Author Topic: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...  (Read 81610 times)

The True Adonis

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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #175 on: April 26, 2010, 09:36:30 PM »
I dont think Adonis said to eat candy and sugar all day, he said as long as you get the USRDA of nutrients then you could eat whatever you want albeit sugar and candy,and lose weight as long as you were burning more caloiries.
Exactly.  Food Science being what it is, wonderful thing it is, we are able to meet and exceed these needs just by the myriad of fortified products that we consume on a daily basis.  Couple that with "whole" sources such as Ground Beef or what have you and you are eating above and beyond the amount just by default, without even considering what components of Macro or Micro Nutrients that comprised your meals for the day.

The problem with Obesity which includes Perma-Bulkers (Obese people who work out but are convinced of overeating) is certainly not a lack of nutrients or Vitamins, they get too many of those obviously.

Obesity is a simple problem to solve and it does not involve penalizing the population writ large with any added consumption taxes or limitation of food choice or the artificial price increase- paying more for less food- due to a vocal uninformed/misinformed group of so called "health-nuts and "health experts" pushing for such nonsense.  Its happening and its unnecessary.  We see the impact of this vocal crowd in our supermarkets already in the form of the lessening of calories yet with the increase of price in food products.  This is unacceptable.  Demanding less food for a higher price does not make any sense to me whatsoever and as long as the gross confusion exists this trend will continue and will only get worse.

This is not the fault of those who know better and know how to watch their overall caloric intake.


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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #176 on: April 26, 2010, 09:36:46 PM »
it all comes down to this bros:

pump weights hard

eat food

get sleep

genetics determine the rest


James Blunt

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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #177 on: April 26, 2010, 09:40:03 PM »
it all comes down to this bros:

pump weights hard

eat food

get sleep

genetics determine the rest


You forgot sucking cock and taking Anabolic Halo.

The True Adonis

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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #178 on: April 26, 2010, 09:40:38 PM »

why dont you post a current pic?  have you become so concerned with your getbig status that you cannot post a simple picture?  it would be interesting to see what condition you currently are in. 
I will take some this week.  

The True Adonis

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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #179 on: April 26, 2010, 09:48:58 PM »
Am I the ONLY ONE here who is Frightened by this sort of thing:

MedPage Today
March 10, 2010

Junk Food Tax Could Improve Health
The Pricier Junk Food Is, the Less of It People Eat, Research Suggests

Taxing junk food may help reduce obesity and improve health, researchers have found.

California lawmakers propose a tax on sugary drinks to fight obesity.
Patients got significantly less of their calories from soda or pizza when there was a 10 percent increase in the price of either, Penny Gordon-Larsen of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and colleagues reported in the March 8 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine.

"Policies aimed at altering the price of soda or ... pizza may be effective mechanisms to steer U.S. adults toward a more healthful diet and help reduce long-term weight gain or insulin levels over time," the researchers wrote.

Talk of a soda tax has sparked debate across the country, particularly in New York and Philadelphia, where such legislation is currently under consideration. However, not much research has been done to study how price changes would affect health outcomes.

So the researchers looked at data from 5,115 patients enrolled in the longitudinal Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study from 1985 to 2006.

During that time, the inflation-adjusted price of soda and pizza actually decreased, with the largest drop observed for soda, falling from $2.71 to $1.42 for a 2-liter bottle -- a 48 percent decline.

In their analyses, the researchers found that changes in the price of soda and pizza were associated with changes in the probability of consuming those foods, as well as in the amounts consumed.

A 10 percent increase in the price of soda was associated with a 7.12 percent decrease in calories consumed from it, while the same increase in the price of pizza led to an 11.5 percent drop.

Price was also significantly associated with total caloric intake and body weight. A $1.00 increase in soda prices, for example, was tied to a mean of 124 fewer total daily calories, which amounted to an average weight loss of 2.34 pounds.

The researchers noted that similar trends were seen for pizza, adding that a $1.00 increase in the price of both soda and pizza together was associated with even greater changes in total energy intake, body weight, and insulin resistance.

James Blunt

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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #180 on: April 26, 2010, 09:52:40 PM »
My state just busted out a similar tax.

OLYMPIA, WA – Washington Governor Chris Gregoire approved a tax package last week that targets, among other things, soda, bottled water, major-brand beer, candy and cigarettes, the Los Angeles Times reports.

Gregoire said that the “sensible and modest” package would help solve the state’s budget deficit — currently estimated at $2.8 billion — and generate roughly $780 million annually.

Taxes on soda, beer and bottled water are temporary and will last through June 2013. The tobacco taxes take effect May 1, while the others kick in on staggered dates later this year.

"I believe in the people of the state of Washington. I'm asking them to stand up and do what's right on a temporary basis to see us through this worst time," Gregoire said.

Republican lawmakers blasted the Democratic governor’s move, arguing that the Democrats did not trim enough from state spending.

"Legislators must learn from history — you cannot tax and spend your way out of a recession, but you can dig the hole deeper with bad policies," said Sen. Janea Holmquist.

Specifics of the tax increases include:

Tobacco: $1 per pack increase.
Soda bottlers: 2 cents increase for every 12-ounce container (exempts bottlers under $10 million in volume).
Beer: 50 cents increase per gallon, or 28-cents per six-pack (exempts microwbrews).
Candy and gum: now subject to the state’s 6.5 percent sales tax.
Bottled water: now subject to the state’s 6.5 percent sales tax.

The True Adonis

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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #181 on: April 26, 2010, 09:54:21 PM »
As long as the drum of misinformation keeps beating, we will see outrageous proposals such as the above become the norm.

The food companies will not mind as they will simply do what they are already beginning to do now, offer less calories for more money due to public "outrage" and manufactured demand that they do so.  Couple that with governmental guidelines looking to pay off the deficit or whatever bailout or missile they need to purchase next and you are looking at disaster.

The sad thing is, people will applaud these type of measures, especially the so called- "health and fitness" industry and the woefully misinformed "organic food" crowd.


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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #182 on: April 26, 2010, 10:10:19 PM »
I just simply cannot understand why someone would not take a free trip to California, under any circumstances


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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #183 on: April 26, 2010, 10:15:17 PM »

I never counted calories in 30 + years when I came down for shows.

No, but I bet you swapped out different foods, like instead of potatos every other meal you were eating green veggies, and substituting things, thus lowering calories by default.

You did not have to count them, because you created your deficit, then probably did cardio.

If you used steroids, that changes the game completely as well. I used the same diet on a cycle that I used off of it, the exact same thing, and when I went off I got fat as hell.

A friend of mine did the same thing, except he tried to keep his calories clean. He reached a training plateau on gear (never deloaded or periodized anything), and he tried to keep it by not lowering calories. He of course lost muscle and got fat.

So, I have a hard time believing you just did your off season diet exactly, did some cardio, and then came in ripped.


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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #184 on: April 26, 2010, 10:25:42 PM »
As long as the drum of misinformation keeps beating, we will see outrageous proposals such as the above become the norm.

The food companies will not mind as they will simply do what they are already beginning to do now, offer less calories for more money due to public "outrage" and manufactured demand that they do so.  Couple that with governmental guidelines looking to pay off the deficit or whatever bailout or missile they need to purchase next and you are looking at disaster.

The sad thing is, people will applaud these type of measures, especially the so called- "health and fitness" industry and the woefully misinformed "organic food" crowd.

Exactly, it is all a freaking conspiracy really. It is allowed to progress because of the stupidity of the population.

Let's look into bodybuilding closely, and see where this all started.

In the old days, guys ate 3 squares of whatever they wanted, trained their whole body 3x a week, and then they grew.

In the mid 60's, when steroids came on the scene (I know people accuse Reeves of using in the 50's, and other guys as well in that time period. Not impossible, but I doubt it.).

Then guys were rapidly getting bigger than ever, and they changed training as well, which is where the split routine as well as ultra high volume for seemingly no reason came to be.

Weider saw this, realized people needed more protein since all of the stars ate a lot more. How much to recommend? Well, I don't know what it was then. I am sure they probably put no limit on it, eat until you grow. Hoffman had his powder before, and the idea was in full swing.

So, we get all sorts of powders and this high protein myth.

It is perpetuated by anecdotal reports of someone raising their protein when they find out about it, which makes them finally reach the optimum amount, even though the arbitrary gram per pound figure was overboard.

Now here we are, with this myth being spread all over the place. Interestingly enough, if the person sells protein powder, the trace amounts of protein are not bio-available enough to suffice. So now guys are attached to the ball and chain of drinking 4-6 scoops a day in addition to eating other crap they don't want.

It is not sustainable and the direct reason a lot of guys train for years and years while never seeing their abs. 


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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #185 on: April 26, 2010, 10:32:45 PM »
I just simply cannot understand why someone would not take a free trip to California, under any circumstances

It's a hit job. They don't want a debate, they want to make Adonis look stupid in front of the legions of misinformed people on the internet. If this doctor were so rich and world renowned, he would not waste his time with a guy on the internet. He wants to use Adonis in order to sell books or whatever.

Plus, you never know how convoluted the logic will be, and how the debate will be filmed. Just look at Arthur Jones discussing failure back in the day, or Mentzer, or Darden. They still think it causes muscle growth, and going to failure triggers it. People still persist to this day who believe it depending on inalienable proof it is not true. Mentzer admitted it was not the cause, but an insurance policy, and assured people it happened somewhere in between. Yeah right.

Anyway, without a case study with 2 non-drug using individuals, you will not get anything from the debate anyway. Adonis will say what he always says, the other guy will say what is in his book, and it would be a worthless stalemate leaving us to decide the winner. You all, out of irrational hatred will claim Adonis lost, and then cut up the interview and show certain clips, and then drive more and more people into believing this bullshit.

The True Adonis

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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #186 on: April 26, 2010, 10:42:43 PM »

There was an interesting article in the June 6, 1897 issue of the New York times that detailed Eugene Sandow`s diet verified by the Office of Experimentation in The Department of Agriculture.

His diet was extremely Carb Heavy at 502 grams. Overall calories per day for him were 4462 including Beer and Cigarettes and Ice Cream and Cake and Butter and Wine and Bread Pudding :)

The Department of Agriculture also calculated the diet for regular laborers, children and students etc...

We find that their average caloric intake in 1897 was certainly  higher than todays purported average intake which is quite interesting.  Clearly their entire lifestyle was different and much less sedentary.  Some may find this article as interesting as I did.

The True Adonis

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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #187 on: April 26, 2010, 10:54:07 PM »
Restaurants in 1915 also served meals that contained HIGHER calories than today`s Fast Food meals.


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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #188 on: April 26, 2010, 11:03:04 PM »
Restaurants in 1915 also served meals that contained HIGHER calories than today`s Fast Food meals.

Randy Roach: Muscle Smoke & Mirrors


READ IT!!  8)

Vince B

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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #189 on: April 26, 2010, 11:04:56 PM »
Here is the challenge, Adonis. You supervise a group of natural bodybuilders who have access ONLY to fast food such as McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, Pizza Hut, etc. Connelly can give his subjects any supplements and foods he likes. Neither group can use anabolic drugs, etc.  Have everyone do the same training protocols. To make this perfect use identical twins only and have one in each group. After 6 months test subjects for health, lean mass and appearance. If you feel confident that you know enough then you would embrace this challenge.

The True Adonis

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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #190 on: April 26, 2010, 11:07:19 PM »
Here is the challenge, Adonis. You supervise a group of natural bodybuilders who have access ONLY to fast food such as McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, Pizza Hut, etc. Connelly can give his subjects any supplements and foods he likes. Neither group can use anabolic drugs, etc.  Have everyone do the same training protocols. To make this perfect use identical twins only and have one in each group. After 6 months test subjects for health, lean mass and appearance. If you feel confident that you know enough then you would embrace this challenge.

I embrace it 10000000000000 percent.  Lets get it started.


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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #191 on: April 26, 2010, 11:09:34 PM »
Here is the challenge, Adonis. You supervise a group of natural bodybuilders who have access ONLY to fast food such as McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, Pizza Hut, etc. Connelly can give his subjects any supplements and foods he likes. Neither group can use anabolic drugs, etc.  Have everyone do the same training protocols. To make this perfect use identical twins only and have one in each group. After 6 months test subjects for health, lean mass and appearance. If you feel confident that you know enough then you would embrace this challenge.

You would not even have to do that. Just no drugs and percentage gains are fine relative to training history and overall bodyfat history. Have 1 representative of each body type in each group, and let the results speak for themselves.

Your scenario is a 'lol, look how hard this would be' type thing.

Vince B

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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #192 on: April 26, 2010, 11:34:49 PM »
What a pity that in our societies we have TV shows called the Biggest Loser where fatties compete to see who loses the most. What a pity we haven't got a show where people are trying to build lean mass. That would be infinitely more interesting than listening to fat people complain about each other. The McDonalds experiment would be to have a facility attached to a McDonalds restaurant and the subjects eat only what is served at McDonalds. They have no outside contact and are tested for drugs, etc. The winner would be the person who gains the most lean mass and looks the best while remaining healthy.

If subjects were successful it would put an end to this nonsense of junk food. There is no such thing. Only junk diets. An example would be to eat only french fries. Hamburgers are nutritionally almost a complete food.

It would be interesting to see what Connelly could do with his knowledge. Even if he won the challenge I am confident that the 'junk food' group wouldn't be far behind.

The True Adonis

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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #193 on: April 26, 2010, 11:40:40 PM »
What a pity that in our societies we have TV shows called the Biggest Loser where fatties compete to see who loses the most. What a pity we haven't got a show where people are trying to build lean mass. That would be infinitely more interesting than listening to fat people complain about each other. The McDonalds experiment would be to have a facility attached to a McDonalds restaurant and the subjects eat only what is served at McDonalds. They have no outside contact and are tested for drugs, etc. The winner would be the person who gains the most lean mass and looks the best while remaining healthy.

If subjects were successful it would put an end to this nonsense of junk food. There is no such thing. Only junk diets. An example would be to eat only french fries. Hamburgers are nutritionally almost a complete food.

It would be interesting to see what Connelly could do with his knowledge. Even if he won the challenge I am confident that the 'junk food' group wouldn't be far behind.

Its already been done with solely Mcdonalds.

The following journal is a daily account of my 30 day journey through the golden arches of fast food. I will be eating McDonald’s food, and only McDonald’s food, for the next 30 day’s. My objective is to prove that through proper caloric intake and exercise (aerobic & anaerobic) it’s possible to eat a variety of foods, including fast food, without gaining fat.


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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #194 on: April 26, 2010, 11:42:26 PM »
I just simply cannot understand why someone would not take a free trip to California, under any circumstances


The True Adonis

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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #195 on: April 26, 2010, 11:44:23 PM »

Okay, here are the results:

Weight – I started at 222lbs and in thirty days I dropped 8lbs of “body fat”, ending the thirty days at 214lbs.
Blood Pressure - I started at 111/71, a bit low, and ended the thirty days at 121/81 which is optimal.
Cholesterol – this is where you need to understand about cholesterol!
My HDL (the good cholesterol) improved 80%.
My LDL (the bad cholesterol) went down 2 points. That’s an improvement!
My overall cholesterol went up 6% because of my HDL improvement, however this is an improvement overall.
My Triglycerides improved 42%

The True Adonis

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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #196 on: April 26, 2010, 11:45:58 PM »

Greetings to all,

Well, it’s been a week since “The McDonald’s Diet” officially ended and the results are in. However, before I get into that, I’d like to thank all the individuals that donated their time and effort to help out on the project – Mike, Carlos, and Michele for their great work on the web site and postings, Rosalie for keeping my schedule together and keeping me on track, Scott for making sure the integrity of the project was sound, Jessie & James for their creative filming and the incredible documentary that is coming soon, and all the rest that played a part in the project – Thank You…

The project was fun and I had a great time doing it – sounds funny given the results that Morgan Spurlock claims to have had from only McDonald’s food. We both (Spurlock & I) knew exactly what we were doing. The difference was that Spurlock was/is playing on the misinformation that the public has in order to make a profit; I was/am interested in educating in order to stop the acceleration of obesity in America. However, am I looking to get something for my efforts? Yes – psychic benefit, a term in economics, which is more valuable to me than monetary benefit.

Spurlock will move on to host a TV show, Truth In Fitness will be starting a new project this month. We’ll be coaching a 55 year-old, obese woman, whom is diabetic, to a new life, and you will be able to track her every step on the web site. We’ll keep a journal, just as before, with pictures and comments from her. The introduction to this new project will have the full story.

Okay, here are the results:

Weight – I started at 222lbs and in thirty days I dropped 8lbs of “body fat”, ending the thirty days at 214lbs.
Blood Pressure - I started at 111/71, a bit low, and ended the thirty days at 121/81 which is optimal.
Cholesterol – this is where you need to understand about cholesterol!
My HDL (the good cholesterol) improved 80%.
My LDL (the bad cholesterol) went down 2 points. That’s an improvement!
My overall cholesterol went up 6% because of my HDL improvement, however this is an improvement overall.
My Triglycerides improved 42%

Many people have asked me if it matters where their calories come from. At the most basic, eating exactly the number of calories that you burn and if you are only talking about weight, not fat loss, the answer is no -- a calorie is a calorie. A protein calorie is no different from a fat calorie -- they are simply units of energy. As long as you burn what you eat, you will maintain your weight; and as long as you burn more than you eat, you will lose weight. But if we're talking nutrition, it definitely matters where those calories originate. We will be posting information regarding nutrition soon.

Again, thank you for your support and encouragement.



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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #197 on: April 26, 2010, 11:47:04 PM »
I just simply cannot understand why someone would not take a free trip to California, under any circumstances

The True Adonis

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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #198 on: April 26, 2010, 11:48:47 PM »


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Re: True Adonis (Adam) has been completely exposed...
« Reply #199 on: April 26, 2010, 11:49:50 PM »
I just simply cannot understand why someone would not take a free trip to California, under any circumstances
Employed and in meaningful relationships?  ;D Do you know about those things?