Author Topic: Meg Whitman, Hewlett-Packard Executive, Hits the Trail... again  (Read 65506 times)


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #200 on: October 25, 2010, 12:47:04 PM »
Brown takes credit for... Whitman!  :D

That is really good.


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #201 on: October 25, 2010, 12:47:40 PM »
Right..low info?...but i just destryed your thread about "i hate obamacare it raised atlantis med 30%."Oh but it wasnt obama care they were fucked before obama care was inacted

Or your..."Obama sucks he spent 3 trillion" while Most was in Defense, Social Security, and Unemployment (which you dare not touch while the economy was where it was).

OR your "Obama used his cell phone to call SWat team on grandmothers"

Fam i do this shit when i feel like it...

So miss me with the "unimportant vote low information...shit is brass tax when it comes to spending with you..but when the broad quit you want to make excuses right.... give me a mother fucking break....

 ::)  ::)

Right - so insurance companies across the nation, from Maine to florida to California to Washington are all jacking up rates due to obamacare and i am owned?

Got it.    ::)  


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #202 on: October 25, 2010, 01:08:39 PM »
That is really good.


haha, that was clever..


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #203 on: October 25, 2010, 01:11:41 PM »
Brown takes credit for... Whitman!  :D

Why do you continue to avoid Ozmo's questions?  ???

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #204 on: October 25, 2010, 01:12:20 PM »
So after Brown gets elected and has an all dem state house - who are you far left libs going to blame then when the state collapses?  


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #205 on: October 25, 2010, 01:12:54 PM »
haha, that was clever..

It really was... Personally they both have issues, but I can't lie and say that when you watch that, it has to make you think a little bit doesn't it?


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #206 on: October 25, 2010, 01:19:22 PM »
So after Brown gets elected and has an all dem state house - who are you far left libs going to blame then when the state collapses?  

the state is far from healthy, and a collapse is 100% certain..It makes little difference between the turd sanchwich( Brown) and the gaint douche (whitman) in the grand scheme of things.

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #207 on: October 25, 2010, 02:11:13 PM »
California Is Broke - Why It May Be Time For Everyone To Leave The State Of California For Good
The Economic Collapse ^ | 10-25-2010

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California Is Broke - 19 Reasons Why It May Be Time For Everyone To Leave The State Of California For Good

Back in the 1960s and 1970s, there was a seemingly endless parade of pop songs about how great life was in California, and millions of young Americans dreamed of moving to the land of sandy beaches and golden sunshine. But now all of that has changed. Today, millions of Californians are dreaming about leaving the state for good. The truth is that California is broke. The economy of the state is in shambles.

The official unemployment rate has been sitting above 12 percent for an extended period of time, and poverty is everywhere. For many Californians today, there are very few reasons to stay in the state but a whole lot of reasons to leave: falling housing prices, rising crime, budget cuts, rampant illegal immigration, horrific traffic, some of the most brutal tax rates in the nation, increasing gang violence and the ever present threat of wildfires, mudslides and natural disasters.

The truth is that it is easy to understand why there are now more Americans moving out of California each year than there are Americans moving into the state. California has become a complete and total disaster zone in more ways than one, and an increasing number of Californians are deciding that enough is enough and they are getting out for good.

Sadly, the state of California is facing such a wide array of social, economic, and political problems that it is hard to even document them all. It is really one huge gigantic mess at this point.

Just consider the following facts about what life is like in the state of California today....

#1 Unemployment in the state of California was 12.4% in September - one of the highest rates in the nation.

#2 The number of people unemployed in the state of California is approximately equivalent to the populations of Nevada, New Hampshire and Vermont combined.

#3 Not even state government jobs are safe in California these days. Last month, government agencies in California slashed a total of 37,300 jobs.

#4 California has the third highest state income tax in the nation: a 9.55% tax bracket at $47,055 and a 10.55% bracket at $1,000,000.

#5 California has the highest state sales tax rate in the nation by far at 8.25%. Indiana has the next highest at 7%.

#6 Residents of California pay the highest gasoline taxes (over 67 cents per gallon) in the United States.

#7 Even with all of the taxes, the budget deficit for the California state government for the current year is approximately 19 billion dollars.

#8 According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, California's unfunded pension liability is estimated to be somewhere between $120 billion and $500 billion.

#9 20 percent of the residents of Los Angeles County are now receiving public aid.

#10 Budget cuts are making life very difficult in many California cities. For example, Oakland, California Police Chief Anthony Batts says that due to severe budget cuts there are a number of crimes that his department will simply not be able to respond to any longer. The crimes that the Oakland police will no longer be responding to include grand theft, burglary, car wrecks, identity theft and vandalism.

Things have gotten so bad in Stockton, California that the police union put up a billboard with the following message: "Welcome to the 2nd most dangerous city in California. Stop laying off cops."

#11 According to one survey, approximately 1 in 4 Californians under the age of 65 had absolutely no health insurance last year.

#12 California's poverty rate soared to 15.3 percent in 2009, which was the highest in 11 years.

#13 California's overstretched health care system is also on the verge of collapse. Dozens of California hospitals and emergency rooms have shut down over the last decade because they could not afford to stay open after being endlessly swamped by illegal immigrants and poor Californians who were simply not able to pay for the services they were receiving. As a result, the remainder of the health care system in the state of California is now beyond overloaded. This had led to brutally long waits, diverted ambulances and even unnecessary patient deaths.

#14 California home builders began construction on 1,811 homes during the month of August, which was down 77% from August 2006.

#15 Earlier this year, it was reported that in the area around Sacramento, California there was one closed business for every six that were still open.

#16 The "lawsuit climate" in California is ranked number 46 out of all 50 states.

#17 Residents of California pay some of the highest electricity prices in the entire nation.

#18 Over 20 percent of California homeowners are now underwater on their mortgages.

#19 Large tent cities have been springing up all over the state of California. Just check out the following shocking video news report....

So why doesn't the state government of California just fix many of these problems? Well, the truth is that it simply cannot. The state government is flat broke. Earlier this year, Bob Herbert of the New York Times described California's massive budget problems this way....

California has cut billions of dollars from its education system, including its renowned network of public colleges and universities. Many thousands of teachers have been let go. Budget officials travel the state with a glazed look in their eyes, having tried everything they can think of to balance the state budget. And still the deficits persist. So is there any hope that all this can be turned around?

Is there any hope that the economy of California will recover?

Or will California continue to experience a rapid decline?

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #208 on: October 25, 2010, 06:14:44 PM »
Another Example of Why California is Doomed
Town Hall ^ | 10/25/10 | Playful Walrus

With each passing day, I think more about moving out of California, the state of my birth, where I have lived my entire life, and where I had hoped to live my entire life. Even when we pass a good ballot initiative, it gets subverted by the legislature or judges. And this time, it looks like a good ballot initiative is going to be defeated while a bad one gets passed. Evan Halper reports in the Los Angeles Times about a poll conducted by the paper with USC.

Despite the struggling economy, most California voters oppose suspending the state's landmark global warming law, which would place strict new environmental regulations on business, a new Los Angeles Times/ USC poll shows.

Proposition 23, which would put the new emissions standards on hold, is trailing 48% to 32% among likely voters, according to the survey.

Without Prop 23, gasoline is probably going to go up to about $9 a gallon and a million jobs are going to be lost in a state that already has unemployment over 12%, not counting those who have given up or are underemployed. Prop 23 would suspend things like certain regulations on CO2 (which we naturally exhale), until employment falls below 5.5% for a year. Prop 23 is needed because of California's draconian nanny-state AB 32.

The poll found that 58% of likely voters support Proposition 25, which would replace the constitutional requirement that the state budget be approved by two-thirds of the Legislature with a simple majority vote requirement. Such a change would allow Democrats to pass a budget without any GOP votes under the current makeup of the Legislature.

Since Proposition 13 was passed, the tax-addicts have been looking for ways to subvert it, and this will help to give them their fix. California already has too many taxes and too high taxes, but things are going to get worse if Prop 25 passes.

It is important to note that Prop 13 is what kept Jerry Brown from doing even more damage as Governor, so if Prop 25 passes and Brown is elected Governor, it will be a double whammy.

Tobias Martinez of Riverside, a 45-year-old truck driver, is among the voters troubled by oil company involvement in [Prop 23]. "When you see that they are funding it, it begins to look like this is something just to benefit them," said Martinez, who is registered "decline to state." "They want to be able to produce more pollutants.... It doesn't make sense that stopping the improvement of air quality would create jobs."

It isn’t about air quality. It is about limiting things like CO2, which is something we all exhale naturally, in a vain attempt by a single state to fight "global warming". The regulations will restrict businesses in such a way that they will have to either spend more money on something other than providing a product or service, close down, or move out of state.

The proposal to change the legislative vote threshold needed to pass a budget, meanwhile, would dramatically alter the political dynamic in Sacramento. Proposition 25 is pitched by supporters as a means to end Sacramento's notorious budget gridlock. In their advertisements, supporters also have stressed that the measure would dock lawmakers' pay if a budget was not passed on time.

Voters are fools to fall for that meager carrot.

The measure would leave in place a two-thirds vote requirement for broad tax hikes.

Right. We’ll see how that actually works out.

Edgar Duran of Fontana is tired of the status quo. "Those guys can never agree on anything in Sacramento," said the 49-year-old, who is unemployed and registered "decline to state." "I am tired of watching them play games and waiting to see who makes the first move. Getting to two-thirds never happens."

It happens EVERY YEAR! We get a budget EVERY YEAR. We don't need to change the 2/3rds requirement. What we need to do is have two-year budgets and switch to a part-time legislature.


Proposition 20 - VOTE YES Proposition 21 - VOTE NO Proposition 22 - VOTE YES Proposition 23 - VOTE YES Proposition 24 - VOTE NO Proposition 25 - VOTE NO Proposition 26 - VOTE YES Proposition 27 - VOTE NO


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #209 on: October 26, 2010, 07:00:36 AM »
Jerry Brown On Governorship “It Was All A Lie, I Had No Plan!” ^ | October 26, 2010 | Brittany Pounders

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Ohhhhh, I’m pretty sure the Whitman campaign is giddy right now with the words of Jerry Brown coming back to haunt him in this timely manner.

The Moderator, “You said you don’t have to lie anymore now that you are not a politician. What did you lie about when you were Governor?”

Jerry Brown: “It’s all a lie! You run for office and the assumption is-Oh, I know what to do. You don’t! I didn’t have a plan for California, Clinton doesn’t have a plan, Bush doesn’t have a plan…. You say you are going to lower taxes, you are going to put people to work, you are going to improve the schools, you are going to stop crime. Crime is up, the schools are worse, taxes are higher- I mean, be real!!”

Wow…..Can someone tell me how this race can even be close???


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #210 on: October 26, 2010, 07:41:01 AM »
he's up, what, 52 to 39%

A better repub candidate would be creaming his ignorant ass right now.

But whiteman is in over her head, let's be honest.  She tried to buy the seat.  She's not charismatic.  She's not a "leader"... she's a private sector buerocrat who has no clear plan other than "vote out the bums".  She's not hot.  She's just another fat rich lady who wants power.  And unless she gets hot, or develops an actual plan that'll work, the lib state will pick a lib candidate.


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #211 on: October 26, 2010, 09:05:24 AM »
he's up, what, 52 to 39%

A better repub candidate would be creaming his ignorant ass right now.

But whiteman is in over her head, let's be honest.  She tried to buy the seat.  She's not charismatic.  She's not a "leader"... she's a private sector buerocrat who has no clear plan other than "vote out the bums".  She's not hot.  She's just another fat rich lady who wants power.  And unless she gets hot, or develops an actual plan that'll work, the lib state will pick a lib candidate.

Well,Jerry Browns plan is to let EVERY kid in California go to college INCLUDING illegals paid for by the state.Lets see,California is bankrupt and this guy thinks they can pay for every kid to go to college.Seems like an easy choice to me.


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #212 on: October 26, 2010, 09:22:43 AM »
he's up, what, 52 to 39%

A better repub candidate would be creaming his ignorant ass right now.

But whiteman is in over her head, let's be honest.  She tried to buy the seat.  She's not charismatic.  She's not a "leader"... she's a private sector buerocrat who has no clear plan other than "vote out the bums".  She's not hot.  She's just another fat rich lady who wants power.  And unless she gets hot, or develops an actual plan that'll work, the lib state will pick a lib candidate.

How is Jerry Brown a better leader or how is he even a "leader" when he has shown to be a failure? How can a state follow someone who already failed them?

That is very stupid.

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #213 on: October 26, 2010, 10:06:33 AM »
How is Jerry Brown a better leader or how is he even a "leader" when he has shown to be a failure? How can a state follow someone who already failed them?

That is very stupid.

Many of the voters dont remember what a disaster he was because they were not born, did not live in cali, or simply forgot. 


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #214 on: October 26, 2010, 06:38:04 PM »
Meg Whitman says she won't abandon negative ads
Carla Marinucci, Chronicle Political Writer

Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman drew a chorus of boos from the capacity crowd at a major women's gathering here Tuesday after going on the attack against her Democratic opponent Jerry Brown and refusing to withdraw her negative television ads, as Brown said he would, for the rest of the campaign.

The raucous scene took place at California first lady Maria Shriver's annual sold out Women's Conference, where the two California candidates met on stage with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger before a mostly female crowd of 14,000. The conversation was led by "Today" show host Matt Lauer.

Brown and Whitman were met with cheers at the start in their first-ever political appearance with Schwarzenegger for the hour-long event that will likely be their last face-to-face encounter before California voters go to the polls next Tuesday.

The candidates' exchange Tuesday came as recent polls have showed Whitman, who has spent $162 million on her campaign, falling behind Brown after the race had been a dead heat.

Midway through their appearance, Lauer threw Whitman and Brown a curve when he said the California governor's race, which is in its final week, had been one of the most contentious in history.

"End the negativity," he said to cheers from the crowd. "Pull your negative ads and replace them with positive ads," to give California voters "a break," he urged the candidates.

Brown, the state Attorney General, replied that "if Meg wants to do that, I'll be glad to do It ... I'll pledge that right now."

But Whitman appeared uncomfortable and demurred. Saying she had been a victim of campaigin "character attacks," the former eBay CEO said some of her ads were aimed at pointing out differences between her and Brown on policy issues as well as highlighting his record as a former two-term governor and Oakland mayor.

"People need to know where I stand," she said of her TV spots, which have lambasted Brown in recent weeks as a tax-raiser and a poor administrator in Oakland. "I'm not doing it in mean-spirited way."

"I got a great ad," said Brown, who served as governor from 1975-83. "It starts off with Meg Whitman saying, 'I moved to California 30 years ago' ... because there was all this opportunity - and who was governor?"

Then Whitman attacked Brown, promting boos from several members of the audience.

"Jerry Brown, in many ways, left this state in worse shape," she said, trying to talk over the crowd's jeers. "People of California have seen him up close and personal for years ... (they) said no."

Schwarzenegger took charge and tried to change the tone. "It's our conference," he said sternly, in a reference to himself and Shriver.

He turned to the audience and said Whitman and Brown have something to offer voters in the state. Whitman "will make history" if she becomes the first woman governor in California, he said. Brown's family helped build the infrastructure of California, Schwarzenegger added, and he "has been a public servant all his life.... I think that he did a great job as governor."

"Both of them are great candidates," the governor said, "and one of them will take over."

He added: "I happen to disagree with Meg that California is going to be a Golden State again. California is a Golden State" - even if it has problems.

Schwarzenegger said he hears people say, "I can't wait to get to California" because "it is the best state in the United States."

Brown appeared relaxed before the event and headed into auditorium, where attendees included figures like designer Victoria Beckham. Accompanied by his wife, Anne Gust, Brown posed for pictures and chatted with supporters.

Schwarzenegger, who appeared on stage first, was met by a standing ovation from the audience and said he has had no regrets about his decision to set aside his movie careeer to spend seven years in office.

As his last term comes to an end, he said, "besides marrying Maria, I think this was the best decision that I've ever made."

Lauer asked Schwarzenegger what advice he would give to Brown or Whitman and the governor said that "politicians should stop fighting; people are sick and tired of politicians accusing each other of things." Candidates should "go out and talk about what is the vision for the future of California," he said.

The governor was also asked whether women and men bring different perspectives to leading the state.

"I'm a big believer" in promoting women, he said, but he said that the most important factor in this year's governor's race will be which candidate will "go and represent the people of California rather than the special interests."

Schwarzenegger also was asked to grade himself from 1 to 10 on how well he "walked the political ground," Schwarzenegger said: "I give myself a straight 10."

"You see people going further and further to the right and the others further and further to the left," he said of the state Legislature. "They couldn't accomplish anything this year." Schwarzenegger cited pension reform and budget reform as some of his biggest achievements this year.

Lauer noted that Schwarzenegger has said he will not made an endorsement in the governor's race.

"Most of the time when you are in your last year, they call it the lame-duck governor," Schwarzenegger said. "I have no patience for this stuff."

He said with so many things still to accomplish in California - including more budget reform, a rainy-day fund and ensuring that state environmental policies are left intact - "I was not about to go and disrupt that" by siding with one candidate or the other.

"It's not about me endorsing someone," he said, but added: "After I vote on Nov. 2, I will tell you."


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #215 on: October 27, 2010, 06:32:58 AM »
Is Meg Whitman done dumping money into campaign?

Meg Whitman may have been fuzzy about how she would fix the state's budget deficit, but the Republican gubernatorial candidate has always been clear about how much she would spend to win the job:

Whatever it takes.

But there may be limits to Whitman's unprecedented $141.6 million spending spree. This week, she has begun to dodge questions about whether she would invest any more of her personal fortune in a campaign that has produced a decidedly modest return. She is falling behind Democrat Jerry Brown, while the relatively austere campaigns of fellow Republicans Carly Fiorina (U.S. Senate) and Abel Maldonado (lieutenant governor) remain neck-and-neck with Democrats Barbara Boxer and Gavin Newsom.

Whitman did buy name recognition, for better and for worse: Polls show she is better known among young voters than Brown, who was a two-term governor before some of them were born. As the sassy pundits on the website Calbuzz so aptly put it, Whitman's yearlong glut of negative-pitched ads seems to have had the unwanted effect of convincing California voters "she's just not a very nice person."

Even if Whitman doesn't spend another dime - don't bet on it, though - the only clear winners are the consultants who fed on her naivete that she could win a statewide election while severely limiting appearances in uncontrolled settings, and the broadcasters who gladly accepted her checks for 30-second spots.

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #216 on: October 27, 2010, 10:41:52 AM »
if palin runs in 2012, she'll try this very same approach, Bay.

She'll try to only speak to fox, etc.

and just like whitman, it won't fly.  People are smart enough to know when a person is taking softball Qs all day. 

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #217 on: October 27, 2010, 10:48:32 AM »
if palin runs in 2012, she'll try this very same approach, Bay.

She'll try to only speak to fox, etc.

and just like whitman, it won't fly.  People are smart enough to know when a person is taking softball Qs all day. 

sort of like your boy Obama only doing black radio and comedy channels? 

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #218 on: October 27, 2010, 10:49:16 AM »
sort of like your boy Obama only doing black radio and comedy channels? 



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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #219 on: October 27, 2010, 10:55:05 AM »

I thought almost every radio station in the country was owned by a corporation which is on average run by white people.

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #220 on: October 27, 2010, 10:55:20 AM »

Don't really know - it was on ABC radio in NYC today that ahead of the election - obama is calling into black radio stations to try to motivate the hip hop vote toget out there and vote for continuation of the democrat slave plantation.  


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #221 on: October 27, 2010, 12:08:44 PM »
if palin runs in 2012, she'll try this very same approach, Bay.

She'll try to only speak to fox, etc.

and just like whitman, it won't fly.  People are smart enough to know when a person is taking softball Qs all day. 

Agreed, but I am fairly certain she will not run (I wish she would).  It is obvious to any casual observer that she is not interested in sitting down and doing hard work or any heaving lifting for a protracted period.  Quitting her term as governor for a book deal killed her political future.  Would you feel comfortable knowing she was on the receiving end of the Presidential Daily Brief of intelligence reports?  Scary!  :-[

As much as I dislike Meg’s politics, I have no doubt she has a brain and is capable of substantial policy engagement.  Certainly, she could tell us what newspapers she reads.  Some discount Meg’s time at eBay saying she caught a wave at the right time and doesn’t deserve credit for the company’s success.  I disagree.  Meg has executive chops; there were MANY dot com companies that caught the same wave, at the same time, but are no longer around.  Meg deserves the credit for the success at eBay.  But not voting for 30 years, insisting that employers be held accountable for hiring illegals while she, herself, did the same thing—and then tried to keep it a secret are disqualifying.

The Mercury News said it best, “The alternative, Meg Whitman, has demonstrated through her campaign a loose relationship with the truth, a poor understanding of government and a penchant for platitudes. Her carefully packaged positions offer pat solutions for problems whose depth and complexity clearly elude her. We recommended her in the Republican primary over the shape-shifting Steve Poizner, but as the campaign has unfolded we've come to see that she utterly lacks the qualifications to be governor.”

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #222 on: October 27, 2010, 12:13:36 PM »
Don't really know - it was on ABC radio in NYC today that ahead of the election - obama is calling into black radio stations to try to motivate the hip hop vote toget out there and vote for continuation of the democrat slave plantation. just lookin for the perfect beat

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #223 on: October 27, 2010, 12:16:42 PM » just lookin for the perfect beat

Go old school - the new stuff is wic wic whack. 

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #224 on: October 27, 2010, 12:19:24 PM »
Go old school - the new stuff is wic wic whack. 

LMAO...How did i know you knew what that meant...also...i like planet rock