Author Topic: 57% of Economists say the Recession is Over / What this means for Obama  (Read 5643 times)


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  • Getbig V
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Unemployment dropped from 9.5% to 9.4%  ::)   Jobless # were averaging 550,000 a month now down to 275,000 this past month :o.   Come on don't hate and read in to the right wing wacko's who's job is to instill fear in people so that they'll get re elected.  You fell for it with George Bush, and look what happened.  Well this time the majority of Americans didn't fall for the scare tactics the republicans instill on the American people during the campaign when then called Obama a terrorist.  I mean come on the guy's from Chi town he's no fuckin terrorist yet dumb red neck racist republics believe this hate speech and went to palin rallies and shouted that shit out loud.   Obama is fixing Americas problems, and even 2 years from now when 200,000 jobs a month are being created the Republicans still wont give Obama credit, why?.  Cause they don't even believe he's an American citizen.  These sad old racists people will no longer run the country.  This is Obama's time and he will face hard opposition, but what Obama wants Obama eventually gets.  And he will get health care reform passed, he's just letting republicans show their true colors at these town hall meetings.  Which will turn off independents and some swing voters from the republican party.  Obama's da man, he has this all calculated every single thing he says and does is calculated.   These town hall meetings only make republicans look like racists, now im not saying all republicans are like this, but do you see any black or Latino people at these town hall meeting in support of the republicans? NO!. 

You're focused on the wrong things.  'They' have got you, too.  You're not an enlightened soul.  You're merely the co-dependent of the right-wing wackos you talk about in your post. 

Real unemployment is well over 15% and could be closer to 20%.  Hundreds of thousands of people no longer classified as 'unemployed' STILL DON'T HAVE JOBS. 

Marty Champions

  • Getbig V
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all those following Obama under BLIND FAITH know nothing of the truth and statistics currently and the trend to put more of our tax into governement

Soul Crusher

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all those following Obama under BLIND FAITH know nothing of the truth and statistics currently and the trend to put more of our tax into governement

Are these the same 57% of economists who did not see the current recession coming in late 2007?   

If so, their opinions are worthless. 


  • Getbig V
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  • loco like a fox
I gotta axe a question:

If Obama pulls all the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, where are they going to go?  Are all those thousands of soldiers going to go back to the US?  With the current massive unemployment in the US, what are those thousands of Americans coming back from the war going to do all day?


  • Getbig V
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I gotta axe a question:

If Obama pulls all the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, where are they going to go?  Are all those thousands of soldiers going to go back to the US?  With the current massive unemployment in the US, what are those thousands of Americans coming back from the war going to do all day?

It would be cheaper to give these guys and girls a handout, not doing a shit, rather than having them as employees somewhere far away from USA.

Some of these soldiers will go to college.

USA is better off investing in higher education for their own citizens rather than fighting a war for someone else far away.
As empty as paradise


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 19189
  • loco like a fox
It would be cheaper to give these guys and girls a handout, not doing a shit, rather than having them as employees somewhere far away from USA.

Some of these soldiers will go to college.

USA is better off investing in higher education for their own citizens rather than fighting a war for someone else far away.

True!  What's Obama waiting for?


  • Getbig V
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I think Matt's mom shook him a little bit too hard.


  • Getbig V
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Believe me, they are pulling out, and we are in a whole lot better situation right now than we have been in the recent past.  Still a ways to go but if everybody would get on board and participate in finding and implementing solutions instead of bitching and complaing then we could possibly be further along then we are right now.  IMHO!




  • Getbig V
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Yes things are just peachy, thats why I keep getting all these requests to remove access to our system for people that have been laid off.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 12227
Unemployment dropped from 9.5% to 9.4%  ::)   Jobless # were averaging 550,000 a month now down to 275,000 this past month :o.   Come on don't hate and read in to the right wing wacko's who's job is to instill fear in people so that they'll get re elected.  You fell for it with George Bush, and look what happened.  Well this time the majority of Americans didn't fall for the scare tactics the republicans instill on the American people during the campaign when then called Obama a terrorist.  I mean come on the guy's from Chi town he's no fuckin terrorist yet dumb red neck racist republics believe this hate speech and went to palin rallies and shouted that shit out loud.   Obama is fixing Americas problems, and even 2 years from now when 200,000 jobs a month are being created the Republicans still wont give Obama credit, why?.  Cause they don't even believe he's an American citizen.  These sad old racists people will no longer run the country.  This is Obama's time and he will face hard opposition, but what Obama wants Obama eventually gets.  And he will get health care reform passed, he's just letting republicans show their true colors at these town hall meetings.  Which will turn off independents and some swing voters from the republican party.  Obama's da man, he has this all calculated every single thing he says and does is calculated.   These town hall meetings only make republicans look like racists, now im not saying all republicans are like this, but do you see any black or Latino people at these town hall meeting in support of the republicans? NO!.  

400,00 stopped looking for a job.

Seriously, fuck this place. I'm outta here. My last post for a long while.


  • Getbig V
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  • Hello Hunior
There is no such thing as a "jobless recovery".

What is "jobless recovery" supposed to mean ? I presume it means Goldman are OK now but the rest of you fucks can sit there jobless and not consume any more than last month.

Lots of money has been printed. Shares have gone up. Is it possible that some of that printed money found its way to the markets and caused demand for shares ?

Some companies are earning more per share. They have also cut costs.

It's quite plainly a load of bullshit.


  • Getbig V
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these people going to rallies know whats going on when they believe that Obama will implement a death panel? ::)  Yeh like they know whats going on, they just hate Obama.. 


  • Getbig IV
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The recession is not over. But most people think it will be over by the end of the year. That will mean that Obama will have presided over the recession almost as long as George Bush. This does not mean it will help him for the election. A lot of that will depend on how robust and fast the recovery is. Also, how bad will the inflation be afterwards? It is very tough to know what will happen politically. In my opinion, he has made things worse than they need to be. He has signed in a totally useless stimulus package, which will have to result in either higher taxes, massive printing of money, or massive borrowing, all of which will keep the recovery from being as robust as it should be.
Jan. Jobs: 36,000!!


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4800
  • Hello Hunior
Are these the same 57% of economists who did not see the current recession coming in late 2007?   

If so, their opinions are worthless.  


I read a book written by an economist recently - he lived next to a girl who presented the weather forecast on the TV. For a while, he used to throw a bit of sarcasm her way for the innacuracy of her reports - he had to stop when she found out what he did for a living.


  • Getbig V
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Unemployment dropped from 9.5% to 9.4%  ::)   Jobless # were averaging 550,000 a month now down to 275,000 this past month :o.   Come on don't hate and read in to the right wing wacko's who's job is to instill fear in people so that they'll get re elected.  You fell for it with George Bush, and look what happened.  Well this time the majority of Americans didn't fall for the scare tactics the republicans instill on the American people during the campaign when then called Obama a terrorist.  I mean come on the guy's from Chi town he's no fuckin terrorist yet dumb red neck racist republics believe this hate speech and went to palin rallies and shouted that shit out loud.   Obama is fixing Americas problems, and even 2 years from now when 200,000 jobs a month are being created the Republicans still wont give Obama credit, why?.  Cause they don't even believe he's an American citizen.  These sad old racists people will no longer run the country.  This is Obama's time and he will face hard opposition, but what Obama wants Obama eventually gets.  And he will get health care reform passed, he's just letting republicans show their true colors at these town hall meetings.  Which will turn off independents and some swing voters from the republican party.  Obama's da man, he has this all calculated every single thing he says and does is calculated.   These town hall meetings only make republicans look like racists, now im not saying all republicans are like this, but do you see any black or Latino people at these town hall meeting in support of the republicans? NO!.  

Did you actually bother to read the report? Or the many threads and statistics that clubbed your naive "we're fine!!!!!" idiotic thoughts into dust? Get this moron, 500,000 people were not counted in this jobs report because they simply stopped looking for work. HALF A MILLION. Get it through your skull, this recession/depression that we are in is simply being papered over by massive stimulus and money printing, manipulation, lies and corruption. It goes beyond your Prince Obama, his 800 billion dollar pay off porkulous bill or his massive increase of the federal debt and destruction of the dollar that makes GW Bush look like a fiscal tight wad.

Nothing but blind allegiance and idiocy from you. The Chinese and the world are looking to get the fuck out of the dollar as soon as you know what the Fed has on its books? Do you know about the failed Treasuries Auctions? The monetization of our debt by the Fed? You're a fool if you believe this green shoot idiocy from CNBC, the "Economists" and the talking heads....the same assholes the said "everything is fine" and "it's contained to the sub-prime sector", "our financial sector is STRONG (from Sen. Dodd)"....need I go on? Very few people have been right about this situation we are in...and most everyone has been dead wrong.

But, most everyone is right when they say that you're a fucking moron. If only our god-like govt. and economists were as smart as GetBig posters.....

Soul Crusher

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That he's da man and will easily be re elected in 2012! :D    Obama came into the white house while the country was in a recession and now this man has managed to get us out of George Bushes mess in about 200 days time. 



  • Getbig IV
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Do you have any good data to back up these statements, or is it all conjecture?

Under his watch, the Bush Tax Cuts for EVERYONE are set to expire by January, 2013. That, combined with the payroll tax cuts that are set to expire soon, effectively mean HUGE tax hikes for the middle class. Also, he has bailed out the top 1% repeatedly with the Wall Street bailouts and the Big Three auto bailouts. He has also attacked middle class investors, see for example his support of increased financial regulations (which simply raise the initial cost of doing business, thereby protecting Big Business by decimating their smaller competitors) and his ILLEGAL attack on the secured creditors of GM in favor of union bosses. Furthermore, the budget he has submitted literally NEVER balances. So he literally proposes a NEVER-ENDING increase in the national debt, which is as threatening if not more-so to our economic security than everything else. Also, an UNPRECEDENTED expansion of the money supply has occurred under his administration, one that is threatening to destroy the wealth of the middle class and everyone else who does not have access to the Federal Reserve spigot - and the only people who have access to this are Big Business. Lastly, his health care bill is nothing more than a free give-away to the insurance cartel which currently exists in the United States, since it forces people to buy health insurance AND it forces people to buy certain kinds of health insurance they might not want (e.g. why would a guy or some women even want to buy a health plan which also covers birth control for women?!?).

He has also attacked our civil liberties by extending the PATRIOT Act, signing the NDAA of 2011 into law (which has made it legal for the President to indefinitely detain ANY US citizen), by essentially using the Secret Service to make certain types of free speech a FELONY (check this), and by wishing to violate our internet privacy with bills like SOPA, PIPA, and CISPA.