Author Topic: who believes 9/11 was as inside job  (Read 143242 times)


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #250 on: March 05, 2016, 08:26:53 PM »
"For the first time in recorded human history, fire, better yet, OFFICE FIRE, brought down, not one, not two but 3  buildings made of steel and concrete.

Completely incorrect and has been shown to be incorrect.  

Also, a logical fallacy as that a passenger jet hasn't hit a 100+ story building and that building still stood."

Then, where are your evidence you fuking retard, show us examples, not bullshit pull out your ass.

You keep saying that it's proven incorrect, by who? You? Fuck sake, if you're going to argue, bring up evidence, videos, articles, pictures, something to back up your stupidity.

You keep trying to twist my answers and bring nothing to the table, I been destroying you with just videos of YOUTUBE, but somehow you keep coming back for more. I sense the retardation is strong within you.

You said that the government lies to you, but you think they were telling you the truth on this one? The event that unleashed the most abusive form of power of the state on the people like the patriot act, giving free reign to spy on everybody. When you had  General Clark told us  numerous times they(Republican neocons) had plans to destabilize the middle east since the 90's, prove is that the United States is still stuck in the middle east, Iraq, Syria, talking of going back to Libya now, Afghanistan. Wasted trillions dollars of tax payers dollars to fat up the corrupt cronies in Washington through war, on nothing but lies sense the Afghanistan war started.

But you think the government told  you the truth on what happened on 9/11? F@#$k!!! Talking about having your head up your ass, please stop posting for the love of God. They lie to you man, to every body, because they knew they could manipulate the people through the media and have the whole country sing -America Fuck Yeah!!! Like they did, the population wouldn't care as long we killed some goat hoarders and sand people on the other side of the world to make them pay for being brown people. Do you get it? THEY LIE TO YOU, RETARD!!!

Not twisting your answers.  Just applying truth, facts and logic.   And you can't handle it.

You can't even grasp your failure in logic over your first time in recorded history assertion.  Lol.

And as preidcted you have jumped to another facet like brink did.


PS, I have plenty of links, documentation debunk your BS but you can't even get pass simple logic. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha haha.   And brink runs away from facts.  Ahahahahahahahahahahaha


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #251 on: March 05, 2016, 08:38:44 PM »
There's no evidence to support your theory of what happened either.


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #252 on: March 05, 2016, 08:39:53 PM »
There's no evidence to support your theory of what happened either.

There is plenty. 

Care to comment on what I posted showing how wrong you were?  :D


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #253 on: March 06, 2016, 12:57:32 AM »
Ropo the retard attacking like the retarded inbreed that he is, insulting when he can't defend his point because no defensible explanation can be pointed to my flaws, lol. Watch the youtube videos of the twin towers again and just look where the planes hit, and just think for a second, and think hard you retard. HOW COULD BE POSSIBLE FOR 15 FLOORS PUSH DOWN THE REST OF THE 95 FLOORS TO IT'S BASE IN A DISINTEGRATED WAY?


You mean that there is over 1500 anonym internet teenagers who claim they are engineers and architects, because you haven't bother to do any kind of background checking at all? Any engineer or architect who admits that he believes these foil hat fairytales, he is out of work for the rest of his life, because no one hire imbeciles. That is a fact.

What comes to these claims, let me ask you: How the hell they know? What happen was the first this kind of event in the history of this universe, so how they can know for sure what should have happen? FACT: THERE IS NO WAY TO KNOW IT. Whether they are predictors or liars, it doesn't change anything, because what they are saying is still bullshit. No one on this planet could know how these buildings will collapse, all they can do is guess, and that doesn't prove anything. How this is so hard to understand? Because of the insufficient brain matter in your empty head.


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #254 on: March 06, 2016, 01:47:53 AM »
"For the first time in recorded human history, fire, better yet, OFFICE FIRE, brought down, not one, not two but 3  buildings made of steel and concrete.

Completely incorrect and has been shown to be incorrect.  

Also, a logical fallacy as that a passenger jet hasn't hit a 100+ story building and that building still stood."

Then, where are your evidence you fuking retard, show us examples, not bullshit pull out your ass.

You keep saying that it's proven incorrect, by who? You? Fuck sake, if you're going to argue, bring up evidence, videos, articles, pictures, something to back up your stupidity.

You keep trying to twist my answers and bring nothing to the table, I been destroying you with just videos of YOUTUBE, but somehow you keep coming back for more. I sense the retardation is strong within you.

You said that the government lies to you, but you think they were telling you the truth on this one? The event that unleashed the most abusive form of power of the state on the people like the patriot act, giving free reign to spy on everybody. When you had  General Clark told us  numerous times they(Republican neocons) had plans to destabilize the middle east since the 90's, prove is that the United States is still stuck in the middle east, Iraq, Syria, talking of going back to Libya now, Afghanistan. Wasted trillions dollars of tax payers dollars to fat up the corrupt cronies in Washington through war, on nothing but lies sense the Afghanistan war started.

But you think the government told  you the truth on what happened on 9/11? F@#$k!!! Talking about having your head up your ass, please stop posting for the love of God. They lie to you man, to every body, because they knew they could manipulate the people through the media and have the whole country sing -America Fuck Yeah!!! Like they did, the population wouldn't care as long we killed some goat hoarders and sand people on the other side of the world to make them pay for being brown people. Do you get it? THEY LIE TO YOU, RETARD!!!!

What make you morons think that this is a first time when this kind of conversation is going on in the internet, or even on this forum? Every fucking claim which you have learned from the foil hat sites, has been shot down over and over again, and most of them has been proved to be just futile crap. And here you are, screaming like an imbecile about these same things, because you are a child and just learned about this crap. It is a waste of time to answer your screaming because you are an imbecile, and you  are proving that fact by yourself by repeating these same claims over and over again, without even reading the comments which has given to you. Only thing what you are destroying is your credibility, because all these stupid videos has been seen already, and they all are just crap. You can't prove anything just by saying over and over again, that it didn't happen. You have to fucking prove it by concrete evidence, and copy/paste and linked bullshit videos doesn't really help you at all.

What comes to proving facts, the official investigation is full of them, and if you need them, just read it from there. These facts are based on reality, in real world evidence, and that is something what foil hats has never have. What they do is just denying these facts without even try to prove that they are incorrect. In real world that isn't enough, but you need some counterevidence. So why don't you start from that? Prove that there were explosions at the WTC 1 & 2. It has never been proven, so why don't you do it? Just 15 years has past by, and no one has been able to prove even single explosion from all of the video material about the attack. Show me just one real explosion from any original video about the 9/11 attack, or shut the fuck up. Here you have example of the real explosion. Rednec's play with 50lb of home made tannerite:

So what is the point? 50 pounds is chicken shit, and still this explosion shows much faster and violent burst of energy, than anything you ever find from any 9/11 videos. In the WTC they have to detonate truckloads of high energy explosives, and they cannot even brake the fucking windows? With your own words, please explain that?  ;D


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #255 on: March 06, 2016, 09:11:04 AM »
Here is the video showing clearly what happens when the bottom part of the building fails and what happens to the top, the building comes down whole to one side, you two retarded imbeciles. I show you extreme clear video or images of evidence proven the fallacy on the governments lies, but you two keep pounding in, like Gorge Carlin used to say: I love this country, but we got some dumb motherfukers living among us.

"So what is the point? 50 pounds is chicken shit, and still this explosion shows much faster and violent burst of energy, than anything you ever find from any 9/11 videos. In the WTC they have to detonate truckloads of high energy explosives, and they cannot even brake the fucking windows? With your own words, please explain that?  Grin"

Hey Ropo the retard post the videos of the twin towers coming down that you are watching, because most videos posted all over the internet show extremely clear concrete been vaporized into dust exactly like explosions  do, you dimwit, the buildings did not just crumble to the base, the twin towers were disintegrating as they went down as clear show in the videos posted above.


  • Getbig V
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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #256 on: March 06, 2016, 04:51:34 PM »
Here is the video showing clearly what happens when the bottom part of the building fails and what happens to the top, the building comes down whole to one side, you two retarded imbeciles. I show you extreme clear video or images of evidence proven the fallacy on the governments lies, but you two keep pounding in, like Gorge Carlin used to say: I love this country, but we got some dumb motherfukers living among us.

"So what is the point? 50 pounds is chicken shit, and still this explosion shows much faster and violent burst of energy, than anything you ever find from any 9/11 videos. In the WTC they have to detonate truckloads of high energy explosives, and they cannot even brake the fucking windows? With your own words, please explain that?  Grin"

Hey Ropo the retard post the videos of the twin towers coming down that you are watching, because most videos posted all over the internet show extremely clear concrete been vaporized into dust exactly like explosions  do, you dimwit, the buildings did not just crumble to the base, the twin towers were disintegrating as they went down as clear show in the videos posted above.

Pretty clear to me. But they have been weaned on media since they were very young so you'll have to do better than that to change their minds lol. Whatever cnn , CBS, fox says goes.


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #257 on: March 06, 2016, 05:06:38 PM »
Pretty clear to me. But they have been weaned on media since they were very young so you'll have to do better than that to change their minds lol. Whatever cnn , CBS, fox says goes.
Care to comment on what I posted showing how wrong you were?  :D

Maybe they can believe what "any engineer" believes.  L


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #258 on: March 07, 2016, 07:59:27 AM »
Here is the video showing clearly what happens when the bottom part of the building fails and what happens to the top, the building comes down whole to one side, you two retarded imbeciles. I show you extreme clear video or images of evidence proven the fallacy on the governments lies, but you two keep pounding in, like Gorge Carlin used to say: I love this country, but we got some dumb motherfukers living among us.

"So what is the point? 50 pounds is chicken shit, and still this explosion shows much faster and violent burst of energy, than anything you ever find from any 9/11 videos. In the WTC they have to detonate truckloads of high energy explosives, and they cannot even brake the fucking windows? With your own words, please explain that?  Grin"

Hey Ropo the retard post the videos of the twin towers coming down that you are watching, because most videos posted all over the internet show extremely clear concrete been vaporized into dust exactly like explosions  do, you dimwit, the buildings did not just crumble to the base, the twin towers were disintegrating as they went down as clear show in the videos posted above.

If you read the report in detail, and have a basic understanding of physics and you are not a nut job, you would understand why the WTC's went down and why some of what you saw happened.  

But you if you believe it was gamma rays or whatever, you are just a complete nut job.


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #259 on: March 07, 2016, 08:01:02 AM »
Engineers don't design structures that size to be 'just strong enough'. That's ridiculous. And it's not the steel that protects the building from gravity, it's the concrete columns which have tremendous compressive strength. Steel is merely meant to keep the concrete from twisting apart and to protect its integrity from vector type forces. Any engineer will tell you that.

Physics!!!!!   ;)

Again you are wrong.  You are drawing conclusions from incorrect assumptions and inaccurate information.  If you don't like the wiki proof there is more i can post from actual engineers to show how wrong you are.

The World Trade Center towers included many structural engineering innovations in skyscraper design and construction, which allowed the buildings to reach new heights and become the tallest in the world. Traditionally, skyscrapers used a skeleton of columns distributed throughout the interior to support building loads, with interior columns disrupting the floor space. The tube-frame concept, earlier introduced by Fazlur Khan, was a major innovation, allowing open floor plans and more space to rent. The buildings used high-strength, load-bearing perimeter steel columns called Vierendeel trusses that were spaced closely together to form a strong, rigid wall structure. There were 60 perimeter columns, narrowly spaced, on each side of the buildings. In all, the perimeter walls of the towers were 210 feet (64 m) on each side, and the corners were beveled. The perimeter columns were designed to provide support for virtually all lateral loads (such as wind loads) and to share the gravity loads with the core columns.[48] Structural analysis of major portions of the World Trade Center were computed on an IBM 1620.[49]

The perimeter structure was constructed with extensive use of prefabricated modular pieces, which consisted of three columns, three stories tall, connected by spandrel plates. The perimeter columns had a square cross section, 14 inches (36 cm) on a side, and were constructed of welded steel plate.[50] The thickness of the plates and grade of structural steel varied over the height of the tower, ranging from 36,000 to 100,000 pounds per square inch[51] (260 to 670 MPa). The strength of the steel and thickness of the steel plates decreased with height because they were required to support lesser amounts of building mass on higher floors.[50] The tube-frame design required 40 percent less structural steel than conventional building designs.[52] From the 7th floor to the ground level, and down to the foundation, the columns were spaced 10 feet (3 m) apart.[53] All columns were placed on bedrock, which, unlike that in Midtown Manhattan, where the bedrock is shallow, is at 65–85 feet (20–26 m) below the surface.[54]

The spandrel plates were welded to the columns to create the modular pieces off-site at the fabrication shop.[55] The modular pieces were typically 52 inches (1.3 m) deep, and extended for two full floors and half of two more floors.[50] Adjacent modules were bolted together, with the splices occurring at mid-span of the columns and spandrels. The spandrel plates were located at each floor, transmitting shear stress between columns, allowing them to work together in resisting lateral loads. The joints between modules were staggered vertically, so the column splices between adjacent modules were not at the same floor.[50]


The tube frame design using steel core and perimeter columns protected with sprayed-on fire resistant material created a relatively lightweight structure that would sway more in response to the wind, compared to traditional structures such as the Empire State Building that have thick, heavy masonry for fireproofing of steel structural elements

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ _________

Brink, you seem reasonable, this is what happens when you don't allow yourself to fall prey to BS rhetoric.  Do some actual research and you will see there is no CT here.  


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #260 on: March 07, 2016, 08:26:29 AM »
The crazy part about this, is CT'ers are actually right.

The WTC's didn't comedown because of and office fire or 15 floors crashed down on 90.

Maybe they should see a shrink, get on meds and then read the report. 


  • Getbig IV
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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #261 on: March 07, 2016, 11:15:19 AM »
Here is the video showing clearly what happens when the bottom part of the building fails and what happens to the top, the building comes down whole to one side, you two retarded imbeciles. I show you extreme clear video or images of evidence proven the fallacy on the governments lies, but you two keep pounding in, like Gorge Carlin used to say: I love this country, but we got some dumb motherfukers living among us.

"So what is the point? 50 pounds is chicken shit, and still this explosion shows much faster and violent burst of energy, than anything you ever find from any 9/11 videos. In the WTC they have to detonate truckloads of high energy explosives, and they cannot even brake the fucking windows? With your own words, please explain that?  Grin"

Hey Ropo the retard post the videos of the twin towers coming down that you are watching, because most videos posted all over the internet show extremely clear concrete been vaporized into dust exactly like explosions  do, you dimwit, the buildings did not just crumble to the base, the twin towers were disintegrating as they went down as clear show in the videos posted above.

So you are saying that you aren't just stupid, but rather completely insane? Sorry to say, but I haven't learn how to follow the brain farts of the insane people. What fucking bottom part? What the fuck you mean? I was under the impression that we are talking about the 9/11, not some random demolition which has nothing to do with the 9/11? There is lot of original videos where you see how the collapsing of the towers start: Top of the building fall and split the bottom of the building like banana. This is a fact, so why you are still linking that crap here?

As always, the foil hat moron is unable to answer any questions? I ask you to explain how it is possible to detonate hundreds of pounds of explosives without even breaking the windows, and you start to talk about vaporized concrete? There isn't such thing nowhere else than in the foil hat imagination. Do you understand what the dust is? When building is collapsing, no matter what is the reason, there will be dust. Dust doesn't require explosions, or prove there were some, so why don't you try again? Why those hundred of kilos of explosives didn't even break the windows? Like in this video: No explosions, no flying pieces of glass, top of the building just fall's down and that's it.

 WTC 1

And here is little sample of the real explosion:

Even if you are stupid up to level of insanity, you have to realize that first two videos doesn't present anything which even remotely resembles an explosion, which you see in the third video where is quite ordinary explosion. Again, there is that violently fast burst of energy what you never see in 9/11 videos. Why don't you start to think with your own brains and try to fucking understand this simple truth? You see, in this universe everything happens by the laws of nature, and your mentors, the foil hat morons doesn't know this. That's why they talk about explosions while there isn't any. It is simple as that  ;D


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #262 on: March 07, 2016, 11:35:22 AM »
Engineers don't design structures that size to be 'just strong enough'. That's ridiculous. And it's not the steel that protects the building from gravity, it's the concrete columns which have tremendous compressive strength. Steel is merely meant to keep the concrete from twisting apart and to protect its integrity from vector type forces. Any engineer will tell you that.

So you doesn't know fuck about the construction of the steel frame buildings? Well, that isn't surprise. Exactly why they build that steel frame first, and then cover it with the concrete? Because weight supporting structure is always made first. And what the engineers do, is exactly just strong enough + few % for safety. This is a fact and common knowledge. Just as it is common knowledge that WTC towers was build with these common rules and safety margins. But what kind of engineer can predict in the 70ties, that at the 2001 some terrorist group would crash passenger jets to these buildings? It the 70ties Americans made cars without the safety belt, they claim that smoking is just healthy and good for you, and they didn't know anything about terrorist acts like this.


  • Getbig III
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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #263 on: March 07, 2016, 11:53:37 AM »
So you are saying that you aren't just stupid, but rather completely insane? Sorry to say, but I haven't learn how to follow the brain farts of the insane people. What fucking bottom part? What the fuck you mean? I was under the impression that we are talking about the 9/11, not some random demolition which has nothing to do with the 9/11? There is lot of original videos where you see how the collapsing of the towers start: Top of the building fall and split the bottom of the building like banana. This is a fact, so why you are still linking that crap here?

As always, the foil hat moron is unable to answer any questions? I ask you to explain how it is possible to detonate hundreds of pounds of explosives without even breaking the windows, and you start to talk about vaporized concrete? There isn't such thing nowhere else than in the foil hat imagination. Do you understand what the dust is? When building is collapsing, no matter what is the reason, there will be dust. Dust doesn't require explosions, or prove there were some, so why don't you try again? Why those hundred of kilos of explosives didn't even break the windows? Like in this video: No explosions, no flying pieces of glass, top of the building just fall's down and that's it.

In the video posted above,


  • Getbig V
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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #264 on: March 07, 2016, 12:02:23 PM »
The crazy part about this, is CT'ers are actually right.

The WTC's didn't comedown because of and office fire or 15 floors crashed down on 90.

Maybe they should see a shrink, get on meds and then read the report. 

So I guess this guy should go see a shrink too lol. As well as many other prolific politicians worldwide who believe the same thing..


  • Getbig V
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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #265 on: March 07, 2016, 12:07:57 PM »
So you doesn't know fuck about the construction of the steel frame buildings? Well, that isn't surprise. Exactly why they build that steel frame first, and then cover it with the concrete? Because weight supporting structure is always made first. And what the engineers do, is exactly just strong enough + few % for safety. This is a fact and common knowledge. Just as it is common knowledge that WTC towers was build with these common rules and safety margins. But what kind of engineer can predict in the 70ties, that at the 2001 some terrorist group would crash passenger jets to these buildings? It the 70ties Americans made cars without the safety belt, they claim that smoking is just healthy and good for you, and they didn't know anything about terrorist acts like this.

Concrete= compressive strength.
Steel is used because of its ability to twist and not break.

How much construction experience do you even have??


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #266 on: March 07, 2016, 12:08:23 PM »
So I guess this guy should go see a shrink too lol. As well as many other prolific politicians worldwide who believe the same thing..

you mean like how "any engineer" would say?   PS:  If you are trusting the word of a anti-Semitic politician, i have a bridge to sell to you, oh wait, you are a CT'er who is afraid of the truth just like you have demonstrated below so you probabaly are already making payments on your bridge.

Engineers don't design structures that size to be 'just strong enough'. That's ridiculous. And it's not the steel that protects the building from gravity, it's the concrete columns which have tremendous compressive strength. Steel is merely meant to keep the concrete from twisting apart and to protect its integrity from vector type forces. Any engineer will tell you that.

Physics!!!!!   ;)

Again you are wrong.  You are drawing conclusions from incorrect assumptions and inaccurate information.  If you don't like the wiki proof there is more i can post from actual engineers to show how wrong you are.

The World Trade Center towers included many structural engineering innovations in skyscraper design and construction, which allowed the buildings to reach new heights and become the tallest in the world. Traditionally, skyscrapers used a skeleton of columns distributed throughout the interior to support building loads, with interior columns disrupting the floor space. The tube-frame concept, earlier introduced by Fazlur Khan, was a major innovation, allowing open floor plans and more space to rent. The buildings used high-strength, load-bearing perimeter steel columns called Vierendeel trusses that were spaced closely together to form a strong, rigid wall structure. There were 60 perimeter columns, narrowly spaced, on each side of the buildings. In all, the perimeter walls of the towers were 210 feet (64 m) on each side, and the corners were beveled. The perimeter columns were designed to provide support for virtually all lateral loads (such as wind loads) and to share the gravity loads with the core columns.[48] Structural analysis of major portions of the World Trade Center were computed on an IBM 1620.[49]

The perimeter structure was constructed with extensive use of prefabricated modular pieces, which consisted of three columns, three stories tall, connected by spandrel plates. The perimeter columns had a square cross section, 14 inches (36 cm) on a side, and were constructed of welded steel plate.[50] The thickness of the plates and grade of structural steel varied over the height of the tower, ranging from 36,000 to 100,000 pounds per square inch[51] (260 to 670 MPa). The strength of the steel and thickness of the steel plates decreased with height because they were required to support lesser amounts of building mass on higher floors.[50] The tube-frame design required 40 percent less structural steel than conventional building designs.[52] From the 7th floor to the ground level, and down to the foundation, the columns were spaced 10 feet (3 m) apart.[53] All columns were placed on bedrock, which, unlike that in Midtown Manhattan, where the bedrock is shallow, is at 65–85 feet (20–26 m) below the surface.[54]

The spandrel plates were welded to the columns to create the modular pieces off-site at the fabrication shop.[55] The modular pieces were typically 52 inches (1.3 m) deep, and extended for two full floors and half of two more floors.[50] Adjacent modules were bolted together, with the splices occurring at mid-span of the columns and spandrels. The spandrel plates were located at each floor, transmitting shear stress between columns, allowing them to work together in resisting lateral loads. The joints between modules were staggered vertically, so the column splices between adjacent modules were not at the same floor.[50]


The tube frame design using steel core and perimeter columns protected with sprayed-on fire resistant material created a relatively lightweight structure that would sway more in response to the wind, compared to traditional structures such as the Empire State Building that have thick, heavy masonry for fireproofing of steel structural elements

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ _________

Brink, you seem reasonable, this is what happens when you don't allow yourself to fall prey to BS rhetoric.  Do some actual research and you will see there is no CT here.  


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #267 on: March 07, 2016, 12:08:52 PM »
Concrete= compressive strength.
Steel is used because of its ability to twist and not break.

How much construction experience do you even have??

still denying the truth eh?

Engineers don't design structures that size to be 'just strong enough'. That's ridiculous. And it's not the steel that protects the building from gravity, it's the concrete columns which have tremendous compressive strength. Steel is merely meant to keep the concrete from twisting apart and to protect its integrity from vector type forces. Any engineer will tell you that.

Physics!!!!!   ;)

Again you are wrong.  You are drawing conclusions from incorrect assumptions and inaccurate information.  If you don't like the wiki proof there is more i can post from actual engineers to show how wrong you are.

The World Trade Center towers included many structural engineering innovations in skyscraper design and construction, which allowed the buildings to reach new heights and become the tallest in the world. Traditionally, skyscrapers used a skeleton of columns distributed throughout the interior to support building loads, with interior columns disrupting the floor space. The tube-frame concept, earlier introduced by Fazlur Khan, was a major innovation, allowing open floor plans and more space to rent. The buildings used high-strength, load-bearing perimeter steel columns called Vierendeel trusses that were spaced closely together to form a strong, rigid wall structure. There were 60 perimeter columns, narrowly spaced, on each side of the buildings. In all, the perimeter walls of the towers were 210 feet (64 m) on each side, and the corners were beveled. The perimeter columns were designed to provide support for virtually all lateral loads (such as wind loads) and to share the gravity loads with the core columns.[48] Structural analysis of major portions of the World Trade Center were computed on an IBM 1620.[49]

The perimeter structure was constructed with extensive use of prefabricated modular pieces, which consisted of three columns, three stories tall, connected by spandrel plates. The perimeter columns had a square cross section, 14 inches (36 cm) on a side, and were constructed of welded steel plate.[50] The thickness of the plates and grade of structural steel varied over the height of the tower, ranging from 36,000 to 100,000 pounds per square inch[51] (260 to 670 MPa). The strength of the steel and thickness of the steel plates decreased with height because they were required to support lesser amounts of building mass on higher floors.[50] The tube-frame design required 40 percent less structural steel than conventional building designs.[52] From the 7th floor to the ground level, and down to the foundation, the columns were spaced 10 feet (3 m) apart.[53] All columns were placed on bedrock, which, unlike that in Midtown Manhattan, where the bedrock is shallow, is at 65–85 feet (20–26 m) below the surface.[54]

The spandrel plates were welded to the columns to create the modular pieces off-site at the fabrication shop.[55] The modular pieces were typically 52 inches (1.3 m) deep, and extended for two full floors and half of two more floors.[50] Adjacent modules were bolted together, with the splices occurring at mid-span of the columns and spandrels. The spandrel plates were located at each floor, transmitting shear stress between columns, allowing them to work together in resisting lateral loads. The joints between modules were staggered vertically, so the column splices between adjacent modules were not at the same floor.[50]


The tube frame design using steel core and perimeter columns protected with sprayed-on fire resistant material created a relatively lightweight structure that would sway more in response to the wind, compared to traditional structures such as the Empire State Building that have thick, heavy masonry for fireproofing of steel structural elements

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ _________

Brink, you seem reasonable, this is what happens when you don't allow yourself to fall prey to BS rhetoric.  Do some actual research and you will see there is no CT here.  


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #268 on: March 07, 2016, 12:12:30 PM »
Concrete= compressive strength.
Steel is used because of its ability to twist and not break.

How much construction experience do you even have??


See Brink you can't acknowledge how wrong you were because your theory starts to fall apart.


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #269 on: March 07, 2016, 12:25:37 PM »
So you are saying that you aren't just stupid, but rather completely insane? Sorry to say, but I haven't learn how to follow the brain farts of the insane people. What fucking bottom part? What the fuck you mean? I was under the impression that we are talking about the 9/11, not some random demolition which has nothing to do with the 9/11? There is lot of original videos where you see how the collapsing of the towers start: Top of the building fall and split the bottom of the building like banana. This is a fact, so why you are still linking that crap here?

As always, the foil hat moron is unable to answer any questions? I ask you to explain how it is possible to detonate hundreds of pounds of explosives without even breaking the windows, and you start to talk about vaporized concrete? There isn't such thing nowhere else than in the foil hat imagination. Do you understand what the dust is? When building is collapsing, no matter what is the reason, there will be dust. Dust doesn't require explosions, or prove there were some, so why don't you try again? Why those hundred of kilos of explosives didn't even break the windows? Like in this video: No explosions, no flying pieces of glass, top of the building just fall's down and that's it.

In the video posted above,

The video compares demolitions of much smaller buildlngs that don't look at all like what happened to the WTC's. 

but its a youtube vid so you consider it the word of the lord.

You probably think the USS Enterprise is a real intergalactic space ship too.  Because its look real.


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #270 on: March 07, 2016, 12:33:29 PM »
9/11 Truther convention at the beach!

At the bottom of each hole was a iPad set to only play youtube vids.

Their chant was "And it's not the steel that protects the building from gravity, it's the concrete columns which have tremendous compressive strength"

the convention was sponsored by Sheeple Programming Inc.


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #271 on: March 07, 2016, 01:58:19 PM »
So you are saying that you aren't just stupid, but rather completely insane? Sorry to say, but I haven't learn how to follow the brain farts of the insane people. What fucking bottom part? What the fuck you mean? I was under the impression that we are talking about the 9/11, not some random demolition which has nothing to do with the 9/11? There is lot of original videos where you see how the collapsing of the towers start: Top of the building fall and split the bottom of the building like banana. This is a fact, so why you are still linking that crap here?

As always, the foil hat moron is unable to answer any questions? I ask you to explain how it is possible to detonate hundreds of pounds of explosives without even breaking the windows, and you start to talk about vaporized concrete? There isn't such thing nowhere else than in the foil hat imagination. Do you understand what the dust is? When building is collapsing, no matter what is the reason, there will be dust. Dust doesn't require explosions, or prove there were some, so why don't you try again? Why those hundred of kilos of explosives didn't even break the windows? Like in this video: No explosions, no flying pieces of glass, top of the building just fall's down and that's it.

In the video posted above,

There is exactly what? In what fucking timestamp, so we would have a little hint what the fuck you mean? You see, that video is a piece of crap and it doesn't prove anything about anything, it is made just to fool drooling idiots like you. If we don't know what we should see in it, we see just crap.

PS. How about showing your brilliant intelligence by learning how to quote and link youtube- videos? I mean how hard is that for real?


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #272 on: March 07, 2016, 03:34:41 PM »
There is exactly what? In what fucking timestamp, so we would have a little hint what the fuck you mean? You see, that video is a piece of crap and it doesn't prove anything about anything, it is made just to fool drooling idiots like you. If we don't know what we should see in it, we see just crap.

PS. How about showing your brilliant intelligence by learning how to quote and link youtube- videos? I mean how hard is that for real?

Maybe there is a youtude vid for him to learn from.


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #273 on: March 07, 2016, 04:34:41 PM »
still denying the truth eh?

Physics!!!!!   ;)

Again you are wrong.  You are drawing conclusions from incorrect assumptions and inaccurate information.  If you don't like the wiki proof there is more i can post from actual engineers to show how wrong you are.

The World Trade Center towers included many structural engineering innovations in skyscraper design and construction, which allowed the buildings to reach new heights and become the tallest in the world. Traditionally, skyscrapers used a skeleton of columns distributed throughout the interior to support building loads, with interior columns disrupting the floor space. The tube-frame concept, earlier introduced by Fazlur Khan, was a major innovation, allowing open floor plans and more space to rent. The buildings used high-strength, load-bearing perimeter steel columns called Vierendeel trusses that were spaced closely together to form a strong, rigid wall structure. There were 60 perimeter columns, narrowly spaced, on each side of the buildings. In all, the perimeter walls of the towers were 210 feet (64 m) on each side, and the corners were beveled. The perimeter columns were designed to provide support for virtually all lateral loads (such as wind loads) and to share the gravity loads with the core columns.[48] Structural analysis of major portions of the World Trade Center were computed on an IBM 1620.[49]

The perimeter structure was constructed with extensive use of prefabricated modular pieces, which consisted of three columns, three stories tall, connected by spandrel plates. The perimeter columns had a square cross section, 14 inches (36 cm) on a side, and were constructed of welded steel plate.[50] The thickness of the plates and grade of structural steel varied over the height of the tower, ranging from 36,000 to 100,000 pounds per square inch[51] (260 to 670 MPa). The strength of the steel and thickness of the steel plates decreased with height because they were required to support lesser amounts of building mass on higher floors.[50] The tube-frame design required 40 percent less structural steel than conventional building designs.[52] From the 7th floor to the ground level, and down to the foundation, the columns were spaced 10 feet (3 m) apart.[53] All columns were placed on bedrock, which, unlike that in Midtown Manhattan, where the bedrock is shallow, is at 65–85 feet (20–26 m) below the surface.[54]

The spandrel plates were welded to the columns to create the modular pieces off-site at the fabrication shop.[55] The modular pieces were typically 52 inches (1.3 m) deep, and extended for two full floors and half of two more floors.[50] Adjacent modules were bolted together, with the splices occurring at mid-span of the columns and spandrels. The spandrel plates were located at each floor, transmitting shear stress between columns, allowing them to work together in resisting lateral loads. The joints between modules were staggered vertically, so the column splices between adjacent modules were not at the same floor.[50]


The tube frame design using steel core and perimeter columns protected with sprayed-on fire resistant material created a relatively lightweight structure that would sway more in response to the wind, compared to traditional structures such as the Empire State Building that have thick, heavy masonry for fireproofing of steel structural elements

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ _________

Brink, you seem reasonable, this is what happens when you don't allow yourself to fall prey to BS rhetoric.  Do some actual research and you will see there is no CT here.  

What's strange is you think you are absolutely true you know the truth when you can't possibly.


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Re: who believes 9/11 was as inside job
« Reply #274 on: March 07, 2016, 07:08:00 PM »
What's strange is you think you are absolutely true you know the truth when you can't possibly.

Can you dispute this with something credible or is desperate drivel all you have?