Author Topic: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deceit and Promises Broken  (Read 226570 times)

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Re: How Obama is INTENTIONALLY collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #750 on: June 10, 2011, 03:27:24 AM »
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AEP to close plants, trim 600 jobs to comply with EPA rules
Kingsport (TN) Times News ^ | June 10, 2011
Posted on June 10, 2011 6:26:38 AM EDT by don-o

American Electric Power on Thursday announced it plans to shut down several coal-fired power plants, convert or retrofit others, and cut as many as 600 jobs in the next few years to comply with regulations proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Based on the proposed regulations, AEP will have to retire nearly 6,000 megawatts of coalfueled power generation; upgrade or install new advanced emissions reduction equipment on another 10,100 megawatts; refuel 1,070 megawatts of coal generation as 932 megawatts of natural gas capacity; and build 1,220 megawatts of natural gas-fueled generation.

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Re: How Obama is INTENTIONALLY collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #751 on: June 10, 2011, 10:11:39 AM »
Obama Betrays Great Britain on Falkland Islands
Pundit Press ^ | 6/10/2011 | Timothy Knight

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President Barack Obama joined forces with Venezuelan despot Hugo Chavez, Argentinian President Cristina Kirchner and the unanimous Organization of American States in "reaffirming the need" of Argentina and Britain to resume negotiations on the sovereignty of the Malvinas Islands.

I'm sorry - the Falkland Islands.

What the hell is wrong with Obama?

Not only did he side against our most important ally in the entire world over territorial claims that were settled almost three decades ago, but he called the islands by their Argentinian name - instead of their accepted British title.

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I guess he is still pissed off at not getting invited to the wedding.   


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Re: How Obama is INTENTIONALLY collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #752 on: June 10, 2011, 10:13:18 AM »
Wow.   :o

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Re: How Obama is INTENTIONALLY collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #753 on: June 11, 2011, 10:18:35 AM »
Mark Steyn: Obama’s Road to Nowhere - This is Main Street, Obamaville: All bumps, no road.
NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE ^ | June 11, 2011 | Mark Steyn

Obama's Road to Nowhere
This is Main Street, Obamaville: All bumps, no road.

‘There are always going to be bumps on the road to recovery,’’ President Obama said at a Jeep plant in Toledo the other day. “We’re going to pass through some rough terrain that even a Wrangler would have a tough time with.’’ His audience booed. They’re un-fire-able union members with lavish benefits, and even they weary of the glib lines from his twelve-year-old speechwriters.

We’re not on the road to recovery. You can’t get there from here, as they say. Obama was in Toledo to “celebrate” the sale of the government’s remaining stake in Chrysler to Fiat. That’s “Fiat” as in the Italian car manufacturer rather than “an authoritative or arbitrary decree (from the Latin ‘let it be done’),” which would be almost too perfect a name for an Obamafied automobile. The Treasury crowed that Fiat had agreed to pay a whopping $560 million for the government’s Chrysler shares.

Wow! 560 million smackeroos! If you laid them out end to end, they’re equivalent to what the federal government borrows every three hours. That’s some windfall! In the time it takes to fly Obama to Toledo to boast about it, he’d already blown through the Italians’ check. But who knows? If every business in the U.S. were to be nationalized and sold to foreigners to cover another three hours’ worth of debt, this summer’s “Recovery Summer” would be going even more gangbusters. I’d ask one of Obama’s egghead economists to explain it to you simpletons, but unfortunately they’ve all resigned and returned to cozy sinecures in academia. The latest is chief economic adviser Austan Goolsbee, the genius who in 2007, just before the subprime hit the fan, wrote in the New York Times that this exciting new form of home “ownership” was an “innovation” that had “opened doors to the excluded” and was part of an “incredible flowering of new types of home loans.”

Where have all the flowers gone? Not to worry. By now, some organization of which you’re a member has already booked Professor Goolsbee to give an after-dinner speech at your annual meeting where you’ll be privileged to get a glimpse of his boundless expertise for a mere six-figure speaking fee.

“I’m not concerned about a double-dip recession,” Obama said last week. Nor would I be if I had government housing, a car and driver, and a social secretary for the missus. But I wonder if it’s such a smart idea to let one’s breezy insouciance out of the bag when you’re giving a press conference. In May the U.S. economy added just 54,000 jobs. For the purposes of comparison, that same month over 100,000 new immigrants arrived in America.

So what kind of jobs were those 54,000? Economics professorships at the University of Berkeley? Non-executive directorships at Goldman Sachs? That sort of thing? No, according to an analysis by Morgan Stanley, half the new jobs created were at McDonald’s. That’s amazing. Not the Mickey D supersized hiring spree, but the fact that there’s fellows at Morgan Stanley making a bazillion dollars a year analyzing fluctuations in minimal-skill fast-food service-job hiring trends. What a great country! For as long as it lasts. Which is probably until some new regulatory agency starts enforcing Michelle Obama’s dietary admonitions.

Until then, relax. That bump in the road is just a quarter-pounder with cheese that fell off the counter on the drive-thru lane to recovery. Like every other blessing, we owe the Big MacConomy to the wisdom of Good King Barack. “This plant indirectly supports hundreds of other jobs right here in Toledo,” Obama told the workers at Chrysler. “After all, without you, who’d eat at Chet’s or Inky’s or Rudy’s? . . . Manufacturers from Michigan to Massachusetts are looking for new engineers to build advanced batteries for American-made electric cars. And obviously, Chet’s and Inky’s and Zinger’s, they’ll all have your business for some time to come.”

A couple of days later, Chet’s announced it was closing after nine decades. “It was the economy and the smoking ban that hurt us more than anything,” said the owner. But maybe he can retrain and re-open it as a community-organizer grantwriting-application center. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the median period of unemployment is now nine months — the longest it’s been since they’ve been tracking the numbers. Long-term unemployment is worse than in the Depression. Life goes slowly waiting for a fast-food job to open up.

This is Main Street, Obamaville: All bumps, no road. But shimmering on the distant horizon, beyond the shuttered diner and the foreclosed homes, is a state-of-the-art electric car, the new Fiat Mirage, that should be wheeling into town in a half-decade or so provided it can find somewhere to charge. “We will be able to look back and tell our children,” declared King Barack the Modest of his own candidacy in 2008, “this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow.” Great news for the oceans! Meanwhile, back on dry land, a quarter of American mortgages are “underwater” — that’s to say, the home “owners” owe more than the joint is worth. In Harry Reid’s Nevada, it’s 63 percent. Perhaps Obama’s Aquatic Bodies Water-Level Regulatory Authority, no doubt headed by Jamie Gorelick or Franklin Raines or some other Democrat worthy, could have its jurisdiction extended to the Nevada desert.

“Hope”? “Change”? These are the good times. What “change” are you “hoping” for in Obama’s second term? The loss of America’s triple-A credit-rating? The end of the dollar as global currency? Or just a slight upward tick in the same-old-same-old multi-trillion dollar binge-spending?

On what?

Random example from the headlines: The paramilitarization of the education bureaucracy. The federal Department of Education doesn’t employ a single teacher but it does have a SWAT team: They kicked down a front door in Stockton, Calif. last week and handcuffed Kenneth Wright (erroneously) in connection with a student-loan “investigation.” “We can confirm that we executed a search warrant,” said Department of Education spokesperson Gina Burress.

The Department of Education issues search warrants? Who knew? The Brokest Nation in History is the only country in the developed world whose education secretary has his own Delta Force. And, in a land with over a trillion dollars in college debt, I’ll bet it’s got no plans to downsize.

Nor has the TSA. A 24-year-old woman has been awarded compensation of $2,350 after TSA agents exposed her breasts to all and sundry at the Corpus Christi Airport security line and provided Weineresque play-by-play commentary. “We regret that the passenger had an unpleasant experience,” said a TSA spokesgroper, also very Weinerly. But hey, those are a couple of cute bumps on the road, lady!

The American Dream, 2011: You pay four bucks a gallon to commute between your McJob and your underwater housing to prop up a spendaholic, grabafeelic, paramilitarized bureaucracy-without-end bankrupting your future at the rate of a fifth of a billion dollars every hour.

In a sane world, Americans would be outraged at the government waste that confronts them everywhere you turn: The abolition of the federal Education Department and the TSA is the very least they should be demanding. Instead, our elites worry about sea levels.

The oceans will do just fine. It’s America that’s drowning.

— Mark Steyn, a National Review columnist, is author of America Alone. © 2011 Mark Steyn.

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Re: How Obama is INTENTIONALLY collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #754 on: June 13, 2011, 11:16:56 AM »
Obama plans to discuss jobs at company shifting focus to China
The Daily Caller ^ | June 13, 2011 | Amanda Carey

Posted on Monday, June 13, 2011 2:10:15 PM by Kaslin

President Barack Obama will visit the North Carolina-based Cree LED Light Company Monday to tour the plant and meet with his Council on Jobs and Competitiveness to discuss job creation and policies to spur economic growth.

But Cree, a major recipient of Recovery Act funds, may be sending that money straight to China. At the very least, its CEO, Chuck Swoboda, has a very China-centered strategy that involves building a new plant overseas, two facts that the Republican National Committee plans to highlight Monday morning prior to the president’s visit.

Cree received a $39 million as an Advanced Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit from the Recovery Act.

The company began developing clean energy technology, hired a few more hundred workers, and the administration touted it as a “true American success story” on the White House Web site.

Then in late 2010, the company opened its first plant in Huizhou City,China. That made Cree the first global LED company to locate a manufacturing plant in China.

But that plant is only beginning of an expansion in China, says Swoboda. At the opening of the plant, Swoboda boasted that more than 50 percent of Cree’s employees live and work in China.

“We will continue to invest here for both human talent and the most state-of-the-art technologies,” Swoboda said. “We have committed that in the coming three to five years, we will continue to expand our operation in Huizhou.”

Swoboda also promoted the company’s new strategy as “Cree Chip, China Heart,” adding that Cree will “push the health, scientific and orderly development of the LED industry in China … and make many more contributions to energy savings and emissions reductions in China.”

(Huntsman close to announcing presidential run)

Moreover, Swoboda told his Chinese audience that though it is a U.S. company traded on the Nasdaq, “Cree management never runs this company as a U.S. company.” This despite the millions it got from American taxpayers.

“This is just another example of an administration that talks about an economy that has turned around while ignoring what is happening to American families who are struggling to find jobs, pay higher food and gas prices and are dealing with the decline of their home value,” one Republican source told The Daily Caller.

This isn’t the first time, however, that Recovery Act funds have gone overseas. The Department of Energy, for example, acknowledged last year that for all the focus on green jobs, $2.3 billion in manufacturing tax credits eventually went to foreign firms in China, South Korea, and Spain.

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Re: How Obama is INTENTIONALLY collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #755 on: June 16, 2011, 07:17:32 PM »
Obama Admin Objects to Alaska Oil and Gas Development Bill
New York Times ^ | 6/16/11 | Phil Taylor
Posted on June 16, 2011 9:23:01 PM EDT by Nachum

The Obama administration today said a proposal from House Natural Resources Chairman Doc Hastings (R-Wash.) to expedite oil and gas leasing and energy infrastructure permitting in an Alaska reserve could force federal regulators to flout environmental laws and includes a costly, redundant resource assessment. Mike Pool, deputy director of the Bureau of Land Management, also announced the agency will hold lease sales in the National Petroleum Reserve, known as NPR-A, in December 2011 and each year after, making good on the administration's mid-May promise to expedite development in the 23-million-acre reserve.

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Re: How Obama is INTENTIONALLY collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #756 on: June 17, 2011, 04:52:37 AM »
$5 billion-a-year ethanol subsidy nearing its end? (Obama threatens a veto)
MSNBC ^ | 6/17/2011 | nbc

How to remove $5 billion from the federal deficit in one fell swoop? Eliminate the $5 billion-a-year subsidy given to oil refiners for blending ethanol into gasoline.

The Senate voted Thursday to do just that, and even though the amendment is attached to a bill that probably won’t pass, the 73-27 vote sends a message that many Democrats and Republicans are behind an idea supported by an odd coalition that ranges from Tea Partyers to the Sierra Club.

Thirty-three Republicans joined 40 Democrats in voting to eliminate the subsidy.

Provided in the form of tax credits, the subsidy gives 45 cents a gallon to refiners who use ethanol, a renewable fuel additive that comes mainly from corn in the U.S.

These tax breaks long have been supported as a way to reduce oil imports by politicians in both parties — emphatically so for many who run for president and look to woo the farm vote.


The White House issued a statement saying it was against a full repeal of ethanol subsidies, indicating it could use its veto power if the amendment continued to advance in Congress.

"We need reforms and a smarter biofuels program, but simply cutting off support for the industry isn't the right approach," said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.

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Re: How Obama is INTENTIONALLY collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #757 on: June 17, 2011, 05:13:09 AM »
White House’s Daley seeks balance in outreach meeting with manufacturers
By Peter Wallsten and and Jia Lynn Yang, Published: June 16

It was supposed to be the White House’s latest make-nice session with corporate America — a visit by Chief of Staff William M. Daley to a meeting with hundreds of manufacturing executives in town to press lawmakers for looser regulations.

But the outreach soon turned into a rare public dressing down of the president’s policies with his highest-ranking aide.

One by one, exasperated executives stood to air their grievances on environmental regulations and stalled free-trade deals. And Daley, the former banker tasked with building ties with industry, found himself looking for the right balance between empathy and defending his boss.

At one point, the room erupted in applause when Massachusetts utility executive Doug Starrett, his voice shaking with emotion, accused the administration of blocking construction on one of his facilities to protect fish, saying government “throws sand into the gears of progress.”

Daley said he did not have many good answers, appearing to throw up his hands in frustration at what he called “bureaucratic stuff that’s hard to defend.”

“Sometimes you can’t defend the indefensible,” he said.

The exchange suggests the limits of the elaborate courtship of corporations begun by President Obama and his top aides after Democrats’ big losses in the 2010 elections — an effort that has taken on new urgency in recent weeks.

Top aides have been reaching out to business leaders as Obama’s reelection campaign seeks to expand its network of potential new donors and fundraisers. And the White House has hoped that a closer alliance with businesses would help spur job growth.

Even as the White House pledges more receptivity to corporate concerns, business continues to spar with the administration on numerous fronts.

Wall Street is lobbying to undo many of the new regulations signed into law last year. Manufacturers say environmental policies are hindering growth. And, in a high-profile case that tests the administration’s allegiances, aerospace giant Boeing is warring with labor regulators over its decision to open a plant in South Carolina, which is hostile to unions.

In his speech and during a question-and-answer session Thursday, Daley laid out the administration’s efforts to help business, promoting Obama’s support for changing the corporate tax structure and for new free trade agreements.

He pointed to the administration’s effort, led by regulatory czar Cass Sunstein, to identify hundreds of rules that could be costing businesses money and time.

When a paper company executive said Environmental Protection Agency regulations might cost her $10 million to $15 million to upgrade a mill, Daley said the number of rules and regulations “that come out of agencies is overwhelming.”

Later, he added: “We’re trying to bring some rationality to it.”

Daley’s appearance before Thursday’s meeting of the National Association of Manufacturers was an unusual public appearance for Obama’s relatively new chief of staff. He invited the executives to offer candid views and extended the question-and-answer session, at one point joking, “I’ll probably regret saying that.”

He acknowledged the touchy political calculation the White House faces as Obama tries to promote his economic record on the campaign trail while being sensitive to the reality that many Americans are struggling. This month, the White House was thrown a political curveball with a surprisingly glum jobs report in which the unemployment rate ticked up to 9.1 percent, giving several of Obama’s potential GOP rivals an opening to attack his leadership.

“You can’t sound Pollyannaish,” Daley told the business leaders. “I believe this economy of ours is better than the perception right now.”

Daley offered blunt assessments on key issues of interest to executives in the room.

On the status of free-trade agreements with South Korea, Panama and Colombia, he suggested politics was proving to be a challenge. He said there are “people who lose from these agreements” and urged businesses to lobby their workers to help overcome opposition on Capitol Hill.

“No politician loses an election because they voted against trade,” he said.

On lowering the corporate tax rate, a top goal of business groups, Daley said again, “there are winners and losers.” He warned that some small businesses might face a tax increase.

Mary Andringa, head of NAM, described the meeting as “constructive” and was “quite pleased” that Daley devoted more than an hour to the group’s concerns.

But some business executives in the room said they were unimpressed by the White House’s attempts to woo industry.

“We think there’s a thin facade by the administration to say the right things, but they don’t come close to doing things,” said Barney T. Bishop III, chief executive of the business group Associated Industries of Florida. He called the efforts to streamline regulations “immaterial.”

“We love the platitudes, but we want to see action,” Bishop said.

White House officials described Thursday’s encounter as part of a work in progress. Spokesman Eric Schultz described the meeting as a “frank and open conversation . . . about steps we can take to drive private-sector job growth.”

Daley said afterward that he’s sympathetic to the gripes he heard. “This is a practical world you’ve got to live in,” he said. “These people run businesses.”

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Re: How Obama is INTENTIONALLY collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #758 on: June 17, 2011, 08:00:10 AM »
Oil CEO: “We can create jobs” (Chevron CEO wants government to stop creating impediments)
Hotair ^ | 06/17/2011 | Jazz Shaw

A recent conference on jobs and competitiveness in Washington, DC brought together business leaders who attempted to address some of the business challenges facing the nation today. As part of this, Chevron CEO John Watson spoke to reporters at CNBC, casting a harsh light on one of the disturbing ironies in federal government policy. At a time when the White House is supposed to be focusing on job creation and economic growth they are not only leaving major opportunities on the table, but actively working to avoid huge potential gains in those areas. (View the video and transcript here.)

“I was very concerned about the tax proposals in the Menendez bill that came forward that day because i never thought I would see the day when an administration and more than half the U.S. senate would propose a tax bill that actually would disadvantage 132-year-old company like Chevron relative to Russian, Chinese, French, Italian and other companies, not just outside the united states, but inside the united states of America. So we did push back on bills that were being critical trying to impose punitive taxes on our business. We can create jobs, we can play a positive role and that’s my message.”

The interviewers did a good job of bringing up other concerns being heard around the country, such as the image of “Big Oil” raking in huge profits and doing well while so many Americans are out of work and unable to share in that prosperity. Watson points out that, first, while Chevron reported profits of $19B last year, they are actively investing more than $26B this year in exploration and other industry costs in the race to stay ahead of field depletion. Further, he seemed to express some frustration with the fact that energy companies are ready – today – to provide jobs and allow more Americans to share in prosperity, but it is our own government that’s slowing down the process.

CNBC: So do you think… we’re in D.C., this is the red tape capital, are the policies or lack of policies that we’re seeing here hurting job creation at Chevron?

Watson: They are. In fact, we told a group of senators this morning, that there’s a long list of regulations that have been enacted and been in place for a long time and new ones that keep coming that are restricting our ability to create jobs. We’ve provided that list to the senators. but for our industry in particular, you know, deep water drill ship employs about 200 people directly and 1,000 indirectly. It raises revenue for the government, puts people back to work, reduces imported oil. We just want to be put in the game. We can create jobs if we’re given the opportunity.

The list of “demands” that the oil companies have in order to make this happen don’t appear to be particularly onerous.

Opening up acreage to development

Issuing permits in a timely fashion

Keeping in place a tax structure that allows the investment to create those jobs

This isn’t rocket science and, as Watson points out, industry leaders have now placed the list of requirements directly into the hands of the senators. The jobs and investment capital are there waiting, as he puts it, to just be put into the game. If Congress wants to improve their not particularly impressive approval ratings, this might be a pretty good place to start.

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Re: How Obama is INTENTIONALLY collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #759 on: June 19, 2011, 05:45:26 PM »

Return to the Article

June 16, 2011
Our Reactionary President

By Victor Davis Hanson
Barack Obama is the most reactionary president in the recent history of the United States. Obama seems intent on turning back the clock to the good old days of the 1960s and 1970s, when rigid political orthodoxy, not an open mind, once guided government.

Take the economy. The 1980s implosion of communism in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union proved that state control of the means of production guaranteed poverty and worse. The current insolvent and fragmenting European Union, and the stagnant economics of the exploding Middle East, remind us that state socialism does not work.

Why, then, would Obama, in horse-and-buggy fashion, go back to such fossilized concepts as absorbing the nation's health care system, increasing the federal government's role in the economy by taking over automobile corporations, borrowing $5 trillion to spend on new entitlements, or proposing an array of much higher taxes -- all in a vain effort to ensure an equality of result?

Almost every key indicator of the current economy -- unemployment, deficits, housing, energy -- argues that Obama's reactionary all-powerful statist approach has only made things far worse.

In a bygone era without full workers' compensation, unemployment insurance and overtime pay, big unions ran the United States. Today less than 7 percent of Americans belong to them.

Yet President Obama wants to block the Boeing aircraft company from opening an assembly plant in South Carolina, on the grounds that it is a right-to-work state and new assembly workers might be free to reject union representation. The administration is now allowing union-backed Democrats in Congress to block free-trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea in order to limit competition with domestic unionized industries.

Apparently the decades-old idea that globalized free trade encourages competition, enhances productivity, lowers prices for strapped consumers and helps developing nations never existed.

Obama is still bragging about massive federal subsidies to the wind and solar power industries, while making it nearly impossible to obtain new leases for fossil fuel exploration. Yet for all the billions spent, the percentage of new energy produced by subsidized high-cost "green" projects has not changed much.

Meanwhile, revolutionary breakthroughs in the exploration for and recovery of natural gas, oil, tar sands, shale oil and coal deposits in just a year or two have vastly expanded the nation's fossil fuel reserves and the ability to produce clean energy from them.

It turns out that the U.S. may be the world's new Saudi Arabia when it comes to known reserves of all forms of gas, oil and coal. As our president still harps on solar panels and windmills, private enterprise on its own is exploring new ways of powering industries, homes and cars with cheap and plentiful natural gas -- hoping to free us from dependence on OPEC.

On illegal immigration, the president sounds like he's a calcified relic from the 1960s, as he evokes the southern border in terms of civil rights and racial prejudice. Those blinders explain why he recently suggested that Latinos "punish" their supposed conservative "enemies," and quite falsely claimed that the border fence was completed, despite the wish of his Republican opponents supposedly to add moats and alligators. All that rhetoric sounds like it came from a beads and bell-bottoms '60s campus activist, not the 21st century White House.

In the coming decades, the United States will need new legal immigrants -- those of all races and from all places of origin who are skilled and highly educated, or who have capital. The new critical benchmark to keep America competitive will be an immigrant's merit -- not just his race, family ties, proximity to the border, or his use as a pawn in partisan politics.

The United States is now a multiracial society, one never more intermarried and assimilated. Yet this administration still acts as if particular racial groups are forever ossified in amber, and so deserve particular racial set-aside spoils. The attorney general weirdly talks of "my people." The president himself offered a campaign video in 2010 targeted in part to those defined by their race, as part of a larger strategy to appeal to racial block voting. Promises of more federal entitlement money are still couched in thinly veiled racial terms -- as if there is no awareness that five decades of such Great Society programs have done much to ensure dependency and destroy the traditional inner-city family.

"Hope and change" turned out not to be a liberal call to consider new ways of solving problems. It was not even a conservative slogan to keep all that has worked well in the past.

Instead, Barack Obama proved to be an old-fashioned reactionary. He hoped to change things back to the politically correct 1960s and 1970s way of doing things -- whether it ever worked or not.


Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and author, most recently, of "A War Like No Other: How the Athenians and Spartans Fought the Peloponnesian War." You can reach him by e-mailing
Copyright 2011, Tribune Media Services Inc.

Page Printed from: at June 19, 2011 - 05:44:12 PM PDT

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Re: How Obama is INTENTIONALLY collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #760 on: June 21, 2011, 07:10:31 PM »
APNewsBreak: Rules would speed up union elections (Sweeping new pro-union election rules from NLRB)
AP via ^ | 6/21/2011 | SAM HANANEL
Posted on June 21, 2011 12:44:49 PM EDT by Qbert

WASHINGTON (AP) - Labor regulators are set to propose sweeping new rules Tuesday that would dramatically speed up the time frame for union elections, a move that could make it easier for struggling unions to organize new members, and cut the time businesses have to mount anti-union campaigns.

A copy of the planned rules, to be announced by the National Labor Relations Board, was obtained by The Associated Press. The proposal is expected to irritate Republicans and business groups who have complained about the board's pro-labor actions.

Most labor elections currently take place within 45-60 days after a union gathers enough signatures to file a petition, a time many companies use to discourage workers from unionizing. The new plan could cut that time by days or even weeks—depending on the case—by simplifying procedures, deferring litigation and setting shorter deadlines for hearings and filings.

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Re: How Obama is INTENTIONALLY collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #761 on: June 22, 2011, 05:01:04 AM »
Boosting unions & killing jobs

Posted: 10:24 PM, June 21, 2011

Here's a truth-in-advertising warning to foreign investors about this week's glossy White House sales pitch: Even as President Obama promises he's "taking steps to ensure that we remain the destination of choice for investors," his National Labor Relations Board is putting the screws to America's employers.

The most obvious example is the NLRB's ham-fisted attack on aircraft-manufacturer Boeing. Arguing that the company moved production of some of its Dreamliner jets to right-to-work South Carolina from Washington state in order to punish a union, the board ordered Boeing to close its new South Carolina plant and do the work back in Washington.

Obama insists he wants government to "partner with the private sector" to create jobs, but the NLRB's action will have the opposite effect. Indeed, it could cost 1,000 existing Boeing jobs in South Carolina, and eliminate still more jobs that would've been created once the new production line was fully up and running.

Add in the chilling effect: Any businesses looking to expand will have to worry that the heavy hand of the NLRB could come down on them should they shift work to one of the 22 right-to-work states.

Bill Gould, who served on the NLRB during the Clinton administration and agrees with much of what the NLRB is doing these days, has called the Boeing challenge "unprecedented."

But the Obama NLRB has clearly signaled that it puts the interests of Big Labor ahead of everything else, including its proper role as neutral enforcer of the nation's labor laws. Examples from just this year:

* The board is pushing to give unions the right to enter a workplace even if their intent is to harass customers and employees. The NLRB says companies shouldn't be allowed to treat union officials any differently than they do charitable organizations they let on their premises, such as the Girl Scouts or the Red Cross.

* It wants to force employers to post pro-organizing notices in about 6 million workplaces, most of which aren't unionized, under the guise of informing workers about the National Labor Relations Act. But the posters wouldn't inform these workers about aspects of the law the unions don't like -- such as the right to vote out a union or withhold union dues spent on politics.

* The board is moving ahead with lawsuits against Arizona and South Dakota over provisions in their state constitutions -- enacted through ballot initiatives last fall -- that require secret ballots for union-organizing votes. Labor unions, in an effort to expand their ranks, have been pushing hard for the opposite -- a "card check" system that would let them know who has and hasn't voted to organize. The NLRB's lawsuit conveniently fits into this effort.

* The NLRB is also pushing to let unions cherry-pick groups of workers within a company to organize, without giving those who oppose the union the opportunity to vote, changing an established definition of a "bargaining unit" that has been in place for more than 50 years. The result would be a costly, chaotic mess for businesses trying to juggle multiple unions and different sets of work rules, benefits and wage rates.

* The board is now pushing through rules that eliminate key checks and balances from the process by which a workplace can be unionized -- in the name of speeding things up, it's upending decades of precedent to make it easier for unions to force themselves on workers, who will have less information.

In all this, Obama shares full responsibility. He not only appointed the NLRB's acting general counsel, Lafe Solomon, he did an end-run around Congress by using a "recess appointment" to put Craig Becker, a former lawyer for the Service Employees International Union and the AFL-CIO, on the board over bipartisan objections.

In this year's State of the Union speech, the president said that to "win the future," the country has to "make America the best place on Earth to do business." If he really wants to achieve that, he must tell the people he's appointed to run the National Labor Relations Board: Arbitrary, costly and unfair enforcement of labor laws isn't the way to win the future or attract foreign investment.

Bret Jacobson is partner at Maverick Strategies + Communications, which serves employers and free-market advocates.

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Re: How Obama is INTENTIONALLY collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #762 on: June 22, 2011, 05:02:43 AM »
The Looming ObamaCare Disaster - You ain’t seen nothing yet.
Human Events ^ | 06/21/2011 | John Hayward

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PricewaterhouseCoopers, a professional services firm created in a merger that destroyed several spaces and capital letters, has just issued their forecast for the future of America under ObamaCare. The Heritage Foundation provides a summary of the results. It’s not pretty.

The important thing to remember about ObamaCare is that the past two years have been its salad days. The really hideous damage is still on the way. Thousands of jobs destroyed, health care costs rising, rampant corruption through the waiver program… and it’s just getting warmed up. This baby hasn’t even popped out of first gear yet.

What does PricewaterhouseCoopers see ahead for us? Health care costs continue to rise at an accelerating pace, from a 7.5% increase in 2010 to 8.5% in 2012. As Heritage’s Margot Crouch notes, this is the exact opposite of the promises made by President Obama.

But wait, that’s not all! “Even steeper rises in the cost of private insurance are possible, due to ObamaCare’s reductions in Medicare payment rates and its expansion of the Medicaid program,” warns Crouch. That’s because private parties have to make up the difference when those programs pay less.

The chief actuary of Medicare thinks “15 percent of hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and home health agencies” will become unprofitable by 2019. What happens to unprofitable businesses again? I mean, after all the bailouts have been exhausted? What will the health care industry look like in eight years, when at least fifteen percent of the providers are gone?

The really awful news is PWC’s projection of employer reaction to ObamaCare’s crushing mandates. Their survey shows “nearly half of employers will drop their coverage, dumping employees into the government-run exchanges.” Also, “four out of five employers will make changes to help cover new costs under ObamaCare, including raising premiums, deductibles, and co-payments.”

So much for “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan.” The tidal wave of people slamming into the federal exchanges will become a nuclear deficit explosion. We’ll all be able to look back at the charlatans who claimed ObamaCare would be deficit-neutral, and the simpletons who believed them, and laugh through our tears.

“The negative consequences of ObamaCare’s changes will be threefold: higher costs for those with employer-sponsored coverage; a greater debt burden on current and future taxpayers; and slower growth in job creation and the overall economy,” Crouch concludes. In other words, precisely the things ObamaCare critics said would happen. ObamaCare critics will go down in history as the most thoroughly vindicated group to ever pick up a keyboard.

Remember that every single politician who opposes the complete repeal of ObamaCare is willfully and knowingly condemning you to the future PricewaterhouseCoopers projects. Ignorance and fantasy are no longer excuses, and never should have been.

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Re: How Obama is INTENTIONALLY collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #763 on: June 22, 2011, 06:06:38 AM »
Fishermen protest regulations
Anglers: Restrictions are hurting local small businesspeople
November 08, 2009
By S. BRADY CALHOUN / News Herald Writer

PANAMA CITY BEACH — The Jimi Hendrix version of the Star Spangled Banner was playing out of one of the vessels and it was a cool, clear day on the Bay near Hathaway Bridge but Saturday’s gathering of charter boat captains was not a party.

It was their last stand, local captains and their supporters said.

See photos from the protest >>

New regulations from the National Marine Fisheries Service of amberjack and red snapper are destroying the local fishing industry, the captains said. About 50 boats, including small two-man skiffs, large pleasure boats and mid-size trawlers took part in the watery protest. On the bridge, supporters waved signs and thanked dozens of motorists who honked their support.

“We’re all about conservation,” Capt. Bill Little said. “We don’t want to rape the resources. We want to do what’s right.”

Little runs the Fishing Express in Port St. Joe.

The new restrictions were instituted by scientists who are relying on old and outdated data, the captains said. One supporter held up a sign that said, “Get the data right.” Another sign, on one of the boats, said, “Flawed data, no fish, no income, no jobs.”

Jim Crowell said he ran a charter fishing business for 20 years until the regulations forced him to sell and find a new line of work.

“They have pretty much closed the industry,” he said. He added that there are dozens of for sale signs on local charter boats.

Peggy Rhodes, a longtime charter fishing customer, also came to the protest Saturday.

“We just want a fair shake,” she said. She also predicted that the destruction of the charter fishing industry would have far-reaching consequences for hotel owners, restaurants and others who make their living off tourism.

“It’s ridiculous,” she said.

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Obama the Destroyer - killing one industry after the next.   

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Re: How Obama is INTENTIONALLY collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #764 on: June 22, 2011, 07:03:22 AM »
White House loosens border rules for 2012
Published: 6:28 PM 06/20/2011 | Updated: 12:12 AM 06/21/2011
 By Neil Munro

Relations between the immigrant population of Forks -- many who work in the surrounding forests -- and the Border Patrol have been strained for many months, and tensions have increased due to the recent death of an immigrant who was trying to evade a Border Patrol agent. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

President Barack Obama’s administration is quietly offering a quasi-amnesty for hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, while aiming to win reelection by mobilizing a wave of new Hispanic voters, say supporters of stronger immigration law enforcement.

The new rules were quietly announced Friday with a new memo from top officials at the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency. The “prosecutorial discretion” memo says officials need not enforce immigration laws if illegal immigrants are enrolled in an education center or if their relatives have volunteered for the US military.

“They’re pushing the [immigration] agents to be even more lax, to go further in not enforcing the law,” said Kris Kobach, Kansas’ secretary of state. “At a time when millions of Americans are unemployed and looking for work, this is more bad news coming from the Obama administration… [if the administration] really cared about putting Americans back to work, it would be vigorously enforcing the law,” said Kobach, who has helped legislators in several states draft local immigration-related laws.

“We think it is an excellent step,” said Laura Vasquez, at the Hispanic-advocacy group, La Raza, which pushed for the policies, and which is working with other groups to register Hispanics to vote in 2012. “What’s very important is how the prosecutorial discretion memo is implemented” on the streets, she said.

The Hispanic vote could be crucial in the 2012 election, because the Obama campaign hopes to offset its declining poll ratings by registering new Hispanic voters in crucial swing states, such as Virginia and North Carolina.

To boost the Hispanic vote, the administration has enlisted support from Hispanic media figures, appointed an experienced Hispanic political operative to run the political side of the Obama reelection campaign, and has maintained close ties to Hispanic advocacy groups, including La Raza. For example, La Raza’s former senior vice president and lobbyist, Cecilia Munoz, was hired by the Obama administration as director of intergovernmental affairs in 2009.

On Friday, officials at ICE announced several new administrative changes to immigration enforcement.

The primary document was the six-page “prosecutorial discretion” memo, which provided new reasons for officials to not deport illegal immigrants.

“When weighing whether an exercise of prosecutorial discretion may be warranted for a given alien, ICE officials, agents and attorneys should consider all relevant factors, including, but not limited to – the circumstances of the person’s arrival in the United States … particularly if the alien came to the United States as a young child; the Person’s pursuit of education… .. whether the person, or the person’s immediate relative, has served in the U.S. military,” said the memo.

“The factors are extremely broad and very troubling … [it] look like a stealth DREAM Act enforcement through non-enforcement,” said Kobach.

The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act has been repeatedly rejected by Congress from 2001 to 2010. “The deliberate non-enforcement of our immigration laws in this administration certainly seems politically motivated,” said Kobach, adding “how exactly they expect to win votes by doing this is beyond me.”

In practice, the new memo won’t make much of a difference because “ICE isn’t deporting people now,” said Jessica Vaughan, an analyst at the Center for Immigration Studies. While pleading limited resources, “they only [deport] individuals with criminal charges,” such as felonies or several misdemeanors, she said.

There are roughly 10 million illegal immigrants in the United States, of which roughly 7 million are working. Business and Democrat-allied advocacy groups have stoutly opposed federal and state efforts to identify and deport the immigrants, but public opposition has repeatedly stopped proposals – including the Obama-backed DREAM Act – to provide the illegal immigrants with amnesties and residency permits.

On Friday, officials also announced a new advisory panel intended “to implement policies stopping the [deportation and] removal of individuals charged with, but not convicted of, minor traffic offenses who have no other criminal history or egregious immigration violations.”

Advocates for illegal immigrants have long argued that police should not deport illegal immigrants who are identified following a traffic violation. “It is not a crime to be be here illegally,” claimed B. Loewe, a spokesman for the National Day Laborers Organizing Network. “Local law-enforcement enforcing immigration laws is a bad idea.”

“It is a misperception that local police are going out to pull people who look like immigrants on trumped-up traffic violations,” countered Vaughan. “They’re not removing people who made a right turn on red light without stopping, because you don’t get arrested for that.”

The agency also announced new training policies for immigration officials, a new policy to shield illegal immigrants from deportation if they seek police protection during a domestic violence episode, and a new form to be given to detained immigrants which tells them they can’t be detained for more than 48 hours by state officials.

These announcements are solutions in search of a problem, said Vaughan. For example, illegal immigrants who successfully show they are domestic violence victims already can get a “U Visa” under an established law, she said. “This is absolutely unheard of for a law enforcement agency to be told to practically apologize for doing its job” of enforcing the law,” she said.

Immigrant advocacy groups said they want to get more from the administration. “We’re continuing to work with the administration for them to show strong leadership and advancing immigration reform,” said Vasquez. “We think there are further steps the administration can take.” For example, the administration should allow people to stay in the United States while their immigration cases are settled, she said.

The administration should end the “Secure Communities” program, which allows state and local police to detain illegals for subsequent deportation by federal authorities, said Loewe. “Secure Communities is an experiment they unleashed on the public without any safeguards or regulations… local law-enforcement of immigration laws is a bad idea,” he said.

Tougher enforcement of immigration laws shouldn’t be used to combat high unemployment among poor Americans, he said. Instead, the government should start a major spending program to build schools and libraries, and levy taxes on major corporations. “When were talking about a drain on the economy,” he said, “we should look at the corporations that refuse to pay back their due.”

But the overall goal of the new memos is victory in the 2012 election, not law enforcement, said Vaughan. It is “kabuki theater… designed [by the administration] to send a signal to these groups that they are taking their concerns very seriously.”

“Latino voters are very engaged and watching carefully what is happening with immigration policies,” said Vasquez, “because they’re deeply effected by it, either because they know someone impacted by it, or themselves are impacted by it.”

Tags: Barack Obama, Illegal immigration

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Time to imprison and Impeach Obama. 

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Re: How Obama is INTENTIONALLY collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #765 on: June 22, 2011, 01:47:13 PM »
Private emails detail Obama admin involvement in cutting non-union worker pensions post-GM bailout
Yahoo ^ | 6/22/11 | Matthew Boyle - The Daily Caller

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New emails obtained by The Daily Caller contradict claims by the Obama administration that the Treasury Department would avoid “intervening in the day-to-day management” of General Motors post-auto bailout.

These messages reveal that Treasury officials were involved in decision-making that led to more than 20,000 non-union workers losing their pensions. (General Motors not eager to be political talking point in 2012)

Republican Reps. Dan Burton and Mike Turner say that during the GM bailout, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner decided to cut pensions for salaried non-union employees at Delphi, a GM spinoff, to expedite GM’s emergence from bankruptcy.

At a Wednesday hearing, the House Oversight Committee’s Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs, Stimulus Oversight and Government Spending started pushing the Treasury Department for answers on the effects of the bailout and on how much of a role the department played in picking winners and losers.


In 2009 congressional testimony, senior Obama administration official Ron Bloom said the president told the Treasury Department to stay out of the management of these companies and downplayed any administration intervention.

“From the beginning of this process, the President gave the Auto Task Force two clear directions regarding its approach to the auto restructurings,” Bloom said then. “The first was to behave in a commercial manner by ensuring that all stakeholders were treated fairly and received neither more nor less than they would have simply because the government was involved. The second was to refrain from intervening in the day-to-day management of these companies.”

But the emails TheDC obtained show high-ranking Treasury Department officials, including Matthew Feldman of Treasury’s Auto Task Force, corresponding with senior GM officials on how to make certain decisions regarding who was going to win and who was going to lose.


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Stacking the deck for unions
Last Updated: 3:34 AM, June 23, 2011

With the 2012 election season already under way and the president's poll numbers continuing to sink, Team Obama is desperately trying to shore up his labor-union base, courtesy of the now heavily radicalized National Labor Relations Board.

Since taking office, Obama has packed the NLRB with veteran union activists, like Craig Becker, previously the SEIU's top lawyer and associate general counsel of the AFL-CIO.

That's led to one-sided pro-union decisions like the one trying to block Boeing from opening a new plant in South Carolina, a right-to-work state, saying it constitutes illegal punishment of union workers in Washington state.

The NLRB -- founded in 1935 as an independent arbiter of labor-management disputes -- has effectively become an arm of Big Labor.

Now the board has issued one of its most blatantly union-friendly decisions yet -- rewriting the rules for unionization elections in a way that cripples employers' right to mount a counter-organizing campaign.

The new rules shorten the period for elections to as little as 10 days and limits employers' (but not unions') right to conduct a campaign. In fact, unions can start a campaign long before an actual certification petition is filed; employers are effectively limited to the period starting with the filing of that petition.

Little wonder that the unions consider the rule change as important as the right to automatic dues deductions.

At the same time, the NLRB demanded that employers disclose much more information about the consultants they hire to respond to union-organizing campaigns -- a requirement from which unions have been immune since 1959.

The stated reason for both actions -- ensuring more accurate election tabulations -- is mystifying on the face of it: The NLRB's general counsel has described the current record of union elections as "outstanding."

The lone Republican left on the NLRB exposed the real reason: to "effectively eviscerate an employer's legitimate opportunity to express its views about collective bargaining."

Fortunately, the tide of history is turning against Big Labor -- union membership nationwide stands at less than 7 percent, the lowest in a century.

But with President Obama's disastrous handling of the economy costing him more and more votes every day, he needs all the friends he can get.

Their dollars won't hurt his re-election chances, either.

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What a stupendously ridiculous thread.  Conjecture and opinion are not proof of anything, other than your ability to hit ctrl - c, ctrl - v over and over again.

Does this somehow make your life any better?  Reading the same old bullsh*t about communist progressives enslaving the liberty and destroying the 'free' market?  Really it's time to peal back the hyperbole.  This thread is nothing more than getbigs version of the national enquirer. 

Sad show from a sad little man with nothing else to do...
Abandon every hope...

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No I use it for dupes like yourself who sit in wonderment why the economy sucks and things are getting worse. 

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Kc - can you tell me what articles in this thread you disagree with.

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Geithner: Taxes on ‘Small Business’ Must Rise So Government Doesn’t ‘Shrink’ ^ | June 23, 2011 | By Terence P. Jeffrey
Posted on June 23, 2011 8:34:02 PM EDT by jacknhoo

( - Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told the House Small Business Committee on Wednesday that the Obama administration believes taxes on small business must increase so the administration does not have to “shrink the overall size of government programs.”

The administration’s plan to raise the tax rate on small businesses is part of its plan to raise taxes on all Americans who make more than $250,000 per year—including businesses that file taxes the same way individuals and families do.


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Is Obama embracing unconstitutional powers?
A recent Hill article on Libya reveals the administration's disturbing disdain for checks on presidential authority

President Barack Obama
Thursday's Hill newspaper story on the White House's new Libya War is one for the history books. It is probably the most concise summation of two of the most powerful post-9/11 tropes in our politics.

First and foremost, as my colleague Glenn Greenwald deftly shows, it exemplifies the unprincipled, hyper-partisan nature of our public policy discourse, to the point where on the gravest matters of war and peace, professional politicians and activists are thrilled to use the same jeremiads they previously criticized once it is in their momentary self-interest to do so.

But that's not all that this article so perfectly captures. In quoting the Obama administration's petulant criticism of Congress, it gives us a candid-camera snapshot of the executive branch's Kingly Presumption of blatantly unconstitutional authority. Here's what I mean (emphasis mine):

President Obama and his aides appear increasingly angered by threats from Congress over the president's authority to intervene in Libya.

Both in remarks the president made during his address on Afghanistan Wednesday night and in comments made by senior administration officials, the White House is losing patience with Congress...

One senior administration official, on a conference call with reporters Wednesday afternoon, seemed even more angered by the defunding threats from both sides of the aisle.

"And I think, astoundingly, there is a move in the House of Representatives to take an effort as it relates to the ongoing effort to stop a tyrant in Libya and to turn it into a political football in such a way here as to give, at a critical time -- potentially send a very negative signal to the leadership of that country, which, as we all know, has over the course of time carried out hateful and heinous attacks against U.S. citizens, including terrorist attacks."


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No I use it for dupes like yourself who sit in wonderment why the economy sucks and things are getting worse. 

I don't wonder why the economy is struggling.  The recovery was never going to be quick or painless.  No matter what anyone promised or said.  Dupes like yourself believe we would be out of this by now without Obama.  A foolish statement if ever there was one. 
Abandon every hope...

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I don't wonder why the economy is struggling.  The recovery was never going to be quick or painless.  No matter what anyone promised or said.  Dupes like yourself believe we would be out of this by now without Obama.  A foolish statement if ever there was one. 

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