Author Topic: RocketSwitch Yates pics  (Read 92847 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #125 on: August 16, 2008, 08:50:47 PM »
There is NO comparison , Reeves stands alone both as a bodybuilder and actor  ;)

at this point as an actor yes

as a bodybuilder, if we went by the judging criteria YOU OFTEN BRING UP he gets killed by Mr. Levrone

you only use the judging criteria argument to support your argument ::)

owned again 8)



  • Getbig V
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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #126 on: August 16, 2008, 08:55:55 PM »
balance & proportion are NOT the same thing , I've already crushed you on this point I wont embarrass you further , and Ronnie 2001 MAYBE MAYBE tied Yates for that bone dry & rock hard conditioning but NEVER surpassed him thats simply wishful thinking and your interpretation of the ' visual ' evidence is worth fuck-all because you're ignorant to what great conditioning is and isn't , and you've been reduced to LYING now you have NO eye-witness testimony that claims Ronnie 2001 was better conditioned than Dorian , that just garbage and we both know me on the other hand have someone who is very well respected saying and I quote Ronnie was NEVER harder or drier than Dorian

balance and proportion are the same thing. I've already crushed you on this point and won't embarrass you further. Ronnie at the 01 ASC surpassed Dorian's best ever conditioning. I supported my argument with evidence while all you have are empty words. Please enlighten us how Dorian can have virtually no body fat or water yet display hardly any separations and striations? Skin is only about 1 mm thick. So how can Dorian have less definition than Ronnie who supposedly never matched his conditioning? Just like your argument, it makes absolutely no sense.


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #127 on: August 16, 2008, 09:57:31 PM »
i put that sig back because it causes "suckmymuscle" to meltdown 8)

  Ha ha, you put it back up to prove to me that you don't care that about my opinion that I think it's gay, and all it accomplished was to prove the opposite of that. I own you, Earl. You are the one who stalks me across the boards trying to provoke me, and you even alter your board profile just to prove a point to me. ;)



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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #128 on: August 16, 2008, 09:59:18 PM »
I'd rather be eurotrash than a closet homo like yourself. ;D

  Ha ha...oh, man. " Earl" is taking a beating in this thread. Several people are remarking the obvious fact that's he's a closet fag. ;D



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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #129 on: August 16, 2008, 10:30:13 PM »
tsk tsk, resorting to lies I see. First, how do you figure I'm the "number 1 Ronnie spooge sucker?" By number of posts?

  No, because your fanboyism is even worst than Hulkster's. At least he chooses the more streamlined and symmetrical Ronnie 1999. You choose the grotesque version of 2003 as Ronnie's best, and you regard that as the best boedybuilder who ever stepped onstage. When Ronnie retired you even made a thread saying good bye to him, and you posted the cry emoticon with the pics. Your posts reek of fanboyism worst than Hulkster's, Pumpster's Bizzy's. The key difference between me and you is that I don't regard Dorian as the best bodybuilder ever, while you worhip at Ronnie's althar. You're pathetic, dude. go get a life.

  You just made that up b/c you have nothing else to say. Second, where have you owned me?

  Oh geez, I have given you more beatings than I can count. I have already given a few examples, like when I proved that it is impossible for Ronnie to have carried more mass at the 2001 ASC than at the 1999 Olympia, and one remarked that I gave you the most clear cut ownage of the entire truce thread. Then there is your insanely stupid argument that everyone will be equally defined at the same bodyfat %, something that even Pumpster, a guy who is on your side, agreed with me that is false. Then there was your argument that the lower lats grow unproportionally in relation to the upper lats. And the goes on and on...

Third, I never said genetics don't play a role in definition. I said genetics determine where a person carries more (or less) body fat and water.

  You denied that genetics affects definition when bodyfat % and water levels are controlled for, which is just wrong. Admit that you are wrong about two bodybuilders at the same bodyfat % and water levels having the exact same definition. It is phsysiologically impossible for two people to have the same degree of muscular definition at the same bodyfat and water levels because there are other variables, like tendom attachment point and skin thickness, which affects this, and these factors are genetic. No matter how much you deny it, you are still wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Fourth, I never listed depth as the sole reason for why Ronnie's back is superior to Dorian's.

  Notwithstanding, arguing that Ronnie's back's being more " 3D"  as a reason why it is better than Dorian's is so idiotic that it it completely made your post a joke. You shouldn't have listed that as one of the reasons at all.

Nice try kiddo, but I have just dismantled your post one by one.

  I'll allow you to believe that. After all, your life probably already sucks as it is being a P.E teacher. ;)

As for you being proven wrong, let's see...
- Ronnie's arms weren't more than 2" bigger than Dorian's

  At the 1999 Olympia they weren't. At the 2003 Olympia they might have been 2" bigger, but not more than that.

- Ronnie's brachialis are poor

  They are when compared to his monstrous biceps, just like the triceps are also poor compared to the biceps as well.

- you denying about lying

  How can I deny having done something I never did?

- Flex has better taper than Ronnie

  He did. Check out his front relaxed at the 1993 Ironman. That is arguably the best taper in the history of bodybuilding. Wheeler's clavicles are not as wide as Ronnie's, but his waist was so insanely slim that his taper was better.

- a person can be 4% bf and have no visible definition

  Never said that. I said that the correlation between definition and bodyfat % is not linear because there is an extraneous variable, genetics, that affect it...

- bodybuilders can't get a prescription for steroids through doctors

  They can't for legitimate medical reasons. How am I wrong about this? Go search the " Physician's Desk Reference"  and point me out in the technical data of androgen medications where it is stated that muscular enhancement for athletic or bodybuilding purposes is a legitimate medical reason to prescribe steroids or other anabolics like somatotrophin. Steroids, somatotrophin and other anabolic compounds like interleukin-C can be prescribed to cause muscular gains in conditions like Tay-Saches disorder and other wasting conditions, but not for athletic/bodybuilding purposes. So you are wrong - as usual.



  • Getbig V
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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #130 on: August 16, 2008, 11:00:46 PM »
No, because your fanboyism is even worst than Hulkster's.

ha ha ha, wtf are you talking about? Ronnie isn't even my 1st or 2nd fav. bodybuilder. I like Sergio Oliva and Samir Bannout more than Ronnie.

At least he chooses the more streamlined and symmetrical Ronnie 1999. You choose the grotesque version of 2003 as Ronnie's best, and you regard that as the best boedybuilder who ever stepped onstage. When Ronnie retired you even made a thread saying good bye to him, and you posted the cry emoticon with the pics. Your posts reek of fanboyism worst than Hulkster's, Pumpster's Bizzy's. The key difference between me and you is that I don't regard Dorian as the best bodybuilder ever, while you worhip at Ronnie's althar. You're pathetic, dude. go get a life.

bwahahaha, you crack me up. I never made a thread dedicated to Ronnie, and I was messing around when I posted the cry emoticon after he retired - it's called injecting humor into a situation. You're f*cking retarded if you think I cried over a man oiled up in a thong. However, you never cease to amaze me with your stupidity. I wouldn't put it past you to take bodybuilding so seriously.

Oh geez, I have given you more beatings than I can count. I have already given a few examples, like when I proved that it is impossible for Ronnie to have carried more mass at the 2001 ASC than at the 1999 Olympia, and one remarked that I gave you the most clear cut ownage of the entire truce thread. Then there is your insanely stupid argument that everyone will be equally defined at the same bodyfat %, something that even Pumpster, a guy who is on your side, agreed with me that is false. Then there was your argument that the lower lats grow unproportionally in relation to the upper lats. And the goes on and on...

you haven't proved shit. Show me the lab results saying Ronnie lost 10 lbs of muscle from 99 to 01. While you're at it, explain why the best bodybuilder in history would lose 10 lbs of muscle in 2 yrs? What the hell was he doing wrong? Regarding body fat %, I said that everyone would display the same overall amount of separations and striations at the same % assuming water levels are the same. For example, one bodybuilder might have more definition from the front while another might have more definition from the back. Their total amount of separations and striations would avg. out to be the same. As for your comment about the lats, I never said the lower lats grow disproportionately compared to the upper lats. If you recall, I had to correct you b/c you are the moron who claimed they did.

Notwithstanding, arguing that Ronnie's back's being more " 3D"  as a reason why it is better than Dorian's is so idiotic that it it completely made your post a joke. You shouldn't have listed that as one of the reasons at all.

not really, it's called having more thickness and fullness. Ronnie's back has more of both in certain poses which accounts for its 3D look compared to Dorian. Just b/c you are too dumb to understand this doesn't make it "idiotic" or a "joke."

I'll allow you to believe that. After all, your life probably already sucks as it is being a P.E teacher.

okaay, fag. We've already been through this before. I'm not a P.E. teacher. I graduated with a degree in Exercise Science. You are thinking of Physical Education.


  • Getbig V
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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #131 on: August 16, 2008, 11:09:40 PM »
At the 1999 Olympia they weren't. At the 2003 Olympia they might have been 2" bigger, but not more than that.

so you admit that you were wrong? I was talking about 03 Ronnie at the time.

They are when compared to his monstrous biceps, just like the triceps are also poor compared to the biceps as well.

wrong, they are in perfection proportion to his biceps. You just don't know wtf you are talking about.

How can I deny having done something I never did?


And the British Muscle&Fitness magazine repoted that Dorian's right arm flexed tapered at 52 centimeters in circumference for the 1995 Olympia.

Ok, first of all, I never said that Dorian's arms were 52 cm.

He did. Check out his front relaxed at the 1993 Ironman. That is arguably the best taper in the history of bodybuilding. Wheeler's clavicles are not as wide as Ronnie's, but his waist was so insanely slim that his taper was better.



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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #132 on: August 17, 2008, 04:58:28 AM »
balance and proportion are the same thing. I've already crushed you on this point and won't embarrass you further. Ronnie at the 01 ASC surpassed Dorian's best ever conditioning. I supported my argument with evidence while all you have are empty words. Please enlighten us how Dorian can have virtually no body fat or water yet display hardly any separations and striations? Skin is only about 1 mm thick. So how can Dorian have less definition than Ronnie who supposedly never matched his conditioning? Just like your argument, it makes absolutely no sense.

Balance & proportion are most certainly NOT the ' same thing ' you're an idiot because you didn't crush nothing in fact you crushed yourself because you posted a quote from Dorian describing the BOTH of them. again how can you be involved in a debate when you don't even know what you;re talking about? YOU CAN'T you're not in the game even when things are explained to you stupidity & pride prevent you from learning

And same with the topic of conditioning you'd have to know what constitutes great conditioning in order to comment who has better conditioning , again you're speaking on topics which you don't know much about

and moron please show me your evidence , please show me where it says specific to the topic at hand that Ronnie at the 2001 Arnold Classic was better conditioned than ANY showing from Dorian Yates please do  ;) so much for ' supporting your claims '  ::)

Please enlighten us how Dorian can have virtually no body fat or water yet display hardly any separations and striations? Skin is only about 1 mm thick. So how can Dorian have less definition than Ronnie who supposedly never matched his conditioning? Just like your argument, it makes absolutely no sense.

I have enlightened you moron , this is a question that has been answered MANY times over you just don't like the answer because once again it shows you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

striations are for the most part GENETIC you can't seem to grasp this concept , and you can have striated muscle while holding water get it dummy? Munzer had more striations than anyone ever wonder why? good conditioning and GENETICS for them , he was striated as hell at the 1993 Mr Olympia and Jim Quinn was commenting on the fact he was holding water

I've said this before perhaps Ronnie 2001 Arnold Classic did match Yates for that same bone dry & rock hard muscle albeit lighter 244-247 pounds compared to Yates at 260 pounds in 1995 , to say he had better conditioning is just plain fucking stupid , its indicative of your fan-boy delusions and flat out ignorance

While I’m on record as saying that the best physique I ever saw was Ronnie’s at the 2001 Arnold, he was never drier or harder than Dorian. In fact now that – 14 years after it happened – I recently for the first time saw the video of Dorian posing before the 1993 Olympia I have cause to rethink. I’m now not sure that Ronnie at 245 pounds would beat Dorian at 269 pounds. At a bigger bodyweight I think Ronnie would look soft next to an in-shape rock-hard Dorian.

On the subject of conditioning, no-one did it better than Dorian. He achieved a hardness and dryness (without losing fullness) that nobody has ever matched. In the flesh he looked even harder than he did in photos. It was like a statue made of granite was standing in front of you.

This is coming from a man who was at every single contest both these guys were at seen them at their best and worse , his opinion crushes ANYTHING your can formulate because he's speaking from firsthand personal experience , so like your assessment that balance & proportion are the same thing , you're proven dead wrong as usual

you're ignorant when it comes to competitive bodybuilding the funny part is you TRY and act like you know what you're talking about but always fall flat on your face .


  • Getbig V
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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #133 on: August 17, 2008, 06:56:15 AM »
That '93 pre Olympia video really did open my eyes about how impressive Dorian's conditioning was while still being a mass monster.  His combination of perfect condition with impressive muscularity hasn't been matched.

However, Ronnie's combination from '99 hasn't been matched.

I don't think the debate can ever be settled because the physiques both men brought to the table on their best day are equally impressive.  The fans who defend both competitors should be content to call it a tie.


  • Getbig V
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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #134 on: August 17, 2008, 09:06:17 AM »
Balance & proportion are most certainly NOT the ' same thing ' you're an idiot because you didn't crush nothing in fact you crushed yourself because you posted a quote from Dorian describing the BOTH of them. again how can you be involved in a debate when you don't even know what you;re talking about? YOU CAN'T you're not in the game even when things are explained to you stupidity & pride prevent you from learning

Balance & proportion are most certainly the 'same thing' you're an idiot because you didn't crush nothing in fact you crushed yourself because you haven't done shit to prove they are different. again how can you be involved in a debate when you don't even know what you're talking about? YOU CAN'T you're not in the game even when things are explained to you stupidity and pride prevent you from learning.

And same with the topic of conditioning you'd have to know what constitutes great conditioning in order to comment who has better conditioning , again you're speaking on topics which you don't know much about

And same with the topic of conditioning you'd have to know what constitutes great conditioning in order to comment who has better conditioning , again you're speaking on topics which you don't know much about.

and moron please show me your evidence , please show me where it says specific to the topic at hand that Ronnie at the 2001 Arnold Classic was better conditioned than ANY showing from Dorian Yates please do so much for ' supporting your claims '

I've posted pics, video, eye-witness testimony, and used knowledge of anatomy and physiology. All you have is a quote from one guy who 'thinks' no bodybuilder has ever been "harder" than Dorian. Come back when you actually have material.

I have enlightened you moron , this is a question that has been answered MANY times over you just don't like the answer because once again it shows you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

striations are for the most part GENETIC you can't seem to grasp this concept , and you can have striated muscle while holding water get it dummy? Munzer had more striations than anyone ever wonder why? good conditioning and GENETICS for them , he was striated as hell at the 1993 Mr Olympia and Jim Quinn was commenting on the fact he was holding water

I already countered this by showing that definition is positively correlated with a decrease in body fat and water levels. For your argument to carry any weight, you would have to demonstrate that Dorian is the exception to the rule which is impossible since it would mean he defies human anatomy and physiology.

I've said this before perhaps Ronnie 2001 Arnold Classic did match Yates for that same bone dry & rock hard muscle albeit lighter 244-247 pounds compared to Yates at 260 pounds in 1995 , to say he had better conditioning is just plain fucking stupid , its indicative of your fan-boy delusions and flat out ignorance

ha ha ha, your arguments are lame. All you do is say "anything contrary to my opinion is just plain f*cking dumb." Wow, really? Great argument there, idiot. ::)


  • Getbig V
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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #135 on: August 17, 2008, 10:05:13 AM »

  Ha ha, you put it back up to prove to me that you don't care that about my opinion that I think it's gay, and all it accomplished was to prove the opposite of that. I own you, Earl. You are the one who stalks me across the boards trying to provoke me, and you even alter your board profile just to prove a point to me. ;)


the sig owns your mind, you've been talking about it for a year now

you can't ever claim that you own me or that I stalk you, i'm the guy that caused you to register with getbig and 4 years later you've threatened to beat me up and even had homicidal thoughts :-* :-* :-*



  • Getbig V
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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #136 on: August 17, 2008, 10:07:39 AM »
  Ha ha...oh, man. " Earl" is taking a beating in this thread. Several people are remarking the obvious fact that's he's a closet fag. ;D


calling me a homo is a beating? ???

this thread is a beating if you ask me ;D



  • Getbig V
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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #137 on: August 17, 2008, 10:12:14 AM »
However, Ronnie's combination from '99 hasn't been matched.


what ND and his bitch(es) fail to realize is that Ronnie 99 was so good he doesn't even have to be in contest shape to beat the best dorian ever offered: his black and white 93 shots, professionally done and all:

in contest day shape, the massacre would have been even worse than it was:
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  • Getbig V
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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #138 on: August 17, 2008, 10:16:59 AM »
He's a fucking complete idiot thats his whole argument lol the most muscular he still can't seem to grasp the concept that all rounds are physique rounds

when faced with the overwhelming physical dominance of Ronnie over dorian, you always bring up this "all rounds" excuse LOL

you bring it up beacause its the only way you can say dorian might win- because he gets crushed in the symmetry and muscularity rounds.

in others words, you are acknowledging that dorian would lose both physique rounds, but he was the better poser.

no shit.

everyone knows this. dorian would likely win the posing round. but he would lose both the first two Rounds because his physique was not up to par with Ronnie's.

old news.

we all know Ronnie had the better physique but could not pose worth shit.
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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #139 on: August 17, 2008, 10:20:39 AM »
HAHAHAHAHA COLEMAN NEVER BEAT YATES. NEVER, NOT ONE TIME. Coleman even admits that Yates was better.

Ronnie himself knows Yates dominates him.


  • Getbig V
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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #140 on: August 17, 2008, 10:25:58 AM »
HAHAHAHAHA COLEMAN NEVER BEAT YATES. NEVER, NOT ONE TIME. Coleman even admits that Yates was better.

Ronnie himself knows Yates dominates him.

and dorian never looked anything like Ronnie at his peak either:

ronnie has striations.

dorian has wrinkles of loose skin and fat LOL
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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #141 on: August 17, 2008, 10:29:29 AM »
and dorian never looked anything like Ronnie at his peak either:

ronnie has striations.

dorian has wrinkles LOL

Who cares about wrinkles? You seem like as much of a f.aggot as Earl who also rates mr olympias by which one he wants to fuck him up the ass ::)

How many times did Ronnie beat Yates? Answer the question. They competed a lot against each other. How many times did Ronnie beat Yates?


  • Getbig V
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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #142 on: August 17, 2008, 10:37:05 AM »
Who cares about wrinkles?

yeah, we are comparing an 8 time Mr. O and a 6 time Mr. O.

who cares about wrinkles as opposed to striations... ::)

unfuckingbelievable.. :-\

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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #143 on: August 17, 2008, 10:37:40 AM »
and dorian never looked anything like Ronnie at his peak either:

ronnie has striations.

dorian has wrinkles of loose skin and fat LOL

Personally, I believe if one were to look at the above pics you posted with a critical eye as far as overall back development, Yates is still superior.  As good as both are; however, it becomes rather subjective.


  • Getbig V
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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #144 on: August 17, 2008, 10:38:30 AM »
How many times did Ronnie beat Yates? Answer the question. They competed a lot against each other. How many times did Ronnie beat Yates?

how many times did Dorian compete against Ronnie while Ronnie was Mr. olympia?

answer the question.
I really hope you are not stupid enough to be claiming that Ronnie's mid 90's body was even close to his peak olympia form..

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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #145 on: August 17, 2008, 10:39:23 AM »
how many times did Dorian compete against Ronnie while Ronnie was Mr. olympia?

answer the question.
I really hope you are not stupid enough to be claiming that Ronnie's mid 90's body was even close to his peak olympia form..

How many times did Ronnie beat Yates? Answer the question. They competed a lot against each other. How many times did Ronnie beat Yates?


  • Getbig V
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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #146 on: August 17, 2008, 10:42:08 AM »
How many times did Ronnie beat Yates? Answer the question. They competed a lot against each other. How many times did Ronnie beat Yates?

none. because he looked like this:

we are not stupid.

but you appear to be arguing that it does not matter what Ronnie looked like later in his career as Mr. O, you appear to be saying that because he lost once he would always lose.

you do realize that Zane beat Arnold do you not?

and we all know peak Arnold would crush Zane much the same as peak Ronnie would crush dorian..
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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #147 on: August 17, 2008, 10:43:33 AM »
How many times did Ronnie beat Yates? Answer the question. They competed a lot against each other. How many times did Ronnie beat Yates?

completely irrelevant. It would be like Sergio retiring after he beat Arnold, and asking "how many times did Arnold beat Sergio?" as proof that Sergio is better.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #148 on: August 17, 2008, 10:45:15 AM »
HAHAHAHAHA So Coleman NEVER beat Yates even after competing against him a bunch of times. He then admits that he would never beat him even at his peak and Yates was better than him.

Sounds like you want to argue a case that even your idol doesn't agree with. LOL.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #149 on: August 17, 2008, 10:48:28 AM »
completely irrelevant. It would be like Sergio retiring after he beat Arnold, and asking "how many times did Arnold beat Sergio?" as proof that Sergio is better.

NO it's not irrelevant semenhole. Firstly, Ronnie competed against Yates a whole bunch of times and was always destroyed by him. In your scenario it would be Sergio retiring after competing only once.

Ronnie never beat Yates and admits he never, ever could beat him, even at his best.

The guy you're arguing for thinks your argument is shit . HAHAHAHHAHA LMAO.