Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 479065 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #425 on: March 20, 2019, 09:01:48 AM »
Leg day: Legs are weak from all the walking I did a week or so ago.

Squats 4 x 8 Up to 260lbs. Thinking this might be another exercise I might leave off the menu. I feel dumbbell squats work better for me.
Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 80lbs (Again, upright back and sank the ass low)
stiff dead 2 x 6 205lbs
Leg kick back machine 2 x 12 (this is a killer. Only see girls on it. Put the pin in low and it's murder)
leg extensions 2 x 12 (felt weak in these. Blame the 5 miles a day I was doing.)
lying leg curls 2 x 12

standing calf 2 x 12
seated calf 2 x 15

4 way neck 2 x 20

ab wheel 2 x 22
ab coaster  1 x 35 60lbs.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #426 on: March 21, 2019, 09:25:49 AM »
Cardio day: On treadmill. Raining.

6 x half miles. No warm listed.

1. 6.5 MPH-9:14 pace
2. 6.7 MPH-8:57 pace
3. 6.9 MPH-8:42 pace
4. 7.1 MPH-8:27 pace
5. 7.3 MPH-8:13 pace
6. 7.5 MPH-8:00 pace (came down to the 7:42 pace for the last quarter mile.

Whacked the heavy bag hard for two rounds.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #427 on: March 22, 2019, 10:32:17 AM »
Delt and arm day:

Clean and press 2 x 8 115LBS ( bar all the way down before press out. No lean back.)
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Machine delt lateral 2 x 10 80lbs
Dumbbell rear delt 2 x 10 40lbs
Machine rear delt 2 x 10 90lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs

dips 2 x 8 25lbs ( tried to go low)
Single dumbbell two hand seated tricep extensions 2 x 10 75lbs
tradition tricep pulley pushdowns 2 x 12
reverse grip single arm pulley extensions 2 x 10

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Scott barbell curs 2 x 12 ( I think if I could do one exercise for biceps this would be it)
EZ bar pulley curls 2 x 10

Wrist curls 2 x 25 95lb
Reverse pulley curls 2 x 10

Ab coaster 1 x 35
ab machine crunch 2 x 20 100lbs


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #428 on: March 23, 2019, 04:53:38 PM »
Went to work then drank 4 beers and two shots of Conor McGregor whiskey.  It's good stuff but it will never be given a good review by whiskey snobs because it's attached to him.  Keep drinking Johnny Walker Blue. I'm saying it here. The emperor has not clothes. That stuff at $200 a bottle is crap.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #429 on: March 23, 2019, 05:29:13 PM »
My go to bourbon, scotch are:

Grant's Family Reserve Scotch
Evan Williams Black Label bourbon


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #430 on: March 25, 2019, 11:01:05 AM »
Back and chest today. Did four exercises for back and four for chest. Finished with deadlifts. Since I was prefatigued I couldn't handle much weight. The deadlifts were 2 sets of 4 with 300lbs. Then one rep with 330lbs.  I've been thinking of putting them in first on back and chest day so I could use more weight but I'm afraid of injury at my age. I already had a complete bicep rupture about 15 years ago. Took about 6 months to regain strength back in that arm. 

I realize that I have to diet if I want to achieve my goals but hell I'm not a bodybuilder. I don't compete.  I might be dead of old age in 15 to 20 years.  If I want a fucken beer and want to stuff my face with as many slices of pizza I can eat I will.  Then again sometimes I think I would look so much better on the beach minus 10 to 15lbs.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #431 on: March 26, 2019, 08:10:21 PM »
Cardio day:  Nothing earth shattering. 6 x half miles. Listened to Motown stuff on the treadmill. 4 Tops and others.

1. 6.7 MPH-8:58 Pace
2. 6.9 MPH-8:42 Pace
3. 7.1 MPH-8:27 Pace
4. 7.3 MPH-8:13 Pace
5. 7.5 MPH-8:00 Pace
6. 7.7 MPH-7:48 pace

Whacked the heavy bag for two rounds after. Every time I see someone else hitting the bag they are soft hitting it with arm punches instead of throwing their body into the punches. It's primary a  weight lifting gym so it's to be expected. Today I had to wait for the bag and a guy was punching it with some power. Nothing spectacular but then he started kicking it. Amazing kicking power. I talked to him after. He said he was a Division one wrestler in college and he dabbled in some Muay Thai. The thud of his shin hitting that bag was scary. Definitely crack some ribs or knock some one out cold with that. Very impressive. If he gets his punching game right he will have the whole package. Punching, kicking and ground game.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #432 on: March 27, 2019, 12:12:16 PM »
Trained leg today. 

Squats 4 of 8 working up to 265lbs.
Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs
Stiff leg deads 1 x 6 205lbs
Kick back machine 2 x 12 (brutal machine. I think it's better than the leg press)
leg extensions 2 x 12 150lbs ( I realize weight is meaningless from machine to machine. The machine in my house I use 80lbs)
traditional leg curs 2 x 10 100lbs
leg adduction and abduction 1 x 12 ( realized I killed the spelling.)

standing calf 2 x 12 180lbs (again the weight is meaningless from machine to machine)
seated calf 2 x 15 90lbs

Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
seated knee ins 2 x 20

four way neck machine

Pissed off. Found the only protein that doesn't have any effect on my stomach. It's  Fairlife protein shakes. Very high in protein. It's milk based but truly has no lactose. Every lactose free protein based on whey gives me the runs. This  My wife who has not done any exercise in decades found out she likes my expensive bottles of Fairlife protein.  $30 for 12 premade bottles. She thinks they are a delicious milk shake. I'm fucked. She is sitting on the couch as I type sucking one down.  What the fuck?  Going to find the most disgusting flavor they make. She said to me I need protein too. For what?  Sitting down for 10 hours too much for your muscles? 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #433 on: March 29, 2019, 09:43:05 AM »
Delt and arm day.

Gym observation. Is everyone delusional today? Never saw this decades ago. Every one is short stroking the movement to handle heavy weight. If there is any doubt find out how you can make a movement harder rather than easier.  Doing half incline presses and half deadlifts off the racks isn't making an exercise harder. For every guy training hard there are 20 wasting their time. One steroid user might have done an exercise every five minutes. Sometimes ten as he talked on the phone. Another guy walked on the treadmill slower than he walked into the gym. No bs.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #434 on: April 01, 2019, 01:03:32 PM »
Monday so it was back and chest:

M.A.G. pulldowns 2 x 10 (fairly upright. No lean back turning it into a row)
Cable row with a V handle 2 x 12 170lbs
Dumbbell row off a bench 2 x 10 85lbs ( All the way up and down)
Hammer pulldown 2 x 10

Hammer incline press 2 x 8 (two plates a side. All the way down. Something feels off with this. Might have to drop it)
Incline press 2 x 8 75lbs (all the way down. No half reps)
Flat flies 2 x 10 45lbs
Cable fly crossovers 2 x 10 (They have two machine for this. One machine 40lbs is heavy. It was taken. I used the other one with 60lbs pounds it felt lighter than the other machines 40lbs)

Deadlift 2 x 4 315lbs  (felt dizzy afterwards)
Weighted hyper back extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind my head (Used the old fashion and more effective horizontal back extension bench. The new 45 degree one the resistance drops off at the top. You don't want that)

Ab wheel 2 x 23
AB crunch 2 x 20 (This gym has two different models. I tried the one nobody uses and I thought it was great.  Usually guys put the seat at the maximum height then use their body weight to crunch the weight down instead of using abs.)

Beginning to think bodybuilding is just bs.  It's fueled by insecurity.  Do drugs and take compliments from the clueless about your cosmetic drug muscles. Does anyone need 4 different movements per body part to improve athletic function?  Can any current Olympia contestant clean and jerk 315lbs? I doubt it. Can they do anything athletic? In the past AAU Mr. America you had to earn athletic points by putting up a total in Olympic lifting. I can't imagine a current Olympia contestant that is capable of running a half mile at a  speed a chubby house wife can do.  If the drugs were cut out for 6 months would look very ordinary which begs the question how much do drugs contribute to the muscles?  

I think the bodybuilders in the 50's had it right. Work out three days a week. Train the whole body in one session.  Have a career  and job to report to. Have a family life.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #435 on: April 01, 2019, 01:44:50 PM »
Hormones, specifically testosterone, is what builds muscle.

It's not protein powders or vitamins.

Without the male hormone we are eunuchs.

Whether it's natural or artificial, testosterone is the key to muscle.

As regards whole body training look up the greats of the 1940's like Steve Reeves or Clancy Ross.

Another would be Harold Poole's early 3 day routine before he got into the D-bol.  It's even more basic.

(I moved the rest of my post to my own training log so as not to clutter Oldtimer's).


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #436 on: April 02, 2019, 07:29:49 PM »
Ran 6 x half miles.

1. 6.7 MPH-8:57 pace
2. 6.9 MPH-8:42 pace
3. 7.1 MPH-8:27 pace
4. 7.3 MPH-8:13 pace
5. 7.5 MPH-8:00 pace
6. 7.8 MPH-7:42 pace

When I finished the six intervals I walked for a cool down. I felt dizzy and unstable. Don't know what was going on?  Was it just fatigue, heart problem, or neurological. One of the last times I ran I went to use my phone to message and I couldn't type because my hands were shaking really bad. Wondering if it's an early warning of Parkinson or some other problem? Could it just be fatigue and age?  I train hard then I party the weekend away drinking. Maybe I'm just getting too old and not giving myself enough down down. Just saw a guy I worked with 30 years ago. He was fat and looked like a tired  old man. He called me kid and said you will see it's tough when you get older. I know I'm two years older than him. I guess he didn't know.

Whacked the heavy bag for two rounds after. Felt I was off my game hitting it.  Here's to better days.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #437 on: April 03, 2019, 04:00:40 AM »
You might want to see a doctor and get a checkup.  When is the last time you had a physical/EKG?

You train hard and could just be over-exerting yourself, particularly with all the running you do.

Combined with the weights it could be too much.  Chronic over-training.

And what's up with the boozing?  Are you really over-doing it?

I have a few drinks a week but just a shot or two when I drink.  Limit it to that.  Usually liquor but beer sometimes.  Just one beer.

I can't run and even walking too much makes my knee ache pretty bad.  I'm hobbling after walking a mile or two.

Tore my inside knee meniscus kicking a heavy bag years ago and it's been lousy ever since even after arthroscopy.  No pain fortunately unless too much walking.

Wish I never kicked that bag!   >:(

It would be nice to train like I was 20 years old but I'm 60.  Hard to believe I'm as old as that.  I know you are around 60 too.

Got to use your head when you train.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #438 on: April 03, 2019, 10:33:10 AM »
Trained legs today. Felt much better physically today. Slept for 8.5 hours instead of my usual 5.5 hours. Beginning to wonder if training to failure all the time is good for the spirit and body? What did Lee Haney say? Stimulate don't annihilate. Bill Pearl said the same in his own way.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #439 on: April 03, 2019, 10:43:55 AM »
Trained legs today. Felt much better physically today. Slept for 8.5 hours instead of my usual 5.5 hours. Beginning to wonder if training to failure all the time is good for the spirit and body? What did Lee Haney say? Stimulate don't annihilate. Bill Pearl said the same in his own way.  
good man,,,keep going ,things could be worse ,imagine not working out at all..,im doing so much better ,,recovered from divorce,dating old classmate of mine nice girl.only 1 kid 17 yrs old he is,my issue id tougher 3 kids still younger side...i fixed my stomach issues like u on my own ,feeling physically great and in shape


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #440 on: April 03, 2019, 02:28:39 PM »
Trained legs today. Felt much better physically today. Slept for 8.5 hours instead of my usual 5.5 hours. Beginning to wonder if training to failure all the time is good for the spirit and body? What did Lee Haney say? Stimulate don't annihilate. Bill Pearl said the same in his own way.  

One thing here.

You trained legs 3 days in a row.

You did deadlifts and hypers on 4/1,  Deads hit the quads, hamstrings and lower back.  Then 4/2 you ran and hit the bag which also uses the legs.  Today 4/3 you trained legs.

Over-training, my brother.  No recovery time.  No healing time.  The symptoms you describe are classic over-training effects.

How about taking a day off between training?  Rest, recovery, healing.  No weights, no running, no nothing.  Rest.

Read a book, watch a movie, get a hobby, whatever.  No training.

If you want to split your workout do push/pull/legs or push/pull-legs.  Day off between training.  No running on off days.

Full body do everything but only 1-2 exercises per bodypart.  Running can be scheduled on training days or as a separate training day.

No matter what take a day off between training.  Complete rest.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #441 on: April 03, 2019, 03:03:04 PM »
One thing here.

You trained legs 3 days in a row.

You did deadlifts and hypers on 4/1,  Deads hit the quads, hamstrings and lower back.  Then 4/2 you ran and hit the bag which also uses the legs.  Today 4/3 you trained legs.

Over-training, my brother.  No recovery time.  No healing time.  The symptoms you describe are classic over-training effects.

How about taking a day off between training?  Rest, recovery, healing.  No weights, no running, no nothing.  Rest.

Read a book, watch a movie, get a hobby, whatever.  No training.

If you want to split your workout do push/pull/legs or push/pull-legs.  Day off between training.  No running on off days.

Full body do everything but only 1-2 exercises per bodypart.  Running can be scheduled on training days or as a separate training day.

No matter what take a day off between training.  Complete rest.

My split looks like this now. Monday: back and chest, Wednesday: legs; and Friday: Delts and arms.  Three days of lifting. On Tuesday and Thursday I run. Weekends are off. I do push the pedal to the metal Monday to Friday.  I do believe in the health benefits of both strength training and cardio. Strength training is the horse power of the motor. Cardio is the size of the gas tank. Big motor with no tank is worthless as well as the other way around. I do think I push too hard but that's my work ethic. All out or nothing. Work hard and play hard.  Nothing gets me more pissed off than watching guys putting no effort into their workouts. My recent health concerns could be a bunch of factors. If I die today people will say what a muscular corpse.  I might take a day off training tomorrow for rest. I might run. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #442 on: April 03, 2019, 04:17:49 PM »
My split looks like this now. Monday: back and chest, Wednesday: legs; and Friday: Delts and arms.  Three days of lifting. On Tuesday and Thursday I run. Weekends are off. I do push the pedal to the metal Monday to Friday.  I do believe in the health benefits of both strength training and cardio. Strength training is the horse power of the motor. Cardio is the size of the gas tank. Big motor with no tank is worthless as well as the other way around. I do think I push too hard but that's my work ethic. All out or nothing. Work hard and play hard.  Nothing gets me more pissed off than watching guys putting no effort into their workouts. My recent health concerns could be a bunch of factors. If I die today people will say what a muscular corpse.  I might take a day off training tomorrow for rest. I might run. 

Keep doing what you are doing and you will keep feeling lousy.

it's a basic fundamental of weight training to not train the same muscles two days in a row.  Running is training.

If you are a 'roid user you can do it.  Natty's will just stall out and over-train.

If you die today no one will care what your physique looks like.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #443 on: April 04, 2019, 10:54:51 AM »
Ran two miles under 9 minutes miles. Hit the heavy bag for two rounds. Felt I was whacking it hard with bad intent.  During my warm up for the run I felt a little dizzy but it went away during the real run.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #444 on: April 05, 2019, 03:36:21 PM »
Delt and Arms:

Standing dumbbell press 2 x 10 50lbs ( I know I could use 70lbs and above if I sat  with my hips out and only lowered to the top of my head like the majority do. I always try to make an exercise harder on the body and not easier. Sitting with your hips out makes it a partial chest incline. Lowering it the the top of your head or slightly lower is a half a rep.)
Dumbbell lateral raises 2 x 10 30lbs (I do them Arnold style. I raise them high like Arnold instead of the parallel method used today.)
Single arm delt lateral 2 x 10 40lbs ( I know pulley systems resistance varies from machine to machine. Weight used is meaningless)
Rear delt machine 2 x 10 90lbs
Barbell Shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs ( I was talking with someone and accidentally used a 5lbs on one side instead of a 10lbs. Pissed)

Single dumbbell behind the head tricep extension 2 x 11 75lbs (Tried to go all the way down)
Traditional tricep pushdowns 2 x 12
Reverse single arm pulley tricep extension 2 x 10 40lbs

EZ curl 2 x 10 90lbs
Scott barbell curls 2 x 10 ( I do these really slow. Afraid to rip a bicep tendon)
Arnold style concentration curls 2 x 12

Forearms wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs
Dumbbell reverse wrist extensions 2 x 15

Ab coaster 1 x 37 60lbs
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20 110lbs



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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #445 on: April 08, 2019, 06:53:53 PM »
Back and  chest today:

Yesterday I took the wife out to a Broadway play that our kid's gave us tickets for. It was King Kong.  What a big monkey. It was fun but very different from the usual Broadway play. Good special effects.

 After we had an incredible steak at an Irish restaurant followed by bar hopping in Hell's kitchen. Alternated between Irish bars and Italian.  Notice all the Irish bars hire people from Ireland for bartenders and waitresses for the real accent and ambiance I assume. Sitting at the Italian bar we were next to two gay guys who appear to be out on a date. Yes, NY seems saturated with gay guys. It use to be the village but it's everywhere now. One guy was black and the other white. Heard an accent on the black guy I couldn't place so I asked him," Where are you from? I can't place the accent."  He comes back with what I thought was an angry, " From my mother."  I thought here comes trouble. I should have kept my drunk mouth closed. I think I disarmed him with kindness and he said he was originally from the Bahamas but lived in England for a long time. The last bar we were at was another Irish bar. Has an Irish mob vibe and I didn't feel like it would end there well. Had a Guinness and left.

 Couple of other observations. Most New Yorkers are thin. Very few people own a car in midtown. No where to park it except expensive parking garages. If you have a car there is no where to park once you get to your destination in mid town. Every where is on foot or a cab. Hard to find a fat person compared to NJ.  Walked by Central park and one building had the most expensive Mercedes and Escalades sitting outside with drivers sitting waiting to be needed by their bosses. I think I counted 12 fresh off the show room cars with drivers sitting in them. Imagine having the money to have your driver just sit outside of your building waiting? My wife thinks Howard Stern lives in the building but I don't know.

Came home thoroughly exhausted. Seems like a non stop mini vacation. I forced myself into the gym. I gutted through it. If I had any sense I would have rested all day today. I feel I should have used a brillo pad to wash NY off me.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #446 on: April 09, 2019, 08:07:24 PM »
Cardio day: Did 8 x quarter miles (400 meters-440 yards). Nothing crazy. Dipped below 7 minute mile pace at the end. 8.8 MPH was the fastest lap. Hit the heavy bag after.

Going to start a real diet soon. At this age I can't out work the diet. Even though it's often repeated a pound of fat is 3500 calories an I'm sure I'm using a ton of calories working out every week I am eating like a college kid.  Really reckless.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #447 on: April 10, 2019, 06:21:53 AM »
Just cut back a little bit.

Don't take seconds at meals for example.  Skip the dessert.

Instead of drinking 2 beers have just one.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #448 on: April 10, 2019, 10:52:00 AM »
Trained legs today. Completely shot. Now on to yard work.

Found the best protein I have ever had. Found it at BJ's of all places. It's called Fairlife Protein. Comes in 11.5 Oz bottles at a reasonable price for protein. Has 30 grams of protein and zero lactose that upsets my stomach. The taste is the best I have ever tasted in 40 years of drinking protein shakes. I have zero connections to the company. Every single time I drink a "lactose free" whey isolate my stomach does flips and I get the runs. Zero point zero problems with this one cause they don't lie on the label. It's truly lactose free. How they got 30 grams of protein in that little bottle is incredible. The taste is so good my wife is drinking my stash of it and she doesn't work out. Pisses me off.

Ironate I'm going to try to be good regarding diet next week. I really eat and drink like a 22 frat college kid. I have zero restraint. If I didn't work out like a lunatic I would be a fat guy.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #449 on: April 11, 2019, 08:56:30 AM »
Trained legs today. Completely shot. Now on to yard work.

Found the best protein I have ever had. Found it at BJ's of all places. It's called Fairlife Protein. Comes in 11.5 Oz bottles at a reasonable price for protein. Has 30 grams of protein and zero lactose that upsets my stomach. The taste is the best I have ever tasted in 40 years of drinking protein shakes. I have zero connections to the company. Every single time I drink a "lactose free" whey isolate my stomach does flips and I get the runs. Zero point zero problems with this one cause they don't lie on the label. It's truly lactose free. How they got 30 grams of protein in that little bottle is incredible. The taste is so good my wife is drinking my stash of it and she doesn't work out. Pisses me off.

Ironate I'm going to try to be good regarding diet next week. I really eat and drink like a 22 frat college kid. I have zero restraint. If I didn't work out like a lunatic I would be a fat guy.