Author Topic: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1  (Read 277050 times)

BEAST 8692

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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #225 on: June 10, 2007, 10:52:55 AM »
'eh, I've always shot high. Generally higher than I can achieve. But that's why I shoot so high -- I enjoy the challenge and don't accept mediocrity.

I did this when I wrote my portal software. And again, my ecommerce software. As well when I created my own company. All thing people said I was crazy/delusional/foolish to even try. And each time, I set for myself a target -- and that target has ALWAYS been whatever was currently the best in the industry (granted Mustafa isn't the best, but Coleman is grotesque imo).

The only difference this time is the end result is my physique rather than a product or business.

So yes, I'm definately delusional. But I'd rather that, than live an average life.

nah, just messin with ya garraeth. you're making great gains and if you keep going at this rate i would definitely say that delusion has nothing to do with it.

keep going mate and keep us updated.


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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #226 on: June 10, 2007, 10:42:37 PM »
Just got back from gym: 265 dammit. Lost 2lbs.

Just did cardio, abs and a bit of light shoulders for fun.
huh, what's up lightweight? ;D


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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #227 on: June 11, 2007, 10:41:32 PM »
Yeah, seriously DJ has nothing on me! heh.

Afternoon: shoulders
Evening: back

Funny: These guys from some eastern block country (they are always speaking Russian or something like that) were doing tricep push-downs. On the machine where you can put your back on the pad and have the horizontal bar come down in front of you. You know the one...

Anyhow, they were using the rope. And were doing it with their arms facing away from the pad, arms overhead, and straightening their arms out front.

So one guy would do that.

While another guy (guy "A") would stand behind him (guy "B" - doing the exercise) -- between "B" and the pad -- facing "B", with "A"'s hand on "B"'s lower back. And since "B" was bent over, and "A" was facing him, smashed up between "B" and the pad with his hand on "B"'s lower back...well, you get the picture...I had to hide my face to hide my laughing...but I think they saw me and quit doing that after the one set.  ;D

That's pretty funny man ;D

You working out at 24 hour? How difficult is it to do giant sets? You're not posting your exercises anymore, just bodyparts :'(

BEAST 8692

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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #228 on: June 13, 2007, 06:30:41 AM »
Holy crap the gym (24 Hour) was insane tonight. Today it was totally empty, but tonight it was wall-to-wall. Never seen it so busy. Stupid people coming in to workout for summer. arrg.

Afternoon: chest
Evening: biceps & triceps

lol and training chest and arms! let me guess, waiting for equipment was a killer? you should have done squats. none of these guys dare go there...unless they're doing b.b curls. ::)


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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #229 on: June 13, 2007, 11:09:34 PM »
Yeah 24 hour...laaaaame.
Pretty freaken hard, so I gather a bunch of dumbells/barbells around a bench or whatever, and do like 10 exercises in my little 5x3' area. Or run around to open machines doing whatever I can...skipping ones someone jumped on.
And, if I go back and train w/ Milos more and he takes pics, then I'll do the exercises...I'm too lazy to write it all out each time w/o photos -- and I forget.

That must suck..

BEAST 8692

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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #230 on: June 14, 2007, 06:49:17 AM »
Yeah, tuesdays are usually ok it was at 8pm. I was surprised.

Today just did quads in afternoon...met w/ Milos tonight so didn't get to hams & calves. He's off to Japan to hang w/ Hide for a couple weeks, so we reviewed my diet and the past couple weeks me training by myself. I got an A.  ;D

woohoo ;D

super cool of Milos to get back to you and give you his time (despite everything). i don't agree with everything he says/does but 2 of his greates attributes imho are his unshakeable integrity and selflessness.

for these great things he has my utmost respect.

good luck garraeth and stay strong. you have a lot to live up to in the bbing arena.

BEAST 8692

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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #231 on: June 18, 2007, 05:14:47 AM »
Today just did cardio and abs...little triceps and leg extensions just for the pump.

Weighed in at 266.5...up 1.5 lbs. So kinda fluxuating between 265 and 267.

This week I got my first two "fanboys". Interesting. Couple kids (guys in late teens or early 20's) asking cliche questions like: "how long you been lifting?" or "what can I take to get big?" or "how often do you lift?" or just wanting to talk about...anything. They are nice and all, just kinda weird (random people don't generally want to talk to me cuz I'm a bit like quazomoto - fugly)...and a bit distracting cuz any time I see them, they want to come up to me and chat. But it's kinda cool...flattering.

I also got my first online stalker (hater?) via PM's. That too is interesting. But a good experience to learn from I guess. Random person telling me I'm fat and don't know what the hell I'm doing (I don't, but I've got faith in Milos' advice), etc...etc...heh, again, weird...

actually, you've raised an interesting point there garraeth.

part of the problem for a typical recreational bber is that they have to be trainer and athlete (so to speak). this doesn't occurr often in sports and what is underestimated here is the motivational and clarity of purpose and direction that a trainer contributes.

very rarely do you get an individual who can both analyse performance, motivation, etc AND train with complete focus. thus, you have bbers taking up space in the gym blindly following whatever snippet of advice sounds right before 'trying' something else.

one of the best examples i can give here is arthur jones and casey viator (fresh in my mind from another thread). jones was the thinker, casey was the doer. both trained weights and had the same goals but left to their own devices they did not attain the same success. arthur would analyse what he was doing too much and casey didn't analyse enough.

this is where my original point applies. casey had complete faith in everything jones told him. he never questioned his instruction at all, and when jones told him he was faking it, casey just pushed harder ie casey trained like an animal because, effectively, he was an animal. he didn't think, he just did, jones did all the thinking for him. everything casey needed for bbing success, jones thought of. the results speak for themselves.

it's why i keep coming back to your thread, because you seem to have this kind of focus (viator). you don't question the instruction or even want to. you just do it. this, far more than genetics or environment, is the greatest attribute an athlete can have. there are only 2 things left to ponder: 1. will your 'jones' give you all the instructions and 2. are you going to follow all of them?

if the answer to both those questions is yes then i have no doubt whatsoever re your success.


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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #232 on: June 24, 2007, 01:12:32 PM »
hey Milos
do you always do giant set for each bodypart?? is going giant sets a mass builder or just something for  pre contest/cutting??

BEAST 8692

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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #233 on: June 28, 2007, 07:29:00 AM »
Yesterday - chest in morning. Had a lunch meeting and it screwed me all up so I didn't go back for arms.

Afternoon: quads
Evening: hams/calves. Kinda cool...saw a guy from the Koloseum there (he was wearing a Koloseum t-shirt too). So we chatted. Guess he lives here (Aliso Viejo) but trains in Fullerton because he works there. He was training his wife local tonight. He was saying the same thing I have in the past -- holy crap, what a huge crowd! heh.

piss poor excuse man. how long do a few giant sets of arms take?

and you want to be a champion? do you think arnold would have blew off an arms workout because he had a business meeting ??? yes i know he would now, but not when he was aiming for the top of the bodybuilding tree. ;)

this is not the first body part i've seen you blow off recently either btw. ask yourself honestly, would you have done this if milos was waiting to train you? what's the difference, are you only going to become a champion if milos is holding your hand? just who was holding milos' hand when he ventured out from yugoslavia with nothing but the dream of becoming a bbing success?

excuses start, gains stop. unless you've got something better to do than spend 1 hr at the gym? what did you do with that hour, lay one the couch and watch t.v?  maybe you needed the extra recuperation time though, right? ::)


BEAST 8692

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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #234 on: June 28, 2007, 10:22:10 AM »
heh, man you're tough!  ;)
Just curious: Have you ever competed?

I didn't want to go into detail, but after the lunch meeting I was nauseous the rest of the day from what I ate at lunch. At least I learned that now my stomach is a lot more sensitive than before. So, even if I'm craving shit food, it's a bad idea if I want to be at full strength the rest of the day. ...and yeah, a little nausea doesn't usually keep me out of the gym (gum usually helps enough to get over it), but I felt a bit beat up -- and do worry somewhat about overtraining.

...I've only skipped, what? Two sessions? Six days a week, twice a cardio/abs sunday. I dunno, is that's normal (or required?) for someone trying to get as big as I'm trying to get...? I've just never heard of anyone working out that much. The only time I heard of the pro's doing that is the weeks before a big competition.

lol, i'm breaking your balls for 3 reasons:

1. to try and keep you honest. i actually want you to succeed (believe it or not). you've shown a very real intent, got the guts to bite the bullet and go out and find milos, post the pics, etc, etc. shows a lot of balls and i can tell you're not an attention whore, so, yes, shows more balls and real intent for success than any of the other wannabes i've seen on here. i know bbing would not be your only accomplishment in life but, if anything, that just gives you more credibility.

2. you're not a genetic masterpiece but you do have very real potential. your greatest attribute is your mind it appears and i believe that any perceived genetic short comings can be overcome with this.

3. because i can and it's easy. this is the internet, it takes me 1 - 2 minutes to kick your ass. ;D


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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #235 on: June 28, 2007, 10:44:24 PM »
That's quite a compliment. Dunno what to say...Thanks.

Today I skipped the gym and watched all six Star Wars movies. Before I started, I ran to the store and got a tub of Ben & Jerrys and some Cherry Coke to wash it down with. Yummy!


Afternoon: shoulders...the last round of the first giant set hurt so bad my eyes were watering. omg. insane. the last exercise was the pink dumbells and it hurt so damm bad...
Evening: back...hurt like mad too. On back I was watching Mustafa (yea, I'm a dork) and noticed he always does FULL range of motion. So I was trying to duplicate that. heh. It makes more of a difference than you'd think! 10 reps of lat pulldowns "normal" style is nothing compared to 10 reps full range...then try that with 7 exercises in a row -- full range. fucken-a.

Was Mustafa at the K?


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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #236 on: June 28, 2007, 10:47:12 PM »
Sorry no, I'll clarify: his video

LOL, hypothetically.. what would he have said if he was was there at the K and he saw you?

"Officers.. (pointing at G) that's him, that's the American who has been stalking me"...  ;D


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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #237 on: June 28, 2007, 10:50:37 PM »
probably...ah well, the price of fame  ;D

Didn't you read, I've got fanboys now too! whohoo!

If I were MM, I'd thank you for the publicity.

Yeah, I did read the fanboys post.. LOL.. (I wouldn't advertise it  ;D ;) )

BEAST 8692

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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #238 on: June 28, 2007, 11:24:59 PM »
whoa, lol, i'm not a fanboy here garraeth. give me a break. just assumed from your posts that you were serious and i thought it would be interesting if you actually got there right here on getbig. kind of like arvilla (and i've applauded him on numerous times for his guts and determination also) although i'm somewhat dissapointed in big mike that he hasn't got those wheels up yet.

in answer to your q (forgot yesterday) about contest history, no i've never competed in a bbing contest and never been motivated to. i am a competing athlete though and i've known and had a passion for bodybuilding ever since i was a kid. i've always been intrigued as to why these guys can become so dedicated and determined that they will sacrifice everything to compete. i respect them for that (whether i agree or not).

there are several reasons why i'm not a competitive bber:

1. there's no money in it. it would be safer to do pro bbing if there was decent money, but it doesn't and i'm not keen enough to do it for pennies.

2. i don't have the genetics. if i was keen enough to do everthing that it takes, maybe i could overcome that, but i'm not so...

3. i enjoy gaining strength and muscle development for my sport and when i've retired i will continue to bodybuild because it is the greatest activity you can do for getting out what you put in and keeping in shape. in my sport i have to rely on too many other factors.

regarding compliment: i have been involved in athletic competition long enough to know that negativity is very bad for the athlete. it is the opponent that will destroy him/her. i'm blunt and call bullshit where i see it, but why comment on a training thread unless it's positive. as i said, i want you to succeed and that helps me to succeed too ie if you succeed in a difficult industry like bbing then i can only gain inspiration from that and others will too.

inspiration is very important for the athlete and will is better than skill ie you don't have the genetics but you have the will (i hope) so...

hope this explains somwhat. :-\

BEAST 8692

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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #239 on: June 28, 2007, 11:31:16 PM »
havent read ur whole post yet...but wanted to assure you: you aren't one of the fanboys I was talking about...they are at my gym here in cali...heh, no no no no no no...not you

ohh, thank god for that.

in that case, fan boys are good too. they provide instant recognition which is always nice...if you don't get too close :-X

BEAST 8692

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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #240 on: June 28, 2007, 11:34:02 PM »
Very cool. So what sport? Or don't wanna say...

nah, if i was a bber or associated eg. p/lifter i'd say but my sport has nothing to do with what we discuss on this site so i don't want to open it up to negativity.

lol, i'm really in to this positivity thing aren't i? ;D

BEAST 8692

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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #241 on: June 29, 2007, 01:00:40 AM »

anon people are fine -- goatboy, gh15, etc...just when anon people are attacking others (texasbubba) does it irk me and others

agreed and i have been guilty of doing the same with sarcasm and sevastase.

sarcasm faced up to his demons and posted pics of himself. in our little pissing contests of the past i have been very critical. he has retorted with aspersions about my credibility due to my anonymous stance and he is dead right. if you don't bring it don't attack. the man posted his pics. that shows balls and i now respect him for that.

sevastase i was fine with until the bullshit started. if i wanted bullshit i'd go to but, yes, he gets kudos for backing his game.


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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #242 on: June 29, 2007, 04:15:48 PM »
nah, if i was a bber or associated eg. p/lifter i'd say but my sport has nothing to do with what we discuss on this site so i don't want to open it up to negativity.
lol, i'm really in to this positivity thing aren't i? ;D
curling is not a real sport ::)

Garraeth, got a date on your return to the Koloseum yet? Missed you big guy :-*

About those fanboys, shave your head, grow a goatee, get some tats, find that look in your eye and they'll leave you alone ;D

BEAST 8692

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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #243 on: June 30, 2007, 11:02:24 AM »
curling is not a real sport ::)

Garraeth, got a date on your return to the Koloseum yet? Missed you big guy :-*

About those fanboys, shave your head, grow a goatee, get some tats, find that look in your eye and they'll leave you alone ;D

hey, it's more a sport than bbing asshole >:(


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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #244 on: June 30, 2007, 12:48:14 PM »
hey, it's more a sport than bbing asshole >:(
bbing is not a sport, either :-*

competitive darts, now there a good ole fashioned sport! :D

Cool to hear about your funding, Garraeth, when are you going to let us mere mortals in?
About those arms, I don't know the whole story, synthol you say? What's with the ultrasound and massages?


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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #245 on: July 01, 2007, 07:06:15 PM »
Hey G, Have you spoken to Milos regards to being on PBW this Monday? I think he'll have a lot to say!

BEAST 8692

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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #246 on: July 02, 2007, 06:32:24 AM »
bbing is not a sport, either :-*

competitive darts, now there a good ole fashioned sport! :D

Cool to hear about your funding, Garraeth, when are you going to let us mere mortals in?
About those arms, I don't know the whole story, synthol you say? What's with the ultrasound and massages?

do you actually compete in darts man ??? :o yes, now you're talking hardcore baby.

i was going to take up competitve darts when i was a kid but my folks thought it was too dangerous so i convinced them to let me do the ultimate sport, curling.

i've been a curler ever since...

btw, what's curling ???


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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #247 on: July 02, 2007, 07:34:00 PM »
do you actually compete in darts man ??? :o yes, now you're talking hardcore baby.

i was going to take up competitve darts when i was a kid but my folks thought it was too dangerous so i convinced them to let me do the ultimate sport, curling.

i've been a curler ever since...

btw, what's curling ???
It's that game where someone spins a blob, and the other guys sweep the floor in front of it. I don't know the point, looks pretty lame.

I actually moved up to competition to lawn darts ;D


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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #248 on: July 02, 2007, 11:13:02 PM »
I hadn't...he just emailed asking for some questions.

We did, however, get the store up finally:
 Which is cool.

Tonight: shoulders. I took a friend along for the ride. He did really well!

nice site, easy to look at.  8)


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Re: Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
« Reply #249 on: July 03, 2007, 05:47:10 PM »
Hello again, so a synthol site not a trp. Well I can't be expected to identify one of those since I've never seen one before. Very interesting, I'm sure far more people are using synthol than most people realise. I'm seeing more and more freaky looking arms calves and delts in the UK with a rather odd look to the skin (like it's really tight and doesn't give almost like it's glued to the muscle underneath). Perhaps there is some synthol use and the skin didn't have time to catch up? But they don't appear soft like Valentino's arms.

Does that sound like synthol 2 you?

Could somebody (anybody)  please explain Milos system for mass gain. My understanding is he uses giant sets and relies upon accumulating fatigue as opposed to taking the early sets to failure. Am I correct in that assessment?

Is this the method all the top guys at his gym use?

What are his opinion of the pro's training videos? Does he think they represent their true training or just alot of hardcore heavy entertainment that they reckon the fans want to see?