Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 479066 times)


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #750 on: October 16, 2019, 03:37:20 PM »

Why don't you take the cap lock off? 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #751 on: October 17, 2019, 05:28:27 AM »
Why don't you take the cap lock off?  


Why don't you take the cap lock off?



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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #752 on: October 17, 2019, 09:38:38 AM »
Why don't you take the cap lock off? 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #753 on: October 17, 2019, 06:10:07 PM »
Back day Yates style: No warm ups needed.

Pulldown with M.A.G. bar 1 x 14 (Didn't lean back to make it a half a row. Stayed upright. Slow negative.)
Low pulley lat pull 1 x 15 180lbs
Dumbbell row off a bench 1 x 12 85lbs
Hammer pulldown 1 x 13 (I like this machine. It's half a pulldown and half a row)

Deadlifts 1 x 6 315lbs  (doing so much cardio I was weak doing these. Thought I would fail on the the 4th but got 6.
Weighted hyper extension 1 x 15 25lbs plate behind head ( Used the hyper bench in the gym. Horrible. It's one of those 45 degree hyper benches. The resistance falls off at the top. The old fashion horizontal one is superior and the one I have in my house.

Ab wheel roll out  1 x 26 reps
Ab crunch machine 1 x 22 150lbs.  

Cardio: Immediately after I walked fast on a treadmill using an incline for about 40 minutes.  My Achilles into the insertion into the heel bone swelled up and now I'm limping again. Going to have to see a doctor about it. It's been going on too long. I thought it was getting better and now I'm in pain again. Going to use the bike for cardio. It's getting cold in NJ.  I guess I'm going to have to figure out how to use the exercise bikes in the gym.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #754 on: October 18, 2019, 03:36:01 PM »
Trained delts and triceps Yates style:  No cardio today.  Feel weak lifting and I think it's too much cardio. After lifting I went to a chain restaurant for lunch. I won't go back there. Not a fan of Restaurants that are chains.  After we made a spur of the moment decision to hit the movies. Picked the movie JUDY.  No homo.  If Renee Zellweger doesn't get the Academy award for that movie the Academy is a scam.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #755 on: October 19, 2019, 05:10:42 AM »
Just saw this quote that might be applicable to your case:

"You can't work too hard, but you can work too much."


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #756 on: October 19, 2019, 06:08:27 PM »
Just saw this quote that might be applicable to your case:

"You can't work too hard, but you can work too much."

Applicable? I trained one set to failure per exercise the whole week. Aerobics by it's very definition involves endurance. I will admit I fucked up my Achilles by being overly obsessive to a work ethic to succeed. I remember when Yates saying in effect if he didn't red line he wouldn't have been a champ and he probably would have no injuries. He pushed to the limit and in the end fucked up his body. I'd like to think I was in shape not by steroid definitions for over 45 years. Now I'm hobbled now. I see the specialist in a week. Let's see what the doctor has to say. I hope I don't need tendon surgery. Hoping for a cortisone shot and a stop walking and running on it for a couple of months.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #757 on: October 20, 2019, 05:35:15 AM »
Applicable? I trained one set to failure per exercise the whole week. Aerobics by it's very definition involves endurance. I will admit I fucked up my Achilles by being overly obsessive to a work ethic to succeed. I remember when Yates saying in effect if he didn't red line he wouldn't have been a champ and he probably would have no injuries. He pushed to the limit and in the end fucked up his body. I'd like to think I was in shape not by steroid definitions for over 45 years. Now I'm hobbled now. I see the specialist in a week. Let's see what the doctor has to say. I hope I don't need tendon surgery. Hoping for a cortisone shot and a stop walking and running on it for a couple of months.

That quote was from Arthur Jones by the way.

Some points to consider and I hope you do not get upset about my observations.

Are you comparing yourself to Yates, who was taking massive amounts of drugs to help him recuperate?  

Are you training for a world title like Yates was?  

For what purpose are you beating your body into a state of injury?

Do you think the workout your body takes from cardio does not require recovery time?


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #758 on: October 20, 2019, 09:44:35 AM »
That quote was from Arthur Jones by the way.

Some points to consider and I hope you do not get upset about my observations.

Are you comparing yourself to Yates, who was taking massive amounts of drugs to help him recuperate?  

Are you training for a world title like Yates was?  

For what purpose are you beating your body into a state of injury?

Do you think the workout your body takes from cardio does not require recovery time?

Using Yates as an example of a guy that pushes it to the limit. Of course I'm not comparing myself to a steroid champion.  Nothing has ever been achieved in lifting without great effort and a work ethic. Every day I'm is the gym I see the 90% of the guys put little effort into their workouts. They are on cruise control.  The guys busting their ass are the ones that look good genetics aside.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #759 on: October 21, 2019, 02:01:51 PM »
Ending this thread. Might continue at a later date. Still training. Lifted for over an hour today lifting hard.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #760 on: October 21, 2019, 02:18:15 PM »
Sorry you decided to end this thread. I look forward to reading posts here. I've learned much about different training methods and routines


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #761 on: October 21, 2019, 04:00:38 PM »
Sorry you decided to end this thread. I look forward to reading posts here. I've learned much about different training methods and routines

Thanks for saying that. Like I said I might continue it at a later date. I feel it was time consuming even though I'm a really fast typist from years of doing it at work.

You're a good guy even if you are a misguided super liberal.  ;) Take no offense. Just playing.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #762 on: October 21, 2019, 04:03:48 PM »
Thanks for saying that. Like I said I might continue it at a later date. I feel it was time consuming even though I'm a really fast typist from years of doing it at work.

You're a good guy even if you are a misguided super liberal.  ;) Take no offense. Just playing.

And you are a misguided (super) conservative.....but, it's all good!  ;)


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #763 on: October 28, 2019, 05:18:52 PM »
I guess few read this thread but maybe Ironat will remember my endless complaining about my calf and tendon pain that was limiting my running. Saw a doctor today and he said it's probably tendinitis. He took an xray just in case. He's looking at the film and he says when did you break your fibula? He showed me the xray and said see the bulge on your bone right here? That's bone repairing the break. It was easy to see how the bone was fucked up. Then he shot up my Achilles with cortisone. That hurt a bit. Sometimes I'm too dedicated for my own good.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #764 on: October 28, 2019, 05:27:15 PM »
I guess few read this thread but maybe Ironat will remember my endless complaining about my calf and tendon pain that was limiting my running. Saw a doctor today and he said it's probably tendinitis. He took an xray just in case. He's looking at the film and he says when did you break your fibula? He showed me the xray and said see the bulge on your bone right here? That's bone repairing the break. It was easy to see how the bone was fucked up. Then he shot up my Achilles with cortisone. That hurt a bit. Sometimes I'm too dedicated for my own good.

Yup! Glad you figured that out. There is a lot of middle ground between the fellows who never lifted a weight and the ones who exerted themselves to the point of injury and pain. Exercising and eating well should make you feel good, not lousy.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #765 on: October 28, 2019, 05:39:25 PM »
Any idea when you broke the fibula?


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #766 on: October 28, 2019, 07:54:52 PM »
Any idea when you broke the fibula?

I think it's a really old break. Maybe high school but who knows.  I remember being in a lot of pain in high school for about six weeks then again I can think of more than a couple times in my life when I was limping around from pain in that leg. Yes, from running. The Achilles tendinitis probably has nothing to do with it. The doc said without an MRI I can't tell if it's a tendon tear but I will treat as if it's tendinitis. Cortisone shot and  anti inflammation drugs. He said Achilles tendon repairs have a low percentage of returning athletes back to where they were before the injury.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #767 on: November 18, 2019, 05:50:51 PM »
I'm still doing the same old crap despite thinking about changing routines every week. I did one set to failure. Today was chest and bicep.

Dumbbell flat bench 1 x 8 80lbs (all the way down with a slow cadence)
Incline dumbbell bench 1 x 10 70lbs (all the way down again with a slow cadence)
Flat fly 1 x 14 45lbs
Pulley cross over flies 1 x 17 50lbs

Dumbbell alternate curl 1 x 11 45lbs
machine preacher curl 1 x 12
Pulley curl with a straight bar 1 x 15
Concentration dumbbell curl seated 1 x 12

wrist curls 1 x 27 95lbs
reverse grip pulley curls 1 x 13
Place forearm on a horizontal surface with a dumbbell for wrist extensions 1 x 16

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 27
Ab crunch machine 1 x 23 160lbs

Ran on the treadmill relatively slow for three miles after lifting. Also used a quarter mile for a warm up and a quarter mile for a cool down for a 3.5 mile total. Running really slow. My Achilles feels great but I don't want to get back into running too quickly and re injure it.  One guy was on the treadmill running really fast for an hour. I had to tell him it was impressive. He said he was training for a marathon and this was his easy day. What????

I like to train for both lifting and cardio. A strong motor without a gas tank is a waste. The same the other way around.

Cardio does so many health benefits.

1. Creates more red blood cells for oxygen.
2. Your resting heart rate decreases showing the heart muscle is stronger and more efficient.
3. It decreases subcutaneous fat levels
4. Decreases visceral fat levels especially around the liver that can lead to metabolic diseases
5. Increases HDL
6. Lowers blood sugar levels
7. Lower blood fat levels in the form of triglycerides.
8. It can lower cholesterol
9. It can lowers high blood pressure
10. It improves mood which many runners can attest.
11. It gives you a bigger gas tank and that's the reason so many boxers, wrestlers and MMA guys put their time on the road.
12. Load bearing cardio like running builds stronger bones.
13. It increase capillaries around the heart that can be the difference between life an death during a heart attack.
14. I could type more but I'm fast approaching the reason I stopped my training log. Just not enough time in a day to keep this log up that no one reads anyway.  ;D

A lot of incredible press and first page google look ups have centered on an article first published in the NY Times. It has been circulating incredible with people who don't do cardio. The premise of the article was that cardio has no impact on weight loss. It was and is a junk science article. You don't even need scientific proof but just use empirical proof to know that the conclusions found isn't true. The scientific proof is there too. Take a person that doesn't do cardio and have them run three miles a day 6 days a week  for a couple of weeks and the fat loss will be dramatic.    To lose fat you need less calories in. You have to use more calories physically. You have to hype your metabolism through exertion. The body adapts to the stress presented. Exercise isn't a cure all for health nor a panacea. It has kept more people alive by far than it has killed.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #768 on: November 18, 2019, 07:16:30 PM »
It is good to see that you are still gracing us with posts about your routines. You definitely put a lot of thought and energy into your posts. There's something to learn from every one of them.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #769 on: November 19, 2019, 05:16:32 AM »
Calories out exceeds calories in = weight loss

Exercise adds to calories out as long as you don't eat those calories back because the exercise increased your appetite.

OT, you gained weight even though you were running your azz off.  Why?

Eating/drinking too much.

Cardio is good for building endurance and increasing calories out.  No argument.

You can't outrun a box of Oreos.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #770 on: November 19, 2019, 07:12:34 PM »
Leg day:

Dumbbell squats 1 x 14 85lbs (Upright back and ass sunk to the bottom. Brutal exercise)
Hack machine 1 x 15
Stiff leg deadlifts 1 x 8 205lbs
Leg kick back machine 1 x 12 (One of the hardest machines I have ever used. It's like doing a one leg squat)
Leg extension 1 x 15 150lbs
Lying leg curls 1 x 17 100lbs

Standing calf 1 x 18 ( Used a light weight and precise form due to my fear of re-injuring my Achilles.)
Seated calf 1 x 20 (Again used a light weight but did it with a slow cadence to avoid injury)

Four way Nautilus neck machine. (Best neck machine I ever used)

Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 26
Bench knee ins 1 x 27

After lifting I went on the treadmill and warmed up by walking fast for a quarter mile then ran mile. I kept the speed down again I don't want to reinjure my achilles. Used a slow quarter mile slow down fast walk.

Hit the heavy bag for two rounds after the run.

Felt I had a great day working out. Tomorrow is a non lifting day. I have a plan to do 3.5 miles run tomorrow.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #771 on: November 20, 2019, 03:44:09 PM »
Ran three miles with an additional quarter mile warm up and cool down.  Ran at a moderate pace. I didn't kill it.  So it was 3.5 miles total. I did my usual boxing drills after the cardio. Recovering Achilles felt good but I can't push the pace at this point. Egotistically I say I get a lot of comments about how hard I hit the bag. Sometimes I feel I want to get back in the ring but I know as someone in my 60's it's delusion.  I wouldn't be fast enough to block punches nor the timing to compete with someone in their 20's.  They say the last thing to leave a fighter is his power punch.  Too bad everything else leaves.  ;D


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #772 on: November 20, 2019, 03:46:57 PM »
Ran three miles with an additional quarter mile warm up and cool down.  Ran at a moderate pace. I didn't kill it.  So it was 3.5 miles total. I did my usual boxing drills after the cardio. Recovering Achilles felt good but I can't push the pace at this point. Egotistically I say I get a lot of comments about how hard I hit the bag. Sometimes I feel I want to get back in the ring but I know as someone in my 60's it's delusion.  I wouldn't be fast enough to block punches nor the timing to compete with someone in their 20's.  They say the last thing to leave a fighter is his power punch.  Too bad everything else leaves.  ;D

What is great about your routines is how comprehensive and varied they are. Do you still jump rope?


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #773 on: November 20, 2019, 05:57:08 PM »
What is great about your routines is how comprehensive and varied they are. Do you still jump rope?

Haven't jumped rope in quite awhile. When my rope broke I just kind of forgot about it. I feel running has me covered for cardio. Now you got me thinking. I really don't need one more thing to do in my routine?

 I'm always looking for a new challenge. I've considered TRX but never took the leap.  Maybe if I took a class it would change my mind.  I really don't know too much about the exercises one can do with it. Is is more gimmick that useful? I don't know. Sometimes the best tech is the lowest tech.

  I'm convinced I could have a great body with a comprehensive body weight routine. I have just been lifting weights for so long I would feel I was missing something by not using weights. I have seen amazing physiques from serious body weight exercisers. Maybe not in the drug bodybuilding world but in the real athletic world.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #774 on: November 20, 2019, 08:53:25 PM »
Haven't jumped rope in quite awhile. When my rope broke I just kind of forgot about it. I feel running has me covered for cardio. Now you got me thinking. I really don't need one more thing to do in my routine?

 I'm always looking for a new challenge. I've considered TRX but never took the leap.  Maybe if I took a class it would change my mind.  I really don't know too much about the exercises one can do with it. Is is more gimmick that useful? I don't know. Sometimes the best tech is the lowest tech.

  I'm convinced I could have a great body with a comprehensive body weight routine. I have just been lifting weights for so long I would feel I was missing something by not using weights. I have seen amazing physiques from serious body weight exercisers. Maybe not in the drug bodybuilding world but in the real athletic world.

I've experienced results from both body weight and resistance added routines. My guess is consistency is key no matter what array of exercises one does. Just do something and do it regularly.

Jumping rope and using a hula hoop are two good exercises I've lost the knack for doing at all well.