Author Topic: B's Loggg  (Read 18163 times)


  • Getbig II
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Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #25 on: August 29, 2007, 10:20:40 PM »
Wednesday Aug 29


Super Set
V-Bar Pushdown 100x10 110 x10 120x10
Rope Pushdown   100x10  110x10  120x10

Skull Crusher Machine 100x10 100x10 100x10

Dip-Machine 130x12 130x12 130x12
Bench Dips  bodyweight 3 sets til failure


Standing DB Curls  45x10 50x10 55x10 60x8---> drop set 30x15
EZ Bar Preachers   90x15 90x12 90x11---->drop set 60x10
Reverse Grip BB Curls  60x10 60x10 60x10---Drop sets 50x10--->40x8

** tonight was one of those nights I get to the gym 35 minters b4 it closes.  These are some of my best workouts.  I squeezed this workout into half the time it usually takes.  Almost no rest between sets with a lot of super sets.  Obviously you cant do this all the time but  WOW was I in pain.  Lets just say I couldn't make a phone call on the way home bc my hands were shaking so much. :)


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #26 on: August 30, 2007, 09:24:38 PM »
Thursday Aug 30


Squats 135x15 185x12 225x10 275x10 315x10
Leg Press 4 platesx15   6 plates x12   8 platesX12   10 platesX10 12platesX10----> drop set 6plates X 25

** then I did my calves routine as explained before**

**short workout...I know Im making excuses but I have a 10 hour drive tomorrow night and I didnt want to be terribly sore like I usually am after leg workouts..
**its VACATION TIME!!! so I wont be making any post for about 8 days..Im actually taking this time away from the gym as well. Ill be back soon ready to attack the gym with a new attitude**


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #27 on: September 10, 2007, 12:16:24 PM »
Im back from my week long vacation.  This is the first time in a while Ive taken time off from the gym completely for a week.  Im a little anxious to see what has happened to my strength.  I guess Ill find out in a couple hours................... .


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #28 on: September 10, 2007, 04:16:45 PM »
Monday, Sept 10


BB Flat Bench Press 135x10 185x10 225x10 275x8 315x5
BB Incline Bench Press 185x10 225x10 245x8
DB Incline Press 85's x 10  95's x 10  105's x 10

High-Pulley Crossover  65x10 70x10 75x10
Low-Pulley Crossover   40x10 45x10 50x10

**took it kind of easy today since this was my first day back after about 10 days off**


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2007, 10:14:25 AM »
Tuesday, Sept. 11


Standing DB Curls 40's x 10 50's x10 55's 10
Preacher Curls 4 sets x 12 reps done with 85 lbs *extra resistance provided by partner on negative portion. trying to hold the negative portion to a 5-8 count**
Buddy Curls **as described previously Wed. Aug. 22 done with 50 lb straight bar**


Super Set
EZ Bar Pushdown 100x10 110 x10 120x10
Rope Pushdown   100x10  110x10  120x10

Machine Shull Crushers 100x10 110x10 120x10

Machine Dips 80x15 80x15 80x15
Bench Dips (body weight) 3 sets til failure.


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #30 on: September 17, 2007, 08:07:55 PM »
** took off a few days last week....had a lot of shit going on**

Monday September 17

BB Flat Bench Press  135x15 185x12 225x10 275x10
BB Incline Bench Press 185x12 225x8 275x5
DB Incline Flyes  55s x 12  65s x 10   70s x 10

High-Pulley Cable Crossovers 3 sets of 70s x 12
Low-Pulley Cable Crossovers  3 sets of 40s x12

Pec Deck 3 sets of 120x10


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #31 on: September 17, 2007, 08:18:02 PM »
so Ive been kind of slacking for the past couple months.  Just had a lot of stuff going on and being out of town a lot.So its time to get serious.  Im going to start some serious workouts and posting a lot more information including my nutrition stats which is something I have never been very serious about.  So I may be off on my nutrition and def need some guidance.


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #32 on: September 18, 2007, 08:33:04 PM »
Tuesday, Sept 18


Deadlifts  135x15 185x15 225x10 315x8
Pull-Downs  140x10  170x10 190x10 210x8
Pulls Ups   45 total reps...took 6 sets
BB Rows  135x12x3
T-Bar Machine  2 plates x 12  115x10 3 plates x 10
Reverse Flye 110x10x3
Hyperextensions  3 sets of 15

....yeah I did way too much shit tonight**


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #33 on: September 19, 2007, 07:28:03 PM »
Wednesday, Sept. 19


BB Shoulder Press 95x12 95x12 135x10 135x10 185x10
DB Front Raise 20s x 10  25s x 10 30s x 10 35s x 10

BB Upright Row 75x12 95x10 115x10
DB Bent Over Row 20s x 10 20s x 10 20s x 10

DB Shrugs 80s x 10 90s x 10 95s x 10

  **45 minutes on the elliptical**
  **30 minutes on bike**


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #34 on: September 20, 2007, 07:07:23 PM »
Thursday, Sept. 20


BB Standing Curls
EZ Bar Preacher Curls
Alternating Cable Curls
Rope Curls

Rope Pushdowns
V-Bar Pushdowns
Dip Machine
Bench Dips

Skull Crusher Machine

**20 minutes on elliptical**
**30 minutes on bike**


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #35 on: September 22, 2007, 10:06:33 AM »
Friday, Sept. 22

** the other day my lifting partner and I decided that each week we would lift one body part twice.  Placing it on the first and last day of the split and alternating which body part from week to week.  The second workout will be drastically different from our normal routines, using hgher reps ranges and fewer overall sets.  No real logic to this but just a way to change it up and see if we get any kind of response to this training.  The following was the 2nd chest workout of the week**


BB Incline Bench Press 95x20 135x15 185x12 225x10 245x6
DB Flat Flyes  55s x 15   60s x 15  70s x 12
Pec Deck  100x10 120x10  130x10
Precor Cable Press  180x10 190x10 200x10


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #36 on: September 25, 2007, 07:58:03 PM »
Tuesday, Sept 24


BB Squat 135x12  135x12 185x12 225x10 275x8 *drop set* 135x15
Machine Hack Squat  4 plates x 12 (+25's) x 12  6 plates x 10
Leg Press  8 Plates x15  10 plates x 12  10 plates x 12
Leg Extension  rack x 12 x 3 sets

Straight-legged DL 105x12x3sets
Hyperextensions  holding 25lb plate x 12 x 3 sets

so I dont know how to show my calf workout in the standard formart so Ill just explain.  Load the seated calf raise machine with a 45 35 25 and 10 pound plates. Start with ten reps of this weight.  Have your partner strip the 10 lb plate.  10 reps at this weight and so on down until there is just the 45 lb plate left. No rest while changing the weight. Holding the weight at the high point.  Deep stretch for each rep.  I do 3 sets of this. One toes pointed straight, one toes out,one toes in.


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #37 on: September 26, 2007, 07:57:17 PM »
Wednesday, Sept 26


Standing EZ-Bar Curls  85x15 85x15 105x10 125x10 135x8
Standing DB Curls  40s x 12 45s x10 50s x 8 55s x 6
Bent Bar Cable Curls    rack x 3 sets until failure
DB Concentration Curls 40 x 3 sets until failure


V-Bar Pushdowns  110x10 110x10  120x10
Rope Pushdowns   110x10  110x10  120x10

Standing DB Overhead Extensions 85x12 95x10 105x10
Bench Dips (bodyweight)  3 sets until failure


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #38 on: September 27, 2007, 06:52:59 PM »
Thursday, Sept. 27


BB Flat Bench Press  135x12   185x12  225x10  275x10 **drop set  135 until failure**
DB Flat Flyes  55s x 12  60s x 12 65s x 10 70s x 10
BB Incline Press  135x15 185x10 225x7  **drop set  135 until failure**
DB Incline Press  80s x 10   85s x 10   90x 8

Pec Deck  110x12  130x12 140x12
Precor Cable Press  70s x 10 x 3 sets

Push Up Circuit

**so tonight I started to notice Im starting to feel a lot better in the gym.  Ive been really concetrating on my nutrition for the past 2 weeks or so.  The reason I say better is because I had been going through some health issues most of the summer where I would sometimes get pretty dizzy half way through a workout.  My workouts were suffering pretty bad.  I almost developed a fear of this dizzy feeling and didnt want to push myself too had.  Doctors didnt help much saying they couldnt find anything.  Im at about 3500 cals with 325 g of protein with varying amounts of clean carbs and healthy fats.  Next week Im going to reduce the cals to 3300 or so**


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #39 on: October 01, 2007, 07:16:16 PM »
Monday, Oct. 1


BB Incline Bench 135x15 185x12 225x8 275x6 **drop set 135x10**
DB Flat Flyes 60s x 12  65s x 10   70s x 8
BB Flat Bench  135x20 185x15   "21's method" w/135"  OUCH!
Incline Cable Flyes 60s x 12  70s x 12  75s x10 **drop set 45s x 10**

30 minutes on elliptical
15 minutes on treadmill
20 minutes on step-machine


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #40 on: October 02, 2007, 06:39:47 PM »
Tuesday, Oct. 2,


BB Squats  135x15  185x12  225x10 275x10 295x8 *drop set-->135X20*
Hack Sled  4 plates X 10  6 plates X 10  6 plates X 10  6 plates x 10
Leg Press   8 plates x 12     10 plates X 12  10 plates X10  12 plates X 10
Lying Leg Curl   130x12x 3 sets
Seated Calf Raises  *done as described in previous workouts*

"involuntary leg spasms!! look at the show!!" ~ just thought of this Ben Stiller quote from Dodgeball when my legs were shaking walking down the stairs to leave the gym...haha


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #41 on: October 03, 2007, 11:30:04 PM »
Wednesday, Oct. 3


B-N-P  135x12  135x12 155x10 185x10
BB Upright Row  90x12 110x10 120x10

DB Front Raise 
DB Laterals 

Reverse Flye Machine

Incline DB Reverse Flyes


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #42 on: October 04, 2007, 07:43:48 PM »
Thursday, Oct 4


BB Curls 65x12 85x10 105x10 135x8 **drop sets @105x6,75x10**
DB Preacher Curls(One-Handed) 25x16 35x12 40x10 **drop set 25x10**
Laying Cable Curls 130x12  150x12  180x12

Smith Machine Close-Grip Presses  135x15   185x12  235x12 **drop sets @ 185x12,135,8
Rope Over-Head Extentions  130x10  150x10 170x10
Skull Crushers w/forced negatives (yes...I trust my spotter!! haha)  100x12  100x10 100x8

60 minutes on the step machine


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #43 on: October 05, 2007, 08:09:39 PM »
Friday, Oct. 5

Only cardio today....

45 minutes on elliptical
30 minutes on step-machine


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #44 on: October 08, 2007, 06:43:36 PM »
Sunday, Oct 7.

I lifted "lower back" only today bc I had to squeeze my workout in before the Steeler game!!!haha

Deads  135x15 185x12 225x10 275x10 295x8 315x6
DB SLDL  80's x 12 x 3
Hyperextensions w/25 lb plate  3 sets x 10


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #45 on: October 08, 2007, 06:52:23 PM »
Monday, Oct. 8


DB Flat Flyes  55s x 10  60s x 10  65s x 10  70s x 10
BB Incline Bench Press  135x10  185x10 225x8  275x3 ??? dropset  135x12
DB Incline Flyes 60s x 10  65s x 10  70s x 10  75s x 8
BB Flat Bench  "21s method"  3 sets @135
Pec Deck   2 sets @ 130x10
Cable Cross-Overs 2 sets @ 55s x 10
Push-Up Circuit as previously described

25 minutes on step machine

**yeah I clearly did way too many sets tonight...just didnt feel like leaving the gym**


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #46 on: October 10, 2007, 10:51:05 PM »
Wednesday, October 10


Straight  BB Curls  65x15 85x12 105x10 115x8 dropsets 85x10 , 55x15
One Arm DB Preacher Curls  30x12 35x10 25x12
Rope Curls  140x12x3
DB Concentrtion Curls 30x10x3
Buddy Curls 

V-Bar Pressdowns  110x10x3
Straight Bar Pressdowns 110x10x3

Standing DB 2-Hand Overhead Extention  85x10  90x10 95x10
DB Kickbacks   30x10x3
Rope Overhead Pressdowns  90x10x3

40 minutes on elliptical
20 minutes on step machine


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #47 on: October 11, 2007, 10:05:12 PM »
Thursday, Oct. 11


Pull-Ups 4 sets 50 total reps
T-Bar Rows 2 plates x 12  3x10  4 plates x 8 **drop sets @ 3,2 plates
Seated Cable Rows 160x10 180x10 210x10
Unilateral Pulldowns 90x10 110x10 110x10 **drop set @ 80x15
BB Shrugs 185x12 225x12 275x10

DB SLDL  3 sets  40's x 12
Hyperextentions w/25 lb plate 3 sets x 12


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #48 on: October 13, 2007, 01:15:10 PM »
Friday, Oct. 12


Squats 135x12  185x12 225x10 275x10 315x10 **dropset 135x15**

Hack Sled  4 platesx12 6 plates x 12 8 plates x 12
Lying Leg Curls  130x15 by 3 sets
DB Lunges 40's x 12 by 3 sets

**calves as described in previous workouts**


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 158
Re: B's Loggg
« Reply #49 on: October 14, 2007, 03:50:57 PM »
Sunday, Oct. 14


**no pressing movements today b/c my schedule got messed up and Im lifting chest tomorrow..thats my logic and Im sticking to it...haha**

DB Front Raise 25x12 30x12 35x12 DROP 15X15
Upright Row  90X12X3

Cable Lateral Raise 30X10X3
Cable Bent Over Raise 30X10X3