Author Topic: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal  (Read 46083 times)


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #500 on: November 03, 2023, 05:00:40 AM »
Oz sees all.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #501 on: November 03, 2023, 09:18:53 AM »
November 03, 2023


Standing Alternate DB Curls - 4 X 15,10,10,12
Cable Curls - 4 X 15,12,10,10
Hoist Seated Curl Machine - 1 X failure

Seated French Press - 4 X 15,10,8,12
One-Arm Cable Extensions - 4 X 12-15
Triceps Pushdowns - 2 X 25,20

I skipped working forearms today, as my left wrist has been bugging me all week.......I just taped it up and got busy.

Overall,a pretty good week of training.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #502 on: November 03, 2023, 09:19:24 AM »


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #503 on: November 06, 2023, 04:35:04 AM »
Weekend off as usual.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #504 on: November 06, 2023, 09:01:01 AM »
November 06, 2023


Leg Press - 8 X 20,15,12,10,10,12,15,20 (got the 7 plates for 10,nice and deep without wraps....easy peasy)
Leg Extensions - 4 X 20
Adductor Machine - 4 X 15-20

Seated Leg Curls - 6 X 12-20

Rotary Calf Machine - 5 X failure (+ stretching and partials to extend the sets)

Adding in D-Bol to,my cycle today

It was a good day!


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #505 on: November 07, 2023, 08:33:01 AM »
November 07, 2023

Chest & Back:

Smith Incline Press - 5 X 12,12,10,10 10 (constant weight,short rests)
DB Flyes - 4 X 15,12,10,10
Dips - 3 X 12,10,10

Rack Deadlifts - 4 X 10,8,5,5, (pulled from mid-shin height..will do more next time)
Negative Only Wide Grip Chins - 3 X failure (hold at top + squeeze,extra slow negative,hang and stretch at bottom....repeat)
Pulldowns Behind Neck - 4 X 12,10,10,12
Straight-Arm Pulldowns - 1 X 12,then dropped weight for 12 more

Great workout...I`m spent!


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #506 on: November 10, 2023, 07:57:54 AM »
November 8, 2023



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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #507 on: November 10, 2023, 07:58:56 AM »
November 09, 2023


Seated DB Press- 5 X 15,12,8,7,12
DB Lateral Raise - 5 X 15,12,12,12,15
Face-Pulls - 5 X 15,12,12,12,20

Seated DB Shrugs - 2 X 12
Standing DB Shrugs - 2 X 15

Lying Plate Neck Raise - 5 X 12-30

Calves - 6 X failure & stretching after each set

{Rope Crunches - 4 X failure
{Crunches - 4 X failure

Great workout....lots of energy and power!!


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #508 on: November 10, 2023, 08:00:01 AM »
November 10, 2023


E-Z Bar Curls - 5 X 15,12,10,10,15
Hoist Seated Curl Machine - 4 X 12,10,10,12

Skullcrushers - 5 X 20,15,12,12,10
One-Arm Cable Extensions - 4 X 12
Pressdowns - 3 X 25,15,20

Skipped forearms again as my left wrist is fucked up a bit.

Great week of training!


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #509 on: November 13, 2023, 03:11:09 AM »
Weekend off as usual.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #510 on: November 13, 2023, 09:40:55 AM »
November 13, 2023


Leg Press - 10 X 20,15,12,10,10,10,12,12,15,20 (after 2 warm up sets of 20 reps)
Leg Extensions - 3 X 20
Adductor Machine - 2 X 25,15

Seated Leg Curls - 6 X 20,12,8,8,12,12

Rotary Calf Machine - 5 X failure

Great workout!!!


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #511 on: November 14, 2023, 08:31:44 AM »
November 14, 2023

Chest & Back:

Smith Incline Press - 5 X 12,8,6,10,10
DB Flyes - 4 X 15,12,10,12
Seated Bench Press Machine - 3 X 12,10,10

Pulldowns Behind Neck - 4 X 15,12,10,10
Single -Arm Cable Rows - 4 X 15,12,10,10
Straight-Arm Pulldowns - 4 X 12,12,15,20

Good one!!!


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #512 on: November 16, 2023, 04:06:42 AM »
November 15, 2023



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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #513 on: November 16, 2023, 07:55:03 AM »
November 16, 2023

Shoulders & Calves:

Triple Drop-Set DB Laterals - 4 X failure on all 3 sets on all dumbells
Face-Pulls - 5 X 20,12,10 drop wt. + 10 more,12,15
Seated Machine Press - 2 x 20,12 (sat facing the machine....feels much better this way)

Leg Press Calf Extensions - 5 X failure (with stretching between all sets)

Great workout,can barely raise my arms!!


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #514 on: November 17, 2023, 08:14:51 AM »
November 17, 2023


Super-Set #1:
{Seated DB Curls - 4 sets
{Lying DB Extensions - 4 sets

Super-Set #2:
{Standing Cable Curls - 4 sets
{Bent-Forward Cable Extensions -  4 sets

Pressdowns 2 X failure

Moderate weight,very little rest,lots of reps.

Pretty good week of training!


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #515 on: December 04, 2023, 10:46:43 PM »
December 04, 2023


Leg Press - 5 X 20,15,12,12,12
Leg Extensions - 4 X 20,15,12,12
Adductor Machine - 2 X 30,15

Seated Leg Curls - 4 X 20,15,10,10

Leg Press Calf Extensions - 4 X failure

Two weeks ago I took a scheduled week off as the Uni gym would be closed for Thanksgiving on Thurs. and Fri. anyway so I figured it would be a great time to give my sore wrist a chance to rest a bit......PLUS,I hadn`t missed a training day in a long time.

Anyway,all was well with this so I figured I`d hit the gym the following Monday (last week).....well I had serious gastro issues that pop up every few months............couldn`t leave the house .......stayed in close proximity to the bathroom.

Had this for years as I had Colitis once all of a sudden out of nowhere, and lost 40 pounds........I`m a small guy so losing 40 pounds was quite the fucking shock.... I thought I was gonna buy the farm,but as suddenly as it came,it left.....but it took 40 pounds with in........then my out of the blue my Gall Bladder issues (glad I never got the surgery.....fucking quacks).........long story short cuz I`m a rambling fool, is that I used moderate weight today and decreased volume since its been 2 weeks since I`ve trained......but I trained hard and at a good pace.

It felt great to get back in there.......feeling OK again and very enthusiastic.

Thanks to Matt C. for typing this little missive up for me.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #516 on: December 06, 2023, 12:14:10 PM »
December 05, 2023

Chest & Back:

Seated Bench Press Machine - 5 X 15,12,10,6,12
DB Flyes - 4 X 12 (constant weight

Pulldowns Behind Neck - 5 X 15,12,10,8,12
Seated Cable Rows - 4 X 15,12,10,10

Again,less volume than normal due to my layoff.

I`m just trying to get the initial soreness going them gone, so I can crank it back up to my normal volume with heavier poundages.

All in all,a damn good workout such as it was.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #517 on: December 06, 2023, 12:15:37 PM »
December 06, 2023



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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #518 on: December 07, 2023, 08:53:58 AM »
December 07, 2023


Triple Drop-Set DB Laterals - 4 X failure with each set of the 3 DB`s (BRUTAL)
Face-Pulls - 5 X 15,12,12,12,20
Seated Press On Machine - 3 X 12

Lying Plate Neck Raises - 4 X failure

{Rope Cable Crunches - 3 X failure
{Crunches - 3 X failure (done lying on a bench)

Great workout.........insanely huge deltoid pump!


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #519 on: December 08, 2023, 06:04:53 AM »
December 08, 2023


Super-Set #1:
{E-Z Bar Curls - 4 X 12
{Seated French Press - 4 X 20,12,12,15

Super-Set #2:
{Seated DB Curls - 3 X 10-12
{Lying DB Extensions - 3 X 20,15,12

Triceps Dips Between Benches - 1 X failure

Trained at home today.......too fucking cold to drive so far for such a short workout.

Skipped forearms wrist is still bothering me a bit.

Arms are looking vascular as Hell.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #520 on: December 08, 2023, 06:45:08 PM »
December 08, 2023


Super-Set #1:
{E-Z Bar Curls - 4 X 12
{Seated French Press - 4 X 20,12,12,15

Super-Set #2:
{Seated DB Curls - 3 X 10-12
{Lying DB Extensions - 3 X 20,15,12

Triceps Dips Between Benches - 1 X failure

Trained at home today.......too fucking cold to drive so far for such a short workout.

Skipped forearms wrist is still bothering me a bit.

Arms are looking vascular as Hell.

When you say you are doing 4 X 20,12,12,15, Are you adding weight then taking it off for the final set or are you using the same weight for all four sets?


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #521 on: December 09, 2023, 12:10:26 PM »
When you say you are doing 4 X 20,12,12,15, Are you adding weight then taking it off for the final set or are you using the same weight for all four sets?
Pyramiding up,then back down on the last set.

I like higher reps on the initial set or two,as I don`t want to get injured.

I do a lot of warming up these days that I never ever bothered to do in the past.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #522 on: December 09, 2023, 12:11:14 PM »
December 09, 2023


Leg Press - 8 sets of - 20,15,12,10,10,10,10,15 (after 2 light warmup sets)
Leg Extensions - 4 sets of - 20,12,12,15
Adductor Machine - 3 sets of - 35,20,12

Seated Leg Curls - 5 sets of -  20,12,12,10,15

Leg Press Calf Extensions - 5 sets to failure plus stretching and holds

Increasing my volume after my time off.


As I said in an earlier post I usually train legs on Mondays and do not train on weekends.....but today and tomorrow (Sun.) will be in the 50 degree range and then on Monday it`s back into the 20`s with snow......I hate driving in that shit cuz this towns plowing bastards.

I can`t really train legs well at home due to a lack of equipment so it was legs today,chest & back tomorrow at the gym.....a day or two of rest, and if the weather sucks after that, I can get a great delt and arm workout at home.

So no missed workouts!!  ;)

Good fucking thinking for an old guy huh?


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #523 on: December 10, 2023, 09:16:12 AM »
December 10, 2023

Chest & Back:

Smith Machine Incline Press - 4 sets of 12,8,5,10
DB Flyes - 3 sets of 15,12,12
Seated Bench Press Machine - 3 sets of 12 (all reps paused in the stretched position)

Pulldowns Behind Neck - 4 sets of 12,10,10,15
Seated Rowing Machine - 4 sets of 12,10,10,15 (held each contraction for a few seconds)
Straight-Arm Pulldowns - 2 sets of 12,20 (held each rep at the quads and squeezed my lats)

Damn good glad I trained this weekend.

It was 54 degrees today with rain.....tomorrow calls for back in the 20`s with fucking snow......I`m so glad I got the last two days in while the weather was driveable.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #524 on: December 12, 2023, 05:08:31 AM »
December 11th. and 12th.