I did double cardios yesterday, 55 mins and 48 mins, and I also did a good chest/arm workout last night:
-DB Bicep Curls - 15lbsx20, 20x15, 25x12/3 sets
-DB Incline Press (hadn't done these in AGES and I think I am much stronger, despite my strength being sapped right now) - 35x20, 45x15, 50x12, 50x10
-DB Hammer Curls - 2 large dropsets, starting with 20 lbs and going all the way down to 5 lbs, probably 25 reps each
-DB Incline Flies (another one that I hadn't done in a long time) - 3 sets 20lbsx12 with a big stretch on every rep
-Cable Rope Tricep Extension - 5 sets x 10-15
-2 supersets Cybex preacher curl (biceps) and Cybex tricep extension, 12 reps each
I didn't want to hit my triceps or chest too hard because I am doing shoulders with Carla tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing her!!!
I am feeling rough today. I think I am having problems recovering from my leg workouts (Weds), as I am very sore today and I feel like I have bricks attached to my arms and legs. I could barely get out of bed, and I just about made it through 35 minutes of very light bike riding this morning. I'm having a few extra carbs today and am hoping to rally for a calf/ab workout and a 60 minute cardio session tonight!