Author Topic: The WICKED truth about my training  (Read 379483 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1850 on: January 29, 2010, 12:14:28 PM »
benching has been going okay...i think the lack of carbs and the time of day I benched played a role in my energy levels.

hit 355 for 3+1rp+2rp on the final set monday which tells me I should've gone harder during the first few for atleast 4! Not bad for more than 20lbs down though!

squatting was KILLER! AWESOME DAY!

405x3 added belt
545x1 added knee wraps... and buried it and got beyond deep enough! SQUAT IT COMING BACK!! I paid for it the end of the workout I did light box SLDL's and I have just began to be able to move properly in the same area that it killed me last time. I plan to add 20lbs to the squat by the fall I HOPE!

The  idea at the moment is to rotate 455/495/545 now for awhile until I can triple 545 before attempting to retest. I also know that at this time if I go all out on squats there is no way I'll be able to pull with any sort of effort with how my back takes it.


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1851 on: January 31, 2010, 03:07:23 PM »
did a little push pressing friday instead of speed bench work to see if it makes a difference in how mondays play out.

hit 235 for 5 no problem and killed abunch of pullups.

competed in a strongman/grip challenge and took it home after placing fifth last year in it. Not bad for bringing up my lagging events and playing it smart!


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1852 on: February 03, 2010, 06:16:57 PM »
deadlifted today but the back couldn't handle it..

so i just pulled a double overhand triple with 500.

I really need to fix this problem...and I know it has to do with the heavy squatting EVERYTIME! I can't tell you how frustrated it makes me and in turn makes me even more motivated to fix this FUCKING PROBLEM!!!

if I can't push press tomorrow I'm going to go apeshit..

on a side note..i did 2 miles of a interval run at 3.5 and 8.5 for interval speeds. Felt GOOD and I'm still riding the cardio high! I think intervals might be teh thing for me since it went FAST and wasn't nearly as boring as steady state along with the fact that I got pretty loopy when it was over with in a good way. I'll take it.


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1853 on: February 03, 2010, 07:15:52 PM »
Intervals are the only way to do cardio IMO.


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1854 on: February 03, 2010, 08:54:32 PM »
dude i'm still high as a kite! I might do them daily now instead of on the off days! I like how it makes me feel!


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1855 on: February 03, 2010, 09:43:39 PM »
I used to sprint and walk around my neighborhood and couldn't go more than a day without it, haha! I lost 110lbs in 6 months with that sick obsession.

I hit the elliptical on intervals when I have down time, but none lately. Keep it up!


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1856 on: February 04, 2010, 03:37:02 PM »
stomped the shit out of some push press! VERY happy with this!!!

back is still reeling from the pulling but I sucked it up and got it done.. first two reps went easily but I swear I missed lockout 8 times with the 3rd before finally doing what I had to do and finished the set with the best rep of the three ad stomped it out.

REALLy starting to love this exercise...followed up with some dumbbell work and will do hit cardio after my bootcamp class


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1857 on: February 10, 2010, 09:47:03 AM »

overhead barbell tricep extensions

135x8x5...5 sets with 135 on some solid strict overhead extensions with the barbell...triceps LOVE this exercise!

pressdowns for 5 sets of 15

5 sets of pullups in all directions

5 sets of lat pulldowns for 15

5 sets of seated plate loaded rows up to 6 plates a side for 10

now THAT is bringing back the old me...

BW of 249.7 this am after my first meal... SOLID SHIT RIGHT THERE!!! basically looking at myself I feel another 30lbs is right about where I'll wanna be and look solid. Tried tanning for the first thighs are so big I can't close the damn tanning bed on me without having to hold it down with one hand the whole time. THATA BOY!


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1858 on: February 11, 2010, 10:32:28 AM »
leg day yesterday was both good and bad...

back seized up on the last set of 315 on squats...BUT my squat form was impeccable and I could not only see but FEEL a huge difference in power and setup. It's finally clicked in me how to squat!

worked up to 315 for 5 in a belt

did 5 sets of 10 with a light band for back extensions

did 10 sets of 12 on leg extensions

did 10 sets of 12 on leg curls..

did some machine crunches with timed hold and went on home after 35 mins of steady state cardio at 135bpm.

248.5 this am.


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1859 on: February 12, 2010, 12:30:54 PM »
not sure of the weight today but i've WAY under eaten thsu far and i'm feeling it. going to make the best out of the rest of the day..been crazy here with all the snow and work and what not.

hit 4 sets of 10 with 135 for some easy upright rows
4 sets of 10 with 185 with OHP
couple sets on the biceps and left..back is seizing hard...guess i need to finally break down adn focus on rehab for a few months.

and even seeing myself say that...breaks a part of me..

it's all for the end game though.. it's part of the road i walk.


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1860 on: February 15, 2010, 10:18:53 PM »
weight loss is slow and steady and getting my eating in order has been a problem...but i'll be switching to more shakes to save this thing yet.

did some benching..worked up to 365 for a solid triple

did 7 sets of pullups for 10 or more each and followed that up with a couple sets of swimmer's rows (awesome exercise I made up..) Need to hit the tri's tomorrow.


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1861 on: February 16, 2010, 02:13:38 PM »
I used to sprint and walk around my neighborhood and couldn't go more than a day without it, haha! I lost 110lbs in 6 months with that sick obsession.

I hit the elliptical on intervals when I have down time, but none lately. Keep it up!

Back when i was training seriously, i used to drive to the local school at 6am 3 days a week and run straights and curves for about 30 mins. I remember losing a lot of weight pretty quickly and my calves blew up about an inch in 3 months.

Intervals are the only thing i will do for cardio these days besides a few kickboxing drills.

Good work wicked! Be careful in those tanning beds, i had one malfunction on me one time and give me about 7 extra minutes and i was in some of the worst pain of my life for about 3 days from the burns.



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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1862 on: February 22, 2010, 11:09:55 PM »
haha yeah i've been leary definately...

intervals are going well and i'm liking how my body is starting to look..not just big anymore but actually looks like i know how to lift. I've also been making sure my meal timing is perfect and plan to be in teh 230's come next week. Intervals are indeed the only way to go. When I hit my meals right the workouts are still blistering!

benched today..


jm presses


5 sets of 20!


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1863 on: February 22, 2010, 11:13:23 PM »
I think I'm going to stick with the current state of things too. Body seems to be liking rep outs and rotating in heavier benching so often. Seems to keep overall strength and power on the level without making me achey or worried about too much muscle loss from overtraing WHILE training. I think I'm going to continue push pressing also up to 225 for higher reps for awhile atleast until the back is better before pushing forward towards heavier singles and doubles. Stick with that..hit jms on bench day and overhead barbell extensions on push press day and keep hitting the pullups both days and I'll be fine..or I might switch the pullups to something else like a dumbbell row or heavy seated row out for it instead.

if my body keeps holding on like it is..and i play to squat LIGHT again wednesday and saturday..i think i'll be okay come this fall and atleast be able to hit my target lifts again of 545 and 635 squat and dead and potentially move up things in the bench to 400+ in a comp. All at 220-230 raw.


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1864 on: February 25, 2010, 02:16:35 PM »
intervals are going well and i'm liking how my body is starting to look..not just big anymore but actually looks like i know how to lift. 

This is something that i always laugh about. I get more compliments on how big i have gotten "after" i have dropped 30 pounds of fat. When i weighed in the 250's i just looked like a big country dude, but when i cut down to around 215-220 everyone was like "damn dude you are getting huge!". It's amazing how being leaner can give you a larger, more muscular appearance when you actually have lost 30 pounds of fat.



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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1865 on: February 26, 2010, 12:36:14 PM »
HAHAHA dude people keep asking me what I'm on...i'm like...seriously? I just lost a shitload of weight!

Did push press yesterday..stayed light but worked hard. Hit 225 for 16 reps. Did 8 sets of pullups with different grips, Did some hanging press outs, and some tricep pressdowns and called it a day. REALLY feeling the old me coming back.

interval run tonight...and I'm actually looking forward to it.


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1866 on: March 01, 2010, 10:59:17 AM »
Lookin' good stud  :-*



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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1867 on: March 02, 2010, 04:54:47 AM »
You dont talk to a guy in a while, and come back to see him kicking but, and ripping up. If i really tried im sure i could dislike u lol.

It isn't the mountains ah


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1868 on: March 02, 2010, 07:58:14 AM »
haha i'm really starting to wreck some shop..alot of intensity is coming back that I lacked here for awhile.

benched yesterday..worked up to 365 for 5 with the last rep being the best and most technically sound.

hit jm presses for 3 sets of 15 up to 155 with a wider grip to make my shoulder stop grinding and turned out it hit my tris better.

5 sets of 20 pullups with varying grips. Good day!


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1869 on: March 02, 2010, 08:01:08 AM »

where i started...277

and where I'm at now as of last night at 246...yeah gained a few back.. but the BF is dropping!


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1870 on: March 02, 2010, 08:35:49 AM »
Looking solid bro!

You could really make a run at the 220's if you tried.

Good luck!



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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1871 on: March 02, 2010, 09:44:08 AM »
that's the plan! 220's..1600+ total...with abs on the podium HA!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1872 on: March 02, 2010, 10:07:48 AM »
Scary, scary stuff. Im trying hard mate lol.

It isn't the mountains ah


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1873 on: March 04, 2010, 09:25:50 PM »
carb cycling fucking blows... no other way to say it...

push pressed 265 easily and barely missed 280 at lock out..couple more weeks and i'll throw down on it again. Just didn't have enough drive out of the hole due to my back...and finished with 225 for 10 straight no problem.

hit 315 for 10 sldl's yesterday and didn't feel it much today until i push pressed..the rest of the week will be VERY easy on it.  The sldl's were uncomfortable but seemed to get better throughout the exercise. Hmm...

5 sets of 20 on bw dips and 3 sets of supinated pullups for 20 since most of my ab work involves pullups now of some form.

good day in the gym.


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1874 on: March 07, 2010, 03:27:26 PM »
carb cycling fucking blows... no other way to say it...
