Author Topic: Wes` Comeback Journal  (Read 66814 times)


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #50 on: August 04, 2015, 01:39:32 PM »
I like your workouts like me your volume ,,I see sometimes you do more movements or just say 3 but still do 12-16 sets of the 3 movements ...glad you reconnected in this,,your ols school like me train/eat/diet everything else 2nd or 3rd  :P..

Wes is from the school that burned down before the "old school" was built!!


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #51 on: August 04, 2015, 01:50:15 PM »

Wes is from the school that burned down before the "old school" was built!!


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #52 on: August 04, 2015, 02:28:43 PM »

...and, I mean that as a tremendous compliment!!!


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #53 on: August 04, 2015, 04:18:51 PM »
Seriously, Wes has forgotten more about bodybuilding than most of the assholes on here will ever know!!


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #54 on: August 04, 2015, 05:06:59 PM »

Talking about old school, guys use to put cottage cheese in a blender with water and drink it that way. Can taste like butter milk.  Easier than spoon feeding it to yourself. Some added pineapple or papaya (canned or fresh) in the blender with the water. Pineapple & papaya have bromelain which is an excellent aid for digestion.  Can also buy bromelain tablets. Butter milk it's self used to be another old school muscle builder.

Some also added a small can of tuna with tomato juice, pineapple juice, etc and drank that stuff a couple times a day. One thing about the above, it should not bloat anyone up because the drinks were sipped rather that chug-a-lugged quickly. Easier on the digestion and stomach.

Of course with all the modern supplement, and 'roids..etc, some of those old school tricks have been passed by. For guys on a budget, just might be workable.

Good Luck.


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #55 on: August 05, 2015, 02:19:10 PM »
Any tips on making cottage taste better??
Put some chopped up canned pineapple in it.......not bad but it`s an aqquired taste.

Eat for nutrition my brother from CT. not for taste!!   ;)


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #56 on: August 05, 2015, 02:23:39 PM »
I like your workouts like me your volume ,,I see sometimes you do more movements or just say 3 but still do 12-16 sets of the 3 movements ...glad you reconnected in this,,your ols school like me train/eat/diet everything else 2nd or 3rd  :P..
Great minds think alike Steve........besides if I did an abbreviated routine after all these decades of training,I wouldn`t even feel it.


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #57 on: August 05, 2015, 02:25:35 PM »

Wes is from the school that burned down before the "old school" was built!!
I truly am !!  LOL  :D


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #58 on: August 05, 2015, 02:26:31 PM »
Seriously, Wes has forgotten more about bodybuilding than most of the assholes on here will ever know!!
Yeah but at my age,I also forget my name and where the bathroom is!!   LOL   :(


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #59 on: August 05, 2015, 02:27:34 PM »
Talking about old school, guys use to put cottage cheese in a blender with water and drink it that way. Can taste like butter milk.  Easier than spoon feeding it to yourself. Some added pineapple or papaya (canned or fresh) in the blender with the water. Pineapple & papaya have bromelain which is an excellent aid for digestion.  Can also buy bromelain tablets. Butter milk it's self used to be another old school muscle builder.

Some also added a small can of tuna with tomato juice, pineapple juice, etc and drank that stuff a couple times a day. One thing about the above, it should not bloat anyone up because the drinks were sipped rather that chug-a-lugged quickly. Easier on the digestion and stomach.

Of course with all the modern supplement, and 'roids..etc, some of those old school tricks have been passed by. For guys on a budget, just might be workable.

Good Luck.
Excellent advice as usual you walking plethora of knowledge!!   ;)


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #60 on: August 05, 2015, 02:31:20 PM »
Week 4



Lat pulldowns:

Seated Cable Rows:

T-Bar Rows:
3 X 12 ( I use the 25 pound plates for better extension and attempt to hold the bar at my chest with a squeeze as best I can.

Stiff-Arm Pulldowns:
3 X 15 with 4 plates

Barbell Shrugs:
3 X 12-15

Usual dietary fare...........too lazy to post it.   ;D


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #61 on: August 05, 2015, 02:37:27 PM »




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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #62 on: August 05, 2015, 02:37:51 PM »
Week 4


Seated Press on Smith Machine:
Still babying my left shoulder but it felt OK today for a change.

Behind The Back Laterals: (kind of my own invention.........much better stretch)
20-4 X 10
10 pounds for 20 arms held at outside of quads

2 X 12 with 4 plates
3 X 15 with 3 plates

2 Arm Cable Front Raise:
2 X 15 with 3 plates
3 X 20 with 2 plates

Meal # 1-Pre-Workout:
1 scoop whey in water

Meal # 2-Post-Workout:
1 scoop whey in water

Meal # 3:
5 oz. chicken breast
1 cup white rice
12 oz. water

Meal # 4:
5 oz. chicken breast
1 cup FF cottage Cheese
12 oz. water

Meal # 5:
5 oz. chicken breast
1 cup FF cottage Cheese
1 rice cake w/ natty PB
12 oz. water


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #63 on: August 05, 2015, 02:43:58 PM »
I can`t wait to get away from these baby poundages but they feel heavy after a 15 month imposed layoff eating garbage so got my own self to blame.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,besides as I always say sometimes,"if it feels heavy,it is heavy" !!

This is really only the 3rd. week of training as the first week was just 2 days upper body followed by lower body, as I knew I`d be as sore as hell for 3-5 days and I was.   :(

May jump on some HRT doses of Test in a few more weeks but got plenty of gains to make being clean as MUSCLE MEMORY is kicking in.

One thing`s for certain never again will I quit training.

The last time I did this was in the 70`s when I was in the throes of my alcoholism.

Other than that it`s been lots of contests with very few breaks in competing and none in training.

Thanks for reading guys and thanks for the support.

I gotta` get around to reading everyone else stuff but my finger hurts!

WHEW!!!   ;D


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #64 on: August 05, 2015, 04:04:24 PM »
Talking about old school, guys use to put cottage cheese in a blender with water and drink it that way. Can taste like butter milk.  Easier than spoon feeding it to yourself. Some added pineapple or papaya (canned or fresh) in the blender with the water. Pineapple & papaya have bromelain which is an excellent aid for digestion.  Can also buy bromelain tablets. Butter milk it's self used to be another old school muscle builder.

Some also added a small can of tuna with tomato juice, pineapple juice, etc and drank that stuff a couple times a day. One thing about the above, it should not bloat anyone up because the drinks were sipped rather that chug-a-lugged quickly. Easier on the digestion and stomach.

Of course with all the modern supplement, and 'roids..etc, some of those old school tricks have been passed by. For guys on a budget, just might be workable.

Good Luck.

Fortunately I like the taste of cottage and the taste of tuna. I can eat these items right out of the container with nothing added. Sometimes add a little salt and pepper or some lemon juice to the tuna.


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #65 on: August 05, 2015, 04:06:54 PM »
Week 4



Super-Set # 1:

{Standing Cable Curls:
4 X 8-12
4 X 12-20

Super-Set # 1:
{High Cable Crossover Unit Curls:
4 X 12
{Triceps Dips:
4 X 12-20
^^Did these on an assisted dip/chin machine facing backwards with hands on set and pusing downwards......felt great.

The assisted chin and dip Nautilus equipment is great for both those exercises. It really helps me with chins.


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #66 on: August 06, 2015, 03:47:49 PM »
Week 4:



Super-Set # 1:
{Seated Alternate Dumbell Curls:
{Lying Dumbell Extensions:

Super-Set # 2:
{Squatting Cable Curls:
4 X 12 w/6 plates
Grab a low pulley with both hands,take a few steps back,squat down,elbows on knees,curl to face.
{Bent-Forward Cable Extensions:
4 X 12-15 w/6 plates

Triceps Dips:
4 X 12-20
^^Did these on an assisted dip/chin machine facing backwards with hands on set and pushing downwards.

Roc-It Curl Machine:
1 X failure with 5 plates


{Wrist Curls:
4 x failure with 55 pounds
{Reverse Wrist Curls:
4 X failure with 25 pounds


Meal # 1-Pre-Workout:
1 scoop whey in water

Meal # 2-Post-Workout:
1 scoop whey in water

Meal # 3:
5 oz. boiled chicken breast
1 cup white rice
12 oz. water

Meal #4:
2 slices pizza
12 oz. water
Thanks honey!!   >:(

Meal # 5:
5 oz. boiled chicken breast
12 oz. water


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #67 on: August 07, 2015, 11:55:09 AM »
Week 4

Friday August 7th..


Roc-It Leg Press:
8 plates-25
10 plates-15
12 plates-12
15 plates-12
17 plates-12
10 plates-20

Roc-It Leg Extension:

Roc-It Adductor Machine:
4 plates-25
6 plates-15
6 plates-15

Roc-It Seated Leg Curls:
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts on Platform:
^^^Just for a stretch..........very tight since starting back.

Leg Press Calf Extensions:
6 x failure + 1/2 reps to failure at the end of all sets followed by stretching the calves.

Meal # 1-Pre-Workout:
1 scoop whey in water

Meal # 2-Post-Workout:
1 scoop whey in water

Meal # 3:
5 eggs scrambled
12 oz. water

Meal # 4:
boiled chicken breast
12 oz. water

Meal # 5:
boiled chicken breast
12 oz. water

Straw Man

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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #68 on: August 07, 2015, 02:33:26 PM »
Wes - a few questions

are you on a zero fat diet or are you adding in any fats such as olive oil or fish oil
are you timing your rest between sets ( I recall another post where you said you train very fast)

at some point will you train each bodypart more than once a week?

are you on Week 5 now. You seem to have done Week 4 over again?


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #69 on: August 10, 2015, 10:36:07 AM »
Wes - a few questions

are you on a zero fat diet or are you adding in any fats such as olive oil or fish oil

I`m not one to add many fats into the diet as so many  do these days.

I`m a firm believer that we get enough trace fats from our,egg yolks,chicken,beef etc.I do however add a bit of olive oil at times when I eat fish and I alsdo indulg in rice cakes with small amounts of natty peanut butter.

are you timing your rest between sets ( I recall another post where you said you train very fast)

No not always,I don`t get too anal about it but usually start another set right before I`m fully recovered.

I also do Super-Sets,Giant-Sets,Drop-Sets,Rest Pause,Running the Rack,etc. etc.

Any kind of intensity technique that I think helps me to improve.

at some point will you train each bodypart more than once a week?
Probably only calves and abs.............I get burnt out training every day even if I have 3 heavy days followed by 3 lighter days.

are you on Week 5 now. You seem to have done Week 4 over again?
Actually today truly starts Week # 4 as my first "week" was training only 2 days due to soreness.
^^^^^^^^ABOVE  ;)


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #70 on: August 10, 2015, 10:40:30 AM »
Monday August 10th.


Barbell Inclines-6 X 12,10,5,5,10,12


3 X 12-15

Meal # 1-Pre-Workout:
1 scoop whey in water

Meal # 2-Post-Workout:
1 scoop whey in water

Meal # 3:
5 oz. chicken breast
1 cup FF cottage cheese
1 banana
12oz. water

Meal # 4:
small plate of pasta with meat sauce
12 oz. water

Meal # 5:
5 oz. chicken breast
12 oz. water


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #71 on: August 10, 2015, 10:52:00 AM »
nice wes....keep going...I like the volume..

Straw Man

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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #72 on: August 10, 2015, 02:24:07 PM »
^^^^^^^^ABOVE  ;)

thanks for the reply

I know some people do well (in terms of fat loss) on a very low fat diet


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #73 on: August 11, 2015, 08:55:12 AM »
nice wes....keep going...I like the volume..
Thanx Steve,I`m feeling so much better training again.


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Re: Wes` Comeback Journal
« Reply #74 on: August 11, 2015, 08:57:37 AM »
Thanx Steve,I`m feeling so much better training again.
hey man,,its good to have a passion ,,this is ours,,wives/family aside,,this is a real and on a surface level 'narccissism'but most people can't comprehend what it actually takes to have/maintain a quality build over time ..we do /we can/we will...