Author Topic: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion  (Read 33151 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #175 on: January 16, 2010, 06:00:49 PM »
Some of you think that it is ok to come here and bash the very sport that this board is built on.  That is ok to degrade the NPC, the people in it, the IFBB and any other bodybuilding, fitness and figure organization.  That is ok to call people whatever you want, to just make fun of people, and to bully around.

Well, it is not, and lately, I am getting tired of it.  I started Getbig to enjoy the sport, to learn about the people in the sport and the industry. amd to go to a place where  the latest news, happenings and stories are there.   I didn't come here to start deleting threads every day by people who just don't care anymore, that prefer to bash everything in site.

Lets talk about the NPC.  The NPC is a thriving organization, which caters to bodybuilders, fitness, figure and now bikini. I am thrilled with this latest addition - that is bikini. For a photographer, this is great.  Bodybuilding has stagnated, but it is still doing well, especially in the local levels.  Like it or not, the NPC is the organization that I chose to take pictures with, and the IFBB is the pro division.  I enjoy it.

Some of you clearly do not. Some of you just come here to seriously ridicule it and anything about it.  It isnt fun for me anymore when you do that.  I don't mind the banter, the debates, and many other aspects of it, but when you start calling the very places that I go to names just to get a high, it isnt welcome here.

So yes, if you come here to ridicule the very organizations and the people who actually promote it, and put their money down in it, I don't want it here.  If you come here because you enjoy bodybuilding, that it is a different story.

I really don't need you here - remember, I am not here to make 'numbers' or 'make money' of the site.  I do very well in what I do.  I want to come here to enjoy, to banter, to be entertained - not get dismayed or disgusted.  

When some of my very close friends in our industry don't feel like coming here because the ones who don't care about bodybuilding keep bullying around, I am concered.

As clearly indicated by the Time Out Board, you can go somewhere else.  Then maybe I can come here, and just go back to enjoy the entertainment and more instead of the outright crap that some of you spew out just to hurt others.

Ron I hope that you and the rest of the board read this, and give it some serious thought. I don't say any of this to be rude, but to rather try and thoughtfully affect your way of thinking...

The problem with you Ron, is not that you care about Bodybuilding, but rather that you want to keep the Status Quo going. You like the press passes, and the esteem of your fellow peers in this industry, and any feeling of camaraderie that may come from being on the periphery of this culture.

I for about this subculture, and enjoy talking about actual Bodybuilding, both on the competitive, and non-competitive sides of the spectrum, however, if we are to be honest in discussing, or assessing this subculture, we need to address the many and varied problems that are associated with it.

There are some that are incessantly negative, and that can get old, just as there are some, (I dare say like yourself), that like to take a Pollyanna, saccharine view of the sport, and refuse to actually address the skeletons that lie in our house.

Both extremes will always exist, and as usual, the truth will be somewhere in the middle of the road, and this is the price we pay for having a fairly unmoderated forum.

The only way we are going to see an improvement in Bodybuilding is if we continue to allow the dirty laundry to air. In the past it was easy for the Bodybuilding hierarchy to keep it all hush hush, as it never anticipated an internet age, in which any indiscretions would come back to haunt the guility.

For years, prostitution, (both male and female), for anything ranging from drugs, to placings, and anything in between have taken place, and will continue to do so, unless we can discourage this type of behavior by mocking it to the point that no one would dare do it, for fear of getting caught, and being the next laughing stock.  

G4P/Prostitution is not even the tip of the Iceberg... The entire industry relies on a disingenious approach to maintain its survival. Chemical physiques sell products that are either outright ineffective, or do not come anywhere near the claims of its advertisers, (note  I am not against supplements, and I even take a few, but I am an informed consumer, that can see past the bullshit).

Young people that are getting into this, need to know exactly what to expect, in terms of the drug use that they will be likely have to go thru, in addition to the other crap that a serious contender will have to endure if they are serious about obtaining a pro card... (offers for "sponsorship," come to mind).

Chasing the bodybuilding dream is not always a wholesome tale, and anyone that is seriously considering becoming deeply involved in "the dream," needs to understand some of the potential pitfalls, if they are going to make informed decisions, even if it means having to put up with jaded, or overly negative people.

I speak this from experience, I attempted to live the dream.... at one point in my life I lived out of a Van in Venice so I could cut down on living expenses in an effort to try to crack my way into competitive bodybuilding.... I worked full time in Hollywood, and trained in Gold's Venice. I even sold drugs to try to make more $$ that I needed. (When I say drugs, I am referring to Steroids, ancillary drugs, etc.)

I have both engaged in, and witnessed Pro's doing illegal activities, and I know of some Pro's in the area trying to use their status as a pro to try and procure gay sexual favors from impressionable young men. This is just part of what I was in the loop while I lived in Venice...and that is nothing compared to people that have been in the Game a long time...

The main point of this, is that there are many positive aspects to Bodybuilding, and I like to talk about them, but there are many bad apples in this industry, and negative sides to it, so you are doing a major disservice to the very industry you claim to care about if you try and censor it.                      


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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #176 on: January 16, 2010, 07:23:05 PM »
What written was slanderous ? All I saw was a legit tax return.

Um, Ron? 

Bix has a point here.  Care to explain?   

Army of One

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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #177 on: January 16, 2010, 07:23:28 PM »
Maybe we all need to club together and buy Ron a silver sparkly gunmetal thong to show our appreciation, preferably a worn one with a faint odor of a recent menstrual cycle.Men in thongs is serious business and the world would slip in to apocalyptic times if we didnt have it, it would make Haiti look like Tre's muscle mansion.Where else could we discuss the pros and cons of Glute striations, protan and gay4pay?New members are in awe when they see us regulars conversing with such legends as King Kamali, Derek Anthony and Scott Markey.I think any hater should be hunted down and put in to a special camp designed to reeducate them on the seriousness of their crime, we will not allow our sports good name to be tarnished.Below is one of Ron's twinks dealing with a previous hater on the timeout board.So lets all embrace censorship, afterall it worked well for Hitler didnt it? in no way did it blow back in his face.


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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #178 on: January 16, 2010, 07:48:02 PM »

Ron I hope that you and the rest of the board read this, and give it some serious thought. I don't say any of this to be rude, but to rather try and thoughtfully affect your way of thinking...

The problem with you Ron, is not that you care about Bodybuilding, but rather that you want to keep the Status Quo going. You like the press passes, and the esteem of your fellow peers in this industry, and any feeling of camaraderie that may come from being on the periphery of this culture.

I for about this subculture, and enjoy talking about actual Bodybuilding, both on the competitive, and non-competitive sides of the spectrum, however, if we are to be honest in discussing, or assessing this subculture, we need to address the many and varied problems that are associated with it.

There are some that are incessantly negative, and that can get old, just as there are some, (I dare say like yourself), that like to take a Pollyanna, saccharine view of the sport, and refuse to actually address the skeletons that lie in our house.

Both extremes will always exist, and as usual, the truth will be somewhere in the middle of the road, and this is the price we pay for having a fairly unmoderated forum.

The only way we are going to see an improvement in Bodybuilding is if we continue to allow the dirty laundry to air. In the past it was easy for the Bodybuilding hierarchy to keep it all hush hush, as it never anticipated an internet age, in which any indiscretions would come back to haunt the guility.

For years, prostitution, (both male and female), for anything ranging from drugs, to placings, and anything in between have taken place, and will continue to do so, unless we can discourage this type of behavior by mocking it to the point that no one would dare do it, for fear of getting caught, and being the next laughing stock.  

G4P/Prostitution is not even the tip of the Iceberg... The entire industry relies on a disingenious approach to maintain its survival. Chemical physiques sell products that are either outright ineffective, or do not come anywhere near the claims of its advertisers, (note  I am not against supplements, and I even take a few, but I am an informed consumer, that can see past the bullshit).

Young people that are getting into this, need to know exactly what to expect, in terms of the drug use that they will be likely have to go thru, in addition to the other crap that a serious contender will have to endure if they are serious about obtaining a pro card... (offers for "sponsorship," come to mind).

Chasing the bodybuilding dream is not always a wholesome tale, and anyone that is seriously considering becoming deeply involved in "the dream," needs to understand some of the potential pitfalls, if they are going to make informed decisions, even if it means having to put up with jaded, or overly negative people.

I speak this from experience, I attempted to live the dream.... at one point in my life I lived out of a Van in Venice so I could cut down on living expenses in an effort to try to crack my way into competitive bodybuilding.... I worked full time in Hollywood, and trained in Gold's Venice. I even sold drugs to try to make more $$ that I needed. (When I say drugs, I am referring to Steroids, ancillary drugs, etc.)

I have both engaged in, and witnessed Pro's doing illegal activities, and I know of some Pro's in the area trying to use their status as a pro to try and procure gay sexual favors from impressionable young men. This is just part of what I was in the loop while I lived in Venice...and that is nothing compared to people that have been in the Game a long time...

The main point of this, is that there are many positive aspects to Bodybuilding, and I like to talk about them, but there are many bad apples in this industry, and negative sides to it, so you are doing a major disservice to the very industry you claim to care about if you try and censor it.                      
Great post..  8)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #179 on: January 16, 2010, 07:51:42 PM »
Great post..  8)

At least someone thinks so....


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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #180 on: January 16, 2010, 07:56:45 PM »
The main point of this, is that there are many positive aspects to Bodybuilding, and I like to talk about them, but there are many bad apples in this industry, and negative sides to it, so you are doing a major disservice to the very industry you claim to care about if you try and censor it.

100% correct. 


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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #181 on: January 16, 2010, 08:18:35 PM »
At least someone thinks so....

Ok, I'll jump on that bandwagon.  More talk > less talk, especially for the health of a message board.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #182 on: January 16, 2010, 08:21:07 PM »
Ok, I'll jump on that bandwagon.  More talk > less talk, especially for the health of a message board.

So out of the embers of some ash, a great fire is born.  8)


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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #183 on: January 16, 2010, 10:10:21 PM »
Um, Ron?  Bix has a point here.  Care to explain? 

Tax return is a tax return. Yeah. Who cares. But, going further, calling the place where I enjoy currupt, a scam, showing a great dislike for bodybuilding, calling Steve and others slanderous and libelous names and more. That is over the line.  Yes, i do go to these events, many of them, and press pass or not, they cannot stop me from going. I will just pay. BUT, I dont feel it is write when people go way over the line.


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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #184 on: January 16, 2010, 10:23:19 PM »

The problem with you Ron, is not that you care about Bodybuilding, but rather that you want to keep the Status Quo going. You like the press passes, and the esteem of your fellow peers in this industry, and any feeling of camaraderie that may come from being on the periphery of this culture. I for about this subculture, and enjoy talking about actual Bodybuilding, both on the competitive, and non-competitive sides of the spectrum, however, if we are to be honest in discussing, or assessing this subculture, we need to address the many and varied problems that are associated with it.

You do care about bodybuilding, that is good, and are smart and honest in discussing problems that are associated with it. As for me, actually going to 15+ events a year, yes, it is nice to have people say hello to you instead of ignoring you. I like to view the positives of bodybuilding, as any sport as negatives associated to it.

There are some that are incessantly negative, and that can get old, just as there are some, (I dare say like yourself), that like to take a Pollyanna, saccharine view of the sport, and refuse to actually address the skeletons that lie in our house. Both extremes will always exist, and as usual, the truth will be somewhere in the middle of the road, and this is the price we pay for having a fairly unmoderated forum.

That is true, and perfectly willing to debate various issue on how to improve the state of how bodybuilding is, and with 99% of the people around, that is no problem. The issue is when one attacks the very nature of the organization just because, and with no desire to see it better or improved. Reminds me of how Conan attacked and bashed NBC and Leno because he knows he is gone from NBC. He went way over the line. But yelling fire in a crowded theater is not always right.

The only way we are going to see an improvement in Bodybuilding is if we continue to allow the dirty laundry to air. In the past it was easy for the Bodybuilding hierarchy to keep it all hush hush, as it never anticipated an internet age, in which any indiscretions would come back to haunt the guility. For years, prostitution, (both male and female), for anything ranging from drugs, to placings, and anything in between have taken place, and will continue to do so, unless we can discourage this type of behavior by mocking it to the point that no one would dare do it, for fear of getting caught, and being the next laughing stock. 

Correct, and when we see something like that lately, there is a lot of talk on the boards on it.

G4P/Prostitution is not even the tip of the Iceberg... The entire industry relies on a disingenious approach to maintain its survival. Chemical physiques sell products that are either outright ineffective, or do not come anywhere near the claims of its advertisers, (note  I am not against supplements, and I even take a few, but I am an informed consumer, that can see past the bullshit).  Young people that are getting into this, need to know exactly what to expect, in terms of the drug use that they will be likely have to go thru, in addition to the other crap that a serious contender will have to endure if they are serious about obtaining a pro card... (offers for "sponsorship," come to mind).

The positives go along with the negatives.  I can put your same argument via basketball, football and the massive amounts of drugs and injuries they go to.

The main point of this, is that there are many positive aspects to Bodybuilding, and I like to talk about them, but there are many bad apples in this industry, and negative sides to it, so you are doing a major disservice to the very industry you claim to care about if you try and censor it.   

Your arguement is a good one, and one for debate. No way will I even think of censoring this, and in fact I would argue that with all the negatives, there are a lot of postives too. 

But there is a difference to us discussing it to calling people names, calling everything corrupt, and more.  I like to walk into an event and debate and discuss various events, not defend myself as to why people can get away with writing anything they want, even if I know it isnt true.

You posted the same message on another thread, which I normally would delete, BUT will leave it there for now. I will though, answer it via this thread.


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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #185 on: January 16, 2010, 10:34:19 PM »

Well I thank you for responding to this. Also I apologize for posting the same thing in another thread, I did so, because I figured that after 8 pages, no one was going to bother to read my post. Perhaps a merging is in order.

I have to leave now, but I will try and post some more thoughts on this topic tomorrow, or MON.


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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #186 on: January 16, 2010, 10:34:51 PM »
The issue is when one attacks the very nature of the organization just because, and with no desire to see it better or improved. Reminds me of how Conan attacked and bashed NBC and Leno because he knows he is gone from NBC. He went way over the line.

to me this is the most telling.   I don't see Conan going way over the line.  Conan got screwed by the people in power.  And he's pointing out the injustice done to him and his staff.

And I don't see these NPC threads going over the line.   They're pointing out the injustice going on within the organization.

As for me, actually going to 15+ events a year, yes, it is nice to have people say hello to you instead of ignoring you.

did you buy your own ticket for any of those events?

Vince B

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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #187 on: January 16, 2010, 11:07:34 PM »
Maybe, just maybe, Getbig can require posters to register with their authentic ISP email account. They do that on photography forums and other muscle forums. Try this, go to the 'members' list at the top of the page and see how many handles are listed there under any letter of the alphabet. Who are all those people? Thousands are there. What many people do is post stuff under one handle then have another identity for bagging others. You people call this having a gimmick account. Some have several.

Having to register with your ISP email account will stop many of the anonymous dudes from posting here. At least the moderators can access those names and that is about as good as it is going to get here. Look at how few post an email address? We get trolls, abusers and plain nasty dickheads who have nothing better to do than see if they can stir and annoy others. When the people they target are resiliant they have to pull out their bag of dirty tricks to make them react. Sure it is fun most of the time but for some peculiar reason not quite so amusing when we are the targets of the abuse.

From what is left up on Getbig it is obvious that one of two things is happening. Either Ron allows a lot of crap to be posted here or the moderators agree with much of what is going on so don't delete it. How else can we explain what we read here almost daily? Yes, sometimes the threads are moved and that is quite effective in stopping the nonsense. All groups behave in nasty ways at times and try to get rid of unpopular individuals. One strategy is to gang up on people and call them really awful names. The hope is that those tarred and feathered will disappear.


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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #188 on: January 16, 2010, 11:45:19 PM »

Ron I hope that you and the rest of the board read this, and give it some serious thought. I don't say any of this to be rude, but to rather try and thoughtfully affect your way of thinking...

The problem with you Ron, is not that you care about Bodybuilding, but rather that you want to keep the Status Quo going. You like the press passes, and the esteem of your fellow peers in this industry, and any feeling of camaraderie that may come from being on the periphery of this culture.

I for about this subculture, and enjoy talking about actual Bodybuilding, both on the competitive, and non-competitive sides of the spectrum, however, if we are to be honest in discussing, or assessing this subculture, we need to address the many and varied problems that are associated with it.

There are some that are incessantly negative, and that can get old, just as there are some, (I dare say like yourself), that like to take a Pollyanna, saccharine view of the sport, and refuse to actually address the skeletons that lie in our house.

Both extremes will always exist, and as usual, the truth will be somewhere in the middle of the road, and this is the price we pay for having a fairly unmoderated forum.

The only way we are going to see an improvement in Bodybuilding is if we continue to allow the dirty laundry to air. In the past it was easy for the Bodybuilding hierarchy to keep it all hush hush, as it never anticipated an internet age, in which any indiscretions would come back to haunt the guility.

For years, prostitution, (both male and female), for anything ranging from drugs, to placings, and anything in between have taken place, and will continue to do so, unless we can discourage this type of behavior by mocking it to the point that no one would dare do it, for fear of getting caught, and being the next laughing stock.  

G4P/Prostitution is not even the tip of the Iceberg... The entire industry relies on a disingenious approach to maintain its survival. Chemical physiques sell products that are either outright ineffective, or do not come anywhere near the claims of its advertisers, (note  I am not against supplements, and I even take a few, but I am an informed consumer, that can see past the bullshit).

Young people that are getting into this, need to know exactly what to expect, in terms of the drug use that they will be likely have to go thru, in addition to the other crap that a serious contender will have to endure if they are serious about obtaining a pro card... (offers for "sponsorship," come to mind).

Chasing the bodybuilding dream is not always a wholesome tale, and anyone that is seriously considering becoming deeply involved in "the dream," needs to understand some of the potential pitfalls, if they are going to make informed decisions, even if it means having to put up with jaded, or overly negative people.

I speak this from experience, I attempted to live the dream.... at one point in my life I lived out of a Van in Venice so I could cut down on living expenses in an effort to try to crack my way into competitive bodybuilding.... I worked full time in Hollywood, and trained in Gold's Venice. I even sold drugs to try to make more $$ that I needed. (When I say drugs, I am referring to Steroids, ancillary drugs, etc.)

I have both engaged in, and witnessed Pro's doing illegal activities, and I know of some Pro's in the area trying to use their status as a pro to try and procure gay sexual favors from impressionable young men. This is just part of what I was in the loop while I lived in Venice...and that is nothing compared to people that have been in the Game a long time...

The main point of this, is that there are many positive aspects to Bodybuilding, and I like to talk about them, but there are many bad apples in this industry, and negative sides to it, so you are doing a major disservice to the very industry you claim to care about if you try and censor it.                      

Excellent post!!! I'd like to add that when I was in competitive mode and thinking to take things to the 'next level' several years ago, many of the comments and truths about women and gear use (and other blunt 'truths' about the industry) persuaded me NOT to take that step.


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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #189 on: January 16, 2010, 11:57:09 PM »
the only reason i joined getbig was because it was uncensored & the humor PIP


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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #190 on: January 17, 2010, 12:04:31 AM »
the only reason i joined getbig was because it was uncensored & the humor PIP

Quit whining like a cunt.


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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #191 on: January 17, 2010, 12:47:05 AM »
Maybe, just maybe, Getbig can require posters to register with their authentic ISP email account. They do that on photography forums and other muscle forums. Try this, go to the 'members' list at the top of the page and see how many handles are listed there under any letter of the alphabet. Who are all those people? Thousands are there. What many people do is post stuff under one handle then have another identity for bagging others. You people call this having a gimmick account. Some have several.

Having to register with your ISP email account will stop many of the anonymous dudes from posting here. At least the moderators can access those names and that is about as good as it is going to get here. Look at how few post an email address? We get trolls, abusers and plain nasty dickheads who have nothing better to do than see if they can stir and annoy others. When the people they target are resiliant they have to pull out their bag of dirty tricks to make them react. Sure it is fun most of the time but for some peculiar reason not quite so amusing when we are the targets of the abuse.

From what is left up on Getbig it is obvious that one of two things is happening. Either Ron allows a lot of crap to be posted here or the moderators agree with much of what is going on so don't delete it. How else can we explain what we read here almost daily? Yes, sometimes the threads are moved and that is quite effective in stopping the nonsense. All groups behave in nasty ways at times and try to get rid of unpopular individuals. One strategy is to gang up on people and call them really awful names. The hope is that those tarred and feathered will disappear.

You are lying to yourself. Why do you come to getbig? Same reason as everyone else. Entertainment and tolerance even for moronic posts and people. There are plenty of highly moderated forums where you could post. But you don't! You are seen as a delusional old fart on many other forums - that's why getbig is a perfect fit for you! You are allowed to attack people such as Chick here! You want more moderation? You don't! Get real Basile.

Vince B

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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #192 on: January 17, 2010, 01:00:14 AM »
What I say to Bob Chick or anyone else I am 100% responsible for. I don't post here using anonymous handles. So I am more exposed than most. Even Ron doesn't participate in his own forum except to make announcements, etc. So, it isn't a level playing field. There are rules for the forum but they are not enforced. Whatever is enforced should be the same for everyone. At the moment just about anything gets left up unless someone complains about something being highly offensive.

I am not asking for a highly moderated forums. I don't enjoy those at all. No thanks. That is why I prefer Getbig to others. You need your wits here and you have to give and take.


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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #193 on: January 17, 2010, 01:04:05 AM »
What I say to Bob Chick or anyone else I am 100% responsible for. I don't post here using anonymous handles. So I am more exposed than most. Even Ron doesn't participate in his own forum except to make announcements, etc. So, it isn't a level playing field. There are rules for the forum but they are not enforced. Whatever is enforced should be the same for everyone. At the moment just about anything gets left up unless someone complains about something being highly offensive.

I am not asking for a highly moderated forums. I don't enjoy those at all. No thanks. That is why I prefer Getbig to others. You need your wits here and you have to give and take.

Ron's post was about Blockhead and Special Ed. Both of these characters are "known" persons.

Vince B

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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #194 on: January 17, 2010, 01:09:54 AM »
I don't happen to agree with Ron about those two guys. They were interesting characters and contributed to the board. However, they each would have known they were venturing down paths that were not being approved of by Ron. End of story. Neither of those guys lacked intelligence so they got what they deserved.

You have to admit there is a lot of leeway given to people to speak openly about the IFBB and the appointed pro athletes rep.

Swedish Viking

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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #195 on: January 17, 2010, 01:11:00 AM »
   The fact is, getbig is primarily a competitive bbing board rather than a weightlifting board.  The amount of threads dedicated to actual workout questions is miniscule compared to the amount dedicated to things having to do with the social and political scene of competitive bbing. The talk in regards to these subjects is just a symptom of the current state of affairs.  The reason they are not positive and loving towards bbing is, very simply, because competitive bbing is even less positive and loving than it ever was to begin with.  The reason many big names don't want to post here is likely because they are currently participating in or have participated in at least one, if not several, of the acts commonly openly discussed here.
   I agree with whoever up there said that this is your board, you can do whatever you want.  If you don't want it as it is, then you have to enforce it with an iron fist for a while and not let so many posts fall through the cracks.  No exceptions, just act and keep doing it.  It's your board and your responsibility.  It's going to keep being this way until someone changes it or until the thousands of users slowly stop.  
   My suggestion is that posts that exhibit no truth or entertainment value(funny) be removed.  I think a lot of pros and big names in the field would not mind posting here if, very simply, they would not be made fun of for no substantial reason.  Most of them who don't participate in the outermost limits of borderline activity would be fine, but the fact of the matter is they are likely tired of all the BS prior to coming into getbig and are somewhat intolerant to begin-the BS is a symptom of their own and their own peers' actions and they live with it everyday.  People are simply talking about here in an intensified manner because of the nature of the tool we are using.
   Posts pointing out realities about high level bbing should not be removed-the guy with the long post above said it right.  These things need to come out.  It doesn't matter that it happens in basketball and football.  Those sports would also benefit from people airing out their dirty laundry, and they do.  Posts that start and end with 'you look like shit,' or 'you just suck' and things like those could be removed and it would probably do a lot of good as their payout is small in comparison with the damage they do.

The Wizard of Truth

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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #198 on: January 17, 2010, 06:19:55 AM »
Ron how can anybody have full respect for what they write on this forum
It is completely fucked up how its run,an example being Chaos,the most horrible negative person on here,nothing good to say about anyone and so bitterly jealous of everyone its frightening,yet he is a mod on the POSITIVE BOARD
Dont go getting upset when people speak their minds if you yourself dont do your job on here properly
You'll probably put me in timeout for this id say


  • Getbig III
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Re: Thoughts regarding latest events - Discussion
« Reply #199 on: January 17, 2010, 06:56:57 AM »
Ron how can anybody have full respect for what they write on this forum
It is completely fucked up how its run,an example being Chaos,the most horrible negative person on here,nothing good to say about anyone and so bitterly jealous of everyone its frightening,yet he is a mod on the POSITIVE BOARD
Dont go getting upset when people speak their minds
You'll probably put me in timeout for this id say

Great post!
Chaos hates and insults everything that moves.
He is a mod on the POSITIVE BOARD!!! ;D ??? ::) :P :-[