Author Topic: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening  (Read 356380 times)


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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2650 on: February 13, 2008, 08:27:02 AM »
A nurse usually doesn't specialize in nutrition or hypertrophy. What you should obtain is a sceptical attitude about information and how to assess whether it is good or unsupported ideas. If you google 'philosophy of science' you should be able to read about some issues and problems in this philosophy that will be invaluable when you process any knowledge that is presented to you. You should be able to devise and look for tests of truth when analyzing arguments and presentations. Of course, Getbig won't provide you with many opportunities to debate in depth with educated individuals but it does happen.

As a nurse you should try to read some of the literature about obesity. Were you to do so you would begin to appreciate it isn't at all like what most believe who are bodybuilders. When you see all the factors that cause obesity you will refrain from generalizing about fat people and blaming them.

I believe bodybuilders should help everyone who is in need of improvement re physique and fitness. There is no place for smugness, bigotry, or ignorance when trying to appreciate then help the obese population.

I agree with this statement wholeheartedly and in general never put down people who put in effort to better themselves.  What I do have a problem with is people who seem to have a built in excuse to why they can not succeed, example blacks playing the race card in America.  Does being born in the projects hinder your ability to get a good education?  No doubt it does, however, this does not mean you CANT get said education, you will however unfortunately have to work harder and ignore the distractions.  You cant get caught up in drugs/gangs/baby mommas etc.
Same goes for a fat person with bad genetics, a person overweight with good genetics can get caught up in the distractions and still lose weight.  A night out drinking, a morning doughnut, etc.  The overweight you speak of will indeed have to ingnore these temptations. 

Unfair?  Definetely.  Impossible? Probably not.  Worth at least the attempt?  Definetly!!!!

As far as my education is concerned I agree nurses do not learn a broad spectrum of ideas, however it is a good steady job that allows you to help people.  When I first started college my major was cultural anthropology and african studies(I was a hippy who wanted to save the world!).  Soon however I realized there is no money in these fields and besides if you like to do these things a degree or job in these fields are not necessary.  Philosophy, history, and anthropology are still some of my biggest passions.  So to sum it up "Vince" you shouldn't automatically label everyone flotsam.
This only reflects poorly on you.

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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2651 on: February 13, 2008, 08:34:51 AM »
So to sum it up "Vince" you shouldn't automatically label everyone flotsam.
This only reflects poorly on you.

Almost as poorly as his gay purple font;)
Ron: "I am lazy."

Vince B

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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2652 on: February 13, 2008, 03:46:43 PM »
Goatboy joins the flotsam when he dons his netstalker outfit.

There are sensible and highly educated people on Getbig. They don't come here to be serious so good debates are few and far between.

If you studied sociology you wouldn't expect people raised in a slum to go to university. Why? Well, they don't have the attitudes at home or in their community that foster the ambition to do so. If your parents are professionally trained and educated then you will probably get a university education, too.

Can we blame those living in a ghetto for not getting an education? Most of the time, no.

Do we still blame most fat people for becoming obese? Yes. Prejudice and attitudes are formed over decades associating with others and so on. Racial prejudice is mixed with class as many appreciate. In other words, a lot of the bias is actually disapproval of characteristics that are not based on race but on social status. If many of the people of a particular race are working class then it is a short step to believe that everyone of that race has those qualities. Once you get a bias or mental set it is easy to accumulate more proof that this view is right.

I was talking about the causes of obesity and not how to reverse it. If you look at fat populations you might not see many actively doing much about their body composition. There are reasons for this as well. Those who own gyms know that overweight people present but the morbidly obese stay away. Unless you dwell in a very obese body you won't appreciate what it is like to live with that problem.

Bodybuilders like to keep things simple. They easily bulk up then reduce fat for competitions. Well, many have trouble gaining weight especially when they believe they should 'eat healthily'. No one escapes the general beliefs in the web of knowledge and it takes an independent person to penetrate this web and appreciate real knowledge in nutrition or hypertrophy theory. What most believe is that to gain weight you simply increase the calories over expenditure. To lose weight simply reverse this process. This works for those with normal genetics for storing excess calories. If you inherited clever genes that are more efficient at storing excess calories then you are bound to get fat if you live a typical Western lifestyle. At the moment there is no way to know if you have this fatty gene and when you do find yourself obese it may be too late to reverse that composition.

In Weight Watchers and other businesses set up to help people lose weight we always find some who successful lose heaps of fat. We attribute this to exceptional motivation. Most of those who lose substantial amounts of fat regain much of it back when they are not so attentive to what they eat and do.

Clearly the physics remains the same but individual circumstances conspire to defeat any but the highly motivated to reverse the obese state. To then say these people should do something about it is really not appreciating what happens in particular instances. We tend to lump together all obese people when there are many ways to become obese. There are many causes of obesity including illnesses such as glandular problems. Ironically, the mobidly obese often do present with hormonal abnormalities and this can aggravate the obesity. Very fat women can get PCOS and other disorders and that complicates an already stressful state in the body. Did many know that exceptionally fat women often cannot get pregnant? This could be the body's way to prevent it to cope with more stress.

If you actually listen to fat people you will discover it is not as simple as most imagine. Think of all the stares they receive. Would any of you present at a gym if you weighed 100 or 200 pounds more than you do now? I doubt it. Imagine all the advice fat people must listen to re diets, etc. Imagine the social situation of fat people and the constant putdowns they hear daily. I am sure if obesity were easy to reverse then all fat people would have done so long ago.

If what I say is true then it must be awful to be really obese. You have lost control of your body and become a prisoner inside that mass. The options for exercise are mostly gone and what can you do if your joints are sore? Those devices advertised for losing fat are shams. I wonder why the government allows companies to go on TV and tell lies about losing fat tummies, etc. That is preposterous and does not happen because spot reducing is a sham. You don't do situps to get a washboard tummy! Seems that lie has been around for thousands of years!

If you are a professional who deals with patients who are obese then try to find research about this phenomenon and understand it. That is the first step to helping fat people. Listen to them and hear what they are saying. Don't assume you know what is best for them. Do not accuse them of having no willpower because they might have much more than you ever will. The very process of dieting over the years can lead to obesity. This is hard to accept because it seems like nonsense. Fat acceptance sites tell fat people that dieting doesn't work. The first time you read this you don't accept it. Surely fat people must lose weight if they diet properly and stick with it? Yes, they do lose weight. However, what happens to them is that when they stop dieting their bodies are in a starvation state and remains like way for a while. During this period the body will store whatever it needs to cope with any future starvation episodes. This is a survival mechanism and those who are predisposed to store fat are destined to be defeated by dieting. Add that many try foolish diets and you begin to understand the processes that defeat many who try to lose fat.

If you are a woman surely you would attend to your appearance? Yes, that might even be something at the top of the list to watch for. So, how come so many women become obese if fatness is considered unattractive by most people? That is not easily answered. There is plenty of motivation to be attractive for both sexes but surely that pressure in on females much more. If females are generally getting fatter each year what the heck is causing this? That is something that researchers are trying to find out. If you take Oprah Winfrey as an example of an obese women then clearly the battle is never won. The tendency to regain fat is always there. If readers here try to appreciate this challenge then they would hardly post like the flotsam do in this thread. These lads are coarse and vulgar in what they post and they should all be ashamed of themselves as students of physical improvement.


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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2653 on: February 13, 2008, 04:33:14 PM »
too long to read...but here in American the immigrants came here they weren't educated but they worked hard, ate great European foods(cooked from scratch), were active and stayed thin. The same for first generation and then the second...but what happened after that was laziness and bad food, thats it.

The new generations today do not eat like their grandparents because they dont respect them and they are lazy. That is the only reason for the rise in obesity.

"Fat, for the New Generation"


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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2654 on: February 13, 2008, 04:42:45 PM »
too long to read...but here in American the immigrants came here they weren't educated but they worked hard, ate great European foods(cooked from scratch), were active and stayed thin. The same for first generation and then the second...but what happened after that was laziness and bad food, thats eat.

The new generations today do not eat like their grandparents because they dont respect them and they are lazy. That is the only reason for the rise in obesity.

"Fat, for the New Generation"

100% correct.

Vince B

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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2655 on: February 13, 2008, 04:55:06 PM »
That modern Americans enjoy an easy lifestyle is usually accepted. We ride around in cars, buses and trains instead of walking. In shopping centers we use escalators instead of climbing steps. When we get hungry we can find cheap takeaways that are enjoyable to eat.

One would think that in a country that has the best gyms and fitness centers that people would be fit, lean and healthy. That hasn't happened and is a complex phenomenon. When we stopped having to work daily for long hours to survive we began to enjoy leisure time. Years ago workers enjoyed the 8 hour day and many have shorter workdays than that and seldom work on weekends. When abundance is enjoyed by even the working class obesity is seen. Things get complicated when restaurants have to provide larger servings to quell the bigger appetites of larger people. In America the obese are catered to and free enterprise guarantees that obesity will rise and not diminish. The result is that 1/3 of Americans are obese. These people are at least 30% bodyfat. That really isn't all that much but many are much more obese and that is a problem for health providers.

When we lift weights we build up our muscles. Some seem to put on size easier than most of us. Well, the same goes for obesity. Some gain size much easier even living similar lifestyles. We do not know what nature has given us re our ability to build large muscles and we seldom know if we are destined to be fat until it is too late. Just about everyone assumes obesity is preventable but hardly anyone is familiar with the latest research that shows it is hardly a simple phenomenon. I think bodybuilders should not be so quick to put down fat people because is is not simply a matter of willpower.


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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2656 on: February 14, 2008, 10:17:40 AM »
That modern Americans enjoy an easy lifestyle is usually accepted. We ride around in cars, buses and trains instead of walking. In shopping centers we use escalators instead of climbing steps. When we get hungry we can find cheap takeaways that are enjoyable to eat.

One would think that in a country that has the best gyms and fitness centers that people would be fit, lean and healthy. That hasn't happened and is a complex phenomenon. When we stopped having to work daily for long hours to survive we began to enjoy leisure time. Years ago workers enjoyed the 8 hour day and many have shorter workdays than that and seldom work on weekends. When abundance is enjoyed by even the working class obesity is seen. Things get complicated when restaurants have to provide larger servings to quell the bigger appetites of larger people. In America the obese are catered to and free enterprise guarantees that obesity will rise and not diminish. The result is that 1/3 of Americans are obese. These people are at least 30% bodyfat. That really isn't all that much but many are much more obese and that is a problem for health providers.

When we lift weights we build up our muscles. Some seem to put on size easier than most of us. Well, the same goes for obesity. Some gain size much easier even living similar lifestyles. We do not know what nature has given us re our ability to build large muscles and we seldom know if we are destined to be fat until it is too late. Just about everyone assumes obesity is preventable but hardly anyone is familiar with the latest research that shows it is hardly a simple phenomenon. I think bodybuilders should not be so quick to put down fat people because is is not simply a matter of willpower.

Shut up you old retarded dumbass, there is absolutely no excuse to be morbidly obese or anywhere close yet people somehow find a way to blame it all on something else. There are plenty of people who enjoy all the modern luxuries that make everyday chores less physically demanding but they aren't fat smelly pieces of shit who overeat at every meal and sit on their asses all day. Put down the 2nd (or 3rd, 4th and 5th for that matter) serving, don't drink 50% of your calories and get the fuck outside (or inside if you have the means) and get active on a regular basis even if it's hiking on weekends or a walk around the neighborhood a few evenings a week.

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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2657 on: February 14, 2008, 10:31:10 AM »
Vince tries to make this far more complicated that it is.  If you're fat, you're running a calorie surplus... you're taking in more calories than you're burning for energy. This surplus is stored as fat.  If you want to lose the fat and not gain any more, you either need to reduce your calorie intake or burn more calories through exercise, preferably both.  This is true for both the genetically cursed as well as the genetically blessed:  calorie surpluses cause weight gain, calorie deficits cause weight loss.

So put down the fork and hit the gym, fattie!  Your lack of willpower sickens me!  >:(
Ron: "I am lazy."


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2658 on: February 14, 2008, 10:44:56 AM »
I think you argue to much on the "marginal cases" Vince, of course there will always be a few cases of morbidly obese people who who have phiysiological hindrances to them losing weight like a normal person.  But for the majority of the population this is simply not true.  The root cause is simply bad diet coupled with a sedentary lifestyle.  How do you explain the majority of first generation immigrants being relatively (not by getbig standards of course) physically fit?  The answer is simple: a more active healthy lifestyle.

My father is an immigrant from Laos, so I grew up in a high population of Laos people in the midwest.  There were only maybe a handful of overweight first generationers and definetly no morbidly obese.  Guess what the second generation looks like that grew up completely in the midwest?  They look just like all the other overweight people in the midwest and now we have a few who could be considered morbidly obese.  How could this be a genetics issue?  Did the genes suddenly mutate on immigration?  If you go over to Laos right now I gaurentee you will not find any morbidly obese people.  How do you explain this?

mass 04

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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2659 on: February 14, 2008, 10:48:05 AM »
Vince tries to make this far more complicated that it is.  If you're fat, you're running a calorie surplus... you're taking in more calories than you're burning for energy. This surplus is stored as fat.  If you want to lose the fat and not gain any more, you either need to reduce your calorie intake or burn more calories through exercise, preferably both.  This is true for both the genetically cursed as well as the genetically blessed:  calorie surpluses cause weight gain, calorie deficits cause weight loss.

So put down the fork and hit the gym, fattie!  Your lack of willpower sickens me!  >:(
If "Vince" comprehended this a year ago this wouldn't have needed 100 pages. What is the caloric intake needed to maintain a 500 lb body?


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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2660 on: February 14, 2008, 11:11:36 AM »
If "Vince" comprehended this a year ago this wouldn't have needed 100 pages. What is the caloric intake needed to maintain a 500 lb body?
Hell yeah!!


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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2661 on: February 14, 2008, 11:57:25 AM »
I think you argue to much on the "marginal cases" Vince, of course there will always be a few cases of morbidly obese people who who have phiysiological hindrances to them losing weight like a normal person.  But for the majority of the population this is simply not true.  The root cause is simply bad diet coupled with a sedentary lifestyle.  How do you explain the majority of first generation immigrants being relatively (not by getbig standards of course) physically fit?  The answer is simple: a more active healthy lifestyle.

My father is an immigrant from Laos, so I grew up in a high population of Laos people in the midwest.  There were only maybe a handful of overweight first generationers and definetly no morbidly obese.  Guess what the second generation looks like that grew up completely in the midwest?  They look just like all the other overweight people in the midwest and now we have a few who could be considered morbidly obese.  How could this be a genetics issue?  Did the genes suddenly mutate on immigration?  If you go over to Laos right now I gaurentee you will not find any morbidly obese people.  How do you explain this?

Are you related to these people???


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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2662 on: February 14, 2008, 11:58:28 AM »

Are you related to these people???

They don't look that fat.

They must be "first generation".
Ron: "I am lazy."


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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2663 on: February 14, 2008, 12:00:23 PM »

They don't look that fat.

They must be "first generation".

They are, I know for a fact ;D

mass 04

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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2664 on: February 14, 2008, 12:01:56 PM »
Khan Jr. posts here??


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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2665 on: February 14, 2008, 12:09:18 PM »

Are you related to these people???

hahah. . . I guess so, but Im only half, my mothers Irish.  I know fucked up combination


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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2666 on: February 14, 2008, 12:43:56 PM »
hahah. . . I guess so, but Im only half, my mothers Irish.  I know fucked up combination

Whoa!!! I honestly can't imagine what in the hell you would look like. I used to have a good friend who was half Chinese and half Greek, he looked mostly Chinese but very normal looking guy, his younger sister looked mostly Chinese also and was hot as hell but his older brother was just kinda weird but mostly backwoods Chinese looking in the face. It used to be great when his mom called for him or when she answered at his house cause she has a strong accent ;D


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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2667 on: February 14, 2008, 06:13:25 PM »

Whoa!!! I honestly can't imagine what in the hell you would look like. I used to have a good friend who was half Chinese and half Greek, he looked mostly Chinese but very normal looking guy, his younger sister looked mostly Chinese also and was hot as hell but his older brother was just kinda weird but mostly backwoods Chinese looking in the face. It used to be great when his mom called for him or when she answered at his house cause she has a strong accent ;D

Honestly I look pretty much white, 6'1 about 215 with white ass skin, Im talking casper looking, thanks mom!  About the only way you can tell Im part asian is that I have real chinky eyes and dark hair. 


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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2668 on: February 14, 2008, 06:24:57 PM »
If "Vince" comprehended this a year ago this wouldn't have needed 100 pages. What is the caloric intake needed to maintain a 500 lb body?

We do need 100+ pages. This thread should be constantly bumped to show people like Vince that the fatties will not be tolerated!  >:(


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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2669 on: February 14, 2008, 09:03:39 PM »
Vince basile is a straight up bitch, fat loving loser


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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2670 on: February 15, 2008, 12:06:01 AM »
Vince basile is a straight up bitch, fat loving loser

yep, he's the typical overweight excuse seeker

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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2671 on: February 15, 2008, 06:57:49 AM »
Vince basile is a straight up bitch, fat loving loser

He's a chubby-chaser.

Cellulite gets him hot.
Ron: "I am lazy."

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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2672 on: February 19, 2008, 09:26:12 AM »
Shut the fuck up you old sac of shit.

He can't help it...  he has no willpower.

And it sickens me!  >:(
Ron: "I am lazy."

Nordic Beast

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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2673 on: February 19, 2008, 09:34:09 AM »

He can't help it...  he has no willpower.

And it sickens me!  >:(

He's caught in an endless cycle of eating and philosophical justification---which is just hurtling him ever closer to that great bounty all the fatties strive for...diabetes :D


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Re: Fat peoples lack of willpower is sickening
« Reply #2674 on: February 19, 2008, 09:57:08 PM »
Oil painting with a large McDonald's fry. And notice how he doesn't paint a skinny woman, because a skinny woman wouldn't eat all that!