Author Topic: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deceit and Promises Broken  (Read 226871 times)

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1325 on: January 19, 2012, 07:54:19 PM »
Details of Obama’s Letter to Iran Released: Obama Says “US Will Not Take Hostile Action Against
The Gateway Pundit ^ | 1/19/12 | Jim Hoft
Posted on January 19, 2012 6:26:57 PM EST by Nachum

Iranian regime supporters carried pictures of Barack Obama and shouted “Death to America” at the funeral procession of assassinated nuclear scientist Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan last week.

The Iranian regime released details of Barack Obama’s letter to the Islamic state. Obama told the regime that the US will not take hostile against against Iran. Iranian Mehr News reported:

A number of Iranian officials have released the details of the letter that U.S. President Barack Obama recently sent to Tehran. The New York Times, citing U.S. government officials, wrote on January 12 that the Obama administration had sent a message to Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei warning that closing the Strait of Hormuz is a “red line” that would provoke a response by the United States.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Ramin Mehmanparast said on January 15 that U.S. officials had sent a message on the Strait of Hormuz to the Islamic Republic through three officials, noting, “Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, delivered a letter to Mohammad Khazaii, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s ambassador (to the UN). The Swiss ambassador to Tehran (Livia Leu Agosti) also conveyed the message, and Jalal Talabani, the Iraqi president, conveyed the message to officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran as well.”

Obama has called for negotiations

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1326 on: January 19, 2012, 08:07:43 PM »
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Obama Will Give Missile Tech To Russia Despite Law
The Western Center for Journalism ^ | January 19, 2012 | Craig Covello
Posted on January 19, 2012 11:14:06 PM EST by Tolerance Sucks Rocks

It appears that Barack Obama has again ignored the rule of law by signing a defense appropriations bill that prohibits him sharing vital United States leading-edge strategic US missile technology with Russia, yet he has told both houses of Congress that he plans to share the US missile technology anyway. Why is this important? Because it goes light-years beyond partisan politics and into an area where our national defense will be put at unreasonable risk. It is believed that the Russians will pass this technology onto China, Iran and North Korea.

I find it bitterly ironic that this president pushes an agenda of excessive government regulation and oversight under the guise of consumer safety. Virtually everything in our homes, offices and automobiles is regulated to some extent by federal bureaucracy. Yet at the same time, he’s subjecting tens of millions of American lives to unreasonable risk by unilaterally giving away our deepest US missile technology to nations hostile to American interests.

So here’s the bottom line. There are those of us who would vote for a Republican candidate because we do not believe in the agenda of this administration. Then there are those of us who would vote again for Barack Obama under the belief that he will take care of us financially by redistributing wealth so that everyone can be more or less equal regardless of skills, talent or work ethic. There’s just one problem. If you take away the United States military’s ability to protect this great nation from a nuclear missile launched from North Korea or even someday Iran, then the concept of federal cradle-to-grave protection and enablement probably loses most of its meaning, doesn’t it?

If you’re concerned, then you might want to watch this video produced by Dick Morris. I think Dick sums it up best when he says that this president

“has defined the opinion of both houses of Congress, both political parties, in pursuit of some phantom agenda of getting the Russians to like us a little bit more…. I think we will beat this guy in November, but we may not have a country by then.”

Admittedly, that last statement was designed to be dramatic in order to get our attention, but it underscores what I’ve been writing about for the last three years. We have a President of the United States who believes he’s more of a king than a servant of the people. And letting one man, regardless of who he is, make decisions and dictate unilaterally to the other 300 million of us is not only unsettling and frustrating, it’s extremely dangerous. The framers of the Constitution knew that all too well. Unfortunately, too many Americans have little understanding of the timeless principles that founded this country.

And if you don’t understand the value of what you have, history has shown that you are sure to lose it.


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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1327 on: January 20, 2012, 12:21:39 PM »
Obama Pushes Hard to Protect Big Banks from Fraud Prosecutions ... But We Can Stop Him
Submitted by George Washington on 01/20/2012 12:07 -0500

Countrywide Florida Foreclosures Housing Prices Obama Administration recovery South Carolina

As we've noted for years, the entire strategy of Washington towards the economy is to cover up the fraud which caused the financial crisis ... even though prosecuting fraud and re-establishing the rule of law is the only way to get out of this depression.

One major front in Washington's cover-up effort has been to settle fraud cases with the big banks for pennies on the dollar. This is a backdoor bailout for the banks, encourages them to commit more fraud, and fails to plug the basic holes in the economy which are preventing a recovery.

Why are we bringing this up now?

Because Obama is making a giant push to pressure the states attorneys general to settle all of their mortgage-related fraud claims against the banks for pennies on the dollar.

Yves Smith - who has an ear to the ground on this - warns that a settlement which hurts consumers and the economy will happen very quickly if people don't raise a ruckus.

Smith is asking people to call their state attorney general (not their elected reps) to oppose the settlement:

Here are some of the reasons to oppose a settlement:


1. There have been virtually no investigations, and the Administration has engaged in cover-ups rather than trying to get to the bottom of the mortgage mess


2. The big argument made in favor of the deal, that it will help borrowers, is patently false. Remember, Countrywide entered into a deal with attorney generals just like this, where they agreed to do mods in return for a settlement on abuses. Guess what? They didn’t do the mods. To add insult to injury, they actually abused homeowners who should have gotten mods. Nevada AG is suing Countrywide now over its failure to comply with the terms of its settlement. And even if some mods miraculously did get done, the settlement is designed to have banks hit a dollar amount. That means they will focus on the biggest loans, which means any relief will go to a comparatively small number of people in (originally) big ticket houses.


3. The Administration has only one chance to get this right. Now you might argue that Team Obama has no intention of getting the mortgage mess right, but the tectonic plates suddenly seem to be moving in elite circles. The Fed realizes that housing is a BIG problem and has even started making noise about it. Yet Obama is moving forward with a plan cooked up in late 2010 that is completely out of whack with the urgency and severity of the problem. Note that this settlement will NOT stop private actions, such as borrowers fighting foreclosures. And we will continue to banks refuse to take losses and drag out foreclosures to maximize fees. That will lead to continued pressure on housing prices in many markets as buyers stay on the sidelines, fearful of buying before a large shadow inventory clears.


Leaving the AGs free to investigate and increase the pressure that is already building up in the system is the best chance we have to deal with widespread fraud.


The attorneys general really need your support. It helps them to hear that their constituents appreciate them standing up to the banks and the Obama administration.


PLEASE call them TODAY. Here is a list of phone numbers. If you can’t get through, send an e-mail.


Please also sign this petition from Campaign for America’s Future (it has some talking points if you need them for the AG calls). Note you can opt out of being put on their mailing list (I know that has been a sore point with some past petitions). I know it is futile to ping Obama, but they will collect the number of people who sign, and that will in turn bolster the dissident AGs.


Please call today. Unlike Congresscritters, who get a lot of constituent mail and phone calls, AGs get much less in the way of messages from state citizens, so your calls will make a difference.

Smith tells me that it is especially important for residents of California,  Virgina,  Texas, Florida and South Carolina to call their attorneys general and tell them that they need to stand firm in the face of pressure from Obama.

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1328 on: January 20, 2012, 12:40:21 PM »

Nice.   Under the Fast n Furious POTUS, the border is worse than ever.   

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1329 on: January 20, 2012, 01:43:30 PM »
71% of Obama’s 2012 Bundlers Have Visited the White House, 19% Received Jobs
Verum Serum ^ | 1/20/12 | John

The Center for Public Integrity released a new report on Obama’s 2012 bundlers yesterday:

Dozens of Obama’s elite donors — many of them wealthy business figures — have been appointed to advisory panels and commissions that can play a role in setting government policy. Others have been invited to a range of exclusive White House briefings, holiday parties and splashy social events.

And some have snagged lucrative government contracts that benefit their business interests or investment portfolios, a Center for Public Integrity investigation has found.

Here’s the breakdown:

At least 68 of 350 Obama bundlers for the 2012 election or their spouses have served in the administration, ranging from seats on advisory boards that tackle critical national issues such as economic growth, to ceremonial posts such as serving on the board of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1330 on: January 22, 2012, 06:02:14 AM »
How odd that President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton couldn't make a final decision on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline by the Feb. 21 deadline set by congressional Republicans. TransCanada, which would use private investment to build the $7 billion project, filed its application for environmental approval in 2008. The State Department conducted exhaustive studies and approved the application in 2010 and again last year, apparently clearing the way for a pipeline to move oil from Canada's rich tar sand region of Alberta to refineries on the U.S. Gulf Coast. So now Obama decides against issuing a permit for the project because of "the arbitrary nature of a deadline that prevented the State Department from gathering the information necessary to approve the project and protect the American people." He previewed this disingenuous ruling last November when he cited environmental concerns in delaying final approval until after the 2012 election. That came shortly after environmentalists encircled the White House with a human chain to protest the pipeline. Obama clearly has his eye on the big prize: millions of campaign dollars and thousands of campaign volunteers from the environmental movement for the coming campaign.
Obama is angering another key part of his electoral supporters, the labor unions that desperately want the estimated 20,000 jobs the pipeline would create. But Big Labor is not as monolithic as most people think. For every construction worker, pipefitter and welder who would benefit from Keystone XL, there are many more unionists who are siding with Big Green so they can stay in the good graces of the White House and get the goodies that will be dispensed in a second Obama term. Never mind the benefits to the country that would accrue from the ancillary jobs created by the project and from the oil that would come from our steadfast friends to the north.

While Obama dithers on Keystone, America's chief energy competitors are making hay on the international energy market. Canadian officials have made it clear they will build a pipeline that will either go south to supply the United States or west to supply China. Officials in Beijing are probably cheering for Obama's supposed concern for the environment. The Chinese are also rapidly consolidating their status as Brazil's preferred partner in developing the South American company's rich offshore oil resources. And China's government-controlled energy industry is investing substantial sums in Canadian and U.S. exploration and drilling firms. It never hurts to own a substantial piece of your competitor's key industry.

Then there is Cuba, which just this week saw the arrival off its northern coast of the Chinese-built Scarabeo 9 drilling rig. The Spanish energy giant Repsol will use the Scarabeo 9 to drill wells located about 70 miles off the Florida Keys in the Gulf of Mexico in waters claimed by Cuba. Repsol is working in a partnership with Norway's Statoil and a unit of India's Oil and Natural Gas Corp. The Scarabeo 9 will also be used by Malaysia's Petronas, which has entered into a partnership with Russia's Gazprom Neft to drill at least one Gulf well in the Cuban waters. Quite a contrast to the Obama policy of putting virtually all U.S. offshore waters off-limits for energy production.

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1331 on: January 22, 2012, 08:10:00 PM »
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Destroying America by Denying Access to Energy
Right Side News ^ | 1/22/2012 | Alan Caruba
Posted on January 22, 2012 10:07:36 AM EST by IbJensen

It is the crime of the century that America, home to some of the world’s greatest reserves of coal, natural gas and oil, is being deliberately destroyed by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of the Interior as they do everything in their power to restrict access and drive energy producers out of business.

It is common sense that a nation that cannot produce sufficient electricity to turn on its lights and power its manufacturing sector will be destroyed if current Obama administration regulations and actions continue. Our vital transportation sector and all others that utilize petroleum-based products will suffer, too.

While President Obama babbles about millionaires and billionaires, everyone will be impoverished by the loss of jobs and revenue our energy sector produces now and can produce in the future.

This isn’t an “energy policy.” It’s a “no-energy policy” and it is a guarantee of economic disaster.

Obama’s decision to reject a permit for Canada’s XL Keystone pipeline is just one example. It is a job-killer and a revenue-killer. There are thousands of pipelines serving America’s energy needs and the XL Keystone pipeline would ensure that Canada’s own vast energy reserves would flow to America. It is one of our key trade partners and Obama has slapped it in the face.

In early January, Ken Salazar, the Secretary of the Interior, announced a new 20-year, million-acre ban on uranium mining for federal lands in Arizona, despite the fact that these lands hold the highest-grade of known uranium deposits in the United States. It is an outrage that a new GOP-Congress will have to overturn if the nation is to be assured of sufficient uranium to power its nuclear plants and for weapons development. If the ban remains, these uranium resources would be inaccessible until 2023!

Tom Pyle, president of the Institute for Energy Research said that Salazar’s announcement “further compounds a man-made energy crisis that has been planned and executed in Washington, D.C.”

At the same time we are learning of enormous natural gas discoveries that can reduce our energy bills and turn sleeping little towns into boomtowns, environmental organizations have launched a vast propaganda campaign against “fracking”, a technology that has been safely used for more than fifty years. Their claims about dangers to the nation’s supply of fresh water are baseless. Their claims that fracking has caused earthquakes in Ohio are absurd.

Need it be said that the Environmental Protection Agency has turned its eyes on fracking and is working on a report due later this year that will likely call for harsh crackdowns on its use and more regulations to throttle the expansion of natural gas extraction?

The EPA has just released a report of those power plants that top the list of its regulation of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. There is no basis in science to justify the reduction of CO2. Indeed, since it is a gas on which all vegetation depends, much as oxygen is vital to all animal life, reducing it would impair great crop yields and healthier forests.

These regulations are based on the global warming hoax that blamed CO2 for warming the earth. That is utterly false. The Earth is currently in a perfectly natural cooling cycle and the climate of the Earth is almost entirely based on the Sun—solar radiation—along with the actions of oceans, clouds, and even volcanic activity that spews tons of particulates into the atmosphere.

Coal-fired power plants account for fifty percent of all the electricity generated in the United States. Fifty percent! And yet the EPA is determined to shut down dozens of them providing that vital factor in the lives of all Americans and the economy, nor does this take into account the billions that energy producers have spent to upgrade their technology to reduce emissions.

The Obama administration fuel economy agenda, a call for 54.5 miles per gallon ignores simple physics. There is a finite amount of energy a gallon of gas can generate. If you dilute it with ethanol as is currently required, you get even less mileage. The administration is trying to circumvent Congress by issuing standards based on regulating “greenhouse gas emissions”, but there is no need for this. It is a false argument. The Center for Automotive Research says that the proposed new standards would cause the retail price of average motor vehicles to increase by more than $11,000.

Americans and the nation’s future are being victimized by Obama administration policies. The 18th annual Index of Economic Freedom, was released on January 12th by The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal, measures the many factors that contribute to the economic health of a nation—things like property rights, regulatory efficiency, open markets, free trade and labor policies.

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1332 on: January 22, 2012, 08:13:27 PM »
its funny how unsourced shit in a book is fact when it disses obama.

but when it disses palin or some other negligent idiot on the left?  then "we need more proof".

you have a handful of women all saying the same thing about cain "we need more proof".

But some dude selling a book "heard from someone anonymous that obama cries a lot" and suddenly we have gospel. 

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1333 on: January 22, 2012, 08:14:49 PM »
its funny how unsourced shit in a book is fact when it disses obama.

but when it disses palin or some other negligent idiot on the left?  then "we need more proof".

you have a handful of women all saying the same thing about cain "we need more proof".

But some dude selling a book "heard from someone anonymous that obama cries a lot" and suddenly we have gospel. 

do you support Obama on the pipeline?   

f so - check this out

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1334 on: January 22, 2012, 08:16:47 PM »
no i disagree with obama on the pipelin, but mitt will veto it too.   presidents do what the saudis and opec says, you know this man.

bush was an oil man and never did domestic drilling.  you know why.  that won't change - accept it dog.

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1335 on: January 22, 2012, 08:18:31 PM »
no i disagree with obama on the pipelin, but mitt will veto it too.   presidents do what the saudis and opec says, you know this man.

bush was an oil man and never did domestic drilling.  you know why.  that won't change - accept it dog.

newt said he is for the pipeline

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1336 on: January 22, 2012, 08:20:32 PM »
newt said he is for the pipeline

newt will say anything to be on the other side of obama.  i bet bush supported it in 2000 too.

once they get into office, they make up excuses not to drill.  ain't gonna change man.  Bush was an oil man and never touched it, despite 2 wars for energy needs. 

we ain't drilling, 33.  say it over and over.  we're stuck on mid east oil.

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1337 on: January 22, 2012, 08:21:48 PM »
newt will say anything to be on the other side of obama.  i bet bush supported it in 2000 too.

once they get into office, they make up excuses not to drill.  ain't gonna change man.  Bush was an oil man and never touched it, despite 2 wars for energy needs. 

we ain't drilling, 33.  say it over and over.  we're stuck on mid east oil.

Aaaahhh - the Obama excuses continue.   

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1338 on: January 22, 2012, 08:22:54 PM »

Aaaahhh - the Obama excuses continue.   

i said i disagree with obama .  if you see that as an excuse, i dont know what to tell you.

no US prez is gonna go pissing off the mid east by drilling.  I bet you $5. you can pay me in 2016 when prez romney has made 5 excuses not to drill, dog.

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1339 on: January 22, 2012, 08:29:37 PM »
i said i disagree with obama .  if you see that as an excuse, i dont know what to tell you.

no US prez is gonna go pissing off the mid east by drilling.  I bet you $5. you can pay me in 2016 when prez romney has made 5 excuses not to drill, dog.

Palin would have drilled - but you thugbamabots could care less.

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1340 on: January 22, 2012, 08:35:42 PM »
She was running for President? When did this happen?

I do not think she would have drilled either... Things change one you get in the White House.

Is someone holding a gin to Obamas head that he needs to bow to the Saudi king? 

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1341 on: January 22, 2012, 08:37:22 PM »
Palin would have drilled - but you thugbamabots could care less.

no, she would not have.  'drill baby bill' was a clever sexual innuendo, ya doofus.  you did get that, right?

it's like is Vitter wore a vote, baby!' t-shirt.   ;)

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1342 on: January 22, 2012, 08:40:57 PM »
Not that I'm aware of.

There are many philosophies on this middle east oil thing. The most compelling of which is that we can bleed them dry at 100 dollars a barrel and then charge them 500 dollars a barrel when they have none.

Is that correct? I don't know, but it sure sounds good.

$100 a barrel now is killing this nation, just like it helped spark the collapse of 2007

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1343 on: January 22, 2012, 08:44:10 PM »
While we certainly aren't "recovered", the nation isn't exactly "dying" either.

If it were, wouldn't people like Mitt and Obama be losing lots of money? Yet, they are not.

even in communist Russia, there were those who prospered.  100 oil is decimating the middle class. 

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1344 on: January 22, 2012, 08:51:02 PM »
Obama stuck us w the bill     e didn't save anything.  He handed the UAW a gift at taxpayer expense.

as far as Europe and oil - dude  W T F os wrong w you?   Europe is on the verge of collapse and extinction because of their taxes on oil, regulation, socialism, lack of social mobility caused by socialism, etc.

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1345 on: January 22, 2012, 08:57:52 PM »
why didn't Ford need a bailout?   GM should have been allowed to go bankrupt , restructure, and rebuild according to existing laws, not bailed out and given to the unions. 

why should we attack TBTF for banks but act like it's ok for a car company?   either TBTF is ok or it's not. 

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1346 on: January 22, 2012, 09:05:23 PM »
Blames goes solely on Obama for that one , no one else.   He rejected his own debt panel recs

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1347 on: January 23, 2012, 01:43:58 PM »

White House to miss budget deadline for third year
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The White House told Congress on Monday that its budget will be late this year, meaning President Obama once again will miss the deadline set in law.

Congressional officials said the president now will send up his budget on Feb. 13, which is a week later than the usual date. The law requires the budget be sent by the first Monday in February.

Late budgets are common in the first year of a presidency, but this move, in Mr. Obama's fourth year, drew fire from Congress. Rep. Paul Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, called it an "abdication of leadership." Mr. Obama missed the mark in 2009 and 2011, though he was on time with his 2010 budget.

"This will mark the third time in four years the president has missed his statutory requirement to present a budget on time, while trillion-dollar budget deficits continue to mount," Mr. Ryan, Wisconsin Republican, said.

Tuesday, when Mr. Obama delivers his State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress, also marks the 1,000th day since Congress passed a budget.

House Republicans last year powered a budget through their chamber, but Senate Democrats never put one on their chamber's floor. The last budget that passed was in 2009, which set the stage for the health care bill's passage in early 2010.

And a budget may not pass this year either. Overall spending levels for 2011 and 2012 already were set in the debt deal Mr. Obama and House Speaker John A. Boehner, Ohio Republican, agreed to last summer, meaning the toughest job of setting an overall discretionary spending ceiling already has been done.

The budget is the blueprint that governs the dozen annual spending bills Congress is supposed to pass to fund the basic operations of government.

"In this, the final year of his term, one would think he would be ready and eager to lay out his detailed plan for our nation's financial future," said Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, the ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee.

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1348 on: January 24, 2012, 10:57:52 AM »
Obama Wants Another $100 Billion Bailout for Fannie, Freddie ^ | January 24, 2012 | Mike Shedlock

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have already cost US taxpayers over $200 billion. If Obama gets his way on mortgage writedowns, the GSEs estimate it would take another $100 billion.

Since such estimates are always overly-optimistic by a factor of 3 to 10, I estimate the cost to taxpayers would be $300 billion minimum.

Please consider Fannie, Freddie writedowns too costly: regulator

The regulator for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac told lawmakers that forcing the two mortgage firms to write down loan principal would require more than $100 billion in fresh taxpayer funds.

In a letter sent on Friday to the Republican and Democratic leaders of a House of Representatives government oversight panel, the Federal Housing Finance Agency explained why it has long opposed principal reductions for borrowers who owe more than their homes are worth.

It said it had determined that such reductions would be more costly for the two firms than allowing those troubled borrowers to default.

"Principal reduction never serves the long-term interest of the taxpayer when compared to foreclosure," FHFA's acting director, Edward DeMarco, wrote in the letter to lawmakers dated January 20.

About 22 percent of U.S. homes have negative equity totaling about $750 billion, according to CoreLogic.

"Given that any money spent on this endeavor would ultimately come from taxpayers and given that our analysis does not indicate a preservation of assets for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac substantial enough to offset costs, an expenditure of this nature at this time would, in my judgment, require congressional action," DeMarco said in the letter.

Another barrier to principal writedowns, aside from pushing losses at the two firms even further, DeMarco said, was the costs associated with new technology and training to servicers that would be needed to launch a program that offers principal forgiveness.

The Federal Reserve, in a white paper to Congress earlier this month, said write-downs "had the potential to decrease the probability of default" and "improve migration between labor markets."

However, the Fed stopped short of endorsing such an initiative and noted concern that writing down loan balances would create a moral hazard -- the concept that rescue efforts breed further behavior that exacerbates the existing problem -- and could prompt other borrowers to stop making timely loan payments.
Calculating the Maximum Cost

At least we know an approximate maximum cap. Negative equity totals $750 billion. Add in cost on implementing the program, graft, fraud, etc. and the cap (right now) is a conservative $760 billion or so. Factor in declining property values and a conservative cap is $800 billion or so.

Obama Seeks Vote-Buying Opportunity

Notice the ridiculous comment by the Fed: write-downs "had the potential to decrease the probability of default". Of course they do.

Write off the entire loan and there would be no chance of default. That does not mean it's a smart thing to do. Unless of course you are President Obama seeking to buy votes in November.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Thugbama: Reckless, Incompetent, Ignorant. Inept, Criminal, & Treasonous
« Reply #1349 on: January 24, 2012, 12:19:40 PM »
When is enough enough?

Why is he trying to save Frannie and Freddie?

I wouldn't give them a goddam dime.

its called buying votes.  It works well w democrat voters.