Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 449572 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #500 on: May 07, 2019, 11:03:29 AM »
Thanks for the welcome back guys. The week off felt amazing. It was hard to sit around and do nothing. Felt weird.

Legs: I will put down weights after I get out of my break in period.

Leg press 1 x 17
Dumbbell squats 1 x 15
Squat machine 1 x 12 (I rarely use my squat machine anymore. Don't know why. It's a good movement.)
Stiff dead 1 x 8
leg extension 1 x 30
seated leg curl 1 x 25
no weight free hand squats 1 x 53

Dumbbell side bend 1 x 18
hanging leg raise 1 x 20
Hip ups prone 1 x 20
crunches 1 x 50

Standing calf raise 1 x 25
Seated calf raise 1 x 20
tibalis work 1 x 25

Neck work 1 x each side.

Cardio after weights:  Walked for 30 minutes fast on a treadmill at 3.8 MPH. Every quarter mile I went up 1% grade. Legs feel like rubber. Time to go to work. Ugh. I have usually have a good work schedule where I can work out prior to going. That works for me. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #501 on: May 08, 2019, 05:20:53 PM »
Ran two miles and hit the bag. Tweaked my Achilles. Limping around. It's stinks getting old. Going to compensate by walking fast for cardio for awhile.  I heard a guy say in the past you have to be careful working out when you're older. He said, When you get older you're one rep from doing serious damage. I understand that now.  I still try to kill it but shoulder, elbows, knees and other joints can be fragile.  A coworker of mine is a long time power lifter. Now he only dead lifts with a two hand over hook grip. He's concerned with all the bicep ruptures he sees in the gym with aging guys dead lifting.  Smart move on his part.

I know I talk a lot about injuries but it's a real gamble if you are going to workout as hard as you can. I believe Ferrigno, Grimek, Anderson, and even Clarence Bass had their hips replaced or operated on. Arnold, Baldwin and Zane had shoulder operations. I can also bring up a lot of other guys but my memory is fuzzy. I think Ferrigno had knee replacement. Few go to war with weights and come out unscarred. Usually the guys that use volume come out in better shape but then you have guys like Dickerson who seems to be an orthopedic wreck. He can barely walk. Maybe it was the Olympic lifting he did back in the day for athletic points for the AAU Mr. America.
I heard he used moderate weights at his best bodybuilding days. I don't have to mention the incredible injuries of Yates and Coleman.

 On my job two guys I worked with were two 400lbs plus benchers with no bench shirts. They both have trouble lifting anything remotely heavy when they got over 45. Some examples of guys that never seemed to have problems is someone like Danny Padilla.  He used the same weight for every set. Usually something like 5 sets of 12 reps. Outside of his heart operation I don't believe he has ever had a serious orthopedic problem.

I know some might counter drug users accelerate the amount of weight they can use drastically in 6 weeks so they are lifting heavier than their connective tissue like tendons and ligaments can keep up with. Valid point but aging affects everyone even naturals like myself.

I'm always searching what the optimal training protocols would be for me. I'm an experiment of one. I have decades of training journals.  What I have found is that sometimes what worked in the youth of 20's, 30's, 40's and 50's does not necessarily translate to what's a good program for my 60's.  Below are some of the strategies I use. Not a panacea.  

1. If an exercise hurts. Get rid of it and never look back. (famous last words. One exercise I have trouble giving up is the barbell bench)

2. Lift with good form and moderate cadence. No explosiveness on bodybuilding exercises. Save the speed for something like power cleans.  

3. Use a full range of motion. Most use a partial range so they can handle "impressive" poundage. Forget the ego. Use good form to target the muscle. Use a moderate rep speed and a full range of motion.  It will limit how much you can lift but you should be concerned with the amount of work your muscle is subjected to and not stroking your ego.  

4. This is a tough one for me. Rest. I violate this one the most. In general I lift three times a week. Body parts get hit directly once a week but as we all know body parts get hit again targeting other body parts. For example training chest with presses your are hitting the tricep and delts. Training back with pulling you are hitting the bicep. Doing deads or cleans on back day with a split you are training legs. What I have been mainly doing is lifting three days a week and running two to three times a week.  Even that proves to be too much at times.

 I never stop thinking about training strategies. It's an obsession. So many ways to skin a cat.  I've trained with whole body routines. Used many various splits. Even used with much success in my 20's  the split Mentzer used for 1980 that he borrowed from Mr. Florida Frank Calta called rotation for recuperation. I trained with high volume in my late teens too. I got really lean but gained little strength. I competed in power lifting in the NJ State championships as a 17 year old in the men's division using about 4 to 5 exercises a session for low reps typical of a power lifting routine. Why do I bring all this up?  It's just even in my 60's I'm still running training strategies through my mind. In the end I think of what Jeff Everson said. He said, "Until pigs fly lifting weights will never be rocket science." He said there are successful lifters who are dumb as rocks and smart lifters who are really bad lifters as well as the other way around.

Tomorrow is back and a long walk before work.  Sometimes I wish I never was involved with weights. I bet I would be healthy, strong and in killer shape if I just did body weight stuff and running. My son in law is a former Marine with three combat deployments. He does Jui Jitsu 5 times a week, body weight stuff and runs. He looks like a healthy athlete who can kick ass.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #502 on: May 09, 2019, 09:45:05 AM »
Back day:

Lat pulldown with supinate M.A.G. bar 1 x 12
Seated Cable rows with a V handle 1 x 14
Dumbbell row off bench 1 x 12
Reverse grip pulldown 1 x 13
Deadlift 1 x 6
Weighted hyper extensions 1 x 18
Ab wheel roll out 1 x max
weighted crunch 1 x 50

I was going to do fast walking cardio after but I'm still limping around on my tweaked calf.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #503 on: May 09, 2019, 10:47:55 AM »
I can't train every day.  It wears me out.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #504 on: May 09, 2019, 12:55:19 PM »
I can't train every day.  It wears me out.

Me too. It must be an age related thing.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #505 on: May 09, 2019, 04:19:46 PM »
Me too. It must be an age related thing.

Age has nothing to do with it.  Even when I was young I had the best results taking a day off between workouts.

My best gains were 3 days a week full-body training.  And when I was training with really heavy weights I cut it back even more.

It took me 3-5 days to recover from a heavy squat session.

Unless you are on drugs or cutting up, you need a day off between workouts to recover and heal.  Otherwise you don't recover.

I should rephrase that: "I find a day off between workouts best".

You have to find out what works best for you.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #506 on: May 10, 2019, 10:47:35 AM »
Delt and triceps:

Clean and military press 1 x 9
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 12
One arm delt pulley laterals 1 x 12
Rear dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 14
Barbell Shrugs 1 x 13

Traditional tricep pushdowns 1 x 15
Rope push downs 1 x 12
One arm dumbbell behind the head tricep extentions 1 x 12
Dips 1 x 12

Weighted ab crunch 1 x 50
ab pulley 1 x 25

Walked fast for 4 miles after. A little hobbled by my tweaked ankle and calf. Walking seemed to loosen it up but it still hurt. I will keep walking unless I start limping then it's bye cardio for awhile.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #507 on: May 11, 2019, 06:06:51 PM »
Went to work this Saturday then had to replace half my fence with my son in law. He's a giant of a man at 310 and a jui jitsu guy who competes.  The fence sections must have weighted about 100lbs each and at the end of the day we were completely shot. Had dinner and a few cocktails to end the fence work. It looks amazing. He had plenty of innovation to make it look great. Might do cardio tomorrow but then again I might do nothing.

I might do my usual workouts next week. Thinking about transitioning to using moderate weights and training for muscular endurance instead of strength. My empirical observations of guys that train with volume with moderate weights is that they look amazing. Sometimes the guys that only concentrate on strength look like a typical power lifter and that's not a compliment. I'd rather be built like a male gymnast than a typical power lifter.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #508 on: May 13, 2019, 10:13:26 AM »
Back and chest:

Pulldowns with M.A.G. bar 2 x 10 140lbs(upright back and very little lean back)
Seated Cable rows 2 x 12 170lbs (All the way out and back)
Dumbbell row off a bench 2 x 10 85lbs (All the way out and back)
Hammer pulldown 2 x 10

Hammer incline 2 x 8
Incline Dumbbell 2 x 8 (all the way down)
Dumbbell flies 2 x 10 45lbs
Cable flies 2 x 10 50lbs

deadlift 2 x 4 315lbs (slow negative decent. Why are new school guys dropping the weight instead of slowly returning the weight?)
back hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind my head.

Ab roll out 2 x 22
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20 130lbs

Gym observations: I really can't comment about the music. The owner of the gym keeps it on 70's rock. Heard the Stones and the Who. I don't object but damn that's very limited taste in music he has.  I'm the opposite.  I have an eclectic and varied moods for music.  I like rock and pop from the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80,s, 90's and today's hits. Motown is a big favorite. I like big band crooners, especially the Italians. I like Jazz too and even hi energy dance music. The only thing I can't stand is that current trance electronic music that is the rage with kids that take ecstasy. That is garbage. I was even surprised when I popped in the best of Notorious Big CD.  I have to admit the guy had serious talent.  In my retirement job I'm surrounded by 25 to 35 girls and they are surprised the gray haired guy knows all the lyrics to the current hits. LOL.  

Gym was crowded today and I hate that. I know some people feed off that. I hardly talked to anyone. Thinking about taking my ipod to the gym. I only use them for cardio. The women in this gym are a weird mix of old, chubby house wives, and very average women. Very few hot women in this hard core gym.  The gym about a mile away is the fancy gym where the beautiful rich people go. I have to admit when I worked out there the women were amazing. Hair done, make up and those panty hose work out pants. The asses walking were a big pleasant distraction.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #509 on: May 13, 2019, 10:33:11 AM »
I wish I had bumper plates.

Especially I would like to drop them from head height onto the floor/platform!  ;D

That looks like a lot of fun.

Dropping deadlifts is the new rage I guess.  Avoiding the eccentric part of the movement.

I listen to CD's in my home gym.  I have a lot of them.  I grab a stack and listen to one each workout or so and work through the stack.

Smart to stay away from the gyms with the hot women.  Too much temptation.  :o


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #510 on: May 13, 2019, 10:37:29 AM »
I wish I had bumper plates.

Especially I would like to drop them from head height onto the floor/platform!  ;D

That looks like a lot of fun.

Dropping deadlifts is the new rage I guess.  Avoiding the eccentric part of the movement.

I listen to CD's in my home gym.  I have a lot of them.  I grab a stack and listen to one each workout or so and work through the stack.

Smart to stay away from the gyms with the hot women.  Too much temptation.  :o

The gym has Rogue bumper plates. I have bumpers that have no markings on them telling me the manufacturer. They are better quality than Rogue I would argue.  I could really drop them from over head and I don't think they would damage my concrete floor in my basement. They would probably bounce.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #511 on: May 14, 2019, 09:06:57 AM »
Cardio day. 6 x half mile intervals. I didn't set the world on fire but I felt it. Then hit the heavy bag. The fastest half was a little under 8 minute miles.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #512 on: May 15, 2019, 09:54:33 AM »
Leg day:  

Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs (Ass to grass with an upright back. Hard exercise. Don't let the two light 85lbs fool you.)
Hack squats 2 x 12 (All the way down. Not crazy about hacks. It seems foot placement on the platform really changes the amount of weigh one can use. Also it's a real back compressor. Actually feel something bad going on with my back from the compression. Might drop them.
Stiff dead 1 x 6  205lbs
Kick back butt machine 2 x 12 70lbs ( Hard fucken machine. I have never seen a guy use it. Brutal)
Leg extensions 2 x 12 150lbs (weight used on machines is meaningless. My home one 80lbs is heavy)
Leg curls 2 x 12 110lbs

Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
Seated knee ins 2 x 25

Four way neck machine 2 x 20

Just to elaborate on dumbbell squats. I never see anyone doing them in the gym. I am the only one. I tried them after reading about them in Ironman magazine. My gym only has one squat rack and it was taken.  The first time I tried dumbbell squats I took my wrist straps and grabbed two dumbbells. At first I found my self semi deadlifting them with minimal knee bend. Thought that can't be the movement. Next I tried upright back and I sunk my butt all the way down with the dumbbells held at my sides. Knocked out 12 reps. My butt was fully down with an upright back when the dumbbells were about 4 inches off the ground. This is it I thought. Targeted the thighs, hips and a little lower back, perfect. Two relatively light dumbbells made me breath like I ran a 400 meter sprint. It was like I found  missing unused exercise. I would love to see a guy who uses 405lbs for his top set for squats take two 120lbs dumbbells and do it the way I described. I bet he would feel it was a brutal exercise.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #513 on: May 16, 2019, 11:02:34 AM »
Did the same cardio today 6 x half miles. Last one in 7:30 pace or 8.0 miles an hour. Hit the bag after. Legs are hurting.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #514 on: May 17, 2019, 04:01:13 PM »
Delt and arms:

Clean and press 3 x 5 135lbs ( full range and all the way down.)
Dumbbell delt press standing 1 x max 45lbs ( Did this for a pump high reps set)
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Machine delt laterals 2 x 10 8olbs
Rear delt machine 2 x 10 90lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs

Two hand single dumbell tricep extension 2 x 10 75lbs (tried to go all the way down but my elbows protested)
Traditional tricep pulley push downs 2 x 12 (Used the stack but with this pulley system it's not crazy heavy)
Reverse grip single arm pulley triceps 2 x 12 40lbs

Dumbbell alternate curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Machine curls 2 x 10
Scott barbell curls 2 x 10

Forearm wrist 2 x 25 95lbs
Reverse grip pulley curls 2 x 10
reverse wrist dumbbell extensions 1 x 15

Ab coaster 1 x 40  60lbs
Ab machine crunch 2 x 20 130lbs (gym has two ab crunch machines from two different manufacturers. One I use 100lbs and the other 130lbs.

Gym Observations: Said it before. I don't know how personal trainers make a living? I truly have never seen a good trainer. Never. Chubby something girl was paying a mint for a guy to keep here confused by changing exercises every session so she will never learn how to train herself. Truly a rep counter. I wish I was a trainer. I would teach her how to train. How to make up her own routines and how to do it. I would emphasize cardio over lifting for this big girl. Having her do  six exercise for one set then being told the cardio machines are over there is just BS.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #515 on: May 20, 2019, 10:52:45 AM »
Back and chest today. I think next week will be the start of trying to get lean for the summer.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #516 on: May 21, 2019, 10:50:39 AM »
Having continuing problems with my Achilles. Tried to run three miles in a park. I got one mile and I felt like a lame horse. I stopped early after a mile. I guess fast walking is going to be my cardio for awhile. I normally hit the heavy bag after a cardio session. After cardio I'm completely spent but after one slow mile I was relatively fresh. I pounded that bag with bad intent if I say so myself. I was wacking it hard.

Fast walking isn't my first choice for cardio but it gets the job done if you walk fast for about an hour and twenty minutes at a pop. Two weeks of 6 days a week makes a quick noticeable difference.  Burns about 500 calories a pop and done 5 or 6 days a week it adds up. Next week I think I'm going to train for leanness/endurance instead of strength. Famous last words when next Monday rolls around. I am a creature of habit.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #517 on: May 22, 2019, 04:51:46 PM »
Leg day. After all the usual stuff like squats, hacks, leg kick back machine, leg extension, and leg curl I did free hand no weight squats.

I know body weight no iron squats are big in Cross fit but not in bodybuilding gyms. There really is gold in using them. Not in the crossfit method of trying to get to a rep number to beat the clock. They look like they are flopping like fish as they drop like rocks ignoring the negative.  After the usual weight stuff for the legs try them. Don't flop down on the negative. Smooth cadence. You are hitting the legs and not trying to beat another person for time.  After weights doing these your legs will be pre fatigued and shot. Knocking out 50 reps will leave them pumped and you should be breathing like a race horse. Go all the way down. No cutting the range of motion short.

I said it before but a good example is Mr. Universe 1975  short class  Wilf Sylvester. He use to use the traditional squats, hacks and the rest. I read for the 1975 Universe he did something some would consider radical. Every leg day he did 400 reps of no weight body weight squats. It's unclear if he was strong enough to do 1 set of 400 reps or it was several sets. After that he did leg extensions and leg curls.  He said this really cut up his thighs.  I haven't heard of any other bodybuilder using them but maybe he was ahead of his time.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #518 on: May 23, 2019, 06:21:43 PM »
Walked fast on my sore Achilles for an hour and fifteen minutes. Going to continue with the walking instead of running until my Achilles gets better.  Hit the heavy bag after. For you guys that never faced an opponent in boxing it's one of the most exhausting sports. That's why boxers are endurance athletes. Ali when he was beaten by Norton getting his jaw broken came back with a vengeance. He was running 5 miles a day, sparring and doing his bag work.  The second fight he was moving like a well oiled machine and Norton came up short.  Did Delts and arms the day after this. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #519 on: May 27, 2019, 05:21:07 PM »
I was going to change things up drastically this week but since I drank like fish on Sunday frying in the pool I'm not. Good times. Doing a Yates inspired one set to failure type training for the week. Maybe next week I will do a volume routine. Did Chest and bicep today. Quick 45 minute hit but doing each exercise for one set to failure so it wasn't easy. Walked a trail after, walking fast for one hour and twenty minutes. I want to run bad but my Achilles wants nothing to do with that.

Beginning to think that we do a lot of good with exercise but we also do bad things to the body. Right now my biggest problem is my Achilles that went south doing 40 yard repeat sprints. My shoulder is shot. My one elbow is giving me trouble. Now my bullet proof knees are giving me slight trouble. I attribute it all to working out.  A couple of months ago I did the popular training supplement called feeders which is basically 1960's super light weight muscle spinning for high reps. I did them for a couple times for triceps and biceps. Surprisingly my troubling triceps felt great like it was lubed up by the flush of blood. It felt great for around a week until I did my usual heavy weight triceps training and then my elbow was sore again.  Makes me think that volume might be better for joint health as I age.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #520 on: May 28, 2019, 10:21:05 AM »
Leg day. One work set to failure for the exercises.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #521 on: May 29, 2019, 12:06:22 PM »
Walked fast for one hour and twenty minutes on my off day. Hit the bag after. Walked about five miles on trail and didn't see another person.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #522 on: May 30, 2019, 07:07:02 PM »
Trained back Yates style. Sometimes one warm up set then one set to failure.

Pulldown 1 x 14 140lbs (On my home unit this is heavy. Kept back upright so I didn't turn it into a row)
Seated lat pulley rows with a V handle 1 x 15 180lbs ( All the way out and back. Ending with an upright back)
Dumbbell row with a knee on a bench 1 x 12 85lbs. (All the way down and up. Moderate cadence)
Reverse grip pull down 1 x 11

Dead lifts 1 x 6 315lbs
Weighted back hyper extensions 1 x 19 25lbs plate behind head. Used the superior horizontal type and not the 45 degree one that lets the resistance drop off at the top.)

Ab wheel 1 x 25
Floor crunch 1 x 50 10lbs plate behind head. ( Every rep the upper back came off the mat high)

After this I went out the door for a hour and 20 minute fast walk. Nursing an Achilles injury. I can't run yet.  Every time I do it swells up and I'm limping. I can walk without aggravating it. This fast walking is actually enjoyable exercise.  I'm burning fat, exercising the heart, and not exhausting myself. I feel pretty fresh when I'm finished with this. Walking fast does look a little funny. I'm sure people are thinking, that guys is sure in a hurry to get some place.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #523 on: May 31, 2019, 03:38:41 PM »
Delts and triceps:

Military clean and press 1 x 9 115lbs ( all the way down)
Dumbbell laterals 1 x 15 30lbs
Delt lateral machine 1 x 12 80lbs.
Rear delt machine 1 x 12 90lbs
Barbell shrugs 1 x 13 250lbs

Weighted dips 1 x 9 25lbs (all the way down)
Traditional tricep pushdowns 1 x 14
Reverse grip one arm tricep pulley extentions 2 x 14 40lbs
Two hands one dumbbell behind head tricep extensions  1 x 12 70lbs ( Have trouble going all the way down due to my elbows but I tried to go all the way down low but failed.

Ab coaster 1 x 40  60lbs
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20 130lbs

Went to a park after and walked fast for 5. 2 miles.  Achilles was throbbing after. Damn, can't beat this thing. Beginning to think I have a serious tear in it. It's been bugging me for about a month now. Spend about 90 minutes cleaning the pool after. It's looking crystal clear amazing. Can't wait for tomorrow. Going to walk tomorrow at 530AM prior to work.  After work it's cold beer floating in an inflatable chair to the big band crooners like Sinatra and Martin coming out of an amazing Bose speakers.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #524 on: June 01, 2019, 06:45:26 AM »

You have to rest the leg if you want it to heal.