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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #476 on: April 07, 2011, 05:27:11 AM »

Kurt Nimmo
April 6, 2011

During an appearance before Al Sharpton’s shake down organization, the National Action Network, the comedian Obama said he was a gas station attendant before he decided to serve his country as a teleprompter reader. Barry Obama was a regular Joe with student loans to pay off and other hardships suffered daily by the boobeoisie.

Before pumping gas, Obama was the son of a goat herder. Others, however, dispute Obama’s claim that he is from humble origins and state he is instead the product of the CIA and intelligence services.

Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen has documented the connections between Barack Obama, Sr. and CIA-sponsored operations in Kenya. In addition, Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, worked with the CIA in post-coup Indonesia. In fact, she worked for a number of CIA front organizations, including the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Ford Foundation.

Obama’s stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, was recalled to Indonesia in 1965 to serve as a senior army officer and assist General Suharto and the CIA in the bloody overthrow of President Sukarno.

The coup death toll was between 500,000 and a million people. A former deputy CIA station chief in Indonesia, Joseph Lazarsky, and former diplomat Edward Masters, have confirmed that CIA agents contributed to drawing up death lists used by the Indonesian military. The CIA was successful in almost completely infiltrating the top of the Indonesian government and army prior to the coup.

Obama’s work in 1983 for Business International Corporation (BIC), a CIA front company that conducted seminars with the world’s most powerful leaders and used journalists as agents abroad, dovetails with CIA espionage activities conducted by his mother, according to Madsen.

In 1986, BIC was bought by the Economist Group in London and its operations were merged with the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). There have been a number of reports that the EIU works as closely with Britain’s MI-6 intelligence service as BIC once worked with or for the CIA.

“Throughout its entire history, the CIA has set up an elaborate shell game of ‘proprietaries’ (front companies), money-laundering operations and off-the-books projects so complex that no outsider — and few insiders — could ever keep track of them,” writes Mark Zepezauer.

The publishing company is a known CIA front, a fact admitted to by its co-founder. It is said BIC also funded the SDS, the infamous radical student group of the late 1960s that spun off the Weathermen and Obama confidant – and ghost writer – Bill Ayers.

Prior to working for the Agency, Obama was enrolled at Columbia University. An informed source told Madsen that Obama’s tuition debt at Columbia was paid off by BIC. In the Sharpton video, Obama tells us he had to pay off his tuition loans just like everybody else.

In 1981, the young Obama traveled to Pakistan and was hosted by the family of Muhammadmian Soomro, a Pakistani Sindhi who became acting President of Pakistan after the resignation of the dictator General Pervez Musharraf on August 18, 2008. Madsen writes that the Obama/Soetoro trip to Pakistan, ostensibly to go “partridge hunting” with the Soomros, was related to unknown CIA business. Obama also reportedly traveled to India on unknown business for U.S. intelligence, Madsen states.

Of course, most Americans know nothing about any of this and probably buy hook, line, and sinker into his quaint gas station attendant and college loan straddled middle class American nonsense.

Obama works for the CIA, that is to say Wall Street.

The agency was created at the end of the Second World War by Wall Street lawyer Frank Wisener, who worked with the former bank bond salesman and then Secretary of Defense under Truman James Forrestal to create the CIA and its Office of Special Projects in 1948.

As Ron Paul has noted, the CIA runs just about everything – certainly everything connected to the government, including and especially the presidency.

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #477 on: April 07, 2011, 05:33:28 AM »
I've got some good stuff on the columbia sham ill post later.


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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #478 on: April 07, 2011, 05:37:06 AM »
No other president has had such a sketchy background as him.  Nor has any president spent so much money to cover up his background as him.
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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #479 on: April 07, 2011, 05:39:08 AM »
I have proof he lied his ass off about his columbia recors.

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #480 on: April 07, 2011, 05:59:34 AM »

Did Obama 'miss' 1 year of Columbia classes?
Discrepancy appears in sparse records documenting attendance

Posted: April 06, 2011
8:54 pm Eastern

© 2011 WorldNetDaily

Barack Obama
What's this? Did Barack Obama only attend Columbia University for nine months?

That was the suggestion of a report obtained from the Student Clearinghouse by eligibility gadfly Orly Taitz, an attorney who has represented a number of clients in legal challenges pertaining to Obama's bona fides.

But according to information obtained by WND, it appears Obama did indeed attend Columbia for two years.

The concerns were raised in a document filed in court as part of an amended complaint in a case Taitz has assembled challenging the legitimacy of Obama's Social Security number. The case alleges Obama  has used multiple Social Security numbers and the number he reportedly uses today is a Connecticut number, even though Obama lacks links to the state at the time he would have gotten the number.

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In addition to the questions over the Social Security number, Taitz raises other questions.

"Further records from the Student Clearing House show even more shocking evidence. In his memoirs and multiple speeches Obama wrote that he studied for two years at Columbia University September 1981-May 1983. He admitted that in summer of 1981 he traveled to Pakistan to visit his friends, but repeatedly claimed that from September 1981 until May of 1983 he resided in New York and studied at Columbia," she wrote in the complaint.

(Story continues below)


But she explained she got information that suggested he wasn't there during that time.

"Columbia official records show him attending Columbia university only for nine months September 1982-till May 1983 (Exhibit 3)," she wrote.

The exhibit is an image of a clearinghouse document regarding Obama's Columbia attendance:

Clearinghouse document

The document states clearly that Obama attended "09/01/1982 to 05/31/1983."

A larger image has been included to clarify, because of the quality of the court filing:

Blowup of Clearinghouse document

But according to information provided by the clearinghouse to a WND source, Obama attended from "09/1981" to "05/1983" and finished with a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science.

School spokesman Robert Hornsby told WND that federal law prohibits the release of much of the information about a student, but he could confirm that "Barack Obama applied for and was granted admission to Columbia College as a transfer student in 1981. He enrolled for the fall term of that year as a political science major. With the conclusion of the spring semester of 1983, Obama completed the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and graduated with his class."

He said the school had no other comment.

Taitz told WND that the school's statements were "nonsense."

She said he got her verification electronically, and it was part of a long list of attendance questions she submitted at the same time. She said she also requested information on Obama's attendance at Occidental College in California, and the service either could not or would not provide that information.

WND did inquire of Columbia for information about several other students, and found the office of alumni and development was able to confirm the attendance of a student, but declined to provide dates for that attendance.

"I was instructed not to give out too much personal information," the office clerk told WND.

The registrar's office referred WND to a clearinghouse or said inquiries could be made through the college's archivist, who did not respond to a message left by WND.

In response to the question about Obama, the office of alumni and development referred WND to the registrar's office, who declined to respond to questions, referring WND to the public affairs office for the law school. From there, WND was referred to the school's public affairs office, where Hornsby responded.

In "Dreams From My Father," Obama vaguely wrote about attending Columbia for two years, but didn't provide much in the way of specific dates.

But on the list of items also not released by Obama about his Columbia attendance were his grades, his associates, his thesis, his residential status, his support or funding for the school, his admission process, references and others.

Those records are on a long list of other unreleased documents, including his actual birth documentation, his Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, Illinois State Bar Association records, baptism records and his adoption records.

There are other discrepancies in the story Obama has presented, too. For example, a Hawaii newspaper reported Obama attended kindergarten on Oahu during the school year 1966-1967, about the time he reportedly was attending school in Indonesia where he and his mother moved when she married an Indonesian.

Further, Obama reported he was two years old when his father left the family, but actual details from his early life suggest his mother left Hawaii for school in Washington state within weeks of Obama's birth, and did not return until after Barack Obama Sr. departed the islands. The data makes it appear unlikely the family ever actually lived together as a family.

He also wrote about finding his birth certificate in a book, but then his campaign posted online a computer generated image of a "short form" certificate that apparently was released by the state but indicates little more than someone reported the birth to the state and stated that the child was born in Hawaii.

When lawyers bringing a challenge to Obama's eligibility to hold the office of president earlier subpoenaed Occidental College for records of Obama's attendance, attorneys for the president slapped the effort down in court immediately.

Such behavior bothers Hawaii State Sen. Sam Slom, who told Jeff Katz of WXKS Radio in Boston.

"At first I followed [the issue] with amusement, and then I got really concerned about it, because the question was if it was not just the birth certificate, but other records as well – school records, academic records, work records – why would anyone spend millions of dollars in legal fees, particularly someone in public office, particularly someone in the highest public office, to not make that information public?"

He cited the suggestion that Barack Sr. might not, in fact, have been Barack Obama's father, and that information could be on the original long-form birth certificate that would prove embarrassing to the president.

Recently, potential presidential candidate Donald Trump has also questioned why Obama has kept his records under lock and key, stating, "There's something fishy about the whole thing," and, "There's something on that certificate that's very bad for him."

As WND reported, Slom brought up questions after Hawaii's Democrat Gov. Neil Abercrombie pledged to find and reveal Obama's birth documentation, then not only failed to follow through, but also asked for the resignation of the man he had chosen to serve as head of the Hawaii Department of Health, which reportedly holds the documentation.

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #481 on: April 07, 2011, 06:13:22 AM »
Hawaii elections clerk: Obama 'caught fibbing'
But will president be 'frog-marched from office' over eligibility issue?

Posted: April 06, 2011
7:11 pm Eastern

By Joe Kovacs
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

The former Hawaii elections official who maintains there's no long-form birth certificate for Barack Obama in the Aloha State is now saying the president and his aides have been "caught fibbing" about Obama's background, and the "embarrassing" situation is making it difficult to fess up to the truth.

President Barack Obama in the Oval Office April 4, 2011 

Tim Adams, who was senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu during the 2008 campaign, made the statements in a two-hour interview with a group looking to disprove claims made by so-called birthers, those challenging Obama's legal qualification to be president.

"I think people believe there's been some kind of cover-up. And I don't think it's some big nefarious conspiracy. I think it's politics as usual," Adams said March 31 on Reality Check Radio, an Internet program on BlogTalkRadio.

"Barack Obama's official autobiography was put out to the public for the public's consumption and we all know politicians – they have a public persona, it's created for consumption by the electorate – and I think that they've been caught fibbing, and it's embarrassing."

Be the first to get the new eligibility book signed by Jerome Corsi and help get TV commercials on the air to bust this issue wide open!

But Adams, who described himself as "pretty much a liberal" who backed Hillary Clinton in the campaign, thinks the president should produce a long-form birth certificate if he has one, even if it contains information that does not go along with the narrative proffered so far by Obama and his surrogates.

"I think as much trauma as all this has caused," Adams said, "I think if Barack Obama has lied about where he was born or if there's something about his birth that he doesn't want people to publicly know, if he would come out and simply say something like that, I think most people would go, 'Oh, OK,' and they would go on about their business 'cause they've got a thousand more important things to do."

(Story continues below)


Adams burst onto the national scene last June after claiming his superiors at the elections office in Honolulu checked with the state health department and local hospitals, only to find out that none had Obama's long-form birth certificate, a document specifying the hospital where he was born and the attending physician.

Tim Adams, the former senior elections clerk for Honolulu in 2008

While not having access to Hawaii Department of Health birth records, Adams says his office had access to numerous databases to verify people's identities, including the Social Security database, driver's licenses, passports, tax and banking records, police files and the national crime computer.

He said elections officials themselves have been embarrassed by the disclosure about accessing criminal records, saying, "They were not happy about it when they found out about it."

He has since signed an affidavit swearing to his allegations.

As the controversy over eligibility has resurfaced recently with billionaire developer and potential Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump suggesting Obama's presidency could be illegal, Adams is not expecting the commander in chief to be removed from office.

"That gets into the extremist fantasies that somehow they're going to frog-march Barack Obama out of the White House – it's never going to happen," said Adams.

"Barack Obama was given permission to run for office. Barack Obama won the election. He is the president of the United States. The more extremist people out there try to, you know, bring up this issue that he's not legitimately president. It doesn't hold water. You can't say, once you give the man permission to run, and he wins the election, that he's not president. It's not going to happen."

At one point in the interview, one of the questioners, who ironically never provided his real name and only went by an alias, challenged Adams about the "short-form" birth certificate, also known as a certification of live birth, or COLB, that has been displayed on the Internet.

This short-form "certification of live birth" released by the Obama campaign in 2008 does not have the name of the hospital or an attending physician, which would be included on a long-form "certificate of live birth," which has never been produced by Obama.

It notes a birthplace of Honolulu, but does not specify a hospital or doctor.

The radio hosts suggested that Janice Okubo, the public information officer for the state health department had previously vouched for the authenticity of the COLB, though in reality she has refused to do so. But Adams maintained the online scanned image is fraudulent.

Adams was asked, "So you're calling Janice Okubo a liar?"

"Yes," Adams responded, "if she's saying that that document that is sitting out there on the Internet is an actual document because we can prove it's not in about 30 seconds. Because it's altered."

Long-form birth certificates from 1961 still exist, including one released by Susan Nordyke, who was born in Honolulu Aug. 5, 1961, the day after Obama's alleged birth.

Copy of original long-form birth certificate of Susan Nordyke, born in Honolulu the day after Obama's reported birthdate. Obama has never produced any document like this.

In response to a direct question from WND, Okubo refused to authenticate either of the two versions of President Obama's short-form certification of live birth, posted online – neither the image produced by the Obama campaign nor images released by image of COLB released August 2008

Image of date stamp on rear of document

Image of seal on document

Close-up of document

"I happen to be a trained document researcher, by the way," Adams continued, "and have worked with the Hawaii Historical Association and have worked in the state archives. So I do know what a document is."

Adams says he even offered the current Democratic governor of the state, Neil Abercrombie, his personal assistance to help verify any long-form birth certificate if it were ever produced.

"Governor Abercrombie said that he was afraid that even if they managed to bring out the original birth certificate or a copy of the original birth certificate, there would still be people who would say, 'Oh, it's a forgery, oh, it's a fake,' whatever. I told him that if he wanted help convincing people it was real, I would be happy to do so. If he actually had the birth certificate. I got nothing back from the man."

Abercrombie made national headlines earlier this year when he publicly sought to bring closure to the issue, and then explained he couldn't find Obama's long-form birth certificate, only some sort of written notation.

"It was actually written, I am told, this is what our investigation is showing, it actually exists in the archives, written down," Abercrombie told the Honolulu Star Advertiser.

Adams explained, "He found a registration, he found an archive notation. He did not find a birth certificate. You'll never see one from him."

Adams also commented on a mysterious letter purportedly sent by Obama to Honolulu's Kapi'olani Medical Center in January 2009 in which the president ostensibly declared the facility his place of birth. It was read aloud by Abercrombie at the hospital's centennial celebration.

A photograph taken by the Kapi'olani Medical Center for WND shows a letter allegedly written by President Obama on embossed White House stationery in which he declares the Honolulu hospital to be "the place of my birth," The hospital, after publicizing the letter then refusing to confirm it even existed, is now vouching for its authenticity, but not its content. The White House has yet to verify any aspect of the letter. 

"I know there was a letter that they refuse now to show to public scrutiny, that, as far as I can tell, didn't come from either President Obama – where it came from is a matter of conjecture. Some people think that somebody in Washington ... who's now a governor may have written it," Adams said. "Whether that letter is valid or not, all that letter proves is if President Obama wrote the Kapi'olani Hospital letter congratulating them on – I think it was their 100th anniversary."

As WND has reported, the White House has refused to confirm if it wrote or sent the letter, or if the information it contains is accurate.

Kapi'olani has used the letter for fundraising purposes, and the FBI has said there could be federal charges filed if the letter is not authentic.

Kapi'olani used a letter, allegedly written by President Obama in which he declares his birthplace to be at the facility, to solicit donations in its spring 2009 edition of its Inspire Magazine. The hospital, after refusing to confirm the letter even existed, is now vouching for its authenticity but not its content. The White House has refused to confirm both the letter and its content. The FBI and Secret Service have indicated criminal charges are possible if a fraudulent letter from the White House is being used to raise funds.

"It would be a charity-fraud scheme," said FBI spokesman Steve Kodak. "It would be investigated by us or the Secret Service. We both have jurisdiction over that."

Adams, who personally believes Obama is eligible for president simply because his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was an American citizen, is hoping laws are passed clarifying the meaning of "natural born citizen," which is what the U.S. Constitution specifies for presidents.

Adams thinks anyone born on U.S. soil, irrespective of their parents' heritage or citizenship, should be eligible. Still, he's urging the president to release his long-form birth certificate from wherever he was born to resolve the controversy.

"The fact is, we've had one person all along who could simply end this, who supposedly has the document in his possession, and that's President Obama," said Adams. "He could end this. I really wish he would."

Despite the fact major newspapers and broadcast networks have avoided interviewing Adams or probing his allegations, the former official who supervised about 50 people in Honolulu said he seriously considered leaving the United States because of the disruption to his life and threats against him after going public with his claims.

"When all this happened, it was nuts. It was a mess," he said. "I really got to the point [where] I thought, 'I'm going to have to leave the country.' I don't get nearly as much grief now, either professionally or otherwise. But it was really bad for a while. It got really violent. There are some really kind of dangerous people out there."

Note: To listen to Tim Adams' online radio interview, click here. The program may take a few moments to load. A transcript can be viewed here.

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #482 on: April 07, 2011, 06:21:48 AM »
Hopefully Trump will be able to blow this issue wide open.  Now that he is behind it, the birther base will continue to grow. 
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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #483 on: April 07, 2011, 06:25:08 AM »
Hopefully Trump will be able to blow this issue wide open.  Now that he is behind it, the birther base will continue to grow. 

Like i keep telling the ostriches on this site with their heads in the sand, its not going away any time soon because obama is hiding some seriously damaging info he knows if made public would sink his ass. 



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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #484 on: April 07, 2011, 06:36:15 AM »
He probably does have a LFBC doesn't mean he has to show you it.  The state has it on file, they used it to create a COLB for him to prove his place of birth.  

Can you prove they don't have the LFBC in the file?  

You may be easing over to the birther side.  He probably does, but just for real proof, let's see it. 

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #485 on: April 07, 2011, 06:38:02 AM »
see, this is that i don't get.

let's say it's true - let's say his family worked for our CIA, he worked for them, etc.

Doesn't that make him a truly awesome american?  kicking ass and killing bad guys worldwide for US interests?  Doesn't that mean he and his family risked their skin for the advancement of the US of A?  Never held a real job?  Sheeeit, he was capping bad guys to keep us safe.  Doesn't love America?  He was risking his skin to protect thsi gret nation.  IF obama was a CIA guy, then he deserves the job way more than some yale college punk whose daddy handed him the job!

You're saying obama is a HERO, 333386.  Thread backfire.

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #486 on: April 07, 2011, 06:42:08 AM »
Bamas mother worked for geithners dad at the ford foundation. 


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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #487 on: April 07, 2011, 06:44:19 AM »
As the controversy over eligibility has resurfaced recently with billionaire developer and potential Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump suggesting Obama's presidency could be illegal, Adams is not expecting the commander in chief to be removed from office.

"That gets into the extremist fantasies that somehow they're going to frog-march Barack Obama out of the White House – it's never going to happen," said Adams.

"Barack Obama was given permission to run for office. Barack Obama won the election. He is the president of the United States. The more extremist people out there try to, you know, bring up this issue that he's not legitimately president. It doesn't hold water. You can't say, once you give the man permission to run, and he wins the election, that he's not president. It's not going to happen."

That's an ignorant statement.  If Obama is not a NBC, he cannot serve as President no matter if he was given permission to run or not.  The rules are black and white. 

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #488 on: April 07, 2011, 06:53:42 AM »
The rules are black and white. 

Racist post reported.

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #489 on: April 07, 2011, 07:59:55 AM »
Barack Obama's missing year

Posted: April 07, 2011
1:00 am Eastern

© 2011 

In his definitive 2010 biography of Barack Obama, "The Bridge," New Yorker editor David Remnick features a photograph of a dapper young Barack Obama sitting between his grandparents on a Central Park bench.

The bench is real. The grandparents are real. The wall behind them is real. Barack Obama is not. He has been conspicuously photoshopped in. Who did this and why remains as much a mystery as Obama's extended stay in New York.

In late October 2007, the New York Times ran a telling article on Barack Obama headlined, "Obama's Account of New York Years Often Differs From What Others Say."

Given that he was an announced candidate for president, and an underdog at that, the Times expected Obama to welcome the chance to reconcile his account in his memoir, "Dreams from My Father," with the accounts of those who knew him.

"Yet," lamented the newly neutered Times, "he declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate or friend from those years."

A campaign spokesman, Ben LaBolt, offered a painfully lame explanation for Obama's reticence, "He doesn't remember the names of a lot of people in his life."

Lame or not, it worked, and it continues to work on a media that have spent more time in the dumpsters of Wasilla than they have investigating the preposterously unknown history of the world's best-known man.

When the media leave holes in a given narrative – in this case, the biography of a presidential candidate – bloggers individually, incrementally and indefatigably strive to fill them in, usually with mixed results.

One hole that remains strangely unfilled in that narrative is the academic year 1981-1982, a year Obama was reportedly a student at Columbia University.

Jack Cashill's literary investigation uncovers revelations galore about Obama's alleged life narrative. Order the new book "Deconstructing Obama: The Life, Love and Letters of America's First Post-Modern President"

The irrepressible researcher Orly Taitz secured a document through the National Student Clearinghouse on Obama's Columbia attendance.

The document confirms Obama's graduation from Columbia with a political science degree in 1983, but it places him there only in the 1982-1983 academic year.

"As there is no record of Obama residing anywhere else in the United States from September 1981-September 1982, or attending any other university," Taitz infers, "by way of simple deduction it becomes clear that his visit to Pakistan lasted not a month or two, as he claims, but over a year."

Obama's deceptions and studied opaqueness invite such speculation, but Taitz is likely unaware of competing evidence. How valid that evidence is remains to be seen.

Going back, Occidental friend John Drew confirms seeing Obama at a party in Los Angeles in June 1981. "At that time," says Drew, "the future president was a doctrinaire Marxist revolutionary, although perhaps – for the first time – considering conventional politics as a more practical road to socialism."

In "Dreams," Obama gives no account of the following summer. He moves from Los Angeles to New York in August and allegedly lands roughly. No one was present at his Spanish Harlem sublease when he arrives, and Obama sleeps in an alleyway.

Desperate, Obama calls "Sadik," a Pakistani and his one friend in the city, who just happens to be a coke-head and an illegal alien.

When Obama gives up his apartment because of a lack of heat, he and Sadik – in real life, Sohale Siddiqi – move in together, the date unspecified.

Given that "Dreams" proposes to tell the story of Obama's coming to grips with the world around him, his failure to mention a trip to Pakistan that summer raises eyebrows. Nor did Obama mention it in his 2006 book, "Audacity of Hope."

By contrast, Obama devotes considerable attention to an alleged trip to Europe a few years later, his flimsy account of which seems to have been pulled from a Michelin Guide.

In fact, it was not until April 2008 at a San Francisco fundraiser that Obama casually let it be known that he had traveled to Pakistan at all, an admission that took his own spokesman by surprise.

There was likely a reason for this impromptu admission. Two weeks earlier, an employee of John Brennan, a former CIA operative then advising Obama, accessed Obama's passport on three occasions.

The CNN lead suggests a major story in the making, "The CEO of a company whose employee is accused of improperly looking at the passport files of presidential candidates is a consultant to the Barack Obama campaign, a source said Saturday."

The story predictably went nowhere despite the fact that Obama would later appoint Brennan Deputy national security adviser.

The most benign explanation is that Team Obama was doing oppositional research on its own candidate – and likely the other candidates as well – and that Obama outed himself on a questionable trip to a Muslim country before the real opposition did.

(Column continues below)


Remnick spends less than a page on the Pakistan trip, which he describes, as Obama has, as sort of a stop-over to see friends on the way to visit his mother and sister in Indonesia.

Securing a visa for this trip in 1981 was apparently possible for an American but not easy. Although Remnick interviews Obama's friends about the Pakistan leg, he gives no accounting of Obama's stay in Indonesia, if, in fact, there was one.

Writing in 2009, Remnick has to accommodate new information that surfaced post-election about Obama's life once he descended on New York after his Asian junket.

In "Dreams," Obama had chosen not to. To make the narrative of the brooding, father-seeking ascetic work, he had to scrub one person out of the record, Occidental friend Phil Boerner.

As Boerner tells it, he transferred with Obama to Columbia and roomed with him his first year in New York in that same Spanish Harlem apartment. There is no mention of a character anything like him in "Dreams."

A registered Democrat and Obama fan, Boerner conveniently laid low until well after the 2008 election. Wrote Boerner in January 2009:

"We enjoyed exploring museums such as the Guggenheim, the Met and the American Museum of Natural History, and browsing in bookstores such as the Strand and the Barnes & Noble opposite Columbia. We both liked taking long walks down Broadway on a Sunday afternoon, and listening to the silence of Central Park after a big snow."

What makes Boerner problematic for the Obama narrative is his very normality. This obliging middle-class guy from suburban D.C. makes Obama sound so thoroughly cheerful and white that he throws into question the alleged sturm und drang of Obama's New York years.

"Hanging out, we could get pretty emotional about sports, food and injustice," writes Boerner, who nicely captures liberal priorities then and now.

The Marxist dandy that John Drew had met at Occidental did not transform himself when he came to New York. The transformation to morally serious philosophe would come later, but only at the hands of Bill Ayers and largely in the pages of "Dreams."

"Like a tourist, I watched the range of human possibility on display," writes Obama of those years, "trying to trace out my future in the lives of the people I saw, looking for some opening through which I could re-enter."

Re-enter what? This seems more the reflection of a soon to be ex-fugitive than that of a metro-sexual happily browsing the Met. Ayers, by the way, uses the phrase "human possibility" twice in his memoir, "Fugitive Days."

Not surprisingly, Boerner has chosen not to return my phone call. As I said on his voice mail, all I wanted to do was clarify whether Obama actually attended class his first year in New York.

You would think we would know this by now.


Jack Cashill is an Emmy-award winning independent writer and producer with a Ph.D. in American Studies from Purdue. His latest book is the blockbuster "Deconstructing Obama: The Life, Love and Letters of America's First Post-Modern President."


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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #490 on: April 07, 2011, 08:33:49 AM »
That's not true... Birth Certificates do change.

If I go get a birth certificate for myself from the commonwealth of virginia right now... It does not look like the birth certificate from 1950.

I've already told him this..he doesn't want to get it.....but good post ;)

Grape Ape

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #491 on: April 07, 2011, 08:38:23 AM »
I've already told him this..he doesn't want to get it.....but good post ;)

There were subsequent posts after his statement.  Do you have an answer for these?  Personally, I feel he is probably a citizen, but there is definitely something on the BC that he's trying to hide, most likely something religious.  If a $10 BC could refute all this, why not just produce the doc?

Yes, but the original is on file with raised seal and signed by a doc or govt officer certying it.  

Bama said in Dreams From my Father, allegedly written in 1995 he had a BC.  However, he released a COLB that was created in 2007 for the campaign.  Where is the one he was referring to in dreams and why wont he release it?  



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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #492 on: April 07, 2011, 08:41:07 AM »
What about this?

I told 3333 that birth certificates have changed and they no longer give out the long form any more....for instance in New York State, they now give you a "Certificate of Birth" which is what they sent me when I requested my birth certificate because I lost it.....

Obama produced his "Certificate of Birth" as well..which is a legal legitimate document....long form BC's aren't given out much any more

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #493 on: April 07, 2011, 08:42:43 AM »
I told 3333 that birth certificates have changed and they no longer give out the long form any more....for instance in New York State, they now give you a "Certificate of Birth" which is what they sent me when I requested my birth certificate because I lost it.....

Obama produced his "Certificate of Birth" as well..which is a legal legitimate document....long form BC's aren't given out much any more

That's not the point.  They DID give out the long form when Obama was born.  Where is it?

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #494 on: April 07, 2011, 08:46:59 AM »
That's not the point.  They DID give out the long form when Obama was born.  Where is it?

Hawaii has said they never lost any records and have everythng.  Fact is that either 1) the long form BC lists a different father or some other bizarro world thing about obama; 2) none exists at all, 3) long form BC exists but obama is listed as someone else like Barry Dunham or Barry Soetoro, or 4) a long form bc exists dated after his alleged birth date to reflect someone else as the father since Lolo Soetoro allegedly adopted Barry to get him enrolled in school in indonesia.   


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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #495 on: April 07, 2011, 08:53:33 AM »
Hawaii has said they never lost any records and have everythng.  Fact is that either 1) the long form BC lists a different father or some other bizarro world thing about obama; 2) none exists at all, 3) long form BC exists but obama is listed as someone else like Barry Dunham or Barry Soetoro, or 4) a long form bc exists dated after his alleged birth date to reflect someone else as the father since Lolo Soetoro allegedly adopted Barry to get him enrolled in school in indonesia.   


None if that is exactly outer-space-looney-CT type stuff.  Seems like he hid stuff he felt would hinder his election.


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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #496 on: April 07, 2011, 08:59:33 AM »
Birth certificates don't change.  Why would you so easily accept that he has a long form birth certificate?  Have you seen it?  We're shown a phony looking COLB and know for a fact that he used multiple social security numbers.  Something smells rotten here. 

According to the State of Hawaii information is added and taken away depending. That is change. 

Why would you so easily accept that it doesn't exist?  Are you of the same thought that Hawaii, the state, are making up that he was born there?   
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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #497 on: April 07, 2011, 09:02:56 AM »
You may be easing over to the birther side.  He probably does, but just for real proof, let's see it. 

not at all.  Hawaii has it.  He may not have a copy himself.  It does exist however, in the file used to prepare the COLB.  Can you prove it's not in there?  No.  I don't need to prove it's there, what else would Hawaii use to print a COLB?  You think they make stuff up or use 'notes' as in cliffs notes of someone being born?  Like oh yeah Obama he was born here it says so on this post it in his file.   ::)
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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #498 on: April 07, 2011, 09:03:51 AM »
Hawaii has said they never lost any records and have everythng.  Fact is that either 1) the long form BC lists a different father or some other bizarro world thing about obama; 2) none exists at all, 3) long form BC exists but obama is listed as someone else like Barry Dunham or Barry Soetoro, or 4) a long form bc exists dated after his alleged birth date to reflect someone else as the father since Lolo Soetoro allegedly adopted Barry to get him enrolled in school in indonesia.   


So if they never lost any records and you are now saying it is in the file.  Why do you say the COLB is a fraud?  It is written from the information they have on file, including the LFBC. 
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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #499 on: April 07, 2011, 09:04:30 AM »
According to the State of Hawaii information is added and taken away depending. That is change. 

Why would you so easily accept that it doesn't exist?  Are you of the same thought that Hawaii, the state, are making up that he was born there?   

Show me where one of the changes they made to the BC was racial classifications to wher "AFRICAN" waslisted as a choice on their records.    It certainly wasnt in 1961.