Author Topic: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain  (Read 87869 times)


  • Getbig II
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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2005, 10:41:54 AM »
Hey Sambo,
Whats up, dude?  Hows the arm now, man?

Before my surgery I really just stopped with almost all upperbody exercises because it began to hurt me that much.  Plus I was so depressed and down on myself since a major part of my life (bodybuilding and fitness) was taken away.  I hate the fact taht I couldnt work out and I hated the way I began to look. 

But you are right the only pressing exercise that cause me a great deal of pain has always been chest pressing, flat more than incline.  I am pretty much back to enough of my previous strength where I can push myself pretty far.  Im confident in my joint strength to where I am not limited in anyway really.  What does hurt me I just avoid (only cable crossovers for chest really).  In a couple weeks im going to get back to DB and BB presses on shoulder day, I have been using the machines to be cautious in the early going, but I feel im ready to get back to them.  And like I mentioned and as you did as well in your last post, I do limit range of motion on chest day.  If I push it I can feel my shoulder start to get mad at me.

What about you man how is your recovery going?  When was your surgery? Are you lifting yet?  Are you recovering fast?  Was surgery the right choice for you as well?


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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #26 on: March 29, 2005, 08:11:57 AM »
Hey VaTech,

Good to hear from you.
I know just  how you feel about having to stop all upperbody training due to the pain. And like you I found the mental pain after that just as hard. Like you I got really depressed and miserable about loosing so much size and muscle that had taken years of hard work and dedication to build. Bodybuilding is a major part of my life and I am not the same when  I cant do it. Surgery was the only option for me as I knew I had to return to serious lifting and only  the surgery could gaurantee me this. The worst part about all this was when I didnt know what was really wrong and why things were just getting worse. now i know what is wrong and know i am on the correct path to recovery am much happier. It helps hearing about your recovery as even though the doc says eventually i will make  afull recovery and return to lifting it doesnt stop me from worrying a bit.

Well, my shoulder is getting better each day really, and the pain gets better all the time. Starting PT now as the pendulum exercises etc have been taken as far as they can go.....  My surgery was 2 weeks ago tommorrow! The surgery was without doubt the right choice for me.... It was in fact the only choice. I knew that it was never going to get better by itself no matter how much rehab or rest. My doc pretty much said the same: when osteolysis starts its not gonna stop without surgery or stopping lifting (NOT AN OPTION!!!) I already feel better and the popping  and catching has stopped..... just a little from scar tissue forming! Having the surgery I know I am going to get better in a matter of months, without it there is just no certaintly!

 How much strengh have you got back on your pressing now?? What type of dumbbells are you able to push? I think im  gonna stick mainly to the dumbbells after recovery for their kinder motion in the shoulder joint.

Also dude, if you hit me with an email (click onthat little envelope thing) I will be able to forward you something that I know you will really appreciate!!!!!

Till next time bro :o


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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #27 on: March 29, 2005, 10:57:52 AM »
I just come from the gym, was doing back, light...haven't been able to do pull-downs with 60 pounds without hurting like hell, god I used to warm up with 120; I left the gym with tears in my eyes...Does anyone knows here what kind of surgery would be available when you have a bursitis? Remove part of the humerus? Of the acromion? This gotta stop, I can't take it anymore :-\


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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #28 on: March 29, 2005, 12:01:07 PM »
I really think I need a subacromial decompression guys. I know this surgery may have some complications, all I want is to be able to lift again like I used to, but I'm scarred of the possible consequences of this surgery :-\


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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #29 on: March 29, 2005, 01:43:51 PM »

Man, dont worry! You will get over this and get back to FULL fitness.
Seriously do not worry about the dangers of a subacromial decrompression because really there are almost none. When I had my clavicel resection I also had a mild subacromial decrompression. He removed a portion of my bursa and shaved a little of my acromium. If busitis is what you have, and the doc has conformed this then go for the surgery. Get it done and get it done yesterday!!!!!!
The only risks are like with any surgery ie. infection....... but it is only a tiny risk. believe me modern medicine is a wonderful thing and these guys can fix anything. My doc tells me I will make a full return to lifting and get a total recover from th pain I had........ bear in mind I had a sub/ac decrompression and a distal clavicle resection. Im getting better every day, and feel like im really healing better. Already some of my pre-operation symptoms have gone and the shoulder is recovering well.

I totally sympathise with how you feel man, its really emotional feeling like you cannot lift.... and being in so much pain. But dude, I knew that surgery was the only thing going to fix me. After trying to rehab the shoulder and it not getting better I wanted the surgery ASAP. I got it as soon as I possibily could. Because then  I knew I wouild recover and finally KNOW I was going to get better, I can finally look forward again and not back. I know I will make a total recover and get pumped and huge once more. No doubt about it!!!! you will too. Just have faith in these professionals who have been carrying out procedures such as these for years and years. They know what they are doing!!!!

Get better soon buddy and keep in touch!

Give me an email and forwards you some info that may help!

later brother


  • Getbig II
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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #30 on: March 29, 2005, 03:37:45 PM »
Hey Sambo,
Im about 75-80% of my old strength and stamina.  I push around 205-225 on incline for reps and follow that with flat DB with 80-90s (I stay light because these do cause a little pain for me still).  Ill be near 100% in a month or so at this rate, since my weights are picking back up quickly. 

What are you going to forward me?  My mom always said dont talk to strangers :(

You sound a lot like me when I was in your situation.  Man what is stopping you from going into a doctors office and seeing what they can do for you???  Like sambo said I would have done this a long time ago.  Demand an explanation from a specialists, sometimes thats the only way they will listen.  As far as risk of surgery, yes there are some.  Infection is a small risk, and nerve damage is a greater risk.  But if you want to lift, its the chance you are going to have to take like sambo and I did.  Its worth it will get back in the gym, its the only way :-\


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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #31 on: March 30, 2005, 12:08:46 AM »

Thats good news on the heavy weights your able to push now after surgery. Im sure youll be back to real heavy soon. Also Tubbs thats good advice that Tech is giving you. Listen to us both: SEE AN EXPERT AND DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO PUT YOU RIGHT!!!!

I would like to forward some tips on recovery. Got an email from a Legend Bodybuider giving me some tips from recovery from shoulder injuries! If you mom has made you paranoid, then no worries bro!

Speak soon buddy.


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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #32 on: March 30, 2005, 02:03:34 AM »
Thanks to both of you for the support, yeah I'm going to see a specialist. Also, could you forward me those tips Sambo?! PM me and I will send you my e-mail.
Thanks again bro!


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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #33 on: March 30, 2005, 05:31:58 AM »
     I was just kiddin man.  P and Ill give you my e-mail, or I'll just e-mail you sometime this week when school isnt so retarded.  Good luck, Tubbs.  Get better soon! Talk to you both soon.  Out!


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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #34 on: April 12, 2005, 04:44:24 AM »

Well its now almost 4 weeks since the surgery and my shoulder is getting better and better!! The pain gets less each day and I have had full ROM for a while and am now doing a full range of rehab exercises with pretty much no pain. I am focusing on my rotator cuff strength, my postural muscles and scapular control. The scar is pretty big but not a problem for me as I dont care as long as I get better.

Have been to see my surgeon today for routine check-up. He was really pleased at my recovery and amazed how fast i was getting my strength and movement back. He had the results back from the lab where my excised AC joint and camera images were sent for analysis. There was moderate to severe osteoarthriris/ osteolysis in the AC joint. That was my ONLY problem and now I dont have that joint any more (well only a reconstructed form of it) so ther is no chance of any more problems there. I was really pleases that there was a definite problem found there and that now it has been fixed.

In about a week I will start with some light weights for back/ biceps/ triceps. Chest and shoulders will take a while longer. I have been training legs and my left side frequently and as a result my stregth/ muscle has not decreased too much since surgery.

Any question from anyone id be happy to answer.

I hope everyone else is good and recovering well or getting over their injuries.

love to you all

Sam ;D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #35 on: April 13, 2005, 04:26:16 AM »
Happy to hear you're getting better Sambo! You'll be back in teh gym after only 5 weeks?! Wow, I thought it would take longer, good news.


  • Getbig I
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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #36 on: April 14, 2005, 07:50:54 AM »
I never left the gym really, just stayed doing legs and bit and pieces.

When I say back to the gym I do not mean going back and lfiting like before. I mean starting with next to no weight and over a time period of months upping the weight again. It is a very long process...... but being proactive in your recovery can help speed things. I am very conscious of not overdoing it and pushing too hard however. Im taking things real cautious as it was my gung ho appraoch to recovery and jumping back too early whcih attribute as the root of my problem which later required surgery as a result.

But as things stand the recovery seems great, and now my shoulder is behaving like it would normally after injury.... ie getting slowly better each day, as opposed to before where it just got progressivly worse. Still i guess thats arthritis for you, just doesnt heal itself!

How are you Tubbs?? whats the diagnosis? Are you going to get cut open?

Good luck man


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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #37 on: April 24, 2005, 05:28:12 AM »

Back to doing some light lifting and have total ROM with no pain now.
Here is some of the stuff I can do now:
Dumbbell rows- 15kg
Laterals- 2.5k
Cable rows- 20k
Bench- 45lb
Able to do skipping

Its all very light, but its a start!!



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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #38 on: April 26, 2005, 12:45:05 PM »
I like the fact you have a total ROM WITHOUT pain. Sounds really like good news for me too. 3 weeks after surgery you can do rows with 15 kilos without pain, pretty impressive after such a short time :)


  • Getbig I
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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #39 on: April 27, 2005, 05:30:38 AM »
Yeah Tubbs recovery seems very consistent whcih is great, and things get better each week.

I had a physio session at the hospital yesterday and moved on to some exerxises with medicine balls... a 5kg to start then 7.5, 10kg.

Doing throwing and catching drills standing and on the floor.  I was able to do overhead throws and catches with even the heaviest ball with pretty much no pain. This is really great as I havent been able to throw a ball/ play BBall etc for months..

Speak soon bro


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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #40 on: May 05, 2005, 12:58:40 PM »

Sorry to read of your plight.  From what you have described, it sounds like you have what is called impingement syndrome.  A bursitis diagnosis is frankly bull s**t.  Bursitis is a symptom, not a diagnosis.  It's just means that something is inflaming one of the shoulder bursae.  MOST likely you have pain from subacromial impingement against the rotator cuff.  How old are ya?  It's uncommon in your 20s, more common in the 30s and 40s.  Pain is usually with foward elevation of the arm, worse when manual pressure is applied in this area when the arm is raised.  Diagnostic injections of lidocaine should help localize the problem to either the AC joint or subacromial space/bursa.  If a properly placed injection relieves tour pain, an arthroscopic subacromial decompression is HIGHLY effective.  Recovery is relatively fast (4-6 weeks), and the effect is long-lasting if not permanent.

What city or area do you live in.  I can put you in touch with a good shoulder surgeon.

Oh, and what the f**k is a "chiropractic surgeon?"  I think you must mean orthopaedic.


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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #41 on: May 05, 2005, 01:17:35 PM »
Alright, I've got the same problem and I've been dealing with it since my competitive days.  I have not been able to do any over head presses for over five years, and can only use dumbells for chest :'(

Whose a good doc in CA ??? 


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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #42 on: May 05, 2005, 02:02:33 PM »
Californias a big state.  What city are you in or near?


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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #43 on: May 05, 2005, 03:23:08 PM »
East Bay, NorCal...


  • Getbig III
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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #44 on: May 06, 2005, 05:24:11 AM »
To Mindspin and others with this problem:

Best site for getting set up with an orthopaedic shoulder specialist hands down is:, or just type in American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons as your search engine.  Go to Membership Directory and type in your City and State.

There are 27 registered members in California alone.  The Society is selective and you should be finally able to find someone who knows alot about your problem.  If you select a name near you (I was'nt sure how far some of these places were from you--I'm a NewYorker) run it by me and I should be able to verify that they're good.

Hope this site is found to be useful to the members.


  • Getbig V
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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #45 on: May 06, 2005, 09:41:27 AM »
To Mindspin and others with this problem:

Best site for getting set up with an orthopaedic shoulder specialist hands down is:, or just type in American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons as your search engine. Go to Membership Directory and type in your City and State.

There are 27 registered members in California alone. The Society is selective and you should be finally able to find someone who knows alot about your problem. If you select a name near you (I was'nt sure how far some of these places were from you--I'm a NewYorker) run it by me and I should be able to verify that they're good.

Hope this site is found to be useful to the members.

Awesome man.  Thank you.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #46 on: May 07, 2005, 02:06:11 AM »

Sorry to read of your plight.  From what you have described, it sounds like you have what is called impingement syndrome.  A bursitis diagnosis is frankly bull s**t.  Bursitis is a symptom, not a diagnosis.  It's just means that something is inflaming one of the shoulder bursae.  MOST likely you have pain from subacromial impingement against the rotator cuff.  How old are ya?  It's uncommon in your 20s, more common in the 30s and 40s.  Pain is usually with foward elevation of the arm, worse when manual pressure is applied in this area when the arm is raised.  Diagnostic injections of lidocaine should help localize the problem to either the AC joint or subacromial space/bursa.  If a properly placed injection relieves tour pain, an arthroscopic subacromial decompression is HIGHLY effective.  Recovery is relatively fast (4-6 weeks), and the effect is long-lasting if not permanent.

What city or area do you live in.  I can put you in touch with a good shoulder surgeon.

Oh, and what the f**k is a "chiropractic surgeon?"  I think you must mean orthopaedic.
Hi Freakfest, first of all, thanks for sharing the info. Yeah, I have what's called a supraspinatus tendinopathy, which is ,like you've said, often linked with the impigement syndrom. I have an appointment with an orthopaedic surgeon in two weeks, we're gonna talk about getting surgery on both my shoulders...What's really scares me is to get the surgery and then realize the problem ain't gone. In your opinion, is a subacromial decompression effective in treating a supraspinatus tendinopathy? Oh, by the way, I live in Switzerland, we have great surgeons down least that's what they say.
Thanks. And Mindspin, get the surgery, everyone has told me wonders about this, you'll have a brand new shoulder.


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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #47 on: May 07, 2005, 05:57:10 PM »
Hey guys, the feed back has been great, I'am in the same situation as tubbs, i don't really want to go through with the operation, because i can still train, but not to my max. I have seen the surgen, he told me i can live with it or i can have the operation {6 month waiting list} My question is he told me i would have 100 percent recovery in about 4 months does this seem to long? And also how long would i be off work? I'am a machinist so it is somewhat physical but not really.


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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #48 on: May 12, 2005, 11:21:03 AM »
does the surgery require general anesthesia or just local?  Also, what kind of scarring should be expected and how long is the hospital stay?



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Re: ac joint, or for anyone with shoulder pain
« Reply #49 on: May 12, 2005, 02:12:39 PM »
Anesthesia is general.  The incisions are tiny unless they find something they dont expect when they get in there.  Scarring practically disappeared for me, I have a hard time finding my scars on my left shoulder (a year ago in june) and the right shoulder (december 2004) scars are healing very well.