Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 479064 times)


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2225 on: February 07, 2024, 12:08:17 PM »
Got on the treadmill for cardio. Turned it on then said fuck it. I got off.  Sometimes you have to know when to take a day off.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2226 on: February 08, 2024, 11:51:54 AM »
Trained back with one set to failure. No warm ups shown. The only exception to one set to failure are the power cleans. You can laugh at the weights I use. I'm 65 with blood cancer. I'm doing my best. I always try to do a full range of motion and a moderate speed rep cadence.

Power cleans 3 x 3  140lbs, 145, 150lbs then 1 x 1 165lbs (I know I can do a lot more but taking a break in period because I haven't been doing these in awhile. My rack or catch is horrific from arthritis and a lack of flexibility. Working on getting those elbows up at the catch. )

Medium wide pulldowns with a supinate M.A.G bar 1 x 12 140lbs (Upright back. No lean back and heave.)
Seated lat pulley rows with a V handle 1 x 14 180lbs (All the way out and back)
Dumbbell rows 1x12 95llb (dead hang and all the way up)
Narrow pulldowns with a supinate M.A.G. bar 1 x 12 135lbs

Weighted lower back hyper extensions 1 x 15 35llbs plate behind my head

Ab wheel roll out 1x30
ab pulley 1 x 50

After I walked fast on a trail by my house for 4.7 miles. The trail is a long abandoned railroad tracks. The county ripped out the tracks and put down cider for walking surface. My turn around is a bridge but I could get many more miles if I wanted because the trail keeps going. It's a nice trail but so isolated. During the fast walk I threw in about 7 stride runs from about 300 yards down to 40 yards. I never put on running clothes for my walks. I must look like a criminal running in my blue jeans when I do my strides. In 4.7 miles I saw three people. One was a very young mother pushing a baby stroller. She must have no fear. Maybe she is packing, lol.  Again a very isolated trail.

I think a conservative estimate for calories used today is about 700.  A pound of fat is 3500 calories. I have to keep creating deficits through exercise and diet. I hope to eat 400 calories less than what I typically eat today. Superbowl Sunday I will eat like a pig.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2227 on: February 09, 2024, 06:00:42 AM »
In 4.7 miles I saw three people. One was a very young mother pushing a baby stroller. She must have no fear. Maybe she is packing, lol.  Again a very isolated trail.

Definitely not smart for her.

Good workout.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2228 on: February 09, 2024, 12:39:12 PM »
Definitely not smart for her.

Good workout.

I'm always looking behind me on the trail and usually carry a .38 snub or a sub compact 9mm. I also carry pepper spray for the wild dogs I encounter. One dog had me pinned against a guide rail on that trail they put up to keep the ATV's off the trail. I love dogs and at the last minute of growling at me he saw another dog and ran for it. Don't get me wrong. I love dogs. I would only pepper spray as a last resort.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2229 on: February 09, 2024, 01:15:42 PM »
Delt and tricep day. One set to failure. Upped the weight and lowered the reps in a few exercises. When doing just one set high reps seems to be in order.

Military press 1 x 8 115lbs. (Cleaned the weight and lowered the weight all the way down for a full range of motion)
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 10 30lbs
Rear delt laterals 1 x 14 35lbs
Face pulls 1 x 15 100lbs
Barbell shrugs 1 x 14 255lbs (I say this all the time. Be careful with these. You can damage nerves using the weight of house and shrugging  an inch range of motion crashing down on the negative. Better to use a light weight with perfect positive and negative stroke. Damage an arm nerve coming out of your neck and you will have one painful weak arm. The operation to repair that isn't fun.)

Tricep pushdowns 1 x 10 ( I upped the weight and it was too much. My form suffered and elbows hurt.)
Close grip bench 1x9
Rope pushdowns 1 x 19
Weighted dips 1x10 (dug deep and they weren't shallow or half reps.)

Weighted crunches 1 x 50 20lbs behind my head
Pulley crunches 1x60
Decline crunch/situp 1 x 40 (I find the hardest part of the sit up and do a semi crunch situp)

Rehab exercises: I don't even know what to call these. I'm standing and I bend over at about 40 degrees. I hold two dumbbells at my sides I push them back. Seems to make my bad shoulders feel better. The second rehab was pullovers with dumbbells. I don't do these for strength but to get the stretch. I lie on a bench and use a dumbbell in each hand. I start holding them together and each rep I go a little wider then I come back again for a total of 12 reps. Also did a few shoulder stretches. I will describe them at another time. Tired of typing.

For cardio after the weights I walked fast for 4.7 miles with about 7 running strides for an estimated 300 to 40 yards. I felt really fast with the strides. Not exactly sprints but they are fast running. Really surprised how fast I felt doing these.

Having a glass or two (liar, more like four) of Italian Cabernet .  Took a walk on the bayside boardwalk with the wife. When we moved to the area were were shocked driving down by the bay.  Nothing but marsh on the west as far as the eye can see with zero houses. I can't describe how scenic it is. Really is one of the most interesting places in NJ that I have seen. A hidden gem. When we moved we found a little over a  mile board walk by the bay with amazing little (expensive) houses there. Believe me no one outside of this area knows about the bayside boardwalk by my house.  In the summer they have a yacht club that teaches kids how to sail. It's so cute watching these little kids go out in their 5 foot sail boats learning how to sail. Wish I knew how to sail. Can you see me in a little 5 foot sail boat?  In the depths of winter the ice boats come out and  go shockingly fast across the frozen bay on their rails. 

I have to be in remission. Next week I have my monthly blood tests. I see the blood oncologist the week after. Told the wife today I feel damn good. I'm tired most of the time but I don't think it's the cancer. I do burn the candle on both ends. I'm so curious what the blood tests will reveal. About a month ago my lymph glands in one arm pit blew up. Called the doc and he said come in immediately. Lucky for me he wanted to see if it would go down in a week and it did. He said if it doesn't come down he was starting chemo.  To reiterate, I feel pretty good. If the blood tests say other wise I'm going to be pissed.  I'm confident my levels will be good. Wishful thinking? I don't think so. I feel good. I even feel my sex drive is coming back strong. That's a very good sign, lol.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2230 on: February 10, 2024, 11:32:32 AM »
Ran 5.26 miles today.  Hit the heavy bag after.  I ran slow but I felt it.  I had doubts whether I would hold up for it but I did. Now sitting like a zombie typing this training log.  Maybe I will take off Superbowl Sunday.  Wife bought ribs and some of the family said they would come. Why don't they hold the damn game on a Saturday. Don't they know a huge percentage of the population has to work the day after?

Weighed 172lbs today. Trying to get to the low 160lbs. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2231 on: February 10, 2024, 07:30:24 PM »
Nice rich,,,prayers and thoughts are with you…I’m sure you have great support group in family,have to u married an Italian.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2232 on: February 11, 2024, 08:50:36 AM »
Nice rich,,,prayers and thoughts are with you…I’m sure you have great support group in family,have to u married an Italian.

She is very Italian, lol. Thank you. I'm feeling really good lately. This coming Wednesday another round of blood tests. Just about every month I'm going.  If I get bad news I will be shocked. The first test with this blood oncologist he sent to a pathologist to hand examine. He gave an exact percentage of how many cancer cells I was producing compared to normal white cells. I don't think he is redoing that test again that cost $10,000.  He running tests that some of which I heard of and some of which I haven't. If he is running that $10K test again my insurance is going to have a fit.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2233 on: February 11, 2024, 08:52:46 AM »
Cardio day again. I'm over doing it. Very stiff from yesterday's 5 plus mile run. I just ran a slow 2 miles today and truth be told I should have been doing nothing today. Felt like I was running like a 110 year old man. Ran in the 9 minute/mile range. Super bowl time and I can't even have a beer because my alarm going off Monday at 5AM comes really fast.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2234 on: February 12, 2024, 06:18:03 PM »
It was a work out day but tired from the Super Bowl. Normally I wake up early before work and hit the weights. Alarm went on and I reset it. Did jack physically today. I needed the rest. Felt good at work. I normally walk into work completely spent from working out. Felt strangely calm instead of exhausted yet amped out my mind like I had 4 cups of coffee. The morale to the story is rest is good as long as you don't use it as an excuse to be lazy.

On a side note three of the four women I work with could be movie stars and one a model. Yes, that good looking. A 25 year old Jennifer Anniston has nothing on these young blonds. All three not married. I don't know why I typed this? Maybe just because I enjoy when some guy I know comes to see me at work they immediately comment on the girls. It's funny but the friends that are fat and old with gargoyle faces actually think they have a chance with these women. Must be a genetic thing with men to give them confidence with women. Most guys are delusional about their looks. Ask an attractive girl to rate them self and they will say something like a seven but fat ugly slob of a guy will say an eight to a nine.

In bed at 9PM. Rest is good. Hope I don't have my recurring dream of eating giant marshmallows. I can't keep buying pillows. I'll go away now.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2235 on: February 13, 2024, 07:20:36 PM »
Chest and arms:

Bench barbell 2x6 then 1 x 1
Incline barbell 2x6
Dumbbell declines 2 x 8
Flat flies 2 x 10

Tricep pushdowns 2 x 12 (Used a V bar)
EZ bar seated leaning back on a turned around scott pad for tricep extensions 3x8
Rope tricep 2 x 10
Dips 2 x 10

Barbell pulley curls with a straight bar 2x10
Alternate dumbbell curls 2x8
Dumbbell drag curls 2 x12
Dumbbell scott curls one arm at a time 2x10

Wrist curls 2 x 25
Wrist extensions 2x 20
Ivanko gripper 2  20

Incline sit ups 1x30
Incline leg raise 1 x 19 ( I think I get more out these than hanging. It's more strict like doing a scott curl as opposed to standing barbell curl)

I've come to the realization that I have to use a diet app. Just winging the diet doesn't work for me. I have to be accountable for everything I eat. I have to get on the scale tomorrow but I think it's obvious to me that I'm gaining weight. When I don't record everything I eat, I just over eat. Again I use the Lose It app on my Iphone.  It's free and simple to use. Using it you just record everything you eat and it shocks me how much I use to eat. Recording just puts it in black and white in your face when to stop eating for the day.

 While I created a deficit from working out I also have to control the eating. My appetite is huge. I can literally gain 5 lbs in week if I'm not vigilant. I've never been disciplined with diet. I hope to lose 10lbs then go for a new goal. That ten pounds in my mind seems like an impossible task.

I was talking to an endocrinologist awhile back. I asked him how to increase natural testosterone fast. He said, Lose body fat. So not only will losing body fat make your body look better it will also increase test.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2236 on: February 14, 2024, 03:31:05 AM »
Chest and arms:

Bench barbell 2x6 then 1 x 1
Incline barbell 2x6
Dumbbell declines 2 x 8
Flat flies 2 x 10

Tricep pushdowns 2 x 12 (Used a V bar)
EZ bar seated leaning back on a turned around scott pad for tricep extensions 3x8
Rope tricep 2 x 10
Dips 2 x 10

Barbell pulley curls with a straight bar 2x10
Alternate dumbbell curls 2x8
Dumbbell drag curls 2 x12
Dumbbell scott curls one arm at a time 2x10

Wrist curls 2 x 25
Wrist extensions 2x 20
Ivanko gripper 2  20

Incline sit ups 1x30
Incline leg raise 1 x 19 ( I think I get more out these than hanging. It's more strict like doing a scott curl as opposed to standing barbell curl)

I've come to the realization that I have to use a diet app. Just winging the diet doesn't work for me. I have to be accountable for everything I eat. I have to get on the scale tomorrow but I think it's obvious to me that I'm gaining weight. When I don't record everything I eat, I just over eat. Again I use the Lose It app on my Iphone.  It's free and simple to use. Using it you just record everything you eat and it shocks me how much I use to eat. Recording just puts it in black and white in your face when to stop eating for the day.

 While I created a deficit from working out I also have to control the eating. My appetite is huge. I can literally gain 5 lbs in week if I'm not vigilant. I've never been disciplined with diet. I hope to lose 10lbs then go for a new goal. That ten pounds in my mind seems like an impossible task.

I was talking to an endocrinologist awhile back. I asked him how to increase natural testosterone fast. He said, Lose body fat. So not only will losing body fat make your body look better it will also increase test.
Interesting comparision Rich but i use a hanging leg raise bench so my back is supported with the pad. Hanging Reverse Crunches is the ultimate crunch variation.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2237 on: February 14, 2024, 06:20:17 PM »
I've been thinking. I have to get more serious about working out. While my health is good I have to put more thought into training and get with the program.  I will type out tomorrow my recent thoughts on the matter. You can read them if you have trouble sleeping.

In my mind I think I have the program that will get me to where I want to be. "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, and leave us nothing but grief and pain, for promised joy!" comes to mind. I hope I can implement what I'm thinking of and planning.

 I'm not a bodybuilder. I take zero drugs and not even so called testosterone replacement. I like to think of myself as an athlete but that's debatable at my age. What I picture as success is a lean, strong body with a big gas tank of endurance. I have to get to work.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2238 on: February 15, 2024, 05:05:49 AM »
I've been thinking. I have to get more serious about working out. While my health is good I have to put more thought into training and get with the program.  I will type out tomorrow my recent thoughts on the matter. You can read them if you have trouble sleeping.

In my mind I think I have the program that will get me to where I want to be. "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, and leave us nothing but grief and pain, for promised joy!" comes to mind. I hope I can implement what I'm thinking of and planning.

 I'm not a bodybuilder. I take zero drugs and not even so called testosterone replacement. I like to think of myself as an athlete but that's debatable at my age. What I picture as success is a lean, strong body with a big gas tank of endurance. I have to get to work.

Having a goal in mind is half the battle


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2239 on: February 16, 2024, 07:31:13 PM »
Having a goal in mind is half the battle

99% of winning is mental the other half is physical.  I just mangled a quote by Yogi Berra.

Haven't trained in four days. Not feeling well. Every time I think I'm doing well I get a set back. I have to keep pushing when I feel good and resting when I don't. Hopefully two steps forward and one back cause two steps backward and one forward stinks, lol.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2240 on: February 17, 2024, 10:53:54 AM »
I can't be consistent with this logging. It seems too much work, lol. Today was a cardio day. A little bit of snow and ice out there so I was on the treadmill. I did 8 x quarter miles (440 yards). The break down is below of the intervals.

First lap (quarter mile) at 3.8 MPH
Second lap at 6.9 MPH (8:42 mile pace)
Third lap at 3.8 MPH (I walk fast for a lap for the rest interval)
Fourth lap at 7.1 Mph (8:27 mile pace)
Fifth lap at 3.8 MPH
Sixth lap at 7.3 MPH (8:13 mile pace)
Seventh lap at 3.8 MPH
Eight lap at 7.6 MPH (7:54 mile pace)
Ninth lap at 3.8 MPH
Tenth lap at 7.8 MPH (7:42 mile pace)
Eleventh lap at 3.8 MPH
Twelfth lap at 8.0 MPH (7:30 mile pace)
Thirteenth lap at 3.8 MPH
Fourteenth lap at 8.3 MPH (7:14 mile pace)
Fifteenth lap at 3.8 MPH
Sixteenth lap at 8.6 MPH (6:54 mile pace)
Seventeenth at 3.8 MPH

After I boxed for two rounds hitting the heavy bad and practiced some defense. I know these times for the intervals are slow as hell but I'm trying. Health willing let's see where I will be come this summer.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2241 on: February 18, 2024, 12:35:29 PM »
Went for a run in a park today. I intended to do 3 miles. After one mile in the cold and wind I said fuck it. Came home and had a light beer and the wife said let's go to an Italian restaurant by my house. Had some California Cab wine there and ate great for an early diner.  The music playing was great. Dino and Louie Prima were some of the singers I remember. Came home and I saw the Blanky deadlift thing here. I think I can do that right now and I  bet I'm 60lbs lighter than him. Well at least tomorrow when I'm sober, lol. 

On a side note. I have to say I have a great wife. She's Italian so a little loud and emotional but I wouldn't have it any other way. Her sisters are a natural red head, blond and two a brunettes. Yes, Italians can have those hair colors. My wife was a blond till around 30 where it turned brownish.  I'm drunk and I might delete this post, lol.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2242 on: February 19, 2024, 10:52:32 AM »
My workouts have become a broken record. All last week I got out a pen and paper trying to decide what I would be doing this week. It all looked in the end to be overly ambitious. Nothing is worse than thinking you have a great program and in the end it isn't doable. This morning I gathered five sheets of paper of different workouts and decided I'm not even going to attempt it. I will revamp with a new program soon.

 I think it's going to be old school. Going to try to stay away from failure for the most part for awhile. I think staying with the same weight for multiple sets and maybe rep out the last set is something workable. Kind of like what Steve Holman describes with his 4x but call a spade a spade. It's been done well before he called it 4x or Weider research clinic called it a training principle. I don't want to say an easier way to train but maybe shift the weight work to more of a muscular endurance model. Training low sets to exhaustion is getting on my nerves. Just when I try to train any other way I feel like I'm wimping out if I don't do my reps till I'm close to death, lol.

 Having said all that, one more week of one set to failure.  Trained chest, biceps, forearms and abs. Four exercises for chest and four for biceps.

  After lifting I did a cardio session of fast walking on an incline in my ladder routine I typed about previously. I went up to only a 7% grade (incline). Ended it with one lap of (440 yards) at 8.6 MPH or a 6:59 mile pace. 

   I have to cut down on drinking. I only drink three days a week but I think even that's too much.  Yesterday at an Italian restaurant we had a bottle of wine on the table. Today I woke up with what felt like a dead raccoon in my mouth and I felt like Biden walking up a flight of stairs.   


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2243 on: February 20, 2024, 12:19:16 PM »
You train hard.

Always going to failure is stressful though.

I think you are on the right track.

It's ok to have one drink a day, maybe 5 times a week...1 oz alcohol.

Beyond that is too much.

Cut the carbs and sugars down is my suggestion.

Food is medicine.

I only drink hard liquor as it has no carbs. 

Last nite had a shot of bourbon.

You're a good man so stay alive.

I'm on vacation in Daytona Beach this week.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2244 on: February 20, 2024, 07:05:44 PM »
You train hard.

Always going to failure is stressful though.

I think you are on the right track.

It's ok to have one drink a day, maybe 5 times a week...1 oz alcohol.

Beyond that is too much.

Cut the carbs and sugars down is my suggestion.

Food is medicine.

I only drink hard liquor as it has no carbs. 

Last nite had a shot of bourbon.

You're a good man so stay alive.

I'm on vacation in Daytona Beach this week.

Enjoy the beach. When I drink I usually stay way from too many carbs but wine has a lot. I usually drink hard liquor or something like a Corona Premium that is very low in carbs. You recommend five drinks a week. Can I have them all at one sitting?  (Joke) Enjoy your vacation. I have my southern vacation booked for June in South Carolina. It's funny but when I was a teenager I greatly admired the bodybuilder Joe Means. He won best legs and most muscular in the 1975 Mr. America. The gym I train at in Myrtle beach on vacation is the same gym he trains at now.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2245 on: February 20, 2024, 07:53:11 PM »
Leg day. Woke up before work and I wasn't happy about it. I was so tempted to go back to sleep. I went in my basement gym and I walked fast for a quarter mile on the treadmill to wake up. I have been finding it's working out really well. It also lessons the arthritic pains I have in one hip and knee.

I don't list warm ups and truth be told I do very few. I did do two sets of warm ups before my one set to failure on the leg press.

 A few days ago I experimented with my hack machine. Found I was really weak in the movement having not done it for quite awhile. What pisses me off about my hack machine is that it has safety stops that are non adjustable.  It feels like I can go about six inches deeper but I hit that safety catch. Maybe I will include them in the future. I just wish I had a hack machine where I could adjust the depth with the safety catch. Then again how deep is too deep before it causes problems?

I'm giving up dumbbell scott curls because I'm feeling a strain. I don't want to rupture my bicep so they are out. On the same concept of going too deep maybe if I went too deep in the hack I could mess up my knees. I don't know. In the commercial gym before covid I could go rock bottom on that machine. It was scary thinking I could have gotten stuck but it felt right. Anyway, only me can type paragraphs on the hack exercise, lol.  Are you getting sleepy reading this?

Sometimes the reps listed are an approximation as it's from memory.

Leg press 1 x 17 (Fore decades I went sick low with these. I started feeling my hip hurting and a knee. Now I go deep but I could go a little deeper but no more will I fully bend the legs. I don't want to damage my body.)

Machine squats 1 x 11 (These feel great on my legs and glutes. I feel like a wimp that I'm not using barbell squats but it's  so easy to do perfect squats with a machine. I will keep the squat machine in my rotation. It works.)

Dumbbell lunges 1 x 9 each leg (For many decades when I used lunges I always used a barbell. Dumbbells are working too. Maybe when I get to a good weight I will use the barbell again.)

Stiff deads off a block 1 x 8 ( I use straps and I slightly round my back to go low. I know the current trend is to keep a flat back but these work for me.)

leg extension 1 x 25

Seated leg curl 1 x 17

Hanging leg raise 1 x 30
Hip ups 1 x 35 (On back and I push the feet toward the ceiling.)

Standing calf 1 x 20
Seated calf 1 x 20
tib work

Four way neck 1 x 30 a side finished with the neck harness seated for the back of the neck for a set.

I staggered upstairs and the wife asked the same question as always, "Did you have a good workout?" I swear I think she thinks I'm having fun down there instead of torturing myself. She must think I have a big smile on my face working out. She never ever goes in the basement. I told her a couple of times, If I drop dead from a heart attack working out she wouldn't notice till about 8 hours after I went into the basement or the next day. She would just think it's a long workout.

 The crazy thing is when she was young she was a great athlete. She could do a standing flip. She even played softball in a bar team with men when she was 16. When I ask her if she wants me to train her she gets a look in her eyes of fear and says no. She says I would be too hard on her. I swear if I handed her a one pound dumbbell she would say I'm trying to kill her with the crazy heavy weight. She has had  major spine problems. She had a very elaborate spine operation. It was very successful and it took away her pain. A neuro surgeon operated.  After that she was actually walking a few blocks everyday but soon gave it up. When we married she was 118lbs pounds. I wish she cared about her health now but her goal now is to not move as much as she can. Yes, I love her.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2246 on: February 21, 2024, 10:57:24 AM »
Went to the blood oncologist today. He is board certified in three fields. Maybe the best doctor I have ever dealt with. He's very good at explaining things and takes the time. I was dreading this visit because of the unknown.  He monitors me roughly every month with a bunch of blood tests. He showed me a graph of all the blood tests related to cancer and he said I'm stable from month to month.  He said instead of every month he will see me in six months!  I see this as a home run.  I hate going to that waiting room and seeing all those seriously sick cancer patients and here I am looking healthy. Some are in wheel chairs and some on gurneys. His office is in a hospital. I had a feeling I was in remission because I'm training hard. So my cancer levels are not advancing for now. I will take it. Told him if I die I'm not paying the bill. He gave me a smile.

Regarding the training log. I'm doing jack shit today.  Not sure what the terms means but I think it means I'm doing nothing. If it means some character named jack is pooping I don't mean that.  I got on the treadmill today and started a warm up then said fuck it.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2247 on: February 22, 2024, 10:14:37 AM »
Back day:  I rarely get really stiff and sore. Don't know what's going on buy I feel like it's the day after a marathon. I went to pick something off the floor and felt like a 90 year old man, lol. Of course I didn't take a day off and I trained back. Still doing that one set to failure. Reps are not always accurate. Done from memory. No warm sets shown. If I need them I do them but more times than not I go right to the work set.

Medium grip pulldowns with a M.A.G bar 1x12 145lbs (I don't lean back and heave. I know most use that technique but I keep upright and strict. Who knows? Maybe I should use a hell of a lot more weight and use the lean back method where it becomes half a pull down and a partial row. Maybe I'm doing it wrong?

Seated cable rows with a V handle attachment. 1 x12 190lbs (I go all the way out and all the way back trying to never lean back. After I got up from this my one leg hurt. Strangest thing ever. Never felt that before. Did I twist it or is it one of those old man phantom injuries? I can't even pin point where it hurts except more to the inside of the thigh.

Dumbbell row 1 x 10 95lbs (dead hang and all the way up.)

Narrow pulldown with a supinate M.A.G. bar 1x12 (Thought about ending the workout because of the strange pain in my leg but since common sense goes out the window when I train. I continued.)

Deadlifts 1 x 6 275lbs (Used a light weight and since I was prefatigued from training lats I still felt it. The hurt leg held up. Lucky I didn't fuck it up further.)

Weighted hypers for the lower back 1x20 25lbs plate behind my head (I use an old horizontal hyper bench, so much more superior to these new 45 degree benches where the resistance disappears near the top.)

Ab wheel 1 x 30
Ab pulley crunch 1 x 50

Regarding supplements I take a bunch of stuff but sometimes I wonder if it's doing anything?

1. A multi
2. zinc
3. vitamin D
4. Vitamin K (I had a bad PSA test. Urologist said he wanted to do a biopsy where they perforate different sections of your prostate with a thick needle to sent it to the lab. The infection rate is so high they put you on antibiotics after the procedure.  Someone on this board said Vitamin K is great for the prostate. I started taking it. When my urologist took advanced PSA tests they came back normal. Now my dose is six times higher than what I took for that test. No clue if the great secondary test and third advanced PSA test came back great because of the Vitamin K but I will take it for life now.)
5. Fish Oil ( I take a quality fish oil because of the hype of it's good for your heart. If you get lost in google it's very controversial if it does anything good for the heart. One study says yes and then another big study says no. Kind of like vitamin K with the Prostate. I take a quality fish oil so I'm going to error on the side of caution.
6. Magnesium ( I stopped taking this because I suspect it gave me the runs. I will try it again to see if it comes back)
7. On lifting days I take a 30 gram bottle of lactose free Fairlife protein right after the work out. It's light years better tasting than anything I have ever tried in many decades of buying the typical bodybuilding proteins. Zero stomach upset and a lot of first class protein in that little bottle. You can find it in Costco and BJ's.  Don't order it off Amazon. It's sick over priced there.

That's all for today.  Bet you were asleep before you read this sentence.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2248 on: February 23, 2024, 07:35:52 AM »
Love your logs Oldtimer and read them daily. What kind of Zinc do you take? I keep reading that some forms of zinc (glycinate or something?) aren't good for you but I don't know how true that is.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2249 on: February 23, 2024, 09:34:04 AM »
Love your logs Oldtimer and read them daily. What kind of Zinc do you take? I keep reading that some forms of zinc (glycinate or something?) aren't good for you but I don't know how true that is.

I will admit I know little about supplements. I take zinc gluconate as a separate tablet but what little I have read is that too much zinc is bad for you. I have zinc in my multi which is zinc oxide.  I take the extra zinc every other day so I don't take too much. Bad stuff can happen if you take too much zinc. Do a google search. Too much can lower immunity, HDL, Lower copper and block magnesium absorption. I apologize if I didn't answer your question but truth be told I don't know much about the topic. I just reduced my fish oil because of stomach issues. I was just taking two capsules like it says on the label. Going down to one.

Thanks for saying you read my log. You made my day. Now I know for sure at least two people read my training log, lol.