Author Topic: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?  (Read 27977 times)


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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #25 on: September 11, 2006, 07:49:51 PM »
I have trained with power lifters that were in the 165lb class...and could military press over 400 pounds

Are you sure you mean Military Presses and not Push Presses? Was it full range?


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Mat DuVall

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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #27 on: September 11, 2006, 08:50:00 PM »
Sioux country...

    Yes, these gentleman were doing front Military presses..not a push press, but I do understand the need for clarification....



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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #28 on: September 11, 2006, 08:59:04 PM »
Hey Mat:

I don't care how much you lift.  You're a huge dude and an honest one as well.  Glad to have you back on GetBig.


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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #29 on: September 11, 2006, 09:06:39 PM »
congrats on not fliping out 20304865% faster than some pros on here, good to have you

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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #30 on: September 11, 2006, 09:23:29 PM »
Nice thread.

Props to you Matt and Godd Luck

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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #31 on: September 11, 2006, 09:27:09 PM »
Matt is always a great guy to talk to in person (A few times at the Arnold Classic expo), and its interesting to hear about the type of training he has experienced. Good Luck Matt !!! :)


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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #32 on: September 11, 2006, 09:28:37 PM »
I don't see why he would lie since he's a bodybuilder and has nothing to prove as far as weight poundages are concerned. I could see if he was a powerlifter but not a bodybuilder because bodybuilding is about size not strength.


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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #33 on: September 11, 2006, 10:03:22 PM »
Matt, do you still use Trevor's training principles in your workouts? If not, why not? And how long were the workouts with Trevor? He claimed that toward the last two weeks with Robby Robinson his workouts were only about 20 minutes.


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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #34 on: September 11, 2006, 10:18:01 PM »
Mat DuVall


Month 1: Shock, Anxiety... PAIN.

There are type's of pain that warrant anxiety when thinking about it. I am not talking about the brief pain experienced when one stubs a toe; no, I am talking about the pain felt when lactic acid has reached maximum levels in a muscle. The pain felt when muscle fibers are tearing apart at a rate that you do not have time to even catch your breath, much less, start to feel better. This pain is what builds champions in the gym. This is the pain I asked Trevor to bring to my world in my pursuit of the Mr USA title. My reason for moving to Vegas was to have the opportunity to step into hell everytime I trained with Trevor; to know I was leaving no stone unturned in my journey. Each month I will give you, the reader's a chance to experience in word the pain and torture that I ask for. You will have a front row seat as Trevor unmercifully breaks my body down in the gym. I will not hold back in my description of the pain I feel; please know this is being done not to discourage you, but rather to encourage you to go beyond the thresh hold of pain in your own training. Beyond Failure Training is not just some fly by night training system that will be forgotten in a month or two. It is a training system that when done right can yield gains like one has never experienced! It is a system that the trainer or trainee is encouraged to make subtle changes.. rep speed, range of motion, the possibilities are endless, yet all lead to the same place.. Shock as to the gains you will make, Anxiety when you are waiting to do your next set, and the constant Pain you will feel.

I arrived in Las Vegas on February 27th, a month late! Why was I upset? In being late, I missed the opportunity to go through a cycle of BFT with Trevor. He was on the last week of his training cycle, and I was coming off a 10 week lay off. My second reason for being upset?, I was as mentioned feeling untrained and flat, while Trevor greeted me at a bodyweight of 370 pounds! Trust me when I say, I have never witnessed any pro or amateur bodybuilder at this weight, while maintaining a beyond respectable level of conditioning! d**n! I needed to get my ass in gear and be ready for the next training cycle. To be honest, it was best that I was not on track with Trevor when I arrived. Why?, as it was put to me, " You would have died, you are not ready..." I felt like a bald little kid, only answering to the name, " Grasshopper", but in truth Trevor wanted to have the chance to guide me through some training while he was off BFT so that I could be ready for the Hell that lay ahead. The first week was tough. I knew that Trevor was taking it easy on me a bit, he knew that I needed time to re-adjust to training in this style. That week's workout that best describe's the pain felt by BFT is the leg training done on friday the 1st of March.

We had gone through the other bodyparts and only had legs left to finish the week. I was hurting, alot, from the prior 3 workouts and as I sat waiting for Trevor, a horrible feeling of anxiety consumed me. Had I timed my arrival with Trevor, it may have been better, but I was early that day, and left to think about the pain that lay only minutes ahead. Moments later I saw Lucifer, (Trevor), pass through the door. As he passed by me, he did not stop, or greet me with a "good morning". I believe the words were, " I feel like sh*t, let's go..." It was decided that due to his body's state, on that day I would be the center of attention. Trevor was there only to bring the pain. How nice of him you say? to come in for me, even though he was off? Understand that his presence was to, yes, help, but in doing so to make me feel every set that I had missed in the 6 weeks prior! With each hint of regret I felt for being there, I reminded myself that this was what I needed, what I wanted and what was going to bring me to July 26th looking like a mutant! Leg extensions, 1 warmup, and 2 worksets... I hear your thoughts, "that's all, just 2 worksets?" What I felt in the next 10 minutes is only comparable to having my thighs pounded by sledge hammers. The weight seemed easy enough, only the stack to start, a slight 300 pounds, big deal, right? I was then introduced to true no momentum reps. Explain you say?, TRUE no momentum reps, are slow, squeezing every fiber possible reps, then holding it at the top of the movement for a full 5 seconds. After the 5 second hold, it is a slow, excruciating negative that should take no less than 3-4 seconds, and you are not to rest on the bottom. The rep is stopped for a count of 3 just before the muscle fiber's of the legs can relax, thus keeping them in the contracted position. That was one rep; 4 seconds up, 5 seconds at the top, another 4 on the way down and a hold of 3 on the bottom. Sixteen seconds of pain and it was just one rep! I went on in that fashion to about 8 on my own,it was then that I had to do 3 barely assisted reps. I say barely to illustrate that the assistance given is just enough to complete the rep. At no time is the weight taken from me and finished by Trevor. After the 8 on my own and the 3 assisted, my legs were screaming! I actually heard myself wimper! Me, wimper! I know there will be some that say, only 11 and you were wimpering!? Hah! "what a girl thingy!" Those 11 reps took close to 3 minutes to do!!, and now came the first drop! now I had 210 pounds on the stack, and I could not perform one rep on my own. I opened my eyes just long enough to see Trevor glaring at me, reading his thoughts I heard, " I am not supposed to be training today, suck it up girl thingy!" Hearing his actual words he told me to keep squeezing, even though the weight was not moving. I did 3 assisted reps, another 40 seconds of pure, evil, pain. In all honesty at this point my motor skills were failing. My quads were not firing and I felt breakfast bubbling from deep within me.... Drop #2! Yes, from 210 to 140 pounds. I was numb, remember this was the first set! Numb to the point that my ears were popping, I heard little other than Trevor's encouragment to keep squeezing. In making sure that I was squeezing, he would give my leg a slap. A slap from a 370 pound freak, not a little punk! A fraction of me wanted to jump up and plant a 45 pound plate right between his eyes! "Why?" you ask, "Is it becasue I was in so much pain?", no, it was becasue I knew this was nothing compared to the 18 weeks that lay ahead. The 140 pounds on the stack felt like a car coming down on my legs. I gathered enough stength to complete one on my own, but for some resaon the 2nd rep was not moving. Again, I opened my eyes and saw Trevor leaning on the pad that my feet were under! He was adding another maybe 100 pounds of pressure to the 140 that I was barely moving! Remember, it is called, Beyond Failure Training, not Go to failure training! I managed to get through another two reps, thus making it to the 3rd drop, 90 pounds..... I should be able to move 90 pounds like a pillow!?, then why are tears forming in my eyes as I strain to complete just one rep?!, Oh!, again, Mr Smith is leaning on the pad, as if it was not hard enough. Doing 3 reps with the 90, reminded me of the opening scene to the Incredible Hulk, you know, when David Banner was trying to lift the car off his wife... That was a car, this is 90 pounds! Why am I grimmacing?, and why are my eyes tearing up? I was roughly 4 1/2 minutes into my first set, yes the first set, and there was no longer a mind to muscle conection. My mind had told my muscle to get ****ed a long time ago! this was now instinct and the desire to prove I was worthy of the title I wanted to earn. The 3 reps performed with 90 pounds were more Trevor than I, yes, I was squeezing, trying to squeeze for all I was worth, but at that point I was worth little to nothing. As I came down on the 3rd rep, a feeling of relief started to come over me, I was done?, right? I mean 5 1/2 minutes for one set is enough right?, What is enough? Does enough excist? Not today, Trevor dropped the weight again to 50 pounds! That's right 50 pounds. Had you been there to hear the wimpering done on my part, you may have believed I was pushing up 500 pounds, but it was not. With only 50 pounds I struggled through maybe another 5 reps of agony until I was allowed to stop. As I looked up and realized that close to 8 minutes of my life had passed, all I could do was look at the floor and ask, how bad do I want this?, how much work am I willing to do to achieve my goal? One set? Two sets?, by the way, on this day there was no second set of leg extensions. My quads were gorged with blood, and shaking to the point where another set was on that day, pointless. Realize that in one set of leg extensions I did more work than any idiot who loads the squat bar up with 500 pounds and bounces out 4-6 half reps! This was work, real work, and as much as I was in pain, I knew that my body would not deny me the gains I needed 


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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #35 on: September 11, 2006, 10:19:22 PM »
!...... From there, we went to the leg press, an exercise that I normally would be able to pound out reps with more than 2000 pounds loaded! That was then, on this day, due to the state of my quads, I was performing with a mere 4 plates on each side!! A little over four hundred pounds, but you have to keep in mind that my goal is not strength. The primary goal is to build muscle tissue and this is done by destroying as many fibers as possible. Once I was able to get into the machine, the 8 plates, total, actually felt a bit heavy. I was instructed to slowly lower the weight and hold it on the bottom. I was not holding it on my chest, no, that is cheating, I was holding it right off the chest, just enough to keep the fibers in my quads stretched to the max! 4-5 seconds on the bottom, and then a slow, controlled squeeze all the way to the top. The top is where it gets interesting, I was told to rotate to my heels and flex for all I was worth. Hold, hold, flex, harder! this is what I was hearing. After holding in a full flex for five seconds, it was another slow disent to the bottom. After 6 reps, in all truth, I was toasted! I finshed with 5 more reps at a faster pace, but still flexing at the top for all I was worth. When reading these words, it is hard to imagine the pain that is felt. I have trained in many stlyes; power training, high rep training, etc. and this is by far the most pain I have ever experienced in the gym. I was able to finish 2 sets of the leg press and 1 long work set for hamstrings before knowing on that day I was done. There will be some that may scoff at this training, as it is described in print, but I challenge anyone to participate and feel what I am talking about

With each week that passes I see my physique changing for the better. I am getting fuller, harder and larger! Many, if not all, involved in the world of bodybuilding know that the formula for success is hard training, proper nutrition/ supplementation, rest, and on some levels well prepared courses. Starting at 12 weeks out from the USA's I have asked Trevor to post pictures of my progress. This is done more to prove the effectivness of BFT. My nutrition never changes that much when preparing for a contest, nor do the other aspects of my preparation. Having Trevor guide me through daily sessions of BFT is the most drastic change I have made to my pre contest training. It is my hope that I serve as living proof as to the effecitvness of BFT! Do not go day to day wishing you could be one of the champions in the world of bodybuilding. Challenge yourself to become a champion. Challenge yourself to perform BFT the right way!, By looking at life and your training as a constant challenge, and asking what you can do to win that challenge you have already won half the battle. The other half is won by being consistent and never, ever, quitting!


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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #36 on: September 12, 2006, 06:55:49 AM »
Hey guys...someone just emailed me about this topic...

Whether you believe it or Diamond Gym in Maplewood, NJ around 1998/1999...I did use the 190 lb dumbells for a set of partial press shoulder presses. When I say partial I do not mean bouncing them...I just did not lock out at the top....if I remember correct it was for a set of 3-4 reps...

Shoulder presses, in any form, have always been a movement that I did have freakish strength. At the age of 18 I could behind the neck press with 405, which lead to my earliest was not smart....On the hammer military press I can do a set of 12, depending on the day and my energy levels, loaded with 5 plates on each side....when I was training with Trevor Smith, RIP,Trevor pushed me to new levels of strength...Front military press on the Smith machines?..a set looked like this:

635 x 2, with 1 forced....
drop the weight to:
495 x 2-4, with 1 forced
drop the weight to:
315 x 2-4, with 1 forced
drop the weight to:
225 x 2-4, with 1 forced
drop the weight to:
135 x failure...usually only 4-6 reps
then doing partial with this for what seemed an eternity, and then...
dropping to the bar only to have Trevor lean on it while I had to complete 4-6 full reps...

I know there are going to be those that do not beleive...but many forget I spent from age 13-20/21 training with world champion power lifters...these guys were mutants!...they were so strong and I was lucky that they taught me that inorder to build solid base I needed to be as strong as I wanted to look.

Now?...I have a lot of injuries, but many fond memories of great training sessions...the 190's at Diamond Gym would not have been so hard to move had they not been so long...anyone that has ever trained there or seen older style dumbells like this? they were harder to balance side to side than they were to move up and down...

Ronnie is awesome, and very strong...but just so you guys know?...I have trained with power lifters that were in the 165lb class...and could military press over 400 pounds...some of them benched in the mid 500's to low 600lb range...they did not look like bodybuilders...strength and cosmetics are too very different things....

hahahahaha, you're lying your ass off, this post is the biggest bunch of bullshit i've ever read on getbig.
Jaejonna rows 125!!

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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #37 on: September 12, 2006, 07:04:24 AM »
I believe it.  I can do that 100s and im just the average weight lifter.  He is a pro who uses he better be able to do around that much.
Seriously im the same way. I work with the 100's -110's for 6-8 reps (full range for 6 and partial for 8 ) and im no where near duvall or coleman. Im 245 and not consistant with supplements.  And I think duvall as well as coleman both come from a powerbuilding background. I have seen coleman (on a video) alt curl 75lb dumbbells. So it is quite possible he has the strength to go super heavy on shoulder presses.


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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #38 on: September 12, 2006, 07:20:40 AM »
Matt, you seem like an educated guy who can speak standard English, If we see an article from you in a bb magazine like Flex or something can we trust that it is all you? You don't seem like the kinda guy that would let a ghost writer speak for you? Thats a rarity in the bodybuilding world.

Joey Tito

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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #39 on: September 12, 2006, 07:21:09 AM »
hahahahaha, you're lying your ass off, this post is the biggest bunch of bullshit i've ever read on getbig.

I second that.  Why anyone would spend so much time posting such trollage is beyond me.

The True Adonis

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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #40 on: September 12, 2006, 07:26:19 AM »
Matt Couple of questions for you,

You liked Very High Rep training at one time.  Do you still do this?

Whatever happend to a wrestling career?  Are you still with Muscletech?


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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #41 on: September 12, 2006, 07:28:07 AM »
Hey guys...someone just emailed me about this topic...

Whether you believe it or Diamond Gym in Maplewood, NJ around 1998/1999...I did use the 190 lb dumbells for a set of partial press shoulder presses. When I say partial I do not mean bouncing them...I just did not lock out at the top....if I remember correct it was for a set of 3-4 reps...

Shoulder presses, in any form, have always been a movement that I did have freakish strength. At the age of 18 I could behind the neck press with 405, which lead to my earliest was not smart....On the hammer military press I can do a set of 12, depending on the day and my energy levels, loaded with 5 plates on each side....when I was training with Trevor Smith, RIP,Trevor pushed me to new levels of strength...Front military press on the Smith machines?..a set looked like this:

635 x 2, with 1 forced....
drop the weight to:
495 x 2-4, with 1 forced
drop the weight to:
315 x 2-4, with 1 forced
drop the weight to:
225 x 2-4, with 1 forced
drop the weight to:
135 x failure...usually only 4-6 reps
then doing partial with this for what seemed an eternity, and then...
dropping to the bar only to have Trevor lean on it while I had to complete 4-6 full reps...

I know there are going to be those that do not beleive...but many forget I spent from age 13-20/21 training with world champion power lifters...these guys were mutants!...they were so strong and I was lucky that they taught me that inorder to build solid base I needed to be as strong as I wanted to look.

Now?...I have a lot of injuries, but many fond memories of great training sessions...the 190's at Diamond Gym would not have been so hard to move had they not been so long...anyone that has ever trained there or seen older style dumbells like this? they were harder to balance side to side than they were to move up and down...

Ronnie is awesome, and very strong...but just so you guys know?...I have trained with power lifters that were in the 165lb class...and could military press over 400 pounds...some of them benched in the mid 500's to low 600lb range...they did not look like bodybuilders...strength and cosmetics are too very different things....

Matt you have a nice powerfull looking physique and im sure your strong to.

but i have to agree with sarcasm on this one. 635 * 2 military sounds like bull to me i have never seen anyone do that kind of weight.

Kevin Levrone who probably is the strongest bodybuilder on pressing movements did 495 *3

Its funny how some bodybuilders never have any proof for these monstrous lift claims. Muscletech athletes seems to be the masters of bullshit claims.


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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #42 on: September 12, 2006, 07:28:51 AM »
Ronnie only does the 160's for partials, care to take back your statement?
What partials???

Mat DuVall

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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #43 on: September 12, 2006, 07:29:35 AM »

     Every article I ever wrote for for Muscletech, and now MuscleMag have always been my words, thoughts, ideas..etc. I enjoy writing...

Tito and Sarcasm...sounds like I cannot win with you guys, that is ok. When I do have the time and as mentioned finances to make a quality training video I intend to demonstrate some of the power that helped develop my physique...Something tells me I will have to weigh each plate/ dumbell on the video so that no one will scream foul...(fake plates)...just kidding. All the same be well...



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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #44 on: September 12, 2006, 07:30:11 AM »
What partials???
on Cost of Redemption.
Jaejonna rows 125!!


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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #45 on: September 12, 2006, 07:31:33 AM »
hahahahaha, you're lying your ass off, this post is the biggest bunch of bullshit i've ever read on getbig.

what is he lying about?

like i said ive seen him do the 190s for shoulder press...why would i make that up?

im sure the bft with trevor is true also.


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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #46 on: September 12, 2006, 07:32:29 AM »

     Every article I ever wrote for for Muscletech, and now MuscleMag have always been my words, thoughts, ideas..etc. I enjoy writing...

Tito and Sarcasm...sounds like I cannot win with you guys, that is ok. When I do have the time and as mentioned finances to make a quality training video I intend to demonstrate some of the power that helped develop my physique...Something tells me I will have to weigh each plate/ dumbell on the video so that no one will scream foul...(fake plates)...just kidding. All the same be well...

Matt i resapect you and i think that you have a good physique but you're lying about your lifts, you're saying that you can press more weight than Bill Kazmaier or Paul Anderson could touch, i'm here to keep people in check when they make bullshit claims and you are lying.
Jaejonna rows 125!!

The True Adonis

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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #47 on: September 12, 2006, 07:35:47 AM »
This is interesting.

From the MuscleTech site:

Full Name: Matthew Thomas Duvall
Nick Name: Mad Dog
Place of Birth: Prince William County, Virginia
Date of Birth: October 31, 1972
Residence: Northern Virginia
Occupation: IFBB professional bodybuilder, self-employed general contractor
Height: 6'0"
Contest Weight: 260 lbs.
Off-Season Weight: 315 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Chest (contest): 60"
Arms (contest): 22"
Waist (contest): 34"
Thighs (contest): 30"
Bench Press: 405 lbs. x 8 reps
Incline Dumbell Press: 175 lbs. x 8 reps
Deadlift: 585 lbs. x 6 reps
Squat: 545 lbs. x 6 reps
Biggest Influence: His father, Barry R. Duvall Sr.
Something interesting few people know about Mat:
One of his biggest feats was benching over 500 lbs. at the age of 20. 

Favorite Body Parts: Arms, shoulders, and chest
Favorite Body Parts to Train: Legs and back
Favorite Exercise: Leg press
Favorite Cheat Foods: “My favorite cheat food that's not really cheat food is sushi. I go through times where I want to have some pizza or I want a hamburger, but the food I consistently want is sushi.”
Favorite Movies: As Good As It Gets, Braveheart, Gladiator, and Heat
Favorite TV Shows: CNN News and The Sopranos
Favorite Actors: Jack Nicholson and Robert DeNiro
Favorite Sport: Football
Favorite Musical Artists: Enya, Eminem, Kid Rock, and
Wu Tang Clan

Remember to consult your doctor before starting any diet and exercise plan.

Mat Duvall's Sample Pre-Contest Training Split

Monday – Chest and calves

Tuesday – Shoulders, triceps, and abs

Wednesday – Rest (occasionally abs and calves)

Thursday – Back, biceps, and abs

Friday – Calves and abs

Saturday – Legs

Sunday – Off

For each exercise Mat does 2 warm-up sets followed by a working drop set.

Mat's Sample Working Drop Set
Weight #1 to failure, plus 1 or 2 forced reps
Drop to Weight #2
Weight #2 x 10 reps or to failure, plus 1 or 2 forced reps
Drop to Weight #3
Weight #3 x 6 to 10 reps to failure, plus 1 or 2 forced reps
Drop to Weight #4
Weight #4 to failure plus 1 or 2 forced reps
Mat's Sample Pre-Contest Cardio

For Cardio, Mat will perform 45 minutes in the morning and 45 minutes in the evening. He finds he benefits from using the treadmill and stairclimber. 


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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #48 on: September 12, 2006, 07:38:30 AM »
This is interesting.

From the MuscleTech site:

Full Name: Matthew Thomas Duvall
Nick Name: Mad Dog
Place of Birth: Prince William County, Virginia
Date of Birth: October 31, 1972
Residence: Northern Virginia
Occupation: IFBB professional bodybuilder, self-employed general contractor
Height: 6'0"
Contest Weight: 260 lbs.
Off-Season Weight: 315 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Chest (contest): 60"
Arms (contest): 22"
Waist (contest): 34"
Thighs (contest): 30"
Bench Press: 405 lbs. x 8 reps
Incline Dumbell Press: 175 lbs. x 8 reps
Deadlift: 585 lbs. x 6 reps
Squat: 545 lbs. x 6 reps
Biggest Influence: His father, Barry R. Duvall Sr.
Something interesting few people know about Mat:
One of his biggest feats was benching over 500 lbs. at the age of 20. 

Favorite Body Parts: Arms, shoulders, and chest
Favorite Body Parts to Train: Legs and back
Favorite Exercise: Leg press
Favorite Cheat Foods: “My favorite cheat food that's not really cheat food is sushi. I go through times where I want to have some pizza or I want a hamburger, but the food I consistently want is sushi.”
Favorite Movies: As Good As It Gets, Braveheart, Gladiator, and Heat
Favorite TV Shows: CNN News and The Sopranos
Favorite Actors: Jack Nicholson and Robert DeNiro
Favorite Sport: Football
Favorite Musical Artists: Enya, Eminem, Kid Rock, and
Wu Tang Clan

Remember to consult your doctor before starting any diet and exercise plan.

Mat Duvall's Sample Pre-Contest Training Split

Monday – Chest and calves

Tuesday – Shoulders, triceps, and abs

Wednesday – Rest (occasionally abs and calves)

Thursday – Back, biceps, and abs

Friday – Calves and abs

Saturday – Legs

Sunday – Off

For each exercise Mat does 2 warm-up sets followed by a working drop set.

Mat's Sample Working Drop Set
Weight #1 to failure, plus 1 or 2 forced reps
Drop to Weight #2
Weight #2 x 10 reps or to failure, plus 1 or 2 forced reps
Drop to Weight #3
Weight #3 x 6 to 10 reps to failure, plus 1 or 2 forced reps
Drop to Weight #4
Weight #4 to failure plus 1 or 2 forced reps
Mat's Sample Pre-Contest Cardio

For Cardio, Mat will perform 45 minutes in the morning and 45 minutes in the evening. He finds he benefits from using the treadmill and stairclimber. 

now those lifts are more realistic, i actually believe those.
Jaejonna rows 125!!

Big N

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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #49 on: September 12, 2006, 07:39:32 AM »
This is interesting.

From the MuscleTech site:

Full Name: Matthew Thomas Duvall
Nick Name: Mad Dog
Place of Birth: Prince William County, Virginia
Date of Birth: October 31, 1972
Residence: Northern Virginia
Occupation: IFBB professional bodybuilder, self-employed general contractor
Height: 6'0"
Contest Weight: 260 lbs.
Off-Season Weight: 315 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Chest (contest): 60"
Arms (contest): 22"
Waist (contest): 34"
Thighs (contest): 30"
Bench Press: 405 lbs. x 8 reps
Incline Dumbell Press: 175 lbs. x 8 reps
Deadlift: 585 lbs. x 6 reps
Squat: 545 lbs. x 6 reps
Biggest Influence: His father, Barry R. Duvall Sr.
Something interesting few people know about Mat:
One of his biggest feats was benching over 500 lbs. at the age of 20. 

Favorite Body Parts: Arms, shoulders, and chest
Favorite Body Parts to Train: Legs and back
Favorite Exercise: Leg press
Favorite Cheat Foods: “My favorite cheat food that's not really cheat food is sushi. I go through times where I want to have some pizza or I want a hamburger, but the food I consistently want is sushi.”
Favorite Movies: As Good As It Gets, Braveheart, Gladiator, and Heat
Favorite TV Shows: CNN News and The Sopranos
Favorite Actors: Jack Nicholson and Robert DeNiro
Favorite Sport: Football
Favorite Musical Artists: Enya, Eminem, Kid Rock, and
Wu Tang Clan

Remember to consult your doctor before starting any diet and exercise plan.

Mat Duvall's Sample Pre-Contest Training Split

Monday – Chest and calves

Tuesday – Shoulders, triceps, and abs

Wednesday – Rest (occasionally abs and calves)

Thursday – Back, biceps, and abs

Friday – Calves and abs

Saturday – Legs

Sunday – Off

For each exercise Mat does 2 warm-up sets followed by a working drop set.

Mat's Sample Working Drop Set
Weight #1 to failure, plus 1 or 2 forced reps
Drop to Weight #2
Weight #2 x 10 reps or to failure, plus 1 or 2 forced reps
Drop to Weight #3
Weight #3 x 6 to 10 reps to failure, plus 1 or 2 forced reps
Drop to Weight #4
Weight #4 to failure plus 1 or 2 forced reps
Mat's Sample Pre-Contest Cardio

For Cardio, Mat will perform 45 minutes in the morning and 45 minutes in the evening. He finds he benefits from using the treadmill and stairclimber. 

MONSTER waste of time