Author Topic: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deceit and Promises Broken  (Read 226575 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #575 on: April 04, 2011, 10:55:28 AM »
Obama's Energy Policy: A Looming Disaster ^ | April 4, 2011 | Lurita Doan

 Once again, on energy policy and action, President Obama talks the talk, but has no substance behind his teleprompted words.  In an address at Georgetown University, Obama touted his Administration's plans for energy dependence, outlined in the 44 page,   Blueprint for A Secure Energy Future, recently released by the White House.  The Blueprint is a banal and ineffective proposal more reminiscent of a poorly written, high school term paper than a substantive policy paper from the leader of the free world.  In it, Obama continues his worrisome trend of avoiding decisions, clouding the issues, and sidestepping any responsibility to lead.  The President should be ashamed.

Obama's speech made it clear that while he advocates making hard choices, he has very little experience and no plan for doing so.  So when he tried to talk down the price of oil by outlining a new energy policy which would make America less dependent upon foreign oil, the market quickly reacted.   Within hours of Obama's speech, the Stock Market apparently weighed, measured and found Obama's proposals hollow, and ineffective, and the price of oil went up.   Clearly, the President’s gift of persuasion is not what it used to be as we become more and more used to his unwillingness to make difficult decision or face problems squarely.

Obama said: "we will keep on being a victim to shifts in the oil market until we get serious about a long-term policy for secure, affordable energy."  Obama then made a powerful case to demonstrate his own lack of seriousness, by suggesting that American energy needs could be provided by solar, bio and wind.  We learn, once again, that Mr Obama hates coal (too dirty), he hates drilling for oil (BP spill), and now hates nuclear (after Japan). The obvious problem here is that coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear together account for almost 90% of US energy production and cannot possibly be replaced any time soon.

What Obama needed to do was to start a dispassionate conversation about how American know-how and technological abilities could be unleashed to make our sources of energy safer, less dangerous, and less expensive.  Instead, Obama left American with the impression that renewable energy could someday soon replace more conventional sources of energy.   Not once did he admit that  solar, wind and ethanol require massive government subsidies and a government diktat, forcing consumption    But then again, misleading the public while avoiding any difficult decision is becoming the Obama Way.

For example, the President states that he will call for a "100% alternative fuel, hybrid, or electric vehicles" government fleet within 4 years.

Left unsaid was the fact that this kind of energy policy actually makes the situation worse.  Obama is proposing to replace cars that don't need to be replaced (remember, in 2009 and 2010, he accelerated the replacement of 250,000 vehicles in the government fleet in support of Cash for Clunkers), for cars that must use fuel that doesn't exist in large enough quantity to keep the vehicles on the road, at a cost that the country cannot afford with out huge government subsidies.  Now that's some kind of a plan!

None of the President's proposals will meet his stated of goal of making America more energy dependent.  Instead, what Obama proposes is a transfer of energy dependence from the Middle East to Mexico, Canada and Brazil.  " We can partner with neighbors like Canada, Mexico, and Brazil, which recently discovered significant new oil reserves, and with whom we can share American technology and know-how."  We are left to wonder why Americans should not use these same  American resources and know-how to exploit even larger energy deposits in the US.

Obama says all the right things, such as: "Meeting this new goal of cutting our oil dependence depends largely on two things: finding and producing more oil at home, and reducing our dependence on oil with cleaner alternative fuels and greater efficiency."   And yet, time and again, President Obama proposes increasing the regulatory stranglehold that arcane and left-wing extremist rulemaking have on the industry, thus preventing any kind of energy independence.

Perhaps the cruelest fantasy advanced by Obama was when he dangled the possibility of natural gas as a potential solution.  Focusing attention on natural gas makes sense given the nation's enormous reserves, yet, Obama says that we aren't going to drill,  And, in the interests of safety, there will be more regulations imposed upon that industry, which shows Obama doesn't understand that the very regulatory regime he embraces is the single thing that most hinders utilizing more natural gas.

Obama likes to sound tough, so he told his audience of Georgetown students: " I don’t want to leave this challenge for future presidents."  But, a quick read of the plan he is proposing shows that all deliverables are for four or more years in the future-- which means, inevitably, it will become some other president's problem.

Of course, Obama isn't the only Democrat leader who just doesn't get it.  At almost the same time, that Obama was claiming that his Democrat leadership team was going to make energy independence a priority and focusing their efforts on the hard science needed to make this dream a reality, and that everyone one of them would "do their part", Harry Reid, Senate Majority leader, was getting advice on energy policy from  Chuck  Leavell, keyboardist for the Rolling Stones. 

So there you have it, confronted with a serious issue about what to do on energy, our President avoids making any decision at all, while the Democrat Senate Majority leader gets advice from a member of the Rolling Stones on what America should do.

Americans are left with this unmistakable reality--the greatest impediment to a coherent energy-independence policy is Obama, the man advancing the policy.

Churchill said it best: "So they [the Government] go on in strange paradox, decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all-powerful to be impotent."

Yep.  That's Obama for you.

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #576 on: April 05, 2011, 06:05:39 AM »
US (Obama) lifts assets freeze on Libyan defector linked to Lockerbie bombing
msnbc ^ | 4/5/2011 | SCOTT SHANE/ ny times

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The Obama administration dropped financial sanctions on Monday against the top Libyan official who fled to Britain last week, saying it hoped the move would encourage other senior aides to abandon Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, the country’s embattled leader.

But the decision to unfreeze bank accounts and permit business dealings with the official, Moussa Koussa, underscored the predicament his defection poses for American and British authorities, who said on Tuesday that Scottish police and prosecutors planned to interview Mr. Koussa about the 1988 Lockerbie bombing and other issues “in the next few days.”

Mr. Koussa’s close knowledge of the ruling circle, which he is believed to be sharing inside a British safe house, could be invaluable in trying to strip Colonel Qaddafi of support.

But as the longtime Libyan intelligence chief and foreign minister, Mr. Koussa is widely believed to be implicated in acts of terrorism and murder over the last three decades, including the assassination of dissidents, the training of international terrorists and the bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.

“He was both the left arm and the right arm of the regime, its bloodhound,” said Dirk Vandewalle, a Dartmouth professor who has studied Libya for many years.

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #577 on: April 05, 2011, 06:42:02 AM »

Soul Crusher

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #578 on: April 05, 2011, 10:11:51 AM »,0,15008.story

Senators, Obama administration at odds over hiring records

Congressional auditors say they need employment data to check for possible federal disability fraud. The Health and Human Services Department says it's not authorized to disclose such data.

By Peter Nicholas, Washington Bureau

8:00 PM CDT, April 4, 2011

Reporting from Washington

The Obama administration is refusing to provide information that congressional auditors say they need to root out waste and fraud in federal programs that pay out billions of dollars in disability benefits, stirring complaints about White House open-government practices.

The position taken by the Health and Human Services Department has resulted in a standoff with congressional investigators, who want to flush out cases of people who obtain jobs while collecting federal disability payments. That could be a violation of law under certain circumstances.

Congress' investigative arm, the Government Accountability Office, hopes to match the names of those getting disability payments against a list of people who've been newly hired, a method of confirming whether healthy, gainfully employed people are receiving disability on top of their regular salary.

If that is the case, it would "certainly raise a huge red flag for fraud," said Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who has asked for an investigation into the issue.

But the health department, which keeps employment records, has refused to turn them over because of legal concerns.

The records are part of a federal database known as the National Directory of New Hires. It is used to help child support agencies find delinquent parents and enforce court orders.

Citing privacy concerns, Congress has placed restrictions on who gets to see the database. Because the GAO is not mentioned in law as an authorized user, the department has concluded that it is unable to share the directory with investigators, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius wrote in a letter last month to Collins.

Beyond holding back the records, the department has also told states not to comply with any request from congressional investigators for the same information, said Collins and two other senators who have intervened on the GAO's behalf.

They argue that the GAO has broad legal access to records needed to conduct oversight.

"This is ridiculous. We're trying to do oversight to solve a problem," said Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), who is pushing for the investigation.

The impasse comes amid a growing debate over Obama's record on government transparency, a signature promise of his 2008 campaign.

Two years into his term, the record is uneven. Obama aides insist they've set new standards for open government by revealing the names of White House visitors. Last month, Obama collected an award from good-government advocates for making transparency an important goal. But in an ironic twist, the White House neither disclosed the event nor allowed reporters in, prompting a rebuke from one of the groups that presented the award.

One study, by the nonpartisan National Security Archive, found last month that nearly half of 90 different federal agencies had failed to meet Obama's directive to make changes in public information laws aimed at opening up government.

In the dispute between the department and the GAO, Collins, Coburn and Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) sent a letter to Sebelius urging her to release the information. The three senators also asked her not to block states from cooperating with investigators' request for data.

"President Obama promised that his administration would be the 'most open and transparent ever,' " the senators wrote. "The American people deserve to see that promise kept. Withholding information from GAO, and directing that states do the same, undermines transparency and accountability that we know the president values."

Collins, in an interview, said the Obama administration's legal reasoning made no sense.

"HHS makes an absurd argument — that GAO is not an authorized user of the database because it's not specifically listed in the law," Collins said. "The reason this is an absurd argument is because if HHS is right, in every single law that we pass we would have to say, 'Oh, by the way, GAO has access to any data connected to this law.' "

A former general counsel to Health and Human Services, Thomas Barker, said the department probably had the better argument. When a similar issue came up during his tenure in President George W. Bush's administration, he said, the department withheld information from congressional investigators because the law did not expressly allow for them to have it.

Without the employment records, the GAO's investigation has been effectively blocked. That's not a familiar position for the office.

Since filing a lawsuit against then-Vice President Dick Cheney in 2002 over private meetings of his energy task force, GAO investigators have been able to resolve differences with the executive branch and move forward with investigations, a GAO official said in an interview.

But in a meeting with Senate staff this year, the GAO said it saw no way around the obstacle raised by the health department, according to people who were present. That didn't sit well with Senate aides at the meeting.

"Since the Cheney case we have either been able to work out our issues with the agencies or have found alternative means of doing the work," said Robert Cramer, general counsel for the GAO. "Here there's no alternative except going through the states, which HHS has cut off from us at this point."

Past investigations have uncovered fraud in federal disability programs, and all three senators have asked the GAO to look more deeply into the issue.

Last year, nearly 15 million people received federal disability benefits amounting to $153 billion under two programs run by the Social Security Administration.

Copyright © 2011, Los Angeles Times

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Yeah, anther bogus award for Obama on transparency. 



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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #579 on: April 05, 2011, 12:54:29 PM »

Soul Crusher

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #580 on: April 05, 2011, 01:06:12 PM »
Ha ha ha ha ha ha - talk about incompetence. 

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #581 on: April 05, 2011, 06:46:16 PM »
Obama Administration Continues To Bungle Caregiver’s Act Programs
Flopping Aces ^ | 04-05-11 | darden

Obama has faced the increasing pressure on him over the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act that has included a bi-partisan letter from all of the Congressmen on the Veterans' Affairs Committee by still continuing to fail to implement any of the extended veterans' benefits of the Caregiver Act. However despite this complete inaction, the Obama administration continues to claim that the "VA and veterans are the president's top priority" as Deputy VA W. Scott Gould did in a high profile speech last week. The Caregiver Act, which Obama signed it into law nearly a year ago, extends veterans of the War on Terror's benefits and is meant to provide critical support services to those who take care of our nation's most severely wounded warriors and includes a stipend to be paid to the primary caregiver of a disabled veteran as well as provisions to pay lodging and meals to those caregivers who might accompany injured veterans on trips for VA healthcare evaluations and treatments.

Because of the obvious importance of providing financial stability for these veterans and their caregivers veterans' support groups like the Wounded Warrior Project claimed the program was a sign of hope when it was first signed into law on May 5th of last year. However in the intervening 11 months many people's bright expectation have been tamped into an undiluted pessimism as Obama has failed to get the programs up and running even though months have passed since the January 30th deadline.

And there's nothing to show that Obama has any plans of working towards getting the programs started either.


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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #583 on: April 06, 2011, 06:20:40 AM »

Dont you talk shit when i post something by Stewart.. something about information from a comedian.. you dont watch cable news...hahahaha caught in another lie..

Soul Crusher

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #584 on: April 06, 2011, 06:23:10 AM »

Dont you talk shit when i post something by Stewart.. something about information from a comedian.. you dont watch cable news...hahahaha caught in another lie..

Ok.   Care to dispute what he said?   

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #585 on: April 06, 2011, 06:26:51 AM »
Ok.   Care to dispute what he said?   

na.. its prob right..i havent even watched it////.but dont come on here all high and mighty, talking about "oh i dont watch cable news...i dont get information from a comedian..blah blah blah".. and then.. .............get information from a comedian..

What a fucking inconsistant joke you are


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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #586 on: April 06, 2011, 06:29:09 AM »
Whats wrong with Stewart ???

He is the most unbiased news/comedian on air

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #587 on: April 06, 2011, 06:29:38 AM »
na.. its prob right..i havent even watched it////.but dont come on here all high and mighty, talking about "oh i dont watch cable news...i dont get information from a comedian..blah blah blah".. and then.. .............get information from a comedian..

What a fucking inconsistant joke you are

I saw the clip posted at DU and laughed my ass off at thwe obama dildos melting down over it.   I watch maybe 2-3 hours of TV a week at best.    

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #588 on: April 06, 2011, 06:30:46 AM »
You know I am right.  Liberal guilt ridden jews in NY & CA largely funded NObama over Hillary and now those stokholm syndrome idiots have to deal with it.  

Screw em.  I really dont give a rats ass about them anymore.   Let them keep making asses of themselves like Stewart does.    

It was an off the cuff observation I had.  I live in NYC and see this garbage up front daily.  

To me, there is something hysterical about minorities supporting jews in public office or in the media like Stewart, Stern, Wiener, Schumer, etc not realizing that many of those same jews are far more more racist and far more prejudiced than any red neck or tea bagger on the earth.  

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #589 on: April 06, 2011, 06:34:52 AM »

Good quotes.   I'm 10000% correct on that.  And in 2012 -Stewarts' white liberal guilt will make him fall in line just like the 95% of blacks who will vote for Obama even if he promises to re-impose slavery.       

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #590 on: April 06, 2011, 06:42:05 AM »
so he is awful when he mocks your hero.. there are all these reasons we shouldnt listen to him.. but when he mocks Obama.. hes cool? i swear i think you are 12 years old

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #591 on: April 06, 2011, 06:49:22 AM »
so he is awful when he mocks your hero.. there are all these reasons we shouldnt listen to him.. but when he mocks Obama.. hes cool? i swear i think you are 12 years old

He can say whatever he wanyts - but at the end of the day I will bet everything I have he will fall into line and lockste just like you will no matter what.   

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #592 on: April 06, 2011, 06:55:33 AM »
He can say whatever he wanyts - but at the end of the day I will bet everything I have he will fall into line and lockste just like you will no matter what.   
what that fuck are you blabbering about.. end of day lockste... wtf? dude get some rest..

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #593 on: April 06, 2011, 06:57:06 AM »
Washington Post and CBS receiving money from ObamaCare Slush Fund
Daily Caller ^ | 4/5/2011 | Matthew Boyle

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Two mainstream news organizations are receiving hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars from Obamacare’s Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP) — a $5 billion grant program that’s doling out cash to companies, states and labor unions in what the Obama administration considers an effort to pay for health insurance for early retirees. The Washington Post Company raked in $573,217 in taxpayer subsidies and CBS Corporation secured $722,388 worth of Americans’ money.

“It is fine with me if they continue covering the ObamaCare debate,” said Rep. Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, in an e-mail to The Daily Caller. “When NBC used to cover energy issues, they identified themselves as a subsidiary of General Electric. CBS and Washington Post just have to disclose that they are subsidiaries of the Obama Administration.”

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #594 on: April 06, 2011, 09:26:37 AM »
White House Promises Veto of Anti-E.P.A. Bill
NYT ^ | 4/5/2011 | JOHN M. BRODER

In case there was any doubt, the White House on Tuesday issued a formal statement opposing a bill now before the House that would bar the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gases for the purpose of combating climate change.

The bill, known as the Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011, could come up for a vote as early as Wednesday and is almost certain to pass when it does. It has virtually unanimous support among the Republican majority and will probably draw votes from a few Democrats from coal and oil producing states.

The measure, sponsored by Representatives Fred Upton, Republican of Michigan, and Ed Whitfield, Republican of Kentucky, would overturn the E.P.A.’s finding that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases pose a danger to human health and the environment. That finding, based on a broad scientific consensus, is the basis for pending regulation of carbon emissions from vehicles and large stationary sources like power plants, factories and refineries.

Republicans assert the new rules are a hidden energy tax that will significantly raise production costs and drive jobs offshore.

Administration officials have spoken out against the bill in speeches and congressional testimony, but President Obama had not formally threatened to veto it. On Tuesday, the White House issued a strongly worded statement that erases any doubt.

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #595 on: April 06, 2011, 03:53:54 PM »

Obama accused of 'rewarding terrorism' after dropping sanctions on Libyan Lockerbie 'mastermind' ^ | April 05, 2011

The Obama administration has been accused of ‘rewarding terrorism’ after dropping financial sanctions against the former Libyan foreign minister who defected to Britain.

Relatives of those who died in the Lockerbie bombing said that it ‘sent out totally the wrong message’ to unfreeze bank accounts belonging to Musa Kusa.

He will also be allowed to conduct business dealings with Americans and U.S. companies to ensure that he has access to any funds he has built up for himself.

The White House claimed the measure would encourage other Libyan officials to defect and share their knowledge of the regime.

But the Lockerbie relatives said they were deeply distressed by the decision and that it went against the interests of justice.

The move also comes after Washington was extremely harsh in its criticism of the British and Scottish governments for agreeing to free bomber Abdelbasset al-Megrahi.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton went so far as to say that his ongoing survival is ‘an affront to the victims’ families’.

Frank Duggan, president of Pan Am 103 inc, which represents the families of those who lost loved ones, said: ‘I’m flabbergasted. Unlocking the sanctions sends out totally the wrong message.’

Brian Flynn, who lost his 21-year-old brother John Patrick in the Lockerbie bombing, added he and other relatives were alarmed by the decision.

‘It’s all logical in the diplomatic game they need to play,’ he said.

‘We all want to see Gadaffi brought down but at what cost to justice if you are rewarding somebody who has been accused of terrorist attacks?’

Kusa, who defected to Britain last week, has been described by Libyan experts as ‘the left arm and the right arm of the regime, its bloodhound’.

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #596 on: April 06, 2011, 04:00:25 PM »
Obama’s New Energy Policy: A Lesson in Stealth Socialism
Pajamas Media ^ | April 6, 2011 | Mike McDaniel

His speech and policies utilize the bait-and-switch.

 President Barack Obama, facing political heat and plummeting poll numbers inevitably generated by rapidly rising gasoline and energy prices, is calling for a one-third reduction in oil imports over the next decade. How will this potentially laudable — but likely farcical — goal be accomplished?

By boosting domestic energy production, offering incentives to increase the use of biofuels and natural gas, and making cars and trucks more fuel-efficient.

According to the AP and Fox:

Obama long has said the U.S. needs to reduce its dependency on oil — particularly from overseas sources — for financial, security and environmental reasons. In his State of the Union address in January, he set a goal of having 80 percent of U.S. energy come from clean sources like wind, solar and nuclear by 2035.

But what about domestic oil production?

The administration says it still sees vast opportunities to expand on domestic oil and gas production. An Interior Department report released ahead of Obama’s speech Wednesday said more than two-thirds of offshore leases in the Gulf of Mexico are sitting idle, neither producing oil and gas nor being actively explored by the companies who hold the leases. The department said those leases could potentially hold more than 11 billion barrels of oil and 50 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

And what about nuclear energy?

Officials said Obama also would reaffirm his support for nuclear power, which has come under intense scrutiny in recent weeks after an earthquake and tsunami in Japan severely damaged a nuclear power plant there.

One might initially be tempted to see this as an admission of past failings and the adoption of new, rational policies to lower energy prices for Americans, but it is no such thing. In Clintonian fashion, it depends on what the meaning of “boost” is, but this is primarily one of the oldest cons in the book: bait-and-switch.

Mr. Obama, as I’ve previously argued in these pages, is provably a socialist, but a particularly American kind: a stealth socialist. Stealth socialism is a matter of tactics. Stealth socialists, recognizing that an open Marxist agenda will never fly with the American people, adopt a patient, long-term strategy whereby they attain the same goals but through misrepresentation, misdirection, lies, and bait-and-switch. These are, coincidentally, the tactics of the con man. Having been a community organizer, Mr. Obama is particularly adept at these tactics and with the use of the primary vehicle for their implementation: rhetoric.

In Radical-In-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism, Stanley Kurtz carefully and convincingly documents stealth socialism and Mr. Obama’s full immersion in it. Stealth socialists are careful never to allow themselves to be known as socialists, which is certainly Mr. Obama’s practice. Mr. Kurtz does what the media would not do in 2008, and still scrupulously avoids: he investigates and reports on Mr. Obama’s associations, motivations, and the truth of his policies.

Bait-and-switch, for those not familiar with the con man’s lexicon, is promising one thing but steering people into accepting another. A classic example is the appliance store that advertises an attractive microwave oven for $20, but when customers stream into the store, explains that the last of the $20 ovens (if such ovens ever existed) was just sold, and further explains that there are some wonderful $60 dollar ovens that are just as good. Having expended time, effort, and money, many people will be disposed to being steered to the more expensive product, which was the store’s dishonest intention all along.

The most egregious example of this execrable con is ObamaCare.

Misrepresentation? Mr. Obama promised a health care utopia that would not only insure tens of millions of the currently uninsured at no additional cost, but would improve health care in every way while costing less and simultaneously lowering the deficit. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen! Come on down to the BHO Discount Appliance Emporium for $20 health care with a $30 rebate! But act now! It’s going fast!

Misdirection? Large parts of the $20 health care oven don’t take effect until after the 2012 election cycle, and funding is frantically juggled into the future when the real economic bad news finally catches up and everyone is left with a far more expensive product, inferior to the product it replaced. The idea was that by imposing as much of ObamaCare as possible on the public for as long as possible, enough of the public would come to feel that they had too much invested to turn down the switch. This is the bait — the building of such huge bureaucracies and such addiction in huge constituencies that it would be virtually impossible to shut the bureaucrats down and to wean the addicts off the drug, thus cementing the switch. The entire system is designed to fail, and to fail obviously, because the final goal — intended all along — is a single payer system and maximum control over the health and the very lives of Americans. This is classic stealth socialism.

Fortunately, economic reality has already begun to catch up with Mr. Obama, and even he and many members of his party and his supporters have had to admit the misdirection and misrepresentation. As Nancy Pelosi forecast, the bill was passed, and people have been finding out what’s in it. But to her surprise, they’re not taking the bait. The switch has been prematurely exposed by more than a thousand waivers (and counting), bad budget news, and exploding deficits. Even Democrats who voted for ObamaCare have had no choice but to admit the truth. Democrats such as former Indiana Senator Evan Bayh admitted that ObamaCare doesn’t address rising health care costs:

The real issue that was not addressed, Laura, that you’ve raised now, and I think appropriately, is the cost, the cost to both the government and to your listeners. We need to take steps now to get the costs of health care under control. That was not dealt with really in an aggressive way in this legislation. I think it now needs to be.

Now comes Mr. Obama with his newest con, as always, using stealth socialist bait-and-switch tactics. He suggested that young people have a “responsibility” to buy fuel-efficient cars. To save the planet? Not quite. To provide a market for the manufacturers who make them, manufacturers such as GM, which makes the Chevy Volt. In a free market, if there is no demand for a product, no rational manufacturer will build it. But this is the new Obama age of green, socialist technology and government-owned auto companies, where the intentions of bureaucrats must drive demand. Mr. Obama added:

There are no quick fixes. And we will keep on being a victim to shifts in the oil market until we finally get serious about a long-term policy for a secure, affordable energy future.

Mr. Obama denied that he had any hand in higher gas prices, and argued that any claim that his administration had shut down oil production “doesn’t track with reality.” There are a great many Gulf Coast (where production is down some 360,000 barrels of oil per day), Alaskan, and other American oil companies and workers whose reality is quite obviously on a different track — a high-speed rail to unemployment and bankruptcy.

In this case, the bait is the promise of reasonable fuel prices, more American jobs, and economic prosperity. The switch is virtually everything he has proposed. Keep in mind that Mr. Obama’s first instinct is to handle every situation by making a speech about it. He seems to believe that whatever he says in a televised teleprompter reading is reality because he said it, and the public should be thanking him — not only for making the reading, but for the policies expressed, regardless of whether they are true or ever come to fruition. In the case of energy policy and much else, all that remains for the public is eloquent-sounding but ephemeral rhetoric.

Despite what Mr. Obama says, he knows that he has many supporting, stealthy resources to work his will. He can, with no fanfare or publicity, produce executive orders at odds with his rhetoric. His ever-expanding legion of bureaucrats will do everything possible to make end-runs around Congress and to prevent the implementation of his feigned intentions, particularly in the areas of energy and the environment. And failing those options, legions of environmentalists and animal-rights groups will file lawsuits to obstruct anything they might not like, relying on willing and helpful judges in the federal judiciary. To date, they have even opposed and litigated the very foundations of Mr. Obama’s brave new world of green energy, including on- and offshore windmills and even a solar plant in the Mojave Desert.

As a public service, an exposition/translation of Mr. Obama’s obviously intended switches:

(1) Reducing oil imports by one-third within 10 years

This could be done today, but the problem remains: what replaces it? Mr. Obama claims that America has only about 2% of the world’s oil reserves, but he is lying by means of cherry-picked statistics. To date, Mr. Obama has indulged only in magical thinking about current green technologies that absolutely cannot make up the deficit, or potential future technologies that will almost certainly always be future technologies. Without a plan to replace that oil with a substitute that is, this very day, completely viable in application and cost, reducing imports will only further cripple the economy.

(2) “Clean technology” comprising 80% of U.S. energy needs by 2035

Unicorn horns and fairy dust don’t conjure nonexistent technologies into being. Wind, solar, and similar technologies will produce only a marginal percentage of American energy needs, and only if they are fully exploited. Mr. Obama has shown no sign of doing that. The experience of other nations in subsidizing “green” jobs has proved an economic disaster, as countries like Spain have lost at least two jobs — often more — in the rest of the economy for each “green” job created. Replacing any significant portion of America’s current energy sources would take unprecedented scientific breakthroughs, stratospheric governmental and individual cash outlays, and wholesale changes in every facet of American life, particularly if imposed on a timetable picked out of a hat.

(3) “Incentives” for increased biofuel production

Ethanol has been a disaster. Gasoline is ubiquitous because it can be economically produced and because it contains substantial energy. Ethanol contains substantially less energy than gasoline, so it produces less engine power and reduced mileage. It adds complexity to the supply chain, which will raise the cost of the fuel, and it arguably takes more energy to produce a gallon of the stuff than it actually contains. In addition, it adds alcohol to the fuel, which absorbs moisture, and because it is an effective solvent, damages plastics and fiberglass and melts various rubber and plastic gaskets and seals. It is also corrosive, long-term, to automotive engines. Ethanol production has reduced the world corn supply, contributing to food shortages around the world and increased food prices in America. Of course, “incentives” mean that dollars, which must be borrowed, are being used to provide the aforementioned dubious benefits. Other biofuels promise to be no different, and potentially, worse, and all in the name of being “not” gasoline.

(4) “Support” for nuclear energy

It is very easy to express support for nuclear energy or universal hot tubs, but any politician — and particularly Mr. Obama — must be judged on what they do. To date, Mr. Obama has done nothing to allow or even to encourage additional nuclear capacity and has entirely shut down the Nevada Yucca Mountain radioactive waste storage facility intended to provide a safe national depository, which has been under development for decades. Unless and until all of the permits and authorities necessary to build new power plants are issued and construction begins, Mr. Obama’s support amounts to nothing more than rhetoric read from a teleprompter.

(5) Increased fuel efficiency for newly manufactured vehicles

It’s easy to mandate increased efficiency, and Mr. Obama has already done that. It’s much harder, and much more expensive, to produce the engineering necessary to match fanciful numbers pulled out of a hat. With current technology and the technologies that might reasonably be developed in the foreseeable future, significant increases in fuel efficiency will require much smaller, lighter, and more aerodynamic vehicles, all of which means far less passenger capacity and a much higher highway death rate.

(6) Being “serious about a long-term policy for a secure, affordable, energy future”

Being serious would acknowledge two simple facts: (1) Absent virtually inconceivable scientific breakthroughs, the only way to provide sufficient affordable energy supplies into the foreseeable future is through oil, coal, and nuclear energy development. (2) Mr. Obama has expressed his ardent desire to make energy costs “necessarily skyrocket” by artificially driving up the cost of oil products and by destroying the domestic coal industry. Absent the realization that unless we drill for oil wherever it is cost-effective (No, Mr. Obama, oil companies aren’t sitting on productive leases), dig coal, and build new power plants, new refineries, and new nuclear plants, America will continue to be reliant on hostile nations for a significant portion of our energy supplies.

Only significantly increased American production and development can possibly reduce our reliance on foreign suppliers, yet Mr. Obama wants to give Brazil our technologies and assistance so that he can spend money we don’t have to buy the fruits of our technologies and assistance from Brazil. This makes no national security or economic sense, yet it is in line with virtually all of Mr. Obama’s other energy policies and actions. If a Manchurian Candidate bent on destroying the nation assumed the presidency, how would their energy policies differ from Mr. Obama’s?

The only reasonable explanation is that his actions directly reflect the desires and plans that he and such “lightworkers” as Secretary of Energy Chu have long made public. In May of 2009, Mr. Obama said:

We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK.

They fully intend to reduce the supply of affordable energy so drastically that Americans will be forced to abandon their vehicles, to abandon air conditioning, to heat their homes in winter to only Scrooge-like levels, and to accept the transportation, comfort, and survival alternatives they deem fit to mandate. Mr. Obama maintains the White House thermostat on “Sahara Desert,” but of course, this is not in conflict with his desires for the rest of America. This, like the eventual forced acceptance of ObamaCare, is the ultimate big switch.

That most of America does not have access to public transportation, that most of America does not and cannot live within walking distance of their employment, and that their lunatic high-speed rail proposals would serve only a tiny portion of the population at ridiculous expense and at a great and perpetual financial loss seem to concern them not at all. The horrendously destructive effect of their ruinous policies on the economy is also apparently not a concern.

The con is on and the bait has been set. America’s redemption lies in enough of the American public understanding that they are being conned, and in their willingness to reject the switch. In this case, hope exists only if sufficient Americans realize that Mr. Obama has violated the con man’s prime directive: pull off the con and flee before the marks know what hit them. Stealth socialists are unable to flee. They must stick around to force their will on the marks and to ensure that they are never able to throw off government intrusion and control. Even so, Americans will have one chance in 2012 to limit and perhaps reverse the damage, one chance to redeem American prosperity and true international leadership and prestige. Buying the cons of con men and stealth socialists leads only to ruin.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #597 on: April 11, 2011, 09:55:48 AM »

Auto Industry Fights Obama Admin's Effort to Force Corn Ethanol on U.S.
Daily Tech ^ | April 8, 2011 2:24 PM | Jason Mick (Blog)

New legislation would force virtually all cars to run on ethanol

The Obama administration and Democrats in Congress are facing resistance from the auto industry about a controversial proposal that would force consumers to use more ethanol in a bid to reduce fossil fuels consumption.

I. What's in the Bill?

The new bill, The Biofuels Expansion Act of 2011, has a number of provisions, but among its most controversial are efforts to expand government spending on ethanol and force ethanol on consumers.

Sponsored by Senators Tom Harkin (D-Iowa); Tim Johnson (D-South Dakota); Amy Klobuchar (D/"Farmer-Labor Party"- Minnesota); and Al Franken (D/"Farmer-Labor Party"-Minnesota), the bill could massively benefit corn farmers in the Midwest, but may not be so rosy for the rest of the country.

Under its proposals, government spending on ethanol would leap from $50M USD in 2012 to $350M USD by 2016.  The government would also provide loan guarantees to construct new ethanol pipelines.

But most importantly, the bill would force 90 percent of automobiles sold by 2016 to capable of running on an E85 fuel blend -- fuel that is 85 percent ethanol, and 15 percent gas.

II.  The Good

There are some positives about the bill.  The bill could promote the growth of cellulosic ethanol research and production.

 Cellulosic ethanol has few downsides other than the cost.  It comes from waste, is completely renewable, has a net harvest-to-pump reduction in green house gases, nitrogen, and sulfur emissions.

And the bill could promote other non-corn biofuels such as algae, something the Navy has been actively dabbling in for several years.

In our past discussions with alternative biofuel companies like Coskata, most expressed that they didn't need subsidies to survive and eventually be profitable, but that subsidies could accelerate the process.

III. The Bad

Unfortunately the bad here is substantial as well.  The bill would push for higher consumption of corn-based ethanol.  That would be extremely lucrative for corn farmers who long struggled to find new ways to sell the massive amount of corn.

However, most economists agree that it would likely drive up food prices, at least temporarily.  An increase in the cost of corn meal, corn syrup, and livestock corn-feed would create a cascading effect, the net result of which would likely be higher prices at the super-market checkout.

Further, the auto industry would be forced to shoulder a $2B USD load in upgrading their engines, much of which would be passed on to the consumer.

Today, thanks to federal and state legislation, most of the fuel you get at the pump already is a 10 percent ethanol, 90 percent gasoline blend (E10).  Engines can tolerate E10, but it wears on them and is less energy dense (so you get fewer miles per gallon of fuel). 

E85, by contrast would break a normal engine.  So automakers would have to outfit their engines to be capable of running on such fuels.  Of the major automakers, GM is closest to this goal, having heavily invested in an ethanol push.  By contrast Ford, Chrysler, Toyota, Honda, and Hyundai/Kia have minimal investments in E85 vehicles.

Consumers would likely be hit by a triple price increase.  At the supermarket they'd pay more for food; at the pump they'd pay more for fuel (as ethanol, on average, currently costs more in mpg than gas); and they would pay more when purchasing new fuels.

Ultimately this may cut new automotive sales, in turn leading to job loss.

Essentially all this lost wealth would be funneled mostly to farmers, with a small cut going to researchers.

Further, corn ethanol has been scientifically shown to increase emissions.  Regardless of your opinion of more carbon dioxide being pumped into the atmosphere, you probably would be slightly more concerned about the increase in nitrogen and sulfur emissions that are harmful to human health, buildings, animal, and plant life.

IV. The Ugly

It’s no mystery why four farming state Senators would support a corn-bill.  It's good for the constituents.  But beyond that, it's good for their party.  The corn lobby has poured millions per year into "convincing" politicians of the "merits" of corn ethanol.  That stream of funding has drawn a degree of bipartisan support.  Former President George W. Bush (R) was a strong proponent of ethanol, even backing measures to increase loans, government use, and blending at the pump.

Surprisingly, though, one of the staunchest opponents of the bill comes from a farm state.  Sen. James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma), the Environment and Public Works Committee's top Republican, has led opposition to the bill.

Ironically the debate may be less about the merits of the bill and more a test of the political muscle of various lobbyists.

Supporting the opposition are the food and oil lobbies, the latter of which has been particularly active in recent years, funneling millions to federal political candidates.  The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, the trade association representing General Motors Co., Ford Motor Co., Chrysler Group LLC, Toyota Motor Corp. and eight others, has also thrown its weight behind the opposition, concerned about the cost increase to upgrade the nation's vehicles.

V. What's Next

The bill was just debated by the Senate Energy Committee on Thursday.  You can find an audio recording of that debate here.

The bill will now move to a procedural vote by the Committee.  If approved, a Senator can then motion to have it brought to the floor.

While the bill likely will stall in the Republican-controlled House, it's possible it could be approved in exchange for Democratic concessions during the budget debates.  And it’s also possible that the corn lobby might be able to sweeten the deal with campaign contributions enough to change the minds of enough House Republicans to pass the bill.

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #598 on: April 11, 2011, 01:46:56 PM »
Obamacare Health Benefits Exchanges Are Flailing and Failing
NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE ^ | April 08, 2011 | John R. Graham

The most disappointing news on the Obamacare front these days is that at least two Republican governors cannot wait to implement Obamacare in their states. Apparently, one Republican state senator in Oklahoma has finally decided to prevent an Obamacare exchange bill from reaching Gov. Mary Fallin for signature. Fair enough, but how did it get this far in the first place?

In Virginia, Gov. Bob McDonnell has forced amendments to prevent health plans participating in his state’s Obamacare exchange from covering abortions — at least, that’s what he thinks he’s done. In fact, U.S. Secretary of Health & Human Services Kathleen Sebelius will decide whether Virginia’s health plans will cover abortions, because she’s the one who will certify the exchange — or not. Because 100 percent of Obamacare’s subsidies to individuals in the exchanges come from the federal government, Sebelius’s whims will decide the rules governing the cash flows. Virginia will simply be stuck with paying salaries to the bureaucrats and fees to the vendors and consultants who operate the exchange.

What is motivating these Republicans? They have surely fallen for the talking point that if they don’t implement a state-based exchange, the federal government will rush in and impose one on them. Oh, really? Is that what they’ve seen in Florida, where Gov. Rick Scott has gone so far as to send back the initial federal grant that his predecessor wheedled out of Secretary Sebelius?

In fact, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services has shown zero will or ability to establish exchanges in states that resist Obamacare, and that is hardly going to change. Despite the Obamacrats’ brave talk that they will keep regulating despite the looming government shutdown, congressional Republicans’ commitment to defunding Obamacare only means that Secretary Sebelius’s ability to implement Obamacare will decrease in 2011 and 2012.

And it’s not like they achieved much in 2010 except to churn out thousands of pages of regulations and immediately issue waivers exempting their friends from those very regulations. And their friends’ performance has been equally underwhelming.

Look at California, the first state to establish an Obamacare exchange, signed by former Governor Schwarzenegger last September 30. Governor Brown’s secretary of health and human services wants California to be the “lead car” in imposing Obamacare. Governor Schwarzenegger’s former policy adviser Herb Schultz is now Secretary Sebelius’s director for the region covering California, so state and federal Obamacrats are surely moving together swiftly to implement health reform.

Or maybe not. Although it’s existed for over half a year, the California exchange’s board of directors has never had a meeting. Its only achievements so far are to have provided post-administration jobs for Kim Belshé, Schwarzenegger’s secretary of health and human services, and Susan Kennedy, his chief of staff. Governor Brown also found perches for two of his friends on the board, which means it needs only one more for its full complement of five. (Advocates hope that the board will be rounded out with a Latino or person of color.)

California’s Obamacare exchange’s only achievement has been to attach golden parachutes to friends of Schwarzenegger’s and Brown’s. The Obamacrats can’t even get an exchange operating in the state which is the most committed to Obamacare. They’re sure not going to do it in a state that resists them.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #599 on: April 12, 2011, 09:06:42 AM »
Feds Pay To Upgrade Mexican Trucks, US Trucks Not So Lucky ^ | April 12, 2011 | Steve McGough

A story broke yesterday concerning the retrofit of more than 100 trucks from Mexico that do not meet United States environmental standards. Our federal government is paying to upgrade these trucks, yet when the state of California and the EPA set new rules for US-owned trucks, they fine companies who do not comply.

This post is not about the environment, it concerns how US trucking companies are treated by the federal and state government as compared to Mexican-owned rigs. From

For air-quality regulators, the border creates a legal barrier. State and federal agencies can’t force vehicles manufactured and bought in Mexico to comply with U.S. emissions rules, even though the trucks cross into this country.

So the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality tried a different approach, offering to pay Mexican truck owners to replace old mufflers with new catalytic converters that will reduce harmful diesel emissions by up to 30 percent. The project in effect circumvents the more lax Mexican rules about exhaust systems.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...