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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: OzmO on September 10, 2008, 05:34:49 PM

Title: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: OzmO on September 10, 2008, 05:34:49 PM (

September 10, 2008 5:17 PM

ABC News' Matthew Jaffe Reports: Barack Obama's vice-presidential nominee Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., Wednesday said that Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, might have been a better pick for the position than him.

At a rally in Nashua, New Hampshire, a man in the audience told Biden how glad he was that Obama picked him over Hillary "not because she's a woman, but because look at the things she did in the past."

"Make no mistake about this," Biden responded. "Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America. Let’s get that straight. She’s a truly close personal friend, she is qualified to be president of the United States of America, she’s easily qualified to be vice president of the United States of America and quite frankly it might have been a better pick than me. But she’s first rate, I mean that sincerely, she’s first rate, so let’s get that straight."

Spokesman Ben Porritt  offered this response from the McCain camp: "Barack Obama’s most important decision of this election and Biden - the candidate he selects - suggests himself that he wasn’t the right man for the job and that Hillary Clinton would have been a better choice. Biden certainly has a credible viewpoint on this."

Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: OzmO on September 10, 2008, 05:35:35 PM
You'd think with all his experience he'd know better.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 240 is Back on September 10, 2008, 05:39:29 PM
The CTer in me says...

If things are close or Obama can't win - will he have biden retire due to personal reasons, and then take on hilary?

Palin would lose a lot of supporters, and more importantly, there wouldn't be enough time for the repubs to remind us of all hilary's flaws.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: youandme on September 10, 2008, 05:39:59 PM
ummmm, so we have not heard Biden speak for the past two weeks and this is the most recent comment?

wth is going on with Biden
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: slayer on September 10, 2008, 05:41:02 PM
Obama could have won the election the day he selected hillary as a running mate, when the door of oppurtunity opened Maccain selected someone he probably never heard of until after obama made biden his mate.

It's just human nature,women were gonna vote for whoever had the female running mate.

Im not pro hillary but the goal is to win and she gave Obama easy victory.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 240 is Back on September 10, 2008, 05:41:40 PM
ummmm, so we have not heard Biden speak for the past two weeks

Biden has spoken almost every day.

The media hasn't covered it.  Instead, they're all about lipstick and whatnot.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: tu_holmes on September 10, 2008, 05:42:06 PM
I don't see this as a big deal.

If your bud is better than you at something... You say... yes, he is just as good, maybe even better than me.

So what?

You go for an interview with your pal and you both have great qualifications, but you get it... Does that mean you can't give him props for being good at his job?

I'm confused by why this is "bad".
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 240 is Back on September 10, 2008, 05:42:18 PM
Obama could have won the election the day he selected hillary as a running mate, when the door of oppurtunity opened Maccain selected someone he probably never heard of until after obama made biden his mate.

It's just human nature,women were gonna vote for whoever had the female running mate.

no, the repubs would have had two months to remind us how shady billl's dealings are.

Watch them switch it up last minute.  The ultimate october surprise lol...
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: youandme on September 10, 2008, 05:44:10 PM
Biden has spoken almost every day.

The media hasn't covered it.  Instead, they're all about lipstick and whatnot.

Of course he speaks everyday, media not covering means he has not spoken. Biden has alos refused to become the attack dog against Palin, theyhave spent 2 weeks focusing on Sarah, their campaign is going down the toilet.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: tu_holmes on September 10, 2008, 05:45:48 PM
Of course he speaks everyday, media not covering means he has not spoken. Biden has alos refused to become the attack dog against Palin, theyhave spent 2 weeks focusing on Sarah, their campaign is going down the toilet.

They have to focus on her... She's the only one NOT saying anything and she's the one who's the complete UNKNOWN.

This chick is a farce and the fact that anyone is falling into it is sad.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: youandme on September 10, 2008, 05:50:01 PM
They have to focus on her... She's the only one NOT saying anything and she's the one who's the complete UNKNOWN.

This chick is a farce and the fact that anyone is falling into it is sad.

So when Biden says something, media does not report on it, but when Palin remains silent the media reports on her, excellent
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: tu_holmes on September 10, 2008, 05:51:43 PM
So when Biden says something, media does not report on it, but when Palin remains silent the media reports on her, excellent

Because someone being completely unknown and not answering questions is absolutely unbelievable in this day and age... Especially someone who can potentially be VP of the USA.

The fact everyone is hanging onto her girl hairs while knowing NOTHING about her says a lot more about the followers than anything.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: youandme on September 10, 2008, 05:53:48 PM
Because someone being completely unknown and not answering questions is absolutely unbelievable in this day and age... Especially someone who can potentially be VP of the USA.

The fact everyone is hanging onto her #### hairs while knowing NOTHING about her says a lot more about the followers than anything.

Are you talking about people not knowing about Obama's connections with Ayers and company as unbelievable or a Hockey mom's connections? haha
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: Dos Equis on September 10, 2008, 05:56:41 PM (

September 10, 2008 5:17 PM

ABC News' Matthew Jaffe Reports: Barack Obama's vice-presidential nominee Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., Wednesday said that Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, might have been a better pick for the position than him.

At a rally in Nashua, New Hampshire, a man in the audience told Biden how glad he was that Obama picked him over Hillary "not because she's a woman, but because look at the things she did in the past."

"Make no mistake about this," Biden responded. "Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America. Let’s get that straight. She’s a truly close personal friend, she is qualified to be president of the United States of America, she’s easily qualified to be vice president of the United States of America and quite frankly it might have been a better pick than me. But she’s first rate, I mean that sincerely, she’s first rate, so let’s get that straight."

Spokesman Ben Porritt  offered this response from the McCain camp: "Barack Obama’s most important decision of this election and Biden - the candidate he selects - suggests himself that he wasn’t the right man for the job and that Hillary Clinton would have been a better choice. Biden certainly has a credible viewpoint on this."

I love it.   :)  Spin away . . . .
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: OzmO on September 10, 2008, 06:52:55 PM
What's there to spin?

That has to be one of the worse blunders in presidential race history.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: tu_holmes on September 10, 2008, 06:56:55 PM
Are you talking about people not knowing about Obama's connections with Ayers and company as unbelievable or a Hockey mom's connections? haha

I'm pretty sure it's the Hockey mom who won't answer any questions.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: OzmO on September 10, 2008, 07:24:58 PM
i can see it now......

At the VP debate:

Mr Biden:  "Do you feel you are the best candidate for the VP and why?
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 240 is Back on September 10, 2008, 07:35:28 PM
interesting... this will take lipstick out of the news ;)
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: Dos Equis on September 10, 2008, 10:59:31 PM
What's there to spin?

That has to be one of the worse blunders in presidential race history.

Oh I'm sure they'll try and spin it someway.  Biden is constantly putting his foot in his mouth.  There is a reason he was never a serious candidate in field full of duds. 
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: youandme on September 10, 2008, 11:32:20 PM
interesting... this will take lipstick out of the news ;)

yeah if we are lucky, lipstick thing needs to go yesterday
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: MCWAY on September 11, 2008, 05:20:40 AM
I’m sure that line went over well with the PUMAs.

How do you go on the campaign trail and say that you are NOT the best candidate for the office which you seek? That is just plain DUMB!!!

Furthermore, why isn’t Biden coming to Obama’s aid? He’s supposed to handle stuff like this, especially regarding Palin. He’s supposed to have Obama’s back.

Instead, it seems the Dems are just standing by and watching Obama get beat up. And, that stupid statement by the congresswoman from South Carolina didn’t help matters, either.

McCain has been free to re-establish his maverick image and appeal to independents, because everyone else (including Obama) has been so stuck on Palin.

I still can’t believe it. If you had told anyone a few weeks ago, that a woman would be DOMINATING the political headlines, stealing the spotlight, and basically setting the country’s campaign on fire, but that woman would NOT be Hilary Clinton, most people would have suggested you checked into rehab.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: dario73 on September 11, 2008, 07:07:56 AM

Even Biden admits that Obama can't even make simple decisions.  How can anyone vote for Barack? How can he be trusted with making decisions regarding our nation when he can't even make the right decision regarding his running mate?

Democrats are just shooting themselves on the foot everyday. Unbelievable.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: MCWAY on September 11, 2008, 07:47:04 AM

Even Biden admits that Obama can't even make simple decisions.  How can anyone vote for Barack? How can he be trusted with making decisions regarding our nation when he can't even make the right decision regarding his running mate?

Democrats are just shooting themselves on the foot everyday. Unbelievable.

I see the rationale for his not picking Hilary Clinton. Her personality clashes with his, plus you have the added baggage of Bill Clinton. Obama's supposed to be the primary focus, something that would not happen with Hilary on the ticket.

It's not as if Obama made a BAD choice, per se, in terms of his picking Biden. It's just goes to show you just how much impact Sarah Palin has made. Had McCain picked Romney, Pawlenty, Ridge, or Lieberman, we would be talking about his magnificent speech, the 75,000 people in Mile High, the energy, the aura, and the political phenomenom of Barack Obama.

But, with one fell swoop, McCain has snatched that from him (or at least, Obama's monopoly on such) by choosing Sarah Palin. It's come to the point where Obama is almost whining about Team McCain stealing his "change" moniker and message.

The bottom line is this: The country has caught Palin fever, and if Obama doesn't find the antidote (and find it QUICKLY), Obama's words, much to his chagrin, will come true. McCain will be just like Bush; he will be PRESIDENT of the United States.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 240 is Back on September 11, 2008, 07:50:15 AM
of course.  i think that may be a backup plan.  if he's losing in the final weeks. have biden back out for personal reasons, and put clinton on the ticket as VP.

think about it.  the far-right wouldn't have time to bash hilary in the press for all her luggage and bill's connections and issues.  Instead, it'd be "Hi shallow idiot women voters who only select a candidate based on sex organs - I came to my senses"

And a lot of Palin voters would jump right to his bandwagon.  It's entirely possible.

*oooh i just noticed has a 7.6% chance of Biden being pulled from ticket  Looks like others are thinking this way also...
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: headhuntersix on September 11, 2008, 08:00:30 AM
McCain would have to run just one ad..showing Barack annouching Biden, then Biden quiting, then annouching Clinton, along with all the bashing the two have done to each other....then run a crawl or word block asking or questioning his judgement. That would be the end of that.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 240 is Back on September 11, 2008, 08:03:54 AM
McCain would have to run just one ad..showing Barack annouching Biden, then Biden quiting, then annouching Clinton, along with all the bashing the two have done to each other....then run a crawl or word block asking or questioning his judgement. That would be the end of that.
really?you had millions of women simply change their vote (as polls show this week) because one of the candidates now has a vagina, even if she doesn't match their core beliefs.if the savior of 18 million voters suddenly arrived on the ticket with a smile, what happens?  a few jump back dude.Odd timing that obama is meeting Bill today.  with now floating it, and the lib boards abuzz with it, you know it's in slick willy's mind...
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: headhuntersix on September 11, 2008, 08:10:37 AM
Sure....but it shows how really indecisive he is.....he should have done it from the get go no doubt about it. He might have a small window to get away with it but i doubt it.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: dario73 on September 11, 2008, 08:14:18 AM
I see the rationale for his not picking Hilary Clinton. Her personality clashes with his, plus you have the added baggage of Bill Clinton. Obama's supposed to be the primary focus, something that would not happen with Hilary on the ticket.

He made a bad choice because he talks about Change, CHANGE, C H A N G E, yet he chooses a career politician who has been involved in politics since he was 31 years old.  Politically older than McCain is, yet seldom if ever, did Biden ever go against his party on anything. At least McCain has that going for him.

Everyone knows Barack would have been better off selecting Hillary. Even if he had to share the spotlight, this race would be essentially over by now. Wouldn't it have been great if Barack had elected Hillary and made the Democrats the first party to sent the very first female VP to the White House? That would have been a great CHANGE.

Then again, maybe Hillary wouldn't have accepted. She probably sees anything less than the presidency as a failure for her. Who knows.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: MCWAY on September 11, 2008, 08:16:17 AM
really?you had millions of women simply change their vote (as polls show this week) because one of the candidates now has a vagina, even if she doesn't match their core beliefs.if the savior of 18 million voters suddenly arrived on the ticket with a smile, what happens?  a few jump back dude.Odd timing that obama is meeting Bill today.  with now floating it, and the lib boards abuzz with it, you know it's in slick willy's mind...

Exactly where did he make this claim that all of the Hilary supporters would jump to McCain, just because of Palin?

of course.  i think that may be a backup plan.  if he's losing in the final weeks. have biden back out for personal reasons, and put clinton on the ticket as VP.

think about it.  the far-right wouldn't have time to bash hilary in the press for all her luggage and bill's connections and issues.  Instead, it'd be "Hi shallow idiot women voters who only select a candidate based on sex organs - I came to my senses"

And a lot of Palin voters would jump right to his bandwagon.  It's entirely possible.

*oooh i just noticed has a 7.6% chance of Biden being pulled from ticket  Looks like others are thinking this way also...

Now, there's a great way to show strength for Obama: Basically ignore the Clintons, when he's winning; go groveling to the Clintons to save his behind, once he starts losing.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: headhuntersix on September 11, 2008, 08:17:41 AM
Which illustrates several points that McCain and company will jump on.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 240 is Back on September 11, 2008, 08:20:18 AM
Sure....but it shows how really indecisive he is.....he should have done it from the get go no doubt about it. He might have a small window to get away with it but i doubt it.

they can just lie, cite some biden personal issue or health problem.

only the CTers will believe it's a ploy to save the elction, no matter how obvious it'll be.  without evidence contrary, you'll just be a CTer.

and even with some having that perception, it wouldn't matter.  those hilary voters 'settling' for mccain would pee their pants with glee to vote hil.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: headhuntersix on September 11, 2008, 08:25:37 AM
CT'er's. Give me a break, if he dumps Biden he's done. It would be atleast a weeik before he could gain any positive media traction with it. The election is to close at this point. The debates are coming up and I'm sorry, Pallin and Clinton on the same would be a cat fight and people always side with the hot chick in a cat fight.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: MCWAY on September 11, 2008, 08:31:51 AM
He made a bad choice because he talks about Change, CHANGE, C H A N G E, yet he chooses a career politician who has been involved in politics since he was 31 years old.  Politically older than McCain is, yet seldom if ever, did Biden ever go against his party on anything. At least McCain has that going for him.

Everyone knows Barack would have been better off selecting Hillary. Even if he had to share the spotlight, this race would be essentially over by now. Wouldn't it have been great if Barack had elected Hillary and made the Democrats the first party to sent the very first female VP to the White House? That would have been a great CHANGE.

Then again, maybe Hillary wouldn't have accepted. She probably sees anything less than the presidency as a failure for her. Who knows.

I used to joke that, if I'm Obama, I don't want the Clintons behind me if I'm going down a flight of stairs.

The simple fact is such a move would show the ULTIMATE sign of weakness, making Obama look like a political punk.

they can just lie, cite some biden personal issue or health problem.

only the CTers will believe it's a ploy to save the elction, no matter how obvious it'll be.  without evidence contrary, you'll just be a CTer.

and even with some having that perception, it wouldn't matter.  those hilary voters 'settling' for mccain would pee their pants with glee to vote hil.

Oh really!! Has it ever occured to you that there are a number of female voters, who see in Palin, many of the great qualities in Hilary WITHOUT many of the hiccups?

The Dems were counting on the celebrity of Obama and/or Hilary, combined with the lack of enthusiam of the GOP, as it relates to McCain. One "hockey mom" later, the picture has changed. Palin wasn't picked simply because, she's a woman. She's a solid conservative.

And, unless you missed it, McCain is gaining ground with independents. If one "hockey mom"-turned-Governor can turn the once-ultra-confident Obama/Biden ticket, into a bunch of sniveling, self-doubting babies, maybe Obama isn't ready to lead this country, after all.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: OzmO on September 11, 2008, 08:33:30 AM
Palin probably looks like a FEMALE VP without all the Hillary baggage to most.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: youandme on September 11, 2008, 09:02:12 AM
Sure....but it shows how really indecisive he is.....he should have done it from the get go no doubt about it. He might have a small window to get away with it but i doubt it.

just last night on O'Reilly he said he is now for Nuclear Energy, haha, he's been for it and against it about 4 times now.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 240 is Back on September 11, 2008, 09:11:08 AM
palin will be owned by world leaders.  she'll crack under pressure.jeez, 18 months as governor, over half of which she worked form home.  worse atendance record than obama.  couple of lousy candidates we have running.  you are allowed to admit that both she and obama are underqualified.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: tu_holmes on September 11, 2008, 10:05:47 AM
just last night on O'Reilly he said he is now for Nuclear Energy, haha, he's been for it and against it about 4 times now.

His website has stated he's for Nuclear energy for quite some time now.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: shootfighter1 on September 11, 2008, 10:08:02 AM
#1- We need to hear from Palin now.  I think she has been wise to let the media stew for a week or so while the left hurled ridiculous insults...but now, we need to hear some specifics from her.  She may or may not be qualified IMO.  I see the excitement, but now is the time to step up.

I think there are a lot of independent and conservative women in the country, who we usually don't hear from politically, that are going to bat for Palin because they see similarities to themself.  We have a lot of outspoken liberal women in politics but less conservative women.  I think we are seeing many of these women around the country, who may have stayed out of politics, now rallying for Palin.  She may win this election for McCain.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: tu_holmes on September 11, 2008, 10:08:40 AM
really?you had millions of women simply change their vote (as polls show this week) because one of the candidates now has a vagina, even if she doesn't match their core beliefs.if the savior of 18 million voters suddenly arrived on the ticket with a smile, what happens?  a few jump back dude.Odd timing that obama is meeting Bill today.  with now floating it, and the lib boards abuzz with it, you know it's in slick willy's mind...

You know polls only call land lines right?

How many under 30 people in this country even own a land line anymore?

Believe me when I tell you that the under 30 crowd is sorely misrepresented in this poll. When the booths close, Obama will be The President of the United States and it will be because of the youth vote.

That is all.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: shootfighter1 on September 11, 2008, 10:10:15 AM
Biden's public reply was a great example of him putting his foot in his mouth.  Hillary is a very capable politician, I agree, but never admit someone may have been a better choice.  Its a huge blunder that should make fringe supporters nervous.

Obama was in a tough position, nominate Hillary and win the election....but then you have 2 (or 3) presidents in the white house.  I think Obama likes when the attention is on him.  He is incredibly ambitious, which was well documented in the CNN biography.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: shootfighter1 on September 11, 2008, 10:11:42 AM
Obama has spoke several times about being reserved about nuclear energy because of the waste issue.  Seems his focus was always on alternative fuels.  If he is now solidly backing expanding nuclear, then good for him, because its wise....but it is a change of some degree.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 240 is Back on September 11, 2008, 10:20:38 AM
You know polls only call land lines right?
How many under 30 people in this country even own a land line anymore?

Brutal truth.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: MCWAY on September 11, 2008, 10:30:36 AM
just last night on O'Reilly he said he is now for Nuclear Energy, haha, he's been for it and against it about 4 times now.

Goodness!!! I guess all it takes to get the real scoop on what Obama's all about is putting him on the O'Reilly factor.

palin will be owned by world leaders.  she'll crack under pressure.jeez, 18 months as governor, over half of which she worked form home.  worse atendance record than obama.  couple of lousy candidates we have running.  you are allowed to admit that both she and obama are underqualified.

Obama's cracking under the pressure, and he hasn't even been elected, yet. You do realize that Palin is #2 on the GOP ticket.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 240 is Back on September 11, 2008, 10:32:52 AM
You do realize that Palin is #2 on the GOP ticket.

you do realize mccain is 72, has had 4 bouts of cancer, and is about to enter the most stressful job on earth?

plus the VP usually runs again, and she likely would run for the main job in 2012 (against hilary, oddly)
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: tu_holmes on September 11, 2008, 10:36:41 AM
you do realize mccain is 72, has had 4 bouts of cancer, and is about to enter the most stressful job on earth?

plus the VP usually runs again, and she likely would run for the main job in 2012 (against hilary, oddly)

1 in 3 chance that he dies in office.

1 in 3.

If you had a 1 in 3 chance to win the lottery, you'd play that guy wouldn't you?

Or if you had a 1 in 3 chance of dying if you left the house in the next 5 minutes, you may wait 10 minutes before leaving right?
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: Mark Kerr on September 11, 2008, 11:03:31 AM
Obama's cracking under the pressure, and he hasn't even been elected, yet. You do realize that Palin is #2 on the GOP ticket.

No he's not.

Like the rest of us Americans he's shocked that the Republicans have sunk to a new low to get votes.

Just think about this scenario, if McCain wins.

McCain, gets sick. Then Hockey Mom Palin is running the country in between breast feeding her baby.

This country is so fucked.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: OzmO on September 11, 2008, 11:08:39 AM
He's not crackling under pressure nor is he shocked.

He's simply losing the battle at the moment.

He better do something pretty soon.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 240 is Back on September 11, 2008, 11:17:32 AM
He's not crackling under pressure nor is he shocked.

He's simply losing the battle at the moment.

He better do something pretty soon.

the world is high on palin.  they'll tire of it when she starts to look ordinary.  Just like Rev wright (He's ruined - it's over - lights out!) this shit is temporary. 

He was laughing on letterman about the pig comment.  He seems to have a relaxed grittiness that both kerry and gore lacked.  Both of them would have been up there apologizing for anyone offended.  Instead obama just laughed it off. 
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: Dos Equis on September 11, 2008, 11:21:29 AM
He's not crackling under pressure nor is he shocked.

He's simply losing the battle at the moment.

He better do something pretty soon.

Definitely losing.  I don't think it will get better for him.  His major speech opportunities are gone (race and convention speeches).  He has three debates and he doesn't debate nearly as well as he gives speeches.  Biden will probably make another five dumb comments before the election. 

He needs some kind of October surprise. 
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: tu_holmes on September 11, 2008, 11:25:10 AM
the world is high on palin.  they'll tire of it when she starts to look ordinary.  Just like Rev wright (He's ruined - it's over - lights out!) this shit is temporary. 

He was laughing on letterman about the pig comment.  He seems to have a relaxed grittiness that both kerry and gore lacked.  Both of them would have been up there apologizing for anyone offended.  Instead obama just laughed it off. 

Exactly... He should have looked into the camera and said "Welcome to the big leagues."

Republicans have turned into bitches.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 240 is Back on September 11, 2008, 11:25:35 AM
Definitely losing.  I don't think it will get better for him. 

you claimed it was over during that rev wright nonsense.

face it - mccain could get cancer tomorrow, or obama could be revealed as a musclim tomorrow - and it'd sitll be 50/50 on election night.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 240 is Back on September 11, 2008, 11:26:27 AM
Exactly... He should have looked into the camera and said "Welcome to the big leagues."

Republicans have turned into bitches.

she lost her 'tough' card by allowing fred thompson to bitch about how offensive the pig comment was.

a tough candidate would have approached the mic, applied lipstick cooly, then given a helluva speech ;)
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: Dos Equis on September 11, 2008, 11:29:32 AM
you claimed it was over during that rev wright nonsense.

face it - mccain could get cancer tomorrow, or obama could be revealed as a musclim tomorrow - and it'd sitll be 50/50 on election night.

O Rly?  Quote me.  ::)

Face it, Obama could get lung cancer.  McCain will probably live to be 90-plus, just like his mother.

But none of this has anything to do with whether Obama is in trouble.   
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: tu_holmes on September 11, 2008, 11:31:21 AM
O Rly?  Quote me.  ::)

Face it, Obama could get lung cancer.  McCain will probably live to be 90-plus, just like his mother.

But none of this has anything to do with whether Obama The USA is in trouble.   

Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: Dos Equis on September 11, 2008, 11:35:12 AM
A vote for The Messiah will fix our problems.  He's just like Jesus. 
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: MCWAY on September 11, 2008, 11:37:12 AM
you do realize mccain is 72, has had 4 bouts of cancer, and is about to enter the most stressful job on earth?

plus the VP usually runs again, and she likely would run for the main job in 2012 (against hilary, oddly)


As I mentioned elsewhere, the Democrats unfortunately lost a congresswoman, who died of a brain aneurysm. She was THIRTEEN YEARS younger than McCain.

Plus, McCain's mother is 96 years old. So, if he ages well like his mother, he could outlive a lot of folks in Washington.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: shootfighter1 on September 11, 2008, 11:39:05 AM
Tu, why do you quote a 33.3% chance of dying?
I would argue that McCain may have a longevity gene from his mom.  She is a healthy 96 yo.
His melanoma has been removed, though its a risk factor, skin cancer is easy to treat in early stages with good survelance.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: tu_holmes on September 11, 2008, 11:56:47 AM
Tu, why do you quote a 33.3% chance of dying?
I would argue that McCain may have a longevity gene from his mom.  She is a healthy 96 yo.
His melanoma has been removed, though its a risk factor, skin cancer is easy to treat in early stages with good survelance.

He also may have the longevity of his dad who died in his early 70s.

His physical ailments relating to to his time as a POW can also be of concern.

Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: Dos Equis on September 11, 2008, 12:13:13 PM

you're confusing melanoma with other forms of skin cancer.

read up on the subject.


Yeah shoot.  What are you doing commenting on stuff like this?  It's not like you're a doctor or anything. 

Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: shootfighter1 on September 11, 2008, 03:15:34 PM
I stand by my statement.  Stage 1, grade 1 melanomas are easily treated with mose resection.
Why don't we leave it up to the physicians at the Mayo clinic who gave McCain a good bill of health on his recent exam instead of you guys speculating.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: shootfighter1 on September 11, 2008, 03:20:07 PM
For neurotoxin:

"Melanoma outlook by stage
As with many other types of cancer, the outcome depends on how advanced your cancer is when it is diagnosed.  In other words, the stage of your melanoma.

If melanoma is diagnosed early, the survival statistics are very good.  Most stage 1 and stage 2 melanomas can be cured.    

One of the main factors affecting survival for people with melanoma is the thickness of the tumour when it is diagnosed.  (Thickness is part of the staging for melanoma, so you can read more about it on the melanoma stages page.)  More than 9 out of 10 women (96%) diagnosed with melanoma that is thinner than 1.5mm, will be alive 5 years later. For men, the rate is slightly lower. Just over 9 out of 10 (91%) will be alive 5 years after being diagnosed".
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: OzmO on September 11, 2008, 04:56:30 PM
very true.   McCain should stay out of the sun though and wear 70 spf lotion
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: Dos Equis on September 11, 2008, 05:09:28 PM
And Obama should leave the cancer sticks alone too. 
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: TerminalPower on September 11, 2008, 05:09:57 PM
For neurotoxin:

"Melanoma outlook by stage
As with many other types of cancer, the outcome depends on how advanced your cancer is when it is diagnosed.  In other words, the stage of your melanoma.

If melanoma is diagnosed early, the survival statistics are very good.  Most stage 1 and stage 2 melanomas can be cured.    

One of the main factors affecting survival for people with melanoma is the thickness of the tumour when it is diagnosed.  (Thickness is part of the staging for melanoma, so you can read more about it on the melanoma stages page.)  More than 9 out of 10 women (96%) diagnosed with melanoma that is thinner than 1.5mm, will be alive 5 years later. For men, the rate is slightly lower. Just over 9 out of 10 (91%) will be alive 5 years after being diagnosed".

Thanks for the contribution, interesting read.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: OzmO on September 11, 2008, 07:32:28 PM
And Obama should leave the cancer sticks alone too. 

Chances are higher for McCain though.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: Dos Equis on September 11, 2008, 07:51:26 PM
Chances are higher for McCain though.

For what?  Lung cancer?   
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 240 is Back on September 11, 2008, 07:57:40 PM
yeah, mccain's cancer in 01/02 was very very invasive.  he had it removed from his temple. he had some quiet flareup a few months back - we never received any info on the repeated 'head bumps on limo' that oddly accompanied "stay out of the sun kids!"

anyway, JFK hid it while running, Tsongas hid it while running, who knows what else others have hid.  There is no accounabtility system for health and candidates.  You only have to take their words for it.  and yes, their doctors have lied along with them every time, so please don't assign false credibility to what his doc says.  JFK's doc lied about his hodgskins too...
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: OzmO on September 11, 2008, 08:01:06 PM
For what?  Lung cancer?   

I would think chances are higher that McCain develops more cancer than Obama getting lung cnacer.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 240 is Back on September 11, 2008, 08:02:53 PM
Obama stopped smoking last year.

BB has a crazy conspiracy theory that he's still smoking. 

he doesn't have any evidence of course, but he just KNOWS.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: Hugo Chavez on September 11, 2008, 08:16:50 PM
you claimed it was over during that rev wright nonsense.

face it - mccain could get cancer tomorrow, or obama could be revealed as a musclim tomorrow - and it'd sitll be 50/50 on election night.
If the election is close on election night, chances are 5000% that McCain wins.  Obama has to be at least 5 or more points ahead in both polls and exit polling to win.  If it's close, it's gone.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: Dos Equis on September 11, 2008, 08:23:05 PM
I would think chances are higher that McCain develops more cancer than Obama getting lung cnacer.


McCain was given a clean bill by doctors who reviewed his medical records. 

Obama hasn't released his medical records.  I wonder what his lungs look like?   
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 240 is Back on September 11, 2008, 08:24:27 PM
McCain was given a clean bill by doctors who reviewed his medical records. 

And historically, we know that many candidates and their doctors have lied about it, with zero consequence.

Hey, it's not like there's any motivation to lie.  Only the job of being, well, the most powerful man on earth.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: Dos Equis on September 11, 2008, 08:30:44 PM
And historically, we know that many candidates and their doctors have lied about it, with zero consequence.

Hey, it's not like there's any motivation to lie.  Only the job of being, well, the most powerful man on earth.

What evidence do you have that McCain lied about his health and provided incomplete or false medical records that fooled all of the doctors who reviewed them? 
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: OzmO on September 12, 2008, 07:10:00 AM

McCain was given a clean bill by doctors who reviewed his medical records. 

Obama hasn't released his medical records.  I wonder what his lungs look like?   

Having melanoma that many times is scary.   On the other side i seriously doubt Obama's lungs are that bad.  Unless of course he'd been smoking 2 packs/day for 30 years.   I'm also suspicious as to whether of not he's really quit smoking, but he could have. 
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 240 is Back on September 12, 2008, 07:11:56 AM
What evidence do you have that McCain lied about his health and provided incomplete or false medical records that fooled all of the doctors who reviewed them? 

I never said there was any, only that there is monster motivation and historical precedence to lie.

You claimed he was still a smoker.  you're a CTer.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 24KT on September 12, 2008, 07:57:41 AM
really?you had millions of women simply change their vote (as polls show this week) because one of the candidates now has a vagina, even if she doesn't match their core beliefs.if the savior of 18 million voters suddenly arrived on the ticket with a smile, what happens?  a few jump back dude.Odd timing that obama is meeting Bill today.  with now floating it, and the lib boards abuzz with it, you know it's in slick willy's mind...

Odd thought, ...but it did cross my mind... I'm wondering just how many of those 18 million hilary voters from the primaries were actually hilary supporters? Didn't we have the likes of Ann Coulter appealing to her brain dead audience, and Limbaugh as well appealed to his audience. All of them talked up hilary over McCain. so I ask you, how many of those voters from the primaries, actually intended to vote for hilary in the general election? She may have garnered 18 million votes in the primaries, but how much of a certainty was there that those primary votes would have translated into votes on election day? The one certainty that was clear to see, was that Hilary was all about Hilary. I don't think most people would want her as a VP, not when you're the only thing standing between her and the presidency. I could see her undermining any attempts to move the country forward, so long as it promoted her agenda of moving hilary forward. Then too there was the litigation she had pending. Who was he going to choose...Edwards?  Perhaps if Hilary hadn't run such a divisive campaign, she might have been the running mate? Obama had really no choice but Biden.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 24KT on September 12, 2008, 08:15:02 AM

McCain was given a clean bill by doctors who reviewed his medical records. 

Obama hasn't released his medical records.  I wonder what his lungs look like?   

They both released their medical records.
McCain's medical recors in the past 2 years was 80+ pages long.
Obama's medical records fit on 1 single page (with plenty of blank space left over)
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: MindSpin on September 12, 2008, 08:17:31 AM
You'd think with all his experience he'd know better.

Nothing wrong with being humble.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: shootfighter1 on September 12, 2008, 08:42:59 AM
There are a lot more medico-legal issues with falsifying medical Dx and documents these days.  Major differences in the accuracy and transparancy of records as well.  The Mayo clinic is top notch and would not stake its reputation or risk destructive media exposure.  I would highly doubt the institution would falsify any medical records or risks.  Better than you non-medical persons guessing, leave it as McCain is in good health but has some risks with his bouts of treated melanoma. 

Fact is that he is in good health, will be getting the best melanoma screening for any recurrences, fast thourough treatment (which is the way to ensure that the cancer doesn't spread) and it is very likely that a medical issue will not cause him to step down as president.  There is an increased risk to anyone over 65, but McCain's docs say he is healthy and fit and that is the best prediction anyone can leave it at that.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: OzmO on September 12, 2008, 08:46:54 AM
Nothing wrong with being humble.

Was he being humble?   And regardless, that was a political blunder, no doubt.  Something a man with his experience shouldn't have made.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: Dos Equis on September 12, 2008, 10:22:46 AM
Having melanoma that many times is scary.   On the other side i seriously doubt Obama's lungs are that bad.  Unless of course he'd been smoking 2 packs/day for 30 years.   I'm also suspicious as to whether of not he's really quit smoking, but he could have. 

He has "quit" more than once:  "Obama is still using Nicorette gum to stay off cigarettes--he has quit smoking several times, his doctor notes."

He also refused to release his medical records.  Instead, his doctor released a 276-word summary:

WASHINGTON--Likely Democratic nominee Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) is in "excellent health," according to a summary of Obama medical records released on Thursday. The 276-word summary was written by Dr. David L. Scheiner, the Chicago doctor who has been Obama's personal physician since March, 1987. Obama has not had a check-up in more than a year. Scheiner described Obama as "lean and muscular with no excess body fat."

What is he hiding? 

Compare that to McCain allowing independent docs to review his records:

McCain in 'excellent health,' doctor says
FOUNTAIN HILLS, Arizona (CNN) -- A team of doctors from the Mayo Clinic declared Friday that there appears to be no physical reason why Sen. John McCain, the 71-year-old presumed Republican presidential candidate, could not carry out the duties of the office.

"Sen. McCain enjoys excellent health and displays extraordinary energy, and, while it is impossible to predict any person's future health, I and my colleagues can find no medical reason or problem that would preclude Sen. McCain from fulfilling all of the duties or obligations of the president of the United States," said Dr. John D. Eckstein, an internist who has been overseeing McCain's treatment for 16 years at the famed research center's campus in Scottsdale, Arizona.

. . . .
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: Dos Equis on September 12, 2008, 10:25:07 AM
They both released their medical records.
McCain's medical recors in the past 2 years was 80+ pages long.
Obama's medical records fit on 1 single page (with plenty of blank space left over)

According to this, Obama did not release his medical records.  He released a 276-word summary by his personal physician.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 240 is Back on September 12, 2008, 10:51:44 AM
He has "quit" more than once: 

oh brother.

You're a CTer.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: Dos Equis on September 12, 2008, 12:12:33 PM
oh brother.

You're a CTer.

 ::)  "he has quit smoking several times, his doctor notes." 
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 24KT on September 12, 2008, 12:48:14 PM
According to this, Obama did not release his medical records.  He released a 276-word summary by his personal physician.

At 276 words, it was probably lengthier than his actual medical history.

Dec 2006 - Had a cold
Sept 2007 - Hayfever acted up for a week
March 2008 - Sore throat from all his speeches.
June 2008 - got a stitch in his side from laughing so hard when McCain narrowly escaped an applesauce avalanche

Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: Dos Equis on September 12, 2008, 01:34:08 PM
At 276 words, it was probably lengthier than his actual medical history.

Dec 2006 - Had a cold
Sept 2007 - Hayfever acted up for a week
March 2008 - Sore throat from all his speeches.
June 2008 - got a stitch in his side from laughing so hard when McCain narrowly escaped an applesauce avalanche


I thought Obama released his medical records?   

Obama should let the "team of doctors from the Mayo Clinic" review his medical records, including records showing the condition of his lungs.   
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 24KT on September 12, 2008, 01:57:18 PM
I thought Obama released his medical records?   

Obama should let the "team of doctors from the Mayo Clinic" review his medical records, including records showing the condition of his lungs.   

I've seen mcCain get winded trying to deliver a bloody sentence.
I've seen Obama go hard while playing basketball (which he does everyday)

I'd be willing to bet Obama's lungs are in way better shape than McCain's despite his previous habit of smoking.

Besides,'s not the lungs we're so worried about as much as the brains.
Obama has them, ...and Mccain clearly doesn't.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: Cardfan on September 12, 2008, 02:05:58 PM
I've seen mcCain get winded trying to deliver a bloody sentence.
I've seen Obama go hard while playing basketball (which he does everyday)

I'd be willing to bet Obama's lungs are in way better shape than McCain's despite his previous habit of smoking.

Besides,'s not the lungs we're so worried about as much as the brains.
Obama has them, ...and Mccain clearly doesn't.
you sure about that?
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: Dos Equis on September 12, 2008, 02:08:53 PM
I've seen mcCain get winded trying to deliver a bloody sentence.
I've seen Obama go hard while playing basketball (which he does everyday)

I'd be willing to bet Obama's lungs are in way better shape than McCain's despite his previous habit of smoking.

Besides,'s not the lungs we're so worried about as much as the brains.
Obama has them, ...and Mccain clearly doesn't.

I have known lots of smokers who play sports.  Some of the fastest guys I've played with are smokers.  Very frustrating.  Does that make them healthy?  Of course not.  

But I guess you're backing off your claim that Obama released his medical records and that "Obama's medical records fit on 1 single page (with plenty of blank space left over)"?
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: 24KT on September 12, 2008, 02:13:58 PM
I have known lots of smokers who play sports.  Some of the fastest guys I've played with are smokers.  Very frustrating.  Does that make them healthy?  Of course not.  

But I guess you're backing off your claim that Obama released his medical records and that "Obama's medical records fit on 1 single page (with plenty of blank space left over)"?

See post #85 above.
Title: Re: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post by: Dos Equis on September 12, 2008, 02:21:20 PM
See post #85 above.
