Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Marty Champions on June 24, 2012, 05:59:26 PM

Title: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 24, 2012, 05:59:26 PM
i flush my system out daily with 40 ounces of beans, my cholesterol and blood pressure are all in check

what you see is the fat but dont let it deicive you. im just a man carrying around 100 pound of solid EXTRA weight

its like a man walking around with 2 - 50 pound dumbells, those dumbells just stress his muscles and work him out they do NOT hinder his health

but now you have unhealthy fat people who are slow , sick, out of breath, low energy, because they are clogged literally. As for me i get shit done more than the haterz would ever dream about
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Hulkotron on June 24, 2012, 06:01:18 PM
Is this analogous to Basile's "safety fat" in case he gets sick?
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: njflex on June 24, 2012, 06:02:07 PM
i flush my system out daily with 40 ounces of beans, my cholesterol and blood pressure are all in check

what you see is the fat but dont let it deicive you. im just a man carrying around 100 pound of solid EXTRA weight

its like a man walking around with 2 - 50 pound dumbells, those dumbells just stress his muscles and work him out they do NOT hinder his health

but now you have unhealthy fat people who are slow , sick, out of breath, low energy, because they are clogged literally. As for me i get shit done more than the haterz would ever dream about
get lean stay lean falcon,,,
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: BikiniSlut on June 24, 2012, 06:03:38 PM
Your extra fat is making your heart work harder.

Lose weight you sloth.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: SF1900 on June 24, 2012, 06:05:12 PM
Lay off the drugs, man
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 24, 2012, 06:10:29 PM
Your extra fat is making your heart work harder.

Lose weight you sloth.

dumbells and free weights make your heart work harder dummy, use better logic

Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: SF1900 on June 24, 2012, 06:15:20 PM
dumbells and free weights make your heart work harder dummy, use better logic


so are you saying weight training is bad for you?
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 24, 2012, 06:17:48 PM
actually more skinny fuckers die from heart attacks than fat fuckers

and you know what im probably in the 1millionth precentiles of an over active FAT muscle vegetarian who will outlive everyone because i have the right amount of stress full activity, enough fiber to shit out everything, no harmful heme-iron consumed, no harmful meat destroying digestive track (think brock lesnar)

look at the statistics if your skinny your more likely to die from a heart attack than fat, and i am not the same kind of fat as a fat person either. because fat people get fat from under activity and over eating. Well im over-activity work 7 days a week, so my body is super compensating water and glycogen all the time

i am clearly unimpressed by your inability to debate
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Krankenstein on June 24, 2012, 06:18:03 PM
dumbells and free weights make your heart work harder dummy, use better logic


But machines are fine.....  ::)

Obesity and overweight
People with excess body fat are more likely to develop heart disease and stroke, even if they don't have any of the other factors. Excess body fat makes the heart work harder. Also, the excess body fat raises blood pressure and blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Obesity can make diebetes more likely to develop, too.

Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 24, 2012, 06:18:44 PM
so are you saying weight training is bad for you?

did i say that?

how is carrying excessive weight any different from lifting

USE YOUR BRAIN on this one!
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 24, 2012, 06:25:02 PM
But machines are fine.....  ::)

Obesity and overweight
People with excess body fat are more likely to develop heart disease and stroke, even if they don't have any of the other factors. Excess body fat makes the heart work harder. Also, the excess body fat raises blood pressure and blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Obesity can make diebetes more likely to develop, too.

training increases blood pressure too dumbass. youve got high bloodpressure any time you are under stress. this is why im always active and working, i know i would die if i was a pussy like most short people who werent meant to do nothing in life except cause society to go in reverse with its wars and greed and jealousy . I choose a hard job i couldnt imagine what it would be like to be a short 5feet10 girl whos dieting and lethargic on low carbs incapable of nothing except a gym visit 3 times a week. Staying on the move is lowering my blood pressure, and i dont even have an issue with it in the first place

it all comes down to how much you can handle, your heart your organs. and if you eat to recover your organs or you eat in a way that destroys them, eating meat destroys your organs, same with alcohol
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 24, 2012, 06:28:10 PM
you little short bastards are still debating on changing the range of motion on your bench press as to weather it would create superior muscle mass and strength! LOL the problem is short people run there mouth whining like children too much instead of just standing up and lifting and eating like a non f/\g but rather a compassionate superior vegetarian

Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: BikiniSlut on June 24, 2012, 06:30:30 PM
There is a big difference between your heart working when you're exercising and your heart working when you are at rest. The heart is more efficient when it has extra oxygen flowing through the body. When you have extra fat and are not exercising the heart is working twice as hard straining itself.  The extra fat causes the heart to work harder when at rest.

Lose weight you fat fuck.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: SF1900 on June 24, 2012, 06:32:34 PM
did i say that?

how is carrying excessive weight any different from lifting

USE YOUR BRAIN on this one!

So, lifting weights is putting the same amount of strain on your heart as weighing 500 pounds?  :-\ :-\
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: SF1900 on June 24, 2012, 06:33:20 PM
you little short bastards are still debating on changing the range of motion on your bench press as to weather it would create superior muscle mass and strength! LOL the problem is short people run there mouth whining like children too much instead of just standing up and lifting and eating like a non f/\g but rather a compassionate superior vegetarian

Um, many tall powerlifter also change the range of motion on their bench, genius.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: BikiniSlut on June 24, 2012, 06:37:31 PM
So, lifting weights is putting the same amount of strain on your heart as weighing 500 pounds?  :-\ :-\

According to Falcon logic yes.

Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: ChristopherA on June 24, 2012, 06:54:35 PM
You looked awesome when you were younger Johnay, lose the weight
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 24, 2012, 06:55:48 PM
my motivation for continuing this thread has been killed by the collossal amount of stupidity displayed by beta getbiggers

ps.. yes i want to look ripped, of course im not optimal but i am certainly not unhealthy
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: BikiniSlut on June 24, 2012, 06:57:00 PM
my motivation for continuing this thread has been killed by the collossal amount of stupidity displayed by beta getbiggers

ps.. yes i want to look ripped, of course im not optimal but i am certainly not unhealthy

Weak. You are wrong. We are right. You can't handle that.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: delta9mda on June 24, 2012, 07:15:31 PM
bring back daddy waddy, please (no homo).
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: ChristopherA on June 24, 2012, 07:26:03 PM
I never said you were unhealthy Falycon. 6% bf year round isnt reasonable but 10-12% is
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: chunkramwell on June 24, 2012, 07:48:28 PM
Fuck losing weight, you would have to buy new pants.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: lightweight on June 24, 2012, 08:28:47 PM
daddy waddy was the shit
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Kwon_2 on June 24, 2012, 08:32:14 PM
Johnny, do you feel better now and today compared to back then?

Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Krankenstein on June 24, 2012, 08:42:12 PM
my motivation for continuing this thread has been killed by the collossal amount of stupidity displayed by beta getbiggers

ps.. yes i want to look ripped, of course im not optimal but i am certainly not unhealthy

NO fucking beta here you crack smokin tree that we are not crying in our beers tonight because you didn't want to continue this thread.

BTW....found many an article on obesity and cardiovascular about:

Findings indicate that overweight and obesity increase the risk of low back pain. Overweight and obesity have the strongest association with seeking care for low back pain and chronic low back pain.

A study of more than 800,000 young adults found that obesity and height increased the risk of having low back pain.

"The most simple explanation for that correlation is that the mechanical load of overweight and body height (on the lever arm) may cause early failure of the back-supporting mechanism and cause early (low back pain) complaints," said lead author Oded Hershkovich, an orthopedic surgeon in Israel.  Obese males were 16% more likely to have low back pain; for females it was 21%.

"You can do something about your weight, but not your height," said Thomas Dreisinger, a San Diego exercise physiologist who was not involved in the research. "This paper should stimulate other researchers to look at young people to see if there is a way to minimize their symptoms."

Joints that carry more weight or that are longer may be at more risk for developing pain, said Heidi Prather, an associate professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Washington University in St. Louis who was not involved in the study.

She said low back pain is the No. 1 cause of disability in people under the age of 45.

"So many of us get low back pain," she said. "There is no magic bullet."

Some measures that may help are maintaining a healthy weight, doing flexibility exercises, core muscle training exercises and regular aerobic exercises, especially those that involve high intensity and low impact, such as brisk walking, rowing, swimming and using an elliptical training machine, she said.

A new study shows that obesity has a significant impact on male sexual health.

The study, published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, focused on 2,435 Italian male patients who sought outpatient treatment for sexual dysfunction between 2001 and 2007. Among participants, 41.5% were normal weight, 42.4% were overweight, 12.1% were obese, and 4% were severely obese. The mean age was 52.

Patients had lab blood tests and a penile Doppler ultrasound to measure penile blood flow. They also were interviewed about their erectile dysfunction and completed a mental health questionnaire.

Giovanni Corona, MD, from the University of Florence, and colleagues found that the degree of obesity correlated with decrease in testosterone level. Among study participants, the more the severe the obesity, the lower the level of testosterone.

The study also concluded that conditions related to obesity, particularly hypertension (or high blood pressure), are the most significant causes of obesity-related mental health. Abnormal penile blood flow was found to be linked to high blood pressure.

For men, obesity's impact on sexual function appears to be a physical issue, not a self-esteem or emotional problem.

"The link between obesity and ED might be a useful motivation for men to improve their health-related lifestyle choices," Mario Maggi, MD, co-author of the study, says in a news release.

Then again, I am just a dumbass   ::)
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 24, 2012, 09:09:17 PM
some people just didnt cut it on the other side so god said "son you are going to be short on that planet earth you have much learning to do, i am not going to bless you with an overabundance capacity, short arms short legs since you dont like sweating during manual labor, but you still have great potential to do well on the earth young man"

god said to me "im gonna make you tall as fuck because i know you will work your ass off on earth so you need long body and arms to do that but im not going to bless you with easily obtainable leans. Im not going to allow you to make tons of friends and have groups and gangs you hang out with like short people do so they can keep each other company and boost there self esteems, you johnny are gonna have to be a one man gang and deal with being apart from the group. Can you handle that? "
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Raymondo on June 24, 2012, 09:12:48 PM
LOL, are you having a pity party? Don't blame your height if you're socially awkward, I'm an inch and half shorter than you, it never stopped me from making friends in adult life, in fact everyone wants a really tall guy to hang out with them, it makes them look better ;)
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: SF1900 on June 24, 2012, 09:13:50 PM
The drugs are strong in this thread.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Kwon_2 on June 24, 2012, 09:13:57 PM
Did you have any health-concerns at this stage Johnny?
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on June 24, 2012, 10:06:07 PM
NO fucking beta here you crack smokin tree that we are not crying in our beers tonight because you didn't want to continue this thread.

BTW....found many an article on obesity and cardiovascular about:

Findings indicate that overweight and obesity increase the risk of low back pain. Overweight and obesity have the strongest association with seeking care for low back pain and chronic low back pain.

A study of more than 800,000 young adults found that obesity and height increased the risk of having low back pain.

"The most simple explanation for that correlation is that the mechanical load of overweight and body height (on the lever arm) may cause early failure of the back-supporting mechanism and cause early (low back pain) complaints," said lead author Oded Hershkovich, an orthopedic surgeon in Israel.  Obese males were 16% more likely to have low back pain; for females it was 21%.

"You can do something about your weight, but not your height," said Thomas Dreisinger, a San Diego exercise physiologist who was not involved in the research. "This paper should stimulate other researchers to look at young people to see if there is a way to minimize their symptoms."

Joints that carry more weight or that are longer may be at more risk for developing pain, said Heidi Prather, an associate professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Washington University in St. Louis who was not involved in the study.

She said low back pain is the No. 1 cause of disability in people under the age of 45.

"So many of us get low back pain," she said. "There is no magic bullet."

Some measures that may help are maintaining a healthy weight, doing flexibility exercises, core muscle training exercises and regular aerobic exercises, especially those that involve high intensity and low impact, such as brisk walking, rowing, swimming and using an elliptical training machine, she said.

A new study shows that obesity has a significant impact on male sexual health.

The study, published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, focused on 2,435 Italian male patients who sought outpatient treatment for sexual dysfunction between 2001 and 2007. Among participants, 41.5% were normal weight, 42.4% were overweight, 12.1% were obese, and 4% were severely obese. The mean age was 52.

Patients had lab blood tests and a penile Doppler ultrasound to measure penile blood flow. They also were interviewed about their erectile dysfunction and completed a mental health questionnaire.

Giovanni Corona, MD, from the University of Florence, and colleagues found that the degree of obesity correlated with decrease in testosterone level. Among study participants, the more the severe the obesity, the lower the level of testosterone.

The study also concluded that conditions related to obesity, particularly hypertension (or high blood pressure), are the most significant causes of obesity-related mental health. Abnormal penile blood flow was found to be linked to high blood pressure.

For men, obesity's impact on sexual function appears to be a physical issue, not a self-esteem or emotional problem.

"The link between obesity and ED might be a useful motivation for men to improve their health-related lifestyle choices," Mario Maggi, MD, co-author of the study, says in a news release.

Then again, I am just a dumbass   ::)
I'm quite fond of the great Johnnsay Falconey, but my man Krank is spot on here
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Krankenstein on June 24, 2012, 10:09:30 PM
some people just didnt cut it on the other side so god said "son you are going to be short on that planet earth you have much learning to do, i am not going to bless you with an overabundance capacity, short arms short legs since you dont like sweating during manual labor, but you still have great potential to do well on the earth young man"

god said to me "im gonna make you tall as fuck because i know you will work your ass off on earth so you need long body and arms to do that but im not going to bless you with easily obtainable leans. Im not going to allow you to make tons of friends and have groups and gangs you hang out with like short people do so they can keep each other company and boost there self esteems, you johnny are gonna have to be a one man gang and deal with being apart from the group. Can you handle that? "

Then when you got in line for brains he said "son, you wont be needed any of those...just move along"

Then again, I am just a dumbass
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: SF1900 on June 24, 2012, 10:21:56 PM
Then when you got in line for brains he said "son, you wont be needed any of those...just move along"

Then again, I am just a dumbass

hahah lol  ;D ;D
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: smoothasf on June 25, 2012, 01:00:56 AM
You were lucky enough to have genetics for muscle better than 99% of us and you pissed  it all away.  sit you on a push bike and you'd soon see how disgusting ly unfit you really are.  what a waste. Fat bastard
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Primemuscle on June 25, 2012, 01:13:50 AM
i flush my system out daily with 40 ounces of beans, my cholesterol and blood pressure are all in check

what you see is the fat but dont let it deicive you. im just a man carrying around 100 pound of solid EXTRA weight

its like a man walking around with 2 - 50 pound dumbells, those dumbells just stress his muscles and work him out they do NOT hinder his health

but now you have unhealthy fat people who are slow , sick, out of breath, low energy, because they are clogged literally. As for me i get shit done more than the haterz would ever dream about

You are still a young man. Fat catches up with you as you age. You may not be out of breath, sick or have reduced energy now, but just wait; keep adding those pounds and you are probably going to be all of those things.

I am happy for you that you feel like you "get shit done" more than all the haters. I hope for you that will always be true....but don't count on it.

At least beans are a relatively healthy food. Still too much of anything is just too much. 40 oz of beans is too much my friend. You have a history of binging on whatever fad diet you are into at the moment. Not that I am an expert or anything, but have you ever heard of moderation?
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on June 25, 2012, 02:09:50 AM
some people just didnt cut it on the other side so god said "son you are going to be short on that planet earth you have much learning to do, i am not going to bless you with an overabundance capacity, short arms short legs since you dont like sweating during manual labor, but you still have great potential to do well on the earth young man"

god said to me "im gonna make you tall as fuck because i know you will work your ass off on earth so you need long body and arms to do that but im not going to bless you with easily obtainable leans. Im not going to allow you to make tons of friends and have groups and gangs you hang out with like short people do so they can keep each other company and boost there self esteems, you johnny are gonna have to be a one man gang and deal with being apart from the group. Can you handle that? "
I will tell this tale to my children one day
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on June 25, 2012, 03:30:15 AM
johny ;D

yes, youre right, anyone can get a stroke, i even read just being fat doesnt mean much.

but fatness can easy lead to diabetes, and get lean just for the looks of homo.
Better for attaining hoes
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Naggash on June 25, 2012, 03:33:40 AM
you little short bastards are still debating on changing the range of motion on your bench press as to weather it would create superior muscle mass and strength! LOL the problem is short people run there mouth whining like children too much instead of just standing up and lifting and eating like a non f/\g but rather a compassionate superior vegetarian

Sense, this post makes none
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: nzmusclemonster on June 25, 2012, 03:40:34 AM
The Failcon looked like a Greek God a few years back.

The perfect male specimen.

I don't think there has ever been such a negative transformation in the history of man kind.

Does it depress you looking at old pics of yourself Johnny?
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: dr.chimps on June 25, 2012, 04:22:22 AM
god said to me "im gonna make you tall as fuck because i know you will work your ass off on earth so you need long body and arms to do that but im not going to bless you with easily obtainable leans. Im not going to allow you to make tons of friends and have groups and gangs you hang out with like short people do so they can keep each other company and boost there self esteems, you johnny are gonna have to be a one man gang and deal with being apart from the group. Can you handle that? "
I'm hearing this in Johnny Cash's voice.  :)
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: cephissus on June 25, 2012, 04:26:58 AM
haha once again falcon blowing several minds with his superior value system.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: BIG_STI on June 25, 2012, 04:30:04 AM
This is the result of being a lifetime Narcotics addict.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: JasonH on June 25, 2012, 04:31:43 AM
Mr Falcon, you look good in those pics above - why you had to go and ruin it all?

Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: chunkramwell on June 25, 2012, 06:05:45 AM
I'm hearing this in Johnny Cash's voice.  :)

Johnny Cash has the voice of god. Truth.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on June 25, 2012, 12:19:47 PM
its never permanently ruined, just temporarly out of order.

i let myself go into permabulker with no training but recreational drugs instead and came back in no time.

once the drugs are out of his brain, he will be back
Are you implying he has a (rec) drug problem?
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 25, 2012, 01:18:55 PM
Johnny, do you feel better now and today compared to back then?


yes i would catch colds more easily and have more acne back then that would come in spellls i guess from my liver and kidneys overworked by dehydration, meat and caffiene

back then i had to train too much to look that good

i just gotta step it up in terms of training we will see if im capable of it or not

in my ripped pictures girls would call me skinny or anorexic, only getbiggers think thats the look of a god. You just need to have some inclination of muscle shape like i do now to get girls, you dont have to be ripped at all. i have a good back double bicep still as you can see at 39 seconds into the clip

i guess shorter guys have to obsess about being in tip top shape all the time, i just dont exist in that world.

i actually think im doing pretty damn good for a vegetarian who works 7 days a week and doesnt train that much but lives very comfortably
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: dj181 on June 25, 2012, 01:44:14 PM
i had to train too much to look that good

there's your answer man


"diet" don't mean much, only in the sense that you gotta eat less cals

the key dude, is to MAKE PROGRESS in your training, if you don't progress you won't change much if at all
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 25, 2012, 01:47:29 PM
fuck man, you look like a pyramid from the back and have saggy tits now.

comeon youre planning a diet or something, arent you ???

you obviously didnt see the back double biceps at 39 seconds, i doubt you could compare
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: cephissus on June 25, 2012, 01:58:27 PM
there's your answer man


"diet" don't mean much, only in the sense that you gotta eat less cals

the key dude, is to MAKE PROGRESS in your training, if you don't progress you won't change much if at all

got any progress pics for us these days, dj? ???
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 25, 2012, 02:42:09 PM
you cant progress if your not progressing

so if you cant progress you just workout alot and get more inshape without progressing in size
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: dj181 on June 25, 2012, 02:51:50 PM
got any progress pics for us these days, dj? ???

well man, i haven't made much progress lately, so what's the point in posting up pics ;D ;D ;D

anyways, i don't have to prove this statement through using my ownself as the "evidence" coz there are plenty of other "evidences" out there to back up what i'm saying

but let me ask you this question... if you start at curling a 100 pound barbell for 10 reps and then after 6 months curl a 150 pound barbell for 10 reps will you have bigger bis?
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 25, 2012, 03:26:55 PM
well man, i haven't made much progress lately, so what's the point in posting up pics ;D ;D ;D

anyways, i don't have to prove this statement through using my ownself as the "evidence" coz there are plenty of other "evidences" out there to back up what i'm saying

but let me ask you this question... if you start at curling a 100 pound barbell for 10 reps and then after 6 months curl a 150 pound barbell for 10 reps will you have bigger bis?

maybe , maybe not

also you cant progress if you are not progressing (like 99.9 percent of adults)

so youre better off STILL training your ass off , exhausting your self into oblivioun to potentially sculpt and look better

Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: dj181 on June 25, 2012, 03:50:19 PM
maybe , maybe not

also you cant progress if you are not progressing (like 99.9 percent of adults)

so youre better off STILL training your ass off , exhausting your self into oblivioun to potentially sculpt and look better

true dat!

but you've also gotta cut cals to get that sculpted look dude
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Hulkotron on June 25, 2012, 03:53:45 PM
Johnny did you attain more fine-ass hos as a meat-eater or a vegetarian?
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 25, 2012, 03:56:46 PM
Johnny did you attain more fine-ass hos as a meat-eater or a vegetarian?

ive always had a steady rate of hoes brother . I think being a vegetarian gives you more to talk about thus attaining more fine ass hoes, women love that a man is compassionate even if they are meat eaters most can confide in the wisdom of a vegetarian thus attaining even more h oes with this quality
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: che on June 25, 2012, 03:59:00 PM

anyways, i don't have to prove this statement through using my ownself as the "evidence"

 but you did and you failed .

Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: wes on June 25, 2012, 04:01:17 PM
I'm hearing this in Johnny Cash's voice.  :)
Funny as hell!!

I LOL`ED.   :D
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Hulkotron on June 25, 2012, 04:01:45 PM
ive always had a steady rate of hoes brother . I think being a vegetarian gives you more to talk about thus attaining more fine ass hoes, women love that a man is compassionate even if they are meat eaters most can confide in the wisdom of a vegetarian thus attaining even more h oes with this quality

I've heard that eating meat makes your man-spunk taste bad, maybe hos know this and are subconsciously more attracted to the vegetarian man.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: dj181 on June 25, 2012, 04:27:09 PM
but you did and you failed .

yep, and i failed coz i was under-training at that time

but recently i've made a few training adjustments and have made some decent gains on my legs, calves included :D :D :D
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: che on June 25, 2012, 04:30:48 PM

but recently i've made a few training adjustments and have made some decent gains on my legs, calves included :D :D :D

 ::) Oh brother

well man, i haven't made much progress lately, so what's the point in posting up pics ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: deadz on June 25, 2012, 05:35:08 PM
i flush my system out daily with 40 ounces of beans, my cholesterol and blood pressure are all in check

what you see is the fat but dont let it deicive you. im just a man carrying around 100 pound of solid EXTRA weight

its like a man walking around with 2 - 50 pound dumbells, those dumbells just stress his muscles and work him out they do NOT hinder his health

but now you have unhealthy fat people who are slow , sick, out of breath, low energy, because they are clogged literally. As for me i get shit done more than the haterz would ever dream about
BODYFAT is never healthy, Hoss.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Primemuscle on June 25, 2012, 06:18:08 PM
yes i would catch colds more easily and have more acne back then that would come in spellls i guess from my liver and kidneys overworked by dehydration, meat and caffiene

back then i had to train too much to look that good

i just gotta step it up in terms of training we will see if im capable of it or not

in my ripped pictures girls would call me skinny or anorexic, only getbiggers think thats the look of a god. You just need to have some inclination of muscle shape like i do now to get girls, you dont have to be ripped at all. i have a good back double bicep still as you can see at 39 seconds into the clip

i guess shorter guys have to obsess about being in tip top shape all the time, i just dont exist in that world.

i actually think im doing pretty damn good for a vegetarian who works 7 days a week and doesnt train that much but lives very comfortably

Just so you know, I have let myself go too these past several months. Not that I ever obtained the level of fitness you did (at least in terms of appearance), but I have looked better. I still eat fairly healthy. It is just that I haven't had the inclination to exercise much since I found out I had prostate cancer. BTW, remember I am an old man and prostate cancer is more common among us geezers.

I think what sparks all the negative comments around here about how you look today is remembering how you once looked not so very long ago. There are guys who would give their eye teeth to be in that kind of shape.

Personally, I see nothing wrong with one being a vegetarian. I suspect that in many ways, vegetarians are actually healthier than many of us meat eaters. What interests me about you is that you seem to always be into one fad or another and that you seem to overdo whatever fad you are on. Really 40 oz of beans is just too much to eat. I too like beans. Lentil soup is one of my favorite things to eat. But one normal serving is more than enough at a sitting.

As for what get's the ladies' attention, you are right, it isn't the super fit, possibly narcissistic dude that interests them despite all the hype that indicates otherwise. Anyway, one should never base their goals on what others want. A fellow like you, might want to be more fit, just to be healthier than you already are.

BTW, how are those  heart palpitations?
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Mr Nobody on June 25, 2012, 06:22:13 PM
Falcon has done curls at my house 115 no problem strict strong mofo.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on June 25, 2012, 06:33:56 PM
but you did and you failed .

Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 25, 2012, 08:04:32 PM
pretty good back double bicep actually, but naturally you wont be able to maintain more size than that. youd have to be on steroids infinitly destroying your health and aging you
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: avxo on June 25, 2012, 11:24:03 PM
Did you have any health-concerns at this stage Johnny?

That was a pretty awesome physique Johnny. Nowadays, if I was at that point, I'd fight to keep it rather than let myself gain weight. But to each their own.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: BikiniSlut on June 25, 2012, 11:49:00 PM
If you want to be fat that's fine but quit trying to convince us it's healthy.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Nomad on June 26, 2012, 01:28:26 AM
Johnny, do you feel better now and today compared to back then?


The fuck....This mofo achieve that naturally despite being 6'6?  I call crack
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Nomad on June 26, 2012, 01:34:52 AM
yes i would catch colds more easily and have more acne back then that would come in spellls i guess from my liver and kidneys overworked by dehydration, meat and caffiene

back then i had to train too much to look that good

i just gotta step it up in terms of training we will see if im capable of it or not

in my ripped pictures girls would call me skinny or anorexic, only getbiggers think thats the look of a god. You just need to have some inclination of muscle shape like i do now to get girls, you dont have to be ripped at all. i have a good back double bicep still as you can see at 39 seconds into the clip

i guess shorter guys have to obsess about being in tip top shape all the time, i just dont exist in that world.

i actually think im doing pretty damn good for a vegetarian who works 7 days a week and doesnt train that much but lives very comfortably

Arguing with fatsos about their health is like punching a bag. They just keep taking it and never come up with a viable counter argument. BTW Falco have you ever heard of these magical things called vitamins? I eat multi, vitamin-D, calcium, vitamin C, zinc (100-150mg), taurine + some other stuff daily and I so far haven't gotten sick in the last three years. I don't even get flu shots, whenever I get mildly sick I just have a fever that lasts a day at most and thats it.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: njflex on June 26, 2012, 09:32:57 AM
those pics falconi for a big man were impressive but big physical commitment long time to achieve/maintain ,,,your life evolved into other things so being that way was not your thing for he long haul.legs for being tall looked great quads had great look shape and seperation.i will not rag on your build now in the least cause you were a superior specimen at one time that only few could try for,,,,
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on June 26, 2012, 01:07:06 PM

and im not sure if obesity is healthier than say hrt doses on clean diet.

HRT doses/clean diet > obesity by a long stretch
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on June 26, 2012, 01:14:31 PM
my bloodwork says the same
Research says the same friend
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on June 26, 2012, 01:22:18 PM
ive looked into scientific  studies.

i have seen some claim that a bit overweight is ok, wont affect cholesterol.

butobesity definitely will affect in negative ways and there seems to be a link of obesity to diabetes.

once one has diabetes, hes completely and utterly fucked up.i dont care about them, the obesity previously to this shouldve been a wraning enough to them.

many many people who are actualy obese are in denial, so many women and men who are 30%+ bf and think they just cut it,its all good.
Agreed on all points!
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: The Ugly on June 26, 2012, 01:40:33 PM
I thought vegetarians were emaciated.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Primemuscle on June 26, 2012, 02:42:30 PM
ive looked into scientific  studies.

i have seen some claim that a bit overweight is ok, wont affect cholesterol.

butobesity definitely will affect in negative ways and there seems to be a link of obesity to diabetes.

once one has diabetes, hes completely and utterly fucked up.i dont care about them, the obesity previously to this shouldve been a wraning enough to them.

many many people who are actualy obese are in denial, so many women and men who are 30%+ bf and think they just cut it,its all good.

One doesn't have to be fat to have high cholesterol. It is possible to be genetically predisposed to having cholesterol. Any type of body can have high cholesterol. Overweight people are more likely to have high cholesterol, but thin people should also have their cholesterol checked regularly. “Cholesterol is fat in the blood rather than fat under the skin. So people who might have a lean body can have high cholesterol,” says Dr. Dante Saksono H, SpPD, PhD.

You might even be surprised to learn that skinny people can and do get T2DM (type 2 diabetes). They are rarely mentioned in the media, and there isn’t much written about them in the scientific literature. Perhaps these folks have been overlooked because type 2 diabetes has been historically viewed as a disease of gluttony and sloth, a self-inflicted outcome of eating too much and not and not exercising enough. But the very existence of the MUN phenotype proves that there’s more to T2DM than overeating and a sedentary lifestyle.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Primemuscle on June 26, 2012, 02:50:33 PM
well, by definition, i think, a vegetarian can be a person who eats pounds of winegums a day and icecream and cookies and chocoloate.very many calorie dense foods seem to fall under the vegetarian label. ???

This is so true. Vegetarians can over eat just as easily as anyone can. Some argue that a diet rich in protein is the way to being lean. Protein is the hardest thing for our bodies to digest and sometimes ingest, if for example one is eating a tough cut of meat.

I suspect vegans tend to be leaner because their diets are even more restrictive than a vegetarian's diet. Veganism is a type of vegetarian diet that excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived ingredients. Many vegans also do not eat foods that are processed using animal products, such as refined white sugar and some wines.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 26, 2012, 02:53:40 PM
those pics falconi for a big man were impressive but big physical commitment long time to achieve/maintain ,,,your life evolved into other things so being that way was not your thing for he long haul.legs for being tall looked great quads had great look shape and seperation.i will not rag on your build now in the least cause you were a superior specimen at one time that only few could try for,,,,

exactly , and theres no garantee maintaining that kind of muscle tone will make you live any longer

yes it looked great but yet still no healthy longevity garantee from working out 2 hours a day

id like to try to commit to 45 min a day intense and look half that good
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Psychopath on June 26, 2012, 02:54:12 PM
You should get back to your previous shape. Why did you fuck up so bad?

Statistically, leaner individuals, especially ones who have some sort of athletic shape to them, get ahead in life much easier and faster.

Lean athletic individuals

-Easily attract women

-Attract employers attention, in addition to getting paid more and being considered for better job positions(promotions)

-Physically healthier, which equates to less visits to the doctor's office, and consequently saving on medical bills.

-You'll have better confidence, self-esteem, and self-assurance/drive.

-Your mental health and function, in my opinion, is directly related to your physical health. This translates into depression, sluggishness, apathy and all that negative shit that hold people back in general.

I predict you're a shitter version of yourself atm, and you derive wtv confidence or drive you have now from past achievements.

Why did you fuck up so bad? Did you get married?
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 26, 2012, 02:55:39 PM
ive looked into scientific  studies.

i have seen some claim that a bit overweight is ok, wont affect cholesterol.

butobesity definitely will affect in negative ways and there seems to be a link of obesity to diabetes.

once one has diabetes, hes completely and utterly fucked up.i dont care about them, the obesity previously to this shouldve been a wraning enough to them.

many many people who are actualy obese are in denial, so many women and men who are 30%+ bf and think they just cut it,its all good.

actually my grandmother who doesnt do shit and can barely walk at 91 years old actually REVERSED her diabetes last year. Shes still short and fat
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 26, 2012, 02:58:47 PM
You should get back to your previous shape. Why did you fuck up so bad?

Statistically, leaner individuals, especially ones who have some sort of athletic shape to them, get ahead in life much easier and faster.

Lean athletic individuals

-Easily attract women

-Attract employers attention, in addition to getting paid more and being considered for better job positions(promotions)

-Physically healthier, which equates to less visits to the doctor's office, and consequently saving on medical bills.

-You'll have better confidence, self-esteem, and self-assurance/drive.

-Your mental health and function, in my opinion, is directly related to your physical health. This translates into depression, sluggishness, apathy and all that negative shit that hold people back in general.

I predict you're a shitter version of yourself atm, and you derive wtv confidence or drive you have now from past achievements.

Why did you fuck up so bad? Did you get married?

excellent commoner point of veiw stud
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Psychopath on June 26, 2012, 02:59:52 PM
excellent commoner point of veiw stud

Everyone is a "commoner", don't think you're speical, stud!
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 26, 2012, 02:59:59 PM
did she change diet in significant way before the reversal happened?

was it sudden or came with time?

good on her btw

one day her doc said she didnt have diabetes any more. she probably eat maybe a tad less meat and more vegetables, but she still doesnt eat very healthy
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 26, 2012, 03:05:12 PM
Everyone is a "commoner", don't think you're speical, stud!

are you kidding me? most people ARE commoners but supress their special side to adhere to social norms commoner stud

we all have fragile egos, this fragile ego holds people back and never expressing some deep talents. Some get past that and let the world crucify them , inspite of the emotional damage....the special people find a way to enjoy it because theyve grown past the ego and just go- with it, keep going with it and perfect it.

try to polarize some aspects of yourself and feel a giant weight lifted off your back and truley enjoy your self, your thoughts ect
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Psychopath on June 26, 2012, 03:20:55 PM
are you kidding me? most people ARE commoners but supress their special side to adhere to social norms commoner stud

we all have fragile egos, this fragile ego holds people back and never expressing some deep talents. Some get past that and let the world crucify them , inspite of the emotional damage....the special people find a way to enjoy it because theyve grown past the ego and just go- with it, keep going with it and perfect it.

try to polarize some aspects of yourself and feel a giant weight lifted off your back and truley enjoy your self, your thoughts ect

You fail in your assumption that everyone, or at least the majority, has a "special side" to them. (Which is subjective in meaning btw)

No, most people are simply ordinary, predictable human beings that are just trying to survive and avoid pain while trying to accumulate as many moments of pleasure as possible along the way.

Human behaviour and  psychology, for the most part, has been studied, well understood, and documented.

There are more patterns to be recognized and bound to be repeated, than "special" cases that are repressed via wtv internal, or exterior factor(s).

....but all this is besides the point, you fucking lard ass. You're simply trying to justify your desire to be obese, you fat m o t h e r  f u c k e r .

Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 26, 2012, 03:23:56 PM

You fail in your assumption that everyone, or at least the majority, has a "special side" to them. (Which is subjective in meaning btw)

re-read the post to see otherwise see first line dumbass
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 26, 2012, 03:25:19 PM
are you kidding me? most people ARE commoners but supress their special side to adhere to social norms commoner stud

we all have fragile egos, this fragile ego holds people back and never expressing some deep talents. Some get past that and let the world crucify them , inspite of the emotional damage....the special people find a way to enjoy it because theyve grown past the ego and just go- with it, keep going with it and perfect it.

try to polarize some aspects of yourself and feel a giant weight lifted off your back and truley enjoy your self, your thoughts ect

re-read dumbass psychopathic falcons..........

Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 26, 2012, 03:28:45 PM

No, most people are simply ordinary, predictable human beings that are just trying to survive and avoid pain while trying to accumulate as many moments of pleasure as possible along the way.

this is the only part of what you say is true

but i think its boring being predictable it doesnt nurture the soul very much to be as such

btw im a fat strong inshape fucker, im just no lean neeguls
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: che on June 26, 2012, 03:51:37 PM
but naturally you wont be able to maintain more size than that.

I thought you were natural Jonsey Falcao.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: BikiniSlut on June 26, 2012, 03:56:58 PM
Johnny claims he's natural?? ::)
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Psychopath on June 26, 2012, 04:14:38 PM
Johnny claims he's natural?? ::)

That, and he also thinks he's "special", bypassing social norms via being a fat ass who can't keep in good shape without drug use.

Also, he's a vegetarian bean eating f.aggot.

He's been noted to heavily practice "pretend-philosophy" in his spare time, particularly documenting his prolific thoughts on the scrolls of

I also fucked his momz last night, her puss stank so i pissed in a cup and threw it at her face.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on June 26, 2012, 04:16:56 PM
Water fasts and alkaline diets can reverse a lot of fcked up ailments. But a doctor will never tell you that. Unless of course its a cancer specialist.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Primemuscle on June 26, 2012, 07:18:25 PM

exactly , and theres no garantee maintaining that kind of muscle tone will make you live any longer

yes it looked great but yet still no healthy longevity garantee from working out 2 hours a day

id like to try to commit to 45 min a day intense and look half that good

I just want to say to you, Falcon, that I am sorry if I have ragged on you about your weight. Yeah, you have put on a few pounds but so what? If you feel healthy and good about yourself, that really is all that counts. Truth be told, I am wearing a few too many pounds of fat myself these days. The reason for this is because I have not had the ambition to hit the gym lately. However, it is not as if I am sitting around stuffing my face either. I have just been otherwise occupied.

Maybe you, like me, aren't all that concerned with looking like superhero bodybuilder. I've been there and done that, and the rewards are less than fulfilling.

Personally, I give you credit for posting your current photos. You opened yourself to a lot of criticism from getbiggers. I apologize if I came off seeming like just another naysayer.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Mr Nobody on June 26, 2012, 08:19:29 PM
Falcon eats a good diet. Maybe the cals are a bit high at the moment.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Nomad on June 27, 2012, 12:12:10 AM
Did you have any health-concerns at this stage Johnny?

Jesus Christ man...if you uped the dosage you would have easily been Arnold the II'nd.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: NordicNerd on June 27, 2012, 06:53:46 AM
i actually think im doing pretty damn good for a vegetarian who works 7 days a week and doesnt train that much but lives very comfortably

You look like a whale. Is this some kind of performance art project?

Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: _bruce_ on June 27, 2012, 06:59:04 AM
You should get back to your previous shape. Why did you fuck up so bad?

Statistically, leaner individuals, especially ones who have some sort of athletic shape to them, get ahead in life much easier and faster.

Lean athletic individuals

-Easily attract women

-Attract employers attention, in addition to getting paid more and being considered for better job positions(promotions)

-Physically healthier, which equates to less visits to the doctor's office, and consequently saving on medical bills.

-You'll have better confidence, self-esteem, and self-assurance/drive.

-Your mental health and function, in my opinion, is directly related to your physical health. This translates into depression, sluggishness, apathy and all that negative shit that hold people back in general.

I predict you're a shitter version of yourself atm, and you derive wtv confidence or drive you have now from past achievements.

Why did you fuck up so bad? Did you get married?

Sole purpose of my lifting routine  :D
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Rami on June 27, 2012, 08:46:06 AM
I remember this guy from Russia, who was it to mma, Fedor Emelianenko. he wasn't even big or muscular, just fat, and he was pretty badass for 15 years and had legit unstoppable nr1 cardio and strenth among all heavy weights, even better than crocop.  if you want to be your best possible pyssically and energylevels  you cant you have all the strenth come from musle size it will take all your oxygen away and some fat adds even more strenth than just muscle.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Tito24 on June 27, 2012, 08:54:31 AM

special for you John
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 27, 2012, 04:47:49 PM
I thought you were natural Jonsey Falcao.

ive always been except for weed and caffiene in my past and what i was referring to was at the time i was training 2 hours a day and doing manual labor, it just isnt possible to do much more unless you are getting paid to train even more. i think training 2 hours a day is the most you can train and still be somewhat sane and enjoy life
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: dj181 on June 27, 2012, 06:48:51 PM
ive always been except for weed and caffiene in my past and what i was referring to was at the time i was training 2 hours a day and doing manual labor, it just isnt possible to do much more unless you are getting paid to train even more. i think training 2 hours a day is the most you can train and still be somewhat sane and enjoy life

when you say that you were training 2 hours per day was it 2 hours of weight training in one session or did you lift and then do cardio?

when i hit peak condition i did 1 hour of weight training in the mornings and then 15-20 minutes of hard cardio (running 2 or 3 miles at a 7 min per mile pace) in the evenings
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 27, 2012, 08:20:51 PM
when you say that you were training 2 hours per day was it 2 hours of weight training in one session or did you lift and then do cardio?

when i hit peak condition i did 1 hour of weight training in the mornings and then 15-20 minutes of hard cardio (running 2 or 3 miles at a 7 min per mile pace) in the evenings
probably half cardio half weights. always WAS a fan of cardio lol thats where i got my quads from. if you tend to over eat and run alot youll get big quads.

i remember those hour long cardio sessions sometimes split into 2  - 30 min sessions a day.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: cephissus on June 27, 2012, 11:26:35 PM
how much could you squat back in your prime falcon?
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Mr Nobody on June 27, 2012, 11:40:25 PM
dont know about the moment, but they been a bit off in the recent past for sure
Yea he knows, just he works a manual job needs a bit more of cals but see as getting older metabolism slows hence weight gain he is trying by doing more cardio/punching and stuff last I talked to him, he is a good guy lives in NC as I do so we we keep in touch on this stuff.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: manuelsonn on June 27, 2012, 11:41:43 PM
very healthy, u look like a cow who's trying to die
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 28, 2012, 03:05:09 PM
how much could you squat back in your prime falcon?

i could do back then 275 good depth 10-12

and 315 good depth 2 reps or so

my squat was nearly identicle to my bench lol
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on June 28, 2012, 03:08:24 PM
I remember this guy from Russia, who was it to mma, Fedor Emelianenko. he wasn't even big or muscular, just fat, and he was pretty badass for 15 years and had legit unstoppable nr1 cardio and strenth among all heavy weights, even better than crocop.  if you want to be your best possible pyssically and energylevels  you cant you have all the strenth come from musle size it will take all your oxygen away and some fat adds even more strenth than just muscle.

exactly being ripped is good for short term but gotta have some fat in the blood
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Mr Nobody on June 28, 2012, 04:05:04 PM
I'm gonna try to get to 140lbs at 6'2". Twinks are fucking all the hot girls now.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: dj181 on June 28, 2012, 07:07:42 PM
probably half cardio half weights. always WAS a fan of cardio lol thats where i got my quads from. if you tend to over eat and run alot youll get big quads.

i remember those hour long cardio sessions sometimes split into 2  - 30 min sessions a day.

i was afraid of that answer man

so it seems that hard cardio training is required to get that finished and polished look FUCK >:( >:( >:(

i was hoping that i could achieve it just though "diet" and some solid progressive weight training, but it really does appear that hard cardio is a requirement for achieving that much sought after finished and refined look
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: deadz on June 28, 2012, 09:32:33 PM
i was afraid of that answer man

so it seems that hard cardio training is required to get that finished and polished look FUCK >:( >:( >:(

i was hoping that i could achieve it just though "diet" and some solid progressive weight training, but it really does appear that hard cardio is a requirement for achieving that much sought after finished and refined look
We've seen your pick. Who are you trying to fool "polished look" lol.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Griffith on July 01, 2012, 01:48:41 AM
Falcon, what did your training split look like when you were in your best condition in those pics?
What were your rep ranges, sets etc? Any exercises that you focused on?
I think I remember reading that you used to run as well?

Also what type of diet were you following?

Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Fallsview on July 01, 2012, 06:04:52 AM
That video about Drivin' and Train'in just motivated the shit out of me. Thanks Mr. Falcon!

Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: flinstones1 on July 01, 2012, 06:12:05 AM
my motivation for continuing this thread has been killed by the collossal amount of stupidity displayed by beta getbiggers

ps.. yes i want to look ripped, of course im not optimal but i am certainly not unhealthy

johnny what was it like to being able to fuck any girl you wanted to them not giving you a second look? u were a good looking well built guy man....shame u threw it away.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Mr Nobody on July 01, 2012, 08:06:42 PM
Keep hitting that heavy bag Johnny drop cals you will get drop some weight.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: arce1988 on July 01, 2012, 08:41:02 PM
falcon is a legend
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Mr Nobody on July 02, 2012, 07:50:06 PM
Falcon could probably take down some thugs in a dark alley around 1:00 am.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: njflex on July 02, 2012, 07:52:48 PM
Falcon could probably take down some thugs in a dark alley around 1:00 am.
there are no dark alleys in his neck of the woods,,,maybe a wild boar or 2...
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Mr Nobody on July 02, 2012, 08:08:03 PM
there are no dark alleys in his neck of the woods,,,maybe a wild boar or 2...
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: deadz on July 02, 2012, 08:09:45 PM
Hey JF, what ever happened to your crack whore girlfriend who stole your xbox?? ;D
Title: Sir Falcon vs Over(hyped)eem
Post by: Alex23 on July 02, 2012, 08:48:38 PM
I put my $$$$ on the Fallican.

Title: Re: Sir Falcon vs Over(hyped)eem
Post by: Kwon_2 on July 02, 2012, 08:58:44 PM
Sir Jonesy Falconé is the Greatest!


Raise the Roof!
Title: Re: Sir Falcon vs Over(hyped)eem
Post by: Hulkotron on July 02, 2012, 09:00:50 PM
Yes this tit has been ducking the Falcon for years.
Title: Re: Sir Falcon vs Over(hyped)eem
Post by: Alex23 on July 02, 2012, 09:01:25 PM
Sir Jonesy Falconé is the Greatest!


Raise the Roof!

What a wingspan.... probably 86" reach at least.


Title: Re: Sir Falcon vs Over(hyped)eem
Post by: kh300 on July 02, 2012, 09:21:26 PM
I put my $$$$ on the Fallican.

Why do hillbillies always have so many trash cans and extra lids laying around? someone from the dirty enlighten me. Is it because trash gets picked up once a month vs once a week  ???
Title: Re: Sir Falcon vs Over(hyped)eem
Post by: Alex23 on July 03, 2012, 02:44:24 AM
Why do hillbillies always have so many trash cans and extra lids laying around? someone from the dirty enlighten me. Is it because trash gets picked up once a month vs once a week  ???

Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: The Ugly on July 04, 2012, 02:51:23 PM
Man, it's a shame what happened to this guy.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: MB_722 on July 04, 2012, 02:57:27 PM
must be taking some nasty shits with all the beans

Title: Re: Sir Falcon vs Over(hyped)eem
Post by: Mr Nobody on July 04, 2012, 10:54:18 PM
Why do hillbillies always have so many trash cans and extra lids laying around? someone from the dirty enlighten me. Is it because trash gets picked up once a month vs once a week  ???
Falcon would take Alistair no doubt. Trash dont get picked up you got to take to the dump yourself Goodrum can can confirm this.
Title: Re: Sir Falcon vs Over(hyped)eem
Post by: chunkramwell on July 05, 2012, 04:57:23 AM
Falcon would take Alistair no doubt. Trash dont get picked up you got to take to the dump yourself Goodrum can can confirm this.

Nice catch, that's why we have pickups too. Have to take cans to the dump.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Mr Nobody on July 05, 2012, 12:02:59 PM
Falcon will whip some ass no doubt.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on July 05, 2012, 01:34:45 PM
johnny what was it like to being able to fuck any girl you wanted to them not giving you a second look? u were a good looking well built guy man....shame u threw it away.

look around you hot girls dont have to always be with mega ripped studs

girls would rather have you thick and bulky but not look like a steroid frog

being ripped and with size is quite the chore for a natural
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Mr Nobody on July 05, 2012, 01:41:29 PM
look around you hot girls dont have to always be with mega ripped studs

girls would rather have you thick and bulky but not look like a steroid frog

being ripped and with size is quite the chore for a natural
Yea I see hot girls with fat dudes all the time kinda works on my mind. Once when I was in contest shape a girl turned me down cause she said I would get more attention than her.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on July 05, 2012, 01:49:25 PM
Yea I see hot girls with fat dudes all the time kinda works on my mind. Once when I was in contest shape a girl turned me down cause she said I would get more attention than her.

girls really shouldnt be a problem for anyone. no matter how they look. the emotional connection with a girl getting her emotionally engaged and your own confidence/ sense of humor, being the initiator is key
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: King Shizzo on July 05, 2012, 02:07:43 PM
Falcon, what did your training split look like when you were in your best condition in those pics?What were your rep ranges, sets etc? Any exercises that you focused on?
I think I remember reading that you used to run as well?

Also what type of diet were you following?

Steroids and coke.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: HappyGorilla on July 05, 2012, 02:38:25 PM
How easily one can go from a good looking guy to a fat ugly hillbilly. Judging by your videos I would assume the main cause was due to all the SSRI's and anti-psychotic medicines you are on.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: King Shizzo on July 05, 2012, 02:40:58 PM
How easily one can go from a good looking guy to a fat ugly hillbilly. Judging by your videos I would assume the main cause was due to all the SSRI's and anti-psychotic medicines you are on.
His lack of willpower was sickening.  It's a complete 180. 
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Mr Nobody on July 05, 2012, 04:04:09 PM
girls really shouldnt be a problem for anyone. no matter how they look. the emotional connection with a girl getting her emotionally engaged and your own confidence/ sense of humor, being the initiator is key
So are you saying get them emotionally attactched and then you can fuck them anytime?
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Marty Champions on July 05, 2012, 05:46:47 PM
So are you saying get them emotionally attactched and then you can fuck them anytime?
easily 100 percent sometimes us masters forget what we already know mr knowbody  8)
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: njflex on July 05, 2012, 08:11:56 PM
easily 100 percent sometimes us masters forget what we already know mr knowbody  8)
go,,go johnny go ,go johnny be good,,,,
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Alex23 on July 05, 2012, 08:57:51 PM
Joahnnay, even chubbier you have a beautiful body (no homogenez).
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Mr Nobody on July 06, 2012, 06:08:20 PM
easily 100 percent sometimes us masters forget what we already know mr knowbody  8)
excellent point thanks for reminding me.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Alex23 on July 06, 2012, 06:16:16 PM
excellent point thanks for reminding me.


Falican = Lewis and Clark of Wellness.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Mr Nobody on July 07, 2012, 07:47:35 PM

Falican = Lewis and Clark of Wellness.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: nzmusclemonster on July 09, 2012, 12:59:02 AM
Can you even see the skinny mini with all that blubber?
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Primemuscle on July 09, 2012, 08:23:37 AM
Check out the film, Forks Over Knives. After seeing this documentary last night, I am considering becoming a vegan.
Title: Re: My fat body is very healthy
Post by: Tito24 on July 09, 2012, 08:29:26 AM