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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Croatch on June 15, 2006, 09:49:30 AM

Title: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Croatch on June 15, 2006, 09:49:30 AM
Unless you're deadlifting 300+lbs. or racking 400+lbs squats, why would you slam your weights.  I saw this guy the other day who literally threw 135lbs back on the squat rack after doing deadlifts?  Like he was being judged on his dismount. 
Better yet, letting the monster stack of 150lbs come crashing down, after doing seated rows? 
Completely unnecessary.
It's not a church, but some things just make you wonder...why?  Usually, it's someone with a tough guy image to uphold.  Hey! Check me out, I'm blasting average weight on massive amounts of drugs! 
Yeah, that's awesome!
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: jarhead on June 15, 2006, 09:54:55 AM
Some people need more attention than others.  How they interpret that annoyed look given by others to them into a positive thing is beyond me.  Goes for the losers who feel the need to show off their strength to some newbie in the gym by crushing their dignity.  Same trait exercised in a different manner.  Insecure.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: pumpster on June 15, 2006, 09:57:11 AM
All ego, like having a loud motorcycle. "Look at me, please!" Usually a turd with no size. The only understandable exceptions are someone really training hard in a hardcore gym, and someone dropping weights onto rubber mats.

After a while it's worth asking management to tell him to STFU since its hardly difficult to put the weights back like everyeone else.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: ieffinhatecardio on June 15, 2006, 09:58:42 AM
Unless you're deadlifting 300+lbs. or racking 400+lbs squats, why would you slam your weights.  I saw this guy the other day who literally threw 135lbs back on the squat rack after doing deadlifts?  Like he was being judged on his dismount. 
Better yet, letting the monster stack of 150lbs come crashing down, after doing seated rows? 
Completely unnecessary.
It's not a church, but some things just make you wonder...why?  Usually, it's someone with a tough guy image to uphold.  Hey! Check me out, I'm blasting average weight on massive amounts of drugs! 
Yeah, that's awesome!

OK, I was following you until you brought in the drugs.

What do drugs have to do with it? Steroid users aren't the only ones dropping weights.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: ribonucleic on June 15, 2006, 10:02:13 AM
For me, it's a mental-focus thing. I'm not there to arrange porcelain teacups on a lace doily. I'm there to pump some iron, dammit! Manly iron! If the noise bothers you, get the fug out of my gym and go listen to Joni Mitchell on your pink iPod, wimp.

OK, I just made that up. I'm really just a lazy asshole whose arms are too tired from even my light-ass weights to respect the gym's equipment.

Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: The Showstoppa on June 15, 2006, 10:06:58 AM
I like to launch it absolutely as high/far as possible.  Lets all the tiny twats know who is f'n in charge !!!!
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: HUGEPECS on June 15, 2006, 10:07:48 AM
LOL....some of these idiots are just plain asshole who just want ATTENTION..If I owned a Gym I would warned them a first time and a second time, and I'll kicked their ass out of the Gym after that
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: BUCK 65 on June 15, 2006, 10:10:05 AM
We have a guy in our gym-he weighs about 220 BUT easily 25% bf..
He does incline DB with 100's -does 1/8 range of movement-does maybe 8 reps & then slams them down.....
It is sooooooo annoying
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: The Showstoppa on June 15, 2006, 10:11:27 AM
We have a guy in our gym-he weighs about 220 BUT easily 25% bf..
He does incline DB with 100's -does 1/8 range of movement-does maybe 8 reps & then slams them down.....
It is sooooooo annoying

Don't be hatin'.  The next time you see me, just give a polite hello and keep on walking.  ;D
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: JediKnight on June 15, 2006, 10:14:38 AM
I don't SLAM weights but sometimes I do drop them kinda hard because my muscles are full of blood and after a certain amount of reps I almost can't hold onto the weight as easy. I just want to get them out of my grip quick.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: cshep57 on June 15, 2006, 10:20:28 AM
I have no issue with the amount of weight people lift weather it's a high amount or a low amount.  But, there is a guy at my gym that does barbell curls with one 10lb plate on each side, then slams it down on the squat rack when he's done with a set -- all at 8AM, when all 4 of us that are there at that hour have no problem noticing him. 
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Naked4Jesus on June 15, 2006, 10:22:15 AM
Unless you're deadlifting 300+lbs. or racking 400+lbs squats, why would you slam your weights.  I saw this guy the other day who literally threw 135lbs back on the squat rack after doing deadlifts?  Like he was being judged on his dismount. 
Better yet, letting the monster stack of 150lbs come crashing down, after doing seated rows? 
Completely unnecessary.
It's not a church, but some things just make you wonder...why?  Usually, it's someone with a tough guy image to uphold.  Hey! Check me out, I'm blasting average weight on massive amounts of drugs! 
Yeah, that's awesome!

You mean like Ronnie?
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Adam Empire on June 15, 2006, 10:45:48 AM
Unless it's really high weight or the guy is going to failure (like total and complete destruction type of failure), it's just a dumb ploy for attention...
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: dorkeroo on June 15, 2006, 10:48:49 AM
I hate that kind of thing too and have spoken to people about it. What bothers me the most is how the equipment get damaged and that makes things like rattling dumbells and cracking bars hard to use without getting hurt.
Anyone here notice the heavy weights ending in zero are always the most banged up by morons who don't want to stop at 75 on their way to 80lbs?
Someone like Ronnie on the other hand, I think I would let gym management handle it for obvious reasons lol.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: NeverTrustABlonde on June 15, 2006, 10:50:44 AM
how about launching dumbells halfway across the gym when you're done with them? is that really necessary??  ???
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: lilwoday09smb on June 15, 2006, 10:52:35 AM
i have a bunch f kids my age. 18-21 at my gym who juice. some longer than others. these guys scream and grunt bench pressing 185 in the smith machine. myself and another natural laugh at these idiots because were bigger and stronger and younger than they are. its pretty funny though. they thought a cycle would be the miracle drug. however without hard work and dedication you dont get shit. they look like your average soccer player.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: The Showstoppa on June 15, 2006, 11:03:28 AM
You guys sound like a bunch of pussies.  It's important to "throw the weight around like it ain't nuffin."  Chicks dig it.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: bigtmoney on June 15, 2006, 11:09:02 AM
Is dropping dumbells considered slamming weights?  If so I guess I slam dumbells after pressing, after you've done your reps it aint very easy bringing them back to your lap, standing up and walking back to the rack.   I drop em wait a couple of secs then pic them up and re-rack em.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: NeverTrustABlonde on June 15, 2006, 11:22:16 AM
You guys sound like a bunch of pussies.  It's important to "throw the weight around like it ain't nuffin."  Chicks dig it.

i'm a chick and i don't dig it.....  ::)

Is dropping dumbells considered slamming weights?  If so I guess I slam dumbells after pressing, after you've done your reps it aint very easy bringing them back to your lap, standing up and walking back to the rack.   I drop em wait a couple of secs then pic them up and re-rack em.

i get what you're saying, but if you're not lifting THAT MUCH, there is no reason for the loud and obnoxious finish.... there's a guy at my gym who throws his 30 pound dumbells in a dramatic manner when he's done with them (complete with a loud grunt!) .... not cool.... especially when theyr'e flying at my foot or something
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: The Showstoppa on June 15, 2006, 11:28:42 AM
i'm a chick and i don't dig it.....  ::)

Post pics to prove it, or shut up.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Laura Lee on June 15, 2006, 11:58:02 AM
Unless you're deadlifting 300+lbs. or racking 400+lbs squats, why would you slam your weights.  I saw this guy the other day who literally threw 135lbs back on the squat rack after doing deadlifts?  Like he was being judged on his dismount. 
Better yet, letting the monster stack of 150lbs come crashing down, after doing seated rows? 
Completely unnecessary.
It's not a church, but some things just make you wonder...why?  Usually, it's someone with a tough guy image to uphold.  Hey! Check me out, I'm blasting average weight on massive amounts of drugs! 
Yeah, that's awesome!

Saw a guy do that last night in fact.  Working his traps (360lbs + the bar).  Slammed each plate against each other as he loaded the bar (as if to say "count how many 45s I'm using").  Lifted, screamed out at each rep (all 4 of them), threw down the bar, dropped down to the floor on his knees, looked around and then got up and walked away from the rack like he was pissed off at the weights.  And the dude was big.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: jarhead on June 15, 2006, 12:01:42 PM
Saw a guy do that last night in fact.  Working his traps (360lbs + the bar).  Slammed each plate against each other as he loaded the bar (as if to say "count how many 45s I'm using").  Lifted, screamed out at each rep (all 4 of them), threw down the bar, dropped down to the floor on his knees, looked around and then got up and walked away from the rack like he was pissed off at the weights.  And the dude was big.

Was it the True Adonis?  Gyno rage, I heard it is worst that roid rage.  j/k  ;D
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Big Worm on June 15, 2006, 12:03:46 PM
Unless you're deadlifting 300+lbs. or racking 400+lbs squats, why would you slam your weights.  I saw this guy the other day who literally threw 135lbs back on the squat rack after doing deadlifts?  Like he was being judged on his dismount. 
Better yet, letting the monster stack of 150lbs come crashing down, after doing seated rows? 
Completely unnecessary.
It's not a church, but some things just make you wonder...why?  Usually, it's someone with a tough guy image to uphold.  Hey! Check me out, I'm blasting average weight on massive amounts of drugs! 
Yeah, that's awesome!

If you would've been concentrating, on your workout,,he wouldn't have gotten the , much needed attention he was trying to get !
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Dan-O on June 15, 2006, 12:05:31 PM
I slam the weights to show the fuckers who's the boss!  The respect me for it and bend to my will.

Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Always Sore on June 15, 2006, 12:06:04 PM
I like to launch it absolutely as high/far as possible.  Lets all the tiny twats know who is f'n in charge !!!!

translation-i use such little weights that the rubber covered little dumbells bounce when i throw them....assclown.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: pumpster on June 15, 2006, 12:08:01 PM
Saw a guy do that last night in fact.  Working his traps (360lbs + the bar).  Slammed each plate against each other as he loaded the bar (as if to say "count how many 45s I'm using").  Lifted, screamed out at each rep (all 4 of them), threw down the bar, dropped down to the floor on his knees, looked around and then got up and walked away from the rack like he was pissed off at the weights.  And the dude was big.
Since most of it's fake and unecessary, mention it to management if it bothers you.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Man of Steel on June 15, 2006, 12:09:56 PM
I like to launch it absolutely as high/far as possible.  Lets all the tiny twats know who is f'n in charge !!!!

F'KN-A RIGHT SHOWSTOPPA!!!!!   The way it should always be!!!   Occassionally after brutal set I'll throw in a loud "FUCK YEAH!!!" and then I'll grab my big junk and hit a most muscular.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: FatGuy on June 15, 2006, 12:10:14 PM
Saw a guy do that last night in fact.  Working his traps (360lbs + the bar).  Slammed each plate against each other as he loaded the bar   (as if to say "count how many 45s I'm using").  Lifted, screamed out at each rep (all 4 of them), threw down the bar, dropped down to the floor on his knees, looked around and then got up and walked away from the rack like he was pissed off at the weights.  And the dude was big.

I like the way the plates sound when they slam together....
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Man of Steel on June 15, 2006, 12:10:35 PM
Saw a guy do that last night in fact.  Working his traps (360lbs + the bar).  Slammed each plate against each other as he loaded the bar (as if to say "count how many 45s I'm using").  Lifted, screamed out at each rep (all 4 of them), threw down the bar, dropped down to the floor on his knees, looked around and then got up and walked away from the rack like he was pissed off at the weights.  And the dude was big.
You damn right the dude was big.....that's how we do!!
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: kiwiol on June 15, 2006, 12:12:46 PM
translation-i use such little weights that the rubber covered little dumbells bounce when i throw them....assclown.

Are you saying you are an assclown who uses rubber covered little weights that bounce when you throw them down Alwayssore  ;D
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Always Sore on June 15, 2006, 12:12:53 PM
F'KN-A RIGHT SHOWSTOPPA!!!!!   The way it should always be!!!   Occassionally after brutal set of 50 pound bench presses I'll throw in a loud "f**k YEAH!!!" and then I'll grab shostoppas my big junk and hit a most muscular. it with my lips till it spits at me and i love it.

thats a correction for you MOS
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Always Sore on June 15, 2006, 12:13:46 PM
Are you saying you are an assclown who uses rubber covered little weights that bounce when you throw them down Alwayssore  ;D

no i think i was clear what i wrote and if you had less cum in your eyes you could read correctly...:)
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Man of Steel on June 15, 2006, 12:14:22 PM
thats a correction for you MOS

Epic noob tactics........shows weakness.......good try lapdog......go make the Squad some sammiches.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Always Sore on June 15, 2006, 12:17:43 PM
Epic noob tactics........shows weakness.......good try lapdog......go make the Squad some sammiches.

you really should try to google the word may be using it incorrectly, but then again you think your asshole is a parking lot for the man meat express, so go figure.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Dingleberry on June 15, 2006, 12:17:47 PM
  I never slam my weights, and the only one's I see slamming them are the one's who think pressing the 120's is a feat worthy of the Gods. We have a few of these guys at my gym.
  When I'm done with a set of flat/incline dumbbell presses (between the 140’s and 160’s) I rarely even drop em. I sit up while placing them on my knees (one rolling motion), then I stand up and either place them on the bench (for another set), or rack them. Also, I never have anyone hand me the weight. IMO, if you can’t take it from the rack and get it up by yourself, you not able to truly manipulate that much weight and need to lighten up.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Always Sore on June 15, 2006, 12:23:04 PM
Are you saying you have a lot of cum on your eyes ?

are you saying that im saying that your saying that im saying that your saying you love the cock....if your just going to parrot what i write get back on the perch eat a cracker polly and shut the fuck up.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Laura Lee on June 15, 2006, 12:26:06 PM

Hey AS, where you from.  I see your Tom Brady sig.   lol
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: bigtmoney on June 15, 2006, 12:26:41 PM
F'KN-A RIGHT SHOWSTOPPA!!!!!   The way it should always be!!!   Occassionally after brutal set I'll throw in a loud "f**k YEAH!!!" and then I'll grab my big junk and hit a most muscular.

Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Always Sore on June 15, 2006, 12:29:03 PM
Hey AS, where you from.  I see your Tom Brady sig.   lol

the sig line is for Headhuntersix he is a big pats fan and i do it just to poke him, plus as a eagles fan i still have a hard time with the superbowl loss.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: UK Gold on June 15, 2006, 12:41:08 PM
I love to slam the weights down then look around menacingly. Woe behold anyone that dares to catch my eye. This puts the little flex reading bitches in their place >:(
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: jaejonna on June 15, 2006, 12:44:03 PM
When I slam wieghts I yell out


Then go through the mandatories....

And end off on my favorite most muscular
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Laura Lee on June 15, 2006, 12:46:13 PM
When I slam wieghts I yell out


Then go through the mandatories....

And end off on my favorite most muscular
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: The Showstoppa on June 15, 2006, 01:20:45 PM
I've also got it so the little chick behind the counter always puts in my CD and hits Iron Man by Sabbath as I start my set.  Yeah, I got it like that.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: gordiano on June 15, 2006, 01:24:13 PM
Unless you're deadlifting 300+lbs. or racking 400+lbs squats, why would you slam your weights.  I saw this guy the other day who literally threw 135lbs back on the squat rack after doing deadlifts?  Like he was being judged on his dismount. 
Better yet, letting the monster stack of 150lbs come crashing down, after doing seated rows? 
Completely unnecessary.
It's not a church, but some things just make you wonder...why?  Usually, it's someone with a tough guy image to uphold.  Hey! Check me out, I'm blasting average weight on massive amounts of drugs! 
Yeah, that's awesome!

I don't get it either. Stupid fucks.

"Oooh look at me, I'm awesome cause I just slammed 35 lbs!"
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: jaejonna on June 15, 2006, 01:28:24 PM
I've also got it so the little chick behind the counter always puts in my CD and hits Iron Man by Sabbath as I start my set.  Yeah, I got it like that.

When I lifted at college , My main muthafukka (boy) was a manager and we put in LOX and DIPSET !!! That got my ish BOILING !!! Some days we would mess around and put in oldies for all the professors lifting ... specifically Motown...."STOP in the NAME of LOVE before you BREAK my  Heart!!>....... "
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Big Worm on June 15, 2006, 01:53:40 PM
Was it the True Adonis?  Gyno rage, I heard it is worst that roid rage.  j/k  ;D
Couldn/t have been ?  She said the guy was big,,not a big asshole .
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: WiseGuy on June 15, 2006, 01:58:11 PM
Unless you're deadlifting 300+lbs. or racking 400+lbs squats, why would you slam your weights.  I saw this guy the other day who literally threw 135lbs back on the squat rack after doing deadlifts?  Like he was being judged on his dismount. 
Better yet, letting the monster stack of 150lbs come crashing down, after doing seated rows? 
Completely unnecessary.
It's not a church, but some things just make you wonder...why?  Usually, it's someone with a tough guy image to uphold.  Hey! Check me out, I'm blasting average weight on massive amounts of drugs! 
Yeah, that's awesome!

agreed here... there shall be no slammn of weights unless you  have at least 3-45's a side...


Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: HUGEPECS on June 15, 2006, 02:08:53 PM
the other day, I was doing incline with the 140's dumbells, I managed a good 12 reps, after I was done, I had to let that shit slam on the floor, My gold's Gym is a very cool place, but some other gold's warned members not to let the weights slam on the floor. You can get injured on some occasion, if you have to dispose of the weights quietly.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: jaejonna on June 15, 2006, 02:10:38 PM
the other day, I was doing incline with the 140's dumbells, I managed a good 12 reps, after I was done, I had to let that shit slam on the floor, My gold's Gym is a very cool place, but some other gold's warned members not to let the weights slam on the floor. You can get injured on some occasion, if you have to dispose of the weights quietly.
I call that the tumble of death, my brother can lift 140s on incline but he is a short guy so he cant put them down without droping them....

and when thy hit its like they have a mind of their own... watch out for your achilles !!
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Rich2 on June 15, 2006, 02:15:03 PM
how about we just ignore the idiots in the gym and work out? thats sounds good.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: jaejonna on June 15, 2006, 02:18:54 PM
Yeah if I was a robot i could ignore everything and just live life like a drone....

Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: nzmusclemonster on June 15, 2006, 02:25:12 PM
Its animal behaviour, when a dude slams the weights down he is trying to establish that he is the alpha male, if you  dont like it throw your weights through the ground and put those weenies in their place
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Jr. Yates on June 15, 2006, 02:46:05 PM
I like when there younger friends come with them to the gym and spot them bench 185 and then complement him on "being a beast" that shit makes me smile....instantly i feel 80lbs bigger.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: sgt. d on June 15, 2006, 02:48:30 PM
I like to launch it absolutely as high/far as possible.  Lets all the tiny twats know who is f'n in charge !!!!

ahahahahahaha urkel has more muscle mass than showstoppa, this fag can juggle more nuts than a squirrel
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Rich2 on June 15, 2006, 02:52:41 PM
who said you gotta live life like a drone? i'm just saying who cares about what some novice schmoe is doing in the gym? everyone's gotta start somewhere, and lot of people start out as retards who slam weights and wear bandanas. eventually they'll get the point or grow up to be older, bigger retards. who cares.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: pumpster on June 15, 2006, 02:55:44 PM
The same idiot will finish his set of 65 lb. BB curls and mumble that he "doesn't want to get too big." ::)
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: The Showstoppa on June 15, 2006, 03:24:03 PM
ahahahahahaha urkel has more muscle mass than showstoppa, this fag can juggle more nuts than a squirrel

When we wanna hear from you, Nancy, we will have brianX remove the ball-gag from your mouth.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Man of Steel on June 15, 2006, 03:33:55 PM
When we wanna hear from you, Nancy, we will have brianX remove the ball-gag from your mouth.

AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!   Instant noob owning!!!
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: The Showstoppa on June 15, 2006, 03:35:42 PM

AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!   Instant noob owning!!!

Where are these tiny twats coming from?  They are like the turd that just won't flush.  8)
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Croatch on June 15, 2006, 04:27:53 PM
the other day, I was doing incline with the 140's dumbells, I managed a good 12 reps, after I was done, I had to let that shit slam on the floor, My gold's Gym is a very cool place, but some other gold's warned members not to let the weights slam on the floor. You can get injured on some occasion, if you have to dispose of the weights quietly.
Agreed.  If it may cause you injury to place the weight down, drop it.  Dumbell bench press is the only one I can think of.  On incline, it's easier for me to just rest them back on my knee.  I usually dominate a set of 65's on those! ;D
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Ex Coelis on June 15, 2006, 04:33:36 PM
After his max set of bent-over barbell rows, Mike Quinn used to throw it down to the ground and yell "guy!" (source: old Flex mag)

There's a physiotherapy clinic directly underneath my gym. Needless to say they're pretty strict about dropping weights.

As I see it, if you're a stong mofo or a 260+ lbs monster, you have every right to throw 'em down. Who's gonna stop ya??  ;D
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: sgt. d on June 15, 2006, 07:45:10 PM

AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!   Instant noob owning!!!

ahahahaha ok man of steel ::)
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: onlyme on June 15, 2006, 08:41:34 PM
Guys who try to lift more than they can handle drop weights.  And obnoxious guys who want attention drop weights.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Wombat on June 15, 2006, 10:00:16 PM
i've used 140s and never dropped them and never use a spot...Bring them to my knees everytime and then either to the floor or back to the rack...Slow movements always in control...

Its like smoking, You see these little kids doing it and you just want to set them straight but of course you don't and just live and let live...

Their are so many douche bags in my gym, that its actually funny to me....
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: dodger on June 15, 2006, 10:46:08 PM
a few years ago when i curled 130 pound db's for 8 reps i puked all over the mat,immediately after i puked i did 2 more and then i dropped 1 of the db's in the puke--back when gyms were hardcore,man the good ole days.Things u got a way with years ago.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on June 15, 2006, 10:51:51 PM
Unless you're deadlifting 300+lbs. or racking 400+lbs squats, why would you slam your weights.  I saw this guy the other day who literally threw 135lbs back on the squat rack after doing deadlifts?  Like he was being judged on his dismount. 
Better yet, letting the monster stack of 150lbs come crashing down, after doing seated rows? 
Completely unnecessary.
It's not a church, but some things just make you wonder...why?  Usually, it's someone with a tough guy image to uphold.  Hey! Check me out, I'm blasting average weight on massive amounts of drugs! 
Yeah, that's awesome!

Because it's fun to piss people off?  You're not serious are you?  It's awesome as hell to walk into a gym with plates banging everywhere.  None of that in my gym now and I miss it.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: GoneAway on June 16, 2006, 06:40:50 AM
Unless you're deadlifting 300+lbs. or racking 400+lbs squats, why would you slam your weights.  I saw this guy the other day who literally threw 135lbs back on the squat rack after doing deadlifts?  Like he was being judged on his dismount.

I deadlift about 135lbs about for 10, and usually my grip is killing on the last few reps due to blisters, or the bar is slipping out of my hands, so the last thing I'll care about is taking an extra 5 seconds (when I'm already about to burst or bar is about to slip) to slowly put it down on the rack or floor. I usually let it down slowly, but granted, I just want to get it out of my hands, and if it makes a noise, so be it.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Ursus on June 16, 2006, 06:46:33 AM
i dead 400+ for reps and never. i almost seem to set the weight back down after each rep.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Bast175 on June 16, 2006, 06:56:47 AM
I don't do that but I'm the guy that leaves all the weights unracked and loaded barbells and then leaves before anyone notices.

Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on June 16, 2006, 07:12:35 AM
If you've got slam your weights, then they are too heavy....period!
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: jaejonna on June 16, 2006, 07:20:23 AM
When I do a jerk clean press I hold it then drop it behind me like they do in the commercials for the Olympics...

Thats cool!!
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: FatGuy on June 16, 2006, 08:19:21 AM
Because it's fun to piss people off?  You're not serious are you?  It's awesome as hell to walk into a gym with plates banging everywhere.  None of that in my gym now and I miss it.

I agree your going to the Gym not church.... 8)
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Overload on June 16, 2006, 08:36:49 AM
i don't slam weights but when you are deadlifting doubles and triples with 500+ pounds it's hard to be quiet about it. i had a trainer come up to me and tell me i was slamming weights around while doing reps with 495. i asked to speak with the manager and everything was cool. i even did a set in front of him to show him i was setting the weight down in a very controlled fashion. heavy weights make noise.

Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: HUGEPECS on June 16, 2006, 08:37:42 AM
In general, I just love the sounds of Dumbells slamming the floor, but I cant stand anybody dropping light ass weight to the floor just to make themselves seen. I was watching a Ronnie coleman video, where he was doing Flat Dumbell press with the 200's. he went for 12 solid reps, and after that he just let them heavy ass shit slam the floor, and you could hear how loud that shit was. IT should be mandatory to drop heavy ass weights when you done. period
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: sarcasm on June 16, 2006, 09:35:31 AM
In general, I just love the sounds of Dumbells slamming the floor, but I cant stand anybody dropping light ass weight to the floor just to make themselves seen. I was watching a Ronnie coleman video, where he was doing Flat Dumbell press with the 200's. he went for 12 solid reps, and after that he just let them heavy ass shit slam the floor, and you could hear how loud that shit was. IT should be mandatory to drop heavy ass weights when you done. period
that's the dumbest thing i've ever read on here.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Croatch on June 16, 2006, 09:56:28 AM
Deadlifting a ton is another exception.  I'll shrug 4-5 plates and put that bar down like I was racking a 10lbs dumbell.  It's comical.  Same for heavy close grip rows, 250-280lbs, you can barely hear the weight touch.  To me, that's really owning some weight.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: HUGEPECS on June 16, 2006, 09:56:58 AM
that's the dumbest thing i've ever read on here.

you wont be able to comprehend this, my man. I wonder if you've ever press a heavy dumbell in your life, if you have, then I dont need to explain certain things. go figure
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: sarcasm on June 16, 2006, 09:58:55 AM

you wont be able to comprehend this, my man. I wonder if you've ever press a heavy dumbell in your life, if you have, then I dont need to explain certain things. go figure
no you're the only guy on here who trains, "hugepecs", you make it sound as if you're the biggest strongest mother f.ucker on earth yet in the picture with the fitness girls you look to be a buck ninety, where is the size if you have all this bar bending strength?
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Ex Coelis on June 16, 2006, 10:16:23 AM
I loved it in the BFTO 2004 when Johnnie O was doing bent over dumbell rows with an absurd amount of weight in each hand (180 ea I think). At the end of the set he just threw them suckers down! BOOM!

Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: sarcasm on June 16, 2006, 10:17:53 AM
I loved it in the BFTO 2004 when Johnnie O was doing bent over dumbell rows with an absurd amount of weight in each hand (180 ea I think). At the end of the set he just threw them suckers down! BOOM!

no they weren't 180 they were 120 tops, i have that video and the reps he does are about 3 inches and he screams like an idiot doing them, he's a clown.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: HUGEPECS on June 16, 2006, 10:39:25 AM
no you're the only guy on here who trains, "hugepecs", you make it sound as if you're the biggest strongest mother f.ucker on earth yet in the picture with the fitness girls you look to be a buck ninety, where is the size if you have all this bar bending strength?

for your information, BOZO, I'm 230lbs with a flat stomach. and yes I train hard, I love bodybuilding. please do me a favor, post yourself here, I'll bet on it, if you will. check out this pic. it's me with Triple H
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: anvil on June 16, 2006, 10:41:17 AM
In general, I just love the sounds of Dumbells slamming the floor, but I cant stand anybody dropping light ass weight to the floor just to make themselves seen. I was watching a Ronnie coleman video, where he was doing Flat Dumbell press with the 200's. he went for 12 solid reps, and after that he just let them heavy ass shit slam the floor, and you could hear how loud that shit was. IT should be mandatory to drop heavy ass weights when you done. period

Problem is they do get damaged, ya know.  Then it should be mandatory for the guy who dropped them to pay to replace them when they're bent (or broke) all to hell.  It gets expensive pretty quick.  Don't get me wrong, I love intensity too but if I don't own it then I have to respect the guy who does.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: 240 is Back on June 16, 2006, 10:44:46 AM

for your information, BOZO, I'm 230lbs with a flat stomach. and yes I train hard, I love bodybuilding. please do me a favor, post yourself here, I'll bet on it, if you will. check out this pic. it's me with Triple H

is that the same wrestler from the beer commercials who rips his shirt off?  Is that pic old?  He looks in much better shape there, than he did on the commercial.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: ieffinhatecardio on June 16, 2006, 10:46:32 AM
I don't do that but I'm the guy that leaves all the weights unracked and loaded barbells and then leaves before anyone notices.


If that's true then you're worse than the guy that slams his weights.

There's nothing worse than having to search for dumbbells.

for your information, BOZO, I'm 230lbs with a flat stomach. and yes I train hard, I love bodybuilding. please do me a favor, post yourself here, I'll bet on it, if you will. check out this pic. it's me with Triple H

You might be huge but I can't tell anything from that picture, your fleece is completely covering you.

And that dude Triple H looks tiny, his arms look thin.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Laura Lee on June 16, 2006, 10:50:09 AM

for your information, BOZO, I'm 230lbs with a flat stomach. and yes I train hard, I love bodybuilding. please do me a favor, post yourself here, I'll bet on it, if you will. check out this pic. it's me with Triple H
OMG  Triple H looks small there.  :o
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: HUGEPECS on June 16, 2006, 10:52:01 AM
Problem is they do get damaged, ya know.  Then it should be mandatory for the guy who dropped them to pay to replace them when they're bent (or broke) all to hell.  It gets expensive pretty quick.  Don't get me wrong, I love intensity too but if I don't own it then I have to respect the guy who does.

I agree with you, My other gym have a lot of loose dumbells, due to the fact that they've been dropped a lot on the floor, and it cost money to get them tight up again, but at the same time, it's just the nature of things, unless you can afford to have a couple of guys spotting you, it's hard sometime not to drop the weights after your last grueling rep
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: HUGEPECS on June 16, 2006, 10:55:36 AM
If that's true then you're worse than the guy that slams his weights.

There's nothing worse than having to search for dumbbells.

You might be huge but I can't tell anything from that picture, your fleece is completely covering you.

And that dude Triple H looks tiny, his arms look thin.

all I had under that was a wife beater, dude.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: anvil on June 16, 2006, 11:05:42 AM
Even covered up with the fleece you're obviously a big dude.

Seem so serious in all your pics; like the pics with the fitness chicks, I'd have been grinning from ear to ear as I  pinched those booties ;D

right before being escorted out the door...
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: sgt. d on June 16, 2006, 11:46:49 AM
If that's true then you're worse than the guy that slams his weights.

There's nothing worse than having to search for dumbbells.

You might be huge but I can't tell anything from that picture, your fleece is completely covering you.

And that dude Triple H looks tiny, his arms look thin.

ahahah yeah okay 240 or bust ::)
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: sgt. d on June 16, 2006, 11:49:18 AM
i dead 400+ for reps and never. i almost seem to set the weight back down after each rep.

you must feel special huh? want an apple?  ::)
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: ieffinhatecardio on June 16, 2006, 11:49:43 AM
ahahah yeah okay 240 or bust ::)

How many dudes are obsessed with chasing after 240? It has to be somewhere between 4 and 8 lifeless virgins.

Any time you're ready I'll give you 5-1 odds that I'm not 240. You put down 1 to make 5. Those are pretty good odds there virgin, you should jump on it. 

Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: buffbodz on June 16, 2006, 12:06:08 PM
Unless you're deadlifting 300+lbs. or racking 400+lbs squats, why would you slam your weights.  I saw this guy the other day who literally threw 135lbs back on the squat rack after doing deadlifts?  Like he was being judged on his dismount. 
Better yet, letting the monster stack of 150lbs come crashing down, after doing seated rows? 
Completely unnecessary.
It's not a church, but some things just make you wonder...why?  Usually, it's someone with a tough guy image to uphold.  Hey! Check me out, I'm blasting average weight on massive amounts of drugs! 
Yeah, that's awesome!

When I was a member at Worlds, you slam a weight, you are asked not to, do it again and you're gone.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: nder98 on June 16, 2006, 01:13:22 PM
DAM! Would someone get triple H a cheese steak or sumtin!!!! :o
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: FatGuy on June 16, 2006, 01:23:08 PM

for your information, BOZO, I'm 230lbs with a flat stomach. and yes I train hard, I love bodybuilding. please do me a favor, post yourself here, I'll bet on it, if you will. check out this pic. it's me with Triple H

Holy bad camara angle.....You sure that's Triple H?  Looks like someone put his head on some else's body... ???
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: DarthNemesis21 on June 16, 2006, 11:55:00 PM
Remember.It's weight lifting.Not weight dropping.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: NeverTrustABlonde on June 17, 2006, 10:53:52 AM
Remember.It's weight lifting.Not weight dropping.

Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Rigs on June 17, 2006, 11:11:32 AM
For me, it's a mental-focus thing. I'm not there to arrange porcelain teacups on a lace doily. I'm there to pump some iron, dammit! Manly iron! If the noise bothers you, get the fug out of my gym and go listen to Joni Mitchell on your pink iPod, wimp.

OK, I just made that up. I'm really just a lazy asshole whose arms are too tired from even my light-ass weights to respect the gym's equipment.

I Totally agree! I don't do it for attention, I do it because my muscles are tired! I don't ever make any noise until the very last set on those last few reps and I'm never that loud, but you know I'm pushing my body to it max. Personally, if you've NEVER dropped a weight EVER, your not training for size or to get stronger, your training for maintnance. JMO

Join the Aerobics class! No noise and plenty of music!
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Scimowser on June 17, 2006, 11:30:00 AM
some people love the attention. Look at Ronnie, he shouts and screams but he always looks around to see if anyone is watching
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Princess L on June 17, 2006, 11:40:08 AM
You guys sound like a bunch of pussies.  It's important to "throw the weight around like it ain't nuffin."  Chicks dig it.

Ahhhh, no.  No they don't.  ::)

I agree with you, My other gym have a lot of loose dumbells, due to the fact that they've been dropped a lot on the floor, and it cost money to get them tight up again,

I honestly don't mind when weights are dropped (not slammed) when it's justifiable.  I've done it myself (they don't make any noise tho  :P ), BUT since it happens more than necessary, alot of the dummies are loose and that does bother me  :-\  It becomes a safety issue.  I don't understand why the 35's-45's are loose  >:(   IMO there's no excuse for that.

Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: INSOMNIA on June 17, 2006, 02:05:24 PM
I deadlift about 135lbs about for 10, and usually my grip is killing on the last few reps due to blisters, or the bar is slipping out of my hands, so the last thing I'll care about is taking an extra 5 seconds (when I'm already about to burst or bar is about to slip) to slowly put it down on the rack or floor. I usually let it down slowly, but granted, I just want to get it out of my hands, and if it makes a noise, so be it.

one word, CHALK
but the gym owners hate that too  :(   so you really cant f'in win.

oh, and ppl who slam the 45s together as they load the bar.. ??? ???  that is so distracting and unessesary..ruins my concentration and gives me a huge migraine. My worst gym peeve right there...I'd like to choke the livin shit out of ppl that do that
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Adam Empire on June 17, 2006, 02:20:42 PM
We all know gym coolness is determined by the following factors:

--How much weight you can drop
--The number of Under Armour shirts you have
--How many days a week you workout bi's
--By "I do cardio for my leg workouts"
--By using the strenth bands and balls to build a strong core
--By using the squat rack for curls
--How much time you spend socializing in the gym
--By how much Muscletech products you use
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: lilwoday09smb on June 17, 2006, 04:19:28 PM
i love the cardio is my leg work out. also i notice alot of people suffer from ILS (invisible lat syndrome)
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Bast175 on June 17, 2006, 04:20:38 PM
I don't use weights.  I swim for resistance training.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: HERACLES on June 17, 2006, 04:51:33 PM
SOme TOOL AT  the gym the other day kept SLAPPING the plates HARD when loading the bar. It fuking made my ears ring.. I was getting so mad, I was gonna say hey tough guy, you mind not making o much noise! Like he was advertising he was workin ghis wya up to his MONSTER SET OF 315. TOOL. He weighed like 160 and looked like a stick.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Ex Coelis on June 17, 2006, 05:52:42 PM
Tom Platz used to leave a bit of space between his plates when he would squat so they would "rattle like thunder" during his set

If you're big enough, you've gotta slam plates together - lets everyone know you're there and mean business
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: HERACLES on June 17, 2006, 06:42:37 PM
Tom Platz used to leave a bit of space between his plates when he would squat so they would "rattle like thunder" during his set

If you're big enough, you've gotta slam plates together - lets everyone know you're there and mean business

Uhmm..If  "your big enough" you dont have to slam plates, or scream....your already a presence..everyone knows your there!.. ;)

Mos tof the time guys that WANT to be plates and make lots of noise..
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: INSOMNIA on June 17, 2006, 08:22:18 PM
SOme TOOL AT  the gym the other day kept SLAPPING the plates HARD when loading the bar. It fuking made my ears ring.. I was getting so mad, I was gonna say hey tough guy, you mind not making o much noise! Like he was advertising he was workin ghis wya up to his MONSTER SET OF 315. TOOL. He weighed like 160 and looked like a stick.

haha what an ass   sounds too familiar  ;D

My second least favorite thing is the ppl who turn their cell phone ringer up full volume and get calls every 30 seconds. These guys actually stop in the middle of their sets, put the weights dows, to gab on the damn phone again and again. "Look at me!!! I'm important!!"  ::)
Its really distracting..and they have the damn things up so loud my headphones dont even drown it out. Put it on vibrate, people!
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: freespirit on June 18, 2006, 12:54:27 AM
I remember this guy loading up a barbell for bench pressing, about 315 or so, and he got a call right away. Than he spent about 20 minutes of an hilarious conversation because about every 10 seconds he burst out laughing his @ss of. During this cellphone session he walked true the whole gym, and even a few times outside. Suddenly he disappeared, leaving the loaded bench press for what it was.

Oh brother, he must be very popular.   ::)
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Croatch on June 18, 2006, 01:12:07 AM
My second least favorite thing is the ppl who turn their cell phone ringer up full volume and get calls every 30 seconds. These guys actually stop in the middle of their sets, put the weights dows, to gab on the damn phone again and again. "Look at me!!! I'm important!!" 
Its really distracting..and they have the damn things up so loud my headphones dont even drown it out. Put it on vibrate, people!
Monster intensity!  Unless you're putting together multi million dollar deals or earning over 100g's, please, keep the phone in your car, shit ain't that important.  Some people are just lonely souls and constantly need to talk to someone else.  Take the majority of women for example ;D  Same reason people own a dog, just plain lonely.  I don't need either, I have getbig and a 360.
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: VY_BUFF on June 18, 2006, 01:20:14 AM
I have getbig and a 360.

hahahahaha you're one cool cat
Title: Re: Why do you slam weights?
Post by: Bast175 on June 18, 2006, 01:25:51 AM
Monster intensity!  Unless you're putting together multi million dollar deals or earning over 100g's, please, keep the phone in your car, shit ain't that important.  Some people are just lonely souls and constantly need to talk to someone else.  Take the majority of women for example ;D  Same reason people own a dog, just plain lonely.  I don't need either, I have getbig and a 360.

croatch on