Author Topic: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.  (Read 11359 times)


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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #75 on: April 21, 2010, 05:39:35 AM »
We are all mortal and going to die anyway at some time.  Plus, using your justification, I can think of many many things that the govt could theoretically regulate and/or ban. 

Should we have the food police in resturants? 

Should we ban motorcycles? 

Should we ban beer? 

Should be ban skydiving and jetskiing?

Should we ban candy?

Do you realize that this crap never ever ends?

They already ban recreational drugs other than alcohol and tobacco. No one is saying to ban salt - and hopefully they do police restaurants and make sure there are no rats or cockroaches in the food you eat, I hope you're not suggesting they should stop?

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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #76 on: April 21, 2010, 05:46:58 AM »
They already ban recreational drugs other than alcohol and tobacco. No one is saying to ban salt - and hopefully they do police restaurants and make sure there are no rats or cockroaches in the food you eat, I hope you're not suggesting they should stop?

So a food cop is going to stand over the chef now?


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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #77 on: April 21, 2010, 05:50:00 AM »
GCB you havent addressed my comment...

why dont YOU just ask for no salt in your food? problem solved

why regulate an entire industry?

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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #78 on: April 21, 2010, 06:04:26 AM »
Its not about salt, its about control, mandate, regulation, fines, taxes, fees, permits, inspectors, agencies, etc. 

First its salt, then its sugar, then its corn syrup, then its food coloring, then its flavoring, then its butter, and on and on and on and on. 


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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #79 on: April 21, 2010, 07:16:55 AM »
OBAMA CAN POUND SALT ^ | 04/21/10 | Bob Lonsberry

Posted on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 10:08:23 AM by shortstop

If it weren’t tyranny, it would be funny.

But it is tyranny, so it’s not.

The Obama Administration has claimed for itself the right to determine how much salt is in your food. In this last area of personal choice – taste – you have lost your choice.

Or at least you will.

Under a plan being floated by the Obama Food and Drug Administration, the federal government will set salt levels in food the same way it sets emission levels for cars. In the name of protecting you, the government will enslave you.

And it will order food companies to systematically reduce the amount of salt in their products over the next 10 years. Like the proverbial frog in the pan of water, the regulations will become more stringent incrementally, in the belief that the American palate will adjust and comply.

Ten percent of the population is sensitive to sodium. One hundred percent of the population will suffer. Your bottle of V8 or can of Beef-A-Roni, the peas on your shelf and the bacon in your refrigerator, the ham at Easter and the hotdogs on the grill. All of these and thousands of others, prepared and marketed now to please the taste buds and attract the customers, will be bastardized tomorrow to bend to the dictate of government.

On Monday, Bill Clinton mocked those who believe government is a threat to their freedom. On Tuesday, the government took away yet more of our freedom.

And with Dredd Scott a new generation of Americans is forced to ask, “Am I not a man?” Is all remnant of individuality, dignity and independence surrendered to the government? Is there no corner of life where the oppressive hand of government does not reach? Is even the seasoning of our food to now be subject to the dictate of government arrogance?

Must the Obama Administration force upon us food that is drab and joyless, to match the socially engineered life, society and economy it is even now forging?

In our constitutional Republic, can any honest person open that Constitution and find any hint of authorization for the federal government to meddle with our food? Can the commissars of the new Reich truly dictate our recipes and tastes?

Must dill pickles and smoked salmon join potato chips and gravy as politically incorrect foods? Is Colonel Sanders the new Joe Camel? Are the Jolly Green Giant and Charlie Tuna now public enemies? Will olives and peanut butter be condemned with Stove Top stuffing and tomato sauce? What about Tabasco and Hungry Man and Campbell’s and Chef Boyardee?

Big Brother meets the Iron Chef and this is no longer the land of the free.

Unelected bureaucrats, led by appointed lackeys of a Marxist president, will make law and direct culture and we will have no voice. There has been no public discussion, no rising sentiment, no will of the people. The Congress has not weighed in, the courts have not spoken, no type of check or balance has come into play. The Constitution has been castrated, culture is meaningless, heritage is ignored and the last corner of life is invaded.

We have been informed that there is a “public health crisis” and that the government must act to save us from ourselves. And so one of the first shots is fired in the war to take over our food supply in the same way government has already taken over transportation and energy and health care. First they nationalized the banks and the car companies and now they will nationalize us.

Today it is salt and tomorrow it will be fat and the day after that it will be dairy and red meat. All will be taxed and regulated and overseen, and like the great collectives of the other socialist paradises – China and Russia – we will first be impoverished and then we will be starved.

He promised us change and we got the Cultural Revolution. Khrushchev is proven right yet again.

And the spiraling de-evolution of American liberty passes another milestone.

We can’t even decide how much salt there will be in our food. We are not to be trusted to buy our own food, and judge for ourselves its healthfulness and desirability. The grocery store has become a threat to social order, where unrestrained shopping has produced politically incorrect production and the state must intervene.

We are tax slaves to a redistributionist scheme, serfs to a modern prince, and now we will not even be allowed to enjoy our food.

The Obama Administration knows better than you how much salt should be in your food, and will relieve you of the responsibility of deciding for yourself. The party of choice when it comes to abortion forbids you choice when it comes to dinner. The Constitution protects the privacy of abortion, they say, but not the privacy of seasoning your own food.

This is what it’s like when a free people are brought down.

Ye are the salt of the earth, someone once said. But if the salt has lost its savor, it is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and trod under foot of man.

And that’s exactly what this does to your freedom.


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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #80 on: April 21, 2010, 11:10:30 AM »
I challenge anyone on here to get in better shape than me and I will consume High Fructose corn syrup laden foods, (which I already do everyday), salt laden foods, Full-Fat, Sugar anything, Fast Food anytime, etc...

I am also willing to bet whatever I eat will come out more nutritious than any typical garbage "healthy" or so called "clean" diet.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with GMO crops,salt, corn syrup, fat or any of it.

Anyone can eat anything they want and not be obese as long as they don`t overeat.

There is no such thing whatsoever as a "clean" or "dirty" food or "junk" food.
The stupidity and ignorance that surrounds this subject matter is mountainous as everyone tries to look for a scapegoat for their lack of self-control.

Uh shape and health are two different things TA.  You're buying far too much into arrogant science.  The belief that science knows more than evolution.  Man didn't evolve on a diet of HFCS or GM foods, he evolved on nuts, fruits, rice, grains, meats and vegetables.  You can claim science can better food or change it and it's still the same all you want.  Fact is it isn't.  Now i understand GM foods are a necessary part of modern life, without them we would have a much greater food shortages.  But that doesn't make them an overall better food, nor does it make all of the products produced good either.  HFCS is not sugar it's not the same and it effects the body in a different way.  The only reason it's even in existence is because corn is subsidized and that makes it a cheaper alternative.  It's not a scientific reason at all, but a commercial one and you have fallen for it hook, line and sinker. 
Abandon every hope...

The True Adonis

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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #81 on: April 21, 2010, 12:05:00 PM »
Uh shape and health are two different things TA.  You're buying far too much into arrogant science.  The belief that science knows more than evolution.  Man didn't evolve on a diet of HFCS or GM foods, he evolved on nuts, fruits, rice, grains, meats and vegetables.  You can claim science can better food or change it and it's still the same all you want.  Fact is it isn't.  Now i understand GM foods are a necessary part of modern life, without them we would have a much greater food shortages.  But that doesn't make them an overall better food, nor does it make all of the products produced good either.  HFCS is not sugar it's not the same and it effects the body in a different way.  The only reason it's even in existence is because corn is subsidized and that makes it a cheaper alternative.  It's not a scientific reason at all, but a commercial one and you have fallen for it hook, line and sinker.  
1. Evolution IS Science and your argument that because we didn`t "evolve" with certain technologies therefore they are detrimental,  not as beneficial or not effective is just plain ignorant and frankly stupid.

Not only that, we didn`t "evolve" with the fruits and vegetables that we eat today.  We artifically selected them and hence evolved them over thousands of years to make them suitable for us to consume to the products we eat today.  Most wild plants are inedible or provide little nutrition.  Agriculture has changed that.  Here is what a wild banana looks like.

You would most likely live a nutritionally deficient life as well as a short life due to nutrition deficiency if you had to subsist only on foods of early Homo Sapiens.  

Lets go a bit further,

We didn`t evolve with eyeglasses, modern medicine-vaccines, automobiles etc.. Take those technological advancements away and your life may not be possible, the likelihood that you would have died by now without vaccination and without your surrounding population being vaccinated is extremely high and nearly a certainty.  To say that we should live in an environment or behave or consume solely what our Lower Paleolithic ancestors did is just plain ignorant and makes zero sense especially when we have the Science and knowledge to overcome our environment and even our own genetics.  As Richard Dawkins states, "There is a genetic component to everything, but that certainly does not mean we can`t or shouldn`t change it".

Again, HFCS is identical to Sugar and the human body cannot tell the difference when it metabolizes it.  You are believing in total myth with no evidence.  I choose to go with Science.  Why does Science go completely out of the window with you on this issue?

Why believe myths that are not supported by any Scientific evidence?

The True Adonis

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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #82 on: April 21, 2010, 12:06:18 PM »
Uh shape and health are two different things TA.  You're buying far too much into arrogant science.  The belief that science knows more than evolution.  Man didn't evolve on a diet of HFCS or GM foods, he evolved on nuts, fruits, rice, grains, meats and vegetables.  You can claim science can better food or change it and it's still the same all you want.  Fact is it isn't.  Now i understand GM foods are a necessary part of modern life, without them we would have a much greater food shortages.  But that doesn't make them an overall better food, nor does it make all of the products produced good either.  HFCS is not sugar it's not the same and it effects the body in a different way.  The only reason it's even in existence is because corn is subsidized and that makes it a cheaper alternative.  It's not a scientific reason at all, but a commercial one and you have fallen for it hook, line and sinker. 
Again, I am also willing to put my diets total nutrient content against yours any day of the week and we can compare nutritional value.  Are you up to it?

The True Adonis

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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #83 on: April 21, 2010, 12:16:30 PM »

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, doi:10.3945/ajcn.2008.25825B
Vol. 88, No. 6, 1716S-1721S, December 2008

 2008 American Society for Clinical Nutrition
Supplement: High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS): Everything You Wanted to Know, but Were Afraid to Ask

Straight talk about high-fructose corn syrup: what it is and what it ain't1,2,3,4







The hypothesis that HFCS is a unique cause of obesity is not supportable in the United States or elsewhere, and the reasons are clear:

HFCS has the same sugars composition as other "benign" fructose-glucose sweeteners such as sucrose, honey, and fruit juice concentrates and dietary sources such as fruits and juices;
Increased caloric intake since 1970 was not due to added sugars (including HFCS) but rather was due to increased consumption of all caloric nutrients, especially fats and flour and cereals;

HFCS is consumed in equal amounts with sucrose in the United States, but at <10% of the amount of sucrose worldwide;

Fructose-glucose sweeteners are metabolized through the same pathways regardless of dietary source;
Although pure fructose can cause metabolic upsets at high concentrations and in the absence of glucose, such experiments are irrelevant for HFCS, which is not consumed at extreme high levels and contains both fructose and glucose;

There is no longer an association between HFCS and obesity in the United States: per capita consumption of HFCS has declined in recent years, whereas obesity rates continue to rise; and

There is absolutely no association between HFCS use and worldwide obesity; HFCS is really a minor sweetener in the global perspective.

No one would disagree that HFCS as a caloric ingredient can lead to weight gain if products sweetened with it are consumed to excess. After all, the same may be said for all caloric ingredients, such as fats, protein, alcohol, and other carbohydrates. But there is absolutely no proof that HFCS acts in any exclusive manner to promote obesity.

It is time to retire the hypothesis that HFCS is uniquely responsible for obesity. (Other articles in this supplement to the Journal include references 34-37.)

Soul Crusher

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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #84 on: April 21, 2010, 12:16:49 PM »
Why are liberals ok with regulating salt but no ok with regulating abortion?  

Soul Crusher

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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #85 on: April 21, 2010, 12:18:29 PM »

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, doi:10.3945/ajcn.2008.25825B
Vol. 88, No. 6, 1716S-1721S, December 2008

 2008 American Society for Clinical Nutrition
Supplement: High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS): Everything You Wanted to Know, but Were Afraid to Ask

Straight talk about high-fructose corn syrup: what it is and what it ain't1,2,3,4







The hypothesis that HFCS is a unique cause of obesity is not supportable in the United States or elsewhere, and the reasons are clear:

HFCS has the same sugars composition as other "benign" fructose-glucose sweeteners such as sucrose, honey, and fruit juice concentrates and dietary sources such as fruits and juices;
Increased caloric intake since 1970 was not due to added sugars (including HFCS) but rather was due to increased consumption of all caloric nutrients, especially fats and flour and cereals;

HFCS is consumed in equal amounts with sucrose in the United States, but at <10% of the amount of sucrose worldwide;

Fructose-glucose sweeteners are metabolized through the same pathways regardless of dietary source;
Although pure fructose can cause metabolic upsets at high concentrations and in the absence of glucose, such experiments are irrelevant for HFCS, which is not consumed at extreme high levels and contains both fructose and glucose;

There is no longer an association between HFCS and obesity in the United States: per capita consumption of HFCS has declined in recent years, whereas obesity rates continue to rise; and

There is absolutely no association between HFCS use and worldwide obesity; HFCS is really a minor sweetener in the global perspective.

No one would disagree that HFCS as a caloric ingredient can lead to weight gain if products sweetened with it are consumed to excess. After all, the same may be said for all caloric ingredients, such as fats, protein, alcohol, and other carbohydrates. But there is absolutely no proof that HFCS acts in any exclusive manner to promote obesity.

It is time to retire the hypothesis that HFCS is uniquely responsible for obesity. (Other articles in this supplement to the Journal include references 34-37.)

TA - i have not followed your diet and theories on this.

Can you give me the short version?  Are you more concerned with calories, content? 

The True Adonis

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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #86 on: April 21, 2010, 12:19:17 PM »
Why are liberals ok with regulating salt but no ok with regulating abortion?  
Liberals can be ignorant too, ESPECIALLY when it comes to food.  Science goes completely out of the window and this sort of ignorance REALLY pisses me off.

Liberals do not have a shortage of Science Denialists I can assure you.

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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #87 on: April 21, 2010, 12:31:40 PM »
TA - i have not followed your diet and theories on this.

Can you give me the short version?  Are you more concerned with calories, content? 
As far as obesity goes, over-consumption of calories, whatever the source, will result in obesity.  No obese person lacks nutrients or minerals that is for sure.  They have plenty of those!

By regularly consuming an adequate amount of calories, for me 2500-3000, I get all the nutrition I need and then some just by default with my varying food choices.  I get all the Macro nutrients, vitamins and minerals I could ever hope to need, day in and day out without making a conscious effort of doing so.

The beauty of modern food science has also made it easier by selecting alleles in fruits and vegetables for higher Nutrient Content as well as adding and incorporating Vitamins and Minerals in our food supply with tons of products.

It really is a shame that the myth slingers and Science Denialists are trying to put a stranglehold on our food supply.  Every crop we eat today, every crop Humans have ever eaten, is a result of Artificial Selection, that is precisely what Agriculture is.  We happen to be at a great Scientific pinnacle in regards to being able to predict and select our foods for taste, nutritional content, color, crop yield etc....without playing futile guessing games.

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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #88 on: April 21, 2010, 12:36:06 PM »
As far as obesity goes, over-consumption of calories, whatever the source, will result in obesity.  No obese person lacks nutrients or minerals that is for sure.  They have plenty of those!

By regularly consuming an adequate amount of calories, for me 2500-3000, I get all the nutrition I need and then some just by default with my varying food choices.  I get all the Macro nutrients, vitamins and minerals I could ever hope to need, day in and day out without making a conscious effort of doing so.

The beauty of modern food science has also made it easier by selecting alleles in fruits and vegetables for higher Nutrient Content as well as adding and incorporating Vitamins and Minerals in our food supply with tons of products.

It really is a shame that the myth slingers and Science Denialists are trying to put a stranglehold on our food supply.  Every crop we eat today, every crop Humans have ever eaten, is a result of Artificial Selection, that is precisely what Agriculture is.  We happen to be at a great Scientific pinnacle in regards to being able to predict and select our foods for taste, nutritional content, color, crop yield etc....without playing futile guessing games.

Are you saying I can eat 2500 calries of beer, pizza, and cheeze dodles and it doesnt matter?

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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #89 on: April 21, 2010, 12:40:25 PM »
If anyone is interested in learning about the link between diet and disease, and ready to have everything we've been taught challenged, I recommend the book "The China Study."  

The True Adonis

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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #90 on: April 21, 2010, 12:47:14 PM »
Are you saying I can eat 2500 calries of beer, pizza, and cheeze dodles and it doesnt matter?
You would be in great shape for Summer and possibly ripped if you did so.  Get about .5 to 1 gram of protein if you are heavy weight training which is really easy to do.  Pizza has a lot of protein and of course Vitamins and Nutrients.

I know you probably have a lot of muscle seeing as you used to compete in the NPC so you may be able to eat a little more or you may have to eat a little less depending on your situation and how ripped you want to be.

2500 is a good starting point and you can work from there.

The very beauty of Food Science is the fact that Vitamins and Minerals are increased or added in a lot of foods that you normally would not think of as being nutritionally sound.  This makes it even easier to eat whatever you like.

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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #91 on: April 21, 2010, 12:51:39 PM »
You would be in great shape for Summer and possibly ripped if you did so.  Get about .5 to 1 gram of protein if you are heavy weight training which is really easy to do.  Pizza has a lot of protein and of course Vitamins and Nutrients.

I know you probably have a lot of muscle seeing as you used to compete in the NPC so you may be able to eat a little more or you may have to eat a little less depending on your situation and how ripped you want to be.

2500 is a good starting point and you can work from there.

The very beauty of Food Science is the fact that Vitamins and Minerals are increased or added in a lot of foods that you normally would not think of as being nutritionally sound.  This makes it even easier to eat whatever you like.


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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #92 on: April 21, 2010, 12:52:30 PM »
I drink Wine or Samuel Smith!  Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout has about 10 grams of Protein.  8)

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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #93 on: April 21, 2010, 12:55:20 PM »
Do you split it over 6 meals a day? 

The whole chicken and brolli and brown rice, while boring as shit, always worked for me. 


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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #94 on: April 21, 2010, 01:00:15 PM »
You would be in great shape for Summer and possibly ripped if you did so.  Get about .5 to 1 gram of protein if you are heavy weight training which is really easy to do.  Pizza has a lot of protein and of course Vitamins and Nutrients.

I know you probably have a lot of muscle seeing as you used to compete in the NPC so you may be able to eat a little more or you may have to eat a little less depending on your situation and how ripped you want to be.

2500 is a good starting point and you can work from there.

The very beauty of Food Science is the fact that Vitamins and Minerals are increased or added in a lot of foods that you normally would not think of as being nutritionally sound.  This makes it even easier to eat whatever you like.

Is .5 or 1 gram of protein per lb enough?Guys have ben preaching for years that you need 2grams per lb.Would you retain muscle only eating that little protein?Also,if a guy was a competative bodybuilder could he follow that diet get ripped AND retain size along the way?

If your right[Im not debating,just asking]why do guys like Palumbo preach a keto diet and George Farah preach a higher carb diet etc[you know what I mean].Why isnt there more agreement in such a small sport over diet.

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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #95 on: April 21, 2010, 01:04:51 PM »
Shit - if TA can formulate a diet around alcohol for me that will get me ripped and not kill my liver - damn, i'll sign up for that!

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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #96 on: April 21, 2010, 01:05:12 PM »
Do you split it over 6 meals a day? 

The whole chicken and brolli and brown rice, while boring as shit, always worked for me. 
I don`t have a meal pattern.  I just eat the calories throughout the day whenever I feel like it.  I make sure though to get that amount everyday.  Right now I eat 2800 day in and day out.

Your diet will work given the low caloric amount, but a big problem with the standard "bodybuilding" approach is that a lot of the times its not only boring, tasteless and mentally unfulfillable, it also may lack the vitamins and nutrients due to strict food choice limitation (which DOES NOT have to happen).

I have tracked a few bodybuilders and their diets each day using and using the USDA Nutrition Calculator along with Calorie King and compared it to my varied diet and find that what I eat provides more Vitamin and Nutrient content due to my ever changing and varied foods.

The "bodybuilding" diet and its content is sort of rigid and locked in and can contain many Nutritional deficiencies as a result.  This is why I challenge anyone to post their daily diet and I will analyze its content and compare it with mine just to show the disparity.

I even hear crazy bodybuilders avoiding fruit and milk!  It really is lunacy.


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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #97 on: April 21, 2010, 01:09:53 PM »
I don`t have a meal pattern.  I just eat the calories throughout the day whenever I feel like it.  I make sure though to get that amount everyday.  Right now I eat 2800 day in and day out.

Your diet will work given the low caloric amount, but a big problem with the standard "bodybuilding" approach is that a lot of the times its not only boring, tasteless and mentally unfulfillable, it also may lack the vitamins and nutrients due to strict food choice limitation (which DOES NOT have to happen).

I have tracked a few bodybuilders and their diets each day using and using the USDA Nutrition Calculator along with Calorie King and compared it to my varied diet and find that what I eat provides more Vitamin and Nutrient content due to my ever changing and varied foods.

The "bodybuilding" diet and its content is sort of rigid and locked in and can contain many Nutritional deficiencies as a result.  This is why I challenge anyone to post their daily diet and I will analyze its content and compare it with mine just to show the disparity.

I even hear crazy bodybuilders avoiding fruit and milk!  It really is lunacy.

But why do you think that is?If it works as you say,you would think bodybuilders would do it just to avoid the boredom of a contest diet.Why suffer if you dont have to?Ive never understood how their can be so much disagreement over foods,carbs,proteins and fats from person to person.Either one way is the best or its not.

Like I said you have Palumo who has almost the opposite approach to Farah.Why is that?

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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #98 on: April 21, 2010, 01:11:45 PM »
Damn, to think I starved myself those damn times on chicken broccoli, etc! 


I tried Atkins but felt physically sick from that. 

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Re: FDA should regulate salt, panel says.
« Reply #99 on: April 21, 2010, 01:13:28 PM »
Is .5 or 1 gram of protein per lb enough?Guys have ben preaching for years that you need 2grams per lb.Would you retain muscle only eating that little protein?Also,if a guy was a competative bodybuilder could he follow that diet get ripped AND retain size along the way?

If your right[Im not debating,just asking]why do guys like Palumbo preach a keto diet and George Farah preach a higher carb diet etc[you know what I mean].Why isnt there more agreement in such a small sport over diet.
To be fair, I can`t speak for anyone who uses Steroids as more protein may be beneficial to those who are on a wide array of anabolics given the activated gene expression of the many, many different drugs people use.  With that said, Nasser El Sonbaty used to ingest only around 100 grams of protein or so on a boatload of drugs and sat at 300 lbs plus for years on end.

Franco Columbu also advocates less protein, around the same as Nasser, even while he was powerlifting.

Billy, you have touched on something here as you mention the wide variance in diet practices, they are completely different yet all produce results.  This is precisely the point of my approach and fits in right alongside.  The only commonality in any cutting diet is the caloric amount, meaning the only way to get ripped is to reduce calories to the point you are burning more than you are consuming.

George Farrah`s diet does this, Palumbos does this (albeit painfully and devoid of essential nutrients from what I have seen) and mine does this.

Bottom line is, if you want to get ripped, eat less.  Simple as that.