Author Topic: My 3 phase project  (Read 196511 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #175 on: April 27, 2011, 02:42:21 PM »
But you will be right back to blabbing about yourself...and only your retarded language in no time. And posting pics of Zane as if you have that type of body, and posting lyrics as if you had something to do with them.

Allright fair enough, it's true that I'm very self-centered and even self-obsessed. But I haven't reverted to my "retarded lanugage" so much over the past few weeks. And as far as me posting pics of Zane because I think that I look like him or have his type of body. Well, that's just the wrong assumption, coz I'm not so delusional to think that I actually look like him, but I do think that I have an asetetic type of physique. And you're wrong about the lyric posting, coz I know that I don't have anything to do with those lyrics that I post, but I appeciate writing talent when I see it. So me quoting these lyrics is more my way of me giving props to the lyric writers themselves. And speaking of writing talent, this mass 04 has got some really decent comedic writing talent, and quite honestly I'm impressed by it, even if it's directed at me. I'm able to laugh at myself, and I don't take myself so seriously most of the time.

I'm not sure how many here are able to see this and "read between the lines" but basically my "retarded lanugage" was a manifestation of my own self-hatred for letting myself go so far out of shape and to get into such terrible condition. And the thing is, now that I am making some improvements and starting to get into better shape and condition I am getting better mentally and emotionally, and therefore I'm not being such a dickhead. Yeah I'm still a bit of a dickhead, but I'm certainly less of a dickhead than I was before. And seriously, not everything that I write is written with a malicious intent.


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #176 on: April 27, 2011, 11:44:04 PM »
Allright, since viewing my latest pic a bit more closely and "objectively" and from some of the advice/input from a few of my homies on here (yeah, believe it or now I do have a few of them here) I've come to the realization dat my lats pretty much suck ass, yeah I guess everything sucks ass, but my lats suck ass moreso than the other parts FACT ;) So I'm going to go back to exactly what I did to reach my all-time best condition, and that was to train 1 body a day, and to try every single day. So I will work on the schedule and update it here. It will probably be this: chest/back/delts/legs/tris/bis. Also at that time I was running 2 miles most every nite, but I still haven't gotten around to the running part just yet


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #177 on: April 30, 2011, 01:44:48 AM »
Ok, so after thinking it over, I'm gonna do the Max-OT protocol which is this:

1. Each workout should last approximately 30 to 40 minutes.
2. Train only 1 or 2 muscle groups per workout/day.
3. Do 6 to 9 total heavy sets per muscle group.
4. Do 4 to 6 reps per set.
5. Rest 2 to 3 minutes between sets. (STR)
6. Train each muscle group once every 5 to 7 days. (ITR)
7. Take a 1 week break from training every 8 to 10 weeks.

The only modification that I will make, is that I will do 5 to 8 reps per set, otherwise I will follow the rest of it exactly as it is presented.

And now.... The best of the best 8) 8) 8)


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #178 on: April 30, 2011, 10:14:03 AM »
Allright, I've got it set now, and I'm going to follow the Max-OT protocol, since it's very close to what I was doing when I was at my best (not to mention the fact that it alllows my OCD to still be satified, since it basically calls for daily training sessions :) ) So once again here are the 7 commandments of Max-Ot with my slight modifications to most of these commandments.

1. Each workout should last approximately 30 to 40 minutes. (I think that even up to 90 minutes per session is acceptable)

2. Train only 1 or 2 muscle groups per workout/day. (I completely agree with this one, so no modifications here)
3. Do 6 to 9 total heavy sets per muscle group. (My modification is 6 to 9 heavy sets total for the workout, not per muscle group trained)
4. Do 4 to 6 reps per set. (My modification calls for 5 to 8 reps for upper body movements, and 8 to 12 reps for lower body movements)

5. Rest 2 to 3 minutes between sets. (STR) (My modification calls for 4 to 5 minutes rest between work sets, as it takes 4 full minutes for ATP-PC stores to be nearly completely replaced)

6. Train each muscle group once every 5 to 7 days. (ITR) (I completely agree with this one, so no modifications here)

7. Take a 1 week break from training every 8 to 10 weeks. (With my OCD it ain't gonna happen)

Ok, so here is the training schedule:

Day 1 -  Legs
DB Squats 3*12
1-Leg Standing Calf Raise 3*12

Day 2 -  Arms
DB Con Curls 3*8
Overhead Tri Ext 3*8

Day 3 -  Shoulders and Traps
DB Side Laterals 3*8
DB Shrugs  3*8
Day 4 - Back
DB Rows 3*8
DB Bent-Over Laterals 3*8

Friday -  Chest
Dips 3*8
DB Incline Flyes 3*8

And lastly, one of ma fav Elton John tunes 8) 8) 8)


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #179 on: May 01, 2011, 04:57:21 AM »
Allright, I just found a great article on Max-OT training, and here it is:

Understanding What Builds Muscle
By Paul Delia

In The Quest to Gain Muscle Size and Strength, Many Forget Why They Train!

There is no definite right or wrong way to train. There are however, better and more efficient ways to build muscle. I have developed an approach to building muscle that far exceeds any other training method I have seen to date. It's called Max-OT™ - Maximum Overload Training™.

Max-OT is not a complicated program. It revolves around the basic fundamental physiological factors that make muscle grow. This is what makes Max-OT so effective for everyone that follows it. It does't matter if you are a genetic freak or genetic geek, Max-OT will maximize your muscle growth faster than any other training approach. The only way Max-OT will not work for you is if you don't follow it. If you do, watch out. You're going to experience more muscle growth and strength increases than you ever thought possible.

The More You Know The Less You Grow

Let me take you back a bit. Can you tell me at what point in your training did you gain the most muscle size in the shortest period of time? Let me guess. The first year you started training seriously. Am I right? Why do think this is? After all, you didn't know anything about weight training. Certainly not as much as you know now. So why is it as you get "smarter" and learn more about "how to train" your gains in muscle size and strength come slower?

You need to really think about this. The more you learn - the less you gain. Doesn't make sense does it? Here's the reason - you have been learning - or should I say, you have been taught all wrong.

When you first started training you didn't know what you were doing. You always wanted to see how much you could lift, your form was sloppy and your routines were unorganized. But you gained lots of muscle and lots of strength! How could that be? People are always saying, "You always gain a lot of muscle when you first start." But why? No one has been able to give me a plausible answer outside of "You just do."

My firm belief is, the reason you gain so much when you first start is because you are always challenging yourself. Your form is loose and you train heavy from a relative standpoint. Basically you train with a very primitive form of Max-OT but you don't realize it.

As the months role along and you get more involved in your training you begin to commit your first sin - you start reading the magazines (or catalogs as they should be called). And in the pages of these magazines are all the training routines of all the top bodybuilders. With pictures too. You know, the ones where they are all screaming during each rep like someone has a blowtorch to their ass.

As you read these routines you learn about forced reps, super sets, giant sets, pyramids, drop sets, strip sets, 2 a day splits, 3 hour workouts, 25 sets per body part, strict form, and on and on and on. Then comes the second sin - you start training the way the magazines tell you to train. You actually start doing all this garbage. And what happens? Gains in muscle size and strength start slowing way down to little more than a crawl and many times not even that.

I know, I know, some of those articles sound pretty damn convincing. And hell, the more you train the more you gain - right? Wrong!

Why You Do What You Do

Let's step back and review your approach to building muscle. The first thing you need to do is ask yourself why you are training the way you are training. And if you can't give yourself a logical and realistic answer then you don't need to be training that way. It's that simple.

Overload and Intensity

There are two main training components that build muscle - overload and intensity. And not just overload and intensity but maximum overload integrated with maximum intensity.

It's the integration of these two factors that will determine the rate at which your training encourages muscle growth. Overload without intensity is just half the equation. Intensity without overload is just intensity.

4 to 6 Reps

Max-OT stipulates that you use maximum weight for 4 to 6 reps. This rep range tied to the weight that limits you to between 4 and 6 reps is the ideal weight-rep overload force for maximum muscle fiber stimulation and forced muscular adaptation.

Understand that in order for a muscle to grow it must have a reason to grow. Overload required for maximum muscular contraction and force is that reason. Overload is applied through maximum weight utilization and not through high volume reps coupled with moderate weight. Total volume of work is not an indication of muscular overload. Total volume is just total volume.

Using maximum weight for 4 to 6 reps (the weight used must allow at least 4 reps but must also be heavy enough that you will not be able to do more than 6 reps) involves maximum fiber recruitment and fiber overload. Overload is the reason for muscle to grow. It forces muscle fibers to respond through growth. Without overload a muscle has no reason to grow.

Sets - How Many?

Most people do way to many sets. It's strange but for some reason everyone thinks they need to do at least three sets of every different exercise they do. Where did this come from?

Max-OT prescribes 6 to 8 total sets. That is it. Do not exceed this amount. You see, Max-OT is such an intense approach to building muscle that this is all the muscle needs for total fiber overload. The biggest mistake most everyone makes is doing way too much volume. Most people over-train and never even know it. Over-training will stall muscle growth in its tracks!

For some reason, probably because of the macho stigma that has manifested itself with bodybuilding, people think they should train until they are completely drained of all energy, until they have to be scraped off the gym floor. This is wrong and will not promote efficient muscle growth.

Again, exhaustion or fatigue is not overload. Fatigue is counterproductive to building muscle. When you fatigue a muscle before you have achieved overload, you cannot maximize muscle growth.

Training Frequency

Train each muscle group once every 7 days. This is very important for two primary reasons.

It allows you to train one muscle group per workout. This creates the highest mental and physical intensity possible. This is essential to maximum muscle growth. You can use heavier weights and mentally focus more during each and every rep you do.

It allows for full recuperation between workouts. Training a muscle before it is fully recuperated puts you in a downhill spiral to over-training. Over-training will whittle away at muscle tissue and mentally defeat your efforts to build maximum muscle. Avoid Training Mistakes

Understanding that overload induces muscle growth is the first major step in a successful Max-OT program. Do not confuse overload with fatigue. This is a common mistake. Overloading a muscle group induces maximum growth response by forcing the muscle to adapt to the increased load. If a muscle has no reason to adapt (grow) it will not. Fatiguing a muscle through high rep training only encourages increased time to exhaustion or muscular endurance.

Fatigue is fatigue and nothing more. Fatiguing a muscle will not induce growth and plenty of research suggests fatigue induces physiological responses that are counterproductive to muscle growth.

As far as building muscular size and strength is concerned there is no place for high rep, high set training. High rep training does not overload the muscle sufficiently to induce a maximum growth response. The only time reps over 6 should ever be performed is during your warm-up sets. Warm-up sets are strictly for warming the muscles and joints up. Again, avoid fatigue during warm-up sets.

Mindset When Your Hand Touches The Bar

The best way I have found to approach training is to adapt the philosophy I am about to spell out.

Anytime you wrap your hand around a bar - from that moment forward, until you release your grip, only one thing should be on your mind - to build the maximum amount of muscle you possibly can.

Adopting this mindset and mentally repeating it to yourself each time before you do a set will propel your gains like you wouldn't believe. This is an integral part of Max-OT training.

As you can see, adopting the correct mental approach is just as important as the mechanical aspects of Max-OT. Integrate the two and you have what is the ultimate training approach for building maximum muscle size and strength - Max-OT.

Max-OT Summary

Warm-up to warm-up - nothing more. Overload the muscle! Overload the muscle! Overload the muscle! Do 4 to 6 reps to failure. This means the weight used should allow you to get at least 4 reps but no more than 6. If you can't do 4 reduce the weight. If you can do more than 6 go heavier! Sets - do 6 to 8 total sets per muscle group. Train each muscle group once every 7 days. Train with maximum mental and physical intensity. For weight - when in doubt go heavier! Always error to the heavy side. For sets - when you are unsure of whether you should do 1 more set - don't! More is not better. Anytime you train you are doing so to build muscle. There is no such thing as "light-days". Don't waste time or energy on wacky training theories or routines. Be smart and do what builds muscle, not what some writer says builds muscle. Implementing Max-OT will be the most exciting experience in building muscle you'll ever have. You'll spend less time in the gym and make more gains than you ever have. What more could you ask for?

And here is one of ma all-time fav tunes 8)

"You analyze me, tend to despise me
You laugh when I stumble and fall
There may come a day when I'll dance on your grave
Unable to dance I'll still crawl across it
Unable to dance I'll still crawl
Unable to dance I'll still crawl
Unable to dance I'll crawl"


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #180 on: May 02, 2011, 02:21:54 PM »
Just finished my arm session and the overhead tri ext went down 2 reps from last workout, so this tells me that I have to keep it as a push/pull split, so here is my new revised schedule:

Day 1: Back/Bi- Row and Con Curl

Day 2: Delts- Side Raise and Bent Lateral

Day 3: Chest/Tri- Push-up and Incline Fly and Overhead Tri Ext

Day 4: Legs/Traps- DB Squat and DB Shrugs

And to stay true to the Max-OT protocol I will stick with 4 to 6 reps per work set (except for legs, which I will do 8 to 12 reps per work set). But the only problem with this is that I have nearly maxed out the rows and the squats with the weights that I have. You see, I can only load 80 pounds on each bell. so I can either choose to "maintain" my legs and back, while adding size to my arms, delts, and chest, or try and find a decent gym to join? And speaking of this decent gym thing, my ladyfriend said that she may have a job for me as a fitness trainer at one of the bigger fitness clubs in this new bigger city that I will be re-locating to this coming Friday. So then it may be problem solved ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #181 on: May 03, 2011, 12:27:52 PM »
....or try and find a decent gym to join? And speaking of this decent gym thing, my ladyfriend said that she may have a job for me as a fitness trainer at one of the bigger fitness clubs in this new bigger city that I will be re-locating to this coming Friday. So then it may be problem solved ;D

Doesn't one have to know something about fitness and training to work at gym as a fitness trainer? Are you sure it isn't a job as a towell/counter boy?


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #182 on: May 03, 2011, 10:59:19 PM »
Doesn't one have to know something about fitness and training to work at gym as a fitness trainer? Are you sure it isn't a job as a towell/counter boy?

Good point, but I think that I know a thing or two about getting and being fit. And especially training to be ultra fit. You see when I was in high school I was a track athlete and I ran the half mile race, and my PR for the half mile was 1:57. Also, when I was 23 I had my VO2 Max tested at The Ohio State University exercise science lab, and I tested out with a VO2 Max of 71 ml/kg/min. P.S. Average VO2 max is around 45 ml/kg/min, and my rating of 71 ml/kg/min is within "elite level" FACT 8) So yeah, I think that I maybe know a little something about how to get fit :-*


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #183 on: May 04, 2011, 11:23:10 AM »
Good point, but I think that I know a thing or two about getting and being fit. And especially training to be ultra fit. You see when I was in high school I was a track athlete and I ran the half mile race, and my PR for the half mile was 1:57. Also, when I was 23 I had my VO2 Max tested at The Ohio State University exercise science lab, and I tested out with a VO2 Max of 71 ml/kg/min. P.S. Average VO2 max is around 45 ml/kg/min, and my rating of 71 ml/kg/min is within "elite level" FACT 8) So yeah, I think that I maybe know a little something about how to get fit :-*

If I were a gym owner, I'd hire you on the spot. -Great qualifications to be a trainer....lets see, one time high school track athlete and able to suck air. Sounds like a winning combination to me. Oh, and how long ago was this?


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #184 on: May 04, 2011, 12:24:50 PM »
If I were a gym owner, I'd hire you on the spot. -Great qualifications to be a trainer....lets see, one time high school track athlete and able to suck air. Sounds like a winning combination to me. Oh, and how long ago was this?

It doesn't really matter how long ago it was, what matters is that "I've been there, done that". So not only do I have written knowledge, I also have real-life experience. I know how to get fit. And as far as "body-building/muscle-building" I have the same qualifications. Listen, I DONT WANT TO BE BIG, I want to be lean and sharp 165 @ 7% and then once I'm there I don't want anymore size. My problem is that I was trying to "take the easy way out" but it's finally penetrated my thick skull that there is "no easy way out" P.S. I worked as a fit trainer World Gym in Columbus Ohio, and then a few years later I worked as a fit trainer in NYC, so I've got plenty of experience in this field.


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #185 on: May 04, 2011, 11:14:40 PM »
.... so I've got plenty of experience in this field.

And I presume you are certificated too.


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #186 on: May 04, 2011, 11:56:10 PM »
How many cals do you consume each day?


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #187 on: May 05, 2011, 12:23:31 AM »
And I presume you are certificated too.

Well I was certified, but it's expired now. Also, I took a handful of exercise science courses at The Ohio State University. P.S. I am MUCH MORE INTELLIGENT than I present myself here.

Also, I showed another ladyfriend of mine (not the one in the photo with me, but another one) this thread, and she loved it how you and groink put me in my place, as she said that I deserved it, and she just wanted me to tell y'all thank you ;D

P.S. My grandmother used to sing a little tune to me when I was a child, as I would babble on about myself. This tune went like this "I love me, I love me so, I took myself to the picture show" ROFL!


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #188 on: May 05, 2011, 12:37:12 AM »
How many cals do you consume each day?

Not sure actually, but I would say probably round 3000. Here is my "normal" day now, eating wise:

Meal 1: 3 egg omlette with cheese, coffee with cream and sugar, 2 red bulls
           2 red bulls

Meal 2: a medium pepperoni pizza and a half liter of coke

Meal 3: big mac, large fries, medium coke

Meal 4: hot tea, and either some chocolate chip cookies, or gummi bears

I think it's round 3000 cals :-\ My bodyweight is up to 167 from 154, and my waist is now at 78 cm, when I was 54 it was at 76 cm. So that's 13 pounds gained, with less than an inch added to my wasit 8)

And here is ma tribute to da Getbig twink contest 8) 8) 8)
"I'm gonna win! Yeah I'm gonna win!"


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #189 on: May 05, 2011, 12:56:37 AM »
Not sure actually, but I would say probably round 3000. Here is my "normal" day now, eating wise:

Meal 1: 3 egg omlette with cheese, coffee with cream and sugar, 2 red bulls
           2 red bulls

Meal 2: a medium pepperoni pizza and a half liter of coke

Meal 3: big mac, large fries, medium coke

Meal 4: hot tea, and either some chocolate chip cookies, or gummi bears

I think it's round 3000 cals :-\ My bodyweight is up to 167 from 154, and my waist is now at 78 cm, when I was 54 it was at 76 cm. So that's 13 pounds gained, with less than an inch added to my wasit 8)

And here is ma tribute to da Getbig twink contest 8) 8) 8)
"I'm gonna win! Yeah I'm gonna win!"

I dont know...seems A LOT more than 3000 cals.  ;D

Whats the phase youre into now? gain muscle or its just a "cheat day"?


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #190 on: May 05, 2011, 01:17:05 AM »
I dont know...seems A LOT more than 3000 cals.  ;D

Whats the phase youre into now? gain muscle or its just a "cheat day"?

No, that's not a cheat day, I eat like this every single day. So, you think it's A LOT more than 3000 cals? I remember years back when I ate a legit 5000 cals per day, and it was MUCH MORE than what I eat now.

This Phase now is to gain muscle without gaining fat. As I said I've gained 13 pounds so far, and my waist is up less than 1 inch, so I think dat it's going well :) I really don't think that many folks here realize what a HUGE DIFFERENCE small changes in numbers make. For example, there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE btw 165 @ 10% and 165 @ 6% HUUUUUGGGGGEEEEE DIFFERENCE ;)

Also, many here say that I'm 12% here, but that is not 12%, it is sub-10, and even gh15 said so 8) As gh15 pointed out, my cortisol levels were sky high from a stavation diet, so I was holding lots of water and it made me "look" fatter. And let's take it even further, if I would have dehydrated and did a few other "tricks of the trade" (which I won't reveal here, coz I gots to keep ma edge somehow ;D ) then I could have pulled off a sub-8 look FACT :P


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #191 on: May 07, 2011, 12:02:33 AM »
I will be doing another Phase 1 project to prepare for da twink contest on June 1st, but this time I will take it more seriously and use what I learned from the 1st time around. Basically I will do it for 2 weeks straight but with a bit more cals, and much more protein (not the 30 to 40 grams I consumed last time lol). Also I will add the daily hard aerobic training sessions. I'll post da complete program a bit later on. P.S. I will put up these contest photos on May 27th or 28th coz dats when I gots ma date wit ma Spanish boyfriend and he likes to take ma photos when he sees me :-*


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #192 on: May 08, 2011, 04:31:14 AM »
Ok, I've got the diet and weight trained figure out, so here goes: DIET: BREAK: coffee with cream and sugar and 4 oz of cheese which is bout 20 grams of protein and bout 300 cals total LUNCH: beef stew which is bout 40 grams of protein and bout 600 cals DINNER: 40 grams of protein with water which is bout 200 cals. So the grand totals are 100 grams of protein, and 1100 cals. TRAINING: every goddamn day on a 3-way split which is as follows: DAY 1: (DELTS) 1. Side Raises 2 work sets of 8 to 12 reps 2. Bent-over Laterals 2 work sets of 8 to 12 reps DAY 2: (BIS) 1. DB Contration Curls 1 work set of 4 to 6 reps and 1 set of negatives with 8 sec lowering for 4 to 6 reps 2. DB Rows 1 maintance work set of 6 reps every 6 days DAY 3: (TRIS) 1. DB Overhead Tri Ext 2 work sets of 4 to 6 reps 2. Weighted Push-ups 1 maintance work set of 6 reps every 6 days. And as far as the running goes, I've just been too goddamn lazy to do it, but I'll try and get ma ass in gear wit dat ;D


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #193 on: May 08, 2011, 07:21:03 AM »
Honestly what on earth are you doing?  You've eating about 600 calories below BMR (more than that if you're actually doing intense cardio) and doing isolation arm exercises every day.  Is this for real?  It is seriously the worst diet/program I've ever seen.  What is this supposed to accomplish?


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #194 on: May 08, 2011, 11:14:13 AM »
Well, I'm going to cycle this diet and eat 3 days @ 1100 or so, and then eat 1 day with a more normal cal intake (roughly 2000 to 2500 cals on that day). And as far as the training goes, technically I'm training delts, bis, and tris every 72 hrs, and the volume of these training days are ultra low, 2 to 6 work sets per workout. Remember, if I can increase my training loads, then my muscles MUST get bigger, they have no choice in the matter lol


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #195 on: May 08, 2011, 02:55:38 PM »
Ok hulkotron, I just re-read your post, and as far as what I'm trying to accomplish at the moment now is to gain muscle only on my delts and arms, while getting leaner at the same time. And get this, I'm actually gonna listen to what you said about my "diet" so I will change my dinner from the protein drink mixed in water, to 4 eggs mixed in cream. That will keep my protein at about 100 grams, but up my cals to about 1500 on the low cal days.


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #196 on: May 08, 2011, 03:39:17 PM »
Do you know anyone with big arms who just does curls, tricep extensions, and lateral raises?


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #197 on: May 08, 2011, 09:51:41 PM »
My whole point is that PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD creates bigger muscles, and also that this can be applied specifially to isolated muscles (in my case delts and arms). So let me ask you this (I'm giving my own stats here). Ok, so at the moment I use 40 pounds for con curls for 5 reps, and my goal is to use 60 pounds for 6 reps, which I believe that I will do within a few months time. So my question is... If I take my concentration curls from 40*5 to 60*5 will I have bigger biceps? And of course, the same thing goes for my tri and delt isolation exercises. The only compound move that I use while actively trying to increase my training load is an inc fly/press movement. I do them with the palms facing each other, and a good bend in the elbows. When I reach the bottom of the rep my arms are in a W position, so it's a hybrid incline fly/press. Anyways, thanks for the "diet" advice.


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #198 on: May 08, 2011, 10:23:46 PM »
My whole point is that PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD creates bigger muscles, and also that this can be applied specifially to isolated muscles (in my case delts and arms). So let me ask you this (I'm giving my own stats here). Ok, so at the moment I use 40 pounds for con curls for 5 reps, and my goal is to use 60 pounds for 6 reps, which I believe that I will do within a few months time. So my question is... If I take my concentration curls from 40*5 to 60*5 will I have bigger biceps? And of course, the same thing goes for my tri and delt isolation exercises. The only compound move that I use while actively trying to increase my training load is an inc fly/press movement. I do them with the palms facing each other, and a good bend in the elbows. When I reach the bottom of the rep my arms are in a W position, so it's a hybrid incline fly/press. Anyways, thanks for the "diet" advice.

Why not go to an actual gym and work out the entire body?
from incomplete data


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #199 on: May 08, 2011, 10:27:28 PM »
Why not go to an actual gym and work out the entire body?

This is the point I wanted to make before he ignored my question and posted a bunch of self-absorbed crap instead.

Seriously dj, do you know anyone (either personally or indirectly) who has succeeded in building a better physique by doing what you are doing now?  I certainly do not.  Do you think you are coming up with some new wonderful secret that will revolutionize the arm-building industry?  How many guys to do see walking around with tanked-out arms and a 22 BMI?

Why do you want to just make your arms bigger anyway?  Big arms and skinny legs looks ridiculous.

To answer your question, no, I don't think your arms will be any bigger by doing this because you are performing such a small amount of exercise and eating at such a deficit that you do not have sufficient fuel or stimulus to improve your arm strength by 50% unless it's all neurological adaptations, which are not accompanied by size.

People who go on and on about this "bigger = stronger" shit forget that there are factors with a substantial effect on strength other than muscle size.