Author Topic: >* The New Locker Room *<  (Read 841707 times)

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #650 on: October 18, 2007, 03:12:48 PM »
Had a small checkup today.

Weight 204 height: still 5'8" lol
BP: 122/66
Resting heart rate: 48bpm

cholesterol: perfect

liver enzymes: perfect

cardiac enzymes: slightly above normal, but just barely and we all know that simple weight training throws this reading off.

Electrolite balance (can't remember what this is called exactly) good shape...some of you may recall I had some problems with this this past summer.

So what does this all mean? What do I have to say about this?

Kiss my ass Dr. "AAS is bad"


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #651 on: October 18, 2007, 03:17:22 PM »
Resting heart rate: 48bpm


Today i was installing a new TV and i got electrocuted from the old cord that was on the wall. I feel fine just got scared a bit...


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #652 on: October 18, 2007, 03:33:28 PM »
Had a small checkup today.

Weight 204 height: still 5'8" lol
BP: 122/66
Resting heart rate: 48bpm

cholesterol: perfect

liver enzymes: perfect

cardiac enzymes: slightly above normal, but just barely and we all know that simple weight training throws this reading off.

Electrolite balance (can't remember what this is called exactly) good shape...some of you may recall I had some problems with this this past summer.

So what does this all mean? What do I have to say about this?

Kiss my ass Dr. "AAS is bad"

Is your Dr a anti-AAS preacher too?

Before my last blood work I : Quit red meat for a few days, no egg yolks, Ate alot of salmon, took flax seed and
evening primrose, .... Basicly ate real clean. Did no hard training for 4 days prior to blood drawl..Only light cardio.

I had about as good as it gets cholestorol and Triglicerides and all other...

You should have seen Dr Steroid Hater's face when he looked at them figures  ;D

He asked in a puzzled tone "What do you eat"?

I told him, "Red meat at least twice a day, and fried whole eggs and cheese for breakfast most every day, Pizza, hot dogs... YOu know, normal stuff"...

His face was priceless  ;D  Talk about cognitive dissonance.
Still it dont get thru his head that even possibly his dated 1970's medical text book "Facts" are WRONG!

He again accused me of using steroids, which I was not, and I said "Ok, lets do a blood drawl tomorow and see, then
You'll have a indication to write for testosterone'.

Then the asshole got SO pissed he was shaking, stuck his fist in my face.  ;D
I didnt even blink,  I could stick this guys head thru the sheet rock if I pleased, and there's NOTHING he could do to stop me.

I turned my face sideway, wide open and told him "You can hit me if it makes you feel better, but its not going to
help anything".

Im done w/ him, I finaly got another Doc.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #653 on: October 18, 2007, 03:39:43 PM »
Is your Dr a anti-AAS preacher too?

Before my last blood work I : Quit red meat for a few days, no egg yolks, Ate alot of salmon, took flax seed and
evening primrose, .... Basicly ate real clean. Did no hard training for 4 days prior to blood drawl..Only light cardio.

I had about as good as it gets cholestorol and Triglicerides and all other...

You should have seen Dr Steroid Hater's face when he looked at them figures  ;D

He asked in a puzzled tone "What do you eat"?

I told him, "Red meat at least twice a day, and fried whole eggs and cheese for breakfast most every day, Pizza, hot dogs... YOu know, normal stuff"...

His face was priceless  ;D  Talk about cognitive dissonance.
Still it dont get thru his head that even possibly his dated 1970's medical text book "Facts" are WRONG!

He again accused me of using steroids, which I was not, and I said "Ok, lets do a blood drawl tomorow and see, then
You'll have a indication to write for testosterone'.

Then the asshole got SO pissed he was shaking, stuck his fist in my face.  ;D
I didnt even blink,  I could stick this guys head thru the sheet rock if I pleased, and there's NOTHING he could do to stop me.

I turned my face sideway, wide open and told him "You can hit me if it makes you feel better, but its not going to
help anything".

Im done w/ him, I finaly got another Doc.

Shit dude your Doc sounds like a big prick.  I am at the conclusion that most General Practice docs are antibiotic prescription writers.  Anything tougher goes to a specialist.  Speaking of which I need to get my ass checked out soon too.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #654 on: October 18, 2007, 03:55:14 PM »
Shit dude your Doc sounds like a big prick.  I am at the conclusion that most General Practice docs are antibiotic prescription writers.  Anything tougher goes to a specialist.  Speaking of which I need to get my ass checked out soon too.

Right on.
And that same dork Dr wrote ANti-B after anti-B for chronic Sinus infections that would then go to bronchitus till
 I demanded a sinus specialist.
The sinus Dude sent me to alergy. Turned out It was as simple a washing my sinus's regularly w/ salt and soda.
 The ANtibiotics knock down the infection, but if theres a bunch of coagulated rotten black blood and puss up there, what happens after the pills stop?

Problem solved now. THAT Dr is a smart guy.

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #655 on: October 18, 2007, 05:26:43 PM »
Resting heart rate: 48bpm


Today i was installing a new TV and i got electrocuted from the old cord that was on the wall. I feel fine just got scared a bit...
I've had a shock or two from a small but no big deal usually.

BTW, you know anything about the band "Susperia"...I just discovered these guys this wk...Norwegian band, darkish and extremely hard musically, vocals semi-hard...not as hard as like "Nile" or "Zao."

Is your Dr a anti-AAS preacher too?

I don't have a regular doc anymore. The guy I used to go to retired about 2yrs ago. For the past few yrs though I have some friends that work at the hospital in the Lab and they run all this stuff for me...there are a couple docs up there who I'm cool with and they go over everything with me...honestly, they seem pretty indifferent about the AAS...only once has any of them made a negative comment and it was more of just a fun little jab at me.

Now this past summer when I had some problems that came out of now where, I couldn't get into a docs office fast enough so I just went into the walk in clinic. The PA there did show some concern about the AAS use but didn't bash me fro it or blame the problem on it. However, the hematologist she got involved was hell bent on blaming the AAS before the results even came back in. And get this, even after the blood work came in and we figured everything out, and even though there was nothing to blame on the AAS, he still said, "well, we don't really know what steroids do, so I know it's the steroids." I just said OK.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #656 on: October 19, 2007, 02:42:45 AM »
I've had a shock or two from a small but no big deal usually.

BTW, you know anything about the band "Susperia"...I just discovered these guys this wk...Norwegian band, darkish and extremely hard musically, vocals semi-hard...not as hard as like "Nile" or "Zao."

I don't have a regular doc anymore. The guy I used to go to retired about 2yrs ago. For the past few yrs though I have some friends that work at the hospital in the Lab and they run all this stuff for me...there are a couple docs up there who I'm cool with and they go over everything with me...honestly, they seem pretty indifferent about the AAS...only once has any of them made a negative comment and it was more of just a fun little jab at me.

Now this past summer when I had some problems that came out of now where, I couldn't get into a docs office fast enough so I just went into the walk in clinic. The PA there did show some concern about the AAS use but didn't bash me fro it or blame the problem on it. However, the hematologist she got involved was hell bent on blaming the AAS before the results even came back in. And get this, even after the blood work came in and we figured everything out, and even though there was nothing to blame on the AAS, he still said, "well, we don't really know what steroids do, so I know it's the steroids." I just said OK.

I got a new crew now, I'll prolly never get my chance at telling the Tenniss & golfer boy Dr taht if he'd tried some TE he
might still be married unless I run into him in town...

He doen't know how close he got to finding out whats behind the sheet rock...  ;)
But, it was almost comical. Like a little yapping dog...

He was SO Pissed he was just shaking...  The nut of it was he'd been forced against his will to prescribe me narcotic for my back. THREE specialists HE sent me to all recomended it, so he was cornered and trying to blame my back problem on anything...

When I told him, "Ok lets pull blood tommorow and then you'll have a indiaction to write TEStosterone and Narcotic"
He went F'ing nuts....

"What do you want me to do Trab?"  Thats a Rather strange thing for a Dr to say...  ???  ;D

I thought a second and replied.. "I want you to treat my back the way is says to in Merck manual and other medical
texts, as well as what the 3 speciaists YOU sent me to all recomend!".

That's when He Blew. Shaking his fist in my face. I really wanted to bring my elbow across his jaw, but I just calmly told him to "go ahead and hit me if it makes you feel better".


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #657 on: October 19, 2007, 03:46:31 AM »
Yeah, don't get me started about this subject. I've had to hear this shit from docs my ENTIRE life. Even though we have great and FREE public health care here i still decided to start using a "private clinic" that way if they give me shit i just find out whos "in charge" in that company and complain to him and i know the docs don't wan't that because it might cost them their job and some good business. One more thing, it's allways nice to see their faces when they try to talk "medically" to one of their collegues and i know what they are saying. Like this one time in the army i "accidentally" heard the doc tell the nurse to give me placebo! I burned him on that one and said: "send me to a civil clinic or give me real pain killers, because i need them" (i could barely walk) or i'll report you. (I didn't even know who i could report about him, so i bluffed and he didn't call).


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #658 on: October 19, 2007, 04:50:48 AM »
Yeah, don't get me started about this subject. I've had to hear this shit from docs my ENTIRE life. Even though we have great and FREE public health care here i still decided to start using a "private clinic" that way if they give me shit i just find out whos "in charge" in that company and complain to him and i know the docs don't wan't that because it might cost them their job and some good business. One more thing, it's allways nice to see their faces when they try to talk "medically" to one of their collegues and i know what they are saying. Like this one time in the army i "accidentally" heard the doc tell the nurse to give me placebo! I burned him on that one and said: "send me to a civil clinic or give me real pain killers, because i need them" (i could barely walk) or i'll report you. (I didn't even know who i could report about him, so i bluffed and he didn't call).

Yup, THey get all upset and feel threatened if you understand their little secret language.
Total bullshit field for the most part.
Ive met a couple good surgeons and other specialists, but mostly they and the US "system" are junk.
Bangkok's private clinics are much higher quality human service, and their ability and tech resources are just fine.
My wife compares going to the ER in the USA to the poorest quality public hospitals in Bangkok. She's 100% right.
The wait time to see a Dr is criminal here. They treat you not like a person. Its a total joke.

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #659 on: October 19, 2007, 05:39:28 PM »
Maybe a dumb question but oh well, this is the "Locker Room."

Does anyone else here thrive off anger when they lift? I'm being serious...and no, I'm not talking about being so furious that you can't even function or being Captain Bad Ass because you take steroids...I'm talking about something in life that legitimately makes you angry (controlably so.)

Personally, I try to not be an angry person...makes you an ass and doesn't really do you any good. But at the same time, it's amazing what a little harnessed anger can do for you in the gym.

Just thought I'd throw this out there because today I had one of the best days I've had in the gym in a long, long time...and I was fckn pissed and it paid off, lol!


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #660 on: October 19, 2007, 06:08:38 PM »
Maybe a dumb question but oh well, this is the "Locker Room."

Does anyone else here thrive off anger when they lift? I'm being serious...and no, I'm not talking about being so furious that you can't even function or being Captain Bad Ass because you take steroids...I'm talking about something in life that legitimately makes you angry (controlably so.)

Personally, I try to not be an angry person...makes you an ass and doesn't really do you any good. But at the same time, it's amazing what a little harnessed anger can do for you in the gym.

Just thought I'd throw this out there because today I had one of the best days I've had in the gym in a long, long time...and I was fckn pissed and it paid off, lol!

Yes - Focused agression is a good thing  ;)

wes mantooth

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #661 on: October 20, 2007, 09:11:45 AM »
Maybe a dumb question but oh well, this is the "Locker Room."

Does anyone else here thrive off anger when they lift? I'm being serious...and no, I'm not talking about being so furious that you can't even function or being Captain Bad Ass because you take steroids...I'm talking about something in life that legitimately makes you angry (controlably so.)

Personally, I try to not be an angry person...makes you an ass and doesn't really do you any good. But at the same time, it's amazing what a little harnessed anger can do for you in the gym.

Just thought I'd throw this out there because today I had one of the best days I've had in the gym in a long, long time...and I was fckn pissed and it paid off, lol!

fuckin right. controlled aggresion = good lifts.

i picture stomping kittens and burning down hospitals in my head when i bench!!!

seriously though, i agree. controlling and channeling "anger" while lifting is fantastic...

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #662 on: October 20, 2007, 11:58:56 AM »
fuckin right. controlled aggresion = good lifts.

i picture stomping kittens and burning down hospitals in my head when i bench!!!

seriously though, i agree. controlling and channeling "anger" while lifting is fantastic...
I guess it's too bad that I'm in a pretty good mood today. I've got chest here this afternoon and I'd love to be as irritated and pissed as I was yesterday! Maybe I'll try your "kitten" idea, lol!


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #663 on: October 20, 2007, 05:14:07 PM »
PETA and Homeland securety on the way...  ;D


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #664 on: October 20, 2007, 05:39:27 PM »
gotta watch out so you dont psych yourself up too much tho. if you do it too often you will drain yourself mentally and possibly burn out.

when im in the gym i try to avoid going to failure and try to make every rep as smooth as a possible. i have my best workouts when im "mentally cruising" thru the workouts.

of course you have to challenge yourself and progressively try to lift heavier weights (cant train like a pussy).

i hope you guys understand what i mean.

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #665 on: October 20, 2007, 10:00:44 PM »
gotta watch out so you dont psych yourself up too much tho. if you do it too often you will drain yourself mentally and possibly burn out.

when im in the gym i try to avoid going to failure and try to make every rep as smooth as a possible. i have my best workouts when im "mentally cruising" thru the workouts.

of course you have to challenge yourself and progressively try to lift heavier weights (cant train like a pussy).

i hope you guys understand what i mean.
I understand can't have those balls to the wall type workouts every single time you go to the gym...that's the quickest recipe for injury or burnout city. But the "fanatic" workouts are a lot of fun when you do get the chance for one.
I also agree about the going to failure thing...this is something that's taken a while for me to understand and getover. Just like it can be tempting to train for hours on end (especially when you first start out) it's just as tempting to take every set to failure...and I know and understand these days how stupid that is.

One thing I've really started to finally get a grasp on and understand more is how much simple adequate and controlled stimulation coupled with a perfect diet is such a big key. I know we all here all the time, diet is everything, but a lot of the time this is hard to get a firm grip on and even harder to understand perfect training style.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #666 on: October 21, 2007, 04:41:58 AM »
BTW, you know anything about the band "Susperia"...I just discovered these guys this wk...Norwegian band, darkish and extremely hard musically, vocals semi-hard...not as hard as like "Nile" or "Zao."

Susperia is ok, not my personal favourite, but good for heavy benching or squatting, esp. the song "chemistry" lol.

This past weekend i've been "baby sitting" my 8-year old little sister since mom went to funeral up north. I just don't get where these kids get their energy from, it's like from 08-23.00 super sustained hyper energy.

On Friday i took her and my little bro to a local theme park, here in Helsinki and Jesus Christ! The prices have gone up like 350% since i was there last time. They dragged me to ALL the machines, even though they know i'm scared shitless of heights. One machine called "panorama" is just this huge glass dome that goes up up up and stays there forever. Few times i was saved by the bell, because i didn't fit in the machines they were like "sir, can't you close the security bars?" and i was like: sure I'll pull in my chest it's not like i need air anyways."

Well, i had a good time anyway, except when we went to this "labyrinth" that you have to find a way out of and it was getting boring so, i thought i had founded a shortcut, WRONG! I smacked my forehead to this security glass and broke it, thankfully only my brother saw it so i don't have to pay up. I suppose if that had happened over there i could sue them for big bucks.

Last night i was watching the original Miami Vice, which I'm a huge fan of and allways have been, it's like Crockett and Tubbs could beat the shit out of any 300 lbs cage fighter. The movie that they made with Jamie Fox and Colin Farrell gave me diarrhea, that was BAD and not in a good way...


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #667 on: October 22, 2007, 07:23:17 AM »
Hi Guys
As you may know, our boy Luv2Hurt is competing this weekend.  He has posted progress pics in the "Contest Dieting" thread on the FBB board.  He's a great contributor to the FBB board, so I started a good luck thread for him this morning.  We all KNOW he will kick ass, but please stop by and wish him the best of luck if you get a chance. 


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #668 on: October 22, 2007, 07:33:20 AM »
Hi Guys
As you may know, our boy Luv2Hurt is competing this weekend.  He has posted progress pics in the "Contest Dieting" thread on the FBB board.  He's a great contributor to the FBB board, so I started a good luck thread for him this morning.  We all KNOW he will kick ass, but please stop by and wish him the best of luck if you get a chance. 

Very thin skin...
Veins on his abs...
So hard it hurt'z.

Good luck L2H...

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #669 on: October 22, 2007, 03:13:49 PM »
You guys that are going to the ASC, book your rooms now! There are very few rooms left downtown and it's 4 months the longer you wait the tougher it's going to me, you don't want to end up staying outside of Columbus, that's a major pain in the ass!


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #670 on: October 23, 2007, 08:22:48 AM »
You guys that are going to the ASC, book your rooms now! There are very few rooms left downtown and it's 4 months the longer you wait the tougher it's going to me, you don't want to end up staying outside of Columbus, that's a major pain in the ass!

Can you give some suggestions on where to stay AJ? Never been to Columbus before...thanks man.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #671 on: October 25, 2007, 08:30:42 AM »
I understand can't have those balls to the wall type workouts every single time you go to the gym...that's the quickest recipe for injury or burnout city.

This is why i'm done with powerlifting. 7 years of aggressive training with ammonia caps will get you injured and over trained very quickly. i've got way too many nagging injuries for my age but all in all it's worth it. i still get fired up before a good heavy set of DB rows or incline presses but the days of getting pissed and snorting ammonia caps are over.



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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #672 on: October 25, 2007, 08:37:54 AM »
I just got back from south dakota for opening weekend of pheasent hunting. we had a BLAST! our group of 12 limited out within 4 hours all 3 days. if you guys like to bird hunt you need to check out pheasent hunting. i've hunted everything in this country and i'd say pheasent hunting is the most intense and by far the most fun you could have hunting. weather was pretty good and the country side is beautiful, i'll post some pics when i have time, i'm playing catch up at work right now.

i hope everyone stayed safe and has been training well.

Also a big GOOD LUCK to Luv, show them how it's done!



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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #673 on: October 25, 2007, 04:41:49 PM »
Holy Shit!

My wife is pregnant.  We just had our second 3 months ago.  Irish twins.

I had just come off a light supplementation program 7 weeks prior and should have known better.

I'm happy, but it was very unexpected.  My wife looks too damn good. Damn her.

Well, congrats. Major handfull now.... You just had twins?
Oh boy... ;D


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #674 on: October 25, 2007, 05:20:13 PM »
Holy Shit!

My wife is pregnant.  We just had our second 3 months ago.  Irish twins.

I had just come off a light supplementation program 7 weeks prior and should have known better.

I'm happy, but it was very unexpected.  My wife looks too damn good. Damn her.
