Author Topic: The Censoring of 240  (Read 4586 times)


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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #25 on: September 30, 2007, 05:03:30 PM »
What happened exactly? I've always thought the mods on this board were very good in regards to deleting and moving posts.

What happened was 240 responded to a post in a very polite, dignified, and professional manner.
He was articulate, backed up his position with facts etc., only to be personally attack, by a moderator.

Beach Bum did not attack his argument, or his position, ...he attacked him.
He attempted to belittle and demean him, dismiss his voice altogether, and told him to stick to cooking recipes.
It was in my opinion, conduct very unbecoming of an officer. It was insulting, and offensive, sexist, and misogynistic, and offended not only to target of the attack, but also to the readers of this board to whom the attack was not targetted.

When 240 suggested that perhaps that tone of rhetoric was not conducive to civil discussion or debate, Beach Bum repeatedly abused his power as moderator by immediately removing 240's comments, without so much as even a link or response in an impotent attempt to censor 240 and squelch any discussion or input from other readers. He then had the audacity to call him childish for refusing to be ridden roughshod over.

It was in my opinion a very poor display of moderation, ...and I believe his unprovoked personal attack on 240 is the type of response that lowers the level of discussion on these boards. Ad hominem attacks have no place in any mature discussion. Attack the argument, not the person.


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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #26 on: September 30, 2007, 05:11:40 PM »
What happened was 240 responded to a post in a very polite, dignified, and professional manner.
He was articulate, backed up his position with facts etc., only to be personally attack, by a moderator.

Beach Bum did not attack his argument, or his position, ...he attacked him.
He attempted to belittle and demean him, dismiss his voice altogether, and told him to stick to cooking recipes.
It was in my opinion, conduct very unbecoming of an officer. It was insulting, and offensive, sexist, and misogynistic, and offended not only to target of the attack, but also to the readers of this board to whom the attack was not targetted.

When 240 suggested that perhaps that tone of rhetoric was not conducive to civil discussion or debate, Beach Bum repeatedly abused his power as moderator by immediately removing 240's comments, without so much as even a link or response in an impotent attempt to censor 240 and squelch any discussion or input from other readers. He then had the audacity to call him childish for refusing to be ridden roughshod over.

It was in my opinion a very poor display of moderation, ...and I believe his unprovoked personal attack on 240 is the type of response that lowers the level of discussion on these boards. Ad hominem attacks have no place in any mature discussion. Attack the argument, not the person.


Maybe Beach Bum should say what every other mod says when this happens. You know... the old "there are 40 other boards to post on if you're not happy" line. :)

People get moderated/edited/deleted/moved/merged all the time. Why all the righteous indignation in this case?


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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #27 on: September 30, 2007, 05:12:13 PM »
Ok. Exactly what part of "the rest of the mods" don't you comprehend? No offence.

Questions, Comments, Complaints or Suggestions for Ron and the rest of the mods.

I comprehend "the rest of the mods" just fine.

The problem here is not my comprehension of "the rest of the mods", it appears to be YOUR lack of comprehension of the words "for the benefit and contribution of the readers & posters to the Political board"


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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #28 on: September 30, 2007, 05:13:47 PM »
What happened was 240 responded to a post in a very polite, dignified, and professional manner.
He was articulate, backed up his position with facts etc., only to be personally attack, by a moderator.

Beach Bum did not attack his argument, or his position, ...he attacked him.
He attempted to belittle and demean him, dismiss his voice altogether, and told him to stick to cooking recipes.
It was in my opinion, conduct very unbecoming of an officer. It was insulting, and offensive, sexist, and misogynistic, and offended not only to target of the attack, but also to the readers of this board to whom the attack was not targetted.

When 240 suggested that perhaps that tone of rhetoric was not conducive to civil discussion or debate, Beach Bum repeatedly abused his power as moderator by immediately removing 240's comments, without so much as even a link or response in an impotent attempt to censor 240 and squelch any discussion or input from other readers. He then had the audacity to call him childish for refusing to be ridden roughshod over.

It was in my opinion a very poor display of moderation, ...and I believe his unprovoked personal attack on 240 is the type of response that lowers the level of discussion on these boards. Ad hominem attacks have no place in any mature discussion. Attack the argument, not the person.

You claim the attack on 240 or Bust was unprovoked. Ok.

What are your thoughts on Beach Bum claiming that 240 or Bust had compared Beach to an elementary school kid prior to it?

lol.  We weren't having a debate.   :)

Just so we're clear on the sequence of events:

1.  You responded to one of my posts by comparing me to an elementary school kid. 

2.  I responded to your ad hominem post by telling you to buy a Cooking for Dummies book.
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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #29 on: September 30, 2007, 05:23:24 PM »
I comprehend "the rest of the mods" just fine.

The problem here is not my comprehension of "the rest of the mods", it appears to be YOUR lack of comprehension of the words "for the benefit and contribution of the readers & posters to the Political board"

I comprehend just fine, LOL!

My point is... it has been made abundantly clear that mods determine appropriate forum content. I too was wrong in thinking the posters determine a forum's content/flavor. Please don't take my trying to alleviate you of the same misconception in the wrong spirit.  :-*


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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #30 on: September 30, 2007, 05:28:26 PM »
You claim the attack on 240 or Bust was unprovoked. Ok.

What are your thoughts on Beach Bum claiming that 240 or Bust had compared Beach to an elementary school kid prior to it?

Where in that thread did 240 do that? ...Or are we talking about past grudges from previous discussion wherein BeachBum used elementary schoolchild tactics?  As I said before attack the argument, not the person. Somethings can be humourous, ...but a steady diet of infantile juvenile behaviour gets real, stale real fast. And Beach Bum's tactics have gotten very stale.

It has always been my position that if one is going to accept the power & authority that comes with being a mod, they had better be prepared to raise the standard of their posts. For the most part, all the other mods on this board have risen to the occasion superbly... with the occasional lapse here & there. It's understandable, we're all human, and there are stressors taking place in all our lives that may affect the quality of our posting from time-to-time, so I won't make a federal case over the occasional lapse, ...but in Beach Bum's case, it doesn't appear to be a temporary lapse, but a Modus Operandai, one which in my opinion will bring this board down to the standards found on the alphabet boards.

OsmO, and Berserker have done an excellent job of setting the tone for this board. And the readers and contributors have done a fine job in maintaining those standards. It would be a shame to see it lowered by someone who is of all things a moderator.


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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #31 on: September 30, 2007, 05:30:42 PM »
I comprehend just fine, LOL!

My point is... it has been made abundantly clear that mods determine appropriate forum content. I too was wrong in thinking the posters determine a forum's content/flavor. Please don't take my trying to alleviate you of the same misconception in the wrong spirit.  :-*

Jake, my comment was in response to and directed towards Hedgehog.


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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #32 on: September 30, 2007, 05:36:38 PM »
Jake, my comment was in response to and directed towards Hedgehog.

Should have paid better attention.

Sip the Kool-aid anyways. :)


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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #33 on: September 30, 2007, 05:39:52 PM »
Where in that thread did 240 do that?

BB, your assertion that they hate us because we exist, and they don't hate other countries because they don't care... well, it's something I'd expect from an elementary school student trying to explain it. 

What happened was 240 responded to a post in a very polite, dignified, and professional manner.
He was articulate, backed up his position with facts etc., only to be personally attack, by a moderator.

Honest question jaguar...

How much of the exchange between 240 or Bust and Beach Bum have you read?
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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #34 on: September 30, 2007, 05:41:26 PM »

Honest question jaguar...

How much of the exchange between 240 or Bust and Beach Bum have you read?

reading comprehension has never been her strong suit.  she blames it on lack of access to good schools when she was a young 'un, many moons ago.


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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #35 on: September 30, 2007, 05:58:01 PM »

Honest question jaguar...

How much of the exchange between 240 or Bust and Beach Bum have you read?

I read it. It appears you read it as well, ...but simply didn't COMPREHEND IT!

So I'll include his partial quote below, and will even highlight the relevant points for the benefit of ALL

yes, we back israel,  as they are a strategic partner.  you can argue agains tthe validity of israel's right to be there, but it's like they are there.  If Rus decided to surprise nuke us, Israel would nuke Russia.  Part of MAD.

They hate us becase we interfere with what happens in their part of the world.

BB, your assertion that they hate us because we exist, and they don't hate other countries because they don't care... well, it's something I'd expect from an elementary school student trying to explain it.  THey hate us because we back Israel.  Fuck em, I could care less.  They hate us because we buy more of thei oil than anyone else, and keep prices low thru smart relationships - fuck em on that one too.  They hate us for our religion.  Yes, fuck em again.  I don't care if they hate us.  I don't want to bomb another country because they don't like us.  In case you haven't noticed, the majority of americans hate THEM too.  So be it.  You always fear the unknown, and they are a scary unknown. 

Now if they go from hating us to ATTACKING us - well then I say we cook em, plain and simple. 

I could care less about what they like/dislike about us.  But have some honesty, BB.  THey don't hate us for no reason, it's not random.  They hate us because we exploit their resources and back a country which took land from their ally. 

As you can clearly see, what 240 attacked was Beach Bum's ASSERTION!
He did not compare Beach Bum to an elementary school kid, he stated his ASSERTION, his ARGUMENT was comparable to that of an elementary school kid.


"Your assertion" means it was Beach Bum's argument that was attacked by 240, not Beach Bum himself.
His response to 240 was a sexist, misogynistic, ad hominem, innappropriate personal attack on 240.

Are you beginning to comprehend this now? I'm embarrassed for both you & Al-Gebra.  :-[

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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #36 on: September 30, 2007, 06:11:54 PM »
yeah, I go out of my way to try to avoid attacking people.

But I can attack his arguemnt.  I thought he'd attack mine back.  But he elevated it to a personal nature.

BEach Bum does say things that are sexist, insulting, and immature.  He still never told us why we are hated - but he spent the day insulting my house situation.  This was, of course, after he deleted my responses calling for a stop to this kind of behavior.

That's fine, if you guys are willing to settle for that kind of garbage here. I guess you're okay with a dog shitting on your porch, as long as it's a cute and witty dog.  Tomorrow, he'll remove this very valid and important thread to the nether region of the complaints board.  He'll continue insulting people as he chooses and deleting their responses.  Those of you who are okay with it are sporting an interesting point of view here.  You either don't mind your discussions becomeing derailed and watered down by ignorant, sexist interjections.  Or you're just happy the tyranny isn't affecting you (yet).

Either way, youre settling for mediocrity.  His argument really was of an elementary school leve.  I don't think anyone here will dispute that.  I could easily hear a 5th graders saying "they hate us because we exist and they dont hate others cause they dont matter".  In middle school, at least you'd hear some specific examples, not something vague and odd.

I guess we're now at a point where a moderator can start personal insults, remove all responses, and brag about who he'll do it again in the future.  You can settle for this level of garbage, or you can hold your political board *and its mods) to a higher standard.


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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #37 on: September 30, 2007, 06:15:52 PM »

As you can clearly see, what 240 attacked was Beach Bum's ASSERTION!
He did not compare Beach Bum to an elementary school kid, he stated his ASSERTION, his ARGUMENT was comparable to that of an elementary school kid.

How is that not a personal attack?

What happened was 240 responded to a post in a very polite, dignified, and professional manner.

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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #38 on: September 30, 2007, 06:16:24 PM »
yeah, I go out of my way to try to avoid attacking people.

you are a self-righteous lying nincompoop . . . hth.

you've always trades personal attacks w the best of them (including me) . . . the only reason you're pissed at bb is b/c he has more 'power' than you do on this board . . . and it chaps your hide.

now go change a diaper or wash dishes or something.  

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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #39 on: September 30, 2007, 06:17:50 PM »
you are a self-righteous lying nincompoop . . . hth.

you've always trades personal attacks w the best of them (including me) . . . the only reason you're pissed at bb is b/c he has more 'power' than you do on this board . . . and it chaps your hide.

now go change a diaper or wash dishes or something.  

LOL You've followed me to a dozen threads today.

I own your Sunday.  Sounds like YOU'RE the one dealing with shitty diapers. ;)


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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #40 on: September 30, 2007, 06:19:39 PM »
LOL You've followed me to a dozen threads today.

I own your Sunday.  Sounds like YOU'RE the one dealing with shitty diapers. ;)

 :'( :'( :'( :'(WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :'( :'( :'(

240 said he owned my sunday and that i have a lot of shit in my life.

I'm going to start eight different threads about it and imply that all floridians are homosexuals.   ::)


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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #41 on: September 30, 2007, 06:28:45 PM »
How is that not a personal attack?

240 attacked the argument, not the person.

If one is so attached to his/her opinion to such an extent that any disagreement with such an opinion is considered personal, then perhaps they are too sensitive to share their opinions with others in a public forum, and certainly too sensitive to have the ability to censor, more, or moderate any discussion.


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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #42 on: September 30, 2007, 06:32:34 PM »
240 attacked the argument, not the person.

If one is so attached to his/her opinion to such an extent that any disagreement with such an opinion is considered personal, then perhaps they are too sensitive to share their opinions with others in a public forum, and certainly too sensitive to have the ability to censor, more, or moderate any discussion.

What do you think of 240 or Bust's attack?
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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #43 on: September 30, 2007, 06:39:04 PM »
What do you think of 240 or Bust's attack?

I thought 240's attack on Beach Bum's argument was a valid one.
The initial assertion that was disputed by Beach Bum struck me as typical of someone who was simply parroting a line of propaganda heard elsewhere without having delved into any thoughtful attempt to get to the root of the reasons.


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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #44 on: September 30, 2007, 06:47:49 PM »
What happened was 240 responded to a post in a very polite, dignified, and professional manner.
He was articulate, backed up his position with facts etc., only to be personally attack, by a moderator.

What facts did he use?

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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #45 on: September 30, 2007, 07:38:11 PM »
:'( :'( :'( :'(WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :'( :'( :'(

240 said he owned my sunday and that i have a lot of shit in my life.

I'm going to start eight different threads about it and imply that all floridians are homosexuals.   ::)

You're starting to rival Mr. I. in sheer volume of anger fueled posts. Ultimately these are just words on a screen typed by anonymous people that you'll never know in the real world.

Whether you or I like him or not 240 adds quite a bit of entertainment/conversation to this board. The hate a few people show towards him is mystifying.

It's a message board for schit's sake.


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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #46 on: September 30, 2007, 07:51:27 PM »
You're starting to rival Mr. I. in sheer volume of anger fueled posts. Ultimately these are just words on a screen typed by anonymous people that you'll never know in the real world.

Whether you or I like him or not 240 adds quite a bit of entertainment/conversation to this board. The hate a few people show towards him is mystifying.

It's a message board for schit's sake.

if I were angry, I wouldn't take it out on a message board. but thanks for sharing anyway.


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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #47 on: September 30, 2007, 07:56:53 PM »
if I were angry, I wouldn't need to take it out on a message board. but thanks for sharing anyway.

You're welcome, and thank you for sharing all your anger. I've read about 20 rage filled posts of yours in random threads in the last 10 minutes and they've all left me chuckling at how serious you take all this.

Keep up the good work.


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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #48 on: September 30, 2007, 07:58:06 PM »
LOL You've followed me to a dozen threads today.

I own your Sunday. 

seemed appropriate for ieffin.  :D


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Re: The Censoring of 240
« Reply #49 on: September 30, 2007, 08:04:29 PM »
Ouch, looks like someone's a little sensitive.

Sorry, this will be my last post directed at you. What's the total now 3? You might want to get that restraining order filed. That many posts and the police start taking notice. Although considering you've directed about 35 at 240 in the three threads I've read you might not want to be throwing stones, those glass houses are a bitch.