I'm sorry, tell me why you think McCain is a lib again? I can't remember you even saying why. Is it because he has the ability to actually cross party lines and work with the "darkside"? Explain please.
Rush, hannity, Bush, Coulter, Romeny all called McCain a liberal.
I respect their opinions. Perhaps they're going to reluctantly vote for him, because he's the candidate. But they believe he's a liberal.
Oh yeah, also McCain almost jumped to the dem party in 2001. And refused to deny he was flirting with kerry for the Veep position, and wouldn't deny it in 2004... you know, most REAL repubs would have shouted "hell no!" from the rooftops, when asked if they wanted to be libby kerry's bottom bitch. He wouldn't confirm or deny back then. Hmmmmm
He's a liberal, Joe. You can still vote for him, cause obama's a bigger liberal and hilary is close. But he's a liberal. The party voices have spoken, dude.