Ed Coan workout 3 out of ten. Foot still a bit sore, but will actually show weights used for once. My form is a bit off, but the chaos account has given me some pointers after some intense video cross-analysis.
Airdyne 5 min, TRX stretch shit, slant board squats, banded RDLs.....12 min of warmup.
DL Warmup: 155 x 8, 225 x 5 275 x 2, 315 x 2
DL Work sets: 340 x 2, 8 x 280 x 3 - speed reps every 90 sec
3 circuit:
RDL x 8 @ 225,230
Pendlay row x 8 at 135 (wes has no idea, but he helped me huge on this. I think of driving elbows to the sky how he does it - game changer in terms of contraction, no cheating)
Underhand pulldown grip on lat pull (Valor pulley system. Can never do near the weight on these compared to commercial lat pulldowns - likely that pulley system not as smooth).
Reverse hyper x 8 at 107lb.