Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 479068 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1025 on: March 19, 2020, 06:40:30 PM »
Only costs you $300 a month for a lawn guy? That's a lot of money.  I can get a lawn guy to come twice a month for under $100.Maybe you have a lot more property than me.  Yes, my pool is covered in the winter. Just referencing obligations in life that we all have. Energy levels is a relative thing. No one has the energy levels of their youth.  Time yourself for a five mile run and compare it to your youth. It's an eye opener.  I have always been a physical person so I have both mental and written records of what I could do. Even though I was more of a sprinter I remember how running under 6 minute miles was never an issue. Now I can't do it.  Maybe if I gave up lifting and devoted 8 months of six day a week for running workouts barring injuries I could get back. Same with lifting. I worked with some guys that are powerlifters who into their 50's are still lifting big numbers but they are specialists. They also look in horrendous shape with fat bodies but hell they can do the three lifts in big numbers. I would never want to look like them on a beach.  

First off, they aren't lawn guys. They are gardeners. A lawn guy mows your lawn, period. If the lawn guy you can get comes twice a month for $100 that's $200 for showing up once a week. Except during winter months, during the growing season with an irrigation system mowing once a week may not be often enough, depending on what kind of grass you have. Who trims your smaller trees and shrubs? Who does the weeding and some of the seasonal planting? Who fertilizes the lawn and gardens. Who does fall and spring clean up? Who spreads mulch? The gardeners I use do all that, not just mow the lawn. Also, it is the same company that installed my landscape. Any plants that don't survive the first year are automatically replaced, no questions asked.

My lot is around 10,000 sq. ft. or 100 X 100. It's not a city lot, but it isn't a large lot either. My previous home's yard was 100 X 130 and the house had a small footprint. It took about an hour and a half to mow the lawn because there was a lot of it. I did this myself.

I have not run or jogged in several years. Not since I had knee surgery which caused ongoing nerve pain in my right leg and total numbness in my right foot. These things are only now starting to improve. Still, if I walk any distance my foot gets painfully numb. I've experienced times when I literally couldn't take another step and had to sit down for quite awhile before I could walk again.

One time when I went downtown with my family for a tour of the underground tunnels where people were once shanghaied aboard foreign ships to never be seen again. We walked many blocks to get to the entrance. by that time my foot was killing me. I called for an Uber driver to take me home while everyone else took the tour.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1026 on: March 20, 2020, 11:43:13 AM »
Delt and triceps:

Military press 1 x 9
Dumbbell lateral raises 1 x 14 (Thumbs up and slightly bent over)
Dumbbell front raises 1 x 15 ( Not directly in front but forming a V while standing raise with thumbs up held dumbbells)
Rear delt dumbbell raises 1 x 14
Face pulls with external rotation at the end 1 x 12
Barbell shrugs 1 x 15

EZ curl bar seated tricep extensions 1 x 8 ( I reverse the scott curl to use as a back brace to do tricep extensions)
Typical tricep extensions 1 x 9
Rope tricep 1 x 15
Single dumbbell with one dumbbell 1 x 12 (really weak with these with one arm. I blame my shoulder)

Weighted crunches 1 x 55
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

Not a doctor or a PhD in physical therapy. Consult a doctor for your bad shoulder. Having a badly torn labrum or a torn rotator cuff can be made worse by trying to heal it on your own. I can say what works for me. First stretch your shoulders. Most guys that lift have really tight shoulders and they don't even realize it. I use seven to nine different  stretches at a time. It really makes a difference with mobility and pain.

Second use rotator cuff exercises with bands or very light weights. Never use anything to failure.  You are making these small muscles stronger to prevent injuries not to power lift with them. Light and not close to failure. If you have access to a pool you can do great rotator cuff exercises by pushing water with an open hand. Do a search of the various rotator cuff exercises.

Lastly especially older guys have to modify what they do in the gym. For some it will be no more bench pressing. Some can get by with pinning their elbows to their sides as they bench. Others can get by with doing stuff like benching with dumbbells with hands facing with elbows tight to the body. Some find that decline pressing  alleviates all pain for pec pressing. Some have to give up upright rows. The internal rotation and it increases impingement pain. Upright rows with dumbbells with this modification works for many with shoulder pain. Pull the dumbbells with thumbs up rotating outside all the way to the top rotating out exaggerated at the top. I highly recommend looking at videos on AtheleanX on Youtube. Regarding delt presses it can be a challenge. For me strict military presses work best. The Arnold dumbbell press works keeping the elbow forward at the beginning then rotate on the way up. Find the sweet spot of minimum pain as you rotate up.

For some taking a month off is the fix to allow inflamed tendons to calm down. If you're an athlete that's really tough to do. Also older athletes deteriorate quick and find it harder to return. Again to reiterate some orthopedic problems need surgical repair. Trying to "fix" them by stretches or rotator work can actually make it worst. A lot worst.  Consult a doctor. My MRI showed a partially torn supraspinatus rotator cuff. When he tested the strength of what was left he told me he was hesitant to operate on it. He said most with fully torn or partial tear of that rotator cuff have no strength of that muscle. He said I have plenty of strength left. I went through physical therapy and I thought a lot it was meant  for elderly decrepit people. An example of this he made me do delt laterals with thumbs up with 2.5 lbs dumbbells. The therapist pointed out I had terrible shoulder flexibility which I'm presently working on. Next step for me is cortisone injections that I respond really well to. I just might have to live with the limitations and yes the pain. Tendon repair works optimal when it's fresh. This injury happened a week before Christmas.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1027 on: March 23, 2020, 05:49:15 PM »
Trained chest and bicep Yates style of one warm up if needed and one set to failure. My job increased my hours due to the virus. Now today they tell me they won't need me for a week. I feel bad for all the guys out of work.  The economy is crashing.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1028 on: March 24, 2020, 09:08:37 AM »
Leg day: This single set to exhaustion is brutal.  Thought I was going to pass out a couple of times and or puke. Doing leg press with a weight I haven't used in years. Got to 12 and thought that was the limit but pressed on to 15.  Damn that was hard. One set to failure has a purpose and is a valid training technique. I also think it can't be your only training protocol. Burn out is quick with this technique.

 Imagine if someone said do you want to run a fast mile? Then he said specificity of training applies so we only train in the mile. Keep a note book and every training session you will try to beat your record in the mile. Absolute madness right?  A beginner could make rapid progress using this insane protocol but anyone with experience would actually get slower from burn out. That's exactly what high intensity gurus recommend. Training till you're blue in the face should be done as a training tool but not the exclusive training protocol.

Sitting here chillin with a protein shake. A friend once said, "Training is like hitting yourself in the head with a baseball bat. It feels so good when you stop." 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1029 on: March 24, 2020, 11:33:16 PM »
Trained chest and bicep Yates style of one warm up if needed and one set to failure. My job increased my hours due to the virus. Now today they tell me they won't need me for a week. I feel bad for all the guys out of work.  The economy is crashing.

Training like Dorian produced my best results in the 90's.  I too feel horrible for the people out of work.  My wife and I are thus far beyond blessed.  I'm still working full time and even getting overtime.  My work has a great gym, so I'm not missing any workouts.  At all.  She actually has two full time jobs which she is doing from the home.  The one job is  usually about a 45 minute drive and the other involves travel as well.  So, she is saving probably conservatively two tanks of gas each week. 

I remarked to a buddy earlier today in the work gym that I want the govt to get checks out yesterday to only the people that need them.  There is no reason we should be getting anything.  I'll take it, no doubt but it would really feel dirty.  Especially the plan where we'd each get a grand plus $500 per kid and we have two of them.  That would give us 3 grand.  I'd make damned sure to put it into the economy the second we are back up and running.  But you get my point. 

I'd like to start a social media campaign calling for everybody that is working and can afford it to get the fuck out of the house as soon as it's safe.  Go out to eat.  Go out for coffee.  Go to movies.  Etc. Etc.  If we are locked down for 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks or whatever.  When we go back out to eat, instead of tipping 20%, tip 40% for the same amount of time things were sidelined. 

I have lots of assholes here at work that want us shut down to get the "2 weeks of paid vacation".  I keep telling these assholes what if in that two weeks we lose clients resulting in lay offs, etc?  Jealous because they perceive people are getting paid to stay home. 



  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1030 on: March 25, 2020, 10:04:17 AM »
Training like Dorian produced my best results in the 90's.  I too feel horrible for the people out of work.  My wife and I are thus far beyond blessed.  I'm still working full time and even getting overtime.  My work has a great gym, so I'm not missing any workouts.  At all.  She actually has two full time jobs which she is doing from the home.  The one job is  usually about a 45 minute drive and the other involves travel as well.  So, she is saving probably conservatively two tanks of gas each week. 

I remarked to a buddy earlier today in the work gym that I want the govt to get checks out yesterday to only the people that need them.  There is no reason we should be getting anything.  I'll take it, no doubt but it would really feel dirty.  Especially the plan where we'd each get a grand plus $500 per kid and we have two of them.  That would give us 3 grand.  I'd make damned sure to put it into the economy the second we are back up and running.  But you get my point. 

I'd like to start a social media campaign calling for everybody that is working and can afford it to get the fuck out of the house as soon as it's safe.  Go out to eat.  Go out for coffee.  Go to movies.  Etc. Etc.  If we are locked down for 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks or whatever.  When we go back out to eat, instead of tipping 20%, tip 40% for the same amount of time things were sidelined. 

I have lots of assholes here at work that want us shut down to get the "2 weeks of paid vacation".  I keep telling these assholes what if in that two weeks we lose clients resulting in lay offs, etc?  Jealous because they perceive people are getting paid to stay home. 


Don't be concerned with me. I am retired but I  have a healthy pension. That job I was referring to is a part time retirement job that I do for the Sheriff. When I was working my job had many gyms in different locations. Some top shelf ones too. That is a big benefit to being employed with a work gym.  Glad you are doing well financially. Sounds like you two are a hard working couple taking care of your kids. I have four kids but they are all adults so no additional checks for me. All of my kids are employed so far through this mess. It does seem the whole neighborhood here is out of work. If the country isn't opened up soon we are going warp speed to a Depression the world has never seen before if this country doesn't open for business soon. 50,000 last year died from pneumonia last year in this country. No panic or hysteria over this contagious upper respiratory disease. This flu season 36,000 died from the common flu. No hysteria in the US. Under a 1000 dead from Corona and the stock market crashed, people's life savings are gone, millions out of work, GDP is going to crash. Enough of my rant.

I have trained with high intensity forever. I was heavily influenced by Arthur Jones as a teenager and later by Mike Mentzer. In my 60's I can't help wonder if I made the right decision in my training life. As you know that one set to failure after warm up is brutal. Danny Paddila said when he tried high intensity he didn't get the results he wanted and he was using maximum weights. I don't want to put words in his mouth but he said dreading workouts was also a factor. His exact words were the workouts got scary.

I chat with Bill Pearl from time to time and he said in effect if workouts get so hard you will dread training then miss workouts. He said training longevity is a big part of training. It certainly appeared both Mentzer brothers gave up training in their 20's. Could the brutality of the workouts been a contributing factor?

I could be wrong. Viator by many accounts trained with volume. He was the poster child for Jones but a guy who trained in the same gym with him said he was using 16 sets a body part. I have had a lot of success using one or two work sets per exercise. Just as I age my joints are paying the price for the many decades of training I have.  Too much grinding and tears.  I feel I could give a lot of good advice to younger guys but who would listen?  ;D  One is to keep your shoulder joint flexible. It might cost you some pounds off your single but it will save your joint.

I beginning to think that muscles grow best through muscular endurance and not through strength training for single rep maxes. In other words volume.  I'm going to give it a valid chance soon. Maybe next week.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1031 on: March 25, 2020, 12:00:20 PM »

8 x 400 meters.  Ran them slow and controlled. I will be a build up to decent speed this month and April. Quarter mile fast walk prior and after the 8 x 400. If my body holds up I will be back in no time to running with some speed.

Hit the heavy bag after for two rounds. The heavy bag in the commercial gym I belong to has a lot of give. My heavy bag is one of those leather ones. It's pretty firm. Not great for the joints. I highly recommend hitting a heavy bag for guys that have never used one. If you can find a guy that knows striking to give you the basic punches and stance it will help a lot.  You punch with your whole body and not with your arm.  It's a hell of a upper body cardio workout. If you can throw in some Muay Thai kicks and knees all the better.

Got my decline bench today. It is awkward getting into it and has some potential for injury. I'm sure my skill using it with dumbbells will increase with use. I only used light dumbbells to get the hang of it. I found with the 65lbs dumbbells I was using it was fairly easy to sit up with them instead of dumping it.  Really felt it in the chest and zero shoulder pain. Looking forward to putting it into my chest routine. Also tried a little roman chair work with it. Really felt it. Never used a roman chair type movement before. This unit seems ideal for it. The angle is adjustable. Not sure if an extreme angle is more beneficial than a moderate decline. I guess I have to try different angles.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1032 on: March 26, 2020, 12:56:20 AM »

8 x 400 meters.  Ran them slow and controlled. I will be a build up to decent speed this month and April. Quarter mile fast walk prior and after the 8 x 400. If my body holds up I will be back in no time to running with some speed.

Hit the heavy bag after for two rounds. The heavy bag in the commercial gym I belong to has a lot of give. My heavy bag is one of those leather ones. It's pretty firm. Not great for the joints. I highly recommend hitting a heavy bag for guys that have never used one. If you can find a guy that knows striking to give you the basic punches and stance it will help a lot.  You punch with your whole body and not with your arm.  It's a hell of a upper body cardio workout. If you can throw in some Muay Thai kicks and knees all the better.

Got my decline bench today. It is awkward getting into it and has some potential for injury. I'm sure my skill using it with dumbbells will increase with use. I only used light dumbbells to get the hang of it. I found with the 65lbs dumbbells I was using it was fairly easy to sit up with them instead of dumping it.  Really felt it in the chest and zero shoulder pain. Looking forward to putting it into my chest routine. Also tried a little roman chair work with it. Really felt it. Never used a roman chair type movement before. This unit seems ideal for it. The angle is adjustable. Not sure if an extreme angle is more beneficial than a moderate decline. I guess I have to try different angles.

When doing declines, my preference is for the steepest angle.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1033 on: March 26, 2020, 03:37:20 PM »
Trained back today. Yates one set to failure after warm up.  

Pulldowns 1 x 12 (Used a M.A.G. supinate bar. Upright back with no lean back)
Seated low pulley lat pulls with a V handle 1 x 14
Dumbell lat rows off a bench 1 x 12
One hand pulley row 1 x 12 (Used a high handle while standing. Pulled from high to behind me. Wish I had a better picture than the one below. Thought it was hard on impingement. Don't know why it hurts but I feel it has slight internal rotation)

Deadlift 1 x 6
Weighted lower back hyper extension. 1 x 20

Ab wheel 1 x 25
Ab pulley 1 x 50
Roman decline chair 1 x 20 (weak on these. I think the decline is making harder than normal roman chairs)

Workout took about 40 minutes. When training to failure it takes awhile to get my breath back.  If I wasn't training to failure the workout I bet it would take about 20 minutes.  

Went down to the bay after the workout. Saw swans, egrets, hawks and Canadian geese. Pure sun today and people were walking on the bay side boardwalk in big numbers. A cop pulled up and was stapling signs about the Corona crisis.  Two girls were doing a workout using two dumbbells. Saw them doing dumbbell curls and tricep extensions. I don't know what they were doing before the I got there.  Good to see that in light of the gyms being closed. Came home and sat in the back yard listening to Sinatra, Martin and Prima while drinking German beer. My weight is dropping. I don't fully understand why. I went from around 191 to 184.  I would love to get close to 175. I don't know if that's in the cards for me. Consider Richard Baldwin came in second in the Universe weighing around 173lbs and 5'8".  No, I'm not comparing myself to a probable steroid user. If in doubt and if you care about how you look prioritize being lean above all else. You might look good in a shirt bulked up and power lifting but when you take the shirt off at the beach no one at all will think you're in good shape.

Tomorrow is delt and triceps.  I really hope next week is the week my work schedule and personal life schedule will allow me to experiment with volume.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1034 on: March 26, 2020, 05:50:31 PM »
Trained back today. Yates one set to failure after warm up.  

Pulldowns 1 x 12 (Used a M.A.G. supinate bar. Upright back with no lean back)
Seated low pulley lat pulls with a V handle 1 x 14
Dumbell lat rows off a bench 1 x 12
One hand pulley row 1 x 12 (Used a high handle while standing. Pulled from high to behind me. Wish I had a better picture than the one below. Thought it was hard on impingement. Don't know why it hurts but I feel it has slight internal rotation)

Deadlift 1 x 6
Weighted lower back hyper extension. 1 x 20

Ab wheel 1 x 25
Ab pulley 1 x 50
Roman decline chair 1 x 20 (weak on these. I think the decline is making harder than normal roman chairs)

Workout took about 40 minutes. When training to failure it takes awhile to get my breath back.  If I wasn't training to failure the workout I bet it would take about 20 minutes.  

Went down to the bay after the workout. Saw swans, egrets, hawks and Canadian geese. Pure sun today and people were walking on the bay side boardwalk in big numbers. A cop pulled up and was stapling signs about the Corona crisis.  Two girls were doing a workout using two dumbbells. Saw them doing dumbbell curls and tricep extensions. I don't know what they were doing before the I got there.  Good to see that in light of the gyms being closed. Came home and sat in the back yard listening to Sinatra, Martin and Prima while drinking German beer. My weight is dropping. I don't fully understand why. I went from around 191 to 184.  I would love to get close to 175. I don't know if that's in the cards for me. Consider Richard Baldwin came in second in the Universe weighing around 173lbs and 5'8".  No, I'm not comparing myself to a probable steroid user. If in doubt and if you care about how you look prioritize being lean above all else. You might look good in a shirt bulked up and power lifting but when you take the shirt off at the beach no one at all will think you're in good shape.

Tomorrow is delt and triceps.  I really hope next week is the week my work schedule and personal life schedule will allow me to experiment with volume.

180 lbs try for now and train in that condition tighten up see how ya look


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1035 on: March 27, 2020, 03:15:44 PM »
Delt and triceps:

Dumbbell press standing 1 x 10. Felt weak with them. I've been doing the military press with a bar for a long time. I have to get back in the groove with them as my injured shoulder gets stronger)
Dumbbell lateral raise 1 x 14 (Kept thumbs up while slightly bending over so there would be no impingement.
Dumbbell front raise 1 x 15 (Arms not directly in front but formed a somewhat V shape with my arms holding thumbs up. Physical therapist recommended this to me.)
Rear delt dumbbell raise 1 x 13
Face pulls with external rotation at the end 1 x 12
Barbell shrugs 1 x 12 (Increased the weight I normally used which is a rarity these days.)

Seated EZ bar tricep extension 1 x 10 ( sit and reverse a scott curl bench for back support. I think I used too much weight cause I wasn't getting as low as I could. The photo is not me.)
Rope pushdowns 1 x 15
Single dumbbell one hand behind the head tricep extension 1 x 14 (Always been weak with these. I used a really light weight and went slow and deep. Almost embarrassed to do these in a commercial gym because I can't use serious weight with these.)
Reverse grip D ring tricep press down 1 x 15

Weighted crunch 1 x 50
Pulley crunch 1 x 40
Incline bench crunches 1 x 20


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1036 on: March 28, 2020, 09:45:41 AM »
Cardio: 8 x 440 yards. Started slow and did the last one in 7:48 pace or 7.7 MPH. Heavy bag work after. I always feel good after a hard cardio session. It's like an anti depressant.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1037 on: March 31, 2020, 10:18:35 AM »
I experimented this weekend with volume. It's just not for me. Doing set after set with moderate weights feels like a waste of time.  Yes, I get it. The majority of people successfully train this way I know.  Back to my usual low set methods.  

Trained back and chest today.  I made three changes from the usual. I added barbell rows.  I did decline dumbbell presses. Good movement. What was really different is I did a flat bench with a barbell. A power lifting friend of mine knows I have a bad shoulder. This happened awhile back.  He had me bench with just a bar and said I was doing what most bodybuilders do benching with my shoulder splayed out wide. He said to keep my elbows pinned to my body or as close as I could get them when I benched. I took his advice and put it away. After back today I decided to bench really light with my elbows as close to my body as I could benching.  Started with the bar. I then did a couple of sets with 135lbs. Surprisingly my shoulder felt okay. I kept adding weight and sets. Once I got to 200lbs I felt a slight pain in my shoulder and my experiment was over. Going to try this again next chest day I think. I will see how I wake up tomorrow.  Sometimes this rotator cuff has a delayed swelling up and pain. Well see. I don't know if it's in the cards again but I sure would like to start building up the weight again in the bench. It's been so many years. I'm probably kidding myself. I get this benching bug about every 6 months and I quickly drop it. I had a good run with it if that exercise is over.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1038 on: April 01, 2020, 01:47:33 PM »
Leg day:  I changed out my usual dumbbell squats for barbell squats. I haven't done them for a really long time. Felt weak. I thought dumbbell squats would preserve my barbell squat strength but it didn't. I guess I'm just out of the groove with them.  

leg press 2 x 12
barbell squat 5 x 8 then 1 x 1 (Yes five sets. Haven't done them in many months. Probably over a year. I'm working on retraining my self on them)
leg extension 2 x 20
seated leg curl 2 x 15

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15 (so much hate for this exercise. I think it's a great exercise.
hanging straight leg raise 2 x 22
Pelvis ups 1 x 25 (On back lift legs up pushing your hips toward the sky)

standing calf raise 2 x 15
seated calf raise 2 x 15
tibalis work 1 x 20

Neck work


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1039 on: April 01, 2020, 02:33:29 PM »
Leg day:  I changed out my usual dumbbell squats for barbell squats. I haven't done them for a really long time. Felt weak. I thought dumbbell squats would preserve my barbell squat strength but it didn't. I guess I'm just out of the groove with them. 

leg press 2 x 12
barbell squat 5 x 8 then 1 x 1 (Yes five sets. Haven't done them in many months. Probably over a year. I working on retraining my self on them)
leg extension 2 x 20
seated leg curl 2 x 15

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15 (so much hate for this exercise. I think it's a great exercise.
hanging straight leg raise 2 x 22
Pelvis ups 1 x 25 (On back lift legs up pushing your hips toward the sky)

standing calf raise 2 x 15
seated calf raise 2 x 15
tibalis work 1 x 20

Neck work

Are you holding the barbell behind your neck as opposed to in front? Is it possible that little change in weight placement from dumbbell squats to barbell squats is what makes the difference?

I am telling myself daily that I will start my home exercise routine however limited it will have to be. It hasn't happened. I just don't feel inspired yet.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1040 on: April 02, 2020, 03:36:03 AM »
I am telling myself daily that I will start my home exercise routine however limited it will have to be. It hasn't happened. I just don't feel inspired yet.

You were doing well in the gym.

Don't quit.  Here's a good way to start.
If you have some bands or elastic equipment you can add some curls and pulls.

Warmup.joint rotations
3x30seconds bodyweight squats
3x30 seconds pushups
3x30seconds knee-ups

Takes about 10minutes


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1041 on: April 02, 2020, 03:16:38 PM »
You were doing well in the gym.

Don't quit.  Here's a good way to start.
If you have some bands or elastic equipment you can add some curls and pulls.

Warmup.joint rotations
3x30seconds bodyweight squats
3x30 seconds pushups
3x30seconds knee-ups

Takes about 10minutes

I can be a little dense at times. Does this mean as many as I can do in 30 seconds for a total of 90 seconds or does it mean 30 repetitions within 30 seconds?

I've been doing the core exercises I learned from when I was in physical therapy for my back. When I don't do them for awhile, I start to stiffen up and my back hurts in the mornings after I wake up.

I bought some plants almost a month ago for the gardens. I hadn't planted them yet and I asked the gardener not to bother with them. Anyway I spent about 1:30 digging in the dirt. (It's clay so it's not so easy to dig). This is probably the most exercise I've done all week.

You are right, I was doing well at the gym and I was already seeing results. My skinny quads grew close to an inch. Sloughing off doesn't make sense because it would put me back to square one.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1042 on: April 02, 2020, 04:58:36 PM »
I can be a little dense at times. Does this mean as many as I can do in 30 seconds for a total of 90 seconds or does it mean 30 repetitions within 30 seconds?

I've been doing the core exercises I learned from when I was in physical therapy for my back. When I don't do them for awhile, I start to stiffen up and my back hurts in the mornings after I wake up.

I bought some plants almost a month ago for the gardens. I hadn't planted them yet and I asked the gardener not to bother with them. Anyway I spent about 1:30 digging in the dirt. (It's clay so it's not so easy to dig). This is probably the most exercise I've done all week.

You are right, I was doing well at the gym and I was already seeing results. My skinny quads grew close to an inch. Sloughing off doesn't make sense because it would put me back to square one.

As many good reps as you can do in 30 seconds.

I forgot to put calf raises in there.

For variation you can alternate the sets between exercises like cross-training.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1043 on: April 03, 2020, 11:47:05 AM »
I took your exercise advice last night. although it didn't seem like I was doing very much, I felt it this morning. Not sore but a little tighter feeling.

There are two types of knee ups. One is done standing and the other lying. Do you have a preference?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1044 on: April 03, 2020, 11:59:33 AM »
Trained delt and arms:

Military press 2 x 8 (Went all the way down to my clavicles.)
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 12 (thumbs up)
Front delt laterals 2 x 10 (thumbs up)
Rear dumbbell laterals 2 x 10
face pulls with external rotation 2 x 12
barbell shrugs 2 x 10

Single dumbbell two hand behind head tricep extension 2 x 12
Rope tricep 2 x 12
Single dumbbell one hand behind the head tricep extension 2 x 12

EZ curl 2 x 10
standing dumbbell curls 2 x 10
concentration curl standing 2 x 12

wrist curls 2 x 25
wrist extension 2 x 15

Weighted crunch 1 x 50
Pulley crunch 1 x 50

Hopefully tomorrow is a cardio day.

 I read about a high school teacher who was a gym rat. I read this in Men's Health years ago.  He was fooling around wrestling with a friend and tore his rotator cuff. It was so bad he could barely move his arm. He had it operated on and it just wasn't the same. He felt like he had no strength in the arm. During his time off he got really out of shape.  He decided to do what he could and that was running. He started at a slow two miles then after awhile he was logging ten mile days. He tried to get back into lifting but his arm wouldn't cooperate. What he did was to use high reps and light weight for the burn. Between the running and his light weight high rep lifting routine he has a ripped physique that looks amazing. I'm sure fans of steroid bodybuilding might not be impressed but for a guy on the beach I'm sure he impressed a lot of people.  Just bringing this up that the guy was given a bad deal but he found a way to improvise and he probably exceeded his expectations. In the article which is a couple of years old the before and after pictures were really something. He had amazing abs.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1045 on: April 03, 2020, 12:09:43 PM »
I took your exercise advice last night. although it didn't seem like I was doing very much, I felt it this morning. Not sore but a little tighter feeling.

There are two types of knee ups. One is done standing and the other lying. Do you have a preference?

I'll reply in your training thread.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1046 on: April 03, 2020, 12:14:14 PM »
Do a different one each time for variety.

Basically you want some form of squat, press, calf raise, ab exercise, and if you have dumbbells or bands do a pulling exercise or a curl of some sort.


Thighs: Squat, lunge, wall sit, etc.
Calves: single leg, two leg, etc
Press: pushup variation, dip, band press, etc
Pull: band row, db row, band pull, db curl, band curl, bunji cord, etc.
Abs: knee-up, crunch, leg raise, plank, etc.

I may just have to spring for some bands. The one's I've been thinking about aren't cheap, but then nothing worth having is cheap these days.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1047 on: April 04, 2020, 11:25:37 AM »
Cardio day: Treadmill workout. Ran slow but I still felt it.

8 x 440 yards or one lap.

1. 6.3 MPH-9:31 pace
2. 6.5 MPH- 9:14 pace
3. 6.7 MPH- 8:57 pace
4. 6.9 MPH-8:42 pace
5. 7.1 MPH-8:27 pace
6. 7.3 MPH-8:13 pace
7. 7.5 MPH-8:00 pace
8. 7.7 MPH-7:48 pace

Hit the heavy bag after.  Achilles is holding up. I will try to pick up the pace next time I do an interval workout. Funny thing happened on the last lap. It felt like I was running on an incline so I hit the decline button to make sure it was level. I must have hit the incline button instead. I think I had it up unknowingly to a 8% grade.  I started feeling like I couldn't finish the last lap.  Thinking I was getting sick cause it isn't that fast I glanced at the read out and I was running on an incline. Damn I have to be more careful. Once I leveled it out I felt fine.  Not use to my own treadmill because I have been using the gym's treadmill. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1048 on: April 04, 2020, 11:39:55 AM »
Cardio day: Treadmill workout. Ran slow but I still felt it.

8 x 440 yards or one lap.

1. 6.3 MPH-9:31 pace
2. 6.5 MPH- 9:14 pace
3. 6.7 MPH- 8:57 pace
4. 6.9 MPH-8:42 pace
5. 7.1 MPH-8:27 pace
6. 7.3 MPH-8:13 pace
7. 7.5 MPH-8:00 pace
8. 7.7 MPH-7:48 pace

Hit the heavy bag after.  Achilles is holding up. I will try to pick up the pace next time I do an interval workout. Funny thing happened on the last lap. It felt like I was running on an incline so I hit the decline button to make sure it was level. I must have hit the incline button instead. I think I had it up unknowingly to a 8% grade.  I started feeling like I couldn't finish the last lap.  Thinking I was getting sick cause it isn't that fast I glanced at the read out and I was running on an incline. Damn I have to be more careful. Once I leveled it out I felt fine.  Not use to my own treadmill because I have been using the gym's treadmill. 

How can you not know the incline is at an 8% grade when you on the treadmill? You must really zone out when you run.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1049 on: April 04, 2020, 03:40:43 PM »

How can you not know the incline is at an 8% grade when you on the treadmill? You must really zone out when you run.

I must have been day dreaming on the treadmill until the exertion hit me hard.