Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 479079 times)


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #600 on: July 30, 2019, 10:38:37 AM »
Ran two slow 9 minute miles but I felt it in the 90 degree high humidity heat. Hit the heavy bag after. I was going to do body weight exercises like push ups and chins but I was shot from the heat. Thinking about running the Marine Corp 5k on the boardwalk by me in Jersey September.  A couple of years ago a terrorist put a pipe bomb in a garbage can near the route.  The amount of security is huge now. I don't know if I can get into any type of decent running shape by then but I will give it a shot. I run for health and it's hard to really push the pace now. My goal is to complete it in the 7 minute mile and change pace. I don't know if I'm delusional considering my weight now.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #601 on: July 30, 2019, 11:15:35 AM »
Ran two slow 9 minute miles but I felt it in the 90 degree high humidity heat. Ht the heavy back after. I was going to do body weight exercises like push ups and chins but I was shot from the heat. Thinking about running the Marine Corp 5k on the boardwalk by me in Jersey September.  A couple of years ago a terrorist put a pipe bomb in a garbage can near the route.  The amount of security is huge now. I don't know if I can get into any type of decent running shape by then but I will give it a shot. I run for health and it's hard to really push the pace now. My goal is to complete it in the 7 minute mile and change pace. I don't know if I'm delusional considering my weight now.  

If the race is an event which interests you, you should train for it. Is your weight an issue? September is not far off which doesn't give you much time to healthfully lose much weight. -Maybe 5 lbs. or so.

When my son was in D.C. last month, he went for a run in the heat plus humidity. He's an avid runner. He said he had to cut the run short because of the effects of the weather. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #602 on: July 31, 2019, 04:58:42 PM »
The heat was again off the charts hot. Around 95 with high humidity. Ran two miles again. Improved my time from yesterday. Felt really dangerously drained when I went home.  Felt weak trying to open the door to my house.  Drank a ridiculous  amount of water like it was nothing along with salt and two bananas for potassium.

 In my 30's I thought nothing of going out for hard 7 miles runs in heat like today. Even though sometimes I was a little delirious after.  ;D  Maybe now at my age I'm playing a dangerous game in this heat. The only other runner I saw to today on the popular running path in this park was a teenage girl. My usual method of operation is to do striking drills on a heavy bag after a run. Had no energy for this.

 One last point. Maybe a bit of bro science here but I lean out running in the heat faster as opposed to running in winter weather. I think exercise physiologists would say that isn't true but I believe the body adapts to the stress presented. Running in this heat has my body screaming get rid of that subcutaneous fat insulating my body that is  keeping heat in.

Tomorrow will be another running day. Going to try to do it before the mid day heat. Friday is my whole body lifting day. I will still be using light weight but I will gradually ramp it up.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #603 on: August 01, 2019, 04:17:02 AM »
Don't kill yourself.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #604 on: August 01, 2019, 04:40:53 AM »
Don't kill yourself.

If I do I will die in shape.  ;D


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #605 on: August 01, 2019, 06:05:37 AM »
If I do I will die in shape.  ;D

And Happy doing something you Enjoy.

Only let’s hope that Day is a Long Long Way Off.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #606 on: August 01, 2019, 09:24:45 AM »
NY Times article:

Why So Many of Us Don’t Lose Weight When We Exercise


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #607 on: August 01, 2019, 12:19:39 PM »
NY Times article:

Why So Many of Us Don’t Lose Weight When We Exercise

Didn't read the article. The simple formula for weight loss is less calories in than expended.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #608 on: August 01, 2019, 07:14:20 PM »
NY Times article:

Why So Many of Us Don’t Lose Weight When We Exercise

That article made quite a wave. It made a wave because it goes against established science and it's biased to come to it's shocking conclusion. It has been refuted and doesn't go along with what exercise physiologists have found in the majority of studies. Simply put a pound of fat is 3500 calories. Going for three mile run might burn 375 calories. It also makes your metabolism burn more calories. Adding muscle through weight lifting also also causes your metabolism to burn more calories.

Many studies have found through skin fold calipers and hydrostatic weighing that cardio burns fat. Just through empirical knowledge if you took someone who doesn't run and then have them run 2 miles four times a week there will be a drastic difference in a month if the intensity is enough. I'll take Doctor Cooper's 40 years of research into that exact topic over that flawed study.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #609 on: August 01, 2019, 07:27:12 PM »
Ran two miles today and hit the heavy bag. I took it easy because the heat is having it's effect on me. Tomorrow is lifting. Saturday I will run at 6AM to avoid the heat. I find I'm really stiff in the morning so I won't set the world on fire with a hot pace but I want to push it. I think I have been dogging my running workouts because of recovering from an injury. I think I'm well enough to run hard now.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #610 on: August 02, 2019, 02:06:26 AM »
NY Times article:

Why So Many of Us Don’t Lose Weight When We Exercise

NY Times  Article  ::)

As Oldtimer has said - Stick with what we know works,
That article is useless.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #611 on: August 02, 2019, 03:30:26 AM »
The gist of the article is that unless purposely restricting calories, people tend to eat more when they exercise.

They get hungry and eat back what they burned off.  As a result they don't lose weight, even gain weight.

You can't outrun a bad diet.

You'll be more successful losing weight by eating less along with exercising than exercising alone.

You can run around like a chicken, spend hours in the gym, etc. but if you stuff your face later you will just tread water as far as weight loss.

You have to track your caloric input/output to determine this.

Losing weight is unpleasant.  You have to take in less calories than your body uses.  You will be hungry.  You will not feel full.

OT has been posting for months about his inability to lose weight.  He is even gaining weight.  Even with all the exercise he does he doesn't lose weight.
I'm don't believe he's ever seriously cut back on what he eats and drinks.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #612 on: August 02, 2019, 10:32:12 AM »
The gist of the article is that unless purposely restricting calories, people tend to eat more when they exercise.

They get hungry and eat back what they burned off.  As a result they don't lose weight, even gain weight.

You can't outrun a bad diet.

You'll be more successful losing weight by eating less along with exercising than exercising alone.

You can run around like a chicken, spend hours in the gym, etc. but if you stuff your face later you will just tread water as far as weight loss.

You have to track your caloric input/output to determine this.

Losing weight is unpleasant.  You have to take in less calories than your body uses.  You will be hungry.  You will not feel full.

OT has been posting for months about his inability to lose weight.  He is even gaining weight.  Even with all the exercise he does he doesn't lose weight.
I'm don't believe he's ever seriously cut back on what he eats and drinks.  

There's a lot of truth to this. It's exactly what happens to me. When I'm working out I eat more consistently than when I'm not....usually adding in at least two protein drinks a day. Fortunately, being overweight has never been a problem for me as I tend to be too lean.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #613 on: August 03, 2019, 11:42:50 AM »
Not lifting for the rest of the week.  Unplanned break from lifting. Decided with just one super light whole body routine this week I prefer a split routine. In the past I had some good success with whole body routines. I like doing at least three to four exercises per body part. Just makes the workout interesting. Some say certain exercises are either contraction, mid range or stretch.  I don't know if I subscribe to that completely but there is some truth to it.

Tonight taking the wife to my favorite Italian restaurant. This Italian family opened a restaurant years back. It's so popular people line up at dinner opening hour. Amazing food. I'm so disappointed in Italian food when I leave the New Jersey and New York area. We have a high concentration of Italians and there are so many great Italian restaurants. Another big favorite of mine is Portuguese food. There is a big concentration of Portuguese people in Newark, NJ.  The restaurants are off the chart amazing. I've heard they are big with the Jersey mob but I don't know about that stuff.

Monday I'm doing something I never do. Going to train with another guy. He is a fellow Troop. I remember during swim training when we were being trained for a month on boats and water operations he played the "unconscious" guy in the water to save. Being in the water is one of my weaker attributes.  ;D  Don't get me wrong I can swim but I'm no where near as good as some of these super swimmers. Dragging his ass many yards in the water was exhausting. Looking forward to seeing him. Haven't seen him in 10 plus years. Judging by his recent pictures he's a hard trainer.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #614 on: August 05, 2019, 08:56:16 AM »
Back the same old. Back and chest;

Pulldown with M.A.G. bar 2 x 10 140lbs (No lean back. All the way up and down)
Seated cable row with a V bar 2 x 12 170lbs (Full stretch out)
Dumbbell row off a bench 2 x10 85lbs
Hammer pull down 2 x 10

Hammer bench 2 x 8 230lbs
Incline Dumbbell 2 x 8 65lbs (slow full reps)
Flat flies 2 x 10 45lbs
Pec deck 1 x 10 (irritated the pec tie in. I won't go back to it)
Cable cross overs 1 x 10
Push ups 1 x max

deadlifts 2 x 4 315lbs
Weighted back hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lb plate behind head.

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 22
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20 130lbs


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #615 on: August 06, 2019, 10:28:09 AM »
6 x half mile intervals. Kept the speed low so I wouldn't irritate my Achilles. Fastest one was 7:45 mile pace or 7.8 MPH.  Hit the bag after. In between sets I walked fast for a quarter mile at 3. 8 MPH. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #616 on: August 07, 2019, 09:47:01 AM »
Leg day: I realize weight used on machines are meaningless since from manufacture to manufacture the weight used differs due to different angles, pulleys and leverages. An example of this is the standing calf machine. I have two in my basement and there is one in the commercial gym I go to.  One machine I use 325lbs, another 155lbs and the gym one I use 180lbs.  

Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs (straight back and sinking butt all the way down. I don't deadlift the weight. It's a squat. Dumbbells held at sides with straps)
Hack squats 2 x 12 (I sink it. Actually weak on them. Then again many of the people don't go deep.)
Stiff dead 2 x 6 205lbs
Leg kick back machine 2 x 12 70lbs (Told a girl this is the hardest machine in the gym while chatting with her. She told me to suck it up.  ;D)
leg extensions 2 x 12 120lbs
leg curls 2 x 12 100lbs

Standing calf 2 x 12 180lbs
Seated calf 2 x 15 90lbs

4 way Nautilus neck machine 2 sets per side

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 22
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20 140lbs


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #617 on: August 08, 2019, 10:16:25 AM »
6 x half miles. Fastest in 7:24 pace or 8.1 mph.  Hit the heavy bag after.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #618 on: August 09, 2019, 02:55:12 PM »
Delt and arms:

Clean and military press 2 x 5 135lbs (all the way down)
Dumbbell delt press standing 1 x 10 50lbs ( all the way down)
Dumbbell delt lateral 2 x 10 30lbs
Delt machine lateral 2 x 10 80lbs
Rear delt machine 2 x 10 90lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs

Weighted dips 2 x 8 25lbs ( went deep)
Traditional tricep push downs 2 x12
Tricep machine extensions 2 x 10 90lbs
Single arm tricep dumbbell extensions 1 x 12

Dumbbell alternate curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Scott barbell curls 2 x 10
Concentration curls 2 x 12
Machine curls 1 x 10

Barbell wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs
Reverse grip pulley curls 2 x 10

Ab coaster 1 x 40 60lbs
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20 140lbs

The Scott

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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #619 on: August 09, 2019, 03:07:32 PM »
Good reading from both of you gentlemen.  Not training for a few days as I am waiting to be fitted with a new leg brace.  It's gonna be Christmas in August!  Or maybe September.  Soon!  I keep falling over, LOL!  Of course if they take too long, I will just crawl between exercise machines.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Right now I am listening to Patsy Cline...God I am old. Be well OT and IroNat!


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #620 on: August 11, 2019, 08:16:16 AM »
Good reading from both of you gentlemen.  Not training for a few days as I am waiting to be fitted with a new leg brace.  It's gonna be Christmas in August!  Or maybe September.  Soon!  I keep falling over, LOL!  Of course if they take too long, I will just crawl between exercise machines.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Right now I am listening to Patsy Cline...God I am old. Be well OT and IroNat!

Machines might be your best friend since you have a bad leg.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #621 on: August 12, 2019, 08:18:23 PM »
Back and chest today. Had a great workout then spent about an hour in the ocean.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #622 on: August 13, 2019, 03:33:32 AM »
Back and chest today. Had a great workout then spent about an hour in the ocean.



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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #623 on: August 13, 2019, 06:21:17 AM »
Back and chest today. Had a great workout then spent about an hour in the ocean.

when i was down there by you there is a small personal training gym across from lava java cafe'great cofee'btw,,,did u ever train in there its very small..we rent next door from there.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #624 on: August 13, 2019, 07:00:34 PM »
I never did. Use to be a gym in Sea side Heights but it went under.  Closest real gym is Retro on SH 37 west bound. Less than 15 minutes from where you vacation. Really partied way too much this summer. Something about the sun, water and booze going together.  I close my pool early in September because I'm near the woods and too many leaves start falling in. A couple of the beaches near me still have life guards in September. Best time to hit the beach. The water is warm and the crowds are gone.

Took today's planned cardio off. Had to much going on between a getting eye glasses and going to work. Felt bad about missing it but truth be told I know I will be strong in tomorrow's leg session since I didn't run today.