Author Topic: JPM101 current training  (Read 143501 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #175 on: December 17, 2020, 04:54:55 AM »
Had a 2 1/2 week break from any workout, with a mini vacation. Where can you go during this induced and false created panic...lots of places really. Living in San Diego county, many options and also getting away from the governors overbearing mandates. No ones going to find or bother you anyway, if you know where your going...

1)  Squat   5X20reps. A set of 20 reps pullovers between each set of front squats..5X20
2)  Incline Bench.   around a 60 degree incline. 5X20reps
3) BB Row...pull to the lower gut and than stand up and continuing the pull to the lower rib box. 5X20 reps

I'm using the same weight during each exercise and never going to a point of failure. Example..if using a 100lbs for squats, than that would be for all the sets. This program is a version of "100's", which seems to becoming popular out here. For me, it's a good way to get into a workout cycle after a layoff.

Use to workout with this Filipino gentleman who used this style program (5X20) way back in the day.  He would usually take 3 or 4 months off from workouts and when getting back in the gym he did this program .He was one of the few guy's I witnesses to actually grow from workout to workout. I was in my mid 20's at the time, and it did help with adding muscle mass, including strength gains, at a somewhat fast pace. Make no mistake, handling mostly higher reps can increase size and strength, if the right attitude and training program is applied.

Good Luck

High reps are the best to get back into working out. It seems to wake up muscle memory the fastest. At least that's my empirical experience.

 San Diego county is stunning. Home of the rich and famous. My sister in law lives there in a town that slips my mind. The development is gated and each house has their own electronic gate on their fence. Past her back yard I could see mountains in the distance or were they really big hills, lol?  I really thought I would see Tom Cruise exit one of the houses it was so amazing. Truly the most beautiful part of the country I have ever seen. Talking to so many people I was shocked how many work out of their house and this was pre covid.  The wealth there is incredible. Everyone seems to think living in a million plus house is normal.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #176 on: February 27, 2021, 05:29:47 PM »
Current...   going for the short and to the point workouts. Time is a factor, so keep workouts to 45-50 minutes, trying for a good pace.
Workout A
1)   Dips...weighted    3x7-9
2)  BB row...curl grip   3x7-9
3)  Upright row     EZ bar   3x7-9
4)  Front raise    EZ bar    3x7-9
5)  Lateral raise   start by holding DB's as if doing DB curls. Keep that position through the exercise to shoulder height and than back down again.  3x7-9

Workout B
1) Hack BB squat. think of it as a reverse DL.  And with better leverage, for me anyway. 4x10-12
2) Front squat  3x10-12  a low, sitting position at bottom
3)  BB shrug, in PR 3x10-12  extra wide grip. I touch the inside collars, just saying.

Based on a mon-wed-fri 3 day a week program it would be: mon- workout A  weds-workout B  fri workout A. The next week it would be   mon workout B    wed workout A  fri workout B  alternate every week, stating with each mon.
Good luck



  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #177 on: August 07, 2021, 11:53:12 AM »

Workout A

1...BB hack squats  3x8-12
2...BB shrugs. Close grip, elbows against the body. 3x8-12
Do both in the Rest-Pause style. 10-12 seconds between individual reps. Add plates each set

Workout B

1...DB Front raise. alternate right & left arms.  Slight bend at elbow, bringing DB just above the top my head level, straight in front.   2x6-9 reps

2...DB lateral raise. Alternate right and left arms to the sides. Slight bend at the elbow. Bring DB just above the top of my head level. In line with body. 2x6-9

3...DB side pull up. Alternate right & left arms.  DB at the side, hammer grip, pull the DB straight up alongside the body (not out). Won't travel very far, but don't worry it's a very effective movement for the lateral and posterior delts, along with the upper traps.  Can work up to some impressive poundage after a while. 2x6-9

4....Dips. weighted. 2-3 seconds dead stop at bottom of each rep. 3x6-9

 Workout A can be done on Monday. Workout B on Wednesday  Workout A on Friday. Next Monday I would do workout B. Wednesday workout A. And Friday workout B.
  Alternate each week. Though I can't always workout on a set day, so have to make adjustments due to my job. .

I don't do a lot of sets, except when on a program like 10x10's ( great training system, but not to be done on a regular bases). Might find that the older you get in training, the less number of sets, per exercise, you need to make continual gains. Giving recovering a greater chance, a very important element for anyone. And avoiding unneeded injury's.

Good Luck.




  • Getbig V
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #178 on: August 26, 2021, 04:08:12 PM »

Workout A

1...BB hack squats  3x8-12
2...BB shrugs. Close grip, elbows against the body. 3x8-12
Do both in the Rest-Pause style. 10-12 seconds between individual reps. Add plates each set

Workout B

1...DB Front raise. alternate right & left arms.  Slight bend at elbow, bringing DB just above the top my head level, straight in front.   2x6-9 reps

2...DB lateral raise. Alternate right and left arms to the sides. Slight bend at the elbow. Bring DB just above the top of my head level. In line with body. 2x6-9

3...DB side pull up. Alternate right & left arms.  DB at the side, hammer grip, pull the DB straight up alongside the body (not out). Won't travel very far, but don't worry it's a very effective movement for the lateral and posterior delts, along with the upper traps.  Can work up to some impressive poundage after a while. 2x6-9

4....Dips. weighted. 2-3 seconds dead stop at bottom of each rep. 3x6-9

 Workout A can be done on Monday. Workout B on Wednesday  Workout A on Friday. Next Monday I would do workout B. Wednesday workout A. And Friday workout B.
  Alternate each week. Though I can't always workout on a set day, so have to make adjustments due to my job. .

I don't do a lot of sets, except when on a program like 10x10's ( great training system, but not to be done on a regular bases). Might find that the older you get in training, the less number of sets, per exercise, you need to make continual gains. Giving recovering a greater chance, a very important element for anyone. And avoiding unneeded injury's.

Good Luck.

Always a pleasure reading your posts in this log.

I’m also happy to see you posting from the right side of the grass, and I hope you continue to do so for a very long time, Sir.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #179 on: August 28, 2021, 06:51:36 PM »
Right back at you Montague. The best to you.

Still befuddled by some of the programs the older guy's are attempting here at Training Q&A.  Not a criticism, just an observation. Guess the point is never surrender, never give up to advancing years, no matter what form of exercise you may do.

 See quite a few guy's in their late 60's and even 70's doing  heavier squats and rack pulls/DL's. These are the older more  experienced lifters. But none do BB flat benches any more, not for years. DB inclines very popular here.. Into a rep range of 6-8 and 2-3 sets max, for just about every exercise they do.  The simple pullup is also quite popular, hammer grip. Actually few, if any, run as part of their workout scheme.

Good Luck.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #180 on: November 10, 2021, 11:42:58 AM »
I usually stay on a program for 6 to 8 weeks. Some times to 12 weeks, take a week off and than return to some other type of training program..
A)   1. chin behind neck...touching the neck  3x6-9  weighted
      2.  Press behind neck...sitting  3x6-9
      3. Upright rowing (EZ Olympic type bar)  3x6-9
      4.  DB pullover & press  3x8-10
           Exercises 2 & 3 are not designed for everyone. Some may have a problem with
          one or both. To me they have proven true strength and rewarding movements,
          never an issue.   I don't do any direct arm exercises.

B)   1) Step up on boxes, alternate each leg every rep. BB on shoulders. 3x10-12
      2) Body leg curl.....Having the ankles held by a training partner while laying face
         down on a matt, curl the body up to a knelling position. Very affection exercise
         for direct ham involvement.  Usually hold a BB plate in front my chest. 3x12-15
         I'll full stretch, with my toes on a 2x4, for  couple of minutes before these leg
         movements. Don't do any calf work at all.

        A times I will do sit ups. Knees drawn up and under a strap, I will hold a BB above
        my body (like the start of a BP) and sit up.  As my body raises, the BB will raise
       also to above my head at the top position of the sit up. In the position of overhead
       press.  3x6-9  Also use a Ab wheel from time to time...standing.

       Alternate days between A & B workouts

Good Luck. 


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #181 on: February 16, 2022, 09:41:24 AM »

 Trying to hit the three functions of a pulling motion
1...Pullups.. hammer grip ...pulling down and into the body
2...BB row...curl grip, grip under handed rather than overhanded......pulling from in front and into the body
3...High Pulls...pull bar up to around lower pecs. No leg action/body English, as in regular Hi Pulls  off rack...pulling up and along side the body.

Trying to hit the three functions of a pushing motion
4...Overhead Press off rack....  up and away from the body
5...Bench...away and in front of the body
6...Dips   pushing down and along side the body

The three phase idea seems to handle the push and press functions quiet well. 3x6-9 all exercises

I do legs on a separate workout day.  Currently doing low bench squats 10x10.  I do light stiff legged DL's, with toes on a 2x4 after  20x3  Find those stretches help my legs recover quite well after the squats.

Good Luck



  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #182 on: February 19, 2022, 10:09:56 AM »
Actually those bench squats are Front bench Squats 10x10.   

That's a touch & go rep, when the butt hits the bench spring right up quickly. Front squats tend to influence the lower quads quite well, giving Olympic lifters as an example of some pretty good lower quads development (tear drops.....above the knees).

Good Luck


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #183 on: August 02, 2022, 11:29:16 AM »
general stretch and warmup....swing bell pullovers, around 50 reps or so and/or hanging from an overhead bar, with dipping belt attached. Using wide to narrow grips. Can include one arm hangs, also good for the grip. A couple of minutes total of hangs.  Hangs seem to loosen and setup my whole bod;  spine, upper/lower back, hips, legs, etc.
Workout A
1. BB shrugs wide inside collar to collar hand position. A whole different feel and stretch to the common BB shrug.   3x10-12

2.  HI pulls, DB alternate each arm 3X10-12. 

3.  BB incline press . close grip, elbows in and close to the body 3x10-12

4. Side one arm DB press, alternate each arms   (not to be confuses with the standard one arm DB overhead press)  3x 10-12

Workout B
warmup..50 to 100 Hindu squats.  and Ham full stretches.
Been doing 10x10's (GVT) for squats. and 10x10 for leg curls. Actually I'm getting use to these combo movements.  Legs feel pretty good doing them. With GVT only a moderate is used.

Take at lease 2 days (sometimes 3) days between workout A & B

Good Luck.

(was doing heavy partial rep's my last workout training before this current one.....very productive I must say. Now easing off a bit. The old heavy-light theory of training cycles works well for me as I approach 50 years of age)



  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #184 on: January 09, 2023, 10:34:32 AM »
Current workout, which is including the rest-pause system on my final set of each body part worked. On that final set I will increase the weigh 30-50 lbs or so, depending on the exercise used. The Rest-Pause system requires 10 to 12  (some versions are 12-15) seconds break between each rep done. Which in it's self could be considered a mini set within a set. (not giving the actual poundage I use, not going through that mess again)

1....BB Hack squats  3x12   On the last/third and final set (Rest-Pause) I add 50lbs and probably get 8 to 10 reps.

2... DB straight arm pullovers. General stretch for the total upper body.  2x40.. No R-P here

3...Front BB press from rack. Rest the bar on the heels of the palms for better direct leverage, 3x8 to 10 reps. Rest-Pause on the third and final set, adding 30 lbs for around 10-12 reps.

4...Up-Right rows.. using an Olympic style EZ bar. 3x10-12.  Rest Pause on the third and final set, adding 30 lbs for 10-12 reps.

That's the total workout. As said many time before, I do not work any direct arm exercises . The above one twice a week. Usually do 50-100 Hindu squats before legs, which can also gear up the whole body.

Good Luck


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #185 on: February 18, 2023, 09:54:09 AM »
Have currently readjusted my workout. Have replaced the Rest-Pause. Am now doing Pre-Exhaust for total workout sets. With the same basic exercise as before.

With Pre-Exhaust you use a lighter movement (usually a leverage movement) before the heavier main exercise. If doing benches you would do a lighter leverage movement like DB fly, pec deck, etc and than, without any rest at all the heavier BP.  This is not new, it's strictly old school BB'ing . Been around for decades.


1....Sissy squats   3x8-10
2....Hack Squat    3x8-10    .Would suggest doing leg extensions, rather than Sissy squats. Sissy squats may be new to some people and requires a learning curve.  All this is my personal workout and may not be fully suited to others.  As your workouts might not be to me.

3....EZ Bar front raise  3x6-8
4....Front Press off of rack   3x6-8

5....DB lateral raise   3x6-8
6...Upright row..EZ bar   3x6-8   upright row are a excellent delt workouk. As well as traps and forearms/biceps.

I don't do arms. But might suggest with Pre-Exhaust ..remember no rest between exercises and 90 rest between compound P-E sets..

Triceps ...
1....DB Kick backs 3x8-10   a very good movement which most guys reject for whatever reason.
2...Dips   3x8-10
3...DB one arm sitting concentration curl.. Elbow resting against the inner thigh. 3x8-10
4...Cheat curl...either conventional of EZ bar  3x8-10

Good Luck.


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #186 on: February 18, 2023, 10:03:13 AM »
Good to see you posting again bud!  :)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #187 on: February 24, 2023, 04:52:20 PM »
Thank you Wes.
 You seem to have your training in very good order, Good Luck.


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #188 on: February 25, 2023, 09:06:21 AM »
Thank you Wes.
 You seem to have your training in very good order, Good Luck.
I`m trying my best my friend.

All the best to you buddy!  :)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #189 on: July 21, 2023, 12:44:49 PM »
Workout A

1...Good Mornings, bar held on the upper traps. Hold at count of 3 at the lowers point, around 80-90 degrees. Do not force any stretch. Just to note that the Good Morning is not the same as the Stiff Legged DL......seems some confusion in this regard. 

2...Reverse leg curl. Ankles are held under a strap or have a training partner hold ankles down. Start by laying prone (face down) on the mat and curl my body up to a straight up position. Will hold a BB plate for added resistance. Also this is not the same as a standard leg bicep curl on any type machine.

3...BB  Hack squat.  Think of BB Hacks as reverse DL's. For me any way, finding that my body is much better lined up lifting off the floor than regular DL. 

Workout B

1...Handstand presses on a floor . Both feet leaning on a wall for better balance. Excellent for improving the overhead press, with some different muscle brought into play (have to find that out yourself) With workout floor blocks usually 4-6" or so.

2...Dips. Added plates with dipping belt. Knuckles facing front which can affect the pec-delt muscle tie in.

3...Chins...weighted,using a neutral grip thumbs facing back.

4... One arm DB Hi-pulls.   

My rep range and style are done not in the normal way, just to say. My rep range may be anywhere from 5 to 18 reps on different workout days. Not the Wave style, but something a bit different.  A lifting friend of an ex coach got me doing this stuff, with interesting results. I believe some of you more experienced serious lifting guys may know what I mean. It can take the boring out of a lot of workouts , for me anyway. New variety each gym day.

Good Luck


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #190 on: August 09, 2024, 07:01:51 PM »

A)  1 Squat Clean...elbows high.    4x10-12

     2  Lying leg Curl.   Actually a reverse leg curl, keeping the ankles held in place and raising the laying body up to a 90 degree angle  or kneeling position.  Will hold a BB plate(S) at time in the chest area.. 3x12-15

B)   Hanging from overhead bar. from 30 to 60 seconds. Great total spine to hip stretch. At time will use 100 to 150 weighted hip belt for shorter periods of hangs.  Prefer a hammer medium grip. But have gone extra wide for a whole different body feel. An can develop a very powerful grip.

1   BB Shrugs from rack  2x10-15
2    BB Rows , overhand medium grip to mid chest range.  Than BB Rows with underhand (Curl grip) close grip to lower abs. 2x10-12 for each version.
3   BB Pullover and Press.  4x8-10.  Personal view only, one of the true muscle and strength builders.
4   BB press from rack 2x8x10

Alternate workout A & B each week.