Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 479082 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1350 on: August 22, 2020, 12:21:17 PM »
Delt and tricep day. No warm ups listed. Sometimes I use them most times I don't.

Clean and press 1 x 9
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 15
Rear delt dumbbell laterals 1 x 14
Face pulls 1 x 15 (These feel really shoulder health friendly. Maybe it's the full range of motion the rear delts get)
Barbell shrugs 1 x 15

Rope tricep 1 x 16
Seated EZ bar tricep extensions 1 x 8
Single one arm tricep extensions behind the head 1 x 13
Reverse grip single arm tricep extension 1 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 50
Pulley crunches 1 x 35

Tomorrow is a big moving day to get all the heavy furniture my daughter stored in my house to the house she bought. Ugh. Kill me now. Most of it is going up to the second floor. Glad her young big boyfriend is going to be there. He's damaged too I heard. His arm broke in pieces when he accidentally ran off a ledge with a ten foot drop head first years ago. He broke the fall with his arm that shattered. Impressive operation scars. He's strong and big though. I also have my oldest son to help. Lifted five days this week. Going to take a couple of days off of lifting to recover. My body feels beat up.

I have a beach vacation coming up in mid September. Trying to decide whether to join a gym for a week there. They have a hard core gym about a two blocks from where we stay. Come to think of it with covid will the gyms be open in South Carolina? Wonder if I'm being too obsessive about working out? I could use a week off. I like to body surf in the ocean and have been known to do that for hours. That's some kind of workout? No?


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1351 on: August 22, 2020, 12:38:25 PM »
Take the week off and recover/heal up.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1352 on: August 22, 2020, 12:56:02 PM »
Take the week off and recover/heal up.

You are probably right. Enjoy my week off.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1353 on: August 22, 2020, 05:10:31 PM »
Take the week off and recover/heal up.

I agree. There's a reason it's called a vacation.

The word vacation means "exemption from service, respite from work," and traces back to vacāre, "to be empty, be free, have leisure."


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1354 on: August 24, 2020, 04:30:32 AM »
A vacation, as long as it's not too long (like a week), is an excellent time to take a break from training.

Train right up to the start and then off for a week.

I'm doing this myself soon.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1355 on: August 24, 2020, 10:43:44 AM »
Ran two slug miles today.  My new watch has a heart monitor.  I could tell by the heart rate I wasn’t pushing it.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1356 on: August 24, 2020, 02:37:41 PM »
Ran two slug miles today.  My new watch has a heart monitor.  I could tell by the heart rate I wasn’t pushing it.

Do you think you are in an over-trained state?

I read that sometimes it can take awhile (weeks even) to recover from a severely over-trained state.

I did exhausting car repairs the past couple weekdays/weekends and I was beat.  Today I worked out in the AM and a few hours later took a two hour nap.  I took at least an hour nap late afternoon yesterday afterwards too and could have slept all the way to morning.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1357 on: August 24, 2020, 04:58:29 PM »
Do you think you are in an over-trained state?

I read that sometimes it can take awhile (weeks even) to recover from a severely over-trained state.

I did exhausting car repairs the past couple weekdays/weekends and I was beat.  Today I worked out in the AM and a few hours later took a two hour nap.  I took at least an hour nap late afternoon yesterday afterwards too and could have slept all the way to morning.

I lifted 5 times last week and yesterday I helped my daughter move. The furniture she bought is serious quality and heavy. Getting it up to the second floor of the house she bought was a bitch. I had her strong fresh off the boat Polish boyfriend and my son. It took three of us to get it up the narrow stair way to the second floor. It was a bitch. End of the day I was limping. I took some aspirin.  In the morning I didn't feel bad and went for a run but judging by my time I was still hurting from the moving of furniture

Yes, I know I flirt into over training. I think the biggest symptom I recognize is depression.  It's just a deep down exhaustion. Both of use are the same age I think.  Sometimes after week of training like a lunatic I do get really down. Another symptom I think is not being able to sleep well. Many times I wake up at 4AM unable to get back to sleep.

It is a balancing act and maybe I'm not the one to espouse on it. Do too much and exhaustion, depression and insomnia can be the result as well as over use injuries. Be lazy and take it easy all the time and your wasting your time trying to keep in good shape.  I normally feel great after a run for hours before I fade but there's something about training to failure that leaves the body is shock state after awhile.

I could have wrote this one sentence as follows to answer your question. I don't know.  I just know when I was a real athlete I  only felt I could compete with some one genetically gifted was to out work them.  Some times this worked and some times not.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1358 on: August 24, 2020, 11:33:50 PM »
I lifted 5 times last week and yesterday I helped my daughter move. The furniture she bought is serious quality and heavy. Getting it up to the second floor of the house she bought was a bitch. I had her strong fresh off the boat Polish boyfriend and my son. It took three of us to get it up the narrow stair way to the second floor. It was a bitch. End of the day I was limping. I took some aspirin.  In the morning I didn't feel bad and went for a run but judging by my time I was still hurting from the moving of furniture

Yes, I know I flirt into over training. I think the biggest symptom I recognize is depression.  It's just a deep down exhaustion. Both of use are the same age I think.  Sometimes after week of training like a lunatic I do get really down. Another symptom I think is not being able to sleep well. Many times I wake up at 4AM unable to get back to sleep.

It is a balancing act and maybe I'm not the one to espouse on it. Do too much and exhaustion, depression and insomnia can be the result as well as over use injuries. Be lazy and take it easy all the time and your wasting your time trying to keep in good shape.  I normally feel great after a run for hours before I fade but there's something about training to failure that leaves the body is shock state after awhile.

I could have wrote this one sentence as follows to answer your question. I don't know.  I just know when I was a real athlete I  only felt I could compete with some one genetically gifted was to out work them.  Some times this worked and some times not.

Depression is a serious issue. Training your ass off won't fix everything. It is better than drinking yourself into oblivion (as I've been known to do). But ultimately, you'll need to get to the root of what's causing it before you can begin to learn how best to deal with it. Unfortunately, it's not like some virus that will eventually go away on its own. -Wish it were.

You've alluded to your physical prowess as a young man. You are no longer that young man. Be proud of what you could accomplish then and be just as proud of what you can do now. Rather than compare yourself to a twenty year old, compare yourself to your contemporaries. I think you will quickly learn that you are still at the top of the heap.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1359 on: August 25, 2020, 04:10:16 AM »
Wise words, Prime.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1360 on: August 25, 2020, 09:39:11 AM »
Ran 2.1 miles. Surprised with the time.  Heading in a good direction.   Yesterday’s bad run was from my Daughter’s moving day.  Feeling good now and not so beat up from lifting heavy furniture.  .  Hope to have a another good run after lifting tomorrow. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1361 on: August 26, 2020, 03:20:03 PM »
Chest and bicep:

Flat Dumbbell bench 1 x 8 75lbs. (all the way down. No partial reps and a slow cadence)
Decline dumbbell bench 1 x 9 68lbs (Yes in my home gym I can make 68lbs dumbbells.)
Flat flies 1 x 12 50lbs
Push ups 1 x max reps

Barbell curls 1 x 12 95lbs
Alternate dumbell curls 1 x 10 45lbs
Narrow grip barbell curls 1 x 14 80lbs
Concentration curls 1 x 13

Wrist curls 1 x 25 95lbs
Wrist extensions 1 x 20

Incline sit ups 1 x 30
Pulley crunches 1 x 30 (increased the weight. Normally go for around 50 reps)

I was going to go for a run after but I was a little shot so I canned it. Tried to float in the pool after for relaxation but it was too cold. I think it was around 65 last night and only 80 during the day with a chilling wind.

I came in to watch a rerun I taped of the 2019 college track championships. Nothing wrong with having a slim, muscular physique. Looks good on the beach and in dress clothes. Amazing times in the races.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1362 on: August 27, 2020, 06:01:03 PM »
Thought it would be a great day to chill with the wife poolside. Then my relatives said let's have a pool party. Ugh. I just wanted to chill. I cleaned the pool and it took an hour. I then lifted for leg day. After I mowed the grass and weed wacked. Then the tornado came. Coolers and food with music blasting. After many hours I was shot. I brought a bottle inside of Patron and dropped it. Patron everywhere.  One relative kept going to her car to smoke pot. What the hell? Now the tornado is gone. I really hope I can float in the pool tomorrow listening to Sinatra looking at the clouds in quiet.  I need a break.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1363 on: August 28, 2020, 04:41:24 PM »
Did jack today. Just walked on the boardwalk.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1364 on: August 29, 2020, 06:28:45 AM »
Did jack today. Just walked on the boardwalk.

Some thoughts of  mine...

Easy walking is good for recovery.  Low stress. 

I always had best results taking a rest day between workouts.  This was the tried and true method for nattys in the old days. 

Once steroids came along the game changed and people found they could train everyday because the drugs put them in a constant state of anabolism.

Youth may also allow you to do this because your hormone levels are at their peak.  Even in my youth I still found a day off to work best.  I wrestled in high school and was always in an over-trained state and that was really not good.  It sucked then and it sucks now.

Running 3 miles would not be a rest day if I was also weight training the next day or the same day.  If I ran 3 miles then I'd have to train upper body the next day but not legs.  Even so, the running, if intensive, would probably affect my recovery for my next weight workout.  If it was relaxed it most likely would not.  Easy walking, light jogging would be ok.  What would make it intensive?  Competitiveness, trying to improve my time, trying to be faster, etc.  Pushing yourself.

Dorian Yates advised not to do cardio on weight workout days as it would impede muscle recovery.  He did light cardio on off days. The key here is non-stressful cardio.   

Intensive weight training affects your nervous system and you need recovery time.  If you keep draining your body and nervous system and don't allow it to recover you eventually end up in an over-trained state which can result in feeling like crap both physically and mentally.

If you look forward to training you are likely not over-training.  If you have to force yourself, or dread having to train you likely are.  Training refers to both weights and running in your case.  Training encompasses all of it. 

The body and mind are interconnected. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1365 on: August 29, 2020, 11:22:07 AM »
I find that training to positive failure becomes sick brutal after awhile. Danny Padilla touched on it in an interview. I don't want to put words in his mouth but it sounded like he was dreading working out with HIT. He used the word scary. He said he used seriously heavy weights and the worst part was he didn't see the results he obtained from his normal training.

Yes, Ironat. Too much stress is no good for the mind or body.  Only some bodybuilders train to failure. Olympic and Powerlifters rarely train to failure. Not complaining but I had a full week from going to work, watching my daughter's toddler for 14 hours a day on my off work days and last week moving my daughter to her new house. Everyone has house chores but doing ordinary stuff like mowing, weed wacking and no never ending cleaning of the pool got to me. Add one day my in law relatives invited them self over with an hour's notice for a pool party they wanted to have for them self sent me into a head spin. I am retired and I want to move down south where I don't have obligations. My kids and Grand daughter keeps me here.

Trained back today. Everything to failure. As I'm typing my daughter just asked me to go over her house to move her kitchen cabinets higher so her new fridge will fit that she didn't measure for.  ::)  The girl makes well over 100K. Can't she hire someone? 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1366 on: August 29, 2020, 12:10:55 PM »
I find that training to positive failure becomes sick brutal after awhile. Danny Padilla touched on it in an interview. I don't want to put words in his mouth but it sounded like he was dreading working out with HIT. He used the word scary. He said he used seriously heavy weights and the worst part was he didn't see the results he obtained from his normal training.

Yes, Ironat. Too much stress is no good for the mind or body.  Only some bodybuilders train to failure. Olympic and Powerlifters rarely train to failure. Not complaining but I had a full week from going to work, watching my daughter's toddler for 14 hours a day on my off work days and last week moving my daughter to her new house. Everyone has house chores but doing ordinary stuff like mowing, weed wacking and no never ending cleaning of the pool got to me. Add one day my in law relatives invited them self over with an hour's notice for a pool party they wanted to have for them self sent me into a head spin. I am retired and I want to move down south where I don't have obligations. My kids and Grand daughter keeps me here.

Trained back today. Everything to failure. As I'm typing my daughter just asked me to go over her house to move her kitchen cabinets higher so her new fridge will fit that she didn't measure for.  ::)  The girl makes well over 100K. Can't she hire someone? 

All that stuff you mentioned is stressful and messes with your training.  It burns your nervous energy and if it's physical lifting like that moving furniture affects your recovery there too.

So, no wonder you didn't feel 100%. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1367 on: August 30, 2020, 05:22:15 PM »
Delt and triceps: Done one set to failure. Warms ups used if needed.

Military press 1 x 9 115lbs (All the way down to the clavicles. No half reps)
Dumbbell laterals 1 x 15 30lbs (Thumbs up)
Dumbbell rear laterals 1 x 14 38lbs (Yes, I can make 38lbs dumbbells with my spin locks)
Face pulls 1 x 20 75lbs
Barbell shrugs 1  x 15 250lbs (tried to go full range and controlled. No monkey fucking a football shoulder jerks.)

Rope tricep 1 x 15
Seated tricep extensions with an EZ bar 1 x 8
Single arm behind head dumbbell tricep extensions 1 x 13
Reverse grip single arm tricep pulley extensions 1 x 14

Weighted crunches 1 x 55
Pulley crunches 1 x 45

John Cardillo a Mr. Canada from the 80's trained one set to failure. I use to read about guys that trained with low sets back in the day. Cardillo said in an article I read if you're going to do one set to failure then make sure you are doing relatively high reps. Interesting methods he used.  He also fasted one day a week. He was ripped. I just looked him up to see if there was anything about him on the internet. I found an article but I don't believe the weights attributed to him. I have read he used various splits. One was an upper and lower body split. Another was similar to what I use in general. Split the body in three ways and lift three days a week. One article said he also ran three days a weeks. I've had good results with that.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1368 on: August 31, 2020, 04:52:35 PM »
Ran my two miles today before work.  I always try to run in lightweight shoes but I'm not that 160lbs college sprinter anymore. I just bought slightly bulky stability running shoes. I think at this stage of the game I need them for injury protection.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1369 on: August 31, 2020, 05:02:27 PM »
I find that training to positive failure becomes sick brutal after awhile. Danny Padilla touched on it in an interview. I don't want to put words in his mouth but it sounded like he was dreading working out with HIT. He used the word scary. He said he used seriously heavy weights and the worst part was he didn't see the results he obtained from his normal training.

Yes, Ironat. Too much stress is no good for the mind or body.  Only some bodybuilders train to failure. Olympic and Powerlifters rarely train to failure. Not complaining but I had a full week from going to work, watching my daughter's toddler for 14 hours a day on my off work days and last week moving my daughter to her new house. Everyone has house chores but doing ordinary stuff like mowing, weed wacking and no never ending cleaning of the pool got to me. Add one day my in law relatives invited them self over with an hour's notice for a pool party they wanted to have for them self sent me into a head spin. I am retired and I want to move down south where I don't have obligations. My kids and Grand daughter keeps me here.

Trained back today. Everything to failure. As I'm typing my daughter just asked me to go over her house to move her kitchen cabinets higher so her new fridge will fit that she didn't measure for.  ::)  The girl makes well over 100K. Can't she hire someone?

When you reinstall the cupboard, install it caddywompus and then refuse to fix it. She'll get the idea and hire someone next time.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1370 on: August 31, 2020, 05:17:08 PM »
When you reinstall the cupboard, install it caddywompus and then refuse to fix it. She'll get the idea and hire someone next time.

I assume you're joking. I would never do that to my daughter. In the end she got her friend an amazing tool guy. He can fix any car and rip apart a bathroom and re do it in two days. He got the fridge in.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1371 on: September 01, 2020, 07:27:34 PM »
Ran two miles prior to work this Tuesday. I wake up in a stupor. Limp down stairs. Eat a bowl of cheerios then go in the basement to run a slow quarter mile on the treadmill to warm up. Then I go outside to run the two miles on a trial near my house. I get to work all fired up and by 1PM I'm dragging.

I think I taking it too easy with these two mile runs. Tomorrow I hope to push the time. Famous last words.

I haven't hit the heavy bag in awhile. My shoulder feel so much better. Going to whack it hard on Friday to see if it's a real contributor to my problem. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1372 on: September 01, 2020, 11:56:29 PM »
I assume you're joking. I would never do that to my daughter. In the end she got her friend an amazing tool guy. He can fix any car and rip apart a bathroom and re do it in two days. He got the fridge in.

I was joking. You are obsessed with perfection in everything you do. Clearly, there is no way you would ever relax or let your daughter down.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1373 on: September 01, 2020, 11:57:15 PM »
so when is that vacation going to happen?


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1374 on: September 02, 2020, 08:04:39 AM »
so when is that vacation going to happen?

Heading to South Carolina 9-11-2020.  Going to be body surfing for hours every day in the surf. Eat a great meal someplace. Then have cocktails on the beach or balcony. The place has three balconies facing the ocean. One in each bedroom and the living room. Really looking forward to it. This week is moving my son into his place. Tired of moving my kids. Well it's time to lift weights and go for a run.