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Title: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Colossus_500 on October 13, 2008, 10:00:51 AM
Obama website lies about ACORN ties
Campaign tries to distance senator from group convicted of voter fraud
Posted: October 12, 2008
By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

JERUSALEM – Sen. Barack Obama's campaign is misleading the public regarding the presidential candidate's ties to a radical leftist organization that has admitted to major financial improprieties and has been convicted in numerous, massive voter fraud scandals.

Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign Friday stepped up its efforts to draw attention to Obama's alleged relationship with ACORN, or the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, holding a conference call in which McCain spokesman Rick Davis accused Obama of making "very inconsistent remarks about what his relationship with this organization is."

In response to the increased focus on ACORN, the Obama campaign last week claimed on its "Fight the Smears" website the presidential candidate was "never an ACORN community organizer; ACORN never hired Obama as a trainer, organizer, or any type of employee; ACORN was not part of Project Vote, the successful voter registration drive Barack ran in 1992."

But these blanket statements are false and misleading.

In 1992, Obama was director of Project Vote in Chicago, which helped register 150,000 voters on the city's South Side. Obama's successful work was credited in multiple media reports with helping to elect Democratic Senator Carol Moseley Braun.

Obama's campaign claims ACORN was "not part of" Project Vote, but the organization's incorporation papers, obtained by WND, show Project Vote is a trademark name whose parent company is registered at the same New Orleans address in which ACORN and multiple ACORN affiliates are housed.

Obama himself previously connected Project Vote to ACORN.

"I've been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drives in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work," Obama was quoted on his own campaign website as saying at an ACORN meeting, according to a post by official Obama website blogger Sam Graham-Felsen.

Clarifying the role of ACORN in Project Vote, Obama Spokesman Ben LaBolt told the New York Times this weekend Project Vote and ACORN were not as intertwined in 1992 as they are today, when a significant part of Project Vote’s revenues flow to ACORN and various of its affiliates as payment for services.

But LaBolt's statement, which admits Project Vote and ACORN was intertwined on some level while Obama was director directly contradicts the Obama campaign's "Fact Check" claim that ACORN was "not part" of Project Vote.

In a misleading statement, Obama's site claims "ACORN never hired Obama as a trainer, organizer, or any type of employee," but it fails to mention Obama was an unpaid ACORN trainer, as WND first reported in August.

Lewis Goldberg, a spokesman for ACORN, confirmed Obama conducted two hour-long leadership training sessions for his organization in the late 1990s and said Obama was not paid for the work.

Obama has deep ties to ACORN, including with Ayers

Although Obama has been downplaying his relationship with ACORN, the presidential candidate has deep-seated ties to the radical group.

ACORN is very active in Obama's native Chicago, where in 1997, some 200 members attempted to storm a City Hall meeting, resulting in six members being arrested, including Madeleine Talbot, ACORN's Chicago director.

In the early 1990's Talbot invited Obama to help train ACORN activists.

Obama and other Chicago attorneys won a 1995 suit on behalf of ACORN, forcing the state of Illinois to implement the federal "motor-voter" bill.

While Obama served on the board of the Woods Fund, a Chicago nonprofit, it channeled millions of dollars to ACORN and affiliated groups.

Obama was a director of the Woods Fund board from 1999 to Dec. 11, 2002, according to the Fund's website. According to tax filings, Obama received compensation of $6,000 per year for his service in 1999 and 2000.

He served on the Fund alongside William C. Ayers, an unrepentant member of the Weathermen terrorist group which sought to overthrow of the U.S. government and took responsibility for bombing the U.S. Capitol in 1971.

Obama actively sought and received the endorsement by ACORN for his local campaigns.

In the Social Policy Journal, Toni Foulkes, a Chicago ACORN leader, documents what he terms Obama's "long service" with ACORN, which he said led many of the organization's members to help in voter campaigns for Obama's early Chicago campaigns.

Foulkes said Obama and ACORN were "old friends."

As a state senator, Obama touted many of ACORN's lines.

National Review Online writer Stanley Kurtz, who conducted a thorough review of ACORN, wrote, "Sure enough, a bit of digging into Obama's years in the Illinois State Senate indicates strong concern with Acorn's signature issues, as well as meetings with Acorn and the introduction by Obama of Acorn-friendly legislation on the living wage and banking practices."

ACORN endorsed Obama's presidential campaign, an endorsement touted on Obama's official website.

"What it came down to was that Senator Obama is the candidate who best understands and can affect change on the issues ACORN cares about like stopping foreclosures, enacting fair and comprehensive immigration reform, and building stronger and safer communities across America," said ACORN's Maude Hurd of the group's Obama endorsement.

Campaign pays ACORN affiliate

WND reported in August Obama's campaign paid more than $800,000 in services to Citizen Services Inc. (CSI), a nonprofit organization that is an offshoot of ACORN.

According to Federal Election Commission records reviewed by the Tribune-Review, the Obama campaign paid CSI $832,598.29, from Feb. 25 to May 17, including $564,342.21 for "stage, lighting and sound." The payments stood out since CSI does not offer services for stage, lighting or sound.

Get "The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Obama's War on American Values"

Farrakhan suggested he would keep a low profile in the campaign, despite his enthusiasm for Obama.

The Obama campaign amended the FEC reports in August and September to claim the payments to CSI were for get-out-the-vote efforts.

McCain spokesman Davis charged the original FEC filing was an effort to "hide the fact" money was paid to ACORN, while FEC officials told the media amended filings are common in major campaigns, including fort large sums of money.

'ACORN may skew PA vote,' election integrity in doubt across country

Last Friday former state Supreme Court Justice Sandra Newman, a Republican, said at a news conference she has no confidence in the integrity of the electoral process in Pennsylvania as a result of what she termed the extensive voter registration effort by ACORN.

"[There is] potential of massive voter fraud. ...I am not confident we can get a fair election" on Nov. 4, said Newman, who retired from the court in 2006.

Gleason announced ACORN and other groups had submitted 252,595 voter registrations in Philadelphia, of which 57,435 were rejected, most of them submitted by ACORN. She said the registrations had faulty Social Security numbers, incorrect dates of birth, "clearly fraudulent" signatures, addresses that did not exist and duplicate registrations.

Other key areas in PA had similar problems, Newman said.

A CBS news investigation showed similar problems across the nation.

The news organization said it talked to nearly two dozen ACORN workers who all said they were pressured to increase their number of registration cards to the point of copying names out of phone books, signing up inmates, and registering the dead.

"Whether simple error or outright fraud, the charges surrounding ACORN are already raising doubts about the integrity of the upcoming election in key parts of the country," the CBS investigation concluded.

Group promoting Obama has history of major voter fraud

Last July, ACORN settled what was described by the Washington Secretary of State as the "largest case of voter fraud in the state's history." Government prosecutors had filed felony charges against seven ACORN workers, who ended up receiving jail time.

Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Stephen Hobbs said in the case the workers had admitted filling out registration forms with names they found in phone books. The ACORN canvassers filled out the forms while sitting around a table at the downtown Seattle Public Library, Hobbs said.

ACORN was also investigated in 2006 for submitting false voter registrations in St. Louis. Nearly 1,500 fraudulent voter registrations were identified in the case, which was tied to at least one campaign, that of Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo. Four ACORN workers were indicted in the case.

Also in 2006, four part-time ACORN employees were indicted in Kansas City, Mo., for voter-registration fraud after being caught, fired and turned in by ACORN.

In January 2005, two Colorado ACORN workers were sentenced to community service for submitting false voter registrations.

In Ohio in 2004, four ACORN employees were indicted by a federal grand jury for submitting false voter-registration forms.

ACORN has been accused in multiple other voter fraud cases in other states. Some investigations are still pending.

ACORN has been accused of financial improprieties.

The New York Times last month quoted ACORN officials admitting Dale Rathke, brother of ACORN founder Wade Rathke, embezzled nearly $1 million from ACORN and affiliated charitable organizations in 1999 and 2000. A small group of executives decided to keep the information from almost all of the group's board members and not to alert law enforcement, the Times reported.

ACORN is organized into more than 850 neighborhood chapters in over 100 cities across the United States, as well as in Argentina, Canada, Mexico and Peru. The organization was born out of the American civil rights movement of the 1960s.

ACORN strongly lobbies for gun control, leftist education policies, and the regulation of banks, targeting the lending practices of major financial institutions it sees as "predatory." It has a strong anti-capitalism agenda.

National Review Online writer Kurtz wrote the organization's primary goals are "municipal 'living wage' laws targeting 'big-box' stores like Wal-Mart, rolling back welfare reform, and regulating banks – efforts styled as combating 'predatory lending.'"

Sol Stern of the City Journal, who also wrote an extensive piece on ACORN, stated the group's "radical agenda" occasionally broke through to "undisguised authoritarian socialism."

He wrote ACORN works to drive big businesses out of cities and force companies that want to move to obtain "exit visas."

Intrusive, radical protest tactics

ACORN protests have turned violent, at times as soon as the rallies began. Some protests disrupted Federal Reserve hearings and busted into closed city council meetings.

Stern noted that in 2003 Baltimore ACORN underlings piled garbage in front of City Hall to protest lack of services in poor neighborhoods, wielded huge inflated rubber sharks to disrupt a bankers' dinner, and even staged a profanity-laced protest in front of the home of the city's mayor, Martin O'Malley.

"They unloaded a busload of people shouting pretty ugly things and scared the daylights out of my wife and kids," O'Malley told the Baltimore Sun. "I thought it was a pretty cruddy thing to do."
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 13, 2008, 10:34:18 AM
Obama website lies about ACORN ties
Campaign tries to distance senator from group convicted of voter fraud
Posted: October 12, 2008
By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

JERUSALEM – Sen. Barack Obama's campaign is misleading the public regarding the presidential candidate's ties to a radical leftist organization that has admitted to major financial improprieties and has been convicted in numerous, massive voter fraud scandals.

Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign Friday stepped up its efforts to draw attention to Obama's alleged relationship with ACORN, or the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, holding a conference call in which McCain spokesman Rick Davis accused Obama of making "very inconsistent remarks about what his relationship with this organization is."

In response to the increased focus on ACORN, the Obama campaign last week claimed on its "Fight the Smears" website the presidential candidate was "never an ACORN community organizer; ACORN never hired Obama as a trainer, organizer, or any type of employee; ACORN was not part of Project Vote, the successful voter registration drive Barack ran in 1992."

But these blanket statements are false and misleading.

In 1992, Obama was director of Project Vote in Chicago, which helped register 150,000 voters on the city's South Side. Obama's successful work was credited in multiple media reports with helping to elect Democratic Senator Carol Moseley Braun.

Obama's campaign claims ACORN was "not part of" Project Vote, but the organization's incorporation papers, obtained by WND, show Project Vote is a trademark name whose parent company is registered at the same New Orleans address in which ACORN and multiple ACORN affiliates are housed.

Obama himself previously connected Project Vote to ACORN.

"I've been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drives in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work," Obama was quoted on his own campaign website as saying at an ACORN meeting, according to a post by official Obama website blogger Sam Graham-Felsen.

Clarifying the role of ACORN in Project Vote, Obama Spokesman Ben LaBolt told the New York Times this weekend Project Vote and ACORN were not as intertwined in 1992 as they are today, when a significant part of Project Vote’s revenues flow to ACORN and various of its affiliates as payment for services.

But LaBolt's statement, which admits Project Vote and ACORN was intertwined on some level while Obama was director directly contradicts the Obama campaign's "Fact Check" claim that ACORN was "not part" of Project Vote.

In a misleading statement, Obama's site claims "ACORN never hired Obama as a trainer, organizer, or any type of employee," but it fails to mention Obama was an unpaid ACORN trainer, as WND first reported in August.

Lewis Goldberg, a spokesman for ACORN, confirmed Obama conducted two hour-long leadership training sessions for his organization in the late 1990s and said Obama was not paid for the work.

Obama has deep ties to ACORN, including with Ayers

Although Obama has been downplaying his relationship with ACORN, the presidential candidate has deep-seated ties to the radical group.

ACORN is very active in Obama's native Chicago, where in 1997, some 200 members attempted to storm a City Hall meeting, resulting in six members being arrested, including Madeleine Talbot, ACORN's Chicago director.

In the early 1990's Talbot invited Obama to help train ACORN activists.

Obama and other Chicago attorneys won a 1995 suit on behalf of ACORN, forcing the state of Illinois to implement the federal "motor-voter" bill.

While Obama served on the board of the Woods Fund, a Chicago nonprofit, it channeled millions of dollars to ACORN and affiliated groups.

Obama was a director of the Woods Fund board from 1999 to Dec. 11, 2002, according to the Fund's website. According to tax filings, Obama received compensation of $6,000 per year for his service in 1999 and 2000.

He served on the Fund alongside William C. Ayers, an unrepentant member of the Weathermen terrorist group which sought to overthrow of the U.S. government and took responsibility for bombing the U.S. Capitol in 1971.

Obama actively sought and received the endorsement by ACORN for his local campaigns.

In the Social Policy Journal, Toni Foulkes, a Chicago ACORN leader, documents what he terms Obama's "long service" with ACORN, which he said led many of the organization's members to help in voter campaigns for Obama's early Chicago campaigns.

Foulkes said Obama and ACORN were "old friends."

As a state senator, Obama touted many of ACORN's lines.

National Review Online writer Stanley Kurtz, who conducted a thorough review of ACORN, wrote, "Sure enough, a bit of digging into Obama's years in the Illinois State Senate indicates strong concern with Acorn's signature issues, as well as meetings with Acorn and the introduction by Obama of Acorn-friendly legislation on the living wage and banking practices."

ACORN endorsed Obama's presidential campaign, an endorsement touted on Obama's official website.

"What it came down to was that Senator Obama is the candidate who best understands and can affect change on the issues ACORN cares about like stopping foreclosures, enacting fair and comprehensive immigration reform, and building stronger and safer communities across America," said ACORN's Maude Hurd of the group's Obama endorsement.

Campaign pays ACORN affiliate

WND reported in August Obama's campaign paid more than $800,000 in services to Citizen Services Inc. (CSI), a nonprofit organization that is an offshoot of ACORN.

According to Federal Election Commission records reviewed by the Tribune-Review, the Obama campaign paid CSI $832,598.29, from Feb. 25 to May 17, including $564,342.21 for "stage, lighting and sound." The payments stood out since CSI does not offer services for stage, lighting or sound.

Get "The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Obama's War on American Values"

Farrakhan suggested he would keep a low profile in the campaign, despite his enthusiasm for Obama.

The Obama campaign amended the FEC reports in August and September to claim the payments to CSI were for get-out-the-vote efforts.

McCain spokesman Davis charged the original FEC filing was an effort to "hide the fact" money was paid to ACORN, while FEC officials told the media amended filings are common in major campaigns, including fort large sums of money.

'ACORN may skew PA vote,' election integrity in doubt across country

Last Friday former state Supreme Court Justice Sandra Newman, a Republican, said at a news conference she has no confidence in the integrity of the electoral process in Pennsylvania as a result of what she termed the extensive voter registration effort by ACORN.

"[There is] potential of massive voter fraud. ...I am not confident we can get a fair election" on Nov. 4, said Newman, who retired from the court in 2006.

Gleason announced ACORN and other groups had submitted 252,595 voter registrations in Philadelphia, of which 57,435 were rejected, most of them submitted by ACORN. She said the registrations had faulty Social Security numbers, incorrect dates of birth, "clearly fraudulent" signatures, addresses that did not exist and duplicate registrations.

Other key areas in PA had similar problems, Newman said.

A CBS news investigation showed similar problems across the nation.

The news organization said it talked to nearly two dozen ACORN workers who all said they were pressured to increase their number of registration cards to the point of copying names out of phone books, signing up inmates, and registering the dead.

"Whether simple error or outright fraud, the charges surrounding ACORN are already raising doubts about the integrity of the upcoming election in key parts of the country," the CBS investigation concluded.

Group promoting Obama has history of major voter fraud

Last July, ACORN settled what was described by the Washington Secretary of State as the "largest case of voter fraud in the state's history." Government prosecutors had filed felony charges against seven ACORN workers, who ended up receiving jail time.

Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Stephen Hobbs said in the case the workers had admitted filling out registration forms with names they found in phone books. The ACORN canvassers filled out the forms while sitting around a table at the downtown Seattle Public Library, Hobbs said.

ACORN was also investigated in 2006 for submitting false voter registrations in St. Louis. Nearly 1,500 fraudulent voter registrations were identified in the case, which was tied to at least one campaign, that of Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo. Four ACORN workers were indicted in the case.

Also in 2006, four part-time ACORN employees were indicted in Kansas City, Mo., for voter-registration fraud after being caught, fired and turned in by ACORN.

In January 2005, two Colorado ACORN workers were sentenced to community service for submitting false voter registrations.

In Ohio in 2004, four ACORN employees were indicted by a federal grand jury for submitting false voter-registration forms.

ACORN has been accused in multiple other voter fraud cases in other states. Some investigations are still pending.

ACORN has been accused of financial improprieties.

The New York Times last month quoted ACORN officials admitting Dale Rathke, brother of ACORN founder Wade Rathke, embezzled nearly $1 million from ACORN and affiliated charitable organizations in 1999 and 2000. A small group of executives decided to keep the information from almost all of the group's board members and not to alert law enforcement, the Times reported.

ACORN is organized into more than 850 neighborhood chapters in over 100 cities across the United States, as well as in Argentina, Canada, Mexico and Peru. The organization was born out of the American civil rights movement of the 1960s.

ACORN strongly lobbies for gun control, leftist education policies, and the regulation of banks, targeting the lending practices of major financial institutions it sees as "predatory." It has a strong anti-capitalism agenda.

National Review Online writer Kurtz wrote the organization's primary goals are "municipal 'living wage' laws targeting 'big-box' stores like Wal-Mart, rolling back welfare reform, and regulating banks – efforts styled as combating 'predatory lending.'"

Sol Stern of the City Journal, who also wrote an extensive piece on ACORN, stated the group's "radical agenda" occasionally broke through to "undisguised authoritarian socialism."

He wrote ACORN works to drive big businesses out of cities and force companies that want to move to obtain "exit visas."

Intrusive, radical protest tactics

ACORN protests have turned violent, at times as soon as the rallies began. Some protests disrupted Federal Reserve hearings and busted into closed city council meetings.

Stern noted that in 2003 Baltimore ACORN underlings piled garbage in front of City Hall to protest lack of services in poor neighborhoods, wielded huge inflated rubber sharks to disrupt a bankers' dinner, and even staged a profanity-laced protest in front of the home of the city's mayor, Martin O'Malley.

"They unloaded a busload of people shouting pretty ugly things and scared the daylights out of my wife and kids," O'Malley told the Baltimore Sun. "I thought it was a pretty cruddy thing to do."

This is who Obama used to work for as a lawyer.  This is the group he gave 800k to this year. 

The cultists ignore this fact and the other disgusting things about this sleeper cell candidate.  ACORN is committing mass vote fraud for Obama and there will be people going to jail over this.

In Indianopolis alone they have 105% of the voters registered to vote and over 50,000 registrations were immediately discounted as fraud by ACORN people.

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: jimijimi on October 13, 2008, 10:59:56 AM
They need to get rid of ACORN and Obama, scamming  cheating bastards that's the only way he will win.
People say there going to vote for Obama but how many will when it comes down to it??
There's been some talk about that, but you can bet 99% of blacks will vote for him because he's considered black and most of them could care less about the issues, and it's funny that most of them never voted on any other race untill this one. Why because a black is running for office.
Just wait and see what happens if he's elected, they'll be dancing in the streets.
They were all for H.Clinton in the begaining, why did they switch over Hmm.

Not being a racist it's just facts and the way it is...................... ........................ ........................ ..
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: y19mike77 on October 14, 2008, 06:36:18 AM
I find so funny that Obama supporters keep saying he is going to bring change to the white house.
He is as dirty and crooked as anyone in the white house (if not more so).

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: LurkerNoMore on October 14, 2008, 06:41:17 AM
Meanwhile.... Obama's lead over McSame continues to grow bigger.

Instead of whining over and over about Obama - which if you can't get over it, it is going to be a lonnnnggg 8 years for you - why not whine about how the GOP couldn't field a decent candidate to beat the lying cheating half breed "muslin" that is currently making plans for a change of address to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Colossus_500 on October 14, 2008, 06:52:31 AM
I find so funny that Obama supporters keep saying he is going to bring change to the white house.
He is as dirty and crooked as anyone in the white house (if not more so).

True Dat!
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 14, 2008, 07:51:02 AM
Meanwhile.... Obama's lead over McSame continues to grow bigger.

Instead of whining over and over about Obama - which if you can't get over it, it is going to be a lonnnnggg 8 years for you - why not whine about how the GOP couldn't field a decent candidate to beat the lying cheating half breed "muslin" that is currently making plans for a change of address to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

I wanted Romney myself.

I am voting for McCain simply because ZERO is unthinkable on every level. 

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: shootfighter1 on October 14, 2008, 07:55:13 AM
Neuro, that is absolutely not the same relationship.  McCain spoke about immigration and ACORN was on the list of co-sponcers.  Not in the same league.  Poor comparison.

ACORN is very corrupt and needs dispanding...or at least no further tax dollars to support them.  Is there a petition to stop giving tax dollars to ACORN somewhere?
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: shootfighter1 on October 14, 2008, 07:55:58 AM
Yes, McCain is not the best person.  Romney would have been much better oposition to Obama IMO.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: LurkerNoMore on October 14, 2008, 08:01:09 AM
McCain had my vote until he put that idiot Palin on the ticket.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 14, 2008, 08:10:17 AM
Yes, McCain is not the best person.  Romney would have been much better oposition to Obama IMO.

I have to say, I truly like Palin, she is a fighter and has guts.

McCain has truly dropped the ball not attacking on Rev. Wright, Ayeres, Rezko, Odinga - all making Obama not someone who happens to know these people, but someone who agrees with them and in fact seeks these radicals out himself.

McCain seems like he has Stokholm Syndrome and refuses to attack this clown where he is most vulnerable.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Colossus_500 on October 14, 2008, 08:17:06 AM
I wasn't a McCain fan at all until after the Saddleback Forum.  I was starting to tune in to him more, and after he selected Palin I was thrilled.  Just what is needed.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: LurkerNoMore on October 14, 2008, 08:46:22 AM
I wasn't a McCain fan at all until after the Saddleback Forum.  I was starting to tune in to him more, and after he selected Palin I was thrilled.  Just what is needed.

To lose.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Option D on October 14, 2008, 10:29:04 AM

ACORN to McCain: Have You Lost That Loving Feeling?
October 13, 2008

Senator Allied with ACORN as Recently as 2006, Now Turns Cold Shoulder

October 13, 2008, Miami, FL - U.S. Senator John McCain's recent attacks on the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) are puzzling given his historic support for the organization and its efforts on behalf of immigrant Americans. As recently as February 20, 2006, Senator McCain was the keynote speaker at an ACORN-sponsored Immigration Rally in Miami, Florida at Miami Dade College – Wolfson Campus.

The rally, co-sponsored by ACORN in partnership with the New American Opportunity campaign (NAOC), Catholic League Services – Archdiocese of Miami, Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center, Florida Immigrant Coalition, Miami Dade College, People for the American Way/Mi Familia/Vota en Accion, the Service Employees International Union, and UNITE/HERE, was intended to call attention to the need for comprehensive immigration reform.

Senator McCain spoke at the rally attended by hundreds of ACORN members, most of whom were dressed in the red shirts typical of its members. Senator McCain's speech focused on the Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act, a bipartisan, comprehensive reform bill, which McCain sponsored with Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA).
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: y19mike77 on October 14, 2008, 10:35:40 AM
Comparing McCain's relationship to Obama's with Acorn is laughable.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 14, 2008, 12:15:56 PM
This whole ACORN meme is nothing but a right wing talking point that ha N. TEETH. WHATSOEVER.

ACORN the organization has never been convicted of anything. A handful of individual employees have and this is almost always as a result of ACORN officials notifying the proper authorities.

There have been several cases of fraudulent voter registrations being turned in but that is because BY LAW, ACORN MUST TURN IN ALL VOTER REGISTRATIONS.  So if you flill out a regisstration with them on the street, and you claim to be  Bill Gates and they know that you aren't Billl Gates, they still have to turn it in. They always flag these false registrations but .

There is no scandal here because these false registrations can't be used to vote. If someone trhidyrtd to vote more than once, that does not mean they can vote more than once.

There is neither smoke nor fire here.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 14, 2008, 12:18:26 PM
This whole ACORN meme is nothing but a right wing talking point that ha N. TEETH. WHATSOEVER.

ACORN the organization has never been convicted of anything. A handful of individual employees have and this is almost always as a result of ACORN officials notifying the proper authorities.

There have been several cases of fraudulent voter registrations being turned in but that is because BY LAW, ACORN MUST TURN IN ALL VOTER REGISTRATIONS.  So if you flill out a regisstration with them on the street, and you claim to be  Bill Gates and they know that you aren't Billl Gates, they still have to turn it in. They always flag these false registrations but .

There is no scandal here because these false registrations can't be used to vote. If someone trhidyrtd to vote more than once, that does not mean they can vote more than once.

There is neither smoke nor fire here.

Another cultist of the lord messiah chipes in.  Only a liberal could justify registering people 73 times to vote in exchange for cash and cigs.  ACORN should be disbanded immediately for fraud. 
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 14, 2008, 12:48:59 PM

Another cultist of the lord messiah chipes in.  Only a liberal could justify registering people 73 times to vote in exchange for cash and cigs.  ACORN should be disbanded immediately for fraud. 

This case is atypical and actually shows just how effective ACORN's checks worked. In this case (which if you were honest, you'd admit was an anomaly), the man provided the same information on each registration and they were flagged.

The man in question claims that over an 18-month period he gathered $10-$15 in cash and anywhere from 10 to 20 cigarettes.  He never made claimed that he was coerced into voting for Obama.

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: y19mike77 on October 14, 2008, 01:29:51 PM
Liberals can justify anything its really sad.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: shootfighter1 on October 14, 2008, 01:55:52 PM
If ACORN employees are out of line (and its widespread in this election) then the parent company is responsible!  Thats great that some are being turned in...what about the rest?
Its an ultra liberal organization that cannot separate its duties from a political agenda, period.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 14, 2008, 02:04:32 PM
If ACORN employees are out of line (and its widespread in this election) then the parent company is responsible!  Thats great that some are being turned in...what about the rest?
Its an ultra liberal organization that cannot separate its duties from a political agenda, period.

The problem is no more widespread in this election than it has been in previous elections. The right has been overexaggerating the problem for at least the last three election cycles. There are always reports of hundreds of thousands of fraudulent registrations and it always boils down to a few hundred registrations that were flagged by ACORN officials themselves. As I said earlier, even when ACORN workers are aware of  a registration being false, they are legally obligated to turn it in. 

A parent company's responsibility  is to deal with problem workers and by most reasonable accounts acorn has done that. All of the legal action brought against acorn employees was initiated by notification from acorn and they have been cooperative in the handful of cases that were brought forward.

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: IFBBwannaB on October 14, 2008, 02:35:12 PM

Who want to place a bet, I'm saying that in a few months when they finish checking recent Acorn shit they will look at the times that Hussein worked and was an active part in registering voters...and guess what we'll find...even worse...I bet that we will find it started when he came into Acorn, its fits his everything and fuck anyone just to get ahead.

Remember this bet people  :-*
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Option D on October 14, 2008, 02:38:16 PM

Who want to place a bet, I'm saying that in a few months when they finish checking recent Acorn shit they will look at the times that Hussein worked and was an active part in registering voters...and guess what we'll find...even worse...I bet that we will find it started when he came into Acorn, its fits his everything and fuck anyone just to get ahead.

Remember this bet people  :-*

i thought sadam was dead..
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: IFBBwannaB on October 14, 2008, 02:42:34 PM
i thought sadam was dead..

His long lost cousin Obama Hussein Barrack is still with us though.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Option D on October 14, 2008, 02:45:02 PM
His long lost cousin Obama Hussein Barrack is still with us though.
Foreal. i thought his roots were white and kenyan. You have any proof of his kinship with Saddam.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: IFBBwannaB on October 14, 2008, 02:58:54 PM
Foreal. i thought his roots were white and kenyan. You have any proof of his kinship with Saddam.

You should copyright such great jokes  ::)
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 14, 2008, 03:08:08 PM
You should copyright such great jokes  ::)

You should write a book detailing your conspiracy theories.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Option D on October 14, 2008, 03:31:48 PM
You should copyright such great jokes  ::)
I'm simply asking you to reveal any sources that support your above statement about obama..
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: IFBBwannaB on October 14, 2008, 03:51:04 PM
You should write a book detailing your conspiracy theories.

It wasn't my conspiracy theory, I only used the man's name...its someone on your camp that want to understand it like that....for some reason everyone on camp change can't stand to hear his middle name.....great confidence in your presidential candidate ... you even deny his name... ::) :-\
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 14, 2008, 04:03:17 PM
It wasn't my conspiracy theory, I only used the man's name...its someone on your camp that want to understand it like that....for some reason everyone on camp change can't stand to hear his middle name.....great confidence in your presidential candidate ... you even deny his name... ::) :-\

I wasn't referring to your use of his middle name. I was referring to so many of your other posts...your bet about him being behind the allegations of voter fraud just being the most recent.

The reason that your theory makes no sense is that the allegations are essentially nothing more than Republican talking points. Multiple voter registrations don't equal multiple votes.  The people vilifying ACORN right now are  pretty much all republicans. They know damned well that there is no widespread voter fraud linked to ACORN. As a matter of fact, it's pretty common knowledge that during the last election, even after ACORN flagged false registrations, districts run by republicans processed many of them simply to create a media maelstrom when they were flagged later.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: George Whorewell on October 14, 2008, 04:36:35 PM
The Bush administration is framing Obama by producing fake evidence he has ties to Acorn. When will you people wake up?
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: IFBBwannaB on October 14, 2008, 07:33:21 PM
I wasn't referring to your use of his middle name. I was referring to so many of your other posts...your bet about him being behind the allegations of voter fraud just being the most recent.

The reason that your theory makes no sense is that the allegations are essentially nothing more than Republican talking points. Multiple voter registrations don't equal multiple votes.  The people vilifying ACORN right now are  pretty much all republicans. They know damned well that there is no widespread voter fraud linked to ACORN. As a matter of fact, it's pretty common knowledge that during the last election, even after ACORN flagged false registrations, districts run by republicans processed many of them simply to create a media maelstrom when they were flagged later.

Well I actually saw some of the people that came to testify its far from being some Republican allegation.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: shootfighter1 on October 15, 2008, 10:05:06 AM
To deny that ACORN employees are committing voter registration fraud is purely partisan blindness at this point.  I agree that the false registrations may not turn into actual votes...but its still a problem.

The issue is that a dishonest, partisan (or at least poorly organized) organization like ACORN should not be receiving any federal, state or local tax contributions.

ACORN must stop paying their employees by # of registrants signed.  They also must screen their employees better and instruct them on following rules.  Wonder if they have a drug free workplace with pre-employment drug screens and random pools.  That often helps weed out some of the wacko employees.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: IFBBwannaB on October 15, 2008, 10:16:08 AM
To deny that ACORN employees are committing voter registration fraud is purely partisan blindness at this point.  I agree that the false registrations may not turn into actual votes...but its still a problem.

The issue is that a dishonest, partisan (or at least poorly organized) organization like ACORN should not be receiving any federal, state or local tax contributions.

ACORN must stop paying their employees by # of registrants signed.  They also must screen their employees better and instruct them on following rules.  Wonder if they have a drug free workplace with pre-employment drug screens and random pools.  That often helps weed out some of the wacko employees.

Vote registration fraud is the first part, the second is to find the states or even specific voting spots that are weak spots and send there people to fake votes.

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: nycbull on October 15, 2008, 10:17:41 AM
Stern noted that in 2003 Baltimore ACORN underlings piled garbage in front of City Hall to protest lack of services in poor neighborhoods, wielded huge inflated rubber sharks to disrupt a bankers' dinner, and even staged a profanity-laced protest in front of the home of the city's mayor, Martin O'Malley.

big fucking deal!!!!, that is what protest looks like, that is as American as apple pie...We used to have protests like that every week in NYC, now because of facist republican mayor there are no protest in NYC.  

How mushed brain can Republicans be getting.  What a bunch of pussies.  They are mad because the protests are interrupting their shopping ...poor babies.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 15, 2008, 11:58:16 AM
Stern noted that in 2003 Baltimore ACORN underlings piled garbage in front of City Hall to protest lack of services in poor neighborhoods, wielded huge inflated rubber sharks to disrupt a bankers' dinner, and even staged a profanity-laced protest in front of the home of the city's mayor, Martin O'Malley.

big fucking deal!!!!, that is what protest looks like, that is as American as apple pie...We used to have protests like that every week in NYC, now because of facist republican mayor there are no protest in NYC.  

How mushed brain can Republicans be getting.  What a bunch of pussies.  They are mad because the protests are interrupting their shopping ...poor babies.

Bloomberg is a lifelong DemocRAT who turned GOP just to run for mayor.

ACORN is fraudulent organization and deserves to be disbanded and defunded immediately.

They are creating chaos in the election system and know that the poll workers simply cannot process all these registrations in time for the election and hope that many of these fraudulent apps fall through the cracks.

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 17, 2008, 11:11:23 AM
Bloomberg is a lifelong DemocRAT who turned GOP just to run for mayor.

ACORN is fraudulent organization and deserves to be disbanded and defunded immediately.

They are creating chaos in the election system and know that the poll workers simply cannot process all these registrations in time for the election and hope that many of these fraudulent apps fall through the cracks.

You're being played for a fool by the Rovian machine.

ACORN has been around for about 40 years endeavoring to help make public schools better, ensure a livable wage for the working poor and the like and they do this by getting people out to vote for like-minded candidates.

(Sidenote:  you just can't keep these vile poor people down....first they cause the subprime mortgage meltdown and now this)

First of all it's not their fault that Republicans of the last 30 years serve ONLY elite interests.

Second, this whole 'scandal' is bullshit b/c the right wingers are screaming VOTER FRAUD b/c some voter registrations have turned up with Tony Romo or Mickey Mouse on the form.

So what do these rightwingers propose?  Wholesale scrubbing of voter registration ala 2000 Florida.

Does everyone see that?  That's how Bush stole Florida.  STatewide scrubbing of newly registered voters.

Why is that bullshit?

B/c is Mickey Mouse or Tony Romo going to show up with identification to vote under the false voter registration?  No.  That's foolish.

Remember when the Bush administration fired the Attorney Generals who would not pursue vote fraud allegations against Democrats?  Remember that scandal?  Do you see now how this stuff is starting to come together as a conspiratorial strategy for election fraud?

This, my friends, is how the Modern Day Righth Wing faction of the Republican party executes ELECTION FRAUD.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 17, 2008, 11:22:33 AM
FBI probes ACORN over voter registrations
Federal authorities are trying to determine whether ACORN encouraged fake voter registrations in several states.
WASHINGTON -- A day after John McCain charged that the liberal-leaning voter registration group ACORN ''may be perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history,'' it was disclosed Thursday that the FBI is investigating whether the group coordinated the filing of phony applications.

Details of the inquiry weren't readily available. McClatchy confirmed an Associated Press report disclosing the investigation and learned that the FBI was attempting to determine if ACORN systematically encouraged the creation of fake voter registrations in several states.

Executive Director Michael Slater of Project Vote, which funds ACORN and represents it in legal matters, said the group has yet to be informed of any national investigation but would cooperate. Slater said that any suggestion that ACORN was orchestrating voter fraud was ``absolutely false.''

For years, ACORN has been a force in registering mostly younger, lower-income minorities to vote. So far this year, the group has registered 1.3 million new voters.


Because those new voters often support Democrats, Republicans have targeted ACORN and accused organizers of trying to undermine elections. Under former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, U.S. attorneys were encouraged to bring voter-fraud cases, mostly against Democrats, and some prosecutors who balked were fired.

Project Vote's Slater said the timing of the investigation was ''highly suspicious'' because it was so close to the election.

''We knew this was coming,'' Slater told McClatchy. ``We saw in 2004 that we were attacked by Republican interests, and law enforcement was politicized to go after us. We saw civil suits and organizations created whose specific purpose was to demonize ACORN.''


According to Slater, ACORN has alerted authorities on a daily basis since late last year whenever internal reviews found that canvassers had submitted suspicious application forms.

Slater said that 1,187 packages, each containing a registration worker's daily collection of as many as 18 forms, have been flagged by county election officials as ``potentially bogus.''

He also estimated that about 1 percent of ACORN's nationwide registration applications -- some 13,000 forms -- could contain fictitious names or addresses. In addition, as many as 25 percent may be duplicates.

County officials review each registration application and reject all duplicates.

To affect an election tally, someone would have to vote in the name of the fictitious registrant, which is a felony.

ACORN officials said that most phony submissions came from canvassers who were trying to get paid without actually finding citizens who wanted to register to vote.

They simply filled out the forms using names from the phone book, fictitious names or, in one case, ``Mickey Mouse.''

ACORN is bound by laws in most of the 21 states where it's been active to turn in all new registration applications, even suspicious ones, and the group follows that policy everywhere, spokesman Scott Levenson said.

Law-enforcement agencies in 11 states have been investigating former ACORN canvassers -- investigations that have involved the FBI in Nevada and New Mexico.

During Wednesday night's final presidential campaign debate, McCain pressed Democratic rival Barack Obama to explain his ties to ACORN, which he said ``may be destroying the fabric of democracy.''

Earlier, Republican Sen. George Voinovich of Ohio sent a letter asking Attorney General Michael Mukasey to order an investigation of whether ACORN was committing voter registration fraud in an organized way.


The Ohio Republican Party is in a court battle with Democratic Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner over potential election fraud. The Republicans won a federal appeals court order demanding that Brunner turn over to county election officials by Friday the names of about 200,000 new registrants whose personal information did not exactly match state drivers' license or Social Security data.

Any discrepancies, no matter how small, could be used to challenge the eligibility of those Ohioans to vote. Brunner filed an emergency appeal to the Supreme Court.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 17, 2008, 11:28:36 AM
FBI probes ACORN over voter registrations
Federal authorities are trying to determine whether ACORN encouraged fake voter registrations in several states.
WASHINGTON -- A day after John McCain charged that the liberal-leaning voter registration group ACORN ''may be perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history,'' it was disclosed Thursday that the FBI is investigating whether the group coordinated the filing of phony applications.

Details of the inquiry weren't readily available. McClatchy confirmed an Associated Press report disclosing the investigation and learned that the FBI was attempting to determine if ACORN systematically encouraged the creation of fake voter registrations in several states.

Executive Director Michael Slater of Project Vote, which funds ACORN and represents it in legal matters, said the group has yet to be informed of any national investigation but would cooperate. Slater said that any suggestion that ACORN was orchestrating voter fraud was ``absolutely false.''

For years, ACORN has been a force in registering mostly younger, lower-income minorities to vote. So far this year, the group has registered 1.3 million new voters.


Because those new voters often support Democrats, Republicans have targeted ACORN and accused organizers of trying to undermine elections. Under former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, U.S. attorneys were encouraged to bring voter-fraud cases, mostly against Democrats, and some prosecutors who balked were fired.

Project Vote's Slater said the timing of the investigation was ''highly suspicious'' because it was so close to the election.

''We knew this was coming,'' Slater told McClatchy. ``We saw in 2004 that we were attacked by Republican interests, and law enforcement was politicized to go after us. We saw civil suits and organizations created whose specific purpose was to demonize ACORN.''


According to Slater, ACORN has alerted authorities on a daily basis since late last year whenever internal reviews found that canvassers had submitted suspicious application forms.

Slater said that 1,187 packages, each containing a registration worker's daily collection of as many as 18 forms, have been flagged by county election officials as ``potentially bogus.''

He also estimated that about 1 percent of ACORN's nationwide registration applications -- some 13,000 forms -- could contain fictitious names or addresses. In addition, as many as 25 percent may be duplicates.

County officials review each registration application and reject all duplicates.

To affect an election tally, someone would have to vote in the name of the fictitious registrant, which is a felony.

ACORN officials said that most phony submissions came from canvassers who were trying to get paid without actually finding citizens who wanted to register to vote.

They simply filled out the forms using names from the phone book, fictitious names or, in one case, ``Mickey Mouse.''

ACORN is bound by laws in most of the 21 states where it's been active to turn in all new registration applications, even suspicious ones, and the group follows that policy everywhere, spokesman Scott Levenson said.

Law-enforcement agencies in 11 states have been investigating former ACORN canvassers -- investigations that have involved the FBI in Nevada and New Mexico.

During Wednesday night's final presidential campaign debate, McCain pressed Democratic rival Barack Obama to explain his ties to ACORN, which he said ``may be destroying the fabric of democracy.''

Earlier, Republican Sen. George Voinovich of Ohio sent a letter asking Attorney General Michael Mukasey to order an investigation of whether ACORN was committing voter registration fraud in an organized way.


The Ohio Republican Party is in a court battle with Democratic Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner over potential election fraud. The Republicans won a federal appeals court order demanding that Brunner turn over to county election officials by Friday the names of about 200,000 new registrants whose personal information did not exactly match state drivers' license or Social Security data.

Any discrepancies, no matter how small, could be used to challenge the eligibility of those Ohioans to vote. Brunner filed an emergency appeal to the Supreme Court.
What a waste of police resources.

Why doesn't the FBI just arrest Mickey Mouse when he shows up to vote in multiple districts under the false voter registration?
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 17, 2008, 11:30:48 AM
That's sort of like arresting the drug user instead of the dealer. 
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 17, 2008, 11:41:21 AM
That's sort of like arresting the drug user instead of the dealer. 
How so?

Anybody can forge false voter registration.  In fact, if ACORN's mission is to increase voter turnout at the polls to get laws passed that benefit the poor, what does it gain by turning in false voter registration forms?  Where's the logic Beach Bum?  What does ACORN stand to gain through these alleged actions?
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Fury on October 17, 2008, 11:56:20 AM
You're being played for a fool by the Rovian machine.

ACORN has been around for about 40 years endeavoring to help make public schools better, ensure a livable wage for the working poor and the like and they do this by getting people out to vote for like-minded candidates.

(Sidenote:  you just can't keep these vile poor people down....first they cause the subprime mortgage meltdown and now this)

First of all it's not their fault that Republicans of the last 30 years serve ONLY elite interests.

Second, this whole 'scandal' is bullshit b/c the right wingers are screaming VOTER FRAUD b/c some voter registrations have turned up with Tony Romo or Mickey Mouse on the form.

So what do these rightwingers propose?  Wholesale scrubbing of voter registration ala 2000 Florida.

Does everyone see that?  That's how Bush stole Florida.  STatewide scrubbing of newly registered voters.

Why is that bullshit?

B/c is Mickey Mouse or Tony Romo going to show up with identification to vote under the false voter registration?  No.  That's foolish.

Remember when the Bush administration fired the Attorney Generals who would not pursue vote fraud allegations against Democrats?  Remember that scandal?  Do you see now how this stuff is starting to come together as a conspiratorial strategy for election fraud?

This, my friends, is how the Modern Day Righth Wing faction of the Republican party executes ELECTION FRAUD.

Are you seriously justifying this bullshit? Man, you are a hypocrite. You would be slobbering all over Bush's nuts if it turned out the Repubs were doing this. Get off your democratic high horse, it's sad.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 17, 2008, 12:02:37 PM
Are you seriously justifying this bullshit? Man, you are a hypocrite. You would be slobbering all over Bush's nuts if it turned out the Repubs were doing this. Get off your democratic high horse, it's sad.
Do you have some preoccupation with male genitalia?

It's your business...but I have to point out that every time I read one of your posts, your phrasing involves balls, cocks, cum, and/or anal gratification.

But back to you Eldon, can you answer the question, What does ACORN stand to gain from its alleged voter fraud?
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 17, 2008, 12:08:20 PM
How so?

Anybody can forge false voter registration.  In fact, if ACORN's mission is to increase voter turnout at the polls to get laws passed that benefit the poor, what does it gain by turning in false voter registration forms?  Where's the logic Beach Bum?  What does ACORN stand to gain through these alleged actions?

ACORN is enabling people to commit voter fraud.  They're actually soliciting people to commit fraud.  Without a group like ACORN you'd have fewer fraudulent voters.  ACORN is the dealer and the voters are the users.   

ACORN isn't trying to increase voter registration.  They're mission is to get voters who will support their candidate.   
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Fury on October 17, 2008, 12:10:43 PM
Do you have some preoccupation with male genitalia?

It's your business...but I have to point out that every time I read one of your posts, your phrasing involves balls, cocks, cum, and/or anal gratification.

But back to you Eldon, can you answer the question, What does ACORN stand to gain from its alleged voter fraud?

Well, coupled with the fact that their pushing Obama on everyone, registering not just one or two, but dozens upon dozens of suspicious voters, they stand to gain a lot. Too bad you're too blinded by your Democratic bullshit and hypocrisy to even look at it objectively. You're as big of a hypocrite as ol' Bushy boy.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 17, 2008, 12:15:03 PM
ACORN is enabling people to commit voter fraud.  They're actually soliciting people to commit fraud.  Without a group like ACORN you'd have fewer fraudulent voters.  ACORN is the dealer and the voters are the users.   

ACORN isn't trying to increase voter registration.  They're mission is to get voters who will support their candidate.   

How though?

If voters have to bring proof of ID, and they do, how does a false enrollment form do anything to affect the actual people voting?

Is Mickey Mouse going to show up and vote?

So ACORN is directing it's hireling to engage in active fraud?  I don't think so.  Do you know who these hirelings are?  Many are work release prisoners--incarcerated felons earning pennies on the hour to enroll new voters. 

How does any of that jibe with the Republican 'solution' of wholesale scrubbing of the voter rolls? 

What if you showed up to vote and found your name scrubbed from the roll b/c some republican erased the registration of a whole block of voters b/c several of the registration forms had the Rolling Stones named on them?  Sorry BEach Bum, no voting for you this year.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 17, 2008, 12:18:14 PM
Well, coupled with the fact that their pushing Obama on everyone, registering not just one or two, but dozens upon dozens of suspicious voters, they stand to gain a lot. Too bad you're too blinded by your Democratic bullshit and hypocrisy to even look at it objectively. You're as big of a hypocrite as ol' Bushy boy.
Voter registration is not voting.  Do you grasp that?

Wholesale Republican scrubbing of voter rolls hurts real voter turnout?  Do you grasp that?

Whomever is submitting Mickey Mouse as a registered voter is doing nothing to affect voter turnout.  Do you understand?

Wholesale republican scrubbing of the voter rolls really does lower voter turnout.  Do you see that?
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 17, 2008, 12:21:11 PM
How though?

If voters have to bring proof of ID, and they do, how does a false enrollment form do anything to affect the actual people voting?

Is Mickey Mouse going to show up and vote?

So ACORN is directing it's hireling to engage in active fraud?  I don't think so.  Do you know who these hirelings are?  Many are work release prisoners--incarcerated felons earning pennies on the hour to enroll new voters. 

How does any of that jibe with the Republican 'solution' of wholesale scrubbing of the voter rolls? 

What if you showed up to vote and found your name scrubbed from the roll b/c some republican erased the registration of a whole block of voters b/c several of the registration forms had the Rolling Stones named on them?  Sorry BEach Bum, no voting for you this year.

So what you're telling me is ACORN's voter registration fraud serves no purpose?  Why do you think they're doing it? 

Why is the FBI investigating them? 
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Fury on October 17, 2008, 12:27:33 PM
So what you're telling me is ACORN's voter registration fraud serves no purpose?  Why do you think they're doing it? 

Why is the FBI investigating them? 

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Colossus_500 on October 17, 2008, 12:28:00 PM
So what you're telling me is ACORN's voter registration fraud serves no purpose?  Why do you think they're doing it? 

Why is the FBI investigating them? 
In 12 of the 21 swing states no less!   >:(
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 17, 2008, 12:35:35 PM
Since none of you bothered to read it, here are the cliff notes from the article Beach Bum posted:

ACORN has alerted authorities on a daily basis since late last year whenever internal reviews found that canvassers had submitted suspicious application forms.

County officials review each registration application and reject all duplicates.

To affect an election tally, someone would have to vote in the name of the fictitious registrant, which is a felony.

ACORN is bound by laws in most of the 21 states where it's been active to turn in all new registration applications, even suspicious ones, and the group follows that policy everywhere,

There. The answers to all of your questions.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 17, 2008, 12:36:45 PM
So what you're telling me is ACORN's voter registration fraud serves no purpose?  Why do you think they're doing it? 

Why is the FBI investigating them? 
I am asking you, what does ACORN stand to gain by allegedly inflating the voter registration rolls with false identities?

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 17, 2008, 12:37:49 PM
Since none of you bothered to read it, here are the cliff notes from the article Beach Bum posted:

There. The answers to all of your questions.
You seem to be one of the few people who knows what's going on here. 
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 17, 2008, 12:42:21 PM
I am asking you, what does ACORN stand to gain by allegedly inflating the voter registration rolls with false identities?

Are you kidding?  They're Obama supporters.  Obama supports ACORN.  ACORN is trying to get fictitious voters to actually vote for Obama. 

Now I'm asking you again, why is the FBI investigating them? 
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 17, 2008, 12:48:08 PM
Are you kidding?  They're Obama supporters.  Obama supports ACORN.  ACORN is trying to get fictitious voters to actually vote for Obama. 

Now I'm asking you again, why is the FBI investigating them? 

Beach Bum, how can fictitious people vote for Obama?

They are fictitious.  Not real. 

Voters have to show an id before voting.

How do fictitious people show up to vote under the false registration?

I asked the question first, you answer, then I'll answer yours.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 17, 2008, 12:48:57 PM
So what you're telling me is ACORN's voter registration fraud serves no purpose?  Why do you think they're doing it? 

Why is the FBI investigating them? 

ACORN is intentionally trying to screw up the system by overwhelming the polls watchers and canvassing board.  They know not all of these fraudulent apps will get through, but if even a small portion in fact do, many districts will be affected.

Also, the pollsters use registrations numbers in their sampling of the polls.  That is why the polls are all screwed up and are wrong.  The polls are undersampling GOP voters based on these registrations in the hope that they depress the GOP voter turnout.  

ACORN needs to be prosecuted for RICO violations and aiding and abetting fraud.  

BTW - Obama gave them over 800k to GOTV.

BTW - the polls using likely voters, NOT registered voters, are quikly moving to McCain.

Anyone who thinks this election is over is terribly mistaken.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Colossus_500 on October 17, 2008, 12:49:20 PM
WOW!  :o :-\
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 17, 2008, 12:50:29 PM
ACORN is intentionally trying to screw up the system by overwhelming the polls watchers and canvassing board.  They know not all of these fraudulent apps will get through, but if even a small portion in fact do, many districts will be affected.

Also, the pollsters use registrations numbers in their sampling of the polls.  That is why the polls are all screwed up and are wrong.  The polls are undersampling GOP voters based on these registrations in the hope that they depress the GOP voter turnout.  

ACORN reports suspicious registrations to election officials. They are the most effective safe guard.

As Decker keeps pointing out, none of these false registrations mean shit without a voter with a fake id  willing to vote attached to them.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 17, 2008, 12:51:38 PM
ACORN is intentionally trying to screw up the system by overwhelming the polls watchers and canvassing board.  They know not all of these fraudulent apps will get through, but if even a small portion in fact do, many districts will be affected.

Also, the pollsters use registrations numbers in their sampling of the polls.  That is why the polls are all screwed up and are wrong.  The polls are undersampling GOP voters based on these registrations in the hope that they depress the GOP voter turnout.  

ACORN needs to be prosecuted for RICO violations and aiding and abetting fraud.  

BTW - Obama gave them over 800k to GOTV.

BTW - the polls using likely voters, NOT registered voters, are quikly moving to McCain.

Anyone who thinks this election is over is terribly mistaken.
Registered voters appear on a big print out.  The voter shows up with personal identification.  The id is checked off against the info on the voter roll.

Do you think Mickey Mouse will show up with his Identification to vote and that that ID will be cross referenced with his fake registration?
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 17, 2008, 12:53:27 PM
Beach Bum, how can fictitious people vote for Obama?

They are fictitious.  Not real. 

Voters have to show an id before voting.

How do fictitious people show up to vote under the false registration?

I asked the question first, you answer, then I'll answer yours.

Dude.  Every instance of identity fraud involves a fictitious person.  You have someone pretending to be someone they are not, or someone who does not exist.  They're obviously trying to use false names and have people show up to vote pretending to be someone else.  Stop acting like voter fraud has never happened.  

So I'll ask again, why is the FBI investigating them?    
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 17, 2008, 12:58:45 PM
Registered voters appear on a big print out.  The voter shows up with personal identification.  The id is checked off against the info on the voter roll.

Do you think Mickey Mouse will show up with his Identification to vote and that that ID will be cross referenced with his fake registration?

Ok, do you not read????????????

The pollsters use the number of registered voters in determining the weigthting of the polls are far as party goes.  When ACORN submits tons of demo registrations, the pollsters think that these are actual people and use that weighting in the poll.  Its gives a screwed up result since the turnout for every election is typically 37% R 37 D and rest inde.  

The polls thus far have been weighted heavily in favor of the Dems based on registered voters, not likely voters.  This has created the fasle illusion that Obama has a huge lead.  He does not.  This is a farse.

When the pollsters move to likely voters, as they are now, the polls arwe going to show this race close to a dead heat, like AP and gallop have it today.

ACORN wanted to help this by depressing GOP voters to stay home thinking this race was over.  Its not and even Obama knows it.  

BTW - not all areas require photo id.

Also, what a lot of these ACORN fraudsters do is register people to fake addresses, empty lots, etc etc.

They also get these people to submit a absentee ballot in one state and an actual vote in another state.

ACORN needs to be dragged into Federal court by the Feds since they are committing wholesale fraud and wasting the time of govt emplyoess by submitting knowingly false registrations.    
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 17, 2008, 01:01:50 PM
Dude.  Every instance of identity fraud involves a fictitious person.  You have someone pretending to be someone they are not, or someone who does not exist.  They're obviously trying to use false names and have people show up to vote pretending to be someone else.  Stop acting like voter fraud has never happened.  

So I'll ask again, why is the FBI investigating them?    

That's right, completely gloss over the requirement for personal identification before voting. 

This ACORN group is nefarious.  First they have work release prisoners falsify voter registrations, then they pay off un-named people to pretend they are Willy Wonka or Mickey Mouse, then they pay to have personal identification fabricated to 'verify' the false registration.

What a racket.

Do you really believe this or are you just pulling my leg on this stuff?

It is you and your republican brothers that are killing our democracy with your scrubbing of voter rolls.

Why is the FBI investigating this?  Probably b/c fraud is a crime subject to FBI jurisdiction.  I wasn't aware that a politically motivated investigation is a conviction.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 17, 2008, 01:04:05 PM

The pollsters use the number of registered voters in determining the weigthting of the polls are far as party goes.  

ACORN wanted to help this by depressing GOP voters to stay home thinking this race was over.  Its not and even Obama knows it.  

Also, what a lot of these ACORN fraudsters do is register people to fake addresses, empty lots, etc etc.

They also get these people to submit a absentee ballot in one state and an actual vote in another state.

ACORN needs to be dragged into Federal court by the Feds since they are committing wholesale fraud and wasting the time of govt emplyoess by submitting knowingly false registrations.    

Please provide a link to any news article alleging this. Even if its some right wing  site like Newsmax.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 17, 2008, 01:05:10 PM
That's right, completely gloss over the requirement for personal identification before voting. 

This ACORN group is nefarious.  First they have work release prisoners falsify voter registrations, then they pay off un-named people to pretend they are Willy Wonka or Mickey Mouse, then they pay to have personal identification fabricated to 'verify' the false registration.

What a racket.

Do you really believe this or are you just pulling my leg on this stuff?

It is you and your republican brothers that are killing our democracy with your scrubbing of voter rolls.

Why is the FBI investigating this?  Probably b/c fraud is a crime subject to FBI jurisdiction.  I wasn't aware that a politically motivated investigation is a conviction.

There are literally places now where acorn has submitted so many false registrations that there are 105 and 110% of the population registered to vote.

ACORN is commiting fraud, subborning perjury, and needs to be prosecuted.  They are wasting taxpayer money and wasting peoples' time in having to locate and verify these phantom registrations.

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 17, 2008, 01:05:25 PM
Ok, do you not read????????????

The pollsters use the number of registered voters in determining the weigthting of the polls are far as party goes.  When ACORN submits tons of demo registrations, the pollsters think that these are actual people and use that weighting in the poll.  Its gives a screwed up result since the turnout for every election is typically 37% R 37 D and rest inde.  

The polls thus far have been weighted heavily in favor of the Dems based on registered voters, not likely voters.  This has created the fasle illusion that Obama has a huge lead.  He does not.  This is a farse.

When the pollsters move to likely voters, as they are now, the polls arwe going to show this race close to a dead heat, like AP and gallop have it today.

ACORN wanted to help this by depressing GOP voters to stay home thinking this race was over.  Its not and even Obama knows it.  

BTW - not all areas require photo id.

Also, what a lot of these ACORN fraudsters do is register people to fake addresses, empty lots, etc etc.

They also get these people to submit a absentee ballot in one state and an actual vote in another state.

ACORN needs to be dragged into Federal court by the Feds since they are committing wholesale fraud and wasting the time of govt emplyoess by submitting knowingly false registrations.    
Who cares what the effect of polls are on an election.  Last time I checked, it was the province of the state and not Frank Luntz to protect voters.

Polling is irrelevant.  

I said nothing of photo IDs.  Proof of residence is required.

So do you believe the following:  (you must if you push this theory of yours)

This ACORN group is nefarious.  First they have work release prisoners falsify voter registrations, then they pay off un-named people to pretend they are Willy Wonka or Mickey Mouse, then they pay to have personal identification fabricated to 'verify' the false registration.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 17, 2008, 01:08:04 PM
Who cares what the effect of polls are on an election.  Last time I checked, it was the province of the state and not Frank Luntz to protect voters.

Polling is irrelevant.  

I said nothing of photo IDs.  Proof of residence is required.

So do you believe the following:  (you must if you push this theory of yours)

This ACORN group is nefarious.  First they have work release prisoners falsify voter registrations, then they pay off un-named people to pretend they are Willy Wonka or Mickey Mouse, then they pay to have personal identification fabricated to 'verify' the false registration.

So Mickey mouse and the Dallas Cowboys being resigtered by ACORN happened by accident?????
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 17, 2008, 01:11:48 PM
There are literally places now where acorn has submitted so many false registrations that there are 105 and 110% of the population registered to vote.


This is not true.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 17, 2008, 01:14:06 PM

So Mickey mouse and the Dallas Cowboys being resigtered by ACORN happened by accident?????
Please.  It's a community organization that relies on volunteers, prison labor, and the lowly paid to do an honorable civic duty.

Of course the door is open for some jokes to slip through.  So what?  That won't affect voter turnout.

You know what does?  

Valid voting citizens scrubbed from the voter rolls by republican elitests.

That's one of the ways Bush stole Florida in 2000.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 17, 2008, 01:16:27 PM
This is not true.

In Indianapolis this is going on right now. 

There are also counties in Ohio where this is also the case.

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 17, 2008, 01:16:34 PM
That's right, completely gloss over the requirement for personal identification before voting. 

This ACORN group is nefarious.  First they have work release prisoners falsify voter registrations, then they pay off un-named people to pretend they are Willy Wonka or Mickey Mouse, then they pay to have personal identification fabricated to 'verify' the false registration.

What a racket.

Do you really believe this or are you just pulling my leg on this stuff?

It is you and your republican brothers that are killing our democracy with your scrubbing of voter rolls.

Why is the FBI investigating this?  Probably b/c fraud is a crime subject to FBI jurisdiction.  I wasn't aware that a politically motivated investigation is a conviction.

Hahaha!   :)  So the FBI investigation is politically motivated?  Decker you are such a partisan.  lol . . .  

Obviously Mickey Mouse isn't going to show up at the polls.  But I'm sure they were going to try and get others with fake identities to the polls.  
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 17, 2008, 01:25:10 PM
Hahaha!   :)  So the FBI investigation is politically motivated?  Decker you are such a partisan.  lol . . .  

Obviously Mickey Mouse isn't going to show up at the polls.  But I'm sure they were going to try and get others with fake identities to the polls.  

Yes it is politically motivated.  You've already seen the voter fraud segment of the Attorney General scandal. 

Do you deny that fact Beach Bum?

I mean the Attornies General testified that they were pressured to push voter fraud cases on democrats. Gonzalez was shown to give contradictory testimony over this scandal...or as we in the real world call it, he lied.  Thank god for e-mails.

Who are these people that risk prison for voting fraud by pretending to be Mickey Mouse?

Do you see why these allegations, once thought through, are ridiculous.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 17, 2008, 01:33:39 PM

In Indianapolis this is going on right now. 

There are also counties in Ohio where this is also the case.

Election officials estimate there are roughly 100,000 people on the voting rolls who have died or moved from the county and haven't been removed because of complex federal election laws.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 17, 2008, 01:39:43 PM
Registered voters appear on a big print out.  The voter shows up with personal identification.  The id is checked off against the info on the voter roll.

Do you think Mickey Mouse will show up with his Identification to vote and that that ID will be cross referenced with his fake registration?

They are wasting the time and money of the taxpayers in having to go through all this garbage. 

If only a small percentage of this vote fraud goes though it will have a bad impact for everyone.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 17, 2008, 01:45:00 PM
Yes it is politically motivated.  You've already seen the voter fraud segment of the Attorney General scandal. 

Do you deny that fact Beach Bum?

I mean the Attornies General testified that they were pressured to push voter fraud cases on democrats. Gonzalez was shown to give contradictory testimony over this scandal...or as we in the real world call it, he lied.  Thank god for e-mails.

Who are these people that risk prison for voting fraud by pretending to be Mickey Mouse?

Do you see why these allegations, once thought through, are ridiculous.

Yes, I deny that the FBI investigating ACORN is politically motivated. 

You didn't answer my earlier questions:  "So what you're telling me is ACORN's voter registration fraud serves no purpose?  Why do you think they're doing it?"
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 17, 2008, 01:45:54 PM
They are wasting the time and money of the taxpayers in having to go through all this garbage. 

If only a small percentage of this vote fraud goes though it will have a bad impact for everyone.
Democracy is an ugly, inefficient process.  

Sometimes Mick Jagger does get on the roll...he doesn't vote, but he does get on the voting roll.

I agree.  That kind of shit should be cleaned up.

However the republican remedy of wholesale scrubbing of voter rolls disenfranchises the legitimate voters and ruins their constitutional right to vote.

That can't be permitted to happen.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 17, 2008, 01:46:50 PM
They are wasting the time and money of the taxpayers in having to go through all this garbage. 

If only a small percentage of this vote fraud goes though it will have a bad impact for everyone.

I think what you mean to say is "You're right. Im being completely ridiculous."

There is no organized vote fraud going on and when you look at the facts with even a modicum of rationality, none of these conspiracy theories make sense. It's a  completely politicized meme that an increasingly desparate right-wing fanatical base has latched onto until they can find some more mud to sling.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 17, 2008, 01:49:11 PM
Yes, I deny that the FBI investigating ACORN is politically motivated. 

You didn't answer my earlier questions:  "So what you're telling me is ACORN's voter registration fraud serves no purpose?  Why do you think they're doing it?"
Why do you think low paid workers hired to canvas votes just grab a phonebook and fill in names...or grab the dallas cowboy roster and fill in the forms?

They get paid for their work and the shitty job is passed on.  Where's this conspiracy?  Show me your proof that it's orchestrated topdown from ACORN.  Where's your proof?

You still haven't answered my question.

What does ACORN stand to gain by this nefarious voter fraud?
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 17, 2008, 01:52:16 PM
I think what you mean to say is "You're right. Im being completely ridiculous."

There is no organized vote fraud going on and when you look at the facts with even a modicum of rationality, none of these conspiracy theories make sense. It's a  completely politicized meme that an increasingly desparate right-wing fanatical base has latched onto until they can find some more mud to sling.
You hit hard.  And I do agree with your point. 

This voter fraud crap is a diversion from the fact that under McCain and republican rule, this country has committed torture, war crimes, constitutional violations, and all the other scandals--housing,katrina, this and on and on.

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 17, 2008, 01:53:26 PM
Why do you think low paid workers hired to canvas votes just grab a phonebook and fill in names...or grab the dallas cowboy roster and fill in the forms?

They get paid for their work and the shitty job is passed on.  Where's this conspiracy?  Show me your proof that it's orchestrated topdown from ACORN.  Where's your proof?

You still haven't answered my question.

What does ACORN stand to gain by this nefarious voter fraud?

I don't have "proof that it's orchestrated topdown from ACORN."  All I have is common sense and an opinion.  And an FBI investigation.   :)  

I answered your question:

Dude.  Every instance of identity fraud involves a fictitious person.  You have someone pretending to be someone they are not, or someone who does not exist.  They're obviously trying to use false names and have people show up to vote pretending to be someone else.  Stop acting like voter fraud has never happened.  

I also agree with 333386 and the impact this may have on the polls.  

I guess you'll keep ignoring my questions.  
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 17, 2008, 01:58:19 PM
I don't have "proof that it's orchestrated topdown from ACORN."  All I have is common sense and an opinion.  And an FBI investigation.   :)  

I answered your question:

I also agree with 333386 and the impact this may have on the polls.  

I guess you'll keep ignoring my questions.  
Your answer is nonsensical.

fabricated people do not exist.  They do not stand out in existence the way we do.  They exist as unicorns and liberal republicans exist.  But that's not material existence. 

In short, fabricated people cannot vote.  Right?

Since polling is irrelevant to the topic, would you care to share with us why you are mentioning it?

Which questions have I ignored?
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 17, 2008, 02:09:22 PM
Your answer is nonsensical.

fabricated people do not exist.  They do not stand out in existence the way we do.  They exist as unicorns and liberal republicans exist.  But that's not material existence. 

In short, fabricated people cannot vote.  Right?

Since polling is irrelevant to the topic, would you care to share with us why you are mentioning it?

Which questions have I ignored?

Of course fabricated people don't exist.  That's why people who create false identifies and try to perform acts with those false identities are committing crimes.  That's what fraud is all about:  pretending to be something you're not, lying, creating a false identity, etc.  This isn't unique.  Don't you watch the movies?     

Regarding my questions:


You didn't answer my earlier questions:  "So what you're telling me is ACORN's voter registration fraud serves no purpose?  Why do you think they're doing it?"
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 17, 2008, 02:33:41 PM
Of course fabricated people don't exist.  That's why people who create false identifies and try to perform acts with those false identities are committing crimes.  That's what fraud is all about:  pretending to be something you're not, lying, creating a false identity, etc.  This isn't unique.  Don't you watch the movies?     

Regarding my questions:

In your embedded quote, are you referring to ACORN or to the FBI? 

And what exactly is the motivation for these people to fraudulently cast a vote?  You do understand that vote fraud is a felony.  I've seen 14 year sentences for such behavior.

Are you sure that ACORN could convince strangers to risk prison in order to cast a fraudulent vote?
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 17, 2008, 02:39:56 PM
In your embedded quote, are you referring to ACORN or to the FBI? 

And what exactly is the motivation for these people to fraudulently cast a vote?  You do understand that vote fraud is a felony.  I've seen 14 year sentences for such behavior.

Are you sure that ACORN could convince strangers to risk prison in order to cast a fraudulent vote?

I'm referring to ACORN.  What is the purpose?  Why are they doing it? 
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: IFBBwannaB on October 17, 2008, 02:42:17 PM
I find it amazing that people give them so much credit. So why did they arrest those guys that supposedly wanted to assassinate Obama? I mean they haven't shoot yet...and Acorn didn't fake a vote yet  ::)

So lets those fuckers free and Acorn free.... ::)
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Colossus_500 on October 17, 2008, 03:03:46 PM
::) Like this is news. ::)  I think Justice Stephens overseas cases like this one. 

Supreme Court Rules With Ohio Secretary of State on Voter Fraud Rules (

The U.S. Supreme Court rules with Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, granting her a stay to a temporary restraining order from a federal appeals court that ordered her to provide a system for implementing voter fraud prevention methods.

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The U.S. Supreme Court agreed with Democratic Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, granting her a stay on Friday to a decision from a lower court that ordered her to provide a system for implementing voter fraud prevention methods.

The decision by the full court repudiates the lower court's ruling siding with the Ohio Republican Party and ordering Brunner to verify records of about 200,000 of 666,000 new voters this year whose driver's license and Social Security records don't match information in other government databases.

In an unsigned order, the high court ruled that it could not say whether Ohio was properly enforcing the Help America Vote Act. However, it said the Ohio GOP doesn't have the standing to file the suit.

"They didn't deal with the merits of the case," said Ohio GOP Chairman Bob Bennett. "What they dealt with was a technicality on whether we had standing or not to bring the action."

Bennett said Brunner could have set up a system months ago to check the discrepancies and that her actions have left the potential for voter fraud.

"If we have a close election in Ohio and there's any doubts, the failures will be laid right at her doorstep," Bennett said.

Brunner said the court's decision would help ease confusion in the run-up to Election Day.

She said the act was clear that the mismatch lists were to be used to maintain the voter database, not to determine voter eligibility.

"We are very pleased that the court recognized that this was an illegal challenge on the part of the Republicans," she said.

She said the office would have found a way to comply, but there were risks that qualified voters would have been disqualified.

"I think it's an unfair tactic to subject voters to this kind of uncertainty and anxiety this close to such an important election," she said.

The ruling states: "Respondents, however, are not sufficiently likely to prevail on the question whether Congress has authorized the District Court to enforce Section 303 in an action brought by a private litigant to justify the issuance of a TRO. ... We therefore grant the application for a stay and vacate the TRO."

Hedging her bets, Brunner filed a motion late Thursday night asking the federal appeals court to extend or modify an earlier order to come up with a system to help counties verify voter eligibility.

Circuit Court Judge George Smith set the completion time for Brunner to come up with a method for validating mismatched voter registration data at midnight Saturday. Brunner, who filed a request for a stay of the order with the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday, asked for a two-week extension so she could be compliant if the high court didn't see her way.

The Ohio Republican Party filed the initial suit challenging the state's compliance with the Help America Vote Act, alleging that the state has no system to deal with mismatched voter records.

John McCain's campaign, which has hammered groups like ACORN for its voter registration problems, issued a statement Friday saying the Supreme Court did not actually address violations of the Help America Vote Act.

"It remains our belief that American citizens should be guaranteed that their legitimate votes are not wiped away by illegally cast ballots. What is no longer in question is the partisan nature of Jennifer Brunner's efforts to minimize the level of fairness and transparency in this election," the statement said.

On Tuesday, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati sided with the GOP by issuing its temporary restraining order. Brunner responded with her appeal to the high court.

In its reply brief to the Supreme Court, the Ohio GOP said if Brunner needed relief from the temporary restraining order then she should seek it from Smith, who issued the ruling.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 17, 2008, 10:55:33 PM
Hahaha!   :)  So the FBI investigation is politically motivated?  Decker you are such a partisan.  lol . . .  

From the above article:

The decision by the full court repudiates the lower court's ruling siding with the Ohio Republican Party  and ordering Brunner to verify records of about 200,000 of 666,000 new voters this year whose driver's license and Social Security records don't match information in other government databases.

In an unsigned order, the high court ruled that it could not say whether Ohio was properly enforcing the Help America Vote Act. However, it said the Ohio GOP doesn't have the standing to file the suit.

Yes, It's political. TAke note of who is filing the lawsuit. This article ,from the right leaning Fox News, is designed as a fear mongering piece.

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 17, 2008, 10:59:35 PM
This article, from The Washington Post delivers a more balanced story, with some very important details that Fox overlooked.

"Both sides  have said they believe many of the problems with registrations likely stem from typographical errors or address changes. "

"With the deadline lifted, Brunner said she will work to upgrade the computer system but did not commit to a timetable. She urged an end to court fights over the lists, saying in a statement, "I ask all involved to stop the legal maneuvers that unnecessarily shake public confidence." "

Gee, if these lawsuits shake public confidence and Brunner was already working to upgrade the system and both sides agree that the problems problem amount to nothing more than typographical errors, WHY WOULD THE REPUBLICANS FILE THESE LAWSUITS SO CLOSE TO THE ELECTION? WHAT WOULD THEY HAVE TO GAIN?

No, nothing politicized here. ::)

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 17, 2008, 11:05:42 PM
"We need to know the full extent of Senator Obama's relationship with ACORN, who is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy," McCain said at Wednesday's presidential debate.

His running mate Sarah Palin stood by the campaign's criticisms Friday.

"I think voters are very concerned about voter fraud and as more and more revelation comes in these 13 states that are now under investigation for potential voter fraud, I think that more American voters are becoming very, very concerned," she told reporters

Why would McCain and Palin make such wild, unfounded accusations? What could they possibly have to gain?  Surely, their policial base is not naive enough to actuallu fall for this?
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Decker on October 18, 2008, 09:52:06 AM
I'm referring to ACORN.  What is the purpose?  Why are they doing it? 
See, you are doing it again.

I already explained that ACORN hires people to enroll voters.  Some of these hires are work-release felons.  That happens in a country that locks up a lot of its citizens.

Did ACORN direct these people to add mickey mouse to the voter rolls?  No.  And as I've already explained, they have nothing to gain from it.  You failed to point out their motivation.  Instead you assume they are engaged in vote fraud.  That's just not the case.

It was your boys Gonzalez and Bush that targeted ACORN with investigations so they could scrub voter rolls wholesale thereby perpetrating Election Fraud in broad daylight.  It was also those boys that fired attorneys general that wouldn't play their corrupt game.

It's your republican brothers ruining this country,  Not ACORN and Mickey Mouse.

Here's a good story that lays out some of the facts:
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 18, 2008, 10:29:02 AM

Great article. Informative and hits on every single point. Unfortunately, certain people don't even bother to read the articles they post, so I doubt they'll make it through that one.  ???
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 18, 2008, 11:40:55 AM
From the above article:

The decision by the full court repudiates the lower court's ruling siding with the Ohio Republican Party  and ordering Brunner to verify records of about 200,000 of 666,000 new voters this year whose driver's license and Social Security records don't match information in other government databases.

In an unsigned order, the high court ruled that it could not say whether Ohio was properly enforcing the Help America Vote Act. However, it said the Ohio GOP doesn't have the standing to file the suit.

Yes, It's political. TAke note of who is filing the lawsuit. This article ,from the right leaning Fox News, is designed as a fear mongering piece.

Two problems with your conclusion:

1.  The decision wasn't based on the merits:  "the high court ruled that it could not say whether Ohio was properly enforcing the Help America Vote Act."

2.  This has nothing to do with the FBI investigation.  I didn't read where the supreme court halted or even mentioned the FBI investigation.   
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 18, 2008, 11:49:53 AM
See, you are doing it again.

I already explained that ACORN hires people to enroll voters.  Some of these hires are work-release felons.  That happens in a country that locks up a lot of its citizens.

Did ACORN direct these people to add mickey mouse to the voter rolls?  No.  And as I've already explained, they have nothing to gain from it.  You failed to point out their motivation.  Instead you assume they are engaged in vote fraud.  That's just not the case.

It was your boys Gonzalez and Bush that targeted ACORN with investigations so they could scrub voter rolls wholesale thereby perpetrating Election Fraud in broad daylight.  It was also those boys that fired attorneys general that wouldn't play their corrupt game.

It's your republican brothers ruining this country,  Not ACORN and Mickey Mouse.

Here's a good story that lays out some of the facts:

Yes, the article lays out facts like these: 

"In nearly a dozen states, county registrars have found phony voter registration applications submitted by canvassers for Acorn; criminal investigations are under way in Nevada, Ohio and elsewhere; and a racketeering suit was filed in Ohio this week." 

And these:

"Obama's campaign did pay $832,000 to an affiliate of Acorn, Citizens Services, to help turn out voters in Democratic primaries, although the purpose of the money was initially misstated in reports to the Federal Election Commission."

No, nothing criminal about this organization.

I can find "articles" that lay out some of the "facts" too:

More ACORN Vote Fraud Attempts
Posted on September 15, 2008

-By Warner Todd Huston

The union supporting, Democratic Party pushing, extreme leftist Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has been caught trying to jerry-rig voter applications in Michigan. It is looking like fraud on a massive scale in Detroit as ACORN tries to fill the Democrat voter rolls with fake Democrat voters.

ACORN is being investigated after several Municipal Clerks discovered fraudulent and duplicate voter registration applications.

The majority of the fraudulent and duplicate applications are coming from the liberal ACORN group based in Detroit, Michigan, which now has ACORN investigating the problem once again as well as the Secretary of State’s Office turning over some of those applications to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

And it isn’t just Detroit that has found fraud being perpetrated by ACORN.

In recent years, ACORN’s voter registration programs have come under investigation in Ohio, Colorado, Missouri and Washington, with some employees convicted of voter fraud.

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review is also reporting that the Obama campaign has been forced to amend a report to reflect over $800,000 of previously unreported ACORN donations to his campaign.

ACORN is at the heart of one of the most massive voter fraud campaigns in American history. ACORN is intimate with Barack Obama and is a major supporter of unions throughout the country and is doing its level best (and illegally at that) trying to assure that Obama wins this election.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 18, 2008, 11:54:08 AM
The FBI investigation doesn't exist in a world all of its own. It is part of a larger scheme to make voter fraud seem like a threat to our democracy when it is virtually a non issue . That scheme is being spearheaded by the Republican party. Yes, the FBI's investigation is politically motivated. It's part of the same Alberto Gonzalez nonsense from a few years ago.  His underlings baling at the fact that his ACORN investigations were nothing more than partisan witchhunts  was the crux of that scandal.

________________________ _____________________

Secondly, as pointed out in the article from my subsequent post, both the Republicans and Democrats believe that the registration discrepancies stem from typographical errors not actual voter fraud. Yet, for some reason, other than the quotes in which they directly say this, they frame the issue as an example of possible widespread voter fraud.
________________________ _________-

You seem to read between the lines and draw erratic conclusions when it comes to dems, but you amazingly lack the ability to put 2 and 2 together when the players involved have an (R) in front of their names

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 18, 2008, 12:01:18 PM
Yes, the article lays out facts like these: 

"In nearly a dozen states, county registrars have found phony voter registration applications submitted by canvassers for Acorn; criminal investigations are under way in Nevada, Ohio and elsewhere; and a racketeering suit was filed in Ohio this week." 

And these:

"Obama's campaign did pay $832,000 to an affiliate of Acorn, Citizens Services, to help turn out voters in Democratic primaries, although the purpose of the money was initially misstated in reports to the Federal Election Commission."

No, nothing criminal about this organization.

Further proving that you only bother absorbing things that don't challenge your world view. Yes, the article does contain the quotes you listed above, but it qualifies them with these:

Lomax (the CLark County, Nev. registrar) said in a phone interview with McClatchy: "I don't think Acorn consciously sets out to turn in fraudulent forms. I just think the people they hire find it incredibly easy to rip off their bosses and turn in fake forms."

...he doubted that any of the fake filings would result in fraudulent votes.

Election officials say that registrationsunder names such as Mickey Mouse or Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo suggest that Acorn workers were trying to fill their quota of 20 applications to get paid, not to steal the presidency. They say that county registrars or poll workers would flag such obvious pranks, and that anyone who signed a poll book in another person's name would risk being prosecuted for a felony.

Acorn has long been a target of Republicans, including the Justice Department under former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Five days before the 2006 election, interim U.S. Attorney Bradley Schlozman of Kansas City trumpeted the indictments of four Acorn voter registration workers, despite a department policy discouraging politically sensitive prosecutions close to elections. Schlozman is now facing a criminal investigation into the veracity of his congressional testimony about that and other matters.

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 18, 2008, 12:04:31 PM
There is no fire here. There is just a lot of smoke being blown up naive Republicans' asses.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: IFBBwannaB on October 18, 2008, 12:22:02 PM
There is no fire here. There is just a lot of smoke being blown up naive Republicans' asses.

Sure it is  ::)

Obama having direct connections to a conspiracy to fake votes is nothing but Palin firing an employee is headline news  ::)
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 18, 2008, 12:22:54 PM
The FBI investigation doesn't exist in a world all of its own. It is part of a larger scheme to make voter fraud seem like a threat to our democracy when it is virtually a non issue . That scheme is being spearheaded by the Republican party. Yes, the FBI's investigation is politically motivated. It's part of the same Alberto Gonzalez nonsense from a few years ago.  His underlings baling at the fact that his ACORN investigations were nothing more than partisan witchhunts  was the crux of that scandal.

________________________ _____________________

Secondly, as pointed out in the article from my subsequent post, both the Republicans and Democrats believe that the registration discrepancies stem from typographical errors not actual voter fraud. Yet, for some reason, other than the quotes in which they directly say this, they frame the issue as an example of possible widespread voter fraud.
________________________ _________-

You seem to read between the lines and draw erratic conclusions when it comes to dems, but you amazingly lack the ability to put 2 and 2 together when the players involved have an (R) in front of their names

You're "reading between the lines" to find a politically motivated FBI investigation.  You cited a supreme court decision to support your assumption.  The supreme court opinion does not support you.  That's what I call an amazing grasping of straws.  

You can try an piece together insignificant and irrelevant "fact" to support your wild partisan conspiracy theory, but it frankly doesn't make any sense.  
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 18, 2008, 12:26:55 PM

Further proving that you only bother absorbing things that don't challenge your world view. Yes, the article does contain the quotes you listed above, but it qualifies them with these:

Lomax (the CLark County, Nev. registrar) said in a phone interview with McClatchy: "I don't think Acorn consciously sets out to turn in fraudulent forms. I just think the people they hire find it incredibly easy to rip off their bosses and turn in fake forms."

...he doubted that any of the fake filings would result in fraudulent votes.

Election officials say that registrationsunder names such as Mickey Mouse or Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo suggest that Acorn workers were trying to fill their quota of 20 applications to get paid, not to steal the presidency. They say that county registrars or poll workers would flag such obvious pranks, and that anyone who signed a poll book in another person's name would risk being prosecuted for a felony.

Acorn has long been a target of Republicans, including the Justice Department under former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Five days before the 2006 election, interim U.S. Attorney Bradley Schlozman of Kansas City trumpeted the indictments of four Acorn voter registration workers, despite a department policy discouraging politically sensitive prosecutions close to elections. Schlozman is now facing a criminal investigation into the veracity of his congressional testimony about that and other matters.

lol. . .  And what is my "world view"?  lol . . .

But to get back to the issue of ACORN, the bold, colored print does not change the facts.  The facts include ACORN being investigated in Nevada, Ohio, Colorado, Missouri, and Washington, "with some employees convicted of voter fraud." 

Those darn "Republicans" have infiltrated law enforcement all over the country.   

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 18, 2008, 12:28:54 PM
Dude, even the party that brought the suit doesn't believe voter fraud is going on. The decision of the Supreme Court is irrelevant.

and this:
You can try an piece together insignificant and irrelevant "fact" to support your wild partisan conspiracy theory, but it frankly doesn't make any sense. 

is cute. But I still have to give it tow  ::) ::) and a  :P .

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 18, 2008, 12:30:57 PM
lol. . .  And what is my "world view"?  lol . . .

But to get back to the issue of ACORN, the bold, colored print does not change the facts.  The facts include ACORN being investigated in Nevada, Ohio, Colorado, Missouri, and Washington, "with some employees convicted of voter fraud." 

Those darn "Republicans" have infiltrated law enforcement all over the country.   


The bold colored print is what's called context. It actually DOES change the facts.

The most important fact of all is that ACOR is being INVESTIGATED. They haven't been INDICTED or CONVICTED of anything.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: big L dawg on October 18, 2008, 12:34:00 PM
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: big L dawg on October 18, 2008, 12:35:01 PM
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: big L dawg on October 18, 2008, 12:36:20 PM

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 18, 2008, 12:36:36 PM
The bold colored print is what's called context. It actually DOES change the facts.

The most important fact of all is that ACOR is being INVESTIGATED. They haven't been INDICTED or CONVICTED of anything.

The bold colored print is what's called overkill.  It attempts to distract from an otherwise weak conclusion.  I can’t speak for anyone else, but as a reader, when I see that stuff I tend to ignore it.  The occasional underline, bold, etc. are much more effective IMO.  But maybe that’s just me.    

The fact you have investigations all over the country involving the same organization tells me that the organization does not pass the smell test.  Too much smoke.  I think if there was only an FBI investigation and no history of misconduct, then you could at least float the "politically motivated" conspiracy theory.  But I think it is highly unlikely Republicans have conspired all over the country to investigate this organization.  
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: big L dawg on October 18, 2008, 12:39:04 PM
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 18, 2008, 12:43:31 PM
The bold colored print is what's called overkill.  It attempts to distract from an otherwise weak conclusion.  I can’t speak for anyone else, but as a reader, when I see that stuff I tend to ignore it..   

That last sentence doesn't surprise me. :(

Howeve, the quotes are extracts from long articles that OVERWHELMINGLY prove a point. It's an attempt to try to make facts easily digestible for someone, who admits that it is difficult for him to read long articles.

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: IFBBwannaB on October 18, 2008, 12:49:17 PM
The bold colored print is what's called overkill.  It attempts to distract from an otherwise weak conclusion.  I can’t speak for anyone else, but as a reader, when I see that stuff I tend to ignore it.  The occasional underline, bold, etc. are much more effective IMO.  But maybe that’s just me.    

The fact you have investigations all over the country involving the same organization tells me that the organization does not pass the smell test.  Too much smoke.  I think if there was only an FBI investigation and no history of misconduct, then you could at least float the "politically motivated" conspiracy theory.  But I think it is highly unlikely Republicans have conspired all over the country to investigate this organization.  

Come on now all those homeless people that admitted to getting cigarettes and other things from Acorn employees are Republicans agents! But shhh don't tell anyone  ::) :-X

BTW anyone ever thought of the math? Acorn was hardly paying good money, and people have admitted to getting money,cigarettes and other stuff from them...I think there is a money trail....
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 18, 2008, 12:50:53 PM
That last sentence doesn't surprise me. :(

Howeve, the quotes are extracts from long articles that OVERWHELMINGLY prove a point. It's an attempt to try to make facts easily digestible for someone, who admits that it is difficult for him to read long articles.

What?  What are you talking about?  For the most part, anytime someone asks me to read something, I do it.  What I don't really do is spend 30 minutes watching video clips.  

That said, many of us who post here have ADD on the board. . . .  

But I stand by my comments.  Pure distraction.  It might work with others.  Doesn’t work with me.    
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 18, 2008, 12:52:34 PM
Come on now all those homeless people that admitted to getting cigarettes and other things from Acorn employees are Republicans agents! But shhh don't tell anyone  ::) :-X

BTW anyone ever thought of the math? Acorn was hardly paying good money, and people have admitted to getting money,cigarettes and other stuff from them...I think there is a money trail....

I wonder how many cigarettes you can buy for $800,000?   :D
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 18, 2008, 01:03:46 PM
What?  What are you talking about?  For the most part, anytime someone asks me to read something, I do it.  What I don't really do is spend 30 minutes watching video clips. 

That said, many of us who post here have ADD on the board. . . . 

But I stand by my comments.  Pure distraction.  It might work with others.  Doesn’t work with me.   

The quotes I posted in no way qualify as distractions.  They were direct rebuttals to  out of context nonsense you posted. The quotes I posted explained the history of the republican party in regards to ACORN  and  the opinion of election officials that NO VOTER FRAUD has or would occur. There is also a line in theRE in which election officials spEcifically say ACORN is NOT TRYING TO STEAL THE PRESIDENCY.

I hope that that is short enough for you to comprehend.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 18, 2008, 01:09:55 PM
Come on now all those homeless people that admitted to getting cigarettes and other things from Acorn employees are Republicans agents! But shhh don't tell anyone  ::) :-X

BTW anyone ever thought of the math? Acorn was hardly paying good money, and people have admitted to getting money,cigarettes and other stuff from them...I think there is a money trail....

This is the most notorious case:

He claims to have made about $10 and 10-20 cigarettes over the course of 18 months. For filling out more than 70 forms. Even if the workers are making minimum wage, there wouldn't have to be a money trail.

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: IFBBwannaB on October 18, 2008, 01:21:18 PM
This is the most notorious case:

He claims to have made about $10 and 10-20 cigarettes over the course of 18 months. For filling out more than 70 forms. Even if the workers are making minimum wage, there wouldn't have to be a money trail.

He got about a dollar each time, now multiply it by hundreds daily...I doubt the employees were making enough to make up for it.

I wonder how much they planned on paying to vote over and over .....
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 18, 2008, 01:38:35 PM
He got about a dollar each time, now multiply it by hundreds daily...I doubt the employees were making enough to make up for it.

I wonder how much they planned on paying to vote over and over .....

No. He did not get a dollar each time. As I stated earlier, her made -AT MOST- $15 dollars cash in total and maybe 20 cigarettes. This was over the course of 18 months for over 70 applications. There would be no need fora money trail.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: IFBBwannaB on October 18, 2008, 03:45:55 PM
No. He did not get a dollar each time. As I stated earlier, her made -AT MOST- $15 dollars cash in total and maybe 20 cigarettes. This was over the course of 18 months for over 70 applications. There would be no need fora money trail.

He said that he was getting either cigarettes or money from them each time.
Also I'm sure that he wasn't visited 70 times, probably filled out ~3 applications at a time, I mean it's not like anyone would stop him ...quite the opposite.

So take his buck/cigarette or whatever (there were rumors of drugs too but I guess no one will have the balls to say that at court) and multiply it by dozens of people that each Acorn employee did it to.

I can't understand how you can defend Acron....oh wait I're a usual fact ignoring seem this board is plagued with your type.Seriously....a criminal investigation on several states isn't enough?

Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 18, 2008, 04:28:37 PM
He said that he was getting either cigarettes or money from them each time.
Also I'm sure that he wasn't visited 70 times, probably filled out ~3 applications at a time, I mean it's not like anyone would stop him ...quite the opposite.

So take his buck/cigarette or whatever (there were rumors of drugs too but I guess no one will have the balls to say that at court) and multiply it by dozens of people that each Acorn employee did it to.

I can't understand how you can defend Acron....oh wait I're a usual fact ignoring seem this board is plagued with your type.Seriously....a criminal investigation on several states isn't enough?

He was visited on 70 separate occasions. He's told the story several times. He worked in a public area where ACORN had workers. He never claimed to receive money or cigs for EVERY registration.

No, a criminal investigation isn't enough, especially when they are politically motivated. Maybe, if there were some prosecutions that would mean something.  And what facts have I ignored? Decker and I have spent the entire thread correcting yours, Beach Bum 's and 33!111!whatever's  dueling conspiracy theories with the actual facts that your half truths are based on. Beach Bum has admitted that he just doesn't read anything that won't support his position.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: IFBBwannaB on October 18, 2008, 05:35:45 PM
He was visited on 70 separate occasions. He's told the story several times. He worked in a public area where ACORN had workers. He never claimed to receive money or cigs for EVERY registration.

No, a criminal investigation isn't enough, especially when they are politically motivated. Maybe, if there were some prosecutions that would mean something.  And what facts have I ignored? Decker and I have spent the entire thread correcting yours, Beach Bum 's and 33!111!whatever's  dueling conspiracy theories with the actual facts that your half truths are based on. Beach Bum has admitted that he just doesn't read anything that won't support his position.

Ok...he's the only one that ever got money for it and it was a rare occasion only happened to thousands in different states....oh yeah...that was the icing on the FBI investigation cake....the face punching facts that its a NATIONAL wide operation that works the same all over the nation....whomever can think of a conspiracy  ::)
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 18, 2008, 05:53:04 PM
Beach Bum has admitted that he just doesn't read anything that won't support his position.

lol.  Competely untrue.  You can do better than that. 
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 18, 2008, 05:58:19 PM
T when I see that stuff I tend to ignore it.

You said it. Plain as day.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 18, 2008, 06:06:08 PM
You said it. Plain as day.

Whatever.  At least wait for a new thread to distort comments.  lol . . .
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 18, 2008, 06:15:28 PM
Am I distorting facts. Because I'm just following your lead. This post from earlier where you quoted specific facts from an article and then neglected  put those quotes into context, which, miraculously, changed their meaning.

Yes, the article lays out facts like these: 

"In nearly a dozen states, county registrars have found phony voter registration applications submitted by canvassers for Acorn; criminal investigations are under way in Nevada, Ohio and elsewhere; and a racketeering suit was filed in Ohio this week." 

And these:

"Obama's campaign did pay $832,000 to an affiliate of Acorn, Citizens Services, to help turn out voters in Democratic primaries, although the purpose of the money was initially misstated in reports to the Federal Election Commission."

No, nothing criminal about this organization.


Also, after I kindly posted the relevant context you ignored it, claiming it was distraction that you couldn't be bothered to read. I didn't really distort anything.

Unlike your post, when context is added, the story remained exactly the same.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 18, 2008, 06:27:12 PM
I don't usually do this, but I'm a little bored, so here goes.  Here is what you said:

Beach Bum has admitted that he just doesn't read anything that won't support his position.

Here is what I said:

The bold colored print is what's called overkill.  It attempts to distract from an otherwise weak conclusion.  I can’t speak for anyone else, but as a reader, when I see that stuff I tend to ignore it.  The occasional underline, bold, etc. are much more effective IMO.  But maybe that’s just me.   

In other words, I tend to ignore the overly dramatic supersized, colored font because it generally masks a weak argument.  I didn't say anything about content.   

I also said this:

What?  What are you talking about?  For the most part, anytime someone asks me to read something, I do it.   What I don't really do is spend 30 minutes watching video clips. 

That said, many of us who post here have ADD on the board. . . . 

But I stand by my comments.  Pure distraction.  It might work with others.  Doesn’t work with me.   

Now, contrasting your claim that I "admitted that [ I] just [ don't] read anything that won't support [ my] position" with what I actually said shows you simply misstated the facts. 
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Al Doggity on October 18, 2008, 06:29:07 PM
Nice try, but pulling random quotes out of the air doesn't prove your argument, though. ;)

when I see that stuff I tend to ignore it. 

What you said is quite clear. The sentence stands on its own. What comes before or after it only serves as distraction; it will in no way elaborate on your point.  :-\

But,thanks for proving my point.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: Dos Equis on October 18, 2008, 06:33:25 PM
Nice try, but pulling random quotes out of the air doesn't prove your argument, though. ;)

You crack me up.  O.K.  Maybe I missed the "non-random" quote that you are talking about.  Post the "admission" from me that supports this statement:

Beach Bum has admitted that he just doesn't read anything that won't support his position.
Title: Re: Acorns are dropping like crazy
Post by: big L dawg on October 18, 2008, 07:29:41 PM