Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 479071 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2150 on: December 06, 2023, 02:51:19 PM »
I started my workout today with power cleans. I wasn't feeling well so I canned the workout. Beginning to think I can't beat father time or my health. I will modify what I do from now on. Maybe I can learn some new tricks. Sad to say I think my best days are behind me in the weight room. I think I can improve in other ways though. Pissed off that I quit on my second set of power cleans. Drank some Irish Whiskey after and soon I was laughing. Went for a short walk with the wife looking at house Christmas decorations in the dark.  Put me in a better mood with my wife holding my arm in the cold. No one gets out alive and we all have an expiration date. Think I can still figure out how to find an optimal path in the weight room for my unique experiment of one. Hope is something we all need. Going to dial back the intensity.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2151 on: December 07, 2023, 09:00:13 AM »
I started my workout today with power cleans. I wasn't feeling well so I canned the workout. Beginning to think I can't beat father time or my health. I will modify what I do from now on. Maybe I can learn some new tricks. Sad to say I think my best days are behind me in the weight room. I think I can improve in other ways though. Pissed off that I quit on my second set of power cleans. Drank some Irish Whiskey after and soon I was laughing. Went for a short walk with the wife looking at house Christmas decorations in the dark.  Put me in a better mood with my wife holding my arm in the cold. No one gets out alive and we all have an expiration date. Think I can still figure out how to find an optimal path in the weight room for my unique experiment of one. Hope is something we all need. Going to dial back the intensity.
Just experiment with new tactics Rich.

Your body is probably used to your present workouts and there`s no doubt that shit isn`t getting any easier as we age.  :(

All the best my friend.  ;)


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2152 on: December 07, 2023, 11:57:29 AM »
Just experiment with new tactics Rich.

Your body is probably used to your present workouts and there`s no doubt that shit isn`t getting any easier as we age.  :(

All the best my friend.  ;)

Thanks Wes!


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2153 on: December 07, 2023, 12:12:32 PM »
After feeling like crap yesterday I decided to try it again. I completed it. Used lighter weight for some exercises. Tried to use a full range of motion and a moderate rep cadence. In other words I tried to be strict. Succeeded most of the time. I hate putting the weights used because people cheat like hell working out. A guy doing half rep seated dumbbell press wouldn't be impressed with what this old man uses even though I'm moving the weight 40 to 50% more because I go all the way down. When ever I lift I try to make the exercise harder not easier. Make a light weight heavy.

Power cleans 4 x 3 then 1 x 1 (I quit after my second set yesterday. Felt weak, tired and ill. I completed this exercise today so I felt it was a little victory)

Wide grip M.A.G. supinate pulldowns 2 x 10
Seated lat pulley row with a V handle 2 x 12 (Started to wonder if I could complete this workout)
Dumbbell row with a knee on a bench 2 x 10
Narrow grip M.A.G. supinate pulldowns 2 x 10 (second set the last couple of reps were sloppy)

Dumbbell flat bench 2 x 8 (Tried to dig deep each rep)
Incline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 (Last set I saw stars trying to get that last rep, lol.)
Flat flies 2 x 10 (Used a lighter weight than usual but I did the movement stricter)
Push ups 2 x max (conventional and the second set with perfect push up handles.

Weighted lower back hyper extensions 2 x 15

Ab wheel 1 x 27
Pulley crunches 1 x 50
inflatable big ball crunches 1 x 15 (I bought a ball because I saw everyone doing these in the gym. The jury is still out if I like them and I'm leaning toward giving the ball away. Thought it would be good for a fuller range of motion. Just not feeling it in my abs. Just recently I have been doing a kind of decline roman chair type movement and it seems to hit the abs hard. I will continue using them. I just went into a decline bench and rocked where I felt it the most in my abs.)

Completely spent.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2154 on: December 08, 2023, 11:08:19 AM »
Ran 5.16 miles at a slug ten minute pace. Then hit the heavy bag for two rounds. Wife told me I should cut the alcohol down. She said it makes me happy for a couple of hours then the next day I'm down for the whole day. I don't even drink a lot. 3 to 5 drinks three days a week. I guess my body can't handle it like I use to. I'm always a very happy drunk though, lol.  As long as my health is stabilized I will try to keep pushing the workouts. Never know what the future will bring and for now I'm happy to be feeling good.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2155 on: December 09, 2023, 07:50:46 AM »
Heckuva workouts, OT.

Glad you are feeling better.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2156 on: December 09, 2023, 11:41:00 AM »
Heckuva workouts, OT.

Glad you are feeling better.

Thank you


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2157 on: December 09, 2023, 11:56:38 AM »
Leg day: No warms shown. Use lighter weight than normal in some exercises.

Leg press 2 x 15 (I think I was grinding my hips and one knee to dust using what was a ton of weight for me. Using a lighter weight and controlling the reps with a slow deep cadence. I keep the back board low so I can really bring the knees back. I just about fully bend my legs. I think I'm on to something using a lower weight and making it stricter.)

Squat machine 2 x 10 (Thought I would die doing these. Use two plates a side and went just about rock bottom for most reps. Might alternate with hack squats)

Dumbbell lunges 2 x 8 (Haven't done lunges in ages. Went deep and used little baby dumbbells. I will build up.)

leg extensions 2 x 20
seated leg curl 2 x 15

Hanging semi straight leg raise 1 x 27
Hip ups 1 x 33 (On back legs toward ceiling push your hips toward the ceiling)

Standing calf 2 x 15 ( I swear I don't know why I train calves? I don't have calves. I never had calves.)
Seated calf 2 x 15
tibalis 1 x 20

Four way neck machine 2x 30 a side

Pushing hard while I'm feeling good. Going to watch the Army vs Navy game. Go Army beat Navy.  I wonder if I can have a lite beer watching the game without my wife nagging me about it, lol. I got the piss Selzer Corona Premier. 90 calories a bottle and 2.6 carbs. 4% alcohol. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2158 on: December 10, 2023, 09:39:45 AM »
Got a Shingles shot yesterday. I had a fever all night.  Today's training is shot. Sitting here shivering, lol.   I guess getting sick from the shot for a day or two is better than developing a case of Shingles.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2159 on: December 11, 2023, 07:23:43 PM »
That shingles shot gave me a night of grief with a fever. Trained this Monday but I wish I could have done cardio yesterday but I was too sick. I didn't have the fever today and I was only a little achy.

Delt and arm day: No warm ups shown.

Military press 1 x 8  ( I warmed up with two sets and my one bad shoulder was screaming by rep 5 on the work set but I stupidly pushed to 8 reps. I bailed on the exercise and went to standing dumbbell presses. They never seem to hurt my shoulder.)
Standing dumbbell press 1 x 8 (My goal was ten reps but I failed at 8 reps)
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 12
Rear delt seated dumbbell delt laterals 2 x11 (These seem to hit hard the contracted position while the face pulls gets the stretch position of the rear delt area)
Face pulls 2 x 12 ( my pulley system has foot brace that perfect for locking my self in for these.)
Barbell shrugs 2 x 12 (I see guys using a million pounds on this exercise using jerking motions and crashing down hard on the negative. It's a good way to cause nerve damage as the nerves between the vertebra gets crunched. Lower the weight and do these strict to semi strict. Do not damage the nerves near the neck region or you will be in for a world of hurt.)

Triceps pushdowns with a V bar 2 x12
EZ curl bar seated tricep extensions with back braced on a scott curl turned backward 2 x8
Reverse grip single arm tricep extensions with a D shaped handle 2 x 10
dips 2 x 12

Barbell curls 2 x 10 (seriously lightened the weight. I think in my effort to increased the weight used my form was getting too sloppy so with lighter weight  I could do it stricter)
Dumbbell alternate curls 2 x 8 (Same as above. I used a lighter weight)
Dumbbell drag curls 2 x 10 ( back against a wall with elbows back)
concentration curl 2 x 12 (Might switch these for single arm scott curls. With me at least I wonder if I'm performing concentration curls optimally?  I think there are so many ways to cheat the bicep with small movements if you're not careful doing these. I should video tape myself. You can learn a lot by taping your self sometimes. For example with face pulls after a review on video I found I held one elbow up higher than the other instead of evenly. I was able to correct it with feedback from watching the video.)

forearm curl 2 x 25
Reverse forearm extensions 2 x 15
Ivanko gripper 2 x 20 (One right side up and the second set holding the apparatus upside down)

Weighted crunches 1 x 60
Pulley crunches 1 x 60
Roman decline bench abs 1 x 30 (Found this through trial and error. Sat in my decline chest bench and found I could do a sought of a roman chair move in the sweet spot hitting the abs hard. I would describe it as a quarter situp but right where it hurts)

Two dumbbell pull overs lying on a bench 1 x 12 (This is just a rehab exercise. To keep the shoulder loose. I take two light dumbbells do reps seeing how far back I can take them.)

Side note: I have trouble squatting due to having trouble getting my hand back to hold the bar. The above exercise pullover helps but I found a better one. I wonder if I could describe it without pictures? Have a smith machine or a squat rack set to around shoulder height. Grab the bar with a palm facing your self. With the other hand grab that wrist holding the bar. With me? Now lower your body bending forward and feel the stretch. Repeat with the other hand. Not sure what magic it works but in one session I was able to get into a squat with hands on the bar with little pain. I don't squat with a bar anymore but if I did I would do this stretch everyday.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2160 on: December 12, 2023, 06:20:57 PM »
Cardio day. Rose before work to get it in. I must be getting soft with age but the thought of getting out of my warm bed to run in the 33 degree weather made me balk. Headed to the basement where I again felt I didn't want to run on the hamster wheel of torture.  I just walked for the most part. I call this my ladder workout. Every lap I climb the ladder of intensity if you can call walking intense.

0% incline at 3.8MPH for one lap of a quarter mile
1% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
2% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
3% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
4% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
5% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
6% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
7% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
8% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
9% incline at 3. 8MPH for one lap
0% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
0% incline at 8.6 MPH (6:59 pace for one lap. I nearly fell off the treadmill at the end of the lap. Took a miss step but corrected quick enough.)
0% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap.

Finished with two rounds of hitting the heavy bag. Worked on the bag with a thought of defense.

Tomorrow is another day off of lifting and I hope to do a mid day park run.  I hate winter weather running.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2161 on: December 12, 2023, 07:40:06 PM »
Just getting up and getting it in will help you mentally. No matter how much or how little, every workout is a success.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2162 on: December 13, 2023, 08:59:18 AM »
Just getting up and getting it in will help you mentally. No matter how much or how little, every workout is a success.

True and on another topic I use to be obsessed with recording workouts in a notebook. The reality is that your body records the workouts.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2163 on: December 13, 2023, 09:10:50 AM »
Cardio day. Rose before work to get it in. I must be getting soft with age but the thought of getting out of my warm bed to run in the 33 degree weather made me balk. Headed to the basement where I again felt I didn't want to run on the hamster wheel of torture.  I just walked for the most part. I call this my ladder workout. Every lap I climb the ladder of intensity if you can call walking intense.

0% incline at 3.8MPH for one lap of a quarter mile
1% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
2% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
3% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
4% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
5% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
6% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
7% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
8% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
9% incline at 3. 8MPH for one lap

0% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
0% incline at 8.6 MPH (6:59 pace for one lap. I nearly fell off the treadmill at the end of the lap. Took a miss step but corrected quick enough.)
0% incline at .38 MPH for one lap.

Finished with two rounds of hitting the heavy bag. Worked on the bag with a thought of defense.

Tomorrow is another day off of lifting and I hope to do a mid day park run.  I hate winter weather running.

wow at 3.8? Thats hard man, Id do that at 3.4 at the most. Good job


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2164 on: December 13, 2023, 10:52:14 AM »

wow at 3.8? Thats hard man, Id do that at 3.4 at the most. Good job



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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2165 on: December 13, 2023, 11:04:20 AM »
Said it before, I hate winter running.  All the clothes and laundry stink too. I also at this age get pretty stiff in the cold and it's not the good stiff. Summer running is great. No shirt, shorts and running shoes is how I run in the sunshine. I have to move down south, lol.

 I drove to one of my favorite running spots today that has a 1 mile asphalt loop running path. I wanted to run longer but I wasn't feeling it. The wind was whipping too. I ran two miles at a slug pace. My GPS watch said it was 9:42 pace or 6.2 MPH. Heart rate was really high too. When I run in general I never go over 162 beats per minute and I hit 188 Max heart rate. A little disturbing but last Thursday night I had fever and the runs. Maybe I'm still weakened by that. Sick of being sick. I have to hammer it when I feel good. Tomorrow is Back and chest.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2166 on: December 13, 2023, 12:05:25 PM »
Said it before, I hate winter running.  All the clothes and laundry stink too. I also at this age get pretty stiff in the cold and it's not the good stiff. Summer running is great. No shirt, shorts and running shoes is how I run in the sunshine. I have to move down south, lol.

 I drove to one of my favorite running spots today that has a 1 mile asphalt loop running path. I wanted to run longer but I wasn't feeling it. The wind was whipping too. I ran two miles at a slug pace. My GPS watch said it was 9:42 pace or 6.2 MPH. Heart rate was really high too. When I run in general I never go over 162 beats per minute and I hit 188 Max heart rate. A little disturbing but last Thursday night I had fever and the runs. Maybe I'm still weakened by that. Sick of being sick. I have to hammer it when I feel good. Tomorrow is Back and chest.
always mix up your running routes. Never be predictable


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2167 on: December 13, 2023, 01:56:57 PM »
always mix up your running routes. Never be predictable

I do. Here's a description of the varied places I run. I have a six mile length trail in the woods right by my house. I'm 20 minutes from the beach that has an out and back board walk that's 5 miles.  I have a bay side boardwalk by my house that is about a 2.4 mile run out and back. The park is one of my favorites because it's paved and no cars to be concerned with and a very even asphalt surface. Getting back to the cinder trail by my house it's very isolated. Sometimes I can run 5 miles and not see a soul and sometimes there are questionable characters as well as loose dogs. I hate running with a gun on me even though I carry light weight firearms but that trail can be disturbing with some of the whack jobs I have seen on it. I love the ocean run but sometimes the traffic driving there sometimes is a pain. Turns a short ride into a hassle. About 300 yard run to get to the trail.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2168 on: December 15, 2023, 07:15:57 AM »
I do. Here's a description of the varied places I run. I have a six mile length trail in the woods right by my house. I'm 20 minutes from the beach that has an out and back board walk that's 5 miles.  I have a bay side boardwalk by my house that is about a 2.4 mile run out and back. The park is one of my favorites because it's paved and no cars to be concerned with and a very even asphalt surface. Getting back to the cinder trail by my house it's very isolated. Sometimes I can run 5 miles and not see a soul and sometimes there are questionable characters as well as loose dogs. I hate running with a gun on me even though I carry light weight firearms but that trail can be disturbing with some of the whack jobs I have seen on it. I love the ocean run but sometimes the traffic driving there sometimes is a pain. Turns a short ride into a hassle. About 300 yard run to get to the trail.
yes i run mainly in the woods near me & wolves are back here big time. I was running one time & i was in a part of the woods where you donīt see anyone with dogs . I met a wolf but it was about 100 metres away & it just stared at me & was standing side on head turned towards me on the track so not scared.
I looked at it for a while & then just ran further but looked back to see if it came after me but it was gone.
I run & cycle different routes though for variety & depending how i feel & weather conditions.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2169 on: December 15, 2023, 05:09:30 PM »
Still doing the same old. I'm facebook friends with one of my idols when I was a teenager. He was huge in AAU contests. He's a hero of the HIT crowd but he revealed how he really trains then and now. It's not HIT. Basically it's just about zero rest between sets and I guess you would call it drop sets. A set to failure then 20 seconds of rest. Reduce the weight or now the reps are reduced and do the second set. Then a third set with reduced weight or reduced reps. Just a quick blast with no rest.

I might change my workout soon but still on a Yates inspired workout. No warms ups shown. I used a minimum warm up or no warm ups. One set to failure. Reps used are from memory and could be off.

Chest and biceps:

Flat Dumbbell press 1 x 9  (Used more weight than last week. Got one more rep too!)
Incline Dumbbell press 1 x 8 (Felt strong)
Flies 1 x 17 (felt strong and kept good form)
Push ups 1 x max

EZ curls 1 x 15
Alternate Dumbbell curls 1 x 10
Drag dumbbell curls 1 x 13 (Two dumbbells and back against a wall. Elbows all the way back. Very cramping feel to the biceps. Wonder if it's healthy for the muscle?)
Concentration curls 1 x 14

wrist curls 1 x 35
Reverse wrist extensions 1 x 20
Ivanko gripper 2 x 20 (One set upright and the second set with the thing upside down)

Incline situps 1 x 30 (Wow do I hate these. Very tough)
Incline leg raise 1 x 18 (These suck too)

Cardio portion of the day:

Zero % incline for3.8 MPH for one lap (quarter mile)
1% incline for 3.8 MPH for one lap
2% incline for 3.8 MPH for one lap
3% incline for 3.8 MPH for one lap
4% incline for 3.8 MPH for one lap
5% incline for 3.8 MPH for one lap
6% Incline for 3. 8 MPH for one lap
7% incline for 3.8 MPH for one lap
0% incline for 3.8 MPH for one lap
0% incline for 8.7 MPH for one lap (about 6:54 pace per mile. I do a running lap when I do a walking workout to remind my body that I am a runner. It's important to me. Hope I can get that down to a 6:00 pace soon. Getting old and slug like, lol.)
0% incline for 3.8 MPH for one lap.

As I type I'm drinking Vodka with a drop of lemon juice. Yes, I burn the candle at both ends. Tomorrow is Santa con at the beach by me. It's when a hundred plus drunks dress as Santa and go bar hopping bars as a group. It's fun to watch them.  They drink in a bar then their leader yells, Santa's on the move. Then as a group they go down the boardwalk to another beach dive to continue their partying.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2170 on: December 16, 2023, 03:27:20 PM »
Leg day:

No warm ups listed. I did them if I felt the need. One set to failure.

Leg press 1 x 16
Machine squats 1 x 11
Dumbbell lunges 1 x 10
leg extensions 1 x 25
seated leg curls 1 x 16

Hanging semi straight leg raise 1 x 30
Hip ups 1 x 35 ( on back on the floor. Feet toward ceiling. Raised hips high each rep.

Standing calf raise 1 x 21
Seated calf raise 1 x 20
Tibialis 1 x 20

Neck four way: One set a side for 30 reps.

Went to the boardwalk  for Santa com.  About 150 drunks dress as Santa and Mrs Santa going bar hopping. We ended up in the Beach comber in Seaside Heights. The DJ and MC were off the hook. I know I'm getting to old for this but we just sat at the bar having drinks. The girls were dressed in their slutty Santa best with very short skirts with their boobs hanging out. The dance floor was packed. My wife told me the MC a big black guy winked at her, lol.  It was fun seeing the young people dancing and the young women were off the hook hot. I went to the bathroom and when I came back my wife was in a panic. She said a big fight happened feet away from her. We left as the multiple cop cars came.  Wife had no clue what it was about and there was a lot of yelling.  We left and had a great time up to that. The cops arriving asked us what where the fight was and I told them in spilled out to the board walk.

Prior to that fight I took video of the partying. Two girls dancing were dressed in their slutty Mrs. Santa outfits and one had a hard time keeping her tits in her low cut top. So much fun! The DJ was on the stage and the MC was actually sitting at the bar near us with a microphone. He was top shelf good at what he was doing.  Electric crowd dancing. When the fists started flying with $3 dollar shots it was time to leave. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2171 on: December 17, 2023, 08:58:50 AM »
Leg day:

No warm ups listed. I did them if I felt the need. One set to failure.

Leg press 1 x 16
Machine squats 1 x 11
Dumbbell lunges 1 x 10
leg extensions 1 x 25
seated leg curls 1 x 16

Hanging semi straight leg raise 1 x 30
Hip ups 1 x 35 ( on back on the floor. Feet toward ceiling. Raised hips high each rep.

Standing calf raise 1 x 21
Seated calf raise 1 x 20
Tibialis 1 x 20

Neck four way: One set a side for 30 reps.

Went to the boardwalk  for Santa com.  About 150 drunks dress as Santa and Mrs Santa going bar hopping. We ended up in the Beach comber in Seaside Heights. The DJ and MC were off the hook. I know I'm getting to old for this but we just sat at the bar having drinks. The girls were dressed in their slutty Santa best with very short skirts with their boobs hanging out. The dance floor was packed. My wife told me the MC a big black guy winked at her, lol.  It was fun seeing the young people dancing and the young women were off the hook hot. I went to the bathroom and when I came back my wife was in a panic. She said a big fight happened feet away from her. We left as the multiple cop cars came.  Wife had no clue what it was about and there was a lot of yelling.  We left and had a great time up to that. The cops arriving asked us what where the fight was and I told them in spilled out to the board walk. I took video of the partying. Two girls dancing were dressed in their slutty Mrs. Santa outfits and one had a hard time keeping her tits in her low cut top. So much fun! The DJ was on the stage and the MC was actually sitting at the bar near us with a microphone. He was top shelf good at what he was doing.  Electric crowd dancing. When the fists started flying with $3 dollar shots it was time to leave.
Slutty Santas Helpers will always raise your spirits!!


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2172 on: December 17, 2023, 09:30:01 AM »
Slutty Santas Helpers will always raise your spirits!!

Thought Santa only had three ho's. Turns out he had a whole dance floor full.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2173 on: December 17, 2023, 09:33:08 AM »
I intended on doing cardio today but a little hung over and just tired. Doing nothing but vegetating.  Going to watch the NY Giant game. NJ/NY Italians are going insane over the quarterback. It's a lot of fun.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2174 on: December 18, 2023, 05:08:39 AM »
Back day:

Woke up before work in the darkness and went into my basement. I think guys that train have a warped brain. Most guys are all tucked in dreaming about pancakes in the morning. One set to failure and easy non taxing warm up sets as needed if at all. I hate putting  down the weight used because it is meaningless between trainer to trainer. Some use fast reps and a short range of motion to handle the heavy weight. Some use slow controlled reps and try for the greatest range of motion. Their weight would seem light to many not knowing how they are doing the reps. I don't claim to be strong but I do train hard. I try to make a medium weight heavy the way I use the weight.

Wide grip pulldowns with M.A.G. bar 1 x 11 140lbs ( No lean back and heave. All the way up and down)
Seated cable lat rows with a V bar 1 x 14 ( 180lbs (All the way out with a good stretch and all the way back)
Dumbbell row with knee and one hand on a bench 1 x 12 80lbs (Dead hang and all the way up)
Narrow grip pulldowns with a M.A.G. bar 1 x 12 130lbs ( Big stretch at the top and all the way back with no lean back)

Dead lifts 1 x 6 275lbs (Since I've been sick this is all I could handle. Last year I always used 315lbs)
Weighted lower back hyper extensions 1 x 20 ( I use a 25lb plate behind my head. I use a horizontal type hyper bench. Nice and slow controlled reps)

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 30 (Good for abs but bad for shoulders. I think they make my shoulders tight. Must stretch the shoulders. I hate stretching, LOL)
Pulley crunches 1 x 60 (Sit in lat machine the opposite way. Hold a V type handle and crunch down. Short movement.)

Off to work I go at my retirement job. Going to quit the job soon. I think I might have a way to make money at home that I have to a least give it a try. I think I will make nothing for about six months setting it up but hopefully it will pay off. I notice when I visit a rich relative in California it seems everybody I meet doesn't goes to work. They all sit in front of a computer at home and wow do they have a lot of money. I wonder if I can do the same. I will probably strike out but I have to try. If it fails I will just be retired feeding squirrels in the park telling young people I use to be in great shape, lol.