Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 479076 times)


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1250 on: July 02, 2020, 07:20:19 PM »
Did nothing today.  So to recap Monday I did Back and chest. Tuesday it was legs. Wednesday was delt and arms. Thursday was off. Lifting three days in a row was something I thought I could never pull off but I did it. On delt day I felt strong military pressing which is surprising considering the pain I was in benching on chest day. Tomorrow if I do anything it will be cardio. In actuality I didn't drink yesterday. Tomorrow is another story. I will probably run then float in the pool listening to Motown. I'm on a Motown kick lately. Some good stuff to be found in that genre.

After all these years of lifting I'm still trying to figure it all out.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1251 on: July 04, 2020, 03:52:07 PM »
Back and chest: Felt strong. Changed two things. Added Barbell rows which I haven't done in ages.  I also started chest with barbell inclines. I kept the elbows tight and in close.  Barbell inclines didn't aggravate my shoulder. It's all about arm position. After the workout I went into the pool and used water resistance for rotator cuff work. It works great. I keep the hand open and push against the water as fast as I can in various rotator cuff movements.

Pulldowns 2 x 10
Low pulley rows 2 x 12
Dumbbell Rows 2 x 10
Barbell rows 2 x 10 (stood on a block and did the old fashion bent over version instead of the 45 degree that gained favor since Yates famously used it)

Incline barbell press 3 x 6 (made sure to touch the chest each rep)
Decline dumbbell press 2 x 8
Weighted dips 2 x 10 (dug deep)
Push ups 2 x max (try to make a point to keep the back straight and come all the way down. I try to go down to an inch of the floor.)

Dead lifts 2 x 4
Weighted back hyper extensions 2 x 15

Weighted floor crunches 1 x 50 (plate behind the head)
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

Gym observations:  Since I'm working out at home I have to give this observation. The block got a permit for block party. They closed down the street. They got music blasting and kids are playing in the street. I got no idea who is paying for the bouncing house and ice cream truck.  I was never asked. I just got a flyer to say come join us. I hear Neil Diamond blasting, Sweet Caroline.  I think the thing was organized by the new addition families to the development. These young parents are having fun. I just feel I'm too old to be part of the fun. I will go out to see the fire works they promised and to make sure my house doesn't get burnt down by an errand rocket. Nothing like drunks and fireworks that go so good together.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1252 on: July 04, 2020, 05:27:23 PM »
Back and chest: Felt strong. Change two things. Added Barbell rows which I haven't done in ages.  I also started chest with barbell inclines. I kept the elbows tight and in close.  Barbell inclines didn't aggravate my shoulder. It's all about arm position. After the workout I went into the pool and used water resistance for rotator cuff work. It works great. I keep the hand open and push against the water as fast as I can in various rotator cuff movements.

Pulldowns 2 x 10
Low pulley rows 2 x 12
Dumbbell Rows 2 x 10
Barbell rows 2 x 10 (stood on a block and did the old fashion bent over version instead of the 45 degree that gained favor since Yates famously used it)

Incline barbell press 3 x 6 (made sure to touch the chest each rep)
Decline dumbbell press 2 x 8
Weighted dips 2 x 10 (dug deep)
Push ups 2 x max (try to make a point to keep the back straight and come all the way down. I try to go down to an inch of the floor.)

Dead lifts 2 x 4
Weighted back hyper extensions 2 x 15

Weighted floor crunches 1 x 50 (plate behind the head)
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

Gym observations:  Since I'm working out at home I have to give this observation. The block got a permit for block party. They closed down the street. They got music blasting and kids are playing in the street. I got no idea who is paying for the bouncing house and ice cream truck.  I was never asked. I just got a flyer to say come join us. I hear Neil Diamond blasting, Sweet Caroline.  I think the thing was organized by the new addition families to the development. These young parents are having fun. I just feel I'm too old to be part of the fun. I will go out to see the fire works they promised and to make sure my house doesn't get burnt down by an errand rocket. Nothing like drunks and fireworks that go so good together.

Interesting.  I'm surprised they could get a permit for a block party.

I think you made a wise move to avoid such a gathering in Covid times.

A long time ago I lived in the city and it was like WW3 on the 4th of July, a real artillery bombardment.

I'd go out in the morning and there would be firecrackers and bottle rockets all over the place.

A whole squadron of military jets flew over my house this afternoon around 5:30.

6 F-16s
5 F-22s (?) escorting a B-2 Stealth bomber
5 F-15s escorting a B-1 bomber
1 B-52

Probably on the way to McGuire AFB.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1253 on: July 04, 2020, 06:41:20 PM »
Interesting.  I'm surprised they could get a permit for a block party.

I think you made a wise move to avoid such a gathering in Covid times.

A long time ago I lived in the city and it was like WW3 on the 4th of July, a real artillery bombardment.

I'd go out in the morning and there would be firecrackers and bottle rockets all over the place.

A whole squadron of military jets flew over my house this afternoon around 5:30.

6 F-16s
5 F-22s (?) escorting a B-2 Stealth bomber
5 F-15s escorting a B-1 bomber
1 B-52

Probably on the way to McGuire AFB.
Now that I’m divorced few yrs and have 3 kids always go to see fireworks tradition ,I bought some fireworks at store all colorful stuff and some crackle. With it,,great time they loved it 4 of us And it was fun to do instead of the usual.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1254 on: July 04, 2020, 07:20:14 PM »
The fireworks for my neighborhood block party were professional grade. I have no clue who paid for it. Really was amazed they were neighborhood fireworks. The usual town fireworks were all cancelled and every surrounding town. Glad some benevolent neighbor stepped up and blew up the sky with incredible fireworks. Must have cost a fortune.  The launching point was only about 200 feet from my house.

Iron nat, no doubt they were going to refuel at McGuire to head back to their normal base. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1255 on: July 04, 2020, 11:21:27 PM »
It's 11:10 p.m. and the noise is down to an occasional boom. Two of our three puppies hate the 4th because the noise totally unnerves them. I just collected Lucy from her hiding spot where she goes when she's frightened, which is the small space between the toilet and the tub. All three pups got puppy sized doses of CBD oil, which has made today a little less stressful for them.

There were no block parties around here, just the usual neighbors who shoot off fireworks every year.

I've been unusually tired today. I slept well last night. But I was so tired today that I ended up taking a long nap this afternoon. Now I am really ready to climb in bed. Other than that, I feel fine. Weird.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1256 on: July 05, 2020, 03:20:49 AM »
The fireworks for my neighborhood block party were professional grade. I have no clue who paid for it. Really was amazed they were neighborhood fireworks. The usual town fireworks were all cancelled and every surrounding town. Glad some benevolent neighbor stepped up and blew up the sky with incredible fireworks. Must have cost a fortune.  The launching point was only about 200 feet from my house.

Iron nat, no doubt they were going to refuel at McGuire to head back to their normal base. 

Just read it was this...


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1257 on: July 06, 2020, 05:59:38 PM »
Trained legs before work. Work up at 5:30AM.  I was so stiff but as I got into the workout everything clicked. Not an ideal time to train for me. My stiffness is the worst in the morning. This retirement job is becoming a bitch stealing my free time but I need the money to make ends meet.

Only swapped out one exercise from normal. Instead of leg press calf I did standing calf. I went to work exhausted but I felt in good spirits. Worked 10A to 6P. Tomorrow is delts and arms then work. 

I work with hot young girls in the office but once I got over the eye candy I can't believe how stupid some of them are. They know everything but they use google. If it's on a google search they accept it as the authority of fact. Just sad. The majority are progressive liberals. As good looking as they are they either have no man in their life or dating a real loser.

One girl is a stunning blonde think Jennifer Aniston type from Friends. She is about 35. Dates a 50 year old doctor that lost his doctor license for an unknown reason. He is addicted to pain pills from three failed shoulder operations. He lost his practice. He has a criminal record that she defends buying hook, line and sinker his explanation. His  children from his previous marriage won't talk to him.  Now he leeches off her living in her house while he collects social security disability. She doesn't own the house but gets it rent free from retired doctor who has her care for his horses. He recently got a job off a friend that only gave it to him so he could be his drinking partner.

The other blonde might be even more stunning. She comes across as so pleasant until you get to know her then you see the bitch nastiness that come out of her out of nowhere. She is about 35 too. She is probably bitter she doesn't have a husband and the beautiful house. How can that be, she must ask herself? The third is just a kid of around 25.  Sweet kid with a smile that lights up a room. A real movie star smile. She is Mexican but you would be guessing if someone asked her nationality if you didn't know. Some off the other girls that float in out of the office I could write a book on. Some are decent and some despicable. Two are around my age. I can deal with them so much easier than the young girls. I don't know what it is about young unmarried girls that they think they know everything about life. Maybe it's a defense mechanism because they are miserable  with their lot in life. My retirement job is in security.  All long day of hanging out doing nothing.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1258 on: July 06, 2020, 06:08:46 PM »
You know the saying:

 "Don't shit where you eat."

Women with bad choices in men really mess up their lives.  They usually start making bad choices when they're young.

Those 35 year olds have probably been used and abused by men since they hit puberty.

It's sad but they're damaged goods.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1259 on: July 06, 2020, 06:13:13 PM »
You know the saying:

 "Don't shit where you eat."

Women with bad choices in men really mess up their lives.  They usually start making bad choices when they're young.

Those 35 year olds have probably been used and abused by men since they hit puberty.

It's sad but they're damaged goods.

How does that apply here? I'm not banging them.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1260 on: July 06, 2020, 06:37:54 PM »
How does that apply here? I'm not banging them.

I know you aren't.

Fortunately, we are men of experience and wisdom and we can resist these types.

Being old farts helps of course.

The Scott

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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1261 on: July 06, 2020, 07:28:27 PM »
I know you aren't.

Fortunately, we are men of experience and wisdom and we can resist these types.

Being old farts helps of course.

Yup.  I prefer older women as they expect not "less", just more of what I am capable of.  I have more in common with a mature woman than I do a younger one. 

Ben Franklin said all cats are gray in the dark.  To that I say, in the dark one sees with their heart as well as their hands.  And if you are fortunate enough to have shared a lifetime together, you will see with those shared memories too.

I did not train today.  Too weak.  I hope to lift tomorrow and do back and chest.  The last time I got my ten sets of each bodypart for ten reps so now I start over with a little more weight.

This is similar to how I trained in the squat decades ago. I started with sets of 20, 20, 5 (50 lbs heavier) and then 20.  When all sets were completed with those reps, I added 5 pounds to the bar.  It took me close to a decade to be able to easily squat 500+ pounds for sets of 20 reps.  Of course I don't expect to be that powerful ever again but you gentlemen are like I was.  A man that wants to be stronger and better built regardless of age.  You two are an inspiration to me and I am telling you the truth.  I admire your style.

Take care, gentlemen!


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1262 on: July 07, 2020, 12:16:11 AM »
Being the oldest of you, I have no special wisdom about dating women.

No girl I ever dated was any less than a very classy person. Guess you could say I dated and married up. I went out with about four girls before I met my wife. Never dated another woman since. My volunteer work puts me in the company of a lot of single senior ladies. If I wanted to, I could get a date pretty easily. Thing is, I lived almost my entire life with a completely wonderful woman. No other would stand a chance with me. I wouldn't put someone through that.

My late wife is probably shaking her finger at me and giving me her famous "stink eye", because she wanted me to get married again. Too bad Margie, It's not gonna happen.   


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1263 on: July 07, 2020, 12:44:48 PM »
Scott, 500lbs for sets of 20!!!!  That’s Elite powerlifting.   What could you do for a single?  750lbs?

Trained Delts and arms.  Woke up at 5:30Am and got to work in the gym.  Wow was I stiff and out of it.  Seems I woke up pretty quick.  Got into the groove quickly.  It’s just that first walk down the stairs after being asleep feels like hell.

The Scott

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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1264 on: July 07, 2020, 03:44:09 PM »
Scott, 500lbs for sets of 20!!!!  That’s Elite powerlifting.   What could you do for a single?  750lbs?

Trained Delts and arms.  Woke up at 5:30Am and got to work.  Wow was I stiff and out of it.  Seems I woke up pretty quick.  Got into the groove quickly.  It’s just that first walk down the stairs after being asleep feels like hell.

I asked two good coaches what they thought and both said at least 700 lbs.  One was our own coach here on the forums and the other one was in Florida.  I never thought I was good enough to enter a powerlifting meet as I could not really bench nor deadlift.  For whatever reason I got very strong on all manner of leg work.   I think it was once I got it down and saw what it was doing to me, I got hooked BIG time!  I got up to a bodyweight of 250 lbs. and I know my bodyfat was at least in the 20%+ range but I no longer tried to compete in bodybuilding competitions so it didn't matter as much to me.

I have done 225 lbs. for 100 reps on the squat and 300 or 315 (memory is goofy!) for 50 reps and I recall watching a WSM where they did a "leg extension" with girls for the weights (at least I think that was it, LOL!).  So I did 750+ in the gym for multiple reps until the machine actually broke.  But bench and DL?  I was and remain a pussy!

Since my accident I can no longer do squats and I eschew any leg work as my bad leg looks weird enough without have a huge leg on the other side, LOL!


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1265 on: July 07, 2020, 04:00:01 PM »
Really impressive squats.

The Scott

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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1266 on: July 07, 2020, 05:28:38 PM »
Really impressive squats.

Thank you.  I hated leg work but two friends of mine at the gym told me about J.C. Hise and the 20 rep breathing squats with milk routine.  I was a laborer and so I drank half & half, kefir and whipping cream along with up to 3 gallons of milk a day for the calories (and protein) too.  I burned it up at work digging ditches and moving stuff.

It worked  I gained 100 lb of body-weight and just kept going to 250 lbs.  That was heavy enough at 6'1+.

On certain movements such as barbell bent-over rows I was kinda strong but I didn't do them like Yates or Coleman where you practically stand up and do this short range of motion thing.  I did mine at 90 degrees and pulled to the stomach. 

Basics like dips (which I can no longer do, dammit!  ;D) became a staple after my friends talked to me about Marvin Eder and his dipping strength.  I never got close to his poundages, LOL!  My daughter sent me a photo of me at 230 lbs or so holding her as a newborn and another when I was 250 lbs.   I had forgotten how large I once was.  Time runs us all over, brother.  ;D

When I was about 120 lbs Ken Waller sold me a Gold's Gym tanktop and he told me good luck growing into a (I think) 3XL.  He was great to me as were Robinson, Columbu and some others at the original Gold's.  I would visit every few months for inspiration.  They were honest about the steroid thing and I watched them train off and on season.  Basic stuff was the staple for those guys especially off season so you and IroNat are right on track!


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1267 on: July 08, 2020, 04:39:35 PM »
Thank you.  I hated leg work but two friends of mine at the gym told me about J.C. Hise and the 20 rep breathing squats with milk routine.  I was a laborer and so I drank half & half, kefir and whipping cream along with up to 3 gallons of milk a day for the calories (and protein) too.  I burned it up at work digging ditches and moving stuff.

It worked  I gained 100 lb of body-weight and just kept going to 250 lbs.  That was heavy enough at 6'1+.

On certain movements such as barbell bent-over rows I was kinda strong but I didn't do them like Yates or Coleman where you practically stand up and do this short range of motion thing.  I did mine at 90 degrees and pulled to the stomach. 

Basics like dips (which I can no longer do, dammit!  ;D) became a staple after my friends talked to me about Marvin Eder and his dipping strength.  I never got close to his poundages, LOL!  My daughter sent me a photo of me at 230 lbs or so holding her as a newborn and another when I was 250 lbs.   I had forgotten how large I once was.  Time runs us all over, brother.  ;D

When I was about 120 lbs Ken Waller sold me a Gold's Gym tanktop and he told me good luck growing into a (I think) 3XL.  He was great to me as were Robinson, Columbu and some others at the original Gold's.  I would visit every few months for inspiration.  They were honest about the steroid thing and I watched them train off and on season.  Basic stuff was the staple for those guys especially off season so you and IroNat are right on track!

I do rows the same way bent over. I keep my knees slightly bent to take the strain off the lower back.  Thinking about doing the  almost upright version like Yates but it seems the range of motion is much less. Then again it sure worked for him.

Regarding dips I see guys in the gym with a ton of weight but they hardly bend their arms. It seems so much of bodybuilding involves delusion.  I think Coleman said it, "Everyone wants to be big but no one wants to lift heavy weight." I would change it to, Everyone wants to be big but know one wants to do a full range of motion.

I wish I could have gone with you to the original Golds. I was in awe of those guys in my younger years. Then as I matured not so much but it was a magical time in my youth. I actually thought  I could look like them if I lifted weights. Then I learned of the chemical secret.  So many in my gym were seeing the same doctor back in the day. Almost all his clients were bodybuilders.  He would write a prescription for any steroid a bodybuilder wanted. Eventually he was investigated and I think his license was revoked. This was before they made steroids a schedule felony drug. He killed himself after this. He had pictures of bodybuilders all over his office.

Today's work out didn't go as planned. I was going to do an early morning cardio day. My alarm went off and I checked my email. I couldn't focus trying to read. I figured the blurriness was due to being sleepy. Then came the migraine. I was finished. I had lightening flashes before my vision. Today's workout was canned. Tomorrow is another day. I was so excited to get out of work today I ran to my car with the girls laughing. Yes, I have Thursday to Sunday off!


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1268 on: July 08, 2020, 05:41:20 PM »
I do rows the same way bent over. I keep my knees slightly bent to take the strain off the lower back.  Thinking about doing the  almost upright version like Yates but it seems the range of motion is much less. Then again it sure worked for him.

Regarding dips I see guys in the gym with a ton of weight but they hardly bend their arms. It seems so much of bodybuilding involves delusion.  I think Coleman said it, "Everyone wants to be big but no one wants to lift heavy weight." I would change it to, Everyone wants to be big but know one wants to do a full range of motion.

I wish I could have gone with you to the original Golds. I was in awe of those guys in my younger years. Then as I matured not so much but it was a magical time in my youth. I actually thought  I could look like them if I lifted weights. Then I learned of the chemical secret.  So many in my gym were seeing the same doctor back in the day. Almost all his clients were bodybuilders.  He would write a prescription for any steroid a bodybuilder wanted. Eventually he was investigated and I think his license was revoked. This was before they made steroids a schedule felony drug. He killed himself after this. He had pictures of bodybuilders all over his office.

Today's work out didn't go as planned. I was going to do an early morning cardio day. My alarm went off and I checked my email. I couldn't focus trying to read. I figured the blurriness was due to being sleepy. Then came the migraine. I was finished. I had lightening flashes before my vision. Today's workout was canned. Tomorrow is another day. I was so excited to get out of work today I ran to my car with the girls laughing. Yes, I have Thursday to Sunday off!

Are you prone to getting migraine headaches? Do you know what causes you to have them? My son-in-law gets debilitating migraines as a result of and IED when he was in Iraq. He gets botox shots at the V.A. as a means of prevention. Sometimes the shots work and sometimes not. He was also prescribed cannabis, which works too but has the unfortunate side effect of causing cyclic vomiting syndrome which has put him in the hospital a couple of times. I think he's stopped or cut way back on using it.

I had a few migraines when I was in my teens. Have not had any since, thank goodness. Those migraine headaches would get so bad that I'd pass out.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1269 on: July 08, 2020, 06:56:15 PM »
Are you prone to getting migraine headaches? Do you know what causes you to have them? My son-in-law gets debilitating migraines as a result of and IED when he was in Iraq. He gets botox shots at the V.A. as a means of prevention. Sometimes the shots work and sometimes not. He was also prescribed cannabis, which works too but has the unfortunate side effect of causing cyclic vomiting syndrome which has put him in the hospital a couple of times. I think he's stopped or cut way back on using it.

I had a few migraines when I was in my teens. Have not had any since, thank goodness. Those migraine headaches would get so bad that I'd pass out.

It's hereditary. My brother who is 73 suffered from them but they phased out as he aged. I had them with debilitating frequency in my 40's but now in my 60's it's maybe 8 a year.  My oldest son has a terrible problem with them in his late 20's. Some of my triggers are lack of sleep, sulfur in dried fruit, chocolate and too much staring at a light as in computer. My son's work involves 8 plus hours of computer work then he uses the computer for recreation.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1270 on: July 10, 2020, 04:54:02 PM »
Trained back and chest. I feel I'm looking good this summer. Yes, a vain and egotistical thing to type. I couldn't compare to any drug user so a picture will never be on this site. I would be photo shopped with some homo theme for sure. LOL.

I was in the pool for hours the day before drinking beer in the hot sun.  I was exhausted going into this workout but I gutted it out.  Always a sense of satisfaction of getting a work out in when I'm not running on all cylinders. Tomorrow is a first run after not running for maybe two weeks. My kids got me a fancy GPS to replace my old one that acted up from time to time. I just hate trying to figure out technology. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1271 on: July 12, 2020, 06:58:12 PM »
Leg day: Only work sets shown. No warm up sets. I've been talking to a few champs through the computer. One said he would do many work up sets before counting sets for an exercise. I either do one, two or zero warm up sets. Usually by the third exercise for a body part I don't need a warm up.

Leg press 2 x 12 (tried to do semi slow negative. These are done with a full knee bend like an ass to grass squat)
barbell squats 4 x 8 then 2 sets of one rep (Did more sets because I have been away from the movement for so long. My depth was bad. Only slightly lower than parallel. I will get deeper as I progress I hope. )
Machine squats 1 x 10 ( I have been letting my squat machine collect dust. I forgot how good a movement it is. I go rock bottom with these. I have a unit made by tuff stuff. )
Leg extensions 2 x 20
Seated leg curls 2 x 15

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15
Hanging straight leg raise 2 x 23 (good for abs but also great for decompressing the back)
Hip ups 1 x 25 (On back on a pad on the floor. Raise legs and pick your hips up off the floor pushing your feet toward the ceiling.)

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15
Tibalis work 1 x 20

Neck work all four sides 1 x 20


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1272 on: July 13, 2020, 03:26:50 AM »
I only count work sets.

For example, presses I usually do 3-4 warmup sets.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1273 on: July 14, 2020, 05:13:31 PM »
Trained delts and arms today early morning before work. I'm a little tired and very stiff in the morning but once I get into it I have a great workout. It's very much like meditation or maybe even zen like. I usually blast the music from a nice stereo system I have. Since everyone is sleeping I put in ear buds and lifted.  Since I don't drop weights unless I'm Olympic lifting I think for the most part I'm quiet. Came out of the basement exhausted but feeling great. I get off of work at 6PM. Toward the end I was shot. I know many people run hard in the morning before work and lift early. I think Bill Pearl for many decades got up at 4AM to work out. I now think it's not a bad system. After work you can just chill.  People that drive over an hour to work then work 8 to 12 hours and drive back are completely shot and often even the most dedicated can't bring them self to get to the gym. I think during work days I will stick with the pre work workouts. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1274 on: July 15, 2020, 06:54:30 AM »
That's a nice squat machine.  Wish I had one or a leg press.

Pearl used to (maybe still does) get up really early like you said but he also went to bed about 7:30PM.

Much is made of his vegetarianism but he did not become a vegetarian (lacto-ovo) until age 39 (1969).

By that time he had already won 4 Mr. Universe titles and Mr. USA.

Mark Wahlberg supposedly gets up at 2:30AM, works out at 4:30-5AM, goes to bed 7 or 8PM.

Most people don't get enough sleep.

I think regular hours are very important but not everyone's schedule is so constant as to allow it.  Either that or they just don't want to adhere to such.