It would work if I did a whole body type lifting session instead of a split.
You won't take advices but I'll give it anyway.
Cut way down on what you do for the lifting. The full body routines you were doing were too much and you could not recover.
Just do very basic stuff and not much.
One kind of squat
One pressing movement
A pullup or row
Twice a week. That's it. No more. Don't add more exercises. Focus on increasing strength on the basic lifts, not beating yourself into the ground.
There are many ways to progess your lifting for strength improvement. Use one.
Run next day. If you want to improve your times develop a logical plan for your running. Don't just go out every time and run 5 miles.
Have a plan for improvement.
Cycle your running. Some days go hard, others light, etc. Whatever. Have a plan to progressively improve your running.
Like this:
Monday - lift
Tuesday - run
Wed - off
TR - lift
F - run
Sa & Su - off
Give it a shot.