Author Topic: The WICKED truth about my training  (Read 379481 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1275 on: August 10, 2008, 11:11:49 AM »
Your gym aint got shit on 24 Hour Fitness! Does your gym have 200 different machines with universal weights??? Didnt think so! 8)


yeah ... we're devoid of lifefitness and freemotion machines...i don't know how i'm going to sleep at night man LOL


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1276 on: August 10, 2008, 02:01:53 PM »
sounds like an awesome gym you joined, i'm assuming it's not a chain type gym if they have a reverse hyper and a glute ham raise.


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1277 on: August 10, 2008, 02:31:19 PM »

yeah ... we're devoid of lifefitness and freemotion machines...i don't know how i'm going to sleep at night man LOL

free motions are excellent for rotor cuff exercises


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1278 on: August 11, 2008, 09:45:46 AM »
i prefer dumbbells, stretching, bands, and plates for rotator work.. though a freemotion is probably good for pretty much that one thing you mentioned geo.


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1279 on: August 11, 2008, 09:55:07 AM »
DE upper body..switched my days around for the new gym hours.

DE bench

added monster minis and yes my gym has them!
185x3x4 fast!
185x3x4 slow on the decent to make sure i grooved it right then blew up like the bar hit a landmine on my chest! worked GREAT!

since I did heavier DE speed benches.. I went with lighter floor presses this week. As my DE percentage on speed bench gets lower, the amount of weight and reps on my floor presses will increase. in a 3 week cycle!

floor presses with 60lbs of chains YES MY GYM HAS THEM!!!!

275x10x1 AND DAMN! chains came down to 40 at the bottom and 60 at the top! WAS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM ANYTHING I'VE EVER DONE AND LOVE THEM!!! I think this will REALLY help my lock out and firing through the press. 315 at the bottom and 335 at the top for 10 reps! HUGE boost in confidence since the floor press isn't TOO far from my chest.

fat bar chins

bwx5x1 ..going to start doing these with a weighted vest

bent over barbell rows


face pulls
3 sets

lateral raises
3 sets

today was a badass day. Had a GREAT time in the gym, pressing felt strong as hell thanks to my fellow ALN teammate travis bell telling me to lay the hell off the pressing for awhile. HUGE Thanks to him. Today was awesome though I think it did alittle too much work. I think that's what they mean by training instinctively.. i left before I did more. I feel like i'm getting back into the groove. School is starting up, I have plenty of time to get the gym in, and work is coming together like it should and i'm really trying hard to eat right and it's making me feel so much better all around. Can't you tell how much i like my new gym?! HAHA!


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1280 on: August 12, 2008, 11:26:08 AM »
floor presses with 60lbs of chains YES MY GYM HAS THEM!!!!

275x10x1 AND DAMN! chains came down to 40 at the bottom and 60 at the top! WAS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM ANYTHING I'VE EVER DONE AND LOVE THEM!!! I think this will REALLY help my lock out and firing through the press. 315 at the bottom and 335 at the top for 10 reps! HUGE boost in confidence since the floor press isn't TOO far from my chest.


hahahaha...yes, floor presses with chains are the shit!



  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1281 on: August 12, 2008, 12:43:13 PM »
ME lower body

reverse band deads

added monster minis (took 40lbs off the bottom instead of using the blue bands like usual)
675x1x1 pr and effortless!
725xmissed at the knees
700xmissed at the lockout... the guys that were watching say i have weak hips so it's time to attack them. Both lifts came off the floor well but right at my  knees and just above them i keep losing it. Need to fix that transition area. I'll get 700 next time and just pick my attempts differently.

reverse hyper
3 sets of 10


3 sets of 10 with 30lbs of chains around my neck

saturday's DE lower body will be alot of accessory work and GPP to hopefully help build up those hips. I'm going to do a DE day now like this every other weekend.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1282 on: August 12, 2008, 12:45:01 PM »
hahahaha...yes, floor presses with chains are the shit!


LOVED THEM! debating on what I want my ME bench exercise to be thursday.. floor presses or bench against chains. Not really sure yet.


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1283 on: August 12, 2008, 12:53:28 PM »
LOVED THEM! debating on what I want my ME bench exercise to be thursday.. floor presses or bench against chains. Not really sure yet.

Whichever is the weak link, hit it hard.

From your log, i'd do full ROM bench with boards.

But you are the best judge!



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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1284 on: August 12, 2008, 01:35:21 PM »
do some sled pulling Wicked.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1285 on: August 12, 2008, 10:15:04 PM »
do some sled pulling Wicked.

i'm actually doing that..that's going into the every other weekend GPP work for my DE lowerbody work. One day of nothing but accessory work. I'm surprised my hams are strong since I don't have big hams. My back is bullet proof but my lowerback and glutes need the most work.

AND YES OVERLOAD..i'm going to be doing a few ME days of alot of free weight and light chains and lighter weight with heavier chains.

this shoudl teach me how to fire BETTER through the pressing ROM and give me a chance to do more full range work!  I was thinking of doing only chains for ME exercises instead of bands too..i find them much more comfortable to do than bands and stick with bands strictly on DE days.

dude.. it's like my fucking birthday and christmas all on the same day everytime i walk into this place.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1286 on: August 13, 2008, 06:53:22 AM »
Hell yeah!

I prefer chains for pressing and dead lifts.

Bands for squats.

Just my preferences.

Keep tearing it up!



  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1287 on: August 13, 2008, 09:59:39 AM »
Hell yeah!

I prefer chains for pressing and dead lifts.

Bands for squats.

Just my preferences.

Keep tearing it up!


thats' what i was thinking.. tomorrow I'll max either floor press or a few chains and alot of free weight tomorrow.

with using chains and the way they load.. should i start to see a substantial increase in bench pressing power through the stroke or no?


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1288 on: August 13, 2008, 12:42:38 PM »
Hi wicked.   :-*



  • Getbig IV
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1289 on: August 13, 2008, 01:28:09 PM »
Hi wicked.   :-*

rip is a powerful woman that says hi to people


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1290 on: August 13, 2008, 10:05:55 PM »
trying to decide wether or not to go straight weight for my ME exercise tomorrow on the floor press or do ME bench with light chains.

I did floor presses with chains for DE work on monday.. but i haven't maxed a straight weight floor press in awhile where as I've never done a ME bench with chains..

input fellas!


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1291 on: August 14, 2008, 11:42:47 AM »
hey wicked, when is your next PLing comp?  What are your target poundages?  You could do some serious damage in the 242's.


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1292 on: August 14, 2008, 11:45:54 AM »
give him a proper precontest peak cycle and i'd say he'd be hitting a 680 pull, 440 bench, maybe a squat in the low 600s? get a 1730 raw total in the 242s? siiiiiick.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1293 on: August 14, 2008, 12:22:15 PM »
give him a proper precontest peak cycle and i'd say he'd be hitting a 680 pull, 440 bench, maybe a squat in the low 600s? get a 1730 raw total in the 242s? siiiiiick.

yeah i'm either going to stick where i'm at in the 250's and focus on just putting some more power on my movements or cut to 242's which is one big ass turd and a weeks carb cycling.   My pull is right up there.. my bench NEEDs to get to the mid 400's to do much good and i absolutely hate squatting but I'm going to be working on it a little here and there. My long term goal at the moment is 1750. 

right now things are slowly coming back together on my bench... i'm becoming more and more of a technician in my lifts and WAY more analytical of everything to hopefully help that out.


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1294 on: August 14, 2008, 12:24:28 PM »
hey wicked, when is your next PLing comp?  What are your target poundages?  You could do some serious damage in the 242's.

october 4th I think?  I want to pull 660 and put up 410-420.  I want the push/ record and the raw bench record in my class depending on where I go. I think the 660 will fall no's the bench that i'll have to push for with a pause and no ASS elevation. that will give me a 20lb push/pull meet PR or more if i hit 660 and 410.

my bench has gone down but after the past few days.. i foresee it going back up rather quickly!


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1295 on: August 14, 2008, 12:26:02 PM »
october 4th I think?  I want to pull 660 and put up 410-420.  I want the push/ record and the raw bench record in my class depending on where I go. I think the 660 will fall no's the bench that i'll have to push for with a pause and no ASS elevation. that will give me a 20lb push/pull meet PR or more if i hit 660 and 410.

my bench has gone down but after the past few days.. i foresee it going back up rather quickly!

Sounds great.  Poundages, like bodyweight, fluctuate depending on the day and a thousand other variables, but you've got the baseline 400+ bench nailed, so no worries. 8)


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1296 on: August 14, 2008, 12:29:16 PM »
ME upper body

floor press

405x1x3  did a triple with singles to get the blood flowing with 405 again and stop messing with my head. Each one got faster and faster! 3 reps no matter how I got them with 405 today was a PR!
430xmissed... about halfway up each time. The decent was perfect.. just didn't have it today. Went for a PR after almost two months of shitty training and gave it all I had
415x1x1 smoked.

i get the feeling from here on out..i'm going to have to fight for every damn lb I can get out of  my benching.. welcome to hell!

dumbbell bench

125x8x1 and misgrooved it.. so i dropped them down onto a PADDED floor mat...and the stupid thing BROKE IN HALF! well a plate did.. not the dumbbell itself. STRANGE! so no more pressing..

chins with a weighted vest

3 sets to failure

dumbbell rows


face pulls



  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1297 on: August 14, 2008, 12:30:26 PM »
Sounds great.  Poundages, like bodyweight, fluctuate depending on the day and a thousand other variables, but you've got the baseline 400+ bench nailed, so no worries. 8)

pretty much yeah..but you and i both  know that's mediocre for meets raw lol

nothing less than 500 will ever sit well with me.


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1298 on: August 15, 2008, 09:16:24 AM »
with using chains and the way they load.. should i start to see a substantial increase in bench pressing power through the stroke or no?


You seem to stall out towards the top, chains will help make the top half of the press faster and more powerful. chains are great for building momentum.

on ME day, make sure the combined weight at the top with the chains off the floor is 10-20 pounds over your RAW max. this way you will blast through your old max when the chains are removed.



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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1299 on: August 15, 2008, 09:22:04 AM »

You seem to stall out towards the top, chains will help make the top half of the press faster and more powerful. chains are great for building momentum.

on ME day, make sure the combined weight at the top with the chains off the floor is 10-20 pounds over your RAW max. this way you will blast through your old max when the chains are removed.


yep you're right..i'm stalling about 1/2 way through the press so it's all lockout power.. i'm going to start doing alot of chain pressing now to hopefully smoke this shit!