Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 485189 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2525 on: October 16, 2024, 12:39:31 PM »
Leg day:  Leg day is tough when doing a lot of running. It seems to sap the  strength out of your legs.  Still 166 and I get on that scale every other day hoping to see 165.  My goal is 164lbs for now.  As usual no warm up shown.

Leg press 2 x 12 (The weight was light relative to the recent past. Hope to gradually pick that up.  I'm so skinny. I hate the way my face looks when lean but it's not like I'm going be confused with Brad Pitt if I was heavier.)

Dumbbell squats 2x12  ( I still say it's one of the hardest exercises anyone can do if they try to keep an upright back and sink the ass down to the ground. I hold the dumbbells at the sides with straps. Don't deadlift the weight. I don't know why this damn exercise is so tough.)

Stiff leg deads off a block 1 x 6

High block single leg step ups 1 x 10 each leg. (Still new to them.  I still think my form is terrible but working on it. I try to accelerate the concentric and slow the negative. Almost like a power movement)

Glute kick back machine 1 x 12 (Getting back to these. I bought the damn machine because I loved the commercial model in a gym I went to.  After buying it I found it just wasn't as good.  Just made differently with different angles.  Still a good movement but not a great movement like the commercial model I used.)

Leg extensions 2 x 20
Seated leg curl 2 x 15
Standing leg curl 1 x 12     ( I use a product called monkey feet to attach a dumbbell to my foot. I stand on a block and do single leg curls.  I also end the set by doing single leg knee ups while standing for 12 reps)

Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 24
Hip ups while on back 1 x 30  (On your back point your legs toward the ceiling. Push your hips toward the ceiling like you're trying to hit the ceiling with your feet.)

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15
Tibalis work 1 x 20

Four way neck machine 2 x 30

I haven't run since Sunday and it's now Wednesday.  Too long of time without cardio. Tomorrow I think I will do intervals on a treadmill. Running the day after leg work is always bad. I hope do something like 4 x 440 yards then 4 x 220 yards.  Maybe some bag work.  We will see.  I haven't been able to put on a 30" waist jeans that were brand new sitting in my closet for years. They were tight but I have been wearing them a couple of times lately. Yes, I have to use the strength of Zeus to close the top, lol.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2526 on: October 16, 2024, 12:45:03 PM »
I'll bet you look younger now that you've lost weight.

Most people do.

Congrats on your progress.  You're almost at your goal weight so don't give up.

The last few pounds can be the hardest.

Do you intend to maintain your new weight?

As far as strength, you can gain it back by doing low reps on the big moves to train your CNS to recruit your muscles to contract more strongly.  I think you know this already.

Have you decided on a training method to lower your distance time?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2527 on: October 16, 2024, 01:39:08 PM »
I'll bet you look younger now that you've lost weight.

Most people do.

Congrats on your progress.  You're almost at your goal weight so don't give up.

The last few pounds can be the hardest.

Do you intend to maintain your new weight?

As far as strength, you can gain it back by doing low reps on the big moves to train your CNS to recruit your muscles to contract more strongly.  I think you know this already.

Have you decided on a training method to lower your distance time?

I hope to hit 164lbs and then I will see if it's in the cards to go even lower. 

I think in order to lower my distance time I have to add intervals on my off distance runs. Who knows? I will just keep plugging away.

Regarding strength I missed a lot of days in the weight room. I was trying to run a day then lift a day.  Sometimes I was so exhausted from the previous days run I just had no strength or resolve to hit the weight room. I think unless running is your only activity at our age we do need plenty of days off if you're running distances hard.  My progress has been at a snail's pace regarding distance running.

 It kills my ego when I see a girl go running by me when I'm doing my five mile days.  I know in my youth that I never knew a girl that could keep up with me on distance runs. Now it's a regular occurrence, lol.

I know in the end the logical thing to for me when combining running and lifting is to use moderate weights and volume.  I'm just have too much of an ego to lighten the weights.  I don't want to suck at lifting and running at the same time.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2528 on: October 18, 2024, 04:10:11 PM »
Back and Delt day: No warms that were used are not shown.

Medium grip supinate pulldown with a M.A.G. bar 2 x 10
Seated lat cable row with a V handle 2 x 12
One arm Dumbbell row with knee on bench 2 x10
Narrow grip supinate pulldown with a M.A.G. bar 2 x 10

Military press 2 x 6
Delt dumbbell laterals 2x10
Rear Delt dumbbell laterals 2x12

Dead 2 x 4
Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15

Ab wheel 1 x 27
Ab pulley crunch 1 x 50

Really lost a lot of strength.  I could gain it back quick in a month if  I gave up all the running I'm doing.   One thing I noticed when I was doing mainly weight workouts with say one to two cardio days a week that I was never sore.  Now with all the distance running I get incredibly sore when I trained legs. I don't get sore running.  Legs feel fantastic. Now when I train legs I can barely walk the day after and get pissed when  have to pick something off the floor. Can't explain it.  If I run only my legs feel fine.  If I lift only my legs feel fine.  Combine the two my leg muscles break down.

Since I'm trying hard to improve my distance running progressing at a snail's pace my lifting is suffering.  Physically I know I'm losing muscle. A short sleeve button down shirt I have with an athletic cut use to be tight on my arms. Now It's very lose.  Don't get me wrong. No one would confuse me with being a bodybuilder.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2529 on: October 18, 2024, 05:16:28 PM »
You still have some bigorexia going on in your head which is normal.

It will subside.

Your hamstrings are getting stretched more when you lift.

You could stretch your hamstrings well after lifting and running or you could do light leg pressing everyday to maintain flexibility in the hamstrings.