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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Vince B on November 17, 2017, 07:20:05 PM

Title: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 17, 2017, 07:20:05 PM
Today my arms measure 18 inches cold. Very pleased with my progress. I also proved that broscience is mistaken and that hypertrophy can occur in old age. Not that I consider myself old.

I can tell you the recent workouts were brutal. Heavy weights used and training to failure on all sets after a warmup. Two exercises supersetted. Biceps-supinator machine for biceps and a modified Nautilus triceps machine for triceps. Frequency was extended to maybe every 4th or 5th day because of tenderness in the elbows or other a sore shoulder obtained from lifting something out behind me in my vehicle.

I want to make a separate thread and not post in the sorry DJ thread about my achievement. No photo today. I am aiming for 18 1/2 inches by the New Year. Even 18 1/4 will be satisfactory because I never had arms over 17 3/4 when I was competing. That was off season then and something like 17 1/4 on contest day. Today I am over 230 pounds so am carrying a bit too much safety fat. I don't see other men my age looking solid like I do.

My strength has increased heaps in the last 3 months. I am using more on both machines than in the past. My protocol is warming up with a light resistance then adding a plate for following sets. As strength goes up so do the number of sets. Over 3 months my total sets have increased by 5 sets. I also do 5 sets on the maximum resistance. I rest long enough to do more than 10 reps.

Building more muscle is very satisfying because so many people scoff at the idea that hypertrophy is possible over 70. It is not only possible but increases beyond previous maximums are also possible.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 17, 2017, 07:21:45 PM
What I have learned since 1968 lifting weights is that muscular growth happens quite slowly most of the time. You usually cannot see the growth happening except over months.

Second point is that there is a relationship between muscular size and strength. If you can bench 225 for 10 reps and have X size arms then if you can bench 275 for 10 reps your arms will be X + 1" or so.

Third point is there are few guys who build huge arms. How come? Well, it could be several things and maybe more than one factor combining to make a difference.
In any population some people are taller, smarter, or whatever we want to measure. Thus, some males will have larger muscles. This is a statistical phenomenon.
One reason for having few huge guys is that perhaps the effort required goes up exponentially. It might take twice or three times the effort to go from 17 inch arms to 19 inch arms.
Since most guys won't invest that much effort or are incapable of doing so, that would explain why there are not many guys with huge arms.
I deduce from these considerations that muscles are reluctant to hypertrophy to the huge state. That means you have to train in a fashion that gives the muscles a reason or need to get bigger.
If this is so then you have to do something extraordinary to keep a muscle certainly won't grow unless the stimulus is there. I conclude that when I train I have to go to failure
on most sets after warming up. Huge muscles are capable of repeating heavy efforts many times after a short rest. That means I have to do many sets with a stimulating resistance. What I do
is keep the weight the same but rest a bit longer between sets. Of course there are many 'equivalent' protocols that might work as well. You accumulate a few seconds from each set to failure and these add up if
enough sets to failure are done. Perhaps 1 to 2 minutes of extreme intensity must be accumulated from many sets taken to failure. This could be 10 to 20 total sets for biceps and triceps.

Experience has shown me that some exercises are more effective than others re hypertrophy. So this can make a huge difference. You have to find out by trial and error or learn from guys who have
this information. In my case I modified or invented equipment that is more effective for arm training.

How about frequency? When is the ideal time to retrain the growing muscle? This has not been established by exercise science. If we look at when protein synthesis slows or stops then perhaps training
every 2nd or 3rd day is optimal. Mike Mentzer insisted that many trainees required longer intervals to cause more hypertrophy. It is controversial whether a muscle needs to recover before another workout.
Anecdotal information suggests that muscles can still grow even if not fully recovered. There is the issue of repeated bout effect that has to be overcome. Training while still a little sore might overcome that RBE.

Another factor here is safety. The most effective exercises and protocols might not be the safest. I found out through personal experience that it is easy to damage the sheath that goes over the elbow joint.
What this means is that when you train biceps or triceps you have to make sure your elbows don't contact pads. The friction there will cause damage which will be experienced as pain. Everything is compounded
by the fact that the growing muscle is becoming much stronger. When really heavy weights are lifted they are also dangerous. One way to reduce the risk of injury is to both warm up longer and to do more reps.
If you keep the reps over 10 and aim at somewhere around 15 that might be all round safer and more effective. After the 3rd heavy set what happens is that you can't do as many reps. If you start with 15 reps you
might decrease to about 7 to 10 by the 5th set. When the reps drop off significantly this might be the signal that hypertrophy will occur.

Which bring up another factor in hypertrophy. Larry Scott found that if he could pump his arms larger than ever then they would be bigger the next day. That means you should always aim at getting a bigger pump.
Doing more reps is one way to increase the blood flow in the muscle. Occlusion might contribute to hypertrophy as well. Which is partly why pumping works.

Let us now mention waste products while training and beyond. Larry would train to an extremely painful lactic acid state over and over. No pain, no gain is the message here. Again, just about everyone knew about
this saying but the reality is few ever persist with this kind of training. It takes a certain extreme motivation and even craziness to persist with extremely painful training.

The other pain from damage and waste products is the Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness that occasionally appears after doing something new or extraordinary. That soreness can persist for days after say training calves really hard. This phenomenon usually occurs when one is starting resistance training and disappears after a week or two of weight training. We can ask both what is happening in the muscles to cause this pain and
also why that pain happens at all. DOMS seems to be a message to the brain to take it easy and not to repeat what caused the soreness. We all know this and most personal trainers hold back on the sets when initiating anyone to weight training. Do two sets and not more and there shouldn't be too much soreness the following days. This is common sense re broscience.

Now consider this thought experiment. What would happen to a muscle if the stimulus was such that after each and every workout significant DOMS resulted and persisted for a few days? Would the muscle grow rapidly?
It is my conjecture that they would, in fact, keep growing rapidly. There would be an increase in strength as well and this increase would be substantial.

That is all I want to discuss at the moment. Intelligent people should be able to distill what to do from these considerations. Hypertrophy is not only possible but inevitable if these principles are applied correctly.
Sometimes knowledge isn't sufficient. What is also a requirement is correct application of those principles. Unless sufficient mechanical tension of adequate intensity is applied for the right amount of time then rapid hypertrophy won't and can't occur. This is where some might require an instructor to guide the process. Some people literally can't get results even when guided which is surprising but a reality. I suspect that DJ is one of these people. If you watch his form when doing dips on that Technogym  machine then it is clear he is devoid of sense and ability to train properly.

One point not mentioned is that occasional lay offs might help hypertrophy.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Chidoman on November 17, 2017, 07:25:11 PM
Too Much Wording, No Evidence...

Pics to prove it or It's Horseshit, Bottom Line!!... ;D
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: werewolf operative on November 17, 2017, 07:33:40 PM
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 17, 2017, 07:35:54 PM
--Vince Basile picked his own judges, thus rigging the contest.
--Vince Basile has zero evidence to support his hypothesis theory.
--Vince Basile's bicep supination machine was never "picked" up by any major gyms. He is the only one that uses it.
--Vince Basile is very jealous of Arnold's success.
--Vince Basile has never tried to publish his hypertrophy in a reputable journal.
--Vince Basile's hypertrophy hypothesis has never been used by an reputable scientists or personal trainers.
--Vince Basile's hypertrophy hypothesis has never been taken seriously outside of Mr. Basile's own mind.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 17, 2017, 07:49:40 PM
--Vince Basile picked his own judges, thus rigging the contest.
--Vince Basile has zero evidence to support his hypothesis theory.
--Vince Basile's bicep supination machine was never "picked" up by any major gyms. He is the only one that uses it.
--Vince Basile is very jealous of Arnold's success.
--Vince Basile has never tried to publish his hypertrophy in a reputable journal.
--Vince Basile's hypertrophy hypothesis has never been used by an reputable scientists or personal trainers.
--Vince Basile's hypertrophy hypothesis has never been taken seriously outside of Mr. Basile's own mind.

What a total dork you are. Hope this helps.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: werewolf operative on November 17, 2017, 07:55:30 PM
What I have learned since 1968 lifting weights is that muscular growth happens quite slowly most of the time. You usually cannot see the growth happening except over months.

Second point is that there is a relationship between muscular size and strength. If you can bench 225 for 10 reps and have X size arms then if you can bench 275 for 10 reps your arms will be X + 1" or so.

Third point is there are few guys who build huge arms. How come? Well, it could be several things and maybe more than one factor combining to make a difference.
In any population some people are taller, smarter, or whatever we want to measure. Thus, some males will have larger muscles. This is a statistical phenomenon.
One reason for having few huge guys is that perhaps the effort required goes up exponentially. It might take twice or three times the effort to go from 17 inch arms to 19 inch arms.
Since most guys won't invest that much effort or are incapable of doing so, that would explain why there are not many guys with huge arms.
I deduce from these considerations that muscles are reluctant to hypertrophy to the huge state. That means you have to train in a fashion that gives the muscles a reason or need to get bigger.
If this is so then you have to do something extraordinary to keep a muscle certainly won't grow unless the stimulus is there. I conclude that when I train I have to go to failure
on most sets after warming up. Huge muscles are capable of repeating heavy efforts many times after a short rest. That means I have to do many sets with a stimulating resistance. What I do
is keep the weight the same but rest a bit longer between sets. Of course there are many 'equivalent' protocols that might work as well. You accumulate a few seconds from each set to failure and these add up if
enough sets to failure are done. Perhaps 1 to 2 minutes of extreme intensity must be accumulated from many sets taken to failure. This could be 10 to 20 total sets for biceps and triceps.

Experience has shown me that some exercises are more effective than others re hypertrophy. So this can make a huge difference. You have to find out by trial and error or learn from guys who have
this information. In my case I modified or invented equipment that is more effective for arm training.

How about frequency? When is the ideal time to retrain the growing muscle? This has not been established by exercise science. If we look at when protein synthesis slows or stops then perhaps training
every 2nd or 3rd day is optimal. Mike Mentzer insisted that many trainees required longer intervals to cause more hypertrophy. It is controversial whether a muscle needs to recover before another workout.
Anecdotal information suggests that muscles can still grow even if not fully recovered. There is the issue of repeated bout effect that has to be overcome. Training while still a little sore might overcome that RBE.

Another factor here is safety. The most effective exercises and protocols might not be the safest. I found out through personal experience that it is easy to damage the sheath that goes over the elbow joint.
What this means is that when you train biceps or triceps you have to make sure your elbows don't contact pads. The friction there will cause damage which will be experienced as pain. Everything is compounded
by the fact that the growing muscle is becoming much stronger. When really heavy weights are lifted they are also dangerous. One way to reduce the risk of injury is to both warm up longer and to do more reps.
If you keep the reps over 10 and aim at somewhere around 15 that might be all round safer and more effective. After the 3rd heavy set what happens is that you can't do as many reps. If you start with 15 reps you
might decrease to about 7 to 10 by the 5th set. When the reps drop off significantly this might be the signal that hypertrophy will occur.

Which bring up another factor in hypertrophy. Larry Scott found that if he could pump his arms larger than ever then they would be bigger the next day. That means you should always aim at getting a bigger pump.
Doing more reps is one way to increase the blood flow in the muscle. Occlusion might contribute to hypertrophy as well. Which is partly why pumping works.

Let us now mention waste products while training and beyond. Larry would train to an extremely painful lactic acid state over and over. No pain, no gain is the message here. Again, just about everyone knew about
this saying but the reality is few ever persist with this kind of training. It takes a certain extreme motivation and even craziness to persist with extremely painful training.

The other pain from damage and waste products is the Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness that occasionally appears after doing something new or extraordinary. That soreness can persist for days after say training calves really hard. This phenomenon usually occurs when one is starting resistance training and disappears after a week or two of weight training. We can ask both what is happening in the muscles to cause this pain and
also why that pain happens at all. DOMS seems to be a message to the brain to take it easy and not to repeat what caused the soreness. We all know this and most personal trainers hold back on the sets when initiating anyone to weight training. Do two sets and not more and there shouldn't be too much soreness the following days. This is common sense re broscience.

Now consider this thought experiment. What would happen to a muscle if the stimulus was such that after each and every workout significant DOMS resulted and persisted for a few days? Would the muscle grow rapidly?
It is my conjecture that they would, in fact, keep growing rapidly. There would be an increase in strength as well and this increase would be substantial.

That is all I want to discuss at the moment. Intelligent people should be able to distill what to do from these considerations. Hypertrophy is not only possible but inevitable if these principles are applied correctly.
Sometimes knowledge isn't sufficient. What is also a requirement is correct application of those principles. Unless sufficient mechanical tension of adequate intensity is applied for the right amount of time then rapid hypertrophy won't and can't occur. This is where some might require an instructor to guide the process. Some people literally can't get results even when guided which is surprising but a reality. I suspect that DJ is one of these people. If you watch his form when doing dips on that Technogym  machine then it is clear he is devoid of sense and ability to train properly.

One point not mentioned is that occasional lay offs might help hypertrophy.

text me.


Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Kwon on November 17, 2017, 07:56:20 PM

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 17, 2017, 08:07:39 PM
What a total dork you are. Hope this helps.

Yet, you cannot refute any of my statements because you know they are true.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Coach is Back! on November 17, 2017, 08:28:44 PM
Today my arms measure 18 inches cold. Very pleased with my progress. I also proved that broscience is mistaken and that hypertrophy can occur in old age. Not that I consider myself old.

I can tell you the recent workouts were brutal. Heavy weights used and training to failure on all sets after a warmup. Two exercises supersetted. Biceps-supinator machine for biceps and a modified Nautilus triceps machine for triceps. Frequency was extended to maybe every 4th or 5th day because of tenderness in the elbows or other a sore shoulder obtained from lifting something out behind me in my vehicle.

I want to make a separate thread and not post in the sorry DJ thread about my achievement. No photo today. I am aiming for 18 1/2 inches by the New Year. Even 18 1/4 will be satisfactory because I never had arms over 17 3/4 when I was competing. That was off season then and something like 17 1/4 on contest day. Today I am over 230 pounds so am carrying a bit too much safety fat. I don't see other men my age looking solid like I do.

My strength has increased heaps in the last 3 months. I am using more on both machines than in the past. My protocol is warming up with a light resistance then adding a plate for following sets. As strength goes up so do the number of sets. Over 3 months my total sets have increased by 5 sets. I also do 5 sets on the maximum resistance. I rest long enough to do more than 10 reps.

Building more muscle is very satisfying because so many people scoff at the idea that hypertrophy is possible over 70. It is not only possible but increases beyond previous maximums are also possible.

Incredible peak, shape and complete tricep. Totally symmetrical with the rest of your body. If you shaved your arm I'm sure you'd look just like Albert Beccles.....or Louis Cyr ::)
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: che on November 17, 2017, 08:38:30 PM
Today my arms measure 18 inches cold. Very pleased with my progress. I also proved that broscience is mistaken and that hypertrophy can occur in old age. Not that I consider myself old.

I can tell you the recent workouts were brutal. Heavy weights used and training to failure on all sets after a warmup. Two exercises supersetted. Biceps-supinator machine for biceps and a modified Nautilus triceps machine for triceps. Frequency was extended to maybe every 4th or 5th day because of tenderness in the elbows or other a sore shoulder obtained from lifting something out behind me in my vehicle.

I want to make a separate thread and not post in the sorry DJ thread about my achievement. No photo today. I am aiming for 18 1/2 inches by the New Year. Even 18 1/4 will be satisfactory because I never had arms over 17 3/4 when I was competing. That was off season then and something like 17 1/4 on contest day. Today I am over 230 pounds so am carrying a bit too much safety fat. I don't see other men my age looking solid like I do.

My strength has increased heaps in the last 3 months. I am using more on both machines than in the past. My protocol is warming up with a light resistance then adding a plate for following sets. As strength goes up so do the number of sets. Over 3 months my total sets have increased by 5 sets. I also do 5 sets on the maximum resistance. I rest long enough to do more than 10 reps.

Building more muscle is very satisfying because so many people scoff at the idea that hypertrophy is possible over 70. It is not only possible but increases beyond previous maximums are also possible.

Looking good Vince ,are you natural ?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: obsidian on November 17, 2017, 09:39:37 PM
Not bad at all for 75. He is right, how many 75 year olds look solid? Heck some are not alive anymore at that age! Are you on a little trt? Or avoiding it because of prostrate cancer risks?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: illuminati on November 17, 2017, 10:21:35 PM
Keep it going Vince
75yrs Young & going strong.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: IRON CROSS on November 18, 2017, 12:07:11 AM
--Vince Basile picked his own judges, thus rigging the contest.
--Vince Basile has zero evidence to support his hypothesis theory.
--Vince Basile's bicep supination machine was never "picked" up by any major gyms. He is the only one that uses it.
--Vince Basile is very jealous of Arnold's success.
--Vince Basile has never tried to publish his hypertrophy in a reputable journal.
--Vince Basile's hypertrophy hypothesis has never been used by an reputable scientists or personal trainers.
--Vince Basile's hypertrophy hypothesis has never been taken seriously outside of Mr. Basile's own mind.

100% correct  :)

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: IRON CROSS on November 18, 2017, 12:12:51 AM
Yet, you cannot refute any of my statements because you know they are true.

Saturday night in Sydney & time for Vincenzo to eliminate 2-3 bottles of cheap Vino rosso   ::) :P
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: calfzilla on November 18, 2017, 12:14:39 AM
Holy fuck that's a lot of words  :o
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: IRON CROSS on November 18, 2017, 12:17:52 AM
What a total dork you are. Hope this helps.

Vince B should be banned 4 stalking Mr.SF1900  >:(
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Mitch on November 18, 2017, 12:35:13 AM
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Powerlift66 on November 18, 2017, 12:48:29 AM
For a guy at age 75, still into lifting, that is awesome. I know you get some grief on here Vince, but a life-long Iron-Gamer is OK in my book.
And my book happens to be called "Life-Long Iron Gamer's"  :P

Anyways, keep it going, I think it keeps people mobile as they age.
Do you do any cardio, like daily walks at least?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 18, 2017, 12:59:43 AM
According to AJ and dyke mentzer muscle growth happens in spurts over night

If you take your arm and remove the fat and extra cellular water it measures maybe 14 inches FACT

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Ropo on November 18, 2017, 04:02:45 AM
What a total dork you are. Hope this helps.

Problem with this is very simple: You can take a donkey to the water, but you cannot force it to drink.. You see, these brats are morons who can hardly read, so if you write longer than four word sentences, these morons get puzzled and they lose control of their anus and shit all over themselves. 

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Henda on November 18, 2017, 04:57:40 AM
Bigger and more muscular arms than Shizzo
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Mr Anabolic on November 18, 2017, 05:14:42 AM
18" huh? 
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 18, 2017, 05:24:23 AM
I don't use any drugs, pills or injections. All natural for the last 40 years.

I don't drink wine or any other alcohol except on rare social occasions.

DJ is pissing his pants when he sees my achievement.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 18, 2017, 05:27:01 AM
I don't use any drugs, pills or injections. All natural for the last 40 years.

I don't drink wine or any other alcohol except on rare social occasions.

DJ is pissing his pants when he sees my achievement.


You got a full inch on these 2 fellas
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Marty Champions on November 18, 2017, 06:19:14 AM
vince u should be growing muscle by now??
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: oldgolds on November 18, 2017, 06:45:54 AM
According to AJ and dyke mentzer muscle growth happens in spurts over night

If you take your arm and remove the fat and extra cellular water it measures maybe 14 inches FACT


This....230 lbs.....Mostly fat....The only way to tell how much real muscle you have is to diet down until your waist is small and firm. I've seen this countless times over the years, guys put on a ton of fat and think it's muscle. Self delusion.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 18, 2017, 06:57:17 AM

This....230 lbs.....Mostly fat....The only way to tell how much real muscle you have is to diet down until your waist is small and firm. I've seen this countless times over the years, guys put on a ton of fat and think it's muscle. Self delusion.

Ex-fucking-actly show me your arm at sub-7 or stfu
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: deadz on November 18, 2017, 08:33:29 AM
Worried about arm size at 75 on a B.B. forum.  ???
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: karasan on November 18, 2017, 09:35:47 AM
Aging sucks, you were the man!
IFBB Canadian Champion, you came from no where and got the first place in one of the deepest field of competitors, you destroyed the other two!
For a mere mortal your bazookas are nothing sort of phenomenal, but you sir, set the bar so high, I felt sorry for your 25 percent bf 18 inchers...
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: BSN on November 18, 2017, 09:41:03 AM
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Conker on November 18, 2017, 10:35:12 AM
lol. you fat sht
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Tennisballz on November 18, 2017, 10:44:18 AM
Vince I was down at the local home depot recently andd saw a handful of older contractors with the same arms as you.  Without sounding like a dick, you dont REALLY have 18 inch arms.  Thats more of a "fatcep".  In any case, you had a great physique back in 1970.  Just curious, what was the diet like back then when you prepped for the mr. Canada show?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: FREAKgeek on November 18, 2017, 12:49:11 PM
Wow you're less than 5 years away from 80. Being over 200 at that age can't be healthy but what do I know.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: IRON CROSS on November 18, 2017, 12:50:25 PM
mega fat body & muscular arms , yeah right  ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 18, 2017, 03:04:20 PM
I usually have separation in my arms but because of DOMS they are a bit swollen. Some inflamation accompanies hypertrophy. What you can't see is how hard my arms are. Strong, too. That is why I know I have done something noteworthy. It is actually more difficult to get rid of excess fat than to build more muscle. My triceps have never been bigger.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Hypertrophy on November 18, 2017, 03:08:56 PM
I usually have separation in my arms but because of DOMS they are a bit swollen. Some inflamation accompanies hypertrophy. What you can't see is how hard my arms are. Strong, too. That is why I know I have done something noteworthy. It is actually more difficult to get rid of excess fat than to build more muscle. My triceps have never been bigger.

You are just holding water Vince. As soon as you hit the diuretics you'll look awesome.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: JAGO on November 18, 2017, 03:14:07 PM
If this old queen has an 18' inch arm, he must be 9 feet tall. And by the way, it doesn't look like you're in a penthouse anymore.

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 18, 2017, 03:16:23 PM
If this old queen has an 18' inch arm, he must be 9 feet tall. And by the way, it doesn't look like you're in a penthouse anymore.


Hahahahahhaa brutal!!!
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: werewolf operative on November 18, 2017, 03:25:23 PM
I usually have separation in my arms but because of DOMS they are a bit swollen. Some inflamation accompanies hypertrophy.

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Simple Simon on November 18, 2017, 03:26:17 PM
im convinced joon is running Vince and DJs accounts.......
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 18, 2017, 03:31:15 PM
Post you arm pic fat asian lulz
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 18, 2017, 05:51:35 PM
I feel sorry for all the wannabes who have never and will never achieve anything through bodybuilding. 18 inch arms are a quest that few achieve. So it has taken me about 49 years to achieve. Sure I am a bit bulky but my arms feel like big hams hanging there. Solid as steel and strong as can be. I could rip ribs out or break arms in a flash if I wanted to. Luckily for the hapless Flotsam here I am an humanist and thinker so physical violence is beneath me. When it comes to mental agility well that is where I take no prisoners. The trouble here is that the simple minds are seldom aware of being defeated and owned. So they persist as knuckleheads do and are oblivious of their own buffoonery and outright stupidity.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: AusBB on November 18, 2017, 06:18:13 PM
Its not fair to respond to this. The man is obviously blind and senile. He surely got his diaper changed after this.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: RJ DRIVER on November 18, 2017, 06:27:21 PM
Vince, I think you are a bit of an oddball but I respect you.  This world needs interesting people.  What ever the case may be, you look pretty damn good for 75! Keep lifting and stay young dude.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: JAGO on November 18, 2017, 06:47:24 PM
I feel sorry for all the wannabes who have never and will never achieve anything through bodybuilding. 18 inch arms are a quest that few achieve. So it has taken me about 49 years to achieve. Sure I am a bit bulky but my arms feel like big hams hanging there. Solid as steel and strong as can be. I could rip ribs out or break arms in a flash if I wanted to. Luckily for the hapless Flotsam here I am an humanist and thinker so physical violence is beneath me. When it comes to mental agility well that is where I take no prisoners. The trouble here is that the simple minds are seldom aware of being defeated and owned. So they persist as knuckleheads do and are oblivious of their own buffoonery and outright stupidity.

I bet Roz would dispute that.

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Viking11 on November 18, 2017, 07:07:11 PM
i question the measurement, mine were 18 1/4" here- at 6'2", and mine seem a tad bigger... but maybe Vince has much longer arms or sumthin...
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: werewolf operative on November 18, 2017, 07:10:09 PM
i question the measurement, mine were 18 1/4" here- at 6'2", and mine seem a tad bigger... but maybe Vince has much longer arms or sumthin...

Yours are legit, his clearly aren't.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 18, 2017, 07:23:37 PM
Lots of gimmicks trying hard to score points here to no avail. I can defeat an army of gimmicks typing with one hand behind my back!

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: IRON CROSS on November 18, 2017, 07:54:18 PM
I feel sorry for all the wannabes who have never and will never achieve anything through bodybuilding. 18 inch arms are a quest that few achieve. So it has taken me about 49 years to achieve. Sure I am a bit bulky but my arms feel like big hams hanging there. Solid as steel and strong as can be. I could rip ribs out or break arms in a flash if I wanted to. Luckily for the hapless Flotsam here I am an humanist and thinker so physical violence is beneath me. When it comes to mental agility well that is where I take no prisoners. The trouble here is that the simple minds are seldom aware of being defeated and owned. So they persist as knuckleheads do and are oblivious of their own buffoonery and outright stupidity.

Unfortunately booze is talking (again )  ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: IRON CROSS on November 18, 2017, 07:55:54 PM
I bet Roz would dispute that.


 :P :P :P
 ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: IRON CROSS on November 18, 2017, 08:02:31 PM
Its not fair to respond to this. The man is obviously blind and senile. He surely got his diaper changed after this.

 IFBB great  Mr.Paul Graham & Arnold should be judging his arms ''progress''   
 :D ;D
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: NelsonMuntz on November 18, 2017, 08:17:19 PM

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: IRON CROSS on November 18, 2017, 11:52:58 PM

Looked that E.T. face on Basil  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Danimal77 on November 19, 2017, 01:52:13 AM


You got a full inch on these 2 fellas

That's an old pic of Mike Mentzer. His arm got up to 18 5/8" according to him when his bodyweight reached 225 pounds in the late 70's/early 80's.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 19, 2017, 04:10:57 AM
That's an old pic of Mike Mentzer. His arm got up to 18 5/8" according to him when his bodyweight reached 225 pounds in the late 70's/early 80's.

Wait a minute! He had to weigh that much to have 18.5 ???

Fuck!!! I thought he did it at sub 210
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: _aj_ on November 19, 2017, 04:51:24 AM
im convinced joon is running Vince and DJs accounts.......

Oh yes. For sure.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on November 19, 2017, 05:43:08 AM

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: oldgolds on November 19, 2017, 07:41:39 AM

A hard 17 inch arm with a small trim waist and no drugs is much more impressive and harder to obtain than a flabby, shapeless 18...
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: kyomu on November 19, 2017, 08:05:26 AM
Mines are around 18 inchs too.
But, Who gives a fvck to the measurement.
Its the matter of how Big they look
47yrs old. More than 100% natural...ok maybe not. Because I take BCAA and Glutamine
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: che on November 19, 2017, 08:07:39 AM
Mines are around 18 inchs too.
But, Who gives a fvck to the measurement.
Its the matter of how Big they look


How is Paco doing ?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: kyomu on November 19, 2017, 08:11:28 AM


How is Paco doing ?

Between 109kg to 118kg. Shrinking and swelling and shrinking and swelling... ;D ;D ;D
He is totaly natural now too. Still his arms are over 20inchs with details. A beast of nature
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: kyomu on November 19, 2017, 08:14:56 AM


How is Paco doing ?

A moron behind his back is me. 8) 8)
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Simple Simon on November 19, 2017, 08:16:12 AM
Between 109kg to 118kg. Shrinking and swelling and shrinking and swelling... ;D ;D ;D
He is totaly natural now too. Still his arms are over 20inchs with details. A beast of nature

Has he forgiven Kevin yet?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: che on November 19, 2017, 08:23:10 AM
A moron behind his back is me. 8) 8)

The white shirt ,red pants  chubby ,what's her name ?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: kyomu on November 19, 2017, 08:25:57 AM
Has he forgiven Kevin yet?
;D ;D ;D ;D
Our family dont know the Word called forgiveness........hihih ihi

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: kyomu on November 19, 2017, 08:27:32 AM
The white shirt ,red pants  chubby ,what's her name ?
Alexia...her offseason mode makes you....heheheh
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Viking11 on November 19, 2017, 08:32:05 AM
Wait a minute! He had to weigh that much to have 18.5 ???

Fuck!!! I thought he did it at sub 210

He did.  Mike was 209 when he  won the Mr. America in 1976. I will hunt for a pic. He was 210 at the 1979 Mr. O weigh in- probably 215 onstage. He said he was 225 - again probably onstage-at the 80 O, but he had long stopped measuring by then, and the added mass was mostly in his legs and back- he had added deadlifts and power cleans because his back was lagging along with his chest. i will try for some pics.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Viking11 on November 19, 2017, 08:36:33 AM
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Viking11 on November 19, 2017, 08:37:20 AM
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: che on November 19, 2017, 08:37:58 AM
Alexia...her offseason mode makes you....heheheh

Decime el apellido asi la busco online
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Viking11 on November 19, 2017, 08:38:08 AM
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 19, 2017, 08:38:50 AM

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: kyomu on November 19, 2017, 08:41:11 AM
Decime el apellido asi la busco online
Alexia Sánchez. A fitness competitor
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: werewolf operative on November 19, 2017, 09:03:07 AM
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: kyomu on November 19, 2017, 09:19:50 AM
Maybe i should sell my soiled hot red thong to you.
How about 10000$ per one? :-*
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: werewolf operative on November 19, 2017, 09:36:49 AM
Maybe i should sell my soiled hot red thong to you.
How about 10000$ per one? :-*

Best friend is japanese. Japan is based.

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: kyomu on November 19, 2017, 10:07:01 AM
Best friend is japanese. Japan is based.

I am not right nor left. But one thing i feel.
I think all these korean and chinese things are in the plan which try to change the our law of the military force.
The world want us to do the war to save the world economic like America had been doing until now.
After world warII, USA had more than half amount of money of the world which is enough to cause the war.
But, now not. In stead, Japan can do it. But, Japanese law has inhibited us to send our military to the out of the sea.
Causing war can produce recovery effect to the economic crisis.
So to speak, Chinese and Korean wont fight against us. Also we are so connected to china and Korea in the economic base.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: NordicNerd on November 19, 2017, 11:20:55 AM
I usually have separation in my arms but because of DOMS they are a bit swollen. Some inflamation accompanies hypertrophy. What you can't see is how hard my arms are. Strong, too. That is why I know I have done something noteworthy. It is actually more difficult to get rid of excess fat than to build more muscle. My triceps have never been bigger.

You are fat, hence no separation. But you look healthy and strong for a 75 year old. Good for you!

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 19, 2017, 07:18:37 PM
You are fat, hence no separation. But you look healthy and strong for a 75 year old. Good for you!


You are mistaken. I don't have my gym so I can't get someone there to confirm my measurement and condition. The photo was taken with window light directly in front of me. Any separation was washed out.
I will make an effort to reduce my bodyfat to reveal more definition. That will be more difficult than getting bigger. All you young guys will find this out in decades in the future. I can tell you I walk around confident and act much younger than my age. My triceps are bigger than ever and my arms are hard to touch when I slightly flex them.

One thing that no one has commented on is my training protocol. Only one exercise per body part. List another bodybuilder out there who duplicates what I do. Well, the two machines are probably unavailable to anyone else. I really should try to sell my biceps-supinator design. It really is the best biceps machine ever built. Nothing else comes close. Resistance in two degrees of freedom.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 19, 2017, 07:56:57 PM
You are mistaken. I don't have my gym so I can't get someone there to confirm my measurement and condition. The photo was taken with window light directly in front of me. Any separation was washed out.
I will make an effort to reduce my bodyfat to reveal more definition. That will be more difficult than getting bigger. All you young guys will find this out in decades in the future. I can tell you I walk around confident and act much younger than my age. My triceps are bigger than ever and my arms are hard to touch when I slightly flex them.

One thing that no one has commented on is my training protocol. Only one exercise per body part. List another bodybuilder out there who duplicates what I do. Well, the two machines are probably unavailable to anyone else. I really should try to sell my biceps-supinator design. It really is the best biceps machine ever built. Nothing else comes close. Resistance in two degrees of freedom.

Solid arm for a man your age.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: sceagacros on November 19, 2017, 10:33:07 PM
"It might take twice or three times the effort to go from 17 inch arms to 19 inch arms.
Since most guys won't invest that much effort or are incapable of doing so, that would explain why there are not many guys with huge arms. "

Right on.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: sceagacros on November 19, 2017, 10:43:13 PM
I find Vince's stuff inspiring for the most part, the guy's 75 years old and likely more full of piss and vinegar than any of his detractors will be at that age. I actually enjoy reading his take on hypertrophy, and while I question some conclusions others seem plausible and really made me think.

Vince takes the ribbing in stride and even in the face of some pretty low vibration insults simply doesn't give a fuck. A true GetBigger in my opinion, and deserves a lot more respect than he gets.

Nice work Vince!
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: tommywishbone on November 19, 2017, 10:48:35 PM
Solid arm for a man of 45. For a man of 75... nicely done sir.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: NelsonMuntz on November 19, 2017, 10:58:19 PM
I find Vince's stuff inspiring for the most part, the guy's 75 years old and likely more full of piss and vinegar than any of his detractors will be at that age. I actually enjoy reading his take on hypertrophy, and while I question some conclusions others seem plausible and really made me think.

Vince takes the ribbing in stride and even in the face of some pretty low vibration insults simply doesn't give a fuck. A true GetBigger in my opinion, and deserves a lot more respect than he gets.

Nice work Vince!


he still lifts weights at 75, give the man credit I would say

some more ribbing

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Henda on November 20, 2017, 12:13:58 AM
I’d be pleased just to be alive at 75, vince does great for his age.

Vince should have patterned use of linear bearings in excercise equipment like ford did with heated front screens, he’d be loaded now
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: JAGO on November 20, 2017, 01:05:22 AM
You are mistaken. I don't have my gym so I can't get someone there to confirm my measurement and condition. The photo was taken with window light directly in front of me. Any separation was washed out.
I will make an effort to reduce my bodyfat to reveal more definition. That will be more difficult than getting bigger. All you young guys will find this out in decades in the future. I can tell you I walk around confident and act much younger than my age. My triceps are bigger than ever and my arms are hard to touch when I slightly flex them.

One thing that no one has commented on is my training protocol. Only one exercise per body part. List another bodybuilder out there who duplicates what I do. Well, the two machines are probably unavailable to anyone else. I really should try to sell my biceps-supinator design. It really is the best biceps machine ever built. Nothing else comes close. Resistance in two degrees of freedom.

It's called immaturity.

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 20, 2017, 03:55:34 AM
"It might take twice or three times the effort to go from 17 inch arms to 19 inch arms.
Since most guys won't invest that much effort or are incapable of doing so, that would explain why there are not many guys with huge arms. "

Right on.

How.much can you barbell curl chief?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: sceagacros on November 20, 2017, 05:27:18 AM
How.much can you barbell curl chief?

No idea these days.
 I use concentration curls as an accessory for sets of 15-20 at the end of Front Squat days after using barbell rows as my secondary movement and only using 60 pounds or so (dumbbells) and focusing on the burn.
In my hey day (remember I'm 50 years old now and 65-70 pounds smaller than I was at my "perma-bulked" peak) I once Barbell curled 225# for a pretty sloppy triple - but then my focus was always on squats, benchpress, and deads definitely NOT curls.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: ratherbebig on November 20, 2017, 05:31:10 AM
here is another 75 year old

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 20, 2017, 05:38:27 AM
No idea these days.
 I use concentration curls as an accessory for sets of 15-20 at the end of Front Squat days after using barbell rows as my secondary movement and only using 60 pounds or so (dumbbells) and focusing on the burn.
In my hey day (remember I'm 50 years old now and 65-70 pounds smaller than I was at my "perma-bulked" peak) I once Barbell curled 225# for a pretty sloppy triple - but then my focus was always on squats, benchpress, and deads definitely NOT curls.

jesus christ! 225 for a triple  :o

mentzer con curled 80 pounds but he was kinda weak for his size actually
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Pet shop boys on November 20, 2017, 05:44:56 AM
Today my arms measure 18 inches cold. Very pleased with my progress. I also proved that broscience is mistaken and that hypertrophy can occur in old age. Not that I consider myself old.

I can tell you the recent workouts were brutal. Heavy weights used and training to failure on all sets after a warmup. Two exercises supersetted. Biceps-supinator machine for biceps and a modified Nautilus triceps machine for triceps. Frequency was extended to maybe every 4th or 5th day because of tenderness in the elbows or other a sore shoulder obtained from lifting something out behind me in my vehicle.

I want to make a separate thread and not post in the sorry DJ thread about my achievement. No photo today. I am aiming for 18 1/2 inches by the New Year. Even 18 1/4 will be satisfactory because I never had arms over 17 3/4 when I was competing. That was off season then and something like 17 1/4 on contest day. Today I am over 230 pounds so am carrying a bit too much safety fat. I don't see other men my age looking solid like I do.

My strength has increased heaps in the last 3 months. I am using more on both machines than in the past. My protocol is warming up with a light resistance then adding a plate for following sets. As strength goes up so do the number of sets. Over 3 months my total sets have increased by 5 sets. I also do 5 sets on the maximum resistance. I rest long enough to do more than 10 reps.

Building more muscle is very satisfying because so many people scoff at the idea that hypertrophy is possible over 70. It is not only possible but increases beyond previous maximums are also possible.

Can you still do triceps ? do elbows /joints hurt ?   be honest

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Pet shop boys on November 20, 2017, 05:46:35 AM
You look younger and healtheir than Arnold .

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 20, 2017, 05:55:46 AM
Can you still do triceps ? do elbows /joints hurt ?   be honest


Absolutely. I still do triceps because that is half the arm size. My right elbow is tender but after a thorough high rep few sets of warm ups I am okay. The pain evaporates. The other day my left elbow was sore but I managed to complete a brutal workout. No pain in left or right elbows today. Sometimes I rest longer than 2 days. I think this happens partly because I know how hard the workouts will I procrastinate another day or two. I still get both triceps and biceps sore the following days after each workout. I have to avoid rubbing my elbows against pillows when I lie down or pads when I sit down. Triceps now are the largest in my career which is a real surprise. I will keep training arms to see how big I can get them.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: ratherbebig on November 20, 2017, 06:00:12 AM
isnt triceps more 2/3 the arm size
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 20, 2017, 06:03:39 AM
isnt triceps more 2/3 the arm size

yep, should be

but on many peeps it's only bout have

fyi, a-rabs have SHIT SHIT tri genetics
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Nether Animal on November 20, 2017, 06:07:41 AM
At that age do you ever even put on muscle? Is it even possible? Without trt, etc. You can diet and get the illusion of "gained size" through condition but thats one thing
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Pet shop boys on November 20, 2017, 06:11:08 AM
here is another 75 year old


He looks way older than that in real life me

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: ratherbebig on November 20, 2017, 06:13:56 AM
i trust you that people look different on magazine covers.

thanks for the info!
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Pet shop boys on November 20, 2017, 06:16:42 AM

Absolutely. I still do triceps because that is half the arm size. My right elbow is tender but after a thorough high rep few sets of warm ups I am okay. The pain evaporates. The other day my left elbow was sore but I managed to complete a brutal workout. No pain in left or right elbows today. Sometimes I rest longer than 2 days. I think this happens partly because I know how hard the workouts will I procrastinate another day or two. I still get both triceps and biceps sore the following days after each workout. I have to avoid rubbing my elbows against pillows when I lie down or pads when I sit down. Triceps now are the largest in my career which is a real surprise. I will keep training arms to see how big I can get them.

But not tricep extension movements right ?

Ive been working out for almost 30 years myself May 1988, (I'm 44 ) I cant even think about doing those anymore

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SuperTed on November 20, 2017, 06:54:41 AM
At that age do you ever even put on muscle? Is it even possible? Without trt, etc. You can diet and get the illusion of "gained size" through condition but thats one thing

He can't/won't put on any muscle. He's just trying to maintain whatever muscle he has.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: biff on November 20, 2017, 07:48:14 AM
Lots of gimmicks trying hard to score points here to no avail. I can defeat an army of gimmicks typing with one hand behind my back!

is that what your latest custom made bicep machine does?

the only 'separation' your arms is the fat crease that becomes visible when you bend your elbow
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on November 20, 2017, 07:50:32 AM

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: BSN on November 20, 2017, 08:01:03 AM
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: JAGO on November 20, 2017, 12:27:53 PM
isnt triceps more 2/3 the arm size


Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on November 20, 2017, 01:05:11 PM




Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Ted SuperSet on November 20, 2017, 01:10:10 PM
I feel sorry for all the wannabes who have never and will never achieve anything through bodybuilding. 18 inch arms are a quest that few achieve. So it has taken me about 49 years to achieve. Sure I am a bit bulky but my arms feel like big hams hanging there. Solid as steel and strong as can be. I could rip ribs out or break arms in a flash if I wanted to. Luckily for the hapless Flotsam here I am an humanist and thinker so physical violence is beneath me. When it comes to mental agility well that is where I take no prisoners. The trouble here is that the simple minds are seldom aware of being defeated and owned. So they persist as knuckleheads do and are oblivious of their own buffoonery and outright stupidity.

Great post!
Go vince!
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 20, 2017, 03:07:12 PM
But not tricep extension movements right ?

Ive been working out for almost 30 years myself May 1988, (I'm 44 ) I cant even think about doing those anymore


Yes, I do a variation of triceps extensions. There are little things that can be done to reduce the risk of injuries. For example, not completely pronating the wrists for the movement. Keep the hands in a karate chop position. This is possible only if you have pads and not handles to press against. That is why I modified a seated Nautilus machine. I moved the pads towards the user by 2 inches so that the elbows don't contact the pads. Then I removed the back rest and put the longer pad on the seat so that I could kneel on it with one knee. The other leg is straight and pushes against a support. This machine becomes much more effective because the elbows are near the head and the prestretched position allows for more mechanical tension on the triceps. Lots of warms ups and the tenderness around the sheath that covers the elbow joint evaporates. Quite interesting that his occurs. If it didn't I wouldn't be able to do this exercise with heavy resistances that delivers hypertrophy.

I might get around to building a more effective triceps machine for myself. Just need more motivation. Well, if the present machine stops being effective I will design and build something that is.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 20, 2017, 03:08:17 PM
Vince, you do have solid arms for someone your age, so props for that.

But, you should probably  get leaner.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 20, 2017, 03:09:58 PM
Vince, you do have solid arms for someone your age, so props for that.

But, you should probably  get leaner.

That will happen perhaps later than sooner. Now, what are you going to do for Getbig re physique? Answer: bugger all.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 20, 2017, 03:12:32 PM
That will happen perhaps later than sooner. Now, what are you going to do for Getbig re physique? Answer: bugger all.

What do you mean "What am I going to do for getbig?" Why would I do anything for getbig?  ???
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 20, 2017, 03:16:05 PM
What do you mean "What am I going to do for getbig?" Why would I do anything for getbig?  ???

Are you really that thick? You suggested I get leaner. So if I do then I am doing something because someone here suggested that.

So, what are you going to do to improve how you look?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 20, 2017, 03:17:35 PM
Are you really that thick? You suggested I get leaner. So if I do then I am doing something because someone here suggested that.

So, what are you going to do to improve how you look?

I do something every day to improve how I look. After all these years of not doing cardio, I now do cardio 5-6x per week.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 20, 2017, 04:03:34 PM
I do something every day to improve how I look. After all these years of not doing cardio, I now do cardio 5-6x per week.

So SF posts a photo that shows he is not a pork chop. How about taking a photo of you posing your arm next to your monitor logged into Getbig?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 20, 2017, 04:14:02 PM
So SF posts a photo that shows he is not a pork chop. How about taking a photo of you posing your arm next to your monitor logged into Getbig?

Why, what will that prove? How will that make my arm any different if I am logged onto getbig?

I don't care if you think it's not a picture of me lol. It makes no difference to me.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Grape Ape on November 20, 2017, 04:16:08 PM
I have seen pics of SF.

He is in shape.

I know he likes to pretend the steak photo is.......recent.   But it's probably a year old.

The cardio is working.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 20, 2017, 04:18:05 PM
I have seen pics of SF.

He is in shape.

I know he likes to pretend the steak photo is.......recent.   But it's probably a year old.

The cardio is working.

 ;D ;D ;D I've been laying off the meat!  :o :o
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: _aj_ on November 20, 2017, 04:22:28 PM
I have seen pics of SF.

He is in shape.

I know he likes to pretend the steak photo is.......recent.   But it's probably a year old.

The cardio is working.

What you are saying is that everybody involved in this whole “arm” business actually trains, with the single exception of Shizzo, correct?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: wes on November 20, 2017, 04:42:59 PM
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 20, 2017, 04:52:34 PM
Why, what will that prove? How will that make my arm any different if I am logged onto getbig?

I don't care if you think it's not a picture of me lol. It makes no difference to me.

What kind of a man are you? Isn't integrity everything?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 20, 2017, 04:59:13 PM
What kind of a man are you? Isn't integrity everything?

lol. Integrity on a bodybuilding forum haha lol. I don't need to demonstrate integrity on I demonstrate integrity in real life, to the people who matter. Not to you. Hope this helps.

For what it's worth, people on getbig can confirm it's me.

Again, if you don't believe it's me, so be it. Makes ZERO difference to me.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 20, 2017, 05:19:35 PM
I do something every day to improve how I look. After all these years of not doing cardio, I now do cardio 5-6x per week.

What the fuck for? You certainly are not an athlete and id bet big money your athletic ability sucks fucking ass

And cardio is a piss poor choice for getting leamer

You know my always level of leanness/conditioning and i do ZERO cardio

Cardio bahahhahahhahha
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 20, 2017, 05:34:40 PM
What the fuck for? You certainly are not an athlete and id bet big money your athletic ability sucks fucking ass

And cardio is a piss poor choice for getting leamer

You know my always level of leanness/conditioning and i do ZERO cardio

Cardio bahahhahahhahha

I do it for heart health. There is TONS of evidence that cardio has tons of benefits for heart health. Nothing more, nothing less.

Ive already stated NUMEROUS times that I do cardio only for heart health and I have ZERO intentions of being an athlete; I don't even do it to burn calories, as I burn enough calories and can get lean from purely weight training (if I wanted). However, weight training doesn't offer the benefits to your heart like cardio does. It's just basic science.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 20, 2017, 05:38:02 PM
I do it for heart health. There is TONS of evidence that cardio has tons of benefits for heart health. Nothing more, nothing less.

Ive already stated NUMEROUS times that I do cardio only for heart health and I have ZERO intentions of being an athlete; I don't even do it to burn calories, as I burn enough calories and can get lean from purely weight training (if I wanted). However, weight training doesn't offer the benefits to your heart like cardio does. It's just basic science.

This is your conjecture or hypothesis? Lots of broscience going on around here.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 20, 2017, 05:45:50 PM
I do it for heart health. There is TONS of evidence that cardio has tons of benefits for heart health. Nothing more, nothing less.

Ive already stated NUMEROUS times that I do cardio only for heart health and I have ZERO intentions of being an athlete; I don't even do it to burn calories, as I burn enough calories and can get lean from purely weight training (if I wanted). However, weight training doesn't offer the benefits to your heart like cardio does. It's just basic science.

Then ok that's valid
Dr. Ken Cooper of the Cooper Aerobic Insitute in Dullas Texas says 3 times a week at 20 minutes is enough
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 20, 2017, 05:53:04 PM
This is your conjecture or hypothesis? Lots of broscience going on around here.

There is no broscience.

Cardio improves heart health. The evidence is there. I know you hate evidence, as you provide zero evidence to your hypothesis.

You can tell Harvard University that areobic exercise does not improve heart health. I am sure they will take you seriously haha lol

"Aerobic exercise improves cardio-respiratory fitness and favorably modulates several CVD risk factors."
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 20, 2017, 06:05:08 PM
Then ok that's valid
Dr. Ken Cooper of the Cooper Aerobic Insitute in Dullas Texas says 3 times a week at 20 minutes is enough

Ill check it out.

Right now I do about 5-6x per week, anywhere from 15-30 minutes.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 20, 2017, 06:12:36 PM
Ill check it out.

Right now I do about 5-6x per week, anywhere from 15-30 minutes.

Lots of his associates were dropping dead before 40 or 50 and they were health and shortness nuts

No smoke or drink, healthy diet, and lots of cardio

So.... He figured out that they died from overwork

Some cardio is very good, too much too hard and you will likely drop dead/chroke at an early age

Dr. Coop is am arrrogant doucne lot like me lulz

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 20, 2017, 06:15:25 PM
There is no broscience.

Cardio improves heart health. The evidence is there. I know you hate evidence, as you provide zero evidence to your hypothesis.

You can tell Harvard University that areobic exercise does not improve heart health. I am sure they will take you seriously haha lol

"Aerobic exercise improves cardio-respiratory fitness and favorably modulates several CVD risk factors."

Just about all beliefs on Getbig is broscience. Hope this helps.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: werewolf operative on November 20, 2017, 06:17:31 PM
This is your conjecture or hypothesis? Lots of broscience going on around here.

Wew lad, you need to log out.

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 20, 2017, 06:20:30 PM
Wew lad, you need to log out.


SF challenges what I post so it is my turn. Where is his evidence other than anecdotal experience and hearsay?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: werewolf operative on November 20, 2017, 06:21:13 PM
Just about all beliefs on Getbig is broscience. Hope this helps.

My gf works in a cardio vascular research lab, mao is correct.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 20, 2017, 06:24:36 PM
Lots of his associates were dropping dead before 40 or 50 and they were health and shortness nuts

No smoke or drink, healthy diet, and lots of cardio

So.... He figured out that they died from overwork

Some cardio is very good, too much too hard and you will likely drop dead/chroke at an early age

Dr. Coop is am arrrogant doucne lot like me lulz

I don't run full throttle. I walk at a fast pace. I see some people running full throttle for like an hour straight.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 20, 2017, 06:24:59 PM
My gf works in a cardio vascular research lab, mao is correct.

So your gf is the standard here re questions about cardio? Still hearsay.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 20, 2017, 06:25:38 PM
SF challenges what I post so it is my turn. Where is his evidence other than anecdotal experience and hearsay?

This is from a peer reviewed journal article. What else do you need, dingus?

"Aerobic exercise improves cardio-respiratory fitness and favorably modulates several CVD (cardiovascular disease) risk factors."
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 20, 2017, 06:25:56 PM
I don't run full throttle. I walk at a fast pace. I see some people running full throttle for like an hour straight.

From your photo it looks like you have lost the capacity to run fast.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 20, 2017, 06:26:44 PM
This is from a peer reviewed journal article. What else do you need, dingus?

"Aerobic exercise improves cardio-respiratory fitness and favorably modulates several CVD (cardiovascular disease) risk factors."

We all know this. That doesn't make you an expert re cardio.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: werewolf operative on November 20, 2017, 06:28:25 PM
So your gf is the standard here re questions about cardio? Still hearsay.

78 year old troll.  ;D
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: chaos on November 20, 2017, 06:46:50 PM
Where's the pic?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 20, 2017, 06:47:31 PM
Where's the pic?

In DJ's thread.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 20, 2017, 07:15:57 PM
We all know this. That doesn't make you an expert re cardio.

Horrible trolling, Mr. Vince Basile.

I never said it made me an expert. I don't need to be an expert to know that aerobic exercise improves cardiovascular health. I trust that it does base on the evidence, which is why I do it.

Its really not that difficult.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 20, 2017, 07:29:02 PM
I have to tell you people that my biceps-supinator is an effective exercise. After a few months I am getting stronger in both curling and supination. But, goodness me, it takes a lot out of me. Absolutely brutal biceps workout. Like I said, it is so difficult that I usually take an extra day rest just to get enough nerve to have another go.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 20, 2017, 07:30:57 PM
Horrible trolling, Mr. Vince Basile.

I never said it made me an expert. I don't need to be an expert to know that aerobic exercise improves cardiovascular health. I trust that it does base on the evidence, which is why I do it.

Its really not that difficult.

Easy for you to say. The way you follow me around and post your crap makes you a dickhead. You have no respect for others who know vastly more than you do.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 20, 2017, 07:37:14 PM
Easy for you to say. The way you follow me around and post your crap makes you a dickhead. You have no respect for others who know vastly more than you do.

There are millions of people who lift weights and do cardio and see the benefits without being experts. You don't need to be an expert to get into good health via exercise.

Stop pretending like you need to be an expert.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 20, 2017, 07:40:49 PM
There are millions of people who lift weights and do cardio and see the benefits without being experts. You don't need to be an expert to get into good health via exercise.

Stop pretending like you need to be an expert.

Almost a waste of my time trying to discuss sensible things with you. You really have a basic brain that doesn't do anything complicated.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 20, 2017, 07:44:55 PM
Almost a waste of my time trying to discuss sensible things with you. You really have a basic brain that doesn't do anything complicated.


I have a basic brain when it comes to training and nutrition. Why? Because its not that complicated. Lift weights, do cardio, and eat a healthy diet.

Stop pretending like what you do is complicated. It's not. It's simple. Thus, the topic gets addressed with simplicity because that is what it requires.

Your garbage bicep supination is overhyped. You created this monstrosity for absolutely nothing--trying to make training more complicated than it has to be. Waste of time.

What would you like to discuss that is so sensible? I don't need sensible advice. What more can you teach me? Nothing. Now run along.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 20, 2017, 08:05:01 PM

I have a basic brain when it comes to training and nutrition. Why? Because its not that complicated. Lift weights, do cardio, and eat a healthy diet.

Stop pretending like what you do is complicated. It's not. It's simple. Thus, the topic gets addressed with simplicity because that is what it requires.

Your garbage bicep supination is overhyped. You created this monstrosity for absolutely nothing--trying to make training more complicated than it has to be. Waste of time.

What would you like to discuss that is so sensible? I don't need sensible advice. What more can you teach me? Nothing. Now run along.

You see, you are a *&%&$*^&Y asshole to put something down that you haven't used. Experience accumulates if someone is perceptive and tries various things.

While hypertrophy might be a simple concept the technology to acquire it isn't so easy. If it were then all bodybuilders would be huge.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: che on November 20, 2017, 08:32:32 PM
Where's the pic?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: IRON CROSS on November 21, 2017, 12:51:04 AM
There are millions of people who lift weights and do cardio and see the benefits without being experts. You don't need to be an expert to get into good health via exercise.

Stop pretending like you need to be an expert.

Basil need : mirror & new glasses to see his morbid obesity  :P
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: IRON CROSS on November 21, 2017, 12:53:28 AM
You see, you are a *&%&$*^&Y asshole to put something down that you haven't used. Experience accumulates if someone is perceptive and tries various things.

While hypertrophy might be a simple concept the technology to acquire it isn't so easy. If it were then all bodybuilders would be huge.

Vincenzo, how is gym business going  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: IRON CROSS on November 21, 2017, 12:57:51 AM

Jeezzuss  :o :o :o Basil ..............U a sicko  :P
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: kreator on November 21, 2017, 03:53:03 AM
Cardio is overrated, it just releases stress hornones with no other benefits and can enlarge your heart in the long run. Go out for a longer walk (30 -60mins) with a steady pace instead. Not strolling.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 21, 2017, 04:20:44 AM
Cardio is overrated, it just releases stress hornones with no other benefits and can enlarge your heart in the long run. Go out for a longer walk (30 -60mins) with a steady pace instead. Not strolling.

Good point

Cardio is only for real athletes

So on here that is basically cbe and I
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: BSN on November 21, 2017, 04:40:33 AM
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: kreator on November 21, 2017, 05:20:33 AM

Vince really is delusional, there’s so much fat on that arm it could sustain an African village for a month.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on November 21, 2017, 06:16:22 AM
Vince really is delusional, there’s so much fat on that arm it could sustain an African village for a month.

What fat? That is bulk pure and simple. There is a difference. My arms are hard and solid and strong. The cuts will come but size is more important.

When you pass a lifetime barrier it is exciting. I have to tell you that it is a dangerous pursuit because of the extreme effort required. There is no way

I would do this without the scrutiny of the Flotsam here.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 21, 2017, 06:21:25 AM
What fat? That is bulk pure and simple. There is a difference. My arms are hard and solid and strong. The cuts will come but size is more important.

When you pass a lifetime barrier it is exciting. I have to tell you that it is a dangerous pursuit because of the extreme effort required. There is no way

I would do this without the scrutiny of the Flotsam here.

Did you ever inject gear? Or did you just take pills?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 21, 2017, 07:27:11 AM
Cardio is overrated, it just releases stress hornones with no other benefits and can enlarge your heart in the long run. Go out for a longer walk (30 -60mins) with a steady pace instead. Not strolling.

You stated that cardio is overrated, but then stated that one should go out for a walk.

Walking is a form of cardio.

 ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 21, 2017, 07:34:33 AM
You stated that cardio is overrated, but then stated that one should go out for a walk.

Walking is a form of cardio.

 ??? ??? ???

Walking=cardio for pussies

Old ladies fucking walk lulz
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 21, 2017, 07:43:52 AM
Walking=cardio for pussies

Old ladies fucking walk lulz

Who cares  ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: kreator on November 21, 2017, 07:54:23 AM
You stated that cardio is overrated, but then stated that one should go out for a walk.

Walking is a form of cardio.

 ??? ??? ???

I meant leisure walking, not the conventional “cardio” that raises your heart rate to a higher degree
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: kreator on November 21, 2017, 07:57:27 AM
Walking=cardio for pussies

Old ladies fucking walk lulz

Do your research buddy, walking could actually help you lover your cortissol which is probably sky high lately due to numerous meltdowns on getbig
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 21, 2017, 07:59:29 AM
Do your research buddy, walking could actually help you lover your cortissol which is probably sky high lately due to numerous meltdowns on getbig

Of course it can. Walking has shown to have major benefits. The evidence is overwhelming.

But, lean, mean, fighting machine DJ181, only does hardcore cardio!!
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 21, 2017, 08:09:43 AM
Of course it can. Walking has shown to have major benefits. The evidence is overwhelming.

But, lean, mean, fighting machine DJ181, only does hardcore cardio!!

Honestly i feel like a pussy just walking

Guess my macho uncles played a big one on my brain
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Simple Simon on November 21, 2017, 08:29:04 AM
Honestly i feel like a pussy just walking

Guess my macho uncles played a big one on my brain

you walk everywhere, you cant drive....
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 21, 2017, 08:46:04 AM
you walk everywhere, you cant drive....

I'm talking about walking for the idea of fitness
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Simple Simon on November 21, 2017, 08:53:59 AM
I'm talking about walking for the idea of fitness

hahahaha. so you cant drive...what a fucking beta bitch...
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 21, 2017, 08:58:59 AM
hahahaha. so you cant drive...what a fucking beta bitch...


Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 21, 2017, 09:21:02 AM
You see, you are a *&%&$*^&Y asshole to put something down that you haven't used. Experience accumulates if someone is perceptive and tries various things.

While hypertrophy might be a simple concept the technology to acquire it isn't so easy. If it were then all bodybuilders would be huge.

But, most average people who lift weights are not bodybuilders.

Again, you don't need to have advanced knowledge to lift weights and do cardio and be healthy. You're just trying to convince yourself that you have such magnificent knowledge regarding nutrition and fitness. You don't.

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 21, 2017, 09:24:18 AM
Honestly i feel like a pussy just walking

Guess my macho uncles played a big one on my brain

This is what separates mature adults from people like you.

Most mature adults recognize the importance of doing any sort of cardio. They don't feel like you do. Do you know why? Because most people's lives do not revolve around their training. Most people have jobs/careers. You don't. You spend 6 hours a day in the gym and you do not work (if you're not trolling). Most people don't have time to worry about how they look/feel doing cardio.

You may realize this when you mature. I don't know.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: dj181 on November 21, 2017, 10:48:57 AM
This is what separates mature adults from people like you.

Most mature adults recognize the importance of doing any sort of cardio. They don't feel like you do. Do you know why? Because most people's lives do not revolve around their training. Most people have jobs/careers. You don't. You spend 6 hours a day in the gym and you do not work (if you're not trolling). Most people don't have time to worry about how they look/feel doing cardio.

You may realize this when you mature. I don't know.

Are you in contact with my psychiatrist???

He said that i am immature just today


Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: IRON CROSS on November 21, 2017, 11:04:56 AM

 ;D ;D ;D ;D
 ;D ;D ;D ;D
 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: IRON CROSS on November 21, 2017, 11:21:02 AM
What fat? That is bulk pure and simple. There is a difference. My arms are hard and solid and strong. The cuts will come but size is more important.

When you pass a lifetime barrier it is exciting. I have to tell you that it is a dangerous pursuit because of the extreme effort required. There is no way

I would do this without the scrutiny of the Flotsam here.

Basil , go to Balmoral beach (Mosman) &  walk up Awaba St., from the beach - Spit Rd.,  8)

Then talk about body fat & aerobic.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on November 21, 2017, 11:22:28 AM

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: chess315 on November 21, 2017, 11:39:40 AM
At his current rate his arms will be 21 inches when he's a 100$ vice will be the first 100 over class me Olympia
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: chess315 on November 21, 2017, 11:42:43 AM
Have you thought seriously what you will be doing when your a 100 that's where these threads are going you won't be on the dead pool tell 2050 if this doesn't prove 20mg dbol won't kill you I don't know what does
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: werewolf operative on November 21, 2017, 11:44:36 AM
Are you in contact with my psychiatrist???

He said that i am immature just today


Was that court ordered?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: chess315 on November 21, 2017, 11:59:10 AM
that's good wes how old are you now I even old lol
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 21, 2017, 12:27:54 PM
Have you thought seriously what you will be doing when your a 100 that's where these threads are going you won't be on the dead pool tell 2050 if this doesn't prove 20mg dbol won't kill you I don't know what does

DJ181 will be 100 years old, still struggling to get his arms up to 16 1/2"
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: chess315 on November 21, 2017, 03:43:25 PM
DJ181 will be 100 years old, still struggling to get his arms up to 16 1/2"
I think it about time to implement the 30yr low dose dbol cycle
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: biff on November 21, 2017, 05:40:00 PM
Just about all beliefs on Getbig is broscience. Hope this helps.

your beliefs are the nonsensical ravings of a lunatic 75 year old mind
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: SF1900 on November 21, 2017, 05:42:51 PM
I think it about time to implement the 30yr low dose dbol cycle

haha 30 year!!  ;D ;D
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: chess315 on November 21, 2017, 07:13:52 PM
Some of them would have to have done it I could see a person run high dosage bridging with very little getting away with it
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: IRON CROSS on February 01, 2018, 07:34:58 PM
Today my arms measure 18 inches cold. Very pleased with my progress. I also proved that broscience is mistaken and that hypertrophy can occur in old age. Not that I consider myself old.

I can tell you the recent workouts were brutal. Heavy weights used and training to failure on all sets after a warmup. Two exercises supersetted. Biceps-supinator machine for biceps and a modified Nautilus triceps machine for triceps. Frequency was extended to maybe every 4Th or 5th day because of tenderness in the elbows or other a sore shoulder obtained from lifting something out behind me in my vehicle.

I want to make a separate thread and not post in the sorry DJ thread about my achievement. No photo today. I am aiming for 18 1/2 inches by the New Year. Even 18 1/4 will be satisfactory because I never had arms over 17 3/4 when I was competing. That was off season then and something like 17 1/4 on contest day. Today I am over 230 pounds so am carrying a bit too much safety fat. I don't see other men my age looking solid like I do.

My strength has increased heaps in the last 3 months. I am using more on both machines than in the past. My protocol is warming up with a light resistance then adding a plate for following sets. As strength goes up so do the number of sets. Over 3 months my total sets have increased by 5 sets. I also do 5 sets on the maximum resistance. I rest long enough to do more than 10 reps.

Building more muscle is very satisfying because so many people scoff at the idea that hypertrophy is possible over 70. It is not only possible but increases beyond previous maximums are also possible.

 Self proclaimed "world pinch-grip" champ is gone very quit about his progress  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Dave D on February 01, 2018, 07:41:24 PM

 Self proclaimed "world pinch-grip" champ is gone very quit about his progress  ;D ;D ;D

Talk like that to Vince and he will RIP your ribs out with his bare hands.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on February 01, 2018, 10:03:45 PM
Listen to the wannabes and never-will-bes.

Most trainees understand that the bigger you get the more weight you have to lift. Those heavy loads impact on the joints and you have to tread carefully if you have previous injuries.

It is one thing to hit the 18 inch barrier and quite another to soar past it. Especially if you are totally drug free.

Recently I had a go at athletics as I compete from time to time in the masters events. Discus, shot, javelin, hammer and heavy weight. My right elbow doesn't feel that great after a

throwing session. Discus doesn't hurt but the javelin and shot can cause pain in the elbow. So I will wait and see if I want to compete. Trouble is there are few competitors so it is like

throwing in the wind. Nobody knows or cares.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: IRON CROSS on February 01, 2018, 10:25:02 PM
Listen to the wannabes and never-will-bes.

Most trainees understand that the bigger you get the more weight you have to lift. Those heavy loads impact on the joints and you have to tread carefully if you have previous injuries.

It is one thing to hit the 18 inch barrier and quite another to soar past it. Especially if you are totally drug free.

Recently I had a go at athletics as I compete from time to time in the masters events. Discus, shot, javelin, hammer and heavy weight. My right elbow doesn't feel that great after a

throwing session. Discus doesn't hurt but the javelin and shot can cause pain in the elbow. So I will wait and see if I want to compete. Trouble is there are few competitors so it is like

throwing in the wind. Nobody knows or cares.

Oh no another capitulation  :'( :'( :'(

 ;D ;D ;D
 ;D ;D ;D
 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: chuckles on February 01, 2018, 10:58:40 PM
What I have learned since 1968 lifting weights is that muscular growth happens quite slowly most of the time. You usually cannot see the growth happening except over months.

Second point is that there is a relationship between muscular size and strength. If you can bench 225 for 10 reps and have X size arms then if you can bench 275 for 10 reps your arms will be X + 1" or so.

Third point is there are few guys who build huge arms. How come? Well, it could be several things and maybe more than one factor combining to make a difference.
In any population some people are taller, smarter, or whatever we want to measure. Thus, some males will have larger muscles. This is a statistical phenomenon.
One reason for having few huge guys is that perhaps the effort required goes up exponentially. It might take twice or three times the effort to go from 17 inch arms to 19 inch arms.
Since most guys won't invest that much effort or are incapable of doing so, that would explain why there are not many guys with huge arms.
I deduce from these considerations that muscles are reluctant to hypertrophy to the huge state. That means you have to train in a fashion that gives the muscles a reason or need to get bigger.
If this is so then you have to do something extraordinary to keep a muscle certainly won't grow unless the stimulus is there. I conclude that when I train I have to go to failure
on most sets after warming up. Huge muscles are capable of repeating heavy efforts many times after a short rest. That means I have to do many sets with a stimulating resistance. What I do
is keep the weight the same but rest a bit longer between sets. Of course there are many 'equivalent' protocols that might work as well. You accumulate a few seconds from each set to failure and these add up if
enough sets to failure are done. Perhaps 1 to 2 minutes of extreme intensity must be accumulated from many sets taken to failure. This could be 10 to 20 total sets for biceps and triceps.

Experience has shown me that some exercises are more effective than others re hypertrophy. So this can make a huge difference. You have to find out by trial and error or learn from guys who have
this information. In my case I modified or invented equipment that is more effective for arm training.

How about frequency? When is the ideal time to retrain the growing muscle? This has not been established by exercise science. If we look at when protein synthesis slows or stops then perhaps training
every 2nd or 3rd day is optimal. Mike Mentzer insisted that many trainees required longer intervals to cause more hypertrophy. It is controversial whether a muscle needs to recover before another workout.
Anecdotal information suggests that muscles can still grow even if not fully recovered. There is the issue of repeated bout effect that has to be overcome. Training while still a little sore might overcome that RBE.

Another factor here is safety. The most effective exercises and protocols might not be the safest. I found out through personal experience that it is easy to damage the sheath that goes over the elbow joint.
What this means is that when you train biceps or triceps you have to make sure your elbows don't contact pads. The friction there will cause damage which will be experienced as pain. Everything is compounded
by the fact that the growing muscle is becoming much stronger. When really heavy weights are lifted they are also dangerous. One way to reduce the risk of injury is to both warm up longer and to do more reps.
If you keep the reps over 10 and aim at somewhere around 15 that might be all round safer and more effective. After the 3rd heavy set what happens is that you can't do as many reps. If you start with 15 reps you
might decrease to about 7 to 10 by the 5th set. When the reps drop off significantly this might be the signal that hypertrophy will occur.

Which bring up another factor in hypertrophy. Larry Scott found that if he could pump his arms larger than ever then they would be bigger the next day. That means you should always aim at getting a bigger pump.
Doing more reps is one way to increase the blood flow in the muscle. Occlusion might contribute to hypertrophy as well. Which is partly why pumping works.

Let us now mention waste products while training and beyond. Larry would train to an extremely painful lactic acid state over and over. No pain, no gain is the message here. Again, just about everyone knew about
this saying but the reality is few ever persist with this kind of training. It takes a certain extreme motivation and even craziness to persist with extremely painful training.

The other pain from damage and waste products is the Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness that occasionally appears after doing something new or extraordinary. That soreness can persist for days after say training calves really hard. This phenomenon usually occurs when one is starting resistance training and disappears after a week or two of weight training. We can ask both what is happening in the muscles to cause this pain and
also why that pain happens at all. DOMS seems to be a message to the brain to take it easy and not to repeat what caused the soreness. We all know this and most personal trainers hold back on the sets when initiating anyone to weight training. Do two sets and not more and there shouldn't be too much soreness the following days. This is common sense re broscience.

Now consider this thought experiment. What would happen to a muscle if the stimulus was such that after each and every workout significant DOMS resulted and persisted for a few days? Would the muscle grow rapidly?
It is my conjecture that they would, in fact, keep growing rapidly. There would be an increase in strength as well and this increase would be substantial.

That is all I want to discuss at the moment. Intelligent people should be able to distill what to do from these considerations. Hypertrophy is not only possible but inevitable if these principles are applied correctly.
Sometimes knowledge isn't sufficient. What is also a requirement is correct application of those principles. Unless sufficient mechanical tension of adequate intensity is applied for the right amount of time then rapid hypertrophy won't and can't occur. This is where some might require an instructor to guide the process. Some people literally can't get results even when guided which is surprising but a reality. I suspect that DJ is one of these people. If you watch his form when doing dips on that Technogym  machine then it is clear he is devoid of sense and ability to train properly.

One point not mentioned is that occasional lay offs might help hypertrophy.
so do you squat vince? never mind your arms what do you look like overall with your shirt off?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: chuckles on February 01, 2018, 11:02:16 PM
I mean a strong lower body is more important as you age than doing some concentration curls like a 14 year old in his bedroom. Just my opinion Vince. why worry about flexing your arm at your age when your body is a ball of fat? do you train your heart? high rep full body work Vince is the answer.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: IRON CROSS on February 02, 2018, 12:09:52 AM
Talk like that to Vince and he will RIP your ribs out with his bare hands.

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: chuckles on February 02, 2018, 12:21:32 AM
this is what i mean. ANABOLIC TORMENT !!
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on February 02, 2018, 03:14:00 AM
Gimmicks and dorks galore on Getbig. All 'experts' who have done almost nothing themselves.

At my age I will do what I please because I accept responsibility for whatever I choose to do.

I well remember believing the typical trim down when you are older scenario. We all believed that.

Losing fat at my age might be simple but it is not easy. I elect to have a go seeing if hypertrophy is

possible for grandfathers. Yes, it is, which I knew already. Still a good goal to see if I can develop larger

arms that in my prime and when I was taking two Dianabol tablets a day for 6 weeks. The largest they

were in 1975 was 17 3/4 cold. I surpassed that size in 1999 and again last year. Now my next goal is

to see if I can stimulate more hypertrophy. Seems as good a goal as anything else I can think of.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: chuckles on February 02, 2018, 03:26:28 AM
Gimmicks and dorks galore on Getbig. All 'experts' who have done almost nothing themselves.

At my age I will do what I please because I accept responsibility for whatever I choose to do.

I well remember believing the typical trim down when you are older scenario. We all believed that.

Losing fat at my age might be simple but it is not easy. I elect to have a go seeing if hypertrophy is

possible for grandfathers. Yes, it is, which I knew already. Still a good goal to see if I can develop larger

arms that in my prime and when I was taking two Dianabol tablets a day for 6 weeks. The largest they

were in 1975 was 17 3/4 cold. I surpassed that size in 1999 and again last year. Now my next goal is

to see if I can stimulate more hypertrophy. Seems as good a goal as anything else I can think of.

why get upset ? why just be obsessed by your arm size at 75? sorry bro but i don't get it.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: chuckles on February 02, 2018, 03:29:10 AM
you should be training for overall health training your back,chest,shoulder,legs & cardio. The last thing you should be training is Biceps. You are going backwards in your thinking. young kids just train arms.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Vince B on February 02, 2018, 04:25:11 AM
you should be training for overall health training your back,chest,shoulder,legs & cardio. The last thing you should be training is Biceps. You are going backwards in your thinking. young kids just train arms.

Young guys might choose a silly name like yours.

I choose to use myself as an experiment re arm size. I do hiking for photography and that is sufficient for minimal fitness. Having large, muscular arms is very satisfying to me. It is like reversing the ageing process.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: chuckles on February 02, 2018, 04:41:38 AM
Young guys might choose a silly name like yours.

I choose to use myself as an experiment re arm size. I do hiking for photography and that is sufficient for minimal fitness. Having large, muscular arms is very satisfying to me. It is like reversing the ageing process.
OK,OK..if you are young in your mind but your body is not. Think about that.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Mitch on February 02, 2018, 04:43:58 AM
isn't the fat blob dead already?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: chuckles on February 02, 2018, 04:49:50 AM
isn't the fat blob dead already?
He seems a nice Guy just a bit misguided with his training philosophy.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: chuckles on February 02, 2018, 04:51:28 AM
Maybe it's a cry for attention starting such a thread, i do not know.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: _bruce_ on February 02, 2018, 07:13:46 AM

GREAT physique!

And Vince, props on having big trucker arms and I don't mean this in a derogatory way.
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Kwon on February 02, 2018, 07:26:31 AM
Looking like a beast Basile!

Great physique on Wes!

Props to the fossils!
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: muscleman-2017 on February 02, 2018, 07:31:10 AM
What's your body fat percentage Vince?
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: Henda on February 02, 2018, 08:13:59 AM
Fat saggy 15 inch old man arms on vince
Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on February 02, 2018, 08:18:44 AM

Title: Re: 18 inch arms at 75 years old!
Post by: IRON CROSS on February 02, 2018, 11:56:50 AM
What's your body fat percentage Vince?

75.5% , just like his age  ;D