Author Topic: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^  (Read 6334 times)

George Whorewell

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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #50 on: December 16, 2011, 06:49:05 PM »
If he is so stupid, then it should be quite easy for the GOP to find candidates that are smarter.

Why hasn't that happened yet?

Don't be an idiot.

You think being elected President has anything to do with intelligence? Was GW Bush elected twice because he was so brilliant?

Obama has the entire media in his pocket and even the GOP debates are moderated by his cronies. He has raised close to 1 billion dollars for his reelection effort. That's billion with a B. Historically the incumbent has an edge in Presidential elections.

Year   Candidate   Votes   Candidate   Votes   Winner   Notes
Presidential elections since 1936 with an incumbent
1936   Roosevelt   523   Landon   8   Incumbent   [116]
1940   Roosevelt   449   Willkie   82   Incumbent   [117]
1944   Roosevelt   432   Dewey   99   Incumbent   [117]
1948   Truman   303   Dewey   189   Incumbent   [117]
1956   Eisenhower   457   Stevenson   73   Incumbent   [117]
1964   Johnson   486   Goldwater   52   Incumbent   [117]
1972   Nixon   520   McGovern   17   Incumbent   [117]
1976   Carter   297   Ford   240   Challenger   [117]
1980   Reagan   489   Carter   49   Challenger   [117]
1984   Reagan   525   Mondale   13   Incumbent   [117]
1992   Clinton   370   GHW Bush   168   Challenger   [117]
1996   Clinton   379   Dole   159   Incumbent   [117]
2004   GW Bush   286   Kerry   252   Incumbent   [118]

Finally, Osama has the mindless black vote, the equally mindless class warfare vote, the bicycle seat sniffing white intellectual lib vote, all labor unions as his acting henchmen and several other constituencies that make up his broad based leper colony of support.

And FYI genius, not a single vote has been cast in a single primary. It's kind of hard to dethrone Obama when the GOP hasn't even chosen a nominee. Obama's idiocy will be a spectacle for the world to see once the debates start. The only GOP candidate who probably lacks the heart or will or desire to cut Obama's balls off on national television is Romney-- hence most GOP voters are extremely unenthusiastic about voting for him.


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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #51 on: December 19, 2011, 05:19:35 AM »
Don't be an idiot.

You think being elected President has anything to do with intelligence?

You quoted me, so I know that you can't say you didn't read my post, and then follow up with the above rant that is prefaced with these two sentences?

Not a single part of my reply had anything to do with intelligence and bearing upon the POTUS office.  My statement is a direct reflection of not a single candidate the GOP is offering is smarter than Obama.  Which seems to go against the grain with the "Obama is so stupid" crying.  It wouldn't matter if Obama was a janitor for my statement to relevant.  Yours however, not even sure WTF you are trying to drag out there.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #52 on: December 19, 2011, 05:22:55 AM »
You quoted me, so I know that you can't say you didn't read my post, and then follow up with the above rant that is prefaced with these two sentences?

Not a single part of my reply had anything to do with intelligence and bearing upon the POTUS office.  My statement is a direct reflection of not a single candidate the GOP is offering is smarter than Obama.  Which seems to go against the grain with the "Obama is so stupid" crying.  It wouldn't matter if Obama was a janitor for my statement to relevant.  Yours however, not even sure WTF you are trying to drag out there.

LMFAO!!!!    Are you fucking kidding?   Damn you are stupid. 

Ron Paul going around blaming ATM Machines for job losses?   

Newt going around accusing doctors of lopping off feet for 50K and stealing tonsils? 

Bachmann going around saying the Free Market has never worked? 

Santorum going around 57 states, my muslim faith, etc

Fucking please - this post cemented you are a perennial joke and a farce.     


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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #53 on: December 19, 2011, 05:27:53 AM »
I shouldn't even have engaged you on this, because calling Bachmann "crazy" is beyond absurd, but I'll play:  what exactly is it that makes Bachmann "crazy"?  And how was she able to have a successful marriage, raise a truckload of kids, become highly educated, have a successful career in the private sector, have a successful career in politics, and become a national presidential candidate when she is "crazy"? 

Texas hates Perry?  He's the longest serving governor in Texas history.  How do you reconcile that fact with your claim that "Texas hates Perry"? 

Bachmann - God sends an earthquake to get politicians attention?  Mental retardation after the vaccine injection?  God speaking through her husband telling her to pursue tax law when she didn't want to simply because the bible says wives are supposed to be submissive?  Carbon dioxide is not a harmful gas?   If we took away the minimum wage -- if conceivably it was gone -- we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level?  Founding Fathers - which she thinks John Quincy Adams was one of - worked to end slavery?  Happy Birthday Elvis?  Terri Schavio was healthy.  She had brain damage but was healthy.  Not like she was terminally ill?  


If you don't find her stupid, then the only reason is that you are just as stupid as she is.


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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #54 on: December 19, 2011, 05:33:34 AM »
LMFAO!!!!    Are you fucking kidding?   Damn you are stupid. 

Ron Paul going around blaming ATM Machines for job losses?   

Newt going around accusing doctors of lopping off feet for 50K and stealing tonsils? 

Bachmann going around saying the Free Market has never worked? 

Santorum going around 57 states, my muslim faith, etc

Fucking please - this post cemented you are a perennial joke and a farce.     

I would point out how stupid you are since not a damn thing you posted is evidence to anything except your toolbox status.

I already post Bachmonsters stupidity.

If all you got is so called gaffes from Obama then, Newt = serving the country made me cheat on my wives.  Santorum = abortion is the reason for the failing Social security system.  Though I like Ron, his foreign aid and policy leaves him open to putting his foot in his mouth at times.

Anything else in your little CryBaby bag that needs to be stuffed back in your face?

Soul Crusher

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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #55 on: December 19, 2011, 05:39:01 AM »
I would point out how stupid you are since not a damn thing you posted is evidence to anything except your toolbox status.

I already post Bachmonsters stupidity.

If all you got is so called gaffes from Obama then, Newt = serving the country made me cheat on my wives.  Santorum = abortion is the reason for the failing Social security system.  Though I like Ron, his foreign aid and policy leaves him open to putting his foot in his mouth at times.

Anything else in your little CryBaby bag that needs to be stuffed back in your face?

blaming ATM Machines is not a gaffe - its what he really believes and shows him to be very much the economic illiterate and incompetent mobst of us realize he is. 


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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #56 on: December 19, 2011, 05:49:08 AM »
Neither was what posted from the other candidates a gaffe.  It was their strong belief and conviction of the truth.

Your point is what now?  Oh right... you don't have one.

George Whorewell

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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #57 on: December 19, 2011, 05:52:39 AM »
You quoted me, so I know that you can't say you didn't read my post, and then follow up with the above rant that is prefaced with these two sentences?

Not a single part of my reply had anything to do with intelligence and bearing upon the POTUS office.  My statement is a direct reflection of not a single candidate the GOP is offering is smarter than Obama.  Which seems to go against the grain with the "Obama is so stupid" crying.  It wouldn't matter if Obama was a janitor for my statement to relevant.  Yours however, not even sure WTF you are trying to drag out there.

I did read your post. It still makes no sense. You think that Obama is smarter than the GOP candidates-- based on what exactly?

And if you dont think intelligence is relevant, then why mention it in the context of this thread?

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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #58 on: December 19, 2011, 05:55:24 AM »
Yeah - it takes a really intelligent person to blame ATM machines for job losses.   Pure sign of brilliance right there.   


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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #59 on: December 19, 2011, 06:09:03 AM »
I did read your post. It still makes no sense. You think that Obama is smarter than the GOP candidates-- based on what exactly?

And if you dont think intelligence is relevant, then why mention it in the context of this thread?

I was unaware of that list you posted showing the IQ measurements of those candidates.

I never said that intelligence was necessary for POTUS, Bush is evident it is not.  What said was that Obama was smarter than the GOP field.  Job position not a factor.  Wouldn't matter if they were competing for POTUS or dog catcher. 

Soul Crusher

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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #60 on: December 19, 2011, 06:11:27 AM »
I was unaware of that list you posted showing the IQ measurements of those candidates.

I never said that intelligence was necessary for POTUS, Bush is evident it is not.  What said was that Obama was smarter than the GOP field.  Job position not a factor.  Wouldn't matter if they were competing for POTUS or dog catcher. 


We have been asking you obama cock suckers the same damn question for 3 years and still not an answer. 

Option D

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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #61 on: December 19, 2011, 06:34:36 AM »

We have been asking you obama cock suckers the same damn question for 3 years and still not an answer. 

shut up bitch

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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #62 on: December 19, 2011, 06:37:22 AM »
shut up bitch

 ::)  ::)

Again where is the evidence that Obama is any smarter than the average guy in the phone book?   

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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #63 on: December 19, 2011, 07:06:09 AM »
::)  ::)

Again where is the evidence that Obama is any smarter than the average guy in the phone book?   

he = president... avg guy in phone book = not

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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #64 on: December 19, 2011, 07:08:06 AM »
he = president... avg guy in phone book = not

LOL - funny how you clowns claimed GWB was dumber than a box of rocks and never made that argument. 

ATM machines anyone? 

Option D

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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #65 on: December 19, 2011, 07:12:07 AM »
LOL - funny how you clowns claimed GWB was dumber than a box of rocks and never made that argument. 

ATM machines anyone? 

I dont think GWB is dumb.. He became president of the United States of America.

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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #66 on: December 19, 2011, 07:13:34 AM »
I dont think GWB is dumb.. He became president of the United States of America.

So?   This piece of garbage became a congressman - do you think he is smart? 

Option D

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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #67 on: December 19, 2011, 07:19:25 AM »
So?   This piece of garbage became a congressman - do you think he is smart? 

W/O watching your video...

yes.. he got hella people to vote for him to represent them.. so yes

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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #68 on: December 19, 2011, 07:20:46 AM »
W/O watching your video...

yes.. he got hella people to vote for him to represent them.. so yes


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Re: Option D/240/Lurker/Blacken/Straw - its time to eat S$%^
« Reply #69 on: December 23, 2011, 06:26:28 AM »
Bump for Hugo