Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 479080 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #975 on: February 24, 2020, 07:05:31 PM »
You make a valid point but in all athletics injuries are a part of the game. If you want to play it safe lift light weights or sit in a chair 16 hours a day.  Then you will die from stuff like heart disease and diabetes.

 The best part of hurting my shoulder are the things I have learned about injury prevention.  Shoulder flexibility is a big one. Other things I learn is how so many standard exercises in bodybuilding can contribute to problems. Maybe not in a year. Maybe not in a decade but over time will lead to issues. Genetics also play a huge role in joint health.

 I'm not comparing myself to professional elite drug using bodybuilders like Yates and Coleman but look at how they wrecked their bodies. I'm sure many will say they got stronger faster than their joints and structure could adapt to because of the drugs. When Yates said if he played it safe he would have his joint health but he wouldn't have been a world champ he was making a valid point. He pushed it to destruction.  Even in other sports like marathon running is pushed to the destruction of the body.  Marathon champs have a very short shelf life. The body can't take it. Same as MMA fighters but I digress. Reading World champ Alberto Salazar's biography shows the extremes he took to be a champion. He raced in 90 degree weather dueling other world class elite runners.   He pushed so hard he nearly died from a heart attack which I'm convinced was from taking his running to an extreme level of running 100 plus mile weeks at a sick pace.  If he played it safe and cut his running to 50 miles a week and slowed down he would be healthy today but he would have never been a champ.  I remember in Track in high school and college there was always the guy that was great but  had a lousy work ethic. Their superior innate talent made them good. Then you had someone like me with limited talent for sprinting but worked my ass off.

Off my soap box.  I look to forward to the near future where I will just log my training days here instead of talking about not being able to train because my body is wracked up. To reiterate I have learned a lot of good stuff about how to proceed with lifting. Safer ways of doing stuff. I remember when Bill Pearl wrote at 55 he stopped caring about what was on the bar. He called it hot dogging meaning showing off with heavy weights. A more ordinary gym rat like Clarence Bass had to give up dead lifts, clean and jerks and squats as he aged I believe I read. We are all an experiment of one with our unique characteristics. If we were all the same there would be only one optimal way to train. We all would be lifting on the same program with the same split and exercises.

One last note. I thought it would be fun to log my work outs and thoughts here. Now I wonder what I was thinking? I use to log my workouts for decades in note books. I have a big pile and many I have thrown out over the years. The past maybe five years I have used no log and often increasing the weight used wasn't a consideration. It was maintenance but pushed to the limit to maintain if that makes any sense. I remember Dave Draper said in effect at 55  your best days in bodybuilding are behind you. I find the guys that are making personal records left and right in training over 55 were the guys that never pushed the physical in their 20's and 30's. Of course they can make gains they never had before.

Enough pontificating. It's not fun nor interesting to read I know.

I'm old. I have a longer attention span than most millennials do, which is that of a gnat. So, I didn't find your post boring or too long to read. I can't disagree with any of your reasoning. However, keep in mind that it is in our nature to justify what we already believe to be true It's probably why so many of us are such slow learners. Instead of embracing new ideas, we often reject them without giving it much thought at all.

A good example of this is my recent 'back to the gym' routine. In times past, I would revert to whatever routine I was last doing. Of course, after taking time off, my strength was diminished. Not being able to lift as much as before felts like a negative even though I could reason that it is to be expected. The result of this thinking was too many false starts. I've only been back at it for a few weeks, so it is too soon to tell, but I feel different and more positive about my workouts this time then in some previous times.

I am also working out at a different time of the day then I ever have before. For some reason, I thought I was at my peak in the evening. Mid afternoon seems to be my new peak time and I think I actually have more energy than I did later in the day. Duh! Another interest thing is that there seems to be less distractions in the earlier part of the day. Unless I went to the gym really late at night, it would often be crowded with all those folks who still have to work for a living during the day. I have not had to wait to use equipment so far. Being impatient, this is a real bonus for me.

When coming back from an injury, I think there is also a little devil's voice whispering let's see if we're as good as before and so we go back to the very thing that got us into trouble. This reminds me of a fellow who worked out at a gym I did for many years. He had something like three or four surgeries on his shoulders or maybe it was always the same shoulder. After he was healed and his doctor released him to workout, he'd go right back to the crazy lifting style and routine as he had before. You'd think....but that's not always the case, is it?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #976 on: February 27, 2020, 07:42:31 PM »
I'm old. I have a longer attention span than most millennials do, which is that of a gnat. So, I didn't find your post boring or too long to read. I can't disagree with any of your reasoning. However, keep in mind that it is in our nature to justify what we already believe to be true It's probably why so many of us are such slow learners. Instead of embracing new ideas, we often reject them without giving it much thought at all.

A good example of this is my recent 'back to the gym' routine. In times past, I would revert to whatever routine I was last doing. Of course, after taking time off, my strength was diminished. Not being able to lift as much as before felts like a negative even though I could reason that it is to be expected. The result of this thinking was too many false starts. I've only been back at it for a few weeks, so it is too soon to tell, but I feel different and more positive about my workouts this time then in some previous times.

I am also working out at a different time of the day then I ever have before. For some reason, I thought I was at my peak in the evening. Mid afternoon seems to be my new peak time and I think I actually have more energy than I did later in the day. Duh! Another interest thing is that there seems to be less distractions in the earlier part of the day. Unless I went to the gym really late at night, it would often be crowded with all those folks who still have to work for a living during the day. I have not had to wait to use equipment so far. Being impatient, this is a real bonus for me.

When coming back from an injury, I think there is also a little devil's voice whispering let's see if we're as good as before and so we go back to the very thing that got us into trouble. This reminds me of a fellow who worked out at a gym I did for many years. He had something like three or four surgeries on his shoulders or maybe it was always the same shoulder. After he was healed and his doctor released him to workout, he'd go right back to the crazy lifting style and routine as he had before. You'd think....but that's not always the case, is it?

Great post Prime. I've seen plenty of self destructive lifters. I might be one of them but I think it's more age at this point. I knew one guy that completely messed up his body in the pursuit of a big bench. When he finally couldn't bench anymore he gave up lifting. I guess no one told him there are about 100 exercises in the weight room outside of the bench. Prime I know you are lot older than me but I think the athlete I once was is taking a hit in my sixties.  I have to be smarter about the way I train and have to acknowledge I have a lot of training miles on my odometer meaning wear and tear. I'm not a spring chicken but more of a winter chicken.

This week so far I walked 18 miles at a fast pace. Last week I believe it was over 30 I think. I think I'm breaking down from last weeks total and this week.  It's freezing but I'm going to see if I can bundle up for a bike ride tomorrow in my hybrid bike on the trail.  I think it will be a good way to end the week of cardio. The shoulder feels pretty good but the calf and now the foot is acting up. Biking should be a good non aggravating cardio tool for tomorrow. Depends on the temperature. I start lifting on Monday going to break into it with lighter weights and new exercises done with the thought of do no harm.

 Reading and looking at youtubes of guys like gym rat Jeff Cavaliere who is actually a physical therapist. I use to dismiss his videos but the more I thought about injury prevention and kinesiology I realize a lot of what he has to say rings true. Going to incorporate some of his ideas into my training. His youtube channel is Athlean X.  Really great stuff.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #977 on: February 28, 2020, 12:15:02 PM »
Got a bunch of rubber bands for band training. Lowest is 10lbs and the highest is 110lbs. I hate the strength curve of exercise bands. It works for some exercise and for a few it's all wrong. Looking forward to incorporating some band work into the workouts.

Going to use the single arm bench press with a band standing. Crossing the hand across mid line.  In my home gym I don't have the proper pulleys to do this. Another is rear delt work.  Again in the commercial gym I will use a pulley.  


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #978 on: February 29, 2020, 12:11:43 PM »
Bands can be very useful.

Did you buy the bands online?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #979 on: February 29, 2020, 01:40:26 PM »
Bands can be very useful.

Did you buy the bands online?

I have one heavy duty band that is really thick. No weight listed on it. I just added a 40lbs band I bought at dick's and decided to go on Amazon to see what they had and I bought a whole set. Inexpensive but I'm just using it for specific purposes. Maybe three exercises.  Mainly for as a corrective range of motion. I have a pulldown machine and a low row but not an adjustable height pulley machine like my commercial gym has. I will use the bands for my pulley work when I'm at home.

The three exercises with bands I am adding are these three.
1. One arm press standing pushing the arm across mid line.
2. Rear delt starting with the arm all the way across the body
3 Standing chest fly band continuing past mid line.

Going to be using some different weight exercises with a thought to keep external rotation to the rotator cuffs instead of internally rotating them irritating the tendon starting Monday.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #980 on: March 02, 2020, 12:47:47 PM »
Got back to lifting. Back and chest. Lowered the weights approximately 10% to get back into the groove.

Pull ups 2 x max (weak in these.  All the stretching I have been doing no doubt contributed)
Low lat pulley rows with a V handle 2 x 12
Dumbbell row off a bench 2 x 10
MAG bar pulldown 2 x 10

DB bench 2 x 8
Incline  bench 2 x 8
Flat flies 2 x 10
Push ups 2 x max (one set regular and one set with handles)
Exercise band punch outs with hand going across midline 1 x 10
Exercise band one arm fly standing 2 x 10 with arm going across mid line (rubber band said 50lbs but no clue how they determine that?)

Deadlift 2 x 4
Weighted back hyper extensions 2 x 15

Ab wheel 2 x 20
Pulley crunch 1 x 40

While working out I began thinking about simplifying my workouts. Might do it once I get back into the groove of lifting. I figure one week with about 90% weights then one week with close to 100% effort. Then I will reevaluate.  I don't consider myself a bodybuilder and I wonder if I would be better off doing something like one exercise a body part for say two weeks then changing things up?  

After lifting I walked fast for one hour and sixteen minutes. These fasts walk definitely burns fat but it also takes the spring out of my step. I will try a slow run tomorrow and see how the Achilles holds up.  I was in Atlantic city the day before eating in a restaurant like a king. I have to eat right today. So far so good. It's 5:25PM and ate about 850 calories so far.  Time for dinner and late snack so it's a low calorie day.  

Omit entry: The flat flies were a mistake. Thought I could go light with strict form. I'm hurting now. Probably not a move I can use anymore.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #981 on: March 03, 2020, 09:47:14 AM »
Ran a slow two miles. Warmed up walking and some ultra slow running for about 600 yards prior to the run. I started the run at a girly pace and ended at a slug pace but was pleased I was able to run.  My pace was 9:50.  I drove from the park to the commercial gym. Hit the heavy bag for two rounds. The shoulder held up.

 Even though it's a non lifting day I did the following. Nothing to failure. No heavy weights. Just getting some blood in the muscles. I got the idea from  Shawn Perrine who said in effect it's good to have a very light day for muscle stimulation when it's not their day to get hit hard. I did the following. Again, just light weights.

Dumbbell upright rows 3 x 12 (Thumb up and outside at the top for exterior rotation so there is no impingement.)
Rope push downs 3 x 12
Dumbbell curls 3 x 12 (Using two dumbbells curling them at the same time)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #982 on: March 03, 2020, 11:15:45 PM »
Ran a slow two miles. Warmed up walking and some ultra slow running for about 600 yards prior to the run. I started the run at a girly pace and ended at a slug pace but was pleased I was able to run.  My pace was 9:50.  I drove from the park to the commercial gym. Hit the heavy bag for two rounds. The shoulder held up.

 Even though it's a non lifting day I did the following. Nothing to failure. No heavy weights. Just getting some blood in the muscles. I got the idea from  Shawn Perrine who said in effect it's good to have a very light day for muscle stimulation when it's not their day to get hit hard. I did the following. Again, just light weights.

Dumbbell upright rows 3 x 12 (Thumb up and outside at the top for exterior rotation so there is no impingement.)
Rope push downs 3 x 12
Dumbbell curls 3 x 12 (Using two dumbbells curling them at the same time)

Do you prefer doing dumbbell curls simultaneously or alternating?


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #983 on: March 04, 2020, 05:49:46 AM »
Do you prefer doing dumbbell curls simultaneously or alternating?

For decades I alternated them. You can use a bigger dumbbell while the other arm rests. For the first time yesterday I tried two at the same time. Different feel and I had to use less weight.  Many ways to skin a cat.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #984 on: March 04, 2020, 02:49:15 PM »
Leg day: I haven't lifted in two weeks plus giving my body a break walking 6 miles most days and fast pace. Wow, this leg workout hurt.  

Leg press 2 x 12 ( low back board and legs fully bent. Questioning my full range of motion. The majority do half reps at best and this gives them the ability to pile on the plates. Heard a guy say the most important range is the end range for athletics. Never heard that point of view before. He produced studies showing that quarter squats produced higher vertical leaps and sprinting speeds than ordinary squats. Going full range fully bending my legs certainly reduces the weight I can use making it harder. Maybe I should do some shallow leg presses for one set at the end with a lot of plates and join the club.

Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs (Straps and two 85lbs. DB's held at sides sinking the butt all the way down. Brutal exercise. A little weight goes a long way. )

Stiff dead off a block for a full stretch 2 x 6 205lbs

Leg extensions 2 x 20
Seated leg curls 2 x 15

No weight squats 1 x 50 (sinking the butt down. Love this finisher.)

Side bend with one dumbbell 1 x 15 90lbs
Hanging leg raise 2 x 22 (Legs almost straight trying to get the hips up)
Hip ups pushing feet toward ceiling 1 x 25

standing calf raises 2 x 15 135lbs I have two standing units in my basement.  One it takes about 300lbs plus in plates to be hard and the other 135lbs is hard. Just different leverages.
Seated calf raise 2 x 15

Neck work four sides for one set.

Stretched for about 15 minutes or so. Did 9 stretches for shoulders. Two for calves. These are  problem areas for me.
Also did external rotation and internal with an exercise band.  The third was done with a dumbbell. In a future post I hope to remember to include pictures of rotator strengthening exercises. I think barring having a completely wrecked labrum or a detached rotator cuff tendon and lot of problems with the shoulder can be improved with stretching and light rotator stuff exercises. Never look at rotator work at a typical bodybuilding methodology. You want to strengthen this small muscles for shoulder health and to not inflame tendons or even rip a rotator by trying to muscle a rotator cuff exercise. It's slow and steady. Nothing to failure. Full range. A little work goes a long way. Stretching for one week for tight shoulders can give a lot of relief.  Tight shoulders can get small tears that can feel like hell. Also you have to stop exercises that can cause impingement. Stuff like dumbbell lateral raises with the pouring the pitcher motion can cause eventual trouble for some. Another is doing a pulldown and rotating your forearms forward while pulling down. Some find they can't bench anymore and I am one of them. I found keeping the elbows tucked in lessons the pain and for some removes the source of aggravation. Another thing that works for some is benching with a reverse grip. Yes, palms toward your head. Just use safety bars. Some find the decline press is surprisingly pain free. I just have a problem doing these by myself. The risk of getting stuck with a bar heading to my neck keeps this exercise out of my rotation. Maybe I will ask a guy to spot me but truth be told most spotters don't have a clue. They love wrapping their paws around the bar and pulling up as you do reps. I have to remind guys only assist if I'm stuck. I once saw studies saying that the decline press is superior to the flat and incline with electronic muscle activation markers but I'm suspicious about the accuracy. Yates once said the decline was the best chest press of them all but in his prime he always started with the incline.  I'm not a doctor or a physical therapist so check with your health care professional.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #985 on: March 05, 2020, 04:15:18 PM »
Tried to run but Achilles said no.  Walked five miles fast and that didn’t seem to aggravate it. Hit the heavy bag. Just pissed off with things in my personal life.  Hit the bag with a little too much malice.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #986 on: March 05, 2020, 06:40:57 PM »
Tried to run but Achilles said no.  Walked five miles fast and that didn’t seem to aggravate it. Hit the heavy bag. Just pissed of with things in my personal life.  Hit the bag with a little too much malice. 

Better the bag than some person.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #987 on: March 06, 2020, 06:52:05 PM »
Delt and arms: Feels like my arms deflated with the two week plus break I took.

Military press cleaned from the floor 2 x 8 115lbs (Had so much anxiety about these. I'm doing so much shoulder stretching I thought I would be weak but I got the reps out going all the way down.
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x10 ( thumb up to avoid impingement. Started with 20lbs and the last set was 25lbs. Felt good. No shoulder aggravation)
Front delt raises 2 x12 (Hard to type how I did them. I went face front on an incline bench. My face in a towel. Raised the dumbbells thumbs up. These are new to me. Heard a lot of crackling in my delt. Not sure if this is a healthy exercise for me. Kept it light.)
Rear delt pulley 2 x 12 (Pic below. That's not me)
barbell shrugs 2 x 12 250lbs (tried to get the best range of motion)

Tricep push downs 2 x 12 ( I used the stack but on this pulley it isn't that much weight. It says something like 150lbs but in no way is it that much)
Tricep machine 2 x 12 100lbs
Reverse grip one arm pulley tricep extensions 2 x 12

EZ curl 2 x 10 90lbs
Preacher machine 2 x 10
Arnold concentration dumbbell curl 2 x 12 (I don't feel these to much and I think I got the form down.)

Wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs (At my home gym I have the wrist curl bench and works amazing. In the this commercial gym I place a block under my feet sitting on a bench and use my knees for a wrist platform. Not an ideal way to do this.)
Reverse wrist curls 2 x 12

Lying crunch machine 2 x 20 (the type where you pull your feet in as you crunch)
ab seated crunch machine 2 x 15 (seriously forgot the weight I use and used too much. I like to get at least 20 reps)

Gym observations: Some seriously big guys working out. One guy I'm trying to decide if he is a user. I believe so. He lets the gym owner train him. It's high intensity for a few exercises. While not a big guy he uses big weights. He looks to be about 210lbs.  He works out with over 300lbs for his reps in the bench. Today he did full squats with around 350lbs.  I realize these aren't world class elite stuff but in the gym rat category it's hard core. He seems to be a nice guy but he has that lat spread semi tensing thing going on that doesn't look natural.  Trains really hard with high intensity. His workouts maybe last 30 to 40 minutes.

Talked briefly with this one guy who looks about 40 years old. He said everything was going great working out and after a workout he mowed the lawn. He felt a pain in his stomach and the result was a double hernia. After the operation he won't train with heavy weights. I can't blame him. He feels his stomach couldn't take it. He said it took him a long time to mourn so to speak that his hard core training was gone. I can relate.

 The owner won many a deadlift competitions in power meets. He never deads anymore again due to injury. He is finished but he has a ton of cool trophies on display.  

One old man training  chumped on gum with his mouth open repeatedly and continuously  for every second he was in the gym.  He looked like a cow or something with his big jowls going up and down.  It was freaking me out.

Came home and felt the inside of my shoulder swelling. I will make the best of it.

This is a mom and pop hardcore gym. Most of the equipment is 30 years old and mixed stuff. Chalk flies and many members are hard core. Down the road is the posh gym. All new matched equipment. Dumbbells are encased in rubber. Perfect rubber flooring and it looks like a show case. I worked out there about 4 years ago. The thing I miss about the place are the incredible women that work out there. Hot women love to work out there. In the gym I work out now a woman will walk in  and have a disgusted look on their face then walk out. Not that it's not clean. It's a completely functional gym with a great atmosphere of people too. It just doesn't look like a place where the beautiful people work out at in.  It looks like a place smelly fat power lifters who smell like BO and ben gay work out,  shouting every rep. The women at the posh place wear that shear panty hose yoga pants with a sheer top and hair done to impress. You can see the thongs right through the panty hose bottoms. Yes, I'm a perv. I like big butts and I cannot lie. You other brothers can't deny. We have a couple of hotties in the hard core place but it you can't swing a dumbbell without nearly hitting a hot chick in the posh place. I want to work out there just to see the sights.

What's the deal with CDB oil? The owner recommends it for everything from anxiety, pain and dandruff. There isn't an ailment that it's not good for. Sounds like the way pot heads talk about marijuana like it's a medicine for what ever ails you.  He tells people he has the quality stuff and not the rip off stuff that does nothing. It's something like $50 a container. WTF?  I don't know if it's a nation wide thing or just my town in NJ but signs are in every strip mall as we call them here to buy the stuff.

Do guys in your gym sing unintelligible lyrics to the song playing in their ear buds? I constantly hear guys yelp something or yell out a oooh baby baby out of mid air then I realize they have ear buds in. One guy in particular I guess can't hear anything with the music blasting. He puts the pin in the weight stack and at the conclusion of his reps he drops the stack of plates sounding like a gun shot. I bet he can't hear what the hell he is doing.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #988 on: March 06, 2020, 10:55:43 PM »
Delt and arms: Feels like my arms deflated with the two week plus break I took.

Military press cleaned from the floor 2 x 8 115lbs (Had so much anxiety about these. I'm doing so much shoulder stretching I thought I would be weak but I got the reps out going all the way down.
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x10 ( thumb up to avoid impingement. Started with 20lbs and the last set was 25lbs. Felt good. No shoulder aggravation)
Front delt raises 2 x12 (Hard to type how I did them. I went face front on an incline bench. My face in a towel. Raised the dumbbells thumbs up. These are new to me. Heard a lot of crackling in my delt. Not sure if this is a healthy exercise for me. Kept it light.)
Rear delt pulley 2 x 12 (Pic below. That's not me)
barbell shrugs 2 x 12 250lbs (tried to get the best range of motion)

Tricep push downs 2 x 12 ( I used the stack but on this pulley it isn't that much weight. It says something like 150lbs but in no way is it that much)
Tricep machine 2 x 12 100lbs
Reverse grip one arm pulley tricep extensions 2 x 12

EZ curl 2 x 10 90lbs
Preacher machine 2 x 10
Arnold concentration dumbbell curl 2 x 12 (I don't feel these to much and I think I got the form down.)

Wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs (At my home gym I have the wrist curl bench and works amazing. In the this commercial gym I place a block under my feet sitting on a bench and use my knees for a wrist platform. Not an ideal way to do this.)
Reverse wrist curls 2 x 12

Lying crunch machine 2 x 20 (the type where you pull your feet in as you crunch)
ab seated crunch machine 2 x 15 (seriously forgot the weight I use and used too much. I like to get at least 20 reps)

Gym observations: Some seriously big guys working out. One guy I'm trying to decide if he is a user. I believe so. He lets the gym owner train him. It's high intensity for a few exercises. While not a big guy he uses big weights. He looks to be about 210lbs.  He works out with over 300lbs for his reps in the bench. Today he did full squats with around 350lbs.  I realize these aren't world class elite stuff but in the gym rat category it's hard core. He seems to be a nice guy but he has that lat spread semi tensing thing going on that doesn't look natural.  Trains really hard with high intensity. His workouts maybe last 30 to 40 minutes.

Talked briefly with this one guy who looks about 40 years old. He said everything was going great working out and after a workout he mowed the lawn. He felt a pain in his stomach and the result was a double hernia. After the operation he won't train with heavy weights. I can't blame him. He feels his stomach couldn't take it. He said it took him a long time to mourn so to speak that his hard core training was gone. I can relate.

 The owner won many a deadlift competitions in power meets. He never deads anymore again due to injury. He is finished but he has a ton of cool trophies on display.  

One old man training  chumped on gum with his mouth open repeatedly and continuously  for every second he was in the gym.  He looked like a cow or something with his big jowls going up and down.  It was freaking me out.

Came home and felt the inside of my shoulder swelling. I will make the best of it.

This is a mom and pop hardcore gym. Most of the equipment is 30 years old and mixed stuff. Chalk flies and many members are hard core. Down the road is the posh gym. All new matched equipment. Dumbbells are encased in rubber. Perfect rubber flooring and it looks like a show case. I worked out there about 4 years ago. The thing I miss about the place are the incredible women that work out there. Hot women love to work out there. In the gym I work out now a woman will walk in  and have a disgusted look on their face then walk out. Not that it's not clean. It's a completely functional gym with a great atmosphere of people too. It just doesn't look like a place where the beautiful people work out at in.  It looks like a place smelly fat power lifters who smell like BO and ben gay work out,  shouting every rep. The women at the posh place wear that shear panty hose yoga pants with a sheer top and hair done to impress. You can see the thongs right through the panty hose bottoms. Yes, I'm a perv. I like big butts and I cannot lie. You other brother can't deny. We have a couple of hotties in the hard core place but it you can't swing a dumbbell without nearly hitting a hot chick in the posh place. I want to work out there just to see the sights.

What's the deal with CDB oil? The owner recommends it for everything from anxiety, pain and dandruff. There isn't an ailment that it's not good for. Sounds like the way pot heads talk about marijuana like it's a medicine for what ever ails you.  He tells people he has the quality stuff and not the rip off stuff that does nothing. It's something like $50 a container. WTF?  I don't know if it's a nation wide thing or just my town in NJ but signs are in every strip mall as we call them here to buy the stuff.

Do guys in your gym sing unintelligible lyrics to the song playing in their ear buds? I constantly hear guys yelp something or yell out a oooh baby baby out of mid air then I realize they have ear buds in. One guy in particular I guess can't hear anything with the music blasting. He puts the pin in the weight stack and at the conclusion of his reps he drops the stack of plates sounding like a gun shot. I bet he can't hear what the hell he is doing.

Ear buds should be outlawed in gyms. No only can people not hear what themselves they can't hear anyone else. So when you ask someone wearing ear buds if there done with some equipment you want to use, they don't hear you. When this happens I make the assumption that their done whether they like it or not.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #989 on: March 07, 2020, 05:33:41 PM »
Ear buds should be outlawed in gyms. No only can people not hear what themselves they can't hear anyone else. So when you ask someone wearing ear buds if there done with some equipment you want to use, they don't hear you. When this happens I make the assumption that their done whether they like it or not.

I don't mind people listening to the music they enjoy while lifting. Some do it so people won't talk to them slowing down their exercise routine. My gym has a lot of old people in the morning that just love to talk. They can really bog down your routine if you're polite and listen to them drone on.  The gym for them is not about training but about socializing.

Today is a day off from training. I just did shoulder stretching. Long day of work and then watching my toddler grand daughter till her father came to get her.  Exhausted as I type this and having a cold beer.  Only had one beer in the fridge. I will switch to wine. I have a nice Italian valpolicella. A dry red that I love. Might tell the wife to put on heels and a mini skirt. She might tell me to go to hell.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #990 on: March 07, 2020, 05:56:15 PM »
I don't mind people listening to the music they enjoy while lifting. Some do it so people won't talk to them slowing down their exercise routine. My gym has a lot of old people in the morning that just love to talk. They can really bog down your routine if you're polite and listen to them drone on.  The gym for them is not about training but about socializing.

Today is a day off from training. I just did shoulder stretching. Long day of work and then watching my toddler grand daughter till her father came to get her.  Exhausted as I type this and having a cold beer.  Only had one beer in the fridge. I will switch to wine. I have a nice Italian valpolicella. A dry red that I love. Might tell the wife to put on heels and a mini skirt. She might tell me to go to hell.

Which was more exhausting, watching your granddaughter or work? Toddlers can really run a person ragged. Don't tell you wife what to wear, just tell her you want to take her out for a fun evening. On the other hand if you're exhausted, maybe order in and have some fun at home.

Speaking of grandchildren, my daughter and son-in-law have been working on their future granddaughters nursery all last week. The painted the room and shampooed the carpet. Finally all the gifts from the baby shower last Saturday have a home and are no longer covering the dining room table and floor around it.

No beer or wine for me. I have not had any alcoholic beverages of any kind at home for the last month or so. I did go out one night last week and ordered two scotch rocks before switching to water. When I drink at home, I drink too much. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #991 on: March 07, 2020, 06:07:19 PM »
Which was more exhausting, watching your granddaughter or work? Toddlers can really run a person ragged. Don't tell you wife what to wear, just tell her you want to take her out for a fun evening. On the other hand if you're exhausted, maybe order in and have some fun at home.

Speaking of grandchildren, my daughter and son-in-law have been working on their future granddaughters nursery all last week. The painted the room and shampooed the carpet. Finally all the gifts from the baby shower last Saturday have a home and are no longer covering the dining room table and floor around it.

No beer or wine for me. I have not had any alcoholic beverages of any kind at home for the last month or so. I did go out one night last week and ordered two scotch rocks before switching to water. When I drink at home, I drink too much. 

Watching a toddler is way more exhausting than work. You have to be on top of them every second of the day or they will get into trouble. Never have a second to complete a thought, lol. No wonder only young women can have kids.  On the top side are the hugs I get when I dropped her off and the biggest smile and wave good bye.  If there are a glimpse of angels on earth it is a wee one running around with a smile and joy.  In her face is everything that is beautiful in this world.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #992 on: March 07, 2020, 06:18:45 PM »
Watching a toddler is way more exhausting than work. You have to be on top of them every second of the day or they will get into trouble. Never have a second to complete a thought, lol. No wonder only young women can have kids.  On the top side are the hugs I get when I dropped her off and the biggest smile and wave good bye.  If there are a glimpse of angels on earth it is a wee one running around with a smile and joy.  In her face is everything that is beautiful in this world.

Yes, at that age most kids a filled with joy, love and a ton of energy. It's a beautiful thing. Relish it. When they become teenagers they are bored, jaded and act like everything is a burden. Then a few years after that, like their mid to late twenties, they become human again.

My son was the exception. He was great throughout his childhood, although very independent. He never gave us a lick of trouble. His sister was a different story during her teen years. Her idea of independence was rebellion and lots of drama. Fortunately, she grew up and matured into the fine woman that she is today.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #993 on: March 08, 2020, 11:27:25 AM »
Yes, at that age most kids a filled with joy, love and a ton of energy. It's a beautiful thing. Relish it. When they become teenagers they are bored, jaded and act like everything is a burden. Then a few years after that, like their mid to late twenties, they become human again.

My son was the exception. He was great throughout his childhood, although very independent. He never gave us a lick of trouble. His sister was a different story during her teen years. Her idea of independence was rebellion and lots of drama. Fortunately, she grew up and matured into the fine woman that she is today.

I have four adult kids. Two girls and two boys. The thing I'm must proud of is how tight they all are. I can die knowing they will look out for each other. Girls definitely have a lot more drama in their teens and early twenties.  One is a doctor of pharmacology, an intensive care nurse studying to become NP in psychiatry, an Army Airborne soldier and a son that does something with computers at his company. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #994 on: March 08, 2020, 02:01:03 PM »
I have four adult kids. Two girls and two boys. The thing I'm must proud of is how tight they all are. I can die knowing they will look out for each other. Girls definitely have a lot more drama in their teens and early twenties.  One is a doctor of pharmacology, an intensive care nurse studying to become NP in psychiatry, an Army Airborne soldier and a son that does something with computers at his company. 

Seems like you and your wife raised four responsible adults. -Not an easy feat these days. I am proud of both the people my wife and I raised. They are both have great values and like your four they are very close considering their geographical distance.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #995 on: March 09, 2020, 12:32:26 PM »
Back and chest:

Chins-zero, they hurt too much. Tried to do one rep and called it a day for them.
Pull downs 2 x 10 140lbs (Upright back. I could use much more weight with the lean back method but I feel it more staying upright)
Seated cable lat rows 2 x 10 170lbs
Dumbbell rows 2 x 10 85lbs
Hammer pulldown 2 x 10

Dumbbell incline press 2 x 8 70lbs ( did them slow and all the way down.)
Dips 3 x max (tried to dig deep. Strangely they don't bother my shoulder. I really should make this a primary movement)
One arm push out with a cable 3 x 12 (Hard to describe. I'm standing and it looks like I'm going a one arm standing bench press but the twist is I bring the hand across mid line at full extension. Really felt these in the pecs. Much safer exercises for the shoulder joint than flies. Arm starts bent like you are benching the weight.)
Push ups 1 x max

Deadlifts 2 x 4 315lbs (broken record using this weight.)
Weighted lower back hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind head.

Did some pullovers with a dumbbell for the stretch.  

I'm firm in my thinking after this week I'm going to volume to give my joints a break and to give my muscles a more endurance based stimulation.  

Got a Calvin Klein slim fit dress shirt from Amazon at the door today.  I have an athletic build but these shirts are meant to fit guys built like  skinny run way models or distance runners. The shirt is tight even while fitting the neck. My advice is guys who lifts weight to stay  away unless you're slim and ripped like a good 5 K runner. No one would accuse me of being huge at 185 and 5'9". Ok, 5'8" and a half.  ;D Damn I'm not fat in the least but this shirt is making it hard to breathe.  Just a bad look.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #996 on: March 09, 2020, 09:00:21 PM »
Back and chest:

Chins-zero, they hurt too much. Tried to do one rep and called it a day for them.
Pull downs 2 x 10 140lbs (Upright back. I could use much more weight with the lean back method but I feel it more staying upright)
Seated cable lat rows 2 x 10 170lbs
Dumbbell rows 2 x 10 85lbs
Hammer pulldown 2 x 10

Dumbbell incline press 2 x 8 70lbs ( did them slow and all the way down.)
Dips 3 x max (tried to dig deep. Strangely they don't bother my shoulder. I really should make this a primary movement)
One arm push out with a cable 3 x 12 (Hard to describe. I'm standing and it looks like I'm going a one arm standing bench press but the twist is I bring the hand across mid line at full extension. Really felt these in the pecs. Much safer exercises for the shoulder joint than flies. Arm starts bent like you are benching the weight.)
Push ups 1 x max

Deadlifts 2 x 4 315lbs (broken record using this weight.)
Weighted lower back hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind head.

Did some pullovers with a dumbbell for the stretch.  

I'm firm in my thinking after this week I'm going to volume to give my joints a break and to give my muscles a more endurance based stimulation.  

Got a Calvin Klein slim fit dress shirt from Amazon at the door today.  I have an athletic build but these shirts are meant to fit guys built like  skinny run way models or distance runners. The shirt is tight even while fitting the neck. My advice is guys who lifts weight to stay  away unless you're slim and ripped like a good 5 K runner. No one would accuse me of being huge at 185 and 5'9". Ok, 5'8" and a half.  ;D Damn I'm not fat in the least but this shirt is making it hard to breathe.  Just a bad look.

If the fabric gaps open between the buttons, the shirt is too tight. Sure hope there's a lot of spandex in that model's shirt and pants. Otherwise, it might be difficult for him to breathe much less move. ;) I have 17" to 17 1/2" neck. If I buy a ready made dress shirt that fits my neck, it is way too large around my waist, but it is easier to find my 34" sleeve length that size. I am definitely a candidate for custom dress shirts. Fortunately, I don't have much a occasion to dress up these days. Can't remember the last time I wore a tie. So, I buy my shirts in a size large and just don't button them at the neck. I also tend to look for slim cut shirts. My chest shoulders and arms are nothing as big as the model shown in your post are.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #997 on: March 10, 2020, 10:48:51 AM »
Today was biking for cardio. I haven't done this for awhile. I only rode 7 miles but I tried to push the pace. My biking legs are gone but I hope to have them back soon. I was breathing hard so this is a good substitute for running. Went in my basement and whacked the bag for two rounds. A little lame with my bad arm but still felt like I was hitting it hard.

It was nice riding the trail.  The gravel slows me down but it's still the same amount of work as riding fast on the road. It's so isolated that I made people jump of their skin as I passed them. Thought I would warn the next person who was two mom's pushing strollers. I said,"How's it going? On your left."  The two jumped out of their skin like a serial killer was behind them.  When they saw it was a guy on a bike they laughed.

Finished with shoulder stretching and rotator cuff work. Used a band for two rotator cuff movements and a light dumbbell for the third.

My brother back when I was around 40 asked me to do a gigantic bike tour in Iowa. He was heavily into bike riding. Little did I know it was around 100 miles a day for five day and the pace was pushed.  The temperature was around 90 every day. We slept in hot tents at night.  I couldn't sit down after the week from sitting on that tiny racing bike seat.  Now I ride 7 miles and I'm dying.   ::)


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #998 on: March 10, 2020, 11:45:11 AM »
Today was biking for cardio. I haven't done this for awhile. I only rode 7 miles but I tried to push the pace. My biking legs are gone but I hope to have them back soon. I was breathing hard so this is a good substitute for running. Went in my basement and whacked the bag for two rounds. A little lame with my bad arm but still felt like I was hitting it hard.

It was nice riding the trail.  The gravel slows me down but it's still the same amount of work as riding fast on the road. It's so isolated that I made people jump of their skin as I passed them. Thought I would warn the next person who was two mom's pushing strollers. I said,"How's it going? On your left."  The two jumped out of their skin like a serial killer was behind them.  When they saw it was a guy on a bike they laughed.

Finished with shoulder stretching and rotator cuff work. Used a band for two rotator cuff movements and a light dumbbell for the third.

My brother back when I was around 40 asked me to do a gigantic bike tour in Iowa. He was heavily into bike riding. Little did I know it was around 100 miles a day for five day and the pace was pushed.  The temperature was around 90 every day. We slept in hot tents at night.  I couldn't sit down after the week from sitting on that tiny racing bike seat.  Now I ride 7 miles and I'm dying.   ::)

The good news is that you'll be back in the groove in no time. I live on a steep hill. That last time I took the bike out after not riding for awhile I headed up the hill after about two blocks, I was feeling it. Had to zig-zag the next couple of blocks to make the hill climb less steep. I haven't been on my bike for awhile again. When next I take it out I'll go down the hill and ride it on the main road that runs parallel to the Willamette river and is almost flat. Of course, I'll probably have to walk it back up the hill at the end of the ride.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #999 on: March 11, 2020, 10:34:30 AM »
Trained legs: Always fun.  I was strong in most movements but weak in leg extensions. I normally fail at 12 reps but I failed at 10 reps. I'm blaming the biking the day before and all the stretching I've been doing. Two guys coughing their heads off in the gym. I blame that gym when ever I get sick. Germs live on every surface for 8 plus hours and every handle has been held by at least 50 guys.

Staggered out happy with my leg day work out. Sitting here typing drinking a Fairlife protein bottle. 30 grams of lactose free milk derived top grade protein of the best tasting protein I ever had.  Can't wait to wash the germs off me.