Author Topic: >* The New Locker Room *<  (Read 841268 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1775 on: June 08, 2008, 04:11:37 PM »
Bush did do a lot of damage but people forget that we were already in trouble when Bush stepped into office, he just made things a LOT worse.

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1776 on: June 08, 2008, 06:58:25 PM »
Yes we do dissagree.  I never stopped thinking you were cool either.  The majority of the people are not seeing the American way of life that is the point I was making.  These are not lazy people who are not trying, they are hard working people who have seen thier jobs dissapear.  What I see is a big huge pit that has been dug and its gonna take a long time to get out.  When Bush took office the gov was operating under a surpluss, now we are in debt up to our eyeballs with everybody.  Our money is worthless and the world thinks (cause we are) we are a bunch of war mongers.  Please lets not get started on that huge waste of money and lives that is dragging this place into the gutter.

Did you see the last unemployment #'s?  Again not people who are not trying to "help themselves"  Not people who are looking for government handouts, which is the defense conserves use.  I would hate to be a kid just out of school now entering the job market.  The domino effect of all of this will be tramatic to all.  Where will it end?

Sorry man but I think Obama stands for the American dream, he just wants many more people to share in it and not by giving it to them, but by giving them a chance.

Now I far from perfect and at times have had racist feelings.  The same thoughts of "hey these people just are not trying hard enough"  Sometimes on my way to work I drive thru some of the tuffest neighborhoods in Chicago, west side.  And I see lots of able body men just kind of hanging out or doing whatever, but they are not at work?  Someone could say what a bunch of bums.  Well in reality there is no jobs for THEM.  They are truely dis-enfranchised, lost and not wanted anywhere.  Where do they go?  Yes Im sure some are not trying and are trying to take advantage, but you will find that in any neck of the woods.

I was at a stop light on North ave and Austin in Chicago.  And sometimes the poor will come up to your car to clean your windshield to try and make some change.  This older probally late 40's black guy walked up to the truck in front of me and started to try and spray the guys windsheild.  Well the driver went off on the guy calling him names and cussing him out, I could see how irate the driver was he was waving his hands all about.  Then the guy walked up to my truck and started to spray the window to clean it.  At first I tryed to wave the guy off, but the poor guy was about crying and he said to me "please dont yell at me, your not like the other guy. Please dont hate me, I gotta try. I gotta keep trying"  I gave him some change and drove off as he thanked me.  This encounter left a mark on me.  We are all human. we all need a job and this was the best he could do right now.  I dont see a corporation hiring him any time soon, he may not even have an address.

So yeah AJ we see it different but I still Luv yah.
I understand what you're saying...I can also appreciate your point of view on this matter.

I know at times because of the way may views on this subject tend to be portrayed, that they can be perceived as heartless, selfish and simply selfindulgent. It's not that I don't care for my fellow's not that at all. I wish nothing but the best for everyone...and when it comes to what we're talking about here I wish them the best, so as long as their willing to give it their best, to work for what's best for them.

You're right, there are a lot of people out there who are unemployed and destitute and it is happened to them not by their own hand. It has simply happened due to bad circumstances. But IMO, more then not do not fall into that category...IMO, more of them are simply living the life they live out of laziness and a desire to simply be handed a piece of happiness...that's just how I see it.

Again, you're right, many of these people will never be given the shot at a high end corporate job. But what about the thousands upon thousands of immigrants that come to this country, uneducated but still make a very decent life for themselves. No, not all of them do this, some still struggle, but the ones who bust their ass day in and day out, working and striving for everything they get by their own hand, end up living fairly decent lives.

The way I see it, the Obama type philosophy is best described form the old addage, "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll eat for life"....I may have worded that wrong, but you get the point. Point being, the Obama type people are just handing out fish...and that just does not fix the problems.

In a perfect world, the Obama type thinking would be just that, "Perfect." But as we all know, this is not a perfect world. If it were, we could all live in a society where we all worked and all received an equal share of the pie. This was the idea when Lenin brought forth the Soviet Union. Every man works, every man has what the other man has...but we have seen how that turned out. It went poorly simply because the nature of man is in fact is a jealous creature who will inevitably do what's best for is in his nature to be animalistic. This is where a sound governing body comes into play. Granted, the governing body is till controlled by men, who are inherently evil by the rule of nature, but when the power is given to them to oversee a society of perfect equality, this is when the evil nature rears its head in full force. Why wouldn't it? When government has full control, when the ruled are subject to the governing for their own piece of the pie at such a large level, because of mans inherent evil nature, they will end up being nothing short of disappointed.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1777 on: June 08, 2008, 08:57:29 PM »
I understand what you're saying...I can also appreciate your point of view on this matter.

I know at times because of the way may views on this subject tend to be portrayed, that they can be perceived as heartless, selfish and simply selfindulgent. It's not that I don't care for my fellow's not that at all. I wish nothing but the best for everyone...and when it comes to what we're talking about here I wish them the best, so as long as their willing to give it their best, to work for what's best for them.

You're right, there are a lot of people out there who are unemployed and destitute and it is happened to them not by their own hand. It has simply happened due to bad circumstances. But IMO, more then not do not fall into that category...IMO, more of them are simply living the life they live out of laziness and a desire to simply be handed a piece of happiness...that's just how I see it.

Again, you're right, many of these people will never be given the shot at a high end corporate job. But what about the thousands upon thousands of immigrants that come to this country, uneducated but still make a very decent life for themselves. No, not all of them do this, some still struggle, but the ones who bust their ass day in and day out, working and striving for everything they get by their own hand, end up living fairly decent lives.

The way I see it, the Obama type philosophy is best described form the old addage, "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll eat for life"....I may have worded that wrong, but you get the point. Point being, the Obama type people are just handing out fish...and that just does not fix the problems.

In a perfect world, the Obama type thinking would be just that, "Perfect." But as we all know, this is not a perfect world. If it were, we could all live in a society where we all worked and all received an equal share of the pie. This was the idea when Lenin brought forth the Soviet Union. Every man works, every man has what the other man has...but we have seen how that turned out. It went poorly simply because the nature of man is in fact is a jealous creature who will inevitably do what's best for is in his nature to be animalistic. This is where a sound governing body comes into play. Granted, the governing body is till controlled by men, who are inherently evil by the rule of nature, but when the power is given to them to oversee a society of perfect equality, this is when the evil nature rears its head in full force. Why wouldn't it? When government has full control, when the ruled are subject to the governing for their own piece of the pie at such a large level, because of mans inherent evil nature, they will end up being nothing short of disappointed.

Yeah bro perfect is a dream.  But I see things getting worse not better.  I think the goal should be for things to get better for most, maybe even just a little bit at a time.  The country is at its best when we the people are doing well.

And yes do agree it is a bad situation.

I of course respect your opinion and feelings on this matter also. I truely think you are an inteligent individual and always look forward with what you have to say.....except on politics  :D    :-*

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1778 on: June 08, 2008, 09:40:11 PM »
Yeah bro perfect is a dream.  But I see things getting worse not better.  I think the goal should be for things to get better for most, maybe even just a little bit at a time.  The country is at its best when we the people are doing well.

And yes do agree it is a bad situation.

Better for everyone, yes I agree, things work better as a whole when more then not are living well. But we see how this can be achieved quite differently. But hey, if nothing else, that's one of the biggest ideas behind our country...diversity of opinion.

I of course respect your opinion and feelings on this matter also. I truely think you are an inteligent individual and always look forward with what you have to say.....except on politics  :D    :-*

I actually like it more when someone who disagrees with me on politics responds and argues with me. Gives me a chance to voice and express my opinion.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1779 on: June 09, 2008, 04:42:19 AM »
I actually like it more when someone who disagrees with me on politics responds and argues with me. Gives me a chance to voice and express my opinion.

Well Im sure we will have more chances in the comming months to talk more about this. 

Here is what blows me away.  McCain is Bush Jr.  Wants to pretty much keep things the same just about with everything from what I have heard. 

Things are pretty messed up with the way things have been heading here for quite a while IMO.  Why do we want to keep doing the same things?  I truley think we need to head in a different direction, if the one we are on is fu#ked.  We need change, it really is that simple IMO.

AJ do you really think we can make a change in Iraq?  Do you really think we can change those people by doing what we have?  How can we control the whole place and all the people there?  Do you really beleive the BS that we have made progress over there?  McCain wants to escalate the war over there, more dead American boys (Mainly people who could not find jobs cause of a fucked up US economy so they end up in the military, mainly not sons and daughters of well off people)  More National debt.

Hey I wonder if the messed up economy is created cause we need a steady supply of "volunteers" to fuel the war?  This keeps a certian party from having to start a very unpopular (even among thier own supporters cause it could affect them) draft?  The republicans know if they had to start a draft to fight thier war it would hurt them at the polls.  A bunch of cowards IMO, they are the true chicken shits who dont deserve the freedom the people of this country have sacrificed for over the years.  I say send thier children to the trenches and then we will see how much longer this war lasts!

The man or woman who pulls us out of that shit is the true hreo to the people.  Not some jackoff who sends your brother(indirectly) while his own kid hides in some ivy leauge school.

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1780 on: June 09, 2008, 09:23:11 AM »
Well I’m sure we will have more chances in the coming months to talk more about this. 

Luckily for us we'll be able to go back and forth on this for quite a while, lol!

Here is what blows me away.  McCain is Bush Jr.  Wants to pretty much keep things the same just about with everything from what I have heard. 

Things are pretty messed up with the way things have been heading here for quite a while IMO.  Why do we want to keep doing the same things?  I truly think we need to head in a different direction, if the one we are on is fu#ked.  We need change, it really is that simple IMO.
You may be right, maybe we do need a drastic change, although I personally believe "drastic" would be a huge mistake.

The way I see it, sure, our economy is not as strong as it was say in the mid 90's...that time period would be hard to match again no matter who was in could happen though, who knows. But there will always be ups and downs with this sort of thing and right now, even though we're not where we were 10years ago if you put things in perspective IMO our economy is not that bad right now. I see it as more of being in a nervous state...people are simply waiting to see what will happen...they're sitting on their money waiting it out. And when people wait around the economy feels it. IMO, we're no where near where we were in the late 70's early 80's.

Now, this doesn't mean we sit around on our ass and just hope for the best, but the American economy system as it has been for the last century has proven itself time and time again...there will always be hiccups, highs and lows, but that is not a reason to call for a complete eradication of our system.

AJ do you really think we can make a change in Iraq?  Do you really think we can change those people by doing what we have?  How can we control the whole place and all the people there?  Do you really beleive the BS that we have made progress over there?  McCain wants to escalate the war over there, more dead American boys (Mainly people who could not find jobs cause of a fucked up US economy so they end up in the military, mainly not sons and daughters of well off people)  More National debt.
Yes, I honestly believe we have the ability to make a change over there. I also believe that although things are far from perfect over there, the people are far better off then they were before hand...they are no longer living under a tyrant who killed innocent people at a whim...that alone is progress. They now have a government that is truly a representative government...true, it is not completely stable, but that's going to take time, but they've made the first step in the right direction.

As for escalating the war, I've said before, if we did what needed to be done, if our military was given the green light to do what needs to be done...what they could easily do, control in that region could be obtained quite quickly...and I believe this could be done with fewer casualties then we have experienced so far. Because of protocol, i.e. concern over global image, we have done nothing but tinkered in that region since the initial incursion. Although the situation is different, take WWII for example. When our military was finally given the go ahead to actually bring about all out war to the Nazi’s that ended fairly quickly. Yes, I understand that the circumstances there are quite different then they are here...but IMO the same principles could and should apply.

Hey I wonder if the messed up economy is created cause we need a steady supply of "volunteers" to fuel the war?  This keeps a certian party from having to start a very unpopular (even among thier own supporters cause it could affect them) draft?  The republicans know if they had to start a draft to fight thier war it would hurt them at the polls.  A bunch of cowards IMO, they are the true chicken shits who dont deserve the freedom the people of this country have sacrificed for over the years.  I say send thier children to the trenches and then we will see how much longer this war lasts!
Many of the Republicans you speak of are veterans of war themselves...McCain himself as you know is a POW...hard to label guys like him a chicken shit.

Secondly, it was both sides of the aisle that approved this war in an almost unanimous decision. True, many on the left now say they regret their votes, but they still voted for war and they cannot take that back. And the sonly reason they now bash the war is because it's the popular thing to do...if that's not chicken shit I don't know what is.

To touch on what I've already said, if we went ahead and did what’s necessary, there would be no need for a draft...if that need ever does arise it won't be out of necessity but rather trying to appease a bunch of people who really shouldn’t have a say so in the first place.

The man or woman who pulls us out of that shit is the true hreo to the people.  Not some jackoff who sends your brother(indirectly) while his own kid hides in some ivy leauge school.

I've said before, I have numerous close friends who have either served in Afghanistan and Iraq or who are serving there now. Every one of these individuals went there by choice...most of them joined after the fact, so they knew what they were getting cousin is in Iraq now.

IMO, the true hero will be the person who stands up the political correctness of the hypocritical mass that calls themselves the enlightened left and says we're no longer going to stand by with our thumbs up our ass and wait this thing out but rather end this thing by authority of what's right and get in there and get the job done.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1781 on: June 09, 2008, 03:54:26 PM »
Luckily for us we'll be able to go back and forth on this for quite a while, lol!

You may be right, maybe we do need a drastic change, although I personally believe "drastic" would be a huge mistake.

The way I see it, sure, our economy is not as strong as it was say in the mid 90's...that time period would be hard to match again no matter who was in could happen though, who knows. But there will always be ups and downs with this sort of thing and right now, even though we're not where we were 10years ago if you put things in perspective IMO our economy is not that bad right now. I see it as more of being in a nervous state...people are simply waiting to see what will happen...they're sitting on their money waiting it out. And when people wait around the economy feels it. IMO, we're no where near where we were in the late 70's early 80's.

Now, this doesn't mean we sit around on our ass and just hope for the best, but the American economy system as it has been for the last century has proven itself time and time again...there will always be hiccups, highs and lows, but that is not a reason to call for a complete eradication of our system.
Yes, I honestly believe we have the ability to make a change over there. I also believe that although things are far from perfect over there, the people are far better off then they were before hand...they are no longer living under a tyrant who killed innocent people at a whim...that alone is progress. They now have a government that is truly a representative government...true, it is not completely stable, but that's going to take time, but they've made the first step in the right direction.

As for escalating the war, I've said before, if we did what needed to be done, if our military was given the green light to do what needs to be done...what they could easily do, control in that region could be obtained quite quickly...and I believe this could be done with fewer casualties then we have experienced so far. Because of protocol, i.e. concern over global image, we have done nothing but tinkered in that region since the initial incursion. Although the situation is different, take WWII for example. When our military was finally given the go ahead to actually bring about all out war to the Nazi’s that ended fairly quickly. Yes, I understand that the circumstances there are quite different then they are here...but IMO the same principles could and should apply.

Many of the Republicans you speak of are veterans of war themselves...McCain himself as you know is a POW...hard to label guys like him a chicken shit.

Secondly, it was both sides of the aisle that approved this war in an almost unanimous decision. True, many on the left now say they regret their votes, but they still voted for war and they cannot take that back. And the sonly reason they now bash the war is because it's the popular thing to do...if that's not chicken shit I don't know what is.

To touch on what I've already said, if we went ahead and did what’s necessary, there would be no need for a draft...if that need ever does arise it won't be out of necessity but rather trying to appease a bunch of people who really shouldn’t have a say so in the first place.

I've said before, I have numerous close friends who have either served in Afghanistan and Iraq or who are serving there now. Every one of these individuals went there by choice...most of them joined after the fact, so they knew what they were getting cousin is in Iraq now.

IMO, the true hero will be the person who stands up the political correctness of the hypocritical mass that calls themselves the enlightened left and says we're no longer going to stand by with our thumbs up our ass and wait this thing out but rather end this thing by authority of what's right and get in there and get the job done.

Going to war is one thing, sending your children is another. I know this for a fact as I am a vet my self, and I would in no way send one of my children to war. Only one senator has a child over there, none of the others do. I have to agree with Luv on this when he calls them chicken shits. They are willing to send guys and girls over, but there own children are excluded from the dying.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1782 on: June 09, 2008, 04:04:33 PM »
I'd love to get into a political debate right now, but i'm pretty tired BUT a very  happy man. Long story short, i worked three long night shifts back to back. I have a few days off and today was my payday. When i came back from my evening walk, i played at online casino for about ten minutes and won 1 200 dollars. Nothing insane, but a nice bonus...


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1783 on: June 09, 2008, 08:08:53 PM »
Going to war is one thing, sending your children is another. I know this for a fact as I am a vet my self, and I would in no way send one of my children to war. Only one senator has a child over there, none of the others do. I have to agree with Luv on this when he calls them chicken shits. They are willing to send guys and girls over, but there own children are excluded from the dying.

Yeah its true.  The people dying over there are the lower/middle class not some senator's son.  Me a vet also and would do everything to keep my kid from going to war, thats cause we know and have walked the walk 4th. 

Some people have seen too many John Wayne movies that glorifiy war and that is the last thing it is in reality.

Sure AJ is down with the US going over there and making some more long as its not him going over there doing the fighting. 

I say have all these tuff guys who think we need a bigger war go the fuck over and fight it!  If they will do that then I respect them, if not......

Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of death's construction
In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds
Oh lord yeah!

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to poor

Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait 'til their judgement day comes

Now in darkness world stops turning
Ashes where the bodies burning
No more war pigs have the power
Hand of God has struck the hour
Day of judgement, God is calling
On their knees the war pig's crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan laughing spreads his wings
All right now!

Black Sabbath.

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1784 on: June 09, 2008, 08:22:51 PM »
Yeah its true.  The people dying over there are the lower/middle class not some senator's son.  Me a vet also and would do everything to keep my kid from going to war, thats cause we know and have walked the walk 4th. 

Some people have seen too many John Wayne movies that glorifiy war and that is the last thing it is in reality.

Sure AJ is down with the US going over there and making some more long as its not him going over there doing the fighting. 

I say have all these tuff guys who think we need a bigger war go the fuck over and fight it!  If they will do that then I respect them, if not......

Bro you're right, I'm not a vet. If anyone else on this board had made the comment you just made about me I'd probably take it a bit more personal.

I signed up for the Mariens right out of highschool and I was rejected because of the fact that I had had two surgery' knee and one ankle...they said they might be able to overlook it if it were just the knee but I have 22 fiber glass clamps in my left ankle so they said no way. I guess if I had made a big stinking deal about it and wrote my congressmen, maybe I would have gotten in...I don't know.

Honestly it is one of the only things in my life I truly regret...not serving in the military. A lot of my family has military history and I do wish I could fall into that same boat with them.

If it came down to it and a draft was instated and they did end up taking me, as corny as it might sound (and I know it probably will) nothing would make me happier then to go and fight. Sure, I'm sure I'd be nervous as hell, but I've always wanted to have the opportunity to do something great for my country and those I love.

Last off, if I ever do have a son, if we're at war and he chooses to join the service knowing full well it will put him in harms way...he will have my blessing to go and question.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1785 on: June 09, 2008, 08:51:19 PM »
Bro you're right, I'm not a vet. If anyone else on this board had made the comment you just made about me I'd probably take it a bit more personal.

I signed up for the Mariens right out of highschool and I was rejected because of the fact that I had had two surgery' knee and one ankle...they said they might be able to overlook it if it were just the knee but I have 22 fiber glass clamps in my left ankle so they said no way. I guess if I had made a big stinking deal about it and wrote my congressmen, maybe I would have gotten in...I don't know.

Honestly it is one of the only things in my life I truly regret...not serving in the military. A lot of my family has military history and I do wish I could fall into that same boat with them.

If it came down to it and a draft was instated and they did end up taking me, as corny as it might sound (and I know it probably will) nothing would make me happier then to go and fight. Sure, I'm sure I'd be nervous as hell, but I've always wanted to have the opportunity to do something great for my country and those I love.

Last off, if I ever do have a son, if we're at war and he chooses to join the service knowing full well it will put him in harms way...he will have my blessing to go and question.

Well since that aint gonna happen I think you need to watch the movie "Born on the fourth of July"

I think I am done disscussing this with you we are as far apart on this as is possible.  I dont wanna risk our friendship cause this shit pisses me off.

I will take your word that you would go and fight, even though I would try and tell you not to.  I overstepped the line and take the statement back.  Im sorry but the whole thing has me very angry and i dont wanna say anything more that I may regret and be preceived as personal.

Watch the movie, please, again if you have already seen it. True story that plays out everyday in thousands of lives before, and after the movie was made and today.

And thats about all I have to say about that.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1786 on: June 10, 2008, 02:12:11 AM »
As most of you know, i live on the other side of the planet. Most of the problems you guys have over there, we don't. One simple reason for that is the fact, that my country is "small" but even we didn't had it easy back in the day.

What ever happens with the election, i hope that things will get better for the "average Joe." As both of you seem to agree, people who are willing to work hard and pay their dues, should get what is coming to them, but if you can't get a job, no matter what, then that is impossible.

Everytime i have voted, i have voted for the right wing candidates. There's a lot points that i agree with AJ, but if i had to choose between Obama or McCain that would be a very tough one. Both of them are intelligent men and know what they are doing. I'd have to make my decision based on what type of situation my family would be in.

As for sending my kid to war, no way no how, ever. My grand father fought all the wars we had, so that he's children and grand children would not have to go through the horrors he did. So if i intentionally would go to war myself (any war) or send my kid, (if i ever have a kid) to me that would be an insult to my grand father.

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1787 on: June 10, 2008, 05:18:08 AM »
Well since that aint gonna happen I think you need to watch the movie "Born on the fourth of July"

I think I am done disscussing this with you we are as far apart on this as is possible.  I dont wanna risk our friendship cause this shit pisses me off.

I will take your word that you would go and fight, even though I would try and tell you not to.  I overstepped the line and take the statement back.  Im sorry but the whole thing has me very angry and i dont wanna say anything more that I may regret and be preceived as personal.

Watch the movie, please, again if you have already seen it. True story that plays out everyday in thousands of lives before, and after the movie was made and today.

And thats about all I have to say about that.
You're right, the gap between us on this issue is pretty large. You know it's sort of funny...not haha funny...but have you ever thought and wondered why so many people who are actually very similar in so many ways can have such disagreeing views on a subject like this? Just one of those things that makes you think a little.

Last off, I've seen the movie several times. As for any more comments, I'll go ahead and stop arguing with you. Honestly I could keep going back and forth with you and be just I said, I dont' mind discussing this...but I'll save any more comments I wish to make for anyone else who wishes to speak on this and who in doing so ruffles my feathers a little.

You're a good guy Luv, and as much as I'd like to convince you I'm right about things, to tell you the truth what I'd rather do is beat in on the incline BB press. ;)

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1788 on: June 10, 2008, 05:21:39 AM »
As most of you know, i live on the other side of the planet. Most of the problems you guys have over there, we don't. One simple reason for that is the fact, that my country is "small" but even we didn't had it easy back in the day.

What ever happens with the election, i hope that things will get better for the "average Joe." As both of you seem to agree, people who are willing to work hard and pay their dues, should get what is coming to them, but if you can't get a job, no matter what, then that is impossible.

Everytime i have voted, i have voted for the right wing candidates. There's a lot points that i agree with AJ, but if i had to choose between Obama or McCain that would be a very tough one. Both of them are intelligent men and know what they are doing. I'd have to make my decision based on what type of situation my family would be in.

As for sending my kid to war, no way no how, ever. My grand father fought all the wars we had, so that he's children and grand children would not have to go through the horrors he did. So if i intentionally would go to war myself (any war) or send my kid, (if i ever have a kid) to me that would be an insult to my grand father.
Finland right? What would you say the majority over there thinks about our up coming race? Do most of them even care?

BTW, have you gotten the new Bodom album yet? Much better then the last IMO, pretty crushing.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1789 on: June 10, 2008, 05:47:31 AM »
You're right, the gap between us on this issue is pretty large. You know it's sort of funny...not haha funny...but have you ever thought and wondered why so many people who are actually very similar in so many ways can have such disagreeing views on a subject like this? Just one of those things that makes you think a little.

Last off, I've seen the movie several times. As for any more comments, I'll go ahead and stop arguing with you. Honestly I could keep going back and forth with you and be just I said, I dont' mind discussing this...but I'll save any more comments I wish to make for anyone else who wishes to speak on this and who in doing so ruffles my feathers a little.

You're a good guy Luv, and as much as I'd like to convince you I'm right about things, to tell you the truth what I'd rather do is beat in on the incline BB press. ;)

You too bud.  I just get too emotional about it.

The that aint gonna happen  :D

And as long as you dont make me wait till Im an even older old man I think the other challenge I mentioned would really be a lot of fun.  dang I will even come to your home town.  Hope that also lights a fire under you.  :P


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1790 on: June 10, 2008, 06:25:24 AM »
Finland right? What would you say the majority over there thinks about our up coming race? Do most of them even care?

BTW, have you gotten the new Bodom album yet? Much better then the last IMO, pretty crushing.

Yep, Finland.

Yes. Most people care about a lot of things that happen around the world. We are even taught that in school, that what happens around us is very important since it will affect us one way or another.

The election of the President of the United States is a very hot topic here. I was recently talking with my uncle who is a very very intelligent man and he asked that which one i would vote? I said that without knowing all the facts, that if i had to choose right now, i would choose McCain. Right now i'm not sure anymore. My uncle said that McCain is an relic from the old days and he's opinions are not helping the USA to get to a better place than Bush left it. I have to be honest, my uncle is a racist, even tough he is a very intelligent man and he said that he would vote Obama and thinks that Obama will be the best thing to US for the longest time.

I know that many people in the US thinks that everyone hates them around the world and i'm sorry to say, that with many countries that is true.
But i have yet to met any single Scandinavian, be it finnish, swedish, norwegian, danish or islandish that have issues with USA. I'm sure there are some, but not many. Also just about everyone thinks that Bush is genuinely retarded and that even tough the US government has made some bad choices the people in the US are (mostly) decent humans.

Also many of my friends have been to the US and said that for the most part it is not very different from our country. I guess the pure hate towards russians connect people, only half kidding.

As for bodom that is FUCKING awesome!


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1791 on: June 10, 2008, 07:03:19 AM »
Politics...the touchiest subject next to race and religion.

i'll stay out of this because i feel it's a personal choice and not to be forced upon others like i see day in/day out.

All i want to say is we are heading in a bad direction, we need a change, and only one man will make changes...will they work? Maybe. Maybe not.


Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1792 on: June 10, 2008, 10:09:57 AM »
You too bud.  I just get too emotional about it.

The that aint gonna happen  :D

And as long as you dont make me wait till Im an even older old man I think the other challenge I mentioned would really be a lot of fun.  dang I will even come to your home town.  Hope that also lights a fire under you.  :P
Another challenge besides the BB incline? Remind me again because my retarded right wing brain has a hard time keeping up, lol! Seriously, I dont' remember another challenge.

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1794 on: June 13, 2008, 07:08:30 PM »

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1795 on: June 13, 2008, 07:30:12 PM »
damn arny !

you want to post any of those articles you wrote dude
Right now, no.

I thought about taking some legal action but I'm not sure if it's really worth it. In the meantime I want any last bit of credibility this guy has to be destroyed...because IMO, he shouldn't have any.

More then likely I will post some of this stuff up on when it launches.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1796 on: June 13, 2008, 07:44:29 PM »
I hope things turn out better for you.

I have gotten used for website design with promises and stuff.  Always got screwed.  Now I act like I know nothing about a computer.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1797 on: June 14, 2008, 02:45:39 AM »
Man, i'm fucked or at least fucked in the head. Last night i went with my brother and a friend from work to a couple of clubs and such. Before i knew it there was like ten guys with us, all friends of friends...

At this one club, this ok sized guy (way smaller than me, heh heh) came to our table and wanted to arm wrestle me for money. Long story short, he won't be using his right arm for a while and we made some money (that we later lost at the casino).

Right now, i have a hang over from hell, i'm broke (i spended two weeks pay in three clubs) and i'm supposed to go to my training partners bachelor party. I really feel like dying. I don't remember half the stuff we did and i know we had fun, but i really don't know for sure what the hell we did...


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1798 on: June 14, 2008, 11:22:38 AM »
Man, i'm fucked or at least fucked in the head. Last night i went with my brother and a friend from work to a couple of clubs and such. Before i knew it there was like ten guys with us, all friends of friends...

At this one club, this ok sized guy (way smaller than me, heh heh) came to our table and wanted to arm wrestle me for money. Long story short, he won't be using his right arm for a while and we made some money (that we later lost at the casino).

Right now, i have a hang over from hell, i'm broke (i spended two weeks pay in three clubs) and i'm supposed to go to my training partners bachelor party. I really feel like dying. I don't remember half the stuff we did and i know we had fun, but i really don't know for sure what the hell we did...

Thats it I'm on my way to Finland! Getting on the plane tonight and I expect to see you at the airport L!  ;D


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1799 on: June 15, 2008, 03:23:05 AM »
Thats it I'm on my way to Finland! Getting on the plane tonight and I expect to see you at the airport L!  ;D

You're more then welcome to come friend...  ;D

Ok, so i just got home from the bachelor party. I didn't know if i was gonna make it, seeing that i've slept a total of 8-10 hours in the 4 days. Anyway we had a nice place, really nice place. There was a sauna and a pool and food for 20 guys (there were 6 of us). There was two fridges full of vodka, beer, shots and any type boose you can imagine.

So at first we all got to know each other and all that. Then we wen't to the sauna. This one who was also a bodybuilder asked that "could i throw the water in the sauna?" I said "sure, why not?!" Well, he failed to mention that he competes at the sauna world championships. Which i know sounds funny, but we take it seriously here in Scandinavia.

Well, it was so hot that i felt like i'm going to pass out and everyone else did too, except for the champ. Then we jumped at the pool and some fucking joker had turned it as cold as it can get, i mean it was colder than the Baltic sea at winter and i know. Everyone was really mad about the water.

Anyway after all that we got dressed, except for the groom who thought i was a good idea to run around the capital naked. He also visited the Police head courters naked. I swear my idiot training partner thought that that was actually a good idea. Well, we apologized and because the best man is a respected cop, he got him out of trouble.

Then we ate (i had 6 servings of everything) and started to drink heavily, i must have downed like so many drink that it would had killed most people and i was the most sober of all of us. The groom started to play around and he jumped in to the pool dressed like a woman...

We wen't downstairs and there was a limo waiting, we drove around Helsinki and wen't to the strip club and i've been to porn clubs all around the world in Thailand, Spain, Estonia etc. But this was the most high end place of them all. At first we allmost didn't got in, but i had a few words with the bouncer and it turned out that we knew the same old school bodybuilders and the got in. Man the high end pussy was insane!

After all that we wen't to a few clubs and this one guy who was the friend of the groom joined us. I met this really good looking Italian girl and this rat looking small gay dildo fucked it all up. Then he goes on how he wants to fight me (i have 18 years of martial Art's training, i was an MP and now do private security. This guy was about 170 lbs smaller than me! No joke he really was... We then we went to few clubs and i had to go through the whole "i was a bouncer for 4 years). Then i had so many shot that the next thing i remember is me standing in the line of McDonald's orderind 3 meals...

After that i woke up on my brothers floor and the knuckles on my right arm are hurting...
