Author Topic: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deceit and Promises Broken  (Read 227037 times)

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Obama’s Environmentalists Destroy Marine Environment

Posted By Humberto Fontova On June 24, 2011 @ 12:25 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | No Comments

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The most prolific marine ecosystem on earth is being systematically destroyed on orders of the U.S. Department of the Interior. Where the BP oil spill failed miserably, Obama’s Dept. of the Interior now triumphs.

First came the “moratorium” on Gulf drilling. “That’s kicking a man when he’s already down,” said former offshore oil worker (and current country music superstar) Trace Adkins last May in an interview with CNN. The Obama administration itself admits to 8-12,000 job losses in Louisiana from the moratorium. But Louisiana now has 25,000 more unemployed than before the moratorium, which continues de facto in the form of stonewalling and lollygagging on the issuance of new drilling permits. So, that “man” is still down and reeling from federal kicks.

Another kick came last September in the form of a federal “notice to lessees.” “As part of our sustained effort to improve the safety of energy production on the Outer Continental Shelf and strengthen environmental protections,” decreed U.S. Dept. of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar last September 15, “We are notifying offshore operators of their legal responsibility to decommission and dismantle their facilities when production is completed.”

Dismantling their production platforms could cost oil operators “$6 billion to $18 billion in lost future production,” according to a report by Mark Kaiser and Allan Pulsipher of the Louisiana State University Center for Energy Studies.

The federal government, however, is unmoved by such projections. Production? Costs? Profits?—come on! Where’s the federal “environmental expert” affected by such stuff?

So let’s try this: the most prolific and “diverse marine ecosystem” ever recorded by marine scientists was created by the “facilities” the U.S. Dept. of the Interior is hell-bent on dismantling (offshore oil platforms). Acting as artificial reefs over the past half century, the natural beauty, teeming fish life, coral colonies, and “bio-diversity,” created by these structures is amply documented in several studies commissioned by none other than the U.S. Dept. of the Interior.

One recent report by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Minerals (a division of the U.S. Dept. of the Interior) boasts that “fish densities are 20 to 50 times higher at oil and gas platforms than in nearby Gulf water, and each platform seasonally serves as critical habitat for 10 to 20 thousand fishes.”

In fact, “villainous” Big Oil produces marine life at rates that puts to shame “wondrous” Earth Goddess Gaia. “The fish Biomass around an offshore oil platform is ten times greater per unit area than for natural coral reefs,” found Dr. Charles Wilson of LSU’s Dept. of Oceanography and Coastal Science (emphasis added). ”Ten to thirty thousand adult fish live around an oil production platform in area half the size of a football field.” For proof click on this video.

An LSU study found that 75 per cent of all offshore fishing trips in Louisiana target these fish-teeming “reefs.” Recreational fishing and diving trips to these structures generate an estimated 5,560 full time jobs and $324 million annually for Louisiana. But Salazar’s decree now forces oil producers to plug 3,500 non-producing wells and dismantle about 650 platforms by 2020. These represent 800 acres of critical Marine habitat. 80 per cent of these oil production “facilities,” by the way, are owned by independent producers rather than “Big Oil” companies such as Exxon or BP.

The feds mandated this dismantling and plugging from the days the very first platforms went up over half a century ago. But production from these wells wasn’t a simple matter of letting them gush until the oil ran out. “Many wells fall idle when extracting the oil becomes unprofitable at a certain price,” explains Don Briggs, president of the Louisiana Oil & Gas Association. “Plugging wells and tearing down platforms will ultimately lead to the loss of oil from idled wells that would become attractive for further production down the road as the price of energy rises, but not if the companies have to rebuild the infrastructure to tap it.”

Environmentalists like to look at this as oil companies hoarding their product in order to “price gouge” us. Others call it the law of supply and demand. And if it’s “not nice to fool mother nature,” history shows it’s even more catastrophic to try and fool markets. The point is, historically, federal rules proved elastic, even by federal standards. A modus vivendi had existed where platforms remained standing and wells unplugged until “one year after the lease [by the oil producer from the feds] expired,” rather than until “production stopped.”

No longer. The Obama team has cracked the whip. “We have placed the [oil] industry on notice that they will be held to the highest standards of planning and operations in developing leases,” stressed Sec. Ken Salazar.

Accidently drop your boat anchor over coral off the Florida coast and you’ll be fined up to $25,000 pursuant to federal regulations. Catch and keep a Gag Grouper, Amberjack or more than 2 Red Snapper per fishing trip in any U.S. federal waters and you’ll be fined $600 per fish, pursuant to federal regulations.

Yet endangered coral in the Gulf of Mexico is being blown up, blow-torched, and winched out of the Gulf by the ton to bleach in scrapyards — as mandated by federal regulations. Tons of Red Snapper, Grouper, Amberjack and thousands of other “endangered” or “threatened” fish species are being dynamited in the Gulf of Mexico and left as shark-chum—as mandated by the same federal regulations. Most of these “facilities,” you see, are “dismantled” with explosives detonated around their legs below the Gulf floor. Behold the usual collateral damage here.

“It smells like death here,” said Texas fishing captain Brent Casey about a Gulf coast scrapyard piled with sections of dismantled oil platforms. “I wish you could see these 75-foot piles of metal covered in coral. It’s just insane. Forty years of habitat — gone.”

Not exactly “gone.” After the production of endangered fish stops and the endangered coral is sandblasted off, the habitat is mostly sold as scrap metal to China, as reported by David Sikes of the The Corpus Christi Caller-Times.

So, where are the greenies on this, you ask?

They’re with the despoilers. “This [Dept. of Interior decree] is an important first step in cleaning up what’s become a dumping ground for the offshore oil and gas industry,” said Peter Galvin of the Center for Biological Diversity. Galvin’s Center, by the way, bemoans the fate of the Earth’s coral reefs in particular, and filed a petition with the feds to place 83 species of corals (including several that thrive on those very offshore oil platforms) on the Endangered Species list. “The world’s corals and coral reef ecosystems—these rainforests of the sea– are in crisis,” wails the Center for Biological Diversity. “In just a few decades all their rich biodiversity could disappear completely.”

“Global warming,” needless to add, is the culprit according to the Center for Biological Diversity.

The marine habitat responsible for this proliferation of (so-called) endangered species from coral to Gag Grouper is human-made, you see. And as PETA chieftain Ingrid Newkirk observed: “Humans are the biggest blight on the face of the Earth.”  Earth Goddess Gaia certainly helped the proliferation of marine life in the Gulf of Mexico—but only by piggy-backing on habitat erected by this infernal “blight” known as man. Worse still, this amazing marine habitat was created by the Snideley Whiplash/Darth Vader of Greenie nightmares: oil companies.


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Obama Calls for More Housing Projects
Economic Policy Journal ^ | 06/24/2011 | Economic Policy Journal

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Since the projects work so well for the poor under LBJ, Obama wants to bring them to all over America. There is no other way to read this Reuters report:

The Obama administration is exploring ways to support rental housing as the troubled U.S. real estate sector has kept potential buyers on the sidelines, a top U.S. Treasury official said on Friday.

"We support a housing finance market that provides liquidity and capital to support affordable rental options and help alleviate the burdens that many low-income households face," Treasury Under Secretary Jeffrey Goldstein told a housing conference.

"We are also exploring how private channels can finance affordable multi-family housing, perhaps with limited, targeted governmental support," he said.

Goldstein said the administration's range of options to expand support for lending for multifamily rental properties include reforms such as risk-sharing with private institutions.

He said private credit markets have generally underserved the multifamily segment that caters to low-income households. Instead, they prefer to invest in high-end developments, Goldstein said

A broke government funneling money to developers willing to build housing for people who can't pay. This should work well.

Cabrini ouses really woked out well in Chicago Obama! 

Fucking idiot. 

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ICE agents warn Americans "to brace themselves for what's coming"

June 23, 2011 9:04 pm ET
Dave Gibson
Immigration Reform Examiner
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In the wake of the recent memo from the Obama administration which announced “prosecutorial discretion” in dealing with illegal aliens, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents across the country have been speaking out what many of them are calling a “backdoor amnesty.”

On Wednesday, ICE Union president Chris Crane told PRNewswire: “Any American concerned about immigration needs to brace themselves for what's coming. This is just one of many new ICE policies in queue aimed at stopping the enforcement of U.S. immigration laws in the United States.  Unable to pass its immigration agenda through legislation, the Administration is now implementing it through agency policy.”

Crane continued: “ICE and the Administration have excluded our union and our agents from the entire process of developing policies, it was all kept secret from us, we found out from the newspapers.  ICE worked hand-in-hand with immigrants rights groups, but excluded its own officers.”

Also ignored by the press, was last year's no confidence vote ICE agents gave Obama appointee, ICE director John Morton.

The National ICE Council represents about 7,000 agents and support staff.

Those agents, just as many American citizens are also convinced that the new policy, which gives special preference to illegal aliens who have a relative who has served in the military, those who are enrolled in any education program and even those who are pregnant or nursing is simply to a move from an unpopular president, desperate for re-election.

Crane said: “The desires of foreign nationals illegally in the United States were the framework from which these policies were developed. The result is a means for every person here illegally to avoid arrest or detention, as officers we will never know who we can or cannot arrest.”


Perhaps, most troubling are the “secret” orders under which ICE agents are reportedly now operating.

“Our officers are already under orders not to make arrests or even talk to foreign nationals in most cases unless another agency has already arrested them; you won't find that written in any public ICE policy,” Crane said.  

Finally, this warning from the ICE Union president: “I think the writing is on the wall for every person concerned about good government and effective immigration reforms - the things happening at ICE represent neither. We are asking everyone to please email or call your Congressman and Senators immediately and ask them to help stop what's happening at ICE, we desperately need your help.”

Of course, the DREAM Act and so-called Comprehensive Immigration Reform (amnesty) have been defeated many times in Congress, due to public outrage.

However, as Obama’s poll numbers continue to slip, he has apparently once again, decided to bypass Congress this time in his pursuit of Latino votes.

Click here to read the now infamous memo:

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Posted on June 28, 2011 8:16:59 PM EDT by Sub-Driver

White House dumps 'secret shopper' survey of doctors

By: Sarah Kliff June 28, 2011 05:57 PM EDT

The Obama administration will not move forward on a controversial proposal to have “secret shoppers” pose as patients to investigate how difficult it is for Americans to obtain primary care.

“On April 28th, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services submitted a notice to the Federal Register regarding a proposed study that would examine access to primary care,” an HHS spokesman said in a statement.

“After reviewing feedback received during the public comment period, we have determined that now is not the time to move forward with this research project. Instead, we will pursue other initiatives that build on our efforts to increase access to health care providers nationwide.”

While the administration announced the program two months ago, it did not get widespread notice until a New York Times article that ran on Monday.

The program, as outlined in the Federal Register, would have a federal contractor call the offices of 4,185 doctors in nine states. The plan, which the Times characterized as a “stealth survey,” came under criticism from some physicians. As one Texas doctor said in the story, “Is this a good use of tax money? Probably not. Everybody with a brain knows we do not have enough doctors.”

Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) also attacked the program. On Tuesday, he began circulating a letter to send to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius demanding more information about the program.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Obama’s Suspicious Connections to Clean Tech Companies Receiving Federal Money
By Aubrey Vaughan | June 29, 2011 | 18:06

Having friends in Washington is one of the quickest and dirtiest paths to success, but when President Barack Obama is the one helping you out by discriminately favoring your company's products over others, very few in the media seem to care.

Flashback to the early 2000s during former President George Bush's first term. The mainstream media pounced on former Vice President Dick Cheney's association with Halliburton, an oil company for which Cheney once served as CEO. The Bush administration supposedly favored Halliburton by rewarding the company with a number of multi-million dollar oil contracts in the Middle East, purportedly only using a bidding process to make the game look fairer.

Today it's a different fuel and a different president, but Obama has an almost identical story: favoring the clean-technology companies of his financial supporters through rewards of federal money. This time around, though, the media is giving his shady dealings a free pass.

Since March of 2009, Obama has spent over half of his out-of-town business trips visiting 22 different clean-tech projects with a $90 billion stimulus check to promote the clean-tech companies of his choosing. Superficially, Obama looks like he's supporting an industry he champions as the next big thing and a creator of an entirely new sector of jobs.

Hiding behind the curtain is a different story, though. The focus of his clean-tech trips has been to support ventures backed by his donors. The projects not only receive free publicity from Obama's visits, but also huge sums of federal money to support their success. As the Washington Post explains,

The most attention has focused on Solyndra, a Silicon Valley solar company that ran into financial trouble after receiving a $535 million federal loan guarantee commitment.
Some of the biggest investors in Solyndra, which makes easy-to-install solar panels, were venture capital funds associated with Tulsa billionaire George Kaiser, a key Obama fundraiser. Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.), chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee's subcommittee on oversight and investigations, said he is "concerned that there was a hurry to get this money out of the door and that companies and individuals that supported the president were among the beneficiaries."
Much like Halliburton, which supposedly gouged oil prices, making it an illogical choice as the best oil company to federally support, Solyndra is far from being the most efficient solar company in the market.

 Solar analyst Ramesh Misra, who works for the investment firm Brigantine Advisors, was skeptical about Solyndra's signature product. Its solar panels are composed of an array of glass tubes that are expensive to produce, causing investment advisers to question whether the product could compete with less-expensive Chinese models. Misra, who has no financial interest in Solyndra or its rivals, questioned the administration's decision.
"To think they could compete on any basis, that took a very big leap of faith," Misra said.
Solyndra is not the lone example, either. Most of the clean-tech companies Obama has visited over the past two years share some connection to his 2008 presidential campaign.

Over the months, Obama touted a Florida's utility's electric grid project (a company in an Obama fundraiser's portfolio was doing extensive business with the project) and a Nevada company that generates emission-free power from waste heat, the warmth radiated by machines or industrial processes (an Obama fundraiser is a partner in a venture fund that has a small stake in the company).
While Obama is no champion of the free market, his actions epitomize the opposite, rewarding a select few companies that will benefit his success in office, and put all other competitors at an extreme disadvantage.

As the American Thinker explains,

American taxpayers are being used to fund the high-flying ventures of Democratic donors. If the projects fail (and they are failing left and right) we lose. If they succeed (at least for a short-time) by going public, private investors (those Obama donors) win big. Taxpayers do not see any return.
The game has been rigged by Obama and his fellow Democrats. "Clean" indeed in two meanings of the word. The donor money is being returned to them multiplied by Obama's sending taxpayer dollars back to them. And we, the American taxpayers, are being taken to the cleaners.
Other companies, including battery-producing Celgard and lightbulb-producing Orion Energy Systems, were also buoyed by Obama visits. Celgard has pictures from Obama's visit hanging in its hallways, while Orion is held largely in investments by John Rogers Jr., a friend and fundraiser for Obama.

Competitors dream of the same kind of exposure a presidential visit brings. From the Post,

 Mark Eubanks, president of Cooper Lighting in Atlanta, estimated that his company sells six times more energy-efficient lighting than Orion, but it is based in a Republican stronghold.
 "We'd be happy to host the president," Eubanks said. He added that he's not expecting the phone to ring anytime soon.

So far, the Post is the only mainstream media outlet to cover this story. The complaints of having friends in the government ever present in the association of the Bush administration with oil companies seem to have all but vanished in covering Obama's campaign connections with his carefully supported clean-technology companies.

Straw Man

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333 - with so much "proof" why do you think no journalist has asked Obama if/why he is intentionally trying collapse America

they say all kinds of other ridiculous shit about his so why not this?

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Because they are completely in the tank for him and anything he does.

Most of it is liberal white guilt.

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Wall St. jobs exodus

Posted: 10:34 PM, June 29, 2011

Why is Goldman Sachs pre paring to outsource traders, salespeople and investment bankers from here in America, where it has made untold billions over the years as Wall Street's premier trading firm, to places like Singapore and India?

The answer can be found largely in the 2,000-plus pages of last year's Dodd-Frank financial "reform" law -- which will eventually translate into some 40,000 pages of regulations. The financial industry is still frozen, waiting to find out how bad these regs will turn out; but what all the CEOs of the big banks know for sure is that it's about to get a lot more expensive to do business here.

The only real question is by how much more expensive. And the banks aren't sitting around to find out.

Of course, the slowdown that's crimping Wall Street profits is a factor in banks' frenzy to cut costs by eliminating US jobs while expanding in lower-cost places overseas. But they'd expect the business environment to get better eventually -- if the regulatory environment weren't sure to get worse.

Then-Sen. Chris Dodd, Rep. Barney Frank and President Obama all said that they pushed for regulatory reform to prevent another financial meltdown. But their legacy may well be the decimation of the US financial-services industry, which for all its bailouts, blunders and other ills pumped billions upon billions into the economy over the years, especially here in New York.

It's not just Goldman, which wants to expand a once-tiny Singapore office by hiring 1,000 executives while it contemplates a major job reduction at home. (Yesterday, Goldman told the labor department it's cutting at least 230 jobs.) Just about every major US bank is looking at outsourcing as a way to pay for the new costs of doing business as regulators hammer out new rules.

JP Morgan chief Jamie Dimon recently lambasted Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, saying the prolonged uncertainty over the Dodd-Frank regulations is making it difficult for his bank to lend money to small businesses to help grow the economy. What he didn't say during his mini-tirade is how much his bank is committed to growing outside America to keep pace with competitors like Citigroup, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley and Goldman.

"Everyone is screaming that the money is now overseas," said veteran market analyst Richard Bove. "Well it's overseas in American banks. What we are seeing is an escape from US regulation."

The biggest irony is that Wall Street has long been the engine financing the New York welfare state -- yet it's being squeezed by lefty politicians who believe in expanding the national welfare state. The winners are places with well-educated, English-speaking workforces plus lower taxes and less regulation -- in Goldman's case, Singapore and India.

These same people also claim the mountain of new regs will prevent another banking collapse. But regulations didn't do the job in 2008 and won't in the future. Dodd-Frank fails to get at the root of the problem: Banks were bailed out so many times in the past, they came to expect it -- and so they took on ever-greater risks while chasing ever-greater profits, until some players' huge bad bets were enough to take everybody down.

Of course, the banks expected some response to that mindless risk-taking. But the monstrosity of Dodd-Frank is that it doesn't touch the real problem -- even as it squeezes profit margins and sends jobs overseas.

Charles Gasparino is a Fox Busi ness Network senior correspondent.

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I felt bad for Ron Paul in that.   If ever the term "Kneepadder for Obama" needed a real life example -that was it.  The interviewer was pathetic. 

Glad RP put her in her place, albeit much nicer than he should have.

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Because they are completely in the tank for him and anything he does.

Most of it is liberal white guilt.

all journalists are "in the tank" with Obama?

even all the Repub  journalist?

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all journalists are "in the tank" with Obama?

even all the Repub  journalist?

Probably 88% at least voted for him.   

Straw Man

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Probably 88% at least voted for him.   

you think 88% of Republican journalist voted for Obama and are "in the tank" with Obama ?


do you think they know he is intentionally trying to collapse the country or are they oblivious

what about the other 12%

why aren't bringing it up when they ask him or people in his administration questions ?

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you think 88% of Republican journalist voted for Obama and are "in the tank" with Obama ?


do you think they know he is intentionally trying to collapse the country or are they oblivious

what about the other 12%

why aren't bringing it up when they ask him or people in his administration questions ?

They are.   If you read something other than the NYT, The New Republic, HP, etc, you would realize that.   


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They are.   If you read something other than the NYT, The New Republic, HP, etc, you would realize that.   

just to clarify the "they" you're referring to are the 88% of Republican journalist

is that correct?

if "they" are "in the tank" for Obama then do they also want to collapse the nation or do they not know his real agenda

also, what about the other 12%

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Older Workers Could Face Cost Disparities in Health Law Glitch
Published June 30, 2011

Jan. 19, 2011: Senior citizens do physical therapy at the Glendale Gardens Adult Day Health Care center in Glendale, Calif.

WASHINGTON -- Older adults of the same age and income with similar medical histories would pay sharply different amounts for private health insurance due to what appears to be an unintended consequence of the new health care law.

Aware of the problem, the administration says it is exploring options to address a potential disparity that could mean added controversy for President Barack Obama's health care overhaul. The law expands coverage to more than 30 million uninsured people and would require most Americans to carry insurance.

The glitch mainly affects older adults who are too young for a Medicare card but have reached 62, when people can qualify for early retirement from Social Security. Sixty-two is the most common age at which Americans start taking Social Security, although their monthly benefit is reduced.

As the health care law is now written, those who take early retirement would get a significant break on health insurance premiums. That's because part or all of their Social Security benefits would not count as income in figuring out whether they can get federal subsidies to help pay for coverage until they become eligible for Medicare at 65.

"There is an equity issue here," said Robert Laszewski, a former health insurance executive turned policy consultant. "If you get a job for 40 hours a week, you're going to pay more for your health insurance than if you don't get a job."

The Obama administration says it is working on the problem.

"We are monitoring this issue and exploring options that would take into account the needs of Social Security beneficiaries, many of whom are disabled or individuals of limited means," Emily McMahon, a top Treasury Department policy official, said in a statement to The Associated Press.

Other officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because the issue is politically sensitive, said the administration is concerned because the situation could create a perception that some people are getting a worse deal compared with their less-industrious peers.

McMahon doubted that what amounts to a hefty health care discount would start a stampede toward early retirement at a time when many experts are urging older Americans to stay on the job longer. Only a "limited number of individuals" would decide they're better off not working, she said.

To see how the Social Security wrinkle would work, consider a hypothetical example of two neighbors on the same block.

They are both 62 and have the same income of $39,500 a year. But one gets all his income from working, while the other gets $20,000 from part-time work and $19,500 from Social Security.

Neither of them gets health insurance on the job. Instead, they purchase it individually.

Starting in 2014, they would get their coverage through a new online health insurance market called an exchange. Millions of people in the exchanges would get federal tax credits to make their premiums more affordable. Less-healthy consumers could not be charged more because of their medical problems.

The neighbor who is getting Social Security would pay an estimated $206 a month in premiums.

Half of his income from Social Security, or $9,750, would not be counted in figuring his federal health insurance tax credit. On paper, he would look poorer. So he would get a bigger tax credit to offset his premiums.

But the neighbor who makes all his income from work would not be able to deduct any of it. He would pay $313 for health insurance, or about 50 percent more.

The estimates were produced using an online calculator from the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation.

The disparities appear to be even greater for married couples and families in which at least one member is getting Social Security. With a bigger household, both the cost of coverage and the federal subsidies involved are considerably larger.

The glitch seems to be the result of an effort by Congress to make things simpler. Lawmakers decided to use the definition of income in the tax code, which protects Social Security benefits from taxation.

"The practical effect is if more of your income is in the form of Social Security benefits, you are going to be eligible for bigger tax credits in the exchange," said Chapin White, a senior researcher at the nonpartisan Center for Studying Health System Change.

It's unclear whether the Obama administration can fix the problem with a regulation, or whether it will have to go back to Congress. In case of the latter, it will have to deal with Republicans eager to repeal the health care law.

The decision to use the tax code's definition of income for the health care law has created other problems.

Medicare's top number-cruncher is warning that up to 3 million middle-class people in households that get at least part of their income from Social Security could suddenly become eligible for nearly free coverage through Medicaid, the federal-state safety net program for the poor. Chief Actuary Richard Fosters says that situation "just doesn't make sense."

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What a fail this admn is.    But we hae to pass the bill to find out what is n it.      ::)  ::)   

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June 28, 2011
President Quixote's Legacy: Confused, Ill-Educated and Not Too Bright

By Monty Pelerin
The number of Obama supporters seems inversely related to his time in office.  Many wonder what happened to "The One We Are Waiting For."

Obama assumed office in difficult economic times.  After a couple of years of excuses -- which included "the problems were worse than we knew" and the generic, all-purpose "it's Bush's fault" -- Obama now owns the original problems and new ones of his own doing.  An incomplete report card on his "accomplishments" would include the following:

the economy worsened
discretionary military efforts ("kinetic" if you prefer) increased
an unpopular, flawed health care plan was forced on the public
inflation increased, especially in critical goods like food and gasoline
job prospects decreased
the stimulus failed miserably
"transparency in government" became a laugh-line for late night TV
corruption in government accelerated to Chicago-style warp speed
Housing worsened and shows no sign of bottoming soon
Government debt and spending spun out of control
Wall Street was bailed out and continues to enrich themselves
Main Street was ignored and becomes poorer as bankruptcies and foreclosures mount
race relations appear to have worsened
There are a plethora of other problems that could be attributed to Obama.  In short, it is difficult to ascertain what, if anything, has improved other than the demise of Osama bin Laden.

Two hypotheses are often cited to explain why things have gotten so much worse:

Obama is incompetent.
Obama knows what he is doing and is deliberately destroying the country.
These hypotheses are not mutually exclusive.  Evidence is consistent with either or a combination of both.  The remainder of this article deals only with the first.  Readers should not assume that the second is unimportant, inoperable, or impossible.

Dr. Thomas Sowell wrote about "seductive beliefs" in a two-part article (second part here).  He touched on some of the incorrect beliefs guiding President Obama.  In short, Obama is an ideologue, narrowly (and poorly) educated.  As a result, he is ignorant in the ways of the world.

Economics versus Morality

Sowell's analysis provides perspective on Obama's behavior.  Obama has virtually no understanding of basic economics.  Exploitation ideology is the basis for his world- and economic view.  This ideology sees the world as a zero-sum game.  In essence a fixed pie is divided.  If one person gets more, others necessarily get less.

A country becomes successful by taking advantage of other countries.  This naive view, based on the long-discredited concept of mercantilism, sees success as exploitation.  Freedom, markets, institutions, incentives, and voluntary trade have no place in Obama's world.  Success or failure is determined by one variable -- whether you are the exploiter or the exploited.

Exploitation theory does not comport with economic theory, history, or reality. As Sowell points out:

It is hard to reconcile "exploitation" theories with the facts. While there have been conquered peoples made poorer by their conquerors, especially by Spanish conquerors in the Western Hemisphere, in general most poor countries were poor for reasons that existed before the conquerors arrived.  Some Third World countries are poorer today than they were when they were ruled by Western countries, generations ago.

Obama's ideology blinds him to relevant variables.  Incentives, institutional frameworks, profit and loss, individual initiative, saving and investment, hard work, etc. have no role in his simplistic world.  He is a political creation with no experience in relevant matters.  He does not understand markets, business, meeting a payroll, or managing an organization.  This vacuum in knowledge produces failed economic results because policies do not consider the relevant variables for economic success.

In Obama's world, success and failure are moral rather than economic outcomes.  Success is a marker for evil.  Failure is due to someone else's success rather than personal shortcomings.  Failure represents passivity, the choice to not exploit others.  Proper moral behavior produces failure.

For Obama, economics itself is inconsistent with morality.  Hence economics itself must be evil.  This view of the world is both simple and ignorant.  No, it is beyond that.  It is a sign of stupidity!  Recognition of this stupidity is the key to understanding Obama's behavior and policies.

An Interpretation of Some Obama Policies

The key to understanding much of Obama's behavior is the notion that economics itself is necessarily evil and must be constrained or even remedied.  

Successful allies (think Israel and Great Britain among others) are morally inferior to unsuccessful, backward nations who only are so as a result of exploitation.  Third-world nations require restitution for the evils imposed by successful nations.  That some of these are enemies of the US makes them even more deserving.  The US, heretofore the greatest success, therefore represents the greatest evil.  Obama's world-apology tours and treatment of allies can be understood in light of such convoluted beliefs.

Moral judgments also drive domestic policy.  Individual success is simply a microcosm of national success.  It too is achieved by exploiting others.  That explains Obama's "Joe the Plumber" moment.  If the pie is fixed in size, the rich make others poor.  That is the fallacy underlying Obama's belief that people are entitled to only so much income or wealth.

In his mind, he has a right, probably a moral obligation, to confiscate and redistribute wealth.  The rich and successful must be punished at some level of success.  Their success causes the poor their pain.

Talent, hard work, ingenuity, risk-taking, etc. are not relevant in Obama's third-grade level of economic understanding.  As expressed by Tom Sowell, "[w]hether at home or abroad, Obama's ideology is an ideology of envy, resentment and payback."

The Bigger Problem

Obama is doing what he believes right and just.  Sophomoric understanding, however, does not explain why the inequities of the world are assumed to be Obama's responsibility.  How does one go from President of the US to a modern-day Don Quixote for the entire world?

Some psychologists and psychiatrists have answered this question in terms of Obama's ego and pathological narcissism.  The psychological conditions that motivate a person are less clear than the ensuing actions.  They also can be much more frightening.  To understand a person, it is sometimes necessary to speculate on such motivations.

Obama's narcissistic disorder apparently enables him to see himself as the President of The World, the Great Rectifier and the One We Have Been Waiting For.  Some supporters speak of Obama in messianic terms, as he himself has arrogantly done.  This behavior pattern could be indicative of severe delusion, even megalomania.

The original Don Quixote's tilting at windmills was charming and harmless.  This knight of old was noble and honorable.  He possessed character and integrity.  While a bit crazed, his motives were pure.  It was difficult not to admire him.

None of that holds true for President Quixote.  The only thing these two delusional people have in common is a fascination with windmills.  The old knight imagined them as dragons to be slain, the modern one as solutions to the world's problems.  Which belief is more rational is left to the reader to decide.

Obama's faults are neither charming nor harmless.  He is in a position of extreme power, capable of doing massive damage.  His quixotic behavior squanders this nation's resources and destroys its economy.  Obama, like his predecessor of old, intends to solve all the injustices of the world.  His Quest is to compensate for the sins of the successful.

The downtrodden are his protectorate, just as they were the delusional knight of old.  The modern Quixote, however, exploits them for political gain rather than true concern.  The successful, fewer in number, are targets unless they can assist him in his goals.

Obama's Superior Intellect

How dangerous this delusional man might be is moot.  What seems no longer at issue is Obama's "superior intelligence."  Obama's belief system is dominated by the dismissed exploitation theories of Karl Marx and the 60's-style radicals he grew up around.  The Reverend Wright preached to him for twenty years about exploitation in terms of Black Liberation Theology.  An unrepentant terrorist, Bill Ayers, was a close friend and arguably author of one of Obama's autobiographies.  His personally selected "Czars" are the sorriest collection of Presidential advisors ever, at least in terms of reflecting American values and beliefs.

Many went on the same intellectual voyage that Obama did.  Most of us outgrew this nonsense, usually by our mid-twenties.  Obama never did.  He is still a child, intellectually undeveloped and locked into the ideas from the 60's -- both the 1960s and the Marxist 1860s.  In that sense he is an intellectual dwarf, frozen in the equivalent of a state of intellectual puberty.  His "knowledge" is based on nothing but the discredited ideologies of Socialism. 

The claim that Obama is the smartest man to ever hold presidential office is absurd and a reflection on the state of our media who insist on propping up this man-child.  Obama's obsession with keeping his college records and personal past secret is prima facie evidence that the claim is untrue.  His knowledge base and dismal performance on the world stage is even more damning.

Instead of having a superior intellect, we likely have the most ignorant, ideological, brainwashed dupe this country has ever elected to high office.  The man's intellectual development never progressed beyond the stage of all-night freshman bull sessions where all the world's problems were solved (with help from adequate amounts of beer of course).

This intellectual pygmy must be removed from office by whatever possible peaceful means.  Impeachment is in order, but will not happen.  Thus the 2012 election is critical.

The Democratic Party knows what happened in 2010.  They also know that they have an albatross at the top of their ticket.  It is likely they will turn on this poseur before the election.  If so, this act will be their most significant public service in years.

Obama will not be reelected, but that may not be enough.  A country filled with enough fools to elect this modern-day version of a snake oil salesman, this American Idol wannabe, this empty suit, is clearly dumb enough to replace him in kind.  H. L. Mencken had it correct: "Democracy is a form of worship. It is the worship of jackals by jackasses."

The Democratic Party is and should be worried about 2012.  No Democrat, save the hapless Jimmy Carter, can be happy about their current situation.  Carter is the exception because his lock on "worst President ever" is about to be broken by the current occupant.

Monty Pelerin blogs at Monty Pelerin's World.

Page Printed from: at June 30, 2011 - 08:47:16 PM CDT

Soul Crusher

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New York to Lose Place as World's Financial Capital: Bove
CNBC ^ | 1 Jul 2011 | Jeff Cox

________________________ ________________________ _______________

New York soon will no longer be the financial capital of the world thanks to a hostile government that has served up a menu of punitive regulations aimed at driving big banks out of the country, says analyst Dick Bove.

 In his latest broadside against the post-crisis regulatory environment, Bove asserts that a recent spate of layoffs, particularly by Goldman Sachs, is just the latest sign that large financial institutions will have to take their operations overseas.

The result, he says, will not be good both for New York and the nation.


In the current climate, Bove says the worst may be yet to come.

“Money, intellectual capital, and manufacturing in the financial industry are steadily moving away from the United States,” he writes. “The challenge to this country is to create competitive advantages to do business here as opposed to somewhere else or New York will lose its position as the world’s financial capital just as London did.”

At a time when the government faces the pernicious costs of financing its debt, which would be exacerbated by a rise in rates, Bove worries that the banks have become too convenient a punching bag.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

________________________ ________________________ _____

Thank you obama/dodd/frank   - communist traitors. 

Straw Man

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just to clarify the "they" you're referring to are the 88% of Republican journalist

is that correct?

if "they" are "in the tank" for Obama then do they also want to collapse the nation or do they not know his real agenda

also, what about the other 12%

still no answer for these simple questions?

Soul Crusher

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still no answer for these simple questions?

No fool - at least 88% of those in the media voted for the communist traitor obama and he even laughed about it at the first gridiron dinner.   

Straw Man

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No fool - at least 88% of those in the media voted for the communist traitor obama and he even laughed about it at the first gridiron dinner.   

so those were all Republicans then?

what about the other 12%

what about the Republican candidates

Why don't you call Bachmann and fill her in on your theory about how Obama is secretly trying to collapse the country

You'd think she's be all over that by now

Soul Crusher

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so those were all Republicans then?

what about the other 12%

what about the Republican candidates

Why don't you call Bachmann and fill her in on your theory about how Obama is secretly trying to collapse the country

You'd think she's be all over that by now

Other than you far leftist freaks, more and more agree with me.  He is already in the low - mid forties on gallup and after the jobs and economy keep getting worse and worse as a result of his policies, i will be surprised if he even makes it to 2012.   

Straw Man

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Other than you far leftist freaks, more and more agree with me.  He is already in the low - mid forties on gallup and after the jobs and economy keep getting worse and worse as a result of his policies, i will be surprised if he even makes it to 2012.   

who agrees with you that Obama is intentionally trying to collapse the nation ?

Soul Crusher

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who agrees with you that Obama is intentionally trying to collapse the nation ?

Many, just look at his poll numbers, look at the tone of many editorials in many main stream papers, etc.   more and more are asking the question "is it sheer incompetence, ignorance, illiteracy, ineptness, that governs his actions and polices, or is it intentional?"

Straw Man

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Many, just look at his poll numbers, look at the tone of many editorials in many main stream papers, etc.   more and more are asking the question "is it sheer incompetence, ignorance, illiteracy, ineptness, that governs his actions and polices, or is it intentional?"

I'm not talking about his poll  #'s

I'm talking specifically about your INSANE belief that Obama is intentionally trying to collapse the nation

why can't you ever pay attention to the topic at hand

don't you think Bachmann should start talking about this?

once the media and general public hear the evidence don't you think she'd win in a landslide?