to be urgent, threatening and real enough to inform Rushdie—but once again not the general public.

Another report points to the Pentagon’s dubious role. Newsweek reported that on 10th September 2001, the day before the attacks, “a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns.”[120] An earlier report by Newsweek, published two days after the attacks, referred to the same event in more detail:

“… the state of alert had been high during the past two weeks, and a particularly urgent warning may have been received the night before the attacks, causing some top Pentagon brass to cancel a trip. Why that same information was not available to the 266 people who died aboard the four hijacked commercial aircraft may become a hot topic on the Hill.”[121]

Apparently, top Pentagon officials had known not only of an imminent threat to “security” in relation to their “travel plans,” but had even anticipated its exact timing and taken measures to protect themselves—but not the general public. Together, these reports strongly suggest that high levels of the U.S. military intelligence community knew something very significant—and took it seriously.

It is noteworthy that these reports also strongly suggest foreknowledge among high-level elements of the U.S. military intelligence community, that attacks would occur mid-September, and even more specifically on the 11th of that month. As WorldNetDaily editor and veteran American journalist Joseph Farah rightly observes:

“Now, you’re probably wondering why Willie Brown and Salman Rushdie [and senior Pentagon officials] are more important to the U.S. government than you and me and Barbara Olson. I’m wondering the same thing…

These selective warnings—and I have no doubt there were many more we have not yet heard about—suggest strongly that the FBI, CIA and other federal agencies had the information, knew something big was up, something that involved terrorist attacks on airliners, but failed to disclose the information to the airlines and the flying public in general. I think heads should roll at the FBI and CIA. I think there ought to be an investigation into what the FAA knew and when it knew it. I think, once again, the federal government has neglected its main responsibility under the Constitution—protecting the American people from attack.”[122]

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Re: Powerful quotes that make sense today...
« Reply #29 on: September 02, 2006, 05:52:23 PM »
Do you think if you keep repeating the same thing over and over and over and over and over again that people will start believing you? 

No.  I hope you will do your own research and find out for yourself about all of the inconsistencies in the govt's story of the official events.

Do you think newsweek just made up the story about the Pentagon brass knowing and cancelling their flights?

Dos Equis

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Re: Powerful quotes that make sense today...
« Reply #30 on: September 02, 2006, 06:35:01 PM »
No.  I hope you will do your own research and find out for yourself about all of the inconsistencies in the govt's story of the official events.

Do you think newsweek just made up the story about the Pentagon brass knowing and cancelling their flights?

I think you are convincing no one, irritating a lot of people, and making yourself look a little nutty.  Doesn't irritate me, because I am in total control over what I read and respond too, but you sound awfully paranoid to me.  I know you will just keep doing what you do and see a conspiracy at every corner, but hey it's a free country and no one is forcing anyone to read this board. 

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Re: Powerful quotes that make sense today...
« Reply #31 on: September 02, 2006, 06:51:25 PM »
I think you are convincing no one, irritating a lot of people, and making yourself look a little nutty.  Doesn't irritate me, because I am in total control over what I read and respond too, but you sound awfully paranoid to me.  I know you will just keep doing what you do and see a conspiracy at every corner, but hey it's a free country and no one is forcing anyone to read this board. 

Hey man, it's cool.  You base your arguments on me "being nutty".  I base my arguments on evidence.  Whatever floats your boat. 

See, I used to BE you.  I used to mock conspiracy nuts.  I almost fought one.  I'm an intelligent man, I don't fall for things, and I don't buy into much that I cannot prove.  But from the evidence available, I believe there are unanswered Qs.

All I want is a new investigation so that the American people can be united in its findings.